Contents. Evangelism in Newcastle Diocese 5. Sharing our Story 6. Invita on & Welcome 8. Spiritual Growth & Evangelism 10

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2 Contents Evangelism in Newcastle Diocese 5 Sharing our Story 6 Invita on & Welcome 8 Spiritual Growth & Evangelism 10 Fresh Expressions of Church 12 Produced by The Evangelism Task Group and with thanks to Bishop Frank White Isabella MacDonald-Booth Revd Capt Steve Dixon Revd Dorothy Robinson Revd Dr Diane Westmoreland Revd Rachel Wood Canon John Sinclair Revd Sue McCormack Diocese of Newcastle 2015 Evangelism & Collabora on 14 Mission Ac on Planning 16 Celebra ng Success & Growth 18 What next? 20 The Diocese of Newcastle, Church House, St John s Terrace, North Shields, NE29 6HS Tel: , Resources 21

3 4 Foreword In our Diocese we are commi ed to being a church which reflects the generous, engaged and open nature of God and to sustaining a Chris an presence in every place. An important part of this commitment is fulfilled in the way we tell others about our faith and encourage people to become disciples of Jesus Christ. This short booklet helps us to explore some priori es for encouraging evangelism in our Diocese. I hope it will give us confidence to listen, think crea vely and speak out as we engage with others. There is a great deal of emphasis on growth in the church at the moment. The Evangelism Task Group are commi ed through prayer and ac on to support the parishes of the Diocese to grow with the growth that is from God as St Paul writes in his le er to the church in Colossae. I hope you will use the ideas and resources in this booklet to encourage your church to step out in faith and reach others with the good news of Jesus. Bishop Frank White Evangelism in Newcastle Diocese In the Diocese of Newcastle, we are commi ed to growing the faith of those who are already long established followers of Jesus Christ as well as those who are very new to faith or even unsure if they have any faith at all. As we consider how we can grow as a church and faith community, there are ques ons we must ask ourselves: 1. How do we engage in the mission work that God calls us to? 2. How can we best communicate the good news of Christ s life, death and resurrec on to others? 3. How can we facilitate the growth of faith in ourselves and in others? 4. How do we enable our congrega ons and church groups to become invigorated by the leading of the Holy Spirit? The Evangelism Task Group has produced this booklet in the hope that you will find answers to at least some of these ques ons. It is our aim to provide encouragement and support to parishes, individual churches, and church groups in, the Diocese of Newcastle, who are trying to develop ways of deepening and sharing their faith. We have chosen to focus on the following areas, as we believe they can be useful in a wide range of church se ngs and tradi ons: Sharing our story Invita on and welcome Spiritual growth and evangelism Fresh Expressions of church Evangelism and collabora on Mission ac on planning Celebra ng success and growth Each sec on contains ideas on how to create a climate of welcome and facilitate the growth of faith within our congrega ons. Evangelism is about extending that welcome and sharing that faith. Jesus himself commands us to go and make disciples. It is our prayer that this booklet be used to open up conversa ons, iden fy ways forward and ul mately plan and implement strategies that lead to the fulfilment of Jesus command. May God richly bless you as you seek to serve Him. 5

4 6 Sharing our Story In life, everywhere we look we encounter stories. The media is full of news reports and interviews where people tell of their experience. Each television channel has its soap opera or drama series. Many people blog, tweet and use facebook to let others know what is happening in their life. People love stories! Just as our own life story defines who we are, our faith story defines how we relate to God and his crea on. Jesus told stories to reveal the truth to people using everyday language and situa ons. The most effec ve way for others to hear and understand the good news of the Gospel is through our faith stories. People are interested in finding out how Chris anity works in our lives so that they can begin to imagine how it might work for them. Prac ce Together Every church is a rich source of powerful stories that can be used as a way of connec ng with others. Yet it is surprising how people who regularly worship together o en don t know each other s faith story. We need to give ourselves me to share and prac ce our faith stories with each other. In this way they can become part of our ordinary conversa on and something we enjoy sharing with others. Listening Listening is the first step in telling our story. We need to hear the story of the other person so that we can see the connec ons with our own story. Remember, we don t have to share the whole of our faith story, just the part which is relevant to the person we are telling. Not everyone has the type of personality which values personal stories. We shouldn t feel rejected if we think our story hasn t been understood or has been met with disinterest. Some people are interested in theories and ideas rather than stories and may prefer to ask ques ons. This could seem in mida ng if we don t know the answers to their ques ons or if we find it hard to think on the spot. If so, it might be be er to arrange another me to meet with the person to allow me to find out some answers to their ques ons. O en there are no right or wrong answers, just different perspec ves. Some things which you might include in your story: The person who introduced you to Chris anity and what it felt like to hear about Jesus for the first me Your most memorable experience of God and how it changed you The difference your faith makes to your everyday life 7 Some people feel that their faith story is of li le value or interest to others; comparing their gentle acceptance of faith over a long me with those who ve had a sudden transforma on similar to St Paul on the road to Damascus. However, a slow and steady journey of faith is the experience of the majority and stories of a gradual transforma on are just as powerful as a rapid conversion. Each of our stories will be a series of small events in which we encountered Jesus in a real way and were transformed by God s love. Our faith story isn t finished. In our Chris an journey we are con nually being changed through prayer and worship. Sharing our faith story might be simply sharing our experience of God in the last few days rather than our whole life.

