gratitude Hilde Larsen & GRACE Namaste,

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2 gratitude & GRACE I have put together a collection of notes and short writings that I hope will inspire and empower you. I am so honored that you are a part of my tribe, and that you are willing to share your energy with me. This is for you to enjoy and share. During my darkest times, as a very sick woman, I dreamt of this day. A day where I could see what I knew to be true manifest. To walk from Hellville to Wellville and to trust in God and the amazing nature that we are all a part of, is what has given me the grace and joy for the life that I have today. There is a series of 5 books in the making, and my true and full story will be what is coming next. I am blessed to be able to look back and share what I have found, and what has inspired me the most to claim my health and life. To really feel the Goddess within myself, and to connect with my earthly family, is inspiring me to keep creating. Life is ever expanding, and creation is calling all of us. Thank you for being here, and I wish you to thrive and grow free. I wish you to live in joy and good health, and to feel that you are connected with all that is. Namaste, Hilde Larsen 1


4 the amazing YOU WHEN YOU FEEL THE ENTHUSIASM, THE EAGERNESS AND THE INSPIRATION, STOP, AND LISTEN. This is your zone, this is where your calling is. When we are in alignment with our true calling, our passion, what we love, life becomes fluid, and every cell in the body is dancing. That is the dance worth dancing, and there is music played, if you listen. Let your heart guide you, and your feet lead you, and do not be afraid to follow that tune. Don t wait until tomorrow, there is only today. Do not skip a single beat, as this life is happening right NOW. This is the time to let all fears and hurts go, and let yourself express all that you are. YOU are the amazing artist, the empowered lead performer in YOUR life. When your heart sings, listen to the music and dance! KNOW THAT YOU HAVE THE POWER TO STEP UP TO YOUR FULL POTENTIAL! Use life as your motivation, and let your future inspire you. Change takes action, and action takes motivation. Motivation takes inspiration, and inspiration comes from your inner desire to live and thrive. To find your inner desire, find stillness. From stillness, you can listen. From letting your mind rest, your true inspiration can shine through. Stop what is not serving you, and do more of what is. Life is full of potentials, and you are the most powerful being in your life! YOU are the seeker of yours! 3

5 WHAT S YOUR PASSION? Even though it might not always feel that way, you hold the power to change where you are going. It is ok, to not feel happy and inspired all the time. The most important thing is to not make that your story. The story you tell about your life is the story you keep living. Don t look back unless you are going that way. Your story is the things that you tell yourself and others every day. Sometimes it is even an old story, so old it might not even be as true as you remember it to be. Holding on to old stories can be comforting, even though they might be hurtful. The words you use are the crayons, and every day you are given a blank piece of paper to draw and write on. Letting go of the story is like setting free what has been holding you back. Often what is holding us back from achieving our goals is the way we define ourselves through our past experiences. Sometimes there is forgiveness that has to be done to let go of the old, and sometimes there is patterns that needs to be addressed. Whatever it is that keeps you chained to a story that is not in align with the future you would like, it is time to let it go. When we speak to and about others we are blessing or cursing, and the same thing goes for speaking about and to ourselves. Being aware of this, can help us to reshape our reality. With some work and dedication, it is possible to rewrite the story that does not serve the future. BE INSPIRED TO CREATE WITH ALL THE BEAUTIFUL COLOURS OF THE RAINBOW! Speak words that lift and inspire, be true to yourself, forgive all, and know that you hold the power! Let go, and let flow, and be inspired to create! 4

6 FOCUS ON WHAT MATTERS THE MOST! Spend time with people who love you and that will lift your spirit. Spend time with those who makes you feel good, who makes you laugh and who want you to do better. Focus on what you like, what you enjoy, and what makes you smile every day. Focus on what is true to you. Let go of anything that is holding you back, and set yourself free. Walk lightly, and live freely. Allow yourself to be grateful, and to receive love. Give yourself permission to do be free, to be happy and whole. Find support and spend your time with those that lift your spirit. Power up on what matters to YOU! WHAT ARE YOU PASSIONATE ABOUT? Is there anything that fuels your energy, that calls you and makes you feel free and happy? When passion hits you, you feel you belong, and that life has a purpose. Passion is an expression of the soul, a recognition of home. When we are passionate about something, about anything, everything else fades. We are in the flow, in the zone, time flies by, and we feel a peace. Passion is the train that will take us places, if we let it. It is the fuel that feeds our soul, and what makes the ride seem effortless. Do more of what you are passionate about, and watch it take you places, make you evolve and serve. Watch it grow, and fuel your life. Watch how everything changes, when life becomes a journey fueled by passion and purpose. Power up and Grow FREE! 5

