18 Instead, there shall always be rejoicing and happiness in what I create; For I create Jerusalem to be a joy and its people to be a delight;

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1 Isaiah 65: Lo, I am about to create new heavens and a new earth; The things of the past shall not be remembered or come to mind. 18 Instead, there shall always be rejoicing and happiness in what I create; For I create Jerusalem to be a joy and its people to be a delight; 19 I will rejoice in Jerusalem and exult in my people. No longer shall the sound of weeping be heard there, or the sound of crying; 20 No longer shall there be in it an infant who lives but a few days, or an old man who does not round out his full lifetime; He dies a mere youth who reaches but a hundred years, and he who fails of a hundred shall be thought accursed. 21 They shall live in the houses they build, and eat the fruit of the vineyards they plant; 22 They shall not build houses for others to live in, or plant for others to eat. As the years of a tree, so the years of my people; and my chosen ones shall long enjoy the produce of their hands. 23 They shall not toil in vain, nor beget children for sudden destruction; For a race blessed by the LORD are they and their offspring. 24 Before they call, I will answer; while they are yet speaking, I will hearken to them. 25 The wolf and the lamb shall graze alike, and the lion shall eat hay like the ox (but the serpent's food shall be dust). None shall hurt or destroy on all my holy mountain, says the LORD. In this paper, I will be foremost, presenting an exegesis of Isaiah 65:17-25; a pericope dealing with "the New Heaven and New Earth" to be brought about by God at the end of time. I will also show that this material in third Isaiah is dependent on first and second Isaiah. From here, we will go to Revelation 21, a section that draws heavily on Isaiah 65 in describing the New creation at the end of time, and look briefly at how the author of the Book of revelation was influenced by Isaiah. Finally, I will look at how this material can help us to better understand conditions in the present age.

2 To begin, Isaiah 65:17-25, falls into the section of the Book of Isaiah known as Third Isaiah, or Trito Isaiah. There are a number of reasons why the Book of Isaiah is divided into three sections. The most obvious of these is simply that considering the length of time covered in the book, it could not have been written by one person. It is generally believed that chapters 1-39, were written before the exile, chapter during the time of exile, and chapters after the exile. There are other more subtle reasons for this belief. Some scholars believe that though the material was not written at the same time, the three main sections of the book were not written independently of one another. Thus, it would appear that the material has a rich redactional history. For example, the use of the term "servant of Yahweh" is used only in second Isaiah, while the term that is used throughout third Isaiah is "Servants of Yahweh", in the plural. However, the first use of the plural term does come just before the end of second Isaiah. (54:17) i The chapter in question; 65; is central to trito-isaiah. It is here that the term 'servants is used six times. ii The last two chapters of Isaiah (65-66) appear to go together as a unit. The reason they are believed to be separate from the section that precedes them is they do not seem to be a direct response to the prayer and confession contained in 63:7-64:24. iii It should be noted, however, that some other authors believe that it is appropriate to label chapter 65 to be an answer to the prayer of chapter 64. These authors believe that the dividing of the nation into those who are faithful and those who are not was certainly implied by the prophets who appeared to be pronouncing judgement on the nation as a whole. Thus, there are those who are deserving of punishment and those who are not. In this interpretation, the prayer of chapter 64 implies this coming judgment, while chapter 65 states it outright. These authors believe these two chapters to be closely related. iv

3 I believe there is enough of a parallel between the two to establish a relationship between them. In this section, we see a distinction being made between the wicked and the faithful servants of God. The main section to be dealt with here (65:17-25) dealing with the coming of a new heaven and new earth does make an appropriate ending to this book. v The material in chapter 65 combines a number of themes that have been important throughout the Book of Isaiah. That is, themes from both first and second Isaiah. For example, the idea of new heaven and new earth parallel the contrasting theme seen several times in chapter of forgetting the old, and hoping for a new creation. vi It is in third Isaiah that some authors believe we see the advent of apocalyptic literature. This genre is characterized by imagery relating to the end of time, symbolic language, and the representation of the powers of good and evil doing battle. This genre had previously been thought to develop in about 200 BCE. However, many characteristics of apocalyptic literature are found in Isaiah 56-66, thus prompting some to place its inception near the exile. vii Additionally, some authors have noted a similarity between ch and chapter one. Here, we can see where the idea of a new heaven and new earth recall the idea of a restored Jerusalem in 1: Further, the image of the strong tree in 65:22 brings to mind the oak in Isaiah 1:30. viii Chapters are structured so as to alternate promises and threats. This material speaks of the beginning of God s intervention in our history when a new age (i.e., New Heaven and New Earth ) will be brought about. These sections contain oracles of both judgement and salvation, and it is clear that both God s judgement and salvation will be brought to bear on all people. ix