5 8 Invita on and Welcome We invite our friends to all sorts of significant occasions such as birthdays, weddings etc. and some:mes on the spur of the moment. We wouldn t worry about how to word our invita:on and would accept it if the person was unable to a8end on that occasion. However, when it comes to invi:ng someone to church we are oeen very apprehensive. We some:mes worry whether the person we ask will accept or not. We may interpret a nega:ve response as cri:cism, or feel that we are to blame in some way. In reality, some will say yes and some will say no and we have to get over our disappointment. A successful invita:on is one person invi:ng another person. It does not rely on that person saying yes. The answer is in God s hands. There are some common anxie:es people have about invi:ng others to church. We might worry that those we invite will not value or appreciate the way we worship. Also, we might not be able to imagine our friend or rela:ve fiAng-in with the people and ac:vi:es at our church. However, our churches are not supposed to be perfect places. They are full of imperfect people learning together how to relate to God. If we wait for the perfect :me to invite someone, it may never arrive. We need to pray that those we invite will be able to see past our flaws and see God in our worship and fellowship. A key ques:on is, Why do people go to church on Sundays or visit churches on weekdays? We need to reflect on how welcoming and invi:ng our church is. Think, what would make you feel welcome? Try to imagine what it might be like if you were a guest walking into the church for the first :me. 9 How welcome would you be made to feel by the way you were greeted? In what ways would you be made to feel a part of the worship by the regular members of the congrega:on? If people have a good experience they are more likely to come back. Some:mes we might be the person being invited. Perhaps it is easier to invite someone to church if we have accepted an invita:on from them to join them for a meal, a drink, a social event or a club. How oeen do we go out into situa:ons which are not church to be Chris:ans? Season of Invita:on, created by the Back to Church Sunday Team, is an opportunity to invite people who aren t involved with church at all. Invi:ng friends along to church at fes:val :mes may seem more natural to you and to them. If for no other reason, they may come out of curiosity. Some things you might do to make others feel welcome Greet people with a smile and invite them to stay for coffee Be sure to serve good coffee and cakes/biscuits Give clear instruc ons during services and use accessible liturgy Offer help to visitors if they appear unable to follow the service Make available a handout describing features in your church which includes some of its history Provide prayer cards, to take away, which include service mes and contact details Offer space for quiet reflec on and prayer Ensure good signage, up-to-date no ce-boards, an acrac ve, current website and facebook page...and keep invi ng people

