Vjesnik. Herald. Hrvatski. Croatian Franciscan. Sretan Bo i Nova Godina. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

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1 October December No , Vol Listopad Prosinac Broj 10-12, Vol. 22. Croatian Franciscan Herald Hrvatski Vjesnik Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Sretan Bo i Nova Godina

2 A WORD TO OUR READERS P u. izvede mnogo obostrane radosti: darovateljima i oni- i kupovanje, poput svakog drugog, samo u ove dane vaca. sakrije onaj pravi Dar koji, jedini, istinsku radost do- rivanje, jer ljubav je prava samo u darivanju. On nas radost. Potrebno je znati kako primati i kako davati. I jedno i drugo mora proizlaziti iz srca. Iz priprostog i poniznog srca, dakle, dolaze darovi i u radost se pre Slavu Bogu. HF Vjesnik - ruke jedni drugima i recite uz radosni osmjeh: Na do- - godine! Sretna nova godina Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Marko, OFM A ccording to research conducted, the average American in 2007 will spend about six hundred dollars for Christmas presents. All Americans together will spend a little more than one hundred and eighty billion dollars. The average Croatian resident will spend two thousand, six hundred kuna, or about five hundred dollars. All together, they will spend a little more than twelve billion kuna, or a little more than two billion dollars. In both cases, that is a lot of money, especially for the residents of Croatia whose standard of living is much lower than in the United States. One would like to think that such a large number of presents would produce a lot of joy on both sides: both for the givers and the receivers of those gifts. But, experience teaches us that the amount of joy produced is not in proportion to the amount of money spent. That is because Christmas presents have become almost exclusively a matter of buying and selling, like every other gift, except that during these days Christmas is used like bait in the hands of skilful merchants. Instead of great joy, the multitude of Christmas presents hides that true Gift which is the only one that brings anything for It. It is the Love that reaches us in Giving, because love is real only in giving. He teaches us that only a little is necessary to experience true joy. It is necessary to know how to receive and how to give. And both the one and the other must come from the heart. From a simple and humble heart, therefore, gifts come forth and are transformed into joy wherever they meet and touch the same kind of heart. That is why God became small and was born in a stable so He could teach us how all can become heirs of the great joy and of the great Gift, regardless of their social position and financial standing. It has to be sought under the arches of a church, in the quiet of a confessional, in the eyes and faces of the injured and humiliated, in the hearts of good people, in the outstretched arms of those who lack the basic conditions of life. There we shall certainly find it and discover it. Then we will be pare well enough and that you will accept the Gift of heaven and with sincere joy share It with those that you will meet during these days. Read through what we have brought you here and on Christmas day reach out to one another and say with a joyful smile: Merry Christmas to you and Happy Birthday of Jesus, and a Happy New Year! Croatian Franciscan Herald listopad-prosinac October-December,

3 VIJESTI Naslovnica Front Page: Muzeju znanosti i industrije u Chicagu Croatian Christmas Tree in the Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago Slika na pole Outside Cover Minister General of the Franciscan Order U ovom broju: Inside of this issue: Vijesti News 3-7 Osam Eight Franciscan Centuries 8-11 Parishes Centers of Renewal Hrvatski Institut Croatian Institut 38 In Memoriam Adresar Directory G eneralni ministar Reda ma- Uznesenja BDM od 7. do 10. listopada Generalni ministar posje- dom. Trenutno u svijetu ima oko pet- Posjet Generalnog ministra Herce- ce koji tamo djeluju, ali isto tako i za provinciji u vremenu kada slavimo - a za Hercegovinu je to ovaj put bilo - pobili se ne zna gdje od njih trideset i Nakon pada komunizma fratri su njevcima. Na razini Provincije osnovano je povjerenstvo koje skuplja podatke. Povjerenstvo je tako u su- vozdu kod Imotskoga, mjesnim vlas- Splita godine izvadilo zemne ostaci od 18 tijela, a trojica od njih Nakon 62 godine njihovi zemni obred ukopa predvodio je Generalni identificiranih fratara doneseni su iz Croatian Franciscan Herald Owned and Published by: Croatian Franciscan Custody of the Holy Family Vlasnik i nakladnik: Address-adresa: 4851 S. Drexel Blvd. Chicago, IL Phone-Telefon: Fax: Custody@sbcglobal.net Internet: Editor Urednik: Editorial Board Fr. Philip Pavich, OFM Published four times a year Hrvatski Vjesnik Lijesove su unijeli u 3 Croatian Franciscan Herald listopad-prosinac October-December, 2007

4 NEWS - - smrtni ostatci pokopani su tu U vrijeme sprovodnih obreda i sve- - Kao uvod u misno slavlje izveden je nih u habite, slikovito predstavilo stra- latinskom predvodio Generalni mini- definitora nekoliko hrvatskih kustodiju Svete Obitelji predstavljao je U propovijedi Generalni ministar je - da su zajedno sa 66 franjevaca ubijeni - vu primjeru posvijestimo svoju odgo- koji dolazi od sv. Franje i jakim koji Bosna i Hercegovina, ima pravo na mir ministar ih je potaknuo da ozbiljno ra- titeta, a roditelje je pozvao da im u to- - da se ne stide svojih korijena, svoje vjere i svoje zemlje. nazijom bio u plamenu i dimu. Ubijeni - u cijelom hrvatskom narodu. Rodila su vjerom u Boga i ljubavlju prema svojoj , sada nakon 62 godine pogled - spora. Generalni ministar je posjetio svoje franjevce i susreo s vjernicima u Tomi- se susreli u Tomislavgradu s vrhovnim Igrokaz jeta. Potaknuo ih je i ohrabrio da se ne mjesnog biskupa u Mostaru, mons. - - lanovi Kustodije Svete Obitelji sudjeluju svake godine na du- - Ante u Chicagu. - - Croatian Franciscan Herald listopad-prosinac October-December,

5 pan dr. Duvnjak, profesor na Franje- - - provincije, a sada zamjenik provincijala; fra William dr. Short, profesor na - - Nikola dr. Vukoja, profesor u Zagrebu, rujna HF Vjesnika bili dionici ovog blagoslovljenog vremena fra- V sestara sv. Franje, sestra Na- nom posjetu svojim sestrama u SAD-u. stara koje rade u Chicagu, New Yorku i Norvalu u Kanadi. vet provincija po svijetu, a tri u Hrvatskoj, Bosni i Hercegovini. VIJESTI (Chicago) S u SAD- senja u San Jose-u, u Kaliforniji. Tema - - Ravnatelj inozemne hrvatske pastve o stanju u hrvatskim misijama po svijetu, poglavito u Europi. T he Minister General of the Order of Friars Minor, Fr. José Rodríguez Carballo, officially visited the Herzegovinian Province of the Assumption of the BVM from October 7 10, The Minister General visits his Franciscans around the world and gets acquainted with their life and work. Currently there are about fifteen thousand Franciscans in the world. The visit of Fr. General to Herzegovina was very significant for the Franciscans who work there, but just as much so also for the people with whom the Franciscans live. His presence in any Franciscan province, at the time when we are celebrating eight centuries of the foundation of the Franciscan Order, has particular significance, and for Herzegovina this time that was extraordinarily important for this reason. The Franciscans in Herzegovina already for several years have been working thoroughly to find the earthly remains of their confreres who were killed by the communists in Sixty-six members of the Province lost their lives at that time and it is still not known where the earthly remains of thirty-six of them are resting. After the fall of communism the friars began receiving information about the missing Franciscans from people who knew something about them. That way the Franciscans, in collaboration with the local - pastor and the local authorities, in 2005 exhumed the earthly remains of the persons murdered in a garden in Zagvozd near Imotski, in Croatia. Three of them After 62 years their earthly remains were solemnly laid in a tomb in the church conducted by the Minister General of the Franciscan Order. In that same grave are the bones of 18 Franciscans, also killed in 1945, whose mortal remains were buried there in The coffins of the identified friars were brought from Zagvozd and in a solemn procession with the presence of a great number of priests, servers, members of the Franciscan Youth and people, they Brijeg. A huge multitude of people invaded 5 Croatian Franciscan Herald listopad-prosinac October-December, 2007

6 NEWS Holy Mass all shops and offices stopped working and whoever wished to was able to go to Church. As an introduction to the Holy Mass a touching skit was presented, in which 66 young and older men from the parish of visual demonstration of the killing of the Herzegovinian Franciscans. Then began the Holy Mass which the Minister General celebrated in Latin. With him were yet four General Definitors members of the administration of the Franciscan Order several Croatian Franciscan provincials and about 150 priests. Our Croatian Franciscan Custody of the Holy Family was know that together with the 66 Franciscans also many members of your families were wheat that when it falls, brings forth great before him and the great number of Franciscans around him, Fr. General empha- responsibility to make sure events like this never happen in the future. Therefore with the soft voice that comes from St. Francis and the strong voice that comes from our bloodshed! We want peace, and commit the blood of these martyrs become a land, Bosnia and Herzegovina, has a right to peace and the powers of this land cannot close their eyes to this reality that in- Addressing the youth Fr. General urged them to seriously work on building up their Christian identity, and he called on the parents to help them in that and to strengthen them with the power of their own faith. He told those in politics not be ashamed of their roots and their country. At the beginning of February 62 years Church, monastery and famous high school was in smoke and flames. Murdered Franciscans, burning buildings, the library and the great number of valuables which were at that time found there reminded one of the horrors of hell and destruction. But, just as it was in the first same way was it again confirmed also at people. New generations have been born which, sustained by faith in God and love for their fatherland, have poured new life into the once scorched regions and blossomed with youth and hope. For those who once looked at the Brijeg, the view of a vast multitude of the faithful, numerous priests, presence of the Minister General who presided at the solemn burial of his confrere-martyrs, it was certainly like a dream come true, like the most sublime thing they could experience. tice comes, even if it sometimes seem slow. Fr. General visited his Franciscans and met with the faithful in Tomislavgrad, Mostar, Medjugorje, Masna Luka and Konjic. More than a thousand Franciscan youth joyfully met with the top superior of the Franciscan Order in Tomislavgrad. In Medjugorje Fr. General thanked the Franciscans for all they are doing for the faithful who are coming to Medjugorje from around the world. He urged them and encouraged them not to get tired of doing good. He also visited the local bishop in After visiting the Franciscans in Herzegovina Fr. General went to Sarajevo where a meeting of the Franciscan Provincials from Europe took place. T he priests and sisters who are working in the Croatian parishes and missions of the United States and Canada held their annual meeting at the Croatian parish of the Assumption BVM at San Jose, California from October 8 11, The conference theme was The blood of martyrs, the seed of Christians, and the lecturer was -Senj diocese. The Director of international Croatian those present on the present condition of Croatian missions around the world, especially in Europe. The local hosts, Fr. Dujo Boban and tended outstanding hospitality to the priests and sisters. The next meeting is scheduled for October 13 16, 2008 at the Croatian T he major superior of the School Sisters of St. Francis, Sr. Natalija Palac, was on official visitation to her sisters in the United States. She visited the Province of School Sisters in Lemont, Illinois and the sisters of the Herzegovinian Province of School Sisters that are working in Chicago, New York, and Norval in Canada. The Franciscan School Sisters have nine provinces around the world, with three in Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina. San Jose: Croatian Franciscan Herald listopad-prosinac October-December,

7 VIJESTI Prvi red First Row: Drugi red Second Row: Third Row: Fourth Row: T he members of the Custody of the Holy Family participated in their retreat which was held in September at the monastery of St. Anthony in Chicago. Since the Order of Friars Minor has begun celebrating the Eight Centuries of its foundation in October 2005 ending in the fall of 2009, the Custody, like many munities around the world, has also undertaken that program of renewal and celebration. The annual retreat at the monastery of St. Anthony in Chicago serves as the framework for renewal of the Custody. That is why it is expected of all Custody members to be present. Presenters who are recognized as experts in Franciscanism are invited for that occasion. So far they have been: Fr. Stjepan Dr. Duvnjak, professor at the Franciscan School of Theology in Sarajevo; Fr. Miljenko Dr. dents of theology of the province of Hercegovina; Bro. William Dr. Short, professor at the Franciscan School of Theology in Berkely, California and author of many books and articles. Next year Fr. Nikola Dr. Vukoja, professor in Zagreb, is due to come to lead the retreat from September 22 25, So that the readers of the Croatian Franciscan Herald could also share in this blessed time of Franciscan renewal, the series called Franciscan Life and Heritage has been added. 7 Croatian Franciscan Herald listopad-prosinac October-December, 2007

8 FRANCISCAN LIFE AND HERITAGE Susret Franje i mladog kneza Orlanda F ranjino putovanje u Svetu dolaskom u Dalmaciju, u Hrvat- nisu htjeli ploviti dalje Jadranom i Sredozemljem prema Svetoj Zemlji. Iz Hrvatske se Franjo ponovno vratio u da ga putovanje nije odvelo do Svete se to ipak jednoga dana ostvariti. - La Verna (2006.) - nju. Jednom prigodom dok je s bratom Leonom propovijedao u San Leonu, lando, iz vrlo bogate obitelji, trebao je gozbu za sve stanovnike svoga grada U jednom trenutku Franjo je iskoristio prigodu i privukao na sebe pozor- onda je u stilu trubadura, vati svima dobro poznate pjesme. S pjesama je pre- pozivu na spremnost pri- - - Ta je propovijed bratu Leonu ostala dobro u sje- putnicima, ali se s njima u Franjo, posjedujem jedno brdo u Toskani koje se zove La Verna. Pogodno je za one koji vole provoditi vrijeme u - duhovnu obnovu, prihvatio je ponudu, - knezu da svoj dar i pismeno potvrdi. Orlandov sin je, mnogo godina kasnije, benim dokumentom predao La Vernu franjevcima. Opet na dugom putovanju placiju, ali i susrete s ljudima, pogotovo propovijedanje. Dok se jednom nalazio na brdu La Verni ponovno je na- vora, nije se htio osloniti samo na svo- - dvije osobe koje je veoma cijenio. Bili su to Silvestar - nad Asiza i sestra Klara, koja je sa Damianu. Brat Maseo je od oboje do- vijedati, jer Bog te nije pozvao samo - muslimana. Upravo kad se Franjo s ne- poraz i bili su se povukli u sjevernu Croatian Franciscan Herald listopad-prosinac October-December,