4 Before looking at the pericope in question, we need to first look at the material immediately preceding. In 65:8-16, it is clear that society was divided, as those who went into exile are now returning. In this section, the term my servants, denoting those who remained faithful, is used seven times. On the other hand, those who renounced God, are referred to as you that forsake the Lord. x This can once again help the reader to situate the general time frame in which the material was composed. We turn now to the pericope, 65:17-25 specifically. Here we see the problems created by the exile are to be replaced with a new order. This order will be brought about by the creative activity of God. In this section there are parallels to second Isaiah, once again showing the continuity of the entire book. For example the creation vocabulary of 65:17, ("for behold, I create new heavens and new earth") can also be seen in 42:9, 43:18-19 and 48:3. But, in 65;17, these former things are seen as more negative (we can assume the exile is being referred to) and the new order to be created by Yahweh takes on a much more apocalyptic theme. xi In this section we begin to see what the future will hold for those who remain faithful to Yahweh. In verse 17, the readers attention is called to the description of the new creation (new earth, new Jerusalem). xii The belief that God would do something so different and new can also be found in second Isaiah (43:18-19). In the new creation we will see that life will go on. For example, there will still be death, unlike in the apocalyptic literature. But, there will no longer be sorrow or premature or unjust death. xiii Verse seventeen makes up the fist of two pronouncements in this passage. The first being God's pronouncement that He is going to bring about a new creation, and the second (vv 18-24) a more detailed description of what this creation will entail. The use of the verb "to create" in verses 17-

5 18, can be seen in second Isaiah. For example, in 45:7 we see the creation of darkness and light, while in 40:26, we see the creation of cosmic bodies (see also 40:28, 42:5). xiv Further, in these passages, the knowledge of how this creation is to take place is not the most important point. Belief in God is what is important. It is in this re-creation to be accomplished by God that His people will be restored to their original state. xv We see in verse nineteen, that the new creation will still include Jerusalem, keeping alive Israel's hope that Jerusalem would be "the joy of the whole earth"(nab, PS 48:2). This is also similar to a passage describing Israel's deliverance in Isaiah 35:10. xvi In verse twenty, wee see the promise of long life - though apparently not eternal life at this point. Here it is promised that young children will not die, nor will adults die prematurely. xvii Given what we know of the general life expectancies of the period, this is quite a promise. This new creation will return to the original intent of God. That is, a long life as was seen in the ages of the patriarchs (see Genesis 5, 11:10-32). xviii These types of promises go along with others regarding the future seen in first Isaiah. In 29:17-21, we read of an end to violence and oppression, while the advent of a "utopia" is seen in 35:1-10. In 11:6-9 we are told of return to the conditions, in nature, of the first creation. xix From verses we also see a series of statements about what those who are chosen can expect from God. Here we read that there will be no more weeping or crying, and as mentioned above, long life will become the norm for all but the unfaithful. xx We also read here in verses that those who remain faithful will retain their own wealth and property. xxi In verse 22, we again read of the long life that will be enjoyed in the new creation. Here the life of man is compared to that of a tree; a common device in the Old Testament (see Ps 1:3, Jer. 17:8, Ezek. 19:10). The audience would understand this to

6 mean that in the new creation and the new order there will be few, if any, disappointments. xxii Verse 23 continues in this same vein. The audience is told that in the new creation their work will not be futile. They will be forever blessed, as will their children. Here, the faithful are told that God's blessings will last for generations. In verse 24, we see the idea that God will now be ever present; even to the point of answering before His people call. This verse pulls together the entire chapter. In verse one, the audience heard Yahweh's statement that He is "ready to respond" (NAB). In verse twelve, the audience is told that those who fail to listen and respond will be excluded from what is to come. Then, in verse 24, the audience receives confirmation that Yahweh is ready to listen to His people. xxiii While the chapter opened with God's statement about being heard, verse 24 brings in a new aspect; the response in the new Jerusalem. That is, in the new order, God will answer before even being asked, as He already knows what the people desire and need. xxiv In the final verse of the pericope (25), we see the culmination of the new creation. The description of animals that one naturally expects to be enemies now living together peacefully refers back to Isaiah 11:6-9, and may have been added by a later editor. xxv The audience would have understood this section as a prediction of the messianic age, as would have also been the case in 11:6-9. The new creation is the messianic age. Man and nature will exist in harmony. Even the serpent, who is still present will not be able to confound this new order as wee see in the fact that his food is now to be dust. This will now be an age of " political freedom moral perfection and earthly bliss" (Jones, 114) xxvi