6 10 Spiritual Growth & Evangelism Spirituality in Society On the face of it society is becoming less spiritual and more secular. Certainly more people are vocal about being atheists. But in recent surveys 60% of people regarded themselves as spiritual and over half pray *. Many have an ambiguous rela onship with organised religion and the church but they are s ll searching for spiritual meaning. People are largely unaware that Chris anity and the church have anything to offer them when trying to make sense of their spiritual experiences. Some may find their spiritual experiences unse ling and so need reassurance. Yet there are very few safe places where people can talk openly about their spiritual experiences without feeling judged. Hopefully church can be one of those safe places. Our Spirituality We might be able to iden fy with those who struggle to talk about their spiritual lives. Perhaps we might feel reserved about our faith and consider our spirituality as a private ma er. We too might be unse led by our own spiritual experiences and find it hard to ar culate how we feel about them. Talking about this with Chris an friends is o en a way to find our voice when spirituality becomes the topic of conversa on with those outside the church. If we can see ourselves as spiritual beings we will find it easier to see others as spiritual beings too. We might think of our spiritual life as being insignificant to others but we are the ordinary clay pots in which God displays His spiritual treasures. Connec ng evangelism and spirituality God is already at work in the lives of others and a large part of evangelism is discovering how God is at work and joining in with Him. We need to take seriously the spiritual experiences people share with us. We might be disturbed by the spiritual experiences of others, but we need to start where they are and value their experiences as genuine. It is through discussing experiences and sensi vely praying with people that we can connect their spirituality with the Chris an message of hope. Crea ng a safe environment of listening, sharing and prayer is vital for people, including ourselves, to discover God and grow closer to Him. To take the step of exploring our spirituality or talking to others about spiritual experiences could make us feel vulnerable. Just as St Peter did when he stepped out of the boat to walk over the water to Jesus, we have to take risks with our faith. As we step out in mission our faith can grow and we find that the Holy Spirit is with us. The first simple step could be praying faithfully for family, friends and neighbours that they might have deeper spiritual awareness and a desire to seek meaning in Jesus. Being ready to share your own spiritual experiences could be a second step. It is in taking one step at a me that our faith grows and we are more able to share it with others. Further sugges ons: Think through how you might describe the way your spirituality affects your life. How could you create a safe space for people to share spiritual experiences? 11 How does your church support and accompany people in their spiritual lives? * Data from Bri sh Religion in Numbers,

7 12 Fresh Expressions of Church Fresh Expressions of Church is a way of describing new congrega ons or churches which are different in ethos and style to the church which started them. They are designed to reach a group of people different to those already a ending the original church. There is no single model to copy, rather a wide variety of approaches for a wide variety of communi es and groups. The emphasis is on crea ng something which is appropriate to its context, rather than copying something which works elsewhere. Some fresh expressions are very different to the familiar style of church. There are fresh expressions such as church in a café, pub, school or workplace. They can be found in rural areas as well as in towns and ci es and have been designed to reach all age groups. The aim is to create church in the communi es to which people actually belong. Defini on: A fresh expression is a form of church for our changing culture established primarily for the benefit of people who are not yet members of any church. It will come into being through principles of listening, service, incarna onal mission and making disciples. It will have the poten al to become a mature expression of church shaped by the gospel and the enduring marks of the church and for its cultural context. Unpacking the Defini on It is primarily for the unchurched for those who have never been or for those who have stopped going and are not willing to go back to what they experienced before. It is about trying to create a different form of church for those who are not reached by church as we know it. At least a third of the adults in the UK and the majority of children and young people have never been regularly involved in any church in their life me. There is no standard model of fresh expression of church. They cannot and should not be copied! Rather there is a process which begins with listening to God and to the community. It is more about discernment than strategic planning: Looking for the Holy Spirit's opportuni es and obeying God s call. Out of the listening which may take some me comes service: a way of serving the people we are trying to reach. Chris ans who want to share good news need first to be good news, to show genuine concern for others. This is the start of 'incarna onal mission'. This means following the example of Christ and seeking to evangelise within the community we are serving. In that context we can begin to make disciples. The very last thing that is decided is the nature of the worship service. The diagram below shows how fresh expressions of church develop. listening loving and serving building community exploring discipleship Some ques ons for further reflec on: church taking shape Is there a par cular group of people who your church has contact with but who don t regularly a end church? What might be the most appropriate place, me and style of worship which would reach this group? Are members of your congrega on part of other organisa ons, groups and networks? If so, do these places allow opportuni es to listen, show loving service and build community where faith might be explored? Do you have more ques ons or need help with fresh expressions of church? Find out more at or contact the Local Evangelism Adviser. 13 doing it again Extracts from this ar cle reproduced with permission from, copyright 2015 Fresh Expressions