9 Afriku, uglavnom u Maroko. Godine - nuo. Znao je, da prema Islamskom - osobe vodi izravno u smrt: onoga koji protiv, dalo dodatnu snagu i energiju - - Franjo, po dolasku u Santiago de Com- - putovati dalje. Otkazao je svoj planirani put u Maroko. pothvatima i planovima, iz kojih su nastale druge i bolje stvari, nije se je uspio, jer je vjerovao da je sve ipak de nova domovina nekima od Franjine Sudionik crkvenog sabora Nakon oporavka, Franjo se godine ponovno vratio u Italiju. Te go- - vrijeme imala svoje po- srednjoj i sjevernoj Italiji, zatim Francuskoj i jednostavno i priprosto jedali i radili s njima ljudi su im za uzvrat bilo najpotrebnije za U jesen papa Inocent III. sazvao je na kojem se govorilo o temeljitim reformama u skoj vojni, koja je tre- ljem osvajanja svetih mjesta u Palestini. La Verna (2006) Da bi potaknuo na- III. je 11. studenoga govorio o ucrtavao i njime se potpisivao. Na Kon- - heretika. se ne dozvoljava osnivanje novih re- jom je godine dozvolio Franji da prima u svoju zajednicu nove nicu kako bi njegova zajed- rao, dao se na pisanje Pravila. To je potrajalo, uz mnoge preinake, rasprave i dogo- studenoga kada je Honorije III. odobrio i po- kapitul sastanak, na Duho- Pravila koje trebaju napisati, lovanja. - Svetu Zemlju i Englesku. Franjo je i - volio, ali ga je njegov prijatelj kardinal zdravlje, uspio odvratiti od toga plana, te je ostao u Italiji. Savjetovao mu je bor, bile su u punom zamahu. Franjo sultan, Malek-el-Kamil, preuzeo vlast nad Egiptom, Palestinom i Sirijom. Bio kolebati ni nevrijeme, ni bolest, ni prijatelj kardinal Hugolin. Tako je i bilo. i imao prigodu osobno razgovarati sa Sultanom. 9 Croatian Franciscan Herald listopad-prosinac October-December, 2007

10 FRANCISCAN LIFE AND HERITAGE Prepared by Marko, OFM The meeting of Francis with young Count Orlando F 1212 ended with his arrival in Dalmatia, in Croatia, because, due to the bad weather, the sailors did not want to sail farther by the Adriatic and the Mediterranean toward the Holy Land. From Croatia Francis returned again to Italy. It was hard to accept the fact that his journey did not reach the Holy Land, but he did not stop hoping that it would still happen one day. He went back to his ordinary life and preaching. He also spent many days in solitude and prayer, always wondering what it is that the Lord is seeking of him: preaching or a life in solitude and contemplation. He practiced both the one and the other, but he wanted to get to the true knowledge of his life mission. On one occasions while he was with Brother Leo preaching at San Leo which is in the vicinity of the modern Republic of San Marino, they heard about a great festivity to be held in the city. Young Orlando, from a wealthy family, was due to receive the office of Count and had arranged a banquet for all the inhabitants of his city. Francis and Brother Leo heard that a great multitude would also gather for it. The sumptuous banquet is not what attracted them, rather they wanted to take advantage of the chance to proclaim the Gospel to the assembled multitude which, being well fed, was in a good mood. At one moment Francis took the opportunity to get the attention of those present. First he wished the new Count happiness and blessing, and then in the style of the troubadour as he was used to doing before his conversion, he began singing songs that were well known to everyone. From the call to be ready to accept the hardships of life which, if one remains firmly united in - That sermon stayed well kept in with as much attention as if they were also remembered for an other reason. Young Count Orlando had listened attentively to Francis. He had already heard of Francis and his companions, but he had not yet ever met them. All enthused, he went over to Francis and told him that he tion the young Count said to Francis: cany called La Verna. It is just right for those who want to spend time in solitude. If it should please you and your companions, I will donate it to you for the sake of always on the lookout for places of solitude and spiritual renewal, accepted the offer. He thanked the rich man heartily and from then on began to go often to Mount La Verna. Since Francis did not want either himself or his brothers to formally posses any property, he did not allow the young Count to confirm his gift in writing. Many the order of law, gave an official document to the Franciscans at La Verna. On a long journey again Francis loved solitude and contemplation, but also encounters with people, especially preaching. Once while he was on the mountain at La Verna he was again in prayer endeavoring to discover the meaning and manner of his mission: should he spend the rest of his life in solitude and prayer or in preaching? He did not want to depend only on his own interior feelings and reach a final decision according to them, so in order to get the right answer, he sent Brother Masseo out to seek the opinions and advice of two persons that he highly esteemed. They were Sylvester the first priest that joined Francis and who primarily spent time in prayer in a cave (carceri) above Assisi and Sister Clare, who with her sisters were located at San Damiano. Brother Masseo brought back the same message from both God did not call you only for your own personal good, but also for the good of Again the desire stirred in him to go amongst the Muslims and to preach the Gospel to them, but not in the Holy Land, rather this time, in Spain and Morocco. There were many Muslims in Spain. Just when Francis with some brothers was preparing the way to Spain, the Muslims there had suffered a big defeat and had withdrawn to North Africa, primarily in Morocco. In 1214 Francis planned to go to Morocco passing through Spain. He decided to go on foot because two years before he had suffered failure going by sea and did not get farther than Croatia. In addition to the journey being extraordinarily long, he knew that his coming among Muslims and preaching the Gospel was very dangerous and that it could end in martyrdom. He even secretly hoped for considered the most exalted form of death by which a Christian is able to witness for Christ. Therefore, he was not afraid of martyrdom, but he even longed for it. He knew that, according to Islamic law, the preaching of Christianity to Muslims and the baptism of Muslim people led to the immediate death both of the one who did it Croatian Franciscan Herald listopad-prosinac October-December,

11 and of the one who accepted Christianity. That did not frighten him, on the contrary, it gave him additional strength and energy the desire to make arrangements for his journey as soon as possible, he rushed ahead of every- A rider on a good horse was at that time able in three weeks to get from Assisi to Spain at the famous shrine of Santiago de Compostela, but on foot it took nearly three months. Therefore, it is no wonder that Francis, upon his arrival at Santiago de Compostela in Spain, was so exhausted and sick that he could not travel any farther. He canceled his planned journey to Morocco. Learning from his thus far unsuccessful undertakings and plans, from which still other and better things developed, he did not grieve excessively that this plan also did not succeed, because he still believed that everything is in the hands of God. While recovering in Spain for his return home, he came to the conclusion that his brothers did not have to live and work only in Italy, but also here, in Spain, and Spain became a new homeland for some of La Verna Procession (2006) Participant in Church Council After recovering Francis returned to Italy again in That year he received quite a few new members in his commu- was Thomas of Celano, who later wrote two biographies of St. Francis and their own region of working in central and northern Italy, then in France and Spain. They lived simply and plainly among the people, preached and worked at the most ordinary jobs, and the people would give them whatever was most necessary for daily life. In the fall of 1215 Pope Innocent III convoked the Fourth Lateran Council in order to deal with basic reforms in the Church and with the new Crusade which was to begin in 1217 with the goal of taking over the holy places in Palestine. In order to encourage those present to as good a preparation and organization of the Crusade as possible, Pope Innocent III on November 11, 1215 spoke about the harsh conditions under which the Christians in the holy places in Palestine were living He compared their situation with the vision of the prophet Ezekiel in which he hears emissary should go to Jerusalem and expel the infidels, and that those dedicated to God be marked with the sign of TAU to spare their lives (Ez 9, 4). The Pope said Christ on which our Lord was crucified on Calvary, and that only those shall be marked with it who mortify their bodies and conform them to the body of Christ the The chroniclers say that Francis also was present at the Council and heard these words of the Pope. From that moment Francis loved the TAU sign still more. He sketched it everywhere and wrote his signature with it. At the Council he had a chance to meet yet another great man of his times, Dominic Guzman from Spain, the founder of the Dominican Order, who together with his confreres zealously fought against heretics. Even though at the Council it was decided that the foundation of new religious communities not be permitted, Pope Innocent III honored his spoken decision by which in 1209 he permitted Francis to receive new members into his community, and therefore asked Francis to produce a written Rule of life and work for his community so his community could be also officially approved. Francis was reluctant to do that, but since he had to, he set about writing a Rule. That lasted, with many alterations, arguments, and discussions with the friars all the way to November 29, 1223 when Honorius III approved and confirmed the Rule of the Friars Minor. The community grows in numbers At the beginning of 1216 there were already more than three thousand friars. Francis called them to a chapter meeting for Pentecost. They discussed the contents of the Rule which they had to write about the manner and scope of their activities. The next year in the chapter at the Portiuncola it was determined that the friars, in addition to Italy, Spain and France, also go to Germany, Hungary, Greece, Tunisia, Holy Land and England. Francis himself also wanted to go to France and preach there because he particularly loved France, but his new friend poor health, succeeded in dissuading him from that plan and he stayed in Italy. He advised him not to leave for the sake of his health. Preparations for the new Crusade, which the Fourth Lateran Council had mandated, were in full swing. The desire to go to the Holy Land again stirred in Francis. He heard that a new and young sultan, Malek-el-Kamil, had taken control over Egypt, Palestine and Syria. He was convinced that he could convert him from Islam to Christianity, and he firmly believed that this time neither bad weather, nor sickness, nor his friend Cardinal Hugoline would stop him or make him waver. And so it was. Francis went with the Crusaders on the long journey and had a chance to talk in person with the Sultan. (To be continued in the next issue) 11 Croatian Franciscan Herald listopad-prosinac October-December, 2007

12 - NOVE CHICAGO BL. ALOJZIJE STEPINAC 6346 N. Ridge Avenue Chicago, IL Phone: Fax: Fr. Ivica -Pastor U godno ljeto, naslijedila je za- svima mnogo lijepih trenutaka u prirodi. Izgleda da je pogodovala te u ovom razdoblju nije bio niti jedan uroditi novim mladim obiteljima. Jednu takvu jesensku nedjelju, drugu u mjesecu rujnu, iskoristili smo za lijepo biti zajedno toga popodneva. misom na kojoj smo zazvali Duha mu- - Hrvatsku vjeronauk, sred- - blagoslov. Nedjeljni vjeronauk I ove godine nastavili smo s ne- par Johna i Lily Mikan, koji su proljetos bro organiziranim i nadasve zanimljivim radom i ove godine nastavlja kojoj je zbog toga ove godine udijeljena nagrada od nadbiskupije Christifideles Award. Banket Hrv. Centra - Program su obogatili Hrvatska Loza i pjesmu Moja Domovina. Crkveni banket studenom, opet je bio izvanredno do- svoj doprinos lijepim nastupima, a odbornici su izvanredno obavili pripreme, Koncert - - prekrasan koncert trubadurskih evergreena, te nas dvostruko darovali: prekrasnim koncertom i prihodom od kon- - dostojno zahvaliti, ni sami ne znamo, - Koncert jednica, stala je u obranu ovog rock Bogu, domovini, vlastitoj slavnoj pro- - sferi, bez ikakvih izgreda ili vanjskih prosvjeda. Svi koji su bili na ovom kon- Marko je javno zahvalio Hrvatskom Centru i franjevcima koji su ovaj put stali iza njega, ali ne samo iza njega - - uistinu bila ujedinjena. Croatian Franciscan Herald listopad-prosinac October-December,