7 In the above exposition we have seen how the new heaven and new earth will be brought about by God. This will not be brought about by the activity or initiative of humanity, but rather by the creative initiative of God. It's timing, is of course, unknown. We simply know that it will one day be brought to completion. The theme of new creation is also taken up in the Book of Revelation, and as Revelation echoes so strongly the themes of Isaiah 65, it is to this we will now turn. Revelation 21 is where we see the discussion of the New Jerusalem. Throughout these passages, there is a preponderance of material from third Isaiah. xxvii I will be focussing on that information which is relevant to Isaiah 65: In the Revelation material, John describes in detail what the new Jerusalem will look like. As is so often the case, the difference between the Old and New Testament material is that the new expands on and clarifies the old. For example, in Isaiah 65:17, the former things are mentioned, but little specific information is given here as to what this means. However, in Rev. 20:11 it is specified that it is the first Heaven and Earth that have been the cause of the problems, and in this verse they flee the scene. Further, Rev. 21:10 describes Jerusalem as "coming down out of the heaven" (NAB). In Isaiah 65:17-20, we see the idea that the new Jerusalem is to be a part of the new heaven and new earth. xxviii John's view of the new Jerusalem has taken on a more apocalyptic tone. Isaiah does not describe the New Jerusalem as coming down from heaven, where as John does do this in order to show that this will be a new creative act of God. John stresses more the divine origin of this new city. As is the case with apocalyptic literature, John stresses the heavenly aspects the new creation. xxix Revelation 21 is often used as a description of the new Heaven and new Earth, and John has clearly used the language of the Old Testament to compose this

8 material. Isaiah 65 does have an important part in this section of Revelation. For John's audience, this would have made the material more comprehensible since they would have already been familiar with the symbols he uses to describe the new creation. While John was speaking of the future, he did need to rely on the familiarity his audience would have had with the history of Israel. xxx Just as Isaiah's description of the New Jerusalem had an effect on the author of Revelation, so to it has great relevance for us today. From Isaiah, we today, can learn some important lessons. As we see in Isaiah 65:17-18, this new creation comes at the initiative of God. It is not to be brought about by any human activity. No matter how technologically advanced we become, we must not lose sight of the fact that we are ever in need of God for our survival. xxxi In Isaiah 65:19-25 we see the challenge of the mission that God wishes us to undertake. In this passage we a great hope for the future; a world of harmony, peace, and justice. As those studying for the priesthood, we should also understand that we are called to bring this hope to those we will be serving. We are called to move beyond simple political or national goals to strive for the good of all. xxxii