8 14 Evangelism & Collabora on It almost goes without saying that we need to work together on evangelism. In the New Testament, being together and working together as Chris ans is described by using the image of the body of Christ (1 Corinthians onwards). This passage sets out the idea that we each have a role to play, a calling from God to live out and that together we become something greater than the sum of our parts. St Paul also describes those who work together with God and with others for the gospel. We read in 1 Corinthians 3. 9 for example that we are God s servants working together; you are God s field, God s building. According to the grace of God given to me I laid a founda on and someone else is building on it. We know in theory that working together is a good thing but it is o en more difficult in prac ce. We may ins nc vely act alone without meaning to. Working together can take more effort at first but the benefits are immeasurable. What does working together in evangelism mean? Listening Most people don t listen to understand. Most people listen with the intent to reply (Stephen Covey - author of 7 Habits of Highly Effec ve People). Evangelism is o en thought of as a sales technique. If we can get the presenta on and the words right, we will persuade, convince and convert someone. If at the heart of our faith, there is a desire to work with God then we can recognise that God works in us. If God is at work in us, then God is also at work in others. Ge ng to know others is a way of ge ng to know more about how God is at work in them. A key part of any evangelism then must be listening. As we seek to listen to God speaking into our own lives we need to listen to the needs and ques ons of those we meet on the edge of our churches and on the edges of faith, recognising how God works with them. realise it or not. Can or should we coordinate this be er? Should we find ways to encourage and support each other and to pray together about the evangelis c work we re already involved in? Joining in God s Mission God goes before us and is already at work in our parish and community. We can listen to where God may be calling people to faith and then seek to get involved, to support what is happening. We need to discover the ventures in our area that are making a difference to people s lives. Is someone else doing good outreach work that we might support rather than star ng a similar project of our own? Is another church denomina on already engaged in youth work, for example? Is there a community project already running a lunch club for older people or a toddler group? Working together with others will probably mean le ng go of the idea that we can do everything ourselves. When we realise this, we will be released to do those things we can do and enabled to share the gospel as truly good news. Further sugges ons: Contact the Local Evangelism Adviser or your Area Dean to ask who might be planning similar mission ideas Speak to the Local Ministry Development Officer about crea ng a ministry team in your church Talk to the Together Newcastle Development Worker about social ac on projects in your area 15 We also need to listen to each other within our congrega ons. Lots of individuals are already doing lots of bits of evangelism whether they

9 16 Mission Ac on Planning Over recent years, Newcastle has been commi ed to using Mission Ac on Plans (MAP s) as one tool for helping churches focus on their community, mission and outreach. Every Parish Priest is expected to take an ac ve part in the development of Parish Mission Ac on Plans as a means of seeking to ensure a vibrant and sustaining Chris an presence in every community. The Local Evangelism Adviser and the Evangelism Task Group are resources that can be used to help those in parishes tasked with producing and delivering their MAP. It can be very beneficial when this work is taken on by a Local Ministry Development Team or by a group gathered from various areas of parish life. There are four stages to Mission Ac on planning which are: The Star ng point Asking ques ons about links between the church community and the wider community can help our honest thinking about our strengths and weaknesses. This could lead to a be er understanding of needs and opportuni es. This is also a listening stage - listening to each other, the community and God. The Healthy Churches process can be very valuable part of this process. It can help us to define those things that we want to celebrate as well as those things we find challenging. The Vision Once there is a sense of where we are star ng from, the MAP process encourages us to consider where we would like to be in three years me. There is a tempta on to rush into producing a plan without taking me to consider, prayerfully, what God is doing in the church and wider community. Asking ques ons about how God wants us to engage with the wider community is useful. Before beginning this stage of the diocesan MAP journey, taking advantage of the MAP help available from the Local Evangelism Adviser and the Task Group can be very beneficial. The Planning This is the priority se ng stage. It s the What, Who, When details along with comple on informa on. Like any journey it is easier when we have an idea of the route in our mind. With an emphasis on prayer and planning, a Local Ministry Development Team is an ideal group to take ownership of specific priori es. Further groups may be gathered of people who have appropriate skills, gi s, insights, experiences, along with a real passion for the subject. A church with a number of priori es could have a number of priority groups to help deliver its MAP goals. The delivery, monitoring and review This is the stage when we make sure we are suppor ng the people involved in delivering our plan. It s about churches being prac cal. It is about taking ac on and reviewing the process. A plan that just sits on a shelf is not worth producing. Regular review is one of the keys to success. The Local Ministry Development Team and the Deanery Development Group could help significantly with this stage. Each round of MAPs is shaped by the developing priori es of the diocese. Other things to consider: Ask the Local Evangelism Adviser about a Healthy Churches day Hold a Church Listening Day of prayer and reflec on on mission 17 Road test a discipleship course with the congrega on before deciding to use it as part of the MAP There may be other churches nearby with similar plans where resources might be shared