13 PARISHES - CENTERS OF RENEWAL T he days of autumn came upon us and brought many favorable moments. During this season there were not any funerals in our parish. On the other hand, there were a good number of baptisms and announced marriages which gives our parish hope for the future through many young families. We had a small picnic on the church grounds on the second Sunday of September. The weather was most favorable, and we had a wonderful afternoon. The school year began with the celebration of mass as we called the Spirit of wisdom to be upon the children and youth involved in a new school year: in the Croatian school, Hrvatska Loza, in catechetical instructions on all levels and the teachers. School books, notebooks and writing materials were symbolically placed by the altar as gifts to the Lord and to be blessed. Sunday religious instruction Religious instructions have been scheduled for Sunday this year. John and Lily Mikan, a recently married couple, are instructing the children for First Communion. Suzana Culjak, with her conscientiousness and fine organizational skills, accepted the responsibility of instructing our candidates for confirmation. She received the Christifideles Award from the Archdiocese this year. Banquet at the Croatian Center The concern of all for our community showed itself through the success of the annual banquet at the Croatian Cultural Center held on October 6th. Hrvatska Loza and children of the Croatian school enriched the program with a heartfelt rendition of the song Moja domovina. Church banquet The annual parish banquet held on the first Sunday in November was again unusually well attended and additional tables were needed. The children and the youth as usual gave their best, the committee prepared everything extraordinarily well, the cabbage was prepared for two months in advance and our cooks used it for preparing nine hundred sarmas.the evening was truly a joyous occasion. Mario and presented a beautiful concert as their two-fold contribution to our Croatian Catholic Radio Program of Chicago, the wonderful concert itself and the profit from the concert which covers three months of our expenses. We ourselves do not know how to thank them, except to give our time through the radio presentation and thereby to spreading the Good News amidst the overflow of the bad news broadcasted every day. Mark Perko Contrary to unfounded attempts to cancel the Mark Concert in our city, our entire community was in favor of the rock singer, who called for love of God and our homeland, for celebrating our history, for family and for all that is holy for us. The concert was held in a most pleasant atmosphere in the Croatian Center without any problems or outside protests. All those present were motivated to reach our in some way to do good for the homeland and its people. Marko publicly thanked the Croatian Center and Franciscans who at this time stood up for him, and not only for him but for the truth about us and our Croatian people. In this way our community in Chicago was truly united that evening. They children of our Croatian School lead proudly all in singing American and Croatian anthems ponosno predvode himne 13 Croatian Franciscan Herald listopad-prosinac October-December, 2007

14 - NOVE CHICAGO SV. JERONIM ST. JEROME Cardinal Stepinac Way 2823 S. Princeton Avenue Chicago, IL Phone: Fax: OFM Pastor Fr. Ivan Vikar Associate Pastor U - - niziran je dobrotvorni banket za obno- - - na dobrotvornom banketu za gradnju grupa kon-zulica RH u Chicagu Zorica Mat- - Dubrovnika, Dan Hudspeth, ponovno je raditi u Hrvatskoj.. Gosti iz Svete zemlje Imali smo goste iz Svete zemlje koji su okupljeni u udruzi Blessed Art. sve te- pokrenula akciju da svoje radove koje rukom rezbare u Svetoj zemlji prodaju prigodu kupiti predivne skulpture zemlje. Gost iz Indije Showreddy je na misijsku nedjelju nastradalima u prostorima koje je po- - razred) skupljala novac za gradnju granica. Obljetnice brakova razgovora o vrijednostima obitelji. Ove godine svoje zavjete su obnovili Stoja znamenitog sveca. Taj dan, 4. listo- - blagoslov. tradicija je u tome vrlo bogata. znanje, koje je primio od svoje majke, zanima, u prvim tjednima listopada pravljenje ove hrvatske poslastice. To - Croatian Franciscan Herald listopad-prosinac October-December,

15 PARISHES - CENTERS OF RENEWAL ugostiti dva vrhunska dubro- prijatelji iz djetinjstva, odrasli na uz pjesmu i gitaru. U tihim du- gradskih zidina pjevali su pjesme koje su uvijek doticale du- patnji, o gradu i majci, pjesmom grada, satkana od kamena i Maestralima, ili jednostavno uz zvuke gitare stvarali su ili nadilaze generacije i prolaznost. I tu ljubav prema pjesmi ponijeli su sa sobom daleko od grada novim stva-ranjima. University of Chicago (International House) ugostio je prvi put ova dva izvrsna glazbenika u petak. 2. studenoga U prekrasnoj dvorani ispunjenoj zaljubljenicima u dobru glazbu, svojim pjesma- talijanske klasike, predstavili su Lula starog kapetana, Margareta,, samo su neke od skladbi koje su vratile sje- Hrvatskom koji stranstvima. Koncert je bio dobro po- slanik u Washingtonu, Neven Jurica, generalna konzulica RH u Chicagu Zo- Chicaga. Svake godine u mjesecu studenom bilo ove godine 10. studenoga. Ken Prvi red: Jadranka i Zdenko Hrvojevi, Drugi red: Vesna i Ivan Jureta, fra Jozo, primio je posebnu nagradu. Ova tradi- - jednom su iskazali svoju visoku profesionalnost u ovom dobrovoljnom projektu. Dobra djela - men. - kroz cijeli mjesec listopad. Time se pomagalo samohranim majkama koje nicama i vratili ih natrag u crkvu. Sku- rovana caga. Xavier iz Chicaga organizirala je u na- Maestral u Splitu. Skupljane su olovke,, slavi 79 godina dnom revijom ovo vrijedno aktivnog djelovanja. Modna - u dvorani Aston Place u - Lord & Taylor, tradicionalno okuplja hrvatsku organizira velike humanitarne akcije. Tijekom ove akcije prikupljena - nizacija modne revije po mnogima je najprofesionalnije organizirana do sa- smo ravnateljice DZ Slunj, te GK RH revija okupila je 450 gostiju. Klub Sinj 60 godina denoga Klub Sinj proslavio je svoju za crkvu Gospe Sinjske u Sinju (nove orgulje, klupe...) te za domovinu Hrvatsku u vrijeme domovinskog rata. Klub Sinj je vrlo aktivan u vrijeme - Na banketu se okupilo oko 400 Sv. Jeronima. 15 Croatian Franciscan Herald listopad-prosinac October-December, 2007

16 - NOVE A charitable banquet was held recently at our parish to help in Croatia. The 200th anniversary of St. Mar- repair and renovate their church for this occasion. With 200 inhabitants currently, they are relying on Croatians who emigrated from there to help as well. Mate Lika region who live all over Chicago answered the call through the gala banquet of good music, good food and good company, raising about $25,000 for St. Mar- The bishop from the Lika region, the -Senj) was the guest of honor. ing for a major construction project in his diocese: a new church to be built in Udbina to honor Croatians who were martyred for their Roman Catholic faith. That earlier banquet was also a success, raising $100,000 that will be used in the project. At the event the tian Heritage group, consisting of performers of all ages from all parts of Chicagoland, sang and danced selections from the cultural heritage of the Lika region. Other guests included the General Consul of the Republic of Croatia for Chicago, Zorica Guest from India helps Tsunami victims rebuild In December 2004, the world was shocked by the giant Tsunami waves that hit Indonesia and other countries on the Indian Ocean, killing more than 200,000 people. Almost three years later those made homeless by the disaster are still rebuilding. Fr. Showreddy Allam, a priest from that region who is currently serving in end Masses of September to give some firsthand testimony about the Tsunami to our parishioners. Fr. Allam pointed out one concrete way to help: many families who lost their homes need just $300 to pay their share of costs to acquire a new home. Parishioners responded generously to his idea. Indeed, he touched the hearts of even our youngest parishioners. They collected enough to make the payment for two families to move into new homes! Elegant gala supports parish school When the dinner guests arrived in St. surprise at the look of the place. Gone was any semblance of a school cafeteria. It parish school major fund-raiser, this year with an Italian theme. Boosters of our school came dressed to the Nines from all around to enjoy great Italian-American music, excellent food, including many homemade pastries, fun company, and much dancing. There was also a lot of strategy on display: how to bid wisely on great donated prizes available in the silent auction (the ipod basket, the Bears locker room tour, 5 homework passes, etc.), and how to think fast on your feet during the high-bidding live auctions for megaprizes like a White Sox Skybox for a party of 16 with all the extras. There was much gratitude toward the co-chairs of the evening, Ken and Debbie Rudmin, for coordinating another professionallydone and fun evening. A grand time was had by all. Special honors were bestowed upon a man who won the 2007 award. This annual award goes to the person who gives in a big way from the heart to the School. The John is in now Kindergarten. Ken has long been active in our parish, most extraordinarily at the Velika Gospa feast, but he also helps in a spectacular manner selling Football Mania fund-raising tickets for the School. His can-do attitude in multiple projects is an inspiration for all of us. Peo- School is strong and steadily growing stronger. Strudel secrets shared many gifts and talents from God, including talents for making all sorts of delicious knows the art of strudel-making, which he learned from his mother and recently shared with other parishioners at several St. Jerome cooking classes, the first such classes in years. His 3-hour workshops ceeds from the class were donated to the church. A total of 24 people passed the cooking class, thereby passing the art of strudel-making into the next generation of The Dynamic Duo of Dubrovnik: Mario & Srdjan Chicago had the special honor of hosting two world-class Croatian musicians. Mario and Srdjan, friends since childhood, were raised near the most famous street in amid the sound of songs and the music of guitars. In the stillness of Dubrovnik evenings along the steps of the ancient walled city, they sang tender melodies of the sea and love, of yearning and suffering, of their city and beloved mothers, songs that bespoke of the longings of the heart and the Croatian Franciscan Herald listopad-prosinac October-December,

17 PARISHES - CENTERS OF RENEWAL soul of the city, woven of stone and freedom. Whether influenced by the sea breezes and traditional music or simply by the solitary sounds of guitar strings, they inherited and created songs and melodies that last through generations and transcend the passage of time. They carried this great love of music far from their beloved native city of Dubrovnik, yet it remains forever an inspiration for new compositions. The International House of the University of Chicago, hosted these phenomenal performers for the first time on Friday, November 2. In a fine performance hall filled with lovers of good music, Mario and Srdjan serenaded their fans with heartrending music from all regions of Croatia, and also with classic songs in English and Italian, providing a memorable and enthusiastic concert. This concert was held to benefit the Croatian Catholic Radio of Chicago, which for 10 years now has been broadcasting the Good News and sending messages to all who can be reached by the radio station. Among those attending the concert were the Croatian ambassador Neven Jurica from Washington, D.C.; Croatian Croatian Franciscan priests and sisters, as well as other honored guests. Guests from the Holy Land lies from the Holy Land who came to sell hand-carved wood statuettes made by Christians in the Holy Land. The belong to Blessed Art association of Christian families trying in their small way to stop the decline the economic situation of Christians in the Holy Land. By purchasing these beautiful statuettes and crucifixes, often made from olive wood, parishioners were able to help these hard-pressed people. St. Francis, pray for our pets lighted every Feast Day of St. Francis, on October 4, by a blessing of the animals with all the kids from the school in attendance with their pets brought to them by Thanksgiving Day Food Drive their parents after school. This year among the blessed creatures were many dogs and two cats, birds and lizards, rabbits and turtles, plus a hamster, gerbil and frog. Charitable actions are good for the heart Our St. Jerome Youth Service Corps, in its third year of existence, has added One new tradition is the Thanksgiving Day Food Drive, during which parishioners bring bags of non-perishable food in the month before Thanksgiving to give to the does the heart good to deliver a huge number of bags to a food pantry where the people describe how helpful and needed that food is. Catholic Church in the U.S., emphasizing the need to support respect for life from engaged in an interesting project to help Chicagoland mothers with crisis pregnancies to decide to choose life. These women are often alone, scared and eco- Chicago tries to help them in through a loving presence, through material support. campaign, in which parishioners filled baby bottles with spare change during October. The grand total was $632 in paper money and an amazing $3, in spare change! This campaign will literally save lives. A group of St. Xavier University nursing students is trying to aid the Maestral orphanage in Split, Croatia by collecting writing materials for the young people there by appealing for help from various parishioners are helping them help the kids. Club Sinj remembers 60 years At banquet on November 3, President Daniel Bakovich honored the generosity toward the Church of Our Lady of Sinj in Sinj, Croatia (a new organ, pews, etc.) and toward the Croatia people during the recent war of self-defense against gratitude to the Club for its contribution to tion. At the banquet about 400 people came to honor this truly active club in our parish. Croatian Woman shows no signs of aging The Croatian Woman organization ( ) held its annual fashion show banquet celebrating 79 years of active service, service that unites Croatian women from all corners of Chicagoland. Now in its 16th year, and going strong, the decore theme, with golden Oscar statuettes on every table. Held in suburban Willowbrook's classy Ashton Place hall, the show featured high fashion from the famous Lord & Taylor house. The 28 models provided from the ranks of Croatian Woman (and their families) demonstrated grace and beauty in motion on the elevated runway. The proceeds of this entertaining afternoon went to purchase ultrasound machines to aid the health of women and babies in Slunj, Croatia. Be- praised the heartfelt leadership of women, leadership marked by generous love. The president of Croatian Woman, Nevenka she detailed the needs in Slunj. The Mas- that the proceedings went smoothly and professionally, from the U.S. and Croatian national anthems sung by the North Side's Croatian Vines (Hrvatska loza) folklore group till the pastry treats at the conclusion. 17 Croatian Franciscan Herald listopad-prosinac October-December, 2007

18 - NOVE CHICAGO SRCE ISUSOVO SACRED HEART 2864 East 96th Street Chicago, IL Phone: Fax: Fr. Stephen Pastor Fr. Ante Bekavac, OFM Vikar Associate Pastor D ovoljno je samo malo zustaviti se u svakodnevnim obvezama Jesen sa svojim divnim bojama je ljeta obnovi kuhinja. Radovi su trajali nova kuhinja, potpuno nove stvari, koristi onima koji je upotrebljavaju. Svaka obnova, pa tako i ova, uvijek Blagoslovi sobu za djecu za vrijeme liturgijskih - U mjesecu listopadu slavi se svet- da je ljubio svako stvorenje na zemlji vjeku. Poznato je i da je znao propovijedati i pticama o ljubavi Gospod- - tekla vijest da je preminuo Bill Driscoll, vremena za odmor, ali i da su godine na sebe. - jemo za svu dobrotu koju nam je iska- - Poziv na svetost Svake godine s osobitom ljubavlju, Crkva slavi svetkovinu Svih svetih. Na taj dan poziva vjernike da nasljedova- smrt, a s kojima smo nekada dijelili kojni. dobila je sliku pobijenih franjevaca u Hercegovini od svake subote. dana u Muzeju znanosti i industrije Muzeju znanosti i industrije Croatian Franciscan Herald listopad-prosinac October-December,