9 Endnotes i W. A. M. Beuken "The Main Theme of Trito-Isaiah; 'The Servants of YHWH.'" JSOT 47 (1990) 67 ii ibid. 76 iii D. R. Jones. Isaiah and Joel. (London:SCM Press LTD, 1964) 104 iv H. C. Leupold. Isaiah, Volume II, Chapters (Grand Rapids:Baker Book House, 1971)357 v Jones, 104 vi Ulrich Mauser. "Isaiah 65:17-25." Int 36(Ap 1982) 181 vii Gregory J. Polan. "Salvation in the Midst of Struggle." TBT 23(March, 1985) viii Howard Walter. "Year C: Easter Sunday (Alternate Reading), April 11, 2004, Isaiah 65:17-25." n.p. (Cited 19 April, 2004) Online: See also David M. Carr. Reading Isaiah from Beginning(Isaiah 1)to End (Isaiah 65-66): Multiple Modern Possibilities. In New Visions of Isaiah (Roy Melugin and Marvin A. Sweeney (eds.) Sheffield, England: Sheffield Academic Press, 1996) ix A.S Herbert. The Book of the Prophet Isaiah: Chapters (London:Cambridge Univ. Press, 1975) x ibid 184 xi David Mathewson. A New Heaven and A New Earth: The Meaning and Function of the Old Testament in Revelation 21:1-22:5. (London: Sheffield Academic Press, 2003)34 xii John D.W. Watts. Word Biblical Commentary; Volume 25: Isaiah ( eds. Glenn Barker, David Hubbard, John D. Watts)(Waco:Word Books, 1987) 351 xiii John J. Collins. "Isaiah." The Collegeville Bible Commentary (Gen eds. Dianne Bergant CSA, Robert Karris OFM. Collegeville:Liturgical Press, 1989) 451 xiv Joseph Blenkinsopp. Isaiah (The Anchor Bible, Volume 19B. New York: Doubleday, 1964) 286 xv Jones, 112 xvi ibid, 113 xvii Leuplod, 367 xviii Jones, 113 xix Blenkinsopp, 288 xx Edwin C. Webster. "The Rhetoric of Isaiah " JSOT 47(1990) 99 xxi Jones, 113 xxii Leupold, 367 xxiii Blenkensopp, 290 xxiv Jones, 114 xxv Leupold, 368 xxvi Jones, 114, and Leupold, 368. xxvii Wilfrid J. Hasrrington, O.P. Revelation (Sacra Pagina Series, vol 16, ed. Daniel J Harrington S.J., Collegeville:Liturgiacal Press, 1993) see pages xxviii Mathewson, xxix ibid, xxx Gale Z. Heide, "What is New About the New Heaven and the New Earth? A Theology of Creation from Revelation 21 and 2 Peter 3." JETS 40/1 (1997) xxxi Kwame Bediako. "The Ultimate Vision: New Heaven and New Earth. Bible Study on Revelation 21:1-4." Mission Studies 5 no 2(1988)33 xxxii Sister Janet Carroll, M.M. "The Mission of the Churches in realizing A New World Order: Morality - Justice - Peace" Missiology13(1985) see

10 Works Cited/ Bibliography Bediako, Kwame. "The Ultimate Vision: New Heaven and New Earth. Bible Study on Revelation 21:1-4." Mission Studies 5 no 2(1988) Beuken, W.A.M. "The Main Theme of Trito-Isaiah; 'The Servants of YHWH.'" JSOT 47 (1990) Blenkinsopp, Joseph. Isaiah The Anchor Bible, Volume 19B. New York:Doubleday, Carr, David, M. Reading Isaiah from Beginning(Isaiah 1)to End (Isaiah 65-66): Multiple Modern Possibilities. In New Visions of Isaiah,Edited by Roy Melugin and Marvin A. Sweeney; Sheffield, England: Sheffield Academic Press, 1996) Carroll, Janet, Sister. M.M. "The Mission of the Churches in realizing A New World Order: Morality - Justice - Peace" Missiology13(1985) Collins, John J. "Isaiah." The Collegeville Bible Commentary (General editors: Dianne Bergant CSA, Robert Karris OFM. Collegeville:Liturgical Press, Harrington, Wilfred, J. O.P. Revelation (Sacra Pagina Series, vol. 16) Edited by. Daniel J Harrington S.J., Collegeville:Liturgiacal Press, 1993; see pages Heide, Gale, Z. "What is New About the New Heaven and the New Earth? A Theology of Creation from Revelation 21 and 2 Peter 3." JETS 40/1 (1997) Herbert, A.S. The Book of the Prophet Isaiah: Chapters London:Cambridge Univ. Press, Jones, D. R. Isaiah and Joel. London:SCM Press LTD, Leupold. H.C. Isaiah, Volume II, Chapters Grand Rapids:Baker Book House, 1971 Mathewson, Davgid. A New Heaven and A New Earth: The Meaning and Function of the Old Testament in Revelation 21:1-22:5. London: Sheffield Academic Press, Mauser. Ulrich. "Isaiah 65:17-25." Int 36(Ap 1982) Polan.Gregory, J. "Salvation in the Midst of Struggle." TBT 23(March, 1985) Walter. Howard. "Year C: Easter Sunday (Alternate Reading), April 11, 2004, Isaiah 65:17-25." n.p. (Cited 19 April, 2004) Online: Watts, John D. W. Word Biblical Commentary; Volume 25: Isaiah Edited by Glenn Barker, David Hubbard, and John D. Watts; Waco:Word Books, Webster, Edwin, C. "The Rhetoric of Isaiah " JSOT 47(1990)


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