10 18 Celebra ng Success & Growth So, you ve followed the advice in the rest of this booklet! You ve done the Healthy Churches Audit, you ve preached about being welcoming and inten onally invi ng and have launched new ini a ves from your Mission Ac on Plan. Success? What might success look like? How should we celebrate? Success might be a congrega on taking the risk of invi ng others to special events. Whether the response is a posi ve or nega ve one, the fact that they ve been prepared to give it a try is success. Success can be people being willing to share some of their faith story with others. It can also be the effect that story has on others and the conversa ons that ensue. If we can get everyone to embrace the need for praying for our community engagement, outreach and mission, then that is an immensely powerful thing that makes a huge difference to whatever we decide to do. It s also something where everyone can feel included. Success could be empowering new teams of people to work on different aspects of our Mission Ac on Plans allowing space for the Holy Spirit to work amongst us in new ways. Watching members of our congrega ons grow in confidence as they take on these tasks is a real blessing. Learning from what didn t go well What about the mes when an idea doesn t work the way we expect? Take the me to evaluate the situa on. This can be a very posi ve experience, allowing new and be er ideas to flow, or what we tried before to be tweaked and improved. Maybe it was the right idea but the wrong me. Perhaps invita ons needed to be more personal including coming along with the person. Maybe we should have focussed on a different group of people. Some mes it s important to just try something completely different. Throughout the process pray about it expectantly. New growth Growth should include the nurture and discipleship of newcomers and the faithful longstanding members of our churches. For exis ng church people, it could be about giving different people the opportuni es to be involved in new ways rather than always the same few who always willingly offer. It can be about encouraging each other to be more alert to the needs of newcomers, helping them to feel welcomed and included. It can also be about encouraging everyone to con nue learning, through house groups, Lent and Advent groups, Faith and Life. For newcomers there should always be a regular pa ern of explorers courses available. Be prepared (before we know if you have any takers) to put on a Pilgrim, Alpha, START! or other course, to suit the needs of your context. Be thankful, and express thanks to all who have given of their me, energy and prayer towards church mission ini a ves. Always review what has been tried. What went well? How could it be improved? Look for ways to build on new confidence, new ideas and newly empowered people. Pray about what next. Celebrate: The li le things along the way A praying congrega on 19 People flourishing as they work together for a common purpose Con nue to invite people to appropriate services, social events and church ou ngs. Remember, the personal approach is much more successful.

11 20 What next? We hope we ve given you lots of ideas to think about and use in your church and in your personal faith sharing. It might seem daun ng as some of it may be new and unknown. However, star ng to think about mission is very important for the growth of our church and the longer term future of our faith communi es. Prayer is always the star ng point. Listening to what God wants for us is a vital, invigora ng and firm founda on upon which to begin planning. Why not arrange for a simple prayer to be read out at church services, to ask what God wants for your Parish or area? Prayer brings us together in the presence of God and helps us discern a way forward. We are the Good News to other people in all that we do and we should take confidence in the fact Jesus has shown us how to be in the world. If you have any ques ons, would like to talk through any of the ideas in this booklet, or if you would like support in organising an event, please get in touch with us we are here to help you! For further informa on or assistance please contact our Diocesan Advisors who are happy to help facilitate discussions and use the resources: Canon John Sinclair, Adviser in Local Evangelism & Mission Steve Forster, Development Worker for Together Newcastle Revd Rachel Wood, Local Ministry Development Officer Revd Jane Sco, Developing Discipleship Officer Faith Stories Resources Books: Ashton, C., and Nicholls, J., A Faith Worth Sharing? A Church Worth Joining? DLT, 1995 Willis, G., Won by One the Course: A Prac cal Guide to Helping Your Friends Find Faith. Lion, 1997 Price, J., Telling Our Faith Story. Church House Publishing, 1999 Singlehurst, L., The Gospel Message Today - Language That Connects in Communica ng the Gospel. Grove Books Limited, 2012 Finney, J., Finding Faith Today: How Does it Happen? Bible Society, 1992 Price, J., Telling Our Faith Story. Grove Books Limited, 2009 Pritchard, J., How to Explain Your Faith. SPCK, 2006 Invita on & Welcome Gilchrist, A., Crea ng a Culture of Welcome in the Local Church. Grove Books Limited, 2004 Blackmore, V., Using Your Church Web Site for Evangelism. Grove, 2001 Spiritual Growth & Evangelism Harkness, A., Praying Together: Equipping Small Groups to Grow Their Prayer Poten al. Scripture Union, 2004 Butler, A., Personality and Communica ng the Gospel. Grove, 1999 Sumpter, T., Evangelistening: Recovering the Art of Listening in Evangelism. Grove, 2011 Fresh Expressions of Church Goodhew, D., Roberts, A., and Volland, M., Fresh!: An Introduc on to Fresh Expressions of Church and Pioneer Ministry. SCM, 2012 Star ng a Fresh Expression. Church House Publishing, 2006 Moore, L., Messy Church : Fresh Ideas for Building a Christ-Centred Community. Bible Reading Fellowship, 2006 The Archbishops' Council, Mission-Shaped Church: Church Plan ng and Fresh Expressions of Church in a Changing Context. Church House Publishing, 2004 Howell-Jones, P., and Wills, N., Pints of View: Encounters Down the Pub. Grove, 2005 Stone, M., Fresh Expressions of Church: Fishing Nets or Safety Nets? Grove,