19 PARISHES - CENTERS OF RENEWAL bora, a ove godine mi smo bili na redu. ovim prostorima, vjerujemo i nadamo nja snaga koja nas okuplja! hrvatski jezik My parents, Petar and celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary on October 21, In this day and age, being married to one individual for 40 years is definitely a cause for celebration. But for our family, it was even more special. About a year and a half ago, think they would reach their 39th anniversary, let alone their 40th. A car accident in early May of 2006 left my father slightly bruised and my mother fighting for her life. She suffered a traumatic brain injury that left her unconscious and in a coma for three weeks. Those were the longest three weeks of our lives. Because of her age and the severity of her injuries, her doctors were not giving us much hope in her having a full recovery, or any kind of recovery at all. Life without Mama was just inconceivable to us. who was so active and so full of life (even at the age of 70) was now lying in a hospital bed fighting for her life. The more they told us to expect the worst the more we were determined to prove them wrong. We did everything we could think of to get our Mama to open her eyes. We talked to her, held her hand, massaged her feet, played her favorite songs, and even made a tape of us talking to her that we played for her over and over again. We showered her with love but above all else, we prayed and prayed for a miracle. There are simply no words to express how we felt when our prayers were finally answered. Almost three weeks after the accident, Mama started to open her eyes and give us small but significant signs that she understood us! It took another 3 weeks until she fully woke up. By that time she was out of the hospital and in a nursing home, waiting to be rehabilitation hospital. It would take another 3 months before she would be admitted, but during her 2 ½ month stay at the rehabilitation hospital, she relearned how to breathe, talk, eat, and drink again and started to relearn how to sit, stand, and walk again. A month after my anniversary will mark a whole year since Mama has been home. My brother and I have to be there while she continues to recover. recovery. Mama is still traveling alone. Our faith and love has given us strength to be able to always be on that road with her, encouraging her and showering her with our love much you love someone until you how much we love Mama. And my father still loves her as well. During their anniversary party, he 19 Croatian Franciscan Herald listopad-prosinac October-December, 2007

20 - NOVE W ith Fall in the air creation arrayed in beautiful colors prepares itself for the winter sleep. This is a good time of the year for all of us to pause and reflect on our own lives as we come to end of another year. Renovation of the Parish Hall Kitchen The Kitchen is the center of family life. After forty years of many dinners, parties and lunches prepared in our kitchen in the parish hall, it needed major renovations. Last year our parish council decided to begin the project. The work began at the beginning of July and by the beginning of August we had a new kitchen. It was a big job just to get rid of all the old cabinets, tile, floor and the old kitchen appliances. Soon the kitchen began to take a whole new look as it received a paint job, new tile and floor. Once it was all completed the new cabinets and appliances were installed. After all the work was completed the parishioners were invited to take a tour of the newly remodeled kitchen. Now the kitchen can continue to bring the parishioners together for many community celebrations. Feast of St. Francis, Blessing of Animals and Guardian Angel Statue St. Francis of Assisi had a great love story of St. Francis preaching to birds about the love of God. Here at Sacred Heart we had the traditional blessing of animals. A number of parishioners brought their pets to Sacred Heart parking lot for the blessing. St. Francis was a man of deep prayer. He had a special devotion to the angels. Before the Feast of the Angels St. Francis had a practice of praying the novena in the honor of the angels. Sacred Heart parish received a beautiful statue of a Guardian Angel. The weekend before the Feast of Guardian Angels, which is October 2nd the pastor Fr. Stephen Bedenikovic, ofm blessed the statue as it was placed by the entrance of the church and the room reserved for parents with small children. The people also received the prayer to angels. +PRAYER TO THE GUARDIAN ANGEL: Angel of God, my guardian dear. To whom His love commits me here; Ever this day (or night) be at my side, to light and guard, to rule and guide. Amen Sacred Heart parish community said good by to a long time dedicated parishioner. The unexpected death of Bill Driscoll filled with sadness not only his wife Evelyn but many in the parish. Only a few days before his death Bill came to the pastors office to see Fr. Steve and talk about handing over the responsibility of Bingo and as a member of Finance Committee to someone younger due to his decline in health. Bill showed his love of Sacred Heart by serving for many years in various committees, organizations and being a right hand man to many pastors. In appreciation for his commitment to Sacred Heart it was shown by so many that came to say Good Bye at his funeral. In his homily Fr. Steve stated that we have come today to say So Long to a good man until we see you again in the home of our Heavenly Father. Call to Holiness and Remembering our Beloved Deceased Every year in the beginning of November the Church celebrates the Feast of All the Saints, then All Souls Day and we end November with the celebration of Christ the King. With these celebrations the Church reminds us that we are all called to holiness and one day Christ the King will call us to His Heavenly Kingdom. All Souls Day is a day of prayer and remembering all our loved ones who have gone before us. This year we remembered 66 friars of the Croatian Franciscan Province of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Herzegovina who were killed by the Communist regime between 1942 and Today as many of their remains are being recovered and their lives examined, it shows that they lived heroic lives as martyrs for the faith. Our church received a picture of photographs of all 66 friars. For All Souls Day it was placed in the sanctuary of the church to remind us what it means to be a witness of Christ in our modern world. The picture will be placed near the entrance of the church as we continue to pray for them that one day the Church may recognize them as Martyrs for Christ. Croatian School In September we began the new Croatian school year for children. This year we have a new teacher Ivana Slodo who will be working with Fr. Ante to teach the children not only the Croatian language but also culture, history and music. Fr. Ante has been teaching religion and preparing the children to read the Prayers of the Faithful at Mass. This year Sacred Heart Croatian School will decorate the Christmas Three at The Museum of Science and Industry. On December 23 the children will also have a Christmas program at the museum. It is by faith, hope, and charity that we are united and strengthened. Croatian Franciscan Herald listopad-prosinac October-December,

21 PARISHES - CENTERS OF RENEWAL KITCHENER SVETA OBITELJ K roz dugu povijest tradicije u crkvenoj godini postoje dva dana koja su po- Sveti, koji se slavi 1. studenoga i Mrtvi studenoga. Od ranih ve, ova dva dana slave se jedan iza drugaoga jer su svojom porukom o smislu ovdje na zemlji i njegovim ishodom s onu stranu groba usko povezani. Svetkovinom Svih svetih, Crkva nas pozva na razmatranje nebeske slave i svi oni koji su postali na jedinsteven tu zaslugu zado- zemlji. Iz toga proizlazi misao koja ta odgovornost sada i A zbilje da je prolazan i da nas drage uspomene s onima koji su s nama nekada bili usko povezani, s kojima smo dijelili mnoga za- - nama. Zato na taj dan dolazimo na grobove svojih dragih pokojnika, palimo im Da to nije samo puka teorija nego i vjera ljudi vjernika iz hrvatske nice u Kitcheneru, koji se prigodom nekoliko gradskih grobalja u Kitcheneru i Waterloo, gdje se do sada nalazi 220 hrvatskih grobova, Svete Obitelji u Kitcheneru. - uplakano oko na zajedno s Marijom na Isusovim HOLY FAMILY 180 Schweitzer Street Kitchener, ON N2 K 2R5 C a n a d a Phone: Fax: Fr. Miro OFM Pastor tko u mene vjeruje ako Tko zna po koji put bijahu izgo- bijahu primane kod ljudi, ali litvi kako na trenutak suza zamijeni jednoga dana zasigurno i tijelo na U toj vjeri, u kasnim popodnevnim satima, za ovo ka- jeno toplom danu, za njih molimo i Bogu zahva- dobra ostavili. 21 Croatian Franciscan Herald listopad-prosinac October-December, 2007

22 - NOVE MILWAUKEE SRCE ISUSOVO SACRED HEART 917 North 49th Street Milwaukee, WI Phone: Fax: Fr. Paul Maslach, OFM Pastor Priredila - Prepared by Ljubica Violet While Fr. Paul was in Croatia, Fr. Philip Pavich baptized Kristijan Jadran Jany, son of Fredy and Maria Jany (b. Braovac). The Godparents were Danny and Monica Luk Kristijan makes the 5th grandchild for Dujo and Maria Braovac. U vrijeme dok je Fr. Paul bio u Kristijan Jadran Jany, sin Fredy-a i Marie Jany (r. Braovac). Krstio ga je Fr. Philip Pavich iz Chicaga. Kumovi su bili Danny i je Braovac. On All Souls Day we celebrated Mass remembering our deceased loved ones, who died this year, by placing their picture and a lit candle on the table in front of the altar. Mass was well attended. This is how our kitchen looks like when our parishioners make four thousand pre-ordered sarmas. sarma. Ana Ballinger i bazaar. Bilo bi N zanimljivo izbrojiti koliko bazaara su organizirali i pripremili obitelji Geboy, Horvath i Panich. Ovdje je kratki podsjetnik na ove obitelji. n November 4th we had our annual bazaar. One would O wonder how many bazaars were organized by the Geboy, Horvath and Panich families. Here is a short story about these families. Henry and Helen Bratonja were among the original members when the parish was established. Their daughter Ann was Croatian Franciscan Herald listopad-prosinac October-December,

23 PARISHES - CENTERS OF RENEWAL Stjepan and Anna Schaff Mary and Julius Horvath Ann Bratonja Geboy Ronald and Patricia Horvath njezinu osnutku. Od tada pa do danas, Ana je veoma su knjigu- Hrvatske orlove Croatian Eagles, jedan od najstarijih nogometnih klubova u SAD-u. baptized at Sacred Heart on Galena Street right after the parish was established. She was and still is an active member of the parish from its beginning. She later married William Geboy. Her daughter Patricia and Ronald Horvath were married at our church in 1959, and they are still very dedicated members of the parish. Ann and her daughter Patricia made a cookbook and the proceeds were given to the parish. Stjepan and Ana Schaff were also original members of the parish. Their daughter Mary and her husband Julius Horwath were very active in the parish and Croatian community. Julius was one of the organizers of Hrvatski orlovi Croatian Eagles, one of the oldest soccer teams in the USA. Their son Ronald married Patricia Geboy. They come to church almost every Sunday and help in all parish events. T include Steve and Katharine, their children S. Pauline, George and Joseph. Joseph and Marie have four daughters: Judy, Jean, Carol, and Susan. Joseph and Marie were very active in starting Sacred Heart School and their daughters were all graduates of that school. They help at all church functions. George, Marie, and Joseph Panich ri generacija obitelji Panich: Steve i T Katherine; njihova djeca: s. Pauline, George i Joseph. Joseph i Marie imaju 4 organizira. Marie and her daughters: Judy, Jean, Susan Clinton, and Carol Marshall 23 Croatian Franciscan Herald listopad-prosinac October-December, 2007

24 - NOVE MONTREAL SV. NIKOLA T 4990 Place de la Savane Montreal, Quebec H4P 1Z6 C a n a d a Phone: Fax: Fr. Jozo Pastor S. Ivana S. Mirka M - - Sv. Ane u Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupré. Taj nice i duhovnim pjesmama. su imali prigodu za sv. ispovijed. Nakon ispovijedi slavljena je sv. misa koju bio je uistinu radostan za sve koji su Lijepo je i ugodno biti zajedno jepo i ugodno biti zajedno i ovakvih duhovnih izleta i obnova. U planu su nova I ove godine, u nedjelju programu sudjelovali su crkveni Kardinal Alojzije Stepinac», koju vodi prijatelj je Isus«, «Uzmi kruh«, «Bog je «Gori nebo visoko«i drugih. Banket je bio izvrstan povod za susrete i razgovore o zajednici i pro- upravo u skupovima poput ovoga do- - Uvijek rado i ponosno Croatian Franciscan Herald listopad-prosinac October-December,

25 PARISHES - CENTERS OF RENEWAL Duhovna obnova Trodnevnu duhovnu obnovu za misiju Sv. Nikole hovna obnova bila je uvod hrvatske misije. Fra Jozo je u svojim te- - molitvi, mudrosti, stvarnosti - - elima traganja za stvarno- vjekov put. U govoru o molitvi naglasio u novom svjetlu. U tom kontekstu spo- nego je stvarnost kroz koju vidimo sve druge ideje. Mi vjerujemo da nam je vidjeti pravu narav stvarnosti. U tom gledanju spoznajemo da je prava du- nost. Duhovnost je «brisanje prozora» kroz koje onda vidimo svjetlo istine i U nedjelju, 18. studenoga u sve- voditelj duhovne obnove, istaknuta je prijatelji kao i mnogi kroz mnoga sto- fanatizma nego iz iskrene ljubavi pre- Na ovoj svetoj misi fra Jozo Gru- je govorila o najopasnijijoj stavrnosti Dvorana, ispunjena do posljednjeg mjesta, ugodni razgovori, spontana pjesma, dobra hrana i osmijesi na licima ljudi, govorili su o zajednici koja ima dobru bu- pod vodstvom sestre Ivane svaku 25 Croatian Franciscan Herald listopad-prosinac October-December, 2007

26 - NOVE NEW YORK SV. IRIL I METOD SS. CYRIL & METHODIUS Cardinal Stepinac Place 502 West 41st Street New York, NY Phone: Fax: crkva.nyc@verizon.net Fr. Nikola Pastor Fr. Stipe Vikar Associate Pastor Pastoralne suradnice sestre franjevke Krista Kralja S. Anica Phone: S. Marina S. Izabela K raj ljetnih odmora i povratak u piknik je bio u nedjelju 9. rujna kada Marije prijatelji krenuli su u procesiji za Gospinim kipom oko jezera na Hrvatskoj zemlji u New Jerseyu. Svetu misu na vanjskom oltaru slavio je don Robert Ivana Merza u Astoriji koji se na taj nice. Don Robert se uskoro nakon toga vratio u Hrvatsku gdje je nastavio pastoralni rad po odredbi svoga biskupa. nas je Bog nadario. trgovinski centar u New Yorku 11. rujna godine poginulo je 2749 ljudi - - menick Mircovich, Ronald Tartaro i Svetu misu i zaziv Duha Svetoga smo u petak 14. rujna. Prije mise bila je prigoda za sv. Ispovijed, a nakon mise upis za novu djecu i za one koji grupu Kardinal Stepinac upisalo 134 djece a u kolo grupu 36 mladih. Za sve njih se brine oko Svoju redovitu nastavu som u jedan popodne zahvalili smo Bo- setre Antonija i Jakomina Morin te Du- Dominika a u Italiji sestru Mariju. - Bog obasiplje svojom dobrotom i bla- Marije. - The National Shrine of Mary Help of Christians), u subotu - je posvetilo taj dan Bogu i molilo za potrebe svojih obitelji po zagovoru nebeske Majke Marije. - euharistijsko slavlje. Nakon sv. mise - Dobrotvorni golf-turnir - - tvorni turnir u golfu u korist Kolo grupe kardinal Stepinac. Mnogi su doprinjeli organizaciji 15. listopada u Mill River Club u Oyster Bay, NY. istaknuti Croatian Golf Association i Tomislav Nogalo i Nikola Penava. akciji doprinjeli su da Kolo grupa kardinal Stepinac hrvatsku kulturu u New Yorku i okolici. u New Yorku Thompsona u petak i subotu 2. i 3. studenoga u Hrvatskom centru. To je Croatian Franciscan Herald listopad-prosinac October-December,

27 PARISHES - CENTERS OF RENEWAL Marko Thompson - popularnosti Thompsonove glazbe ulaznice su bile rasprodane jedan koncert i to u subotu U medijima su se podigle - govima nisu ispravno shvatili Thompsonove domoljubne stiho- nizacije su apelirale da se ovi da bi ona otkazala gostoprimstvo Thompsonu i njegovoj grupi. Uz - novoj glazbi, koncerti su uslijedili po da cijeni vrijednosti koje promovira ma Bogu, obitelji i domovini Hrvatskoj, jednosti tolerancije i razumijevanja. Svake godine u mjesecu studenom banket. I ove godine, u nedjelju 4. studenoga, na banketu je bilo - banket i uz to sastanak o po- crkve. - krova i o potrebnim popravcima Fra Nikola je pozvao prisutne da pomognu svojim osobnim darovima ovu akciju. Nadamo se - godine. Grad New York nikada ne se u stil ovoga grada. - West Haverstraw, New York 27 Croatian Franciscan Herald listopad-prosinac October-December, 2007

28 - NOVE O ur Second Parish Picnic is always an indication of our return to regular routines and a return from our relaxed summer activities. This year the picnic was on Sunday September 9th, when we also celebrated the birthday of Virgin Mary Malu Gospu. Many parishioners and friends proceeded in procession behind Virgin Mary's statue which was gladly carried by our parishioners around the lake, at Croatian Land in New Jersey. Mass in the open, next to the lake. He leads Croatian Catholic Mission of Blessed Ivan Merz in Astoria, and he took the opportunity of this picnic to say his goodbye to the members of our parish community. Fr. Robert soon after the picnic returned to Croatia to begin his pastoral work according to his assignment from his bishop. Following the mass our picnic continued with the beautiful weather that God granted us. Remembering September 11 In the terrorist attack on World Trade Center in New York, on September 11, 2001 a total of 2,749 people lost their lives and 24 are still considered missing. Among those who died are 4 Croats. All of them are first generation Croatians born in USA. Their parents immigrated from Croatia in hope to create a better life and better future for themselves and their children which they could not accomplish in their native country. Their names are Anthony prayers. Croatian School and Kolo Group With invocation of the Holy Spirit, together with the Holy Mass, we started our school year on Friday, September 14th. Before mass there was an opportunity for everyone to celebrate the sacrament of reconciliation, and, after that, those children who did not already register for the school and Kolo group could do so at that time. A total of 134 children registered for classes at our school, and additional 36 young ones registered for Kolo dance. Teaching all of them and caring for them are a total of 30 teachers and volunteers, most of them parents and some younger ones who themselves were also students at one time at our school. The schedule of classes started on Friday, September 21st. Fifty Years of Religious Life On September 23, we had the honor and the privilege of a celebration of a great person, sister Lucijana Morin. Beginning with the Holy Mass at 1 pm, we gave thanks to God for 50 years of her grateful life and service in religious order. Sister Lucijana was born on the island of Susak and now is in service in Italy. Her proud sisters Antonija and Jakomina Morin, as and are devoted members of our parish. Sister Lucijana also has a brother Dominik in Seattle and a sister Marija in Italy. All of us extended our sincere good wishes and we all wished that God rewords her with an abundance of his goodness and blessings. Parish Pilgrimage Holy Rosary Society organized a pilgrimage to West Haverstraw, New York, to The National Shrine of Mary Help of Christians, on Saturday, October 13th. In Hrvatska zemlja Croatian Highland spite of the brisk autumn weather, 40 brave pilgrims dedicated this day to God, praying for their families' personal needs in pleas to our Blessed Mother. led devotion of the rosary as well as prayers of stations of the cross and the celebration of the Eucharist. Following the Mass, the pilgrims shared their meals which they took along with them. One of the resident Salesian priests guided our Croatian group through the Shrine, explaining to them what the future holds for the shrine. Charitable Golf Tournament Sts. Cyril and Methodius parish is blessed to have a group of dedicated Croatian Americans who for the past 4 years have organized a charity golf tournament to benefit our Kolo group Cardinal Stepinac. Many have helped with this tournament of October 15, 2007 but special thanks must be given to the Croatian Golf Association and the hardworking group of organizers for this benevolent event: Ivica Their unselfish dedication for this cause is truly appreciated by all. in New York The musical event of this autumn in the Croatian community of New York was on Friday and Saturday, on November 2 and 3, 2007 in our Croatian Center. This performing in our parish. The original plan was that the concert be held only on Friday. Because of Thompson's and his music's great popularity the tickets to Friday's concert were quickly sold. It was evident that a second concert had to be held on Saturday night, also. Since some extremist American music and words to be negative, the media reported some untrue dition to that, certain organizations made strong appeals that the con- Croatian Franciscan Herald listopad-prosinac October-December,

29 PARISHES - CENTERS OF RENEWAL certs be cancelled; many even put pressure on the Croatian Church not to wel- concerts went according to plan, mostly as a result of the support of Archdiocese of New York. The concert was more than successful. With the positive completion of the concerts, Croatian cummunity showed and their values which promote: love for God, family and Croatian Homeland. Also, Croatian Americans, by their attending the concerts showed their appreciation of American great values such as tolerance and understanding. Annual Parish Banquet Every year during November, our parish sponsors an Annual Banquet. So, this year too, on Sunday, November 4th, there was quite a positive response. All were invited to attend the banquet and with it hear the words, during the meeting, about the needed repairs of our church roof. After the welcoming words by pastor presented a video of the much damage now present in our old roof. Fr. Nikola appealed to all the parishioners to be generous in their donations towards this cause. We expect the repairs to start in late spring or early summer of NORVAL HFS KRALJICA MIRA CFC QUEEN OF PEACE 9118 Winston Churchill Blvd. Norval, ON L0P 1K0 C a n a d a Phone: Fax: h.centar@simpatico.ca Fr. Stjepan -Pastor Fr. Vinko Bebek, OFM Vikar Associate Pastor Pastoralne suradnice sestre franjevke Krista Kralja S. Daniela Phone: S. Marcela Primorac S. Ljudevita Boras K rajem listopada postavljene su klupe u novoj crkvi. Ovih Popratne prostorije na katu iznad ulaza - studenoga. Banket je uspio u svakom pogledu. Sve je bilo lijepo i dobro organizirano. hvaljujemo svima koji su zahvaljujemo svima koji Hvala svima koji, zbog svojih opravdanih razlo- banket, a dali su svoje denu svrhu. Unaprijed zahvaljujemo i svima onima koji planiraju dati svoje nov- gradnje crkve. Posebno zahvaljujemo Od snim sestrama i svima drugima koji su pomagali za ovaj banket. banket. Nadalje, zahvaljujemo i onima koji su pomagli u kuhinji, koji su radili u ma koji su radili za barom, koji su radili - i svima ostalima koji su nam na bilo 29 Croatian Franciscan Herald listopad-prosinac October-December, 2007

30 - NOVE S. Ljudevita Boras, s. Marcela Primorac, Posjet vrhovne poglavarice Boras, s. Marcelu Primorac i s. Danielu Written by Zvonimir Petric Pedeset godina braka Na 12. listopada godine proslavili su 50 go- - Vinko i Danica. - Sunday, 04 November 2007 Tonight marks an epic win over all those that wanted the Marko Perkovic "Thompson" concert shut down. Due to the onslaught of print, television and radio media parroting anti-croatian falsehoods and malicious misrepresentations of Thompson's beliefs and those of his fans, the concert was on the brink of cancelation. Over 5,000 fans of all ages were in attendance to watch Thompson perform at his largest ever performance outside of Europe. Spectators streamed in from across North America to take in the spectacle at the Queen of Peace - Croatian Franciscan Centre in the town of Norval located near Toronto. In the chill autumn evening, fans were kept warm by their enthusiastic singing, dancing and by their love of their Croatian heritage. It was a great show of our culture and the strength of the Croatian Diaspora, given the numerous problems involved with anti-croat hate propaganda and the initial cancellation of the concert. It is an interesting world where people cannot celebrate their culture, God and family values, particularly in a country that purportedly prides itself on its multiculturalism and tolerance of others. Sadly we Croatians received no friendliness from Toronto's Koolhaus. In spite of the obstacles, the organizers regrouped and within 48 hours organized an outdoor concert which exceeded the expectations of all of those present. Croatian Franciscan Herald listopad-prosinac October-December,

31 PARISHES - CENTERS OF RENEWAL SAUL STE. MARIE I have heard so many times "A began to believe that the bishops belong to that category too. We were just getting used to our new auxiliary bishop, Robert Harris, when to our great surprise; on May 8, 2007 this press release from the Bishop's Office reached our parish. "This morning in Rome, the Holy Father, Benedict XVI announced the appointment of the Most Reverend Robert Harris, as bishop of St. John, New Brunswick. Since his Episcopal ordination on December l2, 2002 until today, bishop Harris has served as the auxiliary bishop of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Sault Ste. Marie." We were happy for the bishop's new appointment, but at the same time, we were so sad to see him go. He was not only an excellent bishop but also very kind and sensitive person, very dedicated friend of our parish and of our priest, Fr. Veselko. We wish him well as he undertakes his new responsibilities and assure him of our prayers and most sincere gratitude. On May 24, 2007 Fr. Veselko attended a Thanksgiving/Farewell Mass for bishop Harris, which was held in Sudbury at Christ The King Church. I could just imagine how difficult must have been for Scenery on the road to St. Joseph Island Fr. Veselko to say farewell to such a good friend. On June l5, 2007 bishop Harris was installed as a new bishop of the Diocese of St. John. Installation took place at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in the presence of the Most Rev. Luigi Ventura, Apostolic Nuncio in Canada. Being a Bishop for a Day Bishop Harris was scheduled to celebrate Confirmation this spring in various churches through Sault Ste. Marie, but because of his appointment as a bishop of St. John, New Brunswick, he was not available. Bishop Jean-Louis Plouffe authorized the pastors of churches involved to preside over the celebration of the above-mentioned Sacrament on the date already planned. St. Andrew Bobola and St. Joseph the Worker were holding their Confirmation on May l8, The Pastor of those two churches, Father Chris Niewinski invited Father Veselko to preside over their celebration. On May 11, 2007 bishop Plouffe delegated Ff. Veselko to celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation for both parishes, St. Andrew Bobola and St. Joseph The Worker. We were so proud of Fr. Veselko to be chosen to take a place of a bishop, if just for a day. It was a great honor for him and also for us, his parishioners. I had an opportunity to be at that Mass, on Friday May l8, To see the children so well prepared and organized, and to see them listen to Fr. Veselko's wellspoken and informative message, made me feel that there is hope for our youth OUR LADY OF THE HIGHWAYS N GOSPA PUTNIKA ST. JOSEPH ISLAND ST. BONIFACE CHURCH 466 Second Line East Sault Ste. Marie.ON P6B 4K1 C a n a d a Tel: Fax: Fr. Veselko Pastor and our church. Watching Fr. Veselko receiving each child with such a passion be sealed with the Holy I thought that no one could have done it better than him. Fr. Chris expressed the same thoughts, by the children and their parents. I am sure that Fr. Veselko will cherish this moment forever. St. Boniface St. Anthony Day On June l3, 2007 the church celebrated the feast of St. Anthony. Lately this day is celebrated by the bishop in Sault Ste. Marie at the chosen church and all the 31 Croatian Franciscan Herald listopad-prosinac October-December, 2007