12 22 Evangelism & Collabora on Marsh, C., and Currin, J., Mission-Shaped Unity; Missio Dei and a New Way of Being Churches Together. Grove, 2013 Hope in Our Villages, Towns & Ci es : Do More : Do it Together : Do it in Word and Ac on. Authen c Media, 2007 Mission Ac on Planning Warren, R., Developing Healthy Churches: Returning to the Heart of Mission and Ministry. Church House Publishing, 2012 Howe, A., Leading Ordinary Churches into Growth. Grove Books Limited, 2005 Rendle, GR., and Mann, A., Holy Conversa ons: Strategic Planning as a Spiritual Prac ce for Congrega ons. Alban Ins tute, 2003 Warren, R., The Healthy Churches' Handbook: A Process for Revitalizing Your Church. Church House Publishing, 2004 Samways, J., More to Life: A Model for Mission for the Local Church in the 21st Century. Grove, 2010 Archbishop s Council, From Evidence to Ac on, The Church Commissioners for England Further Reading Hodgson, J., Good News Story Workshops: Based on the Five Marks of Mission. Grove, 2011 Weekend at the Movies: The Best Retreats From Reel to Real. Abingdon Press, 1999 Booker, M., and Ireland, M., Evangelism: Which Way Now?: An Evalua on of Alpha, Emmaus, Cell Church and Other Contemporary Strategies for Evangelism. Church House, 2005 Bayes, P., and Sledge, T., Mission-Shaped Parish: Tradi onal Church in a Changing Context. Church House, 2006 Rural Evangelism in the 21st Century. Grove, 2006 Courses: Co rell, S., Cro, S., Gooder, P., and Atwell, R., Pilgrim: A Course for the Chris an Journey. the Lord's Prayer. Church House Publishing, 2013 Gamble, R., Start!: Discovering Chris anity in Six Small-Group Sessions. CPAS, 2006 Gamble, R., and Banbury, D., Moving On!: Exploring Chris an Discipleship in Seven Small Group Sessions. Leading Your Church into Growth, 2011 Jackson, B., and Fisher, G., Everybody Welcome: The Course Where Everybody Helps Grow Their Church. Church House Publishing, 2009 Frost, R., Essence. Children's Ministry, 2003 Frank, P., Pi s, S., and Lawrence, J., Lost for Words: Sharing Faith Naturally. CPAS, 2003 Hazelhurst, B., and Chapman, C., The DIY Kit for Estates Ministry & Outreach. Board for Church in Society, 2002 Know Your Church, Know Your neighbourhood, Church Urban Fund, 2014 Other Resources: Freshexpressions and Jordan, DL., Expressions: The DVD 2 : Changing Church in Every Place. Church House Publishing, 2007 Griffiths, P., Robinson, M., and Kite, J., Table Talk for Friends: A Game of Conversa ons. The Ugly Duckling Company Growing the Church: Study Course: Lessons From the Acts of the Apostles and the Contemporary World Church. USPG, 2011 Alpha Manual. London: HTB Publica ons All of these resources are available from: Web Resources:


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