32 - NOVE parishes gather together for the procession and holy Mass. Since St. Joseph Island is quite far from the Sault, it is difficult for people to attend this mass, so Fr. Veselko decided to celebrate this day at St. Boniface parish. To make this day even more special, Our Lady Of The Highways donated a statue of St. Anthony to their Sister Parish. When Fr. Veselko was Anthony would always feel at home here, and he will always look after the parishion- 60th Wedding Anniversary How many people could say today that they are celebrating 50th Wedding Anniversary - not too many, but to celebrate 60th Anniversary is rarely heard. There are two loyal parishioners of St. Boniface Church that could proudly say exactly that. EDMUND and RUBY NEL- SON celebrated their 60th Wedding Anniversary on September l5, They renewed their wows at St. Boniface Parish on September 2, 2007 with Fr. Veselko. Ed and Ruby were married at Precious Blood Cathedral on September l5, l947 by Father Peter Hussey. They have four children - two boys and two girls, six grandchildren and two step-grandchildren. They are very good parishioners from wellknown and prominent Nelson family. The union of two people usually is a very happy occasion, but for Ed and Ruby that happy occasion turned into tragedy. Ruby's two cousins' husbands were killed in the car accident on the night of their wedding; a terrible ending to their great day. During their 60 years together, I am sure that they went through many happy occasions as well as sad once, but with God's grace, they have endured. It is their never-ending love for God, a love for their children, and most of all the love and respect for each other that kept them together for 60 years. On behalf of all the parishioners and Father Veselko, we wish them God's blessing and many more anniversaries. Josephine Ravlich TROY SV. LUCIJA ST. LUCY 200 East Wattles Road Troy, MI Tel: Fax: stlucy@sbcglobal.net - Pastor N a osamnaesti studenoga imali otplatu crkvenog duga. Poslije imali smo banket i tihu aukciju. Prije objeda fra Jozo se pomolio s hranu i nas prisutne u lijepom zajed- Lucija Prepolec i njen sin John, koji su i ove godine kao i prethod- dali svoj za otplatu crkvenog du -ga. Gospodin Ivo Te- - svojim darovima napravili vrlo intere- banket je veoma uspio Silent Auction Tiha aukcija s obzirom na ekonomsku situaciju u - ljubi. Poslije banketa imali smo sastanak - - djelje, dvadest i petog studenoga, fra Croatian Franciscan Herald listopad-prosinac October-December,

33 PARISHES - CENTERS OF RENEWAL Honored by the presence of Lucille Prepolec and her son John Lucille Prepolec i njezina sina Johna - - pana s njima slaviti svetu mi- hrvatskih crkava. Rapidsu nije problem s vre- - cije. Devetog prosinca sa svojim subratom - djece nego u zadnja dva de- - igramo igre na hrvatskom jeziku. Gabrijela Konjevod O n the 18th of November, we had our annual banquet for the repayment of our parish debt. After the Mass, led had a banquet, attended by a big number of parishioners and guests. Before lunch, celebration in our parish hall. Fr. Jozo blessed the food and the people. Next Sunday, 25th of November, Fr. We were very honored by the presence of Jozo plans to visit again our fellow Croatians and parishioners in Grand Rapids. Lucille Prepolec and her son John, who gave their great donation this time as well, On December 9th, Father Jozo will go to as they did many times in the past, especially in the early stages when the Grand Rapids again with Fr. Ljubo from church was built. Mr. Ivo Tesija ran the silent auction in which were auctioned donations of the parishioners. Our banquet was a success, considering the economic situation in the country. Our parishioners showed that they are both true members of the church and patriots. After the banquet we had a very suc- the Croatian parish in Windsor to hear confessions there, so that our friends will be prepared for the celebration of Christmas. Fr. Jozo has also plans to visit them again on St. Christmas with them in Grand Rapids. Our fellow Croatians in Grand Rapids have no problems to come and visit us at St. Lucy from time to time. Croatian School We are back to the Croatian school. This year, more students have signed up in than the past two decades. We are learning the basic facts about Croatia, read in Croatian, and also play games in Croatian. Although, we are of different age groups, we get along well and there are always jokes, laughs, and fun. Gabrijela Konjevod 33 Croatian Franciscan Herald listopad-prosinac October-December, 2007

34 - NOVE WEST ALLIS SV. AUGUSTIN ST. AUGUSTINE 6762 West Rogers Street West Allis, WI Tel: Fax: Fr. Lawrence Frankovich, OFM Pastor O rdinarily the last week of September and the first week of October are days of transition from the warmth of summer to the cool breezes of autumn. However, this year in Wisconsin the warmth of summer lingered on into the early days of October with temperatures in the high eighties and even etching into the nineties. The usual autumn activities basked in the sun of summer. Oktoberfest was held on Saturday, September 29th. The parish center hall had the glow of a German town through Oktoberfest delicacies: Kitty Klein, Gerald & Dorine Jaczynski, Cheryl Lynn children: Hannah Phister & Ann Rebro decorations, music, attire, food and beverages. Children, teens and adults of all ages were drawn together. The next activity to be sponsored by our Language/ Multicultural Program will be Christmas in Croatia on December 15th. The church had a touch of autumn both exteriorly and interiorly. We began the two month long harvest/thanksgiving theme of worship. The recognition of the harvest of the land in October led to a growing crescendo of thanksgiving with its finale in late November. Transitus is an annual autumn ser- ered to remember the death of St. Francis of Assisi on Wednesday evening, October 3rd, we had an unusually large congregation of one hundred and thirty-one persons; seven friars, many sisters, Secular Franciscans, parishioners and friends. While it is coincidental that the Feast of Francis of Assisi falls in autumn since he died on October 3rd as the sun was setting, it is appropriate as we celebrate God harvesting an unusually good growth of holiness in Francis. His memory lingers in our hearts after 800 years, and he shines as a star in the presence of God. A social for all was prepared in our Heritage Hall beneath the church by our Secular Franciscans. The first Sunday in October is always observed as Respect Life Sunday and a Solemnization of the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi. The words of Francis as found Sharon Suter preparing our Respect-Life Garden in The life of Francis by St. Bonaventure, seemed to echo the Gospel of that Sunday unprofitable servants; we have done what hymns, prayers and homily focused on Francis as one who truly respected all humans and all creation. The barren trees and fields of early November bring to mind death. However, our Christian faith brings us face to face with the positive side of death. We celebrate the harvest festivals of All Saints on November 1st and The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed on November 2nd. God indeed gathers the grain and grapes of humanity into the Kingdom. As the bell tolled the names of the deceased of our parish during the past year were read aloud and a relative came forward to light a candle at the foot of the paschal candle in the sanctuary. The autumn season came to a close when we as Catholics joined with so many with the Feast of Thanksgiving. Croatian Franciscan Herald listopad-prosinac October-December,

35 PARISHES - CENTERS OF RENEWAL O - Topli dani ljeta prelaze u hladnije jesenske vjetrove. Ove godine, topli ljetni dani su se otezali do po- U sobotu, 29. rujna, imali smo Oktoberfest su ga priredili. To je grupa pljane i prijatelje. Jesenska tema je bila prepoznatljiva u crkvi i crkvenim obre- na zahvalnost koja pripada Bogu uvijek, a poogotovo u ovo doba godine Transitus se svake godine - - da ove godine, sto trideset i jedna osoba: sedam franje- - - Poslije tog dirljivog obreda, svi su se skupili u crkvenoj dvorani i nastavili slavlje uz okrijepu. Prva nedjelja u listopadu posve- Walter Baclawski lighting a candle in memory of wife, Valerie Anna Gasss putting finishing touches on our cornucopia Anna Gass pripravu izlaganja plodova zemlje u cornucopiji - rogu izobilja To je povezano s blagdanom sv. Franje sve prirode se imena preminulih i netko iz Jesen i liturgijska godina se za- Danom Zahvale. Na taj dan Bog podijelio kroz cijelu godinu. 35 Croatian Franciscan Herald listopad-prosinac October-December, 2007

36 - NOVE WINDSOR SV. FRANJO A ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI 1701 Turner Road Windsor, ON N8J 3J9 C a n a d a Tel: Fax: francisofassisi@cogeco.net Fr. Ljubo Branimir Lebo, OFM Pastor S. Matija S. Klara S. Slavica Radovi u crkvenom predvorju N - dvorja. Njihov dobrovoljni rad izraz je ljubavi prema ovoj zajednici. - mogli mirno spavati, projekt je uspio. Proslava sv. Franje - kovinu trodnevnicom koju je predvodio - lovali Kolumbovi vitezovi Nakon sv. mise slavlje je na- zvuke tamburice pod vodstvom Joea "LADO" iz Hamiltona. Lijepa steknu novo znanje hrvatskog jezika i Boga. Natjecanje u odbojci 19. listopada ugostila oko 400 mladih iz svih ka- vincije Ontario. Ovaj susret je bio prigoda za bolje Vrijedni majstori i radnici pripremaju sv. Franji novo mjesto upoznavanje i dijeljenje iskustava ra- djeluje kao kvasac u obitelji i narodu. Nakon sv. mise slijedilo je za- bojci. Susret mladih sa Sv. Ocem laska dvoje mladih na susret sa svetim Croatian Franciscan Herald listopad-prosinac October-December,

37 PARISHES - CENTERS OF RENEWAL - Kolo grupa Kolo grupa A. Stepinca i Tamburica Windsor proslavili su ove godine svoju tridesetu skupina. - Svi imaju svoje redovite probe na stupe tijekom plesne godine. Oni pripremaju Nikolinje Dan sv. Nikole kada svako dijete dobije dar od sv. Nikole i nastupi u programu. - Bl. Alojzija Stepinca. Kanadsko-hrvatski folklorni festival ner-u svibnju bilo kojeg kraja Domovine i ponosno Kolo grupa i Tamburica su upravo - vrijednost Hrvatske. Njihovo srce kuca za Hrvatsku iako su od nje daleko. Kolumbovi vitezovi Kolumbovih vitezova, Koncila Alojzija Stepinca 11774, su Vesele se svakom nastupu Na 27. rujna prisegu za vrijeme sv. mise s Kolor Gard. prisege radnoga odbora Kolumbovi vitezovi nu gdje su nastavili - Kolumbovi Vitezovi Kardinala Alojzija Stepinca sudjeluju u radu novcu ili radu, na vanjskim ili unutarnjim Nakon prisege za uspomenu 37 Croatian Franciscan Herald listopad-prosinac October-December, 2007

38 HRVATSKI INSTITUT - CROATIAN INSTITUTE 4851 S. Drexel Blvd. Chicago, IL Tel: Fax: croetljubo@aol.com Fra Ljubo Voditelj Director Dr. Don Hudspeth Dean, ACMI, Dubrovnik 17. IX Very impressive collection! I truly appreciate the efforts that are being rut into (and have already been rut into) this center. I am sure that the Croatian community in Northern America feel very proud. Keep up the great work! Dr. Don Hudspeth Dr. Andrea Carek Prof. dr. Ivan Krolo XI Klin. bolnica Sestre milosrdnice, Zagreb Danas sam sretan i ponosan. Hrvatski duh, Svi smo mi jedna obitelj XI Puno hvala na prekrasnom gostoprimstvu u hrvatskoj oazi u Dr. Goran Dr. Marotti Dr. Ivan Krolo Dr. Katarina - Dr. Stomatol., Zagreb - 5. VII Dr. Andreja Carek - Dr. Stomatol., Zagreb - 5. VII ljubav prema domovini koju sam zatekla ovdje ostavlja bez daha te Annie Laurie Shannon Redford Twp., MI IX The Tour of the Museum & Reference Library was astounding. I surely appreciate all the time you took with us to show us through this beautiful place. My prayer is that you will continue your mission & devotion to gathering the heritage of the Croatians. Marguerite Grizzi M. Ed., Special Educator -17. XI I will recommend this Institute to all my fellow educators. We are so grateful. Fra Ljubo provided an informative tour to myself and my school aged children. The Croatian Institute is an excellent example to all cultural historians of the necessity and mandate for collections, archives, artifacts and publications of national heritage and the people. resources demonstrated his love of his Marguerite, Guy, Julianna work, the documentation of Croatian heritage and the cultural diasporas. Thank you! Croatian Franciscan Herald listopad-prosinac October-December,

39 IN MEMORIAM G - - forniju da se odmorim i nekoliko bnom gradu Pasadena. Taj dio Amerike je bez go- - vaju smokve, kostile i vu vrtu ima u izobilju tinjstvu i mladosti za ljetnih mjeseci brao u rodnoj Hercegovini. Uz odmor, slavlja i vljao sam i posebnu misiju. Svakog Badnjeg dana odlazio sam na groblje Kalvariju da se pomolim na grobu strica Ludviga koji me je svojom tim uzvisinama toga groblja u lesa, opkoljen divnim prirodnim Pacifika (Tihog Oceana). koji iscrpljeni radom i slomljeni nak u ovoj gostoljubivoj zemlji. Uz njih se nalaze i grobovi se- tragu za izgubljenima na te- bodarskih nazora i stoga je u mladim godinama ostavio zemlju pradjedova i otputovao u daleku Ameriku u potra- dna domovina bila je nje hrvatskih povijesni grb te narod dr- sile. Tada je svaki Hrvat bez sudbenog procesa. To je bila posljedica zloglasnog Vidovdanskog ustava koji je kraljevski Beograd izmislio i sro- ta i drugih nesprskih naroda u - Stric je nakon toga napustio Domovinu i iz Trsta brodom otputovao u Panamu u Centralnoj Americi. Tako je zauvijek njar i nastanio se u tropskim predjelima te zemlje. poslenosti. Stoga je nakon tro- tu Petru Ilijinu ocu u Kaliforniju i nastanio se kod njega i njegove obitelji u Los Angelesu. - - rodnoj Vitini. Bio je pravi gorostas tijela i srca koje je kapalo dobrotom i Stalno je u srcu nosio ljubav - boravka u rodnom selu ponovno je otputovao u zemlju svojih To je bio posljednji susret do- - - Umro je na poslu od unu- ponu tjelesne snage u 38. go- Grob mu se nalazi na 296. grobljanskoj odrednici, nadomak velikoj cestovnoj promet- - - nosi natpis: Ludvig Majich gove zemne ostatke koji su 39 Croatian Franciscan Herald listopad-prosinac October-December, 2007

40 IN MEMORIAM se iznad njegova posljednjeg - Nad tim jednostavnim grobom usrdno sam se molio na Badnji dan kroz dvadeset osam godina, na nj polagao bukete - modro kalifornijsko nebo koje prati ljudske dolaske i odlaske u ovim jednostavnim grobom s From the Offical Parish Website smrti onostrana stvarnost na vjerovanje? Ovdje zastajem, prebirem misli o nedostupnim Ali nada u vjeri nikada ne umire. I nakon posljednjeg susreta (2006.) zemnika i podzemnika na groblju Kalvarija s tu- - - se natpisa na ulazu u rimsko groblje (Campo Santo) gdje Chicago, 6. rujna Preuzeto sa Web-stranice ureda u Silvia Janine Rusneac iz Rumunjske diplomirala je rimo- ju. Od god. organizira ho- Zovem se Silvia Janine Rusneac, dolazim iz grada Oradea na zapadu Rumunjske. Moji su roditelji katolici - majka je rimokatolkinja a otac grkokatolik - ali sam ja u vrijeme komunizma bila kr- crkvu. Majka se samo povremeno odlazila pomoliti Vjerovala sam da postoji, ali za mene je on bio na trpljenjem, pa sam morala prekinuti. U to vrijeme imala sam velikih problema i htjela sam umrijeti. Silvia Janine Rusneac Roman Catholic and Greek Catholic Theology. Since 1994, she has been organising pilgrimages to Medjugorje. This is her testimony: My name is Silvia Janine Rusneac from Oradea, a city in the west of Romania. My parents were both Catholics - my mother was a Roman Catholic and my father was a Greek Catholic - but during the communist regime, I was baptized in the Orthodox Church, so I was the only Orthodox Christian in the family! My parents were not fully practicing Catholics. My mother only went occasionally to the church to pray to St. Anthony. I myself knew almost nothing about God. I believed that God exists, but for me, he was in His heaven above while I was here on earth. I was not a practicing the Our Father. For two years I studied medicine, quit. At that time, I had huge problems in my life, and I wanted to Croatian Franciscan Herald listopad-prosinac October-December,

41 U to vrijeme, bilo je to 1990., kupovala sam mnoge novine i - zemlji Kraljica mira dala mi je svoj mir konzervi. Nisam imala novaca, nisam imala hrane, ali me to nije se nisam morala uspinjati na Mount Everest! Bilo je to javno dubok mir. Bio je u meni! Nisam se mogla boriti protiv tog mira sam da mi je Kraljica mira dala svoj mir. believe that I really would have taken my life. At that time, even if NO. I was really suffering very deeply. This is what led me to Med- I did not know that Our Lady could possibly appear on earth At that time, back in the year 1990, I bought a lot of newspapers, and that is how I heard about the apparitions of Our Lady for the first time. I read an article about a variety of apparitions in various parts of the world, and I remember kneeling down and saying: then about apparitions. I certainly did not know that it was possible for Our Lady to appear on earth. When I was a little child, my Greek Catholic grandmother taught me to pray the Our Father. She transmitted to me an awareness that God is powerful, and that He is good. And so, during the phase of my greatest suffering, I remembered the God of my child- held me by the hand. I really only understood this many years later. From that very moment, my whole life was directed towards urged the whole family to pray for me, because she was afraid that I was going to die. As my weight was only 43 kg, we all began going to the Catholic Church. We all started to pray. I then began to study theology because I wanted to learn more about God. In the particular church I had begun to frequent, I met a young man who had some contact with Medjugorje. He knew a priest in Budapest, in Hungary, who organized pilgrimages. He promised to contact him on my behalf. That was in I remem- the very top of the Himalayas, I would go there, walking if necessary, and I would climb the mountain to meet you and to talk to physically! Among all the places of pilgrimage mentioned in the newspapers, I chose to go to Medjugorje because it was closest to farther away! The Queen of Peace gave me her peace In the meantime, contact with the priest in Budapest was established, and twelve of us came to Medjugorje. All that I had to eat during those six days in Medjugorje were five meat pies. I had neither money nor food, yet I did not care! I was with Our Lady, in Medjugorje! I cannot tell you how much it meant to me! I believed that this would be my first, my last and my only visit to Medjugorje. I tried to remember every last detail. I was quite sure that there As our group leader spoke only Hungarian, I did not under- Lady of Medjugorje was the Queen of Peace. The first apparition I attended was on Cross Mountain, which meant that I did not have to climb Mount Everest after all! It was a public apparition. During that apparition, I tried to talk to Our Lady, to tell her my pain, my Something very powerful, a great peace, came over me. It was even within me! I could not resist the peace that overcame me. It was more powerful than my pain or my pride. Since then, I have never suffered as I did before. My suffering used to be destructive. It was killing me. From that day on, although suffering continued in my life, it was no longer destructive. It was a suffering that I could endure with the grace of God. Many years later, I understood that the Queen of Peace had given me her peace. 41 Croatian Franciscan Herald listopad-prosinac October-December, 2007

42 - Ohrabrivao me neka odlazim Gospi. Jednog dana, ljeti 1994., dok sam hodala ulicom u Ru- reakcija bila je: Ne, ne, to ne bi bilo ozbiljno! Ta mi se misao ipak stalno vrtjela po glavi, pa sam o tome porazgovarala sa svojim du- me uzme besplatno, a onda - - zamoliti fra Slavka za jateljicom prevoditeljicom auto- - Zamolile smo ga da nas stavi na svoj popis i onda smo pismeni poziv od fra Slavka za prvu skupinu Rumunja. Htjela sam s drugima podijeliti okus neba do 18 godina starosti. Ta djeca nisu bila navikla na molitvu, nisu znala moliti. Sve sam im napisala na papir, ali nisu htjeli moliti. Sve Domus Pacis, besplatno. Fra Slavko se za sve pobrinuo. Razni su pelici. - - organizing pilgrimages. I came solely for my own benefit. I came with Hungarians, because there was nobody in Romania to bring to be a pilgrim, not a leader! I had a very good spiritual director, a holy man who helped me a lot with his advice. He encouraged me to go to Our Lady. During the summer of 1994, I was walking along a street in Romania, when suddenly, without thinking about anything in par- ages to Medjugorje? My spontaneous reaction was: No, no, this is not realistic! But the thought remained in my mind, and I spoke I would have to go to Budapest and ask the Hungarian priest to take me to Medjugorje free of charge. Then - in Medjugorje I without hesitation, together with a friend-interpreter, we went hitchhiking to Budapest to visit the priest who was organizing pilgrimages to Medjugorje. We asked him to put our names on his list, very precise goal, which was to get an invitation from Father Slavko to bring the first group of Romanians. In Medjugorje, when I saw Father Slavko, I asked him to give he would consider me too young to organize pilgrimages. I was 28 years of age then, and in my fourth year of Theology. Father Slavko was very friendly, and he helped me a lot. He advised me what to do with the pilgrims. I got the invitation, and when I brought the first group, he organized free lodging for us. He did the same for the second and third pilgrimages. He helped us a lot! He introduced me to everything that was happening in Medjugorje. I will knew how to tell us what NOT to do in Medjugorje! I wanted others to share the taste of heaven that I myself had experienced I continued to organize pilgrimages until they totaled 1,000 pilgrims, spread over more than 18 pilgrimages, but then I stopped counting. I remember one special pilgrimage, the most beautiful pilgrimage of them all. I brought 28 orphans from Romania ranging in age from 14 to 18 years. These children were not used to prayer, nor did they know any prayers. I wrote everything down for them, but they did not want to pray. They refused point blank. We had a priest with us who was used to working with children, so we did not force them. In Medjugorje, we stayed in Domus Pacis, free of charge. Father Slavko took care of everything. Different people In the bus, on our homeward journey, they competed with each other to see who would pray the most! I remember another trip: I had to take care of seven busloads of pilgrims! When I look back I am amazed that I even dared to do such a thing on my own, involving 350 people, in addition to all the Croatian Franciscan Herald listopad-prosinac October-December,

43 sam htjela podijeliti sa svim svojim prijateljima, a onda i s drugim - fra Slavku koji mi je puno pomogao kad sam bila dosta izgubljena. zimati, izbjegavati duhovni turizam, izbjegavati stvari koje nemaju - munjskoj. Mislim da me Bog na to pripremao od djetinjstva. Majka grkokatolici, rimokatolici i pravoslavni su sjedinjeni U Rumunjskoj imamo grkokatolike, rimokatolike i pravoslavne - - munjskoj: grkokatolike, rimokatolike i pravoslavne. Svi smo mi Go- grkokatolici, rimokatolici i pravoslavni su sjedinjeni! translating! But later I got a helper, a theology student, who is now a priest. Once, an orthodox priest came with us and Father Slavko arranged for him to celebrate the orthodox liturgy in the Adoration Chapel. Another year, at the end of the Youth Festival, we spent the night on Cross Mountain. I remember an Irish guy playing his gui- the love of God, the hope that He gives, His beauty, His lasting joy! I understood that I wanted to share with all my friends, and then with other Romanians, the taste of heaven that I myself had experienced in Medjugorje. Medjugorje is the greatest gift of my life. I lack the words to explain it satisfactorily. It takes a lot of courage and a bit of self Lady, and also to Father Slavko, for all the help I received at a time when I was quite lost. Fr. Slavko really was a holy man. He said we must keep Medjugorje authentic, neither adding to it nor taking away anything. We should avoid spiritual tourism. We should avoid spreading things that have nothing to do with Medjugorje, or that could lead to confusion, because the pilgrims could lose sight of the essentials. This is what Father Slavko told me, and I think it is very important to keep it in mind. God gives us a lot; he is training and preparing us One thought springs to my mind: When a person says YES to God great things can happen. This YES becomes a great tree... I now disseminated in Romania. I think that God was preparing me for this since my childhood. My mother is French, born in Paris, so my first language was French. In school I studied English. At Uni- prepares us. The only thing we have to do is to say YES. Sometimes I think: what would have happened if I had not said YES at that time? Maybe somebody else would have organized pilgrim- In the Medjugorje prayer groups in Romania, the Greek Catholics, the Roman Catholics and the Orthodox are united In Romania, we have Greek Catholics, Roman Catholics and Orthodox Christians. The Roman Catholic Vicar General from Oradea came to Medjugorje and saw for himself. Some Catholic bishops are really in favor of Medjugorje. Many Orthodox Christians also come to Medjugorje because they have a great love for Church, but rather for Our Lady. When they come to Medjugorje, I try to explain things that they did not know. Adoration is something very special in Medjugorje. Orthodox Christians love it. They say that it feels like being in Heaven. Nowhere else can you find anything similar. We do not want anyone to change their religion. That would cause enormous difficulties in our situation in Romania, a situation which is already very complex, but everybody can come In Romania, we try to do something along the lines of the Medjugorje Evening Prayer program. Our Lady is inclusively healing the whole Church in Romania, including the Greek Catholics, children. In the Romanian Medjugorje Prayer Groups, all of these Churches are united! 43 Croatian Franciscan Herald listopad-prosinac October-December, 2007

44 ADRESAR Hrvatske i misije u SAD Croatian Catholic Parishes & Missions in USA ASTORIA, New York HK misija Bl. Ivana Merza Most Precious Blood Church th Street L.I.C Astoria, NY Tel: Fax: Rev. Ellis Tommaseo voditelj misije CLEVELAND, Ohio Hrvatska sv. Nikole 3431 Superior Avenue East Cleveland, OH Tel: Fax: fmhsjbcc@aol.com Rev. Michael J. Huszti LOS ANGELES, California HK sv. Ante 712 North Grand Avenue Los Angeles, CA Tel: Fax: croatsvantela@sbcglobal.net Rev. Dr. Mate Bi, Rev. Vlatko,. vikar Msgr. Dr. umirovljeni SAN JOSE, California HK Uznesenja BDM Assumption of the BVM 901 Lincoln Avenue San Jose, CA Tel: Fax: fratar@pacbell.net Fra Dujo Boban, OFM, Fra Ante, OFM,. vikar CHICAGO, Illinois HK misija Bl. A. Stepinca 6346 N. Ridge Avenue Chicago, IL Tel: Fax: bastepinac@sbcglobal.net Fra Ivica, OFM voditelj misije FAIRVIEW, New Jersey HK misija 239 Anderson Avenue Fairview, NJ Tel: Fax: Rev. Giordano Belanich voditelj misije MILLVALE, Pennsylvania HK sv. Nikole 24 Maryland Avenue Millvale, PA Tel: Fax: Fr. Lawrence Smith (Sv. Misu na hrvatskom slavi fra Gabriel Badurina, TOR) ST. LOUIS, Missouri HK sv. Josipa St. Joseph Croatian Church 2112 South 12th Street St. Louis, MO Tel. & Fax: sjchurch@netzero.net Fra Josip, OFM -Pastor CHICAGO, Illinois HK sv. Jeronima St. Jerome Croatian Church Cardinal Stepinac Way 2823 S. Princeton Avenue Chicago, IL Tel: Fax: grbes@aol.com Fra Jozo, OFM, Fra Ivan, OFM,.v. GARY, Indiana upa sv. Josipa Radnika 330 East 45th Avenue Gary, IN Tel: Fax: sloncar@aiogrp.net Fra Stjepna, OFM Conv. -Pastor MILWAUKEE, Wisconsin HK Srca Isusova Sacred Heart Croat. Church 917 North 49th Street Milwaukee, WI Tel: Fax: shcc@execpc.com Fra Paul Maslach, OFM Pastor TROY, Michigan HK sv. Lucije St. Lucy Croatian Church 200 East Wattles Road Troy, MI Tel: Fax: stlucy@sbcglobal.net Fra Jozo, OFM Pastor CHICAGO, Illinois HK Srca Isusova Sacred Heart Croatian Church 2864 East 96th Street Chicago, IL Tel: Fax: Fra Stephen Bedenikovi, OFM Fra Ante Bekavac, OFM, CLEVELAND, Ohio upa Sv. Pavla 1369 East 40th Street Cleveland, OH Tel: Fax: stpaulcroatianchurch@adelphia.net Rev. Mirko Hladni, Rev. Zvonko vikar LACKAWANA, New York HK Majke Our Lady of Bistrica 1619 Abbott Road Lackawanna, NY Tel: Fax: gcoric45@adelphia.net Fra Kristofor, OFM Conv. Pastor Sestre Milosrdnice sv. Vinka Paulskog 171 Knox Avenue West Senceca, NY Tel: S. Stela pastoralna suradnica NEW YORK, New York HK sv. i Metoda Ss. Cyril & Methodius Cardinal Stepinac Place 502 West 41st Street New York, NY Tel: Fax: crkva.nyc@verizon.net Fra Nikola Pa, OFM, Fra Stipe, OFM,. vikar sestre franjevke Krista Kralja 502 West 41st Street New York, NY Tel: S. Marina S. Anica S. Izabela pastoralne suradnice WASHINGTON, D.C. HK misija sv. St. Blaise Croatian Catholic Mision 4835 McArthur Blvd. N.W. Washington, D.C Tel: Fax: Rev. Ivan, S.D.B. voditelj misije WEST ALLIS, Wisconsin HK sv. Augustina St. Augustine Parish 6762 West Rogers Street West Allis, WI Tel: Fax: staugwa@execpc.com Fr. Lawrence Frankovich, OFM Pastor Croatian Franciscan Herald listopad-prosinac October-December,

45 DIRECTORY kustodija Svete Obitelji Croatian Franciscan Custody of the Holy Family 4851 S. Drexel Boulevard Chicago, IL Tel: Fax: kustos Ostale ustanove i u SAD Other Institutiones & Centers in USA HRVATSKI INSTITUT CROATIAN ETHNIC INSTITUTE 4851 S. Drexel Blvd., Chicago, IL Tel: Fax: croetljubo@aol.com Fra Ljubo, OFM voditelj Association For Croatian Studies Udruga za hrvatske studije Wildwood Avenue Lansing, IL Tel/Fax: Dr. Ante, predsjednik Croatian Academy of America Hrvatska akademija Amerike P.O. Box 1767 Grand Central Station New York, NY Tel: croatacad@aol.com Vedran Nazor, predsjednik Croatian American Association Hrvatsko- udruga 2020 PA Avenue NW P.O. Box 287 Washingotn, D.C Tel: Fax: Croatian-American Cultural Center Hrvatsko- kulturni centar 3730 Auburn Boulevard P.O. Box Sacramento, CA Tel: Croatian Cultural Center Hrvatski kulturni centar 2845 W. Devon Avenue Chicago, IL Tel: Fax: hkcenter@sbcglobal.net Croatian Fraternal Union Hrvatska bratska zajednica 100 Delaney Drive Pittsburgh, PA Tel: Fax: cfufa@usaor.net Bernard Luketi Nacionalni Predsjednik Sestre ljubavi Daughters of Divine Charity 39 North Portage Path Akron, OH Tel: Hrvatski nacionalni dom Kardinal Stepinac Croatian National Home Cardinal Stepinac Lake Shore Boulevard East Lake, OH Tel: Fax: Croatian Woman, Branch #1 Hrvatska, grana # N. Janssen Avenue Chicago, IL Tel: Fax: Nevanka, predsjednica Croatian National Association C. N. Foundation Hrvatska narodna udruga Hrvatska narodna zaklada P.O. Box 6591 Woodland Hills, CA Tel: Fax Milan, predsjednik National Federation of Croatian Americans Nacionalna federacija Hrvata 1329 Connecticut Ave, NW Washington, D.C Tel: Fax: nfcahdq@aol.com Croatian Schools of America and Canada Hrvatske Amerike i Kanade 4851 S. Drexel Blvd. Chicago, IL Tel: Fax: croetljubo@aol.com Fra Ljubo, OFM voditelj CROATIAN CHRONICLE - HRVATSKA KRONIKA An Independent Croatian-American Newspaper. Published by NY Media Link P.O. Box 3531, Astoria, NY 11103, Tel: , Fax: , info@croatianchronicle.com Exec. Director: Sanja, sfbogovic@croatianchronicle.com; Editor-in-chief:, vmiocic@croatiancronicle.com Hrvatske i misije u Kanadi Croatian Catholic Parishes & Missions in Kanada CALGARY, Alberta HK Majke Deer Ridge Drive, SE Calgary, Alberta T2J 5Y4 Tel: Fax: dominvladic@shaw.ca Rev. Domin, EDMONTON, Alberta HK Male Gospe th Street Edmonton, Alberta T5H 2N4 Tel/Fax: croatch@telus.net Rev. Franjo, HAMILTON, Ontario HK sv. Holy Cross Croatian Church 1883 King Street East Hamilton, ON L8K 1V9 Tel: Fax: holy.cross.hr@sympatico.ca Rev. Marijan Mih, KITCHENER, Ontario HK Sv. Obitelji Holy Family Croatian Church 180 Schweitzer Street Kitchener, ON N2K 2R5 Tel: Fax: Fra Miro 45 Croatian Franciscan Herald listopad-prosinac October-December, 2007

46 ADRESAR LONDON, Ontario HK Sv. Leopolda 2889 Westminster Dr. London, ON N6N 1L7 Tel: Fax: Fra Zvonimir, OFM OAKVILLE, Ontario HK Presvetog Trojstva 2110 Trafalgar Road Oakville, ON L6H 7H2 Tel: Fax: Rev. Ilija, Mons. Ivan,. Vikar sestara milosrdnica sv. Vinka Paulskog 2124 Trafalgar Road Oakville, ON L6H 7H2 Pastoralne suradnice: S. Smiljana Delonga, S. Bernadette Copak MISSISSAUGA, Ontario HK Hrvatskih 4605 Mississauga Rd. P.O. Box 664 Streetsville, ON L5M 2C2 Tel: Fax: Rev. Ivica Reparinac, Malog Isusa 1776 Thorny Brae Place P.O. Box 664 Streetsville, ON L5M 2C2 pastoralne suradnice: S. Ines S. Nevena OTTAWA, Ontario HK Sv. Leopolda 67 Lyndale Avenue Ottawa, ON K1Y 2M7 Tel: Fax: Rev. Adam Tabak, MONTREAL, Quebec HK misija Sv. Nikole 4990 Place de la Savane Montreal, Quebec H4P 1Z6 Tel: Fax: Fra Jozo, OFM Hrvatske sestre dominikanke 361 Rue Moore Sherbrooke, Quebec J1H 1C1 Tel: S. Ivana, S. Mirka, pastoralne suradnice SAUL STE MARIE, Ontario HK Majke putnika 466 Second Line East Sault Ste Marie, ON P6B 4K1 Tel: Fax: Fra Veselko, OFM NORVAL, Ontario Hrvatsko Kraljice Mira 9118 Winston Churchill Blvd. Norval, ON L0P 1K0 Tel: Fax: Fra Stjepan, OFM Fra Vinko Bebek, OFM vikar sestre franjevke Krista Kralja 9118 Winston Churchill Blvd. Norval, ON L0P 1K0 Tel: pastoralne suradnice: S. Daniela, S. Ljudevita Boras, S. Marcela Primorac SUDBURY, Ontario HK Svetog Marka 140 Alder Street Sudbury, ON P3C 4J8 Tel: Fax: Fra Ilija, OFM TORONTO, Ontario HK Gospa Kraljica Hrvata 7 Croatia Street Toronto, ON M6H 1K8 Tel: Fax: croatch@telus.net www3.sympactico.ca/ queen.croatia.toronto Rev. Ivan Novak, VANCOUVER, B. Columbia HK Srca Marijina 3105 E. First Avenue Vancouver, B.C. V5M 1B6 Tel: Fax: heartofmary@shaw.ca Fra Pavao Norac Kevo, OFM, Fra Dalibor, OFM, vikar Sestre franjevke 3105 E. First Avenue Vancouver, B.C. V5M 1B6 Tel: Pastoralne suradnice: S. Albina, S. Benicija, S. Alojzija VICTORIA, B. Columbia HK Sv. Leopolda 4081 Gordon Head Road Victoria, B.C. V8N 3X7 Tel: Cell Phone: oruj_1@yahoo.de Fra Juro, OFM WELLAND, Ontario HK sv. Ante 360 River Road Welland, ON L3B 2S4 Tel: Fax: Fra Alojzije, OFM Conv. WINDSOR, Ontario HK Sv. Franje 1701 Turner Road Windsor, ON N8V 3J9 Tel: Fax: francisofassisi@cogeco.net Fra Ljubo Branimir Lebo, OFM Sestre franjevke od 1701 Turner Road Windsor, ON N8V 3J9 Tel: pastoralne suradnice S. Klara S. S. Matija Croatian Franciscan Herald listopad-prosinac October-December,

47 DIRECTORY Hrvatski konzulati i veleposlanstva u SAD i Kanadi Croatian Embassies and Consulates in USA and Canada WASHINGTON, D. C. SAD Veleposlanstvo Republike Hrvatske Embassy of the Republic of Croatia 2343 Massachusetts Ave. N.W. Washington, D. C Tel: Fax: public@croatiaemb.org NEW YORK, New York SAD Generalni konzulat Republike Hrvatske Consulate General of the Republic of Croatia 369 Lexington Avenue New York, NY Tel: Fax: croatian.consulate@verizon.net CHICAGO, Illinois SAD Generalni konzulat Republike Hrvatske Consulate General of the Republic of Croatia 737 N. Michigan Avenue Suite 1030 Chicago, IL Tel: Fax: crochicago@sbcglobal.net LOS ANGELES, California SAD Generalni konzulat Republike Hrvatske Consulate General of the Republic of Croatia Wilshire Bld. Suite 1250 Los Angeles, CA Tel: 310/477/1009 Fax: 310/477/1866 croconla@aol.com NEW ORLEANS, Louisiana SAD Konzulat Republike Hrvatske Consulate of the Republic of Croatia 321 St. Charles Ave. 10th Floor New Orleans, LA Tel: , ext. 316 Fax: PITTSBURGH, Pennsylvania, SAD Konzulat Republike Hrvatske Consulate of the Republic of Croatia 100 Delaney Drive Pittsburgh, PA Tel: Fax: cfuofa@usaor.net KANSAS CITY, Kansas SAD Kozulat Republike Hrvatske Consulate of the Republic of Croatia 408 N. 5th Street Kansas City, Kansas Tel: Fax: SEATTLE, Washington SAD Konzulat Republike Hrvatske Consulate of the Republic of Croatia 7547 S. Laurel Street Seattle, WA Tel: Fax: fwbroz@comcast.net NEW YORK, New York SAD OTTAWA, Ontario Kanada MISSISSAUGA, Ontario Kanada Stalna misija RH pri UN Permanent Mission of Croatia to the UN 820 Second Ave. 19th Floor New York, NY Tel: Fax: cromiss.un@mpvp.hr Veleposlanstvo Republike Hrvatske Embassy of the Republic of Croatia 229 Chapel Street Ottawa, ON K1N 7Y6 Tel: Fax: croatia.emb@bellnet.ca Generalani konzulat Republike Hrvatske Consulate General of the Republic of Croatia 918 Dundas Street East Suite 302 Mississauga, ON L4Y 2B8 Tel: Fax: croconmiss@sprint.ca Hrvatske biskupske konferencije i Biskupske konferencije BiH za hrvatskih iseljenika Mons. dr. biskup i predsjednik Liechtensteinov put 22 HR DUBROVNIK Croatia Europe tel. stan: , tel. ured: zelimir.puljic@hbk.hr web adresa: Rev. Ante ravnatelj za Hrvate u inozemstvu Kaptol 1 HR Zagreb Croatia-Europe Tel: Fax: hip1@zg.t-com.hr 47 Croatian Franciscan Herald listopad-prosinac October-December, 2007


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