7 LIFE IS NEVER SOMETHING THAT NEEDS FIXING. IT IS A JOURNEY OF EXPERIENCES. Every experience holds value, and even when it might not seem that way, life is showing you something of great value. We tend to use our minds to set the standard of what we want to see in our life. Feeling good is something we associate with certain outside events, external created events. Although our conditioning has made us believe that is how it is, we can break free from that belief. Feelings are not us, and we can choose, through practice and letting go, to change that. Feeling good is a choice, and our life is created one thought, one belief, one feeling, and one bite of food, at the time, and the direction can be changed at any given moment. This too shall pass Osho Wherever you are, at this moment, change will come, and YOU are the key to creating your Universe, your reality. Never giving up, means to never stop valuing the amazing gift that life itself is. The endless potentials, the power that we all hold within, and the knowing that this too shall pass. If you re going through hell, keep going. - Winston Churchill As long as your path is that of your heart, it will always be the right one. The journey is yours alone, and only you are the one doing the walking. power up and value every step. 6

8 it is natural TO BE HEALTHY THERE IS NO MAGIC BULLET TO GREAT HEALTH. There is no quick fix, no pill or supplement. There is no product of any kind that will restore health in an unbalanced, diseased body. ONLY the body can do any healing, any balancing and any regeneration. Every one of us are responsible for our own lives, including our health. We are responsible for how we feel, and how we look at the world. Responsibility means there is no one to blame, and no one to put in charge. Being in charge of your own health, does not mean you do not get help and guidance. It does not mean you do not listen to others, and it does not mean that you never receive treatments or care. What it means is that it is YOU that has to love yourself the most, and it is you that is the one making the choices. Taking responsibility for our health also means that what we eat, think, and do, must be a conscious choice; knowing that there is cause and effect. If you are not feeling the way you want to feel, know that it can change at any minute. Ever minute of the day holds the potential for change, and every little change holds a miracle on its path. Only YOU can change the way you are heading, and only YOU know how you feel. The word is out, we are awakening, and the truth is simple. When we let go of what is holding us back, magic happens. The old myths that dairy is good for us, that we need to eat animal flesh for protein, and that fruit has too much sugars, is falling apart. We have been led on a destructive degenerative path, that we now see unfolding. We are sick and tired, and sick and tired of being sick and tired. It is time to rise and thrive! Look to nature, get back to the basics, trust in your own body and its ability to heal. Eat fresh living organic foods, like you were meant to eat. You are so worth it, we all are! Power up and take charge of YOU! 7

9 THERE ARE TWO SIDES TO CHEMISTRY, ACID AND ALKALINE The acid side is corrosive, degenerative, dehydrating and disease creating. Choose the alkaline side for health, vitality, hydration, cell-regeneration and a pain free body. Be grateful for this knowledge and choice. Get inspired to let your body, mind, emotions and spirit heal. Love the power that you hold within. When acids win, you lose! Know that you are amazing, and that there always is a way to get to where you want to go. Love where you are right now, embrace change and let everything flow towards you. YOU are so worth it! YOU are amazing! HEALING IS A SIMPLE PHILOSOPHY You get rid of what you want to get rid of, by undoing what you did to create it. When you want something to change, change something. To keep doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different outcome is insanity. - Albert Einstein. So, when we are burning up from acids, getting symptoms like rashes, autoimmune, asthma, MS, ME, diabetes, tumors etc., do we want to keep putting acids in our bodies? You know what I am talking about. This is real stuff, this is LIFE! So, rock it, power up and change what you need to change to get there! 8

10 COLOURFUL, DELICIOUS, AND HEALTH PROMOTING FRUIT Eat the colour, the juiciness, the fibre, the nutrition, the vibration, the hydration and the healing power of plain God given fruits! Be on the winning team, and fuel your body with food designed for man. Be gentle with yourself, and say yes to the juices of life. Be aware, and make better choices for your family. Know that real food is health promoting. Know that your health is in your hands. Know that you always have a choice to be the best that you can be. Feel the joy of eating organic clean living foods. Feel the compassion from embracing nature. Feel inspired from letting go of what is not serving you. Fruits are packed with vitamins, micronutrients and minerals. Fruits are hydrating to every cell. Fruits are filled with fibre. Fruits have the life force of nature itself. Fruits are loaded with antioxidants. Fruits are high in simple sugars which feeds every cell in the body. Fruits are alkalizing to the body. Fruits support regeneration of cells. Live in compassion for men and animals. Live free of disease and suffering. Live lightly on this earth and choose to be happy. Power up on your ability to stretch, change, leap, and dance! 9

11 ARE YOU RUNNING LOW ON ENERGY? Do you feel like you are in need for some charging? Well, guess what, you have all the energy you need. You are a self rechargeable super power being. So, what keeps your energy on low, and how do you recharge? Actually you always have all the energy you need, you are a being of energy and frequency. What makes a body feel low, run down, slow and sluggish is simply an obstruction of that energy. In other words, it can not run freely, and you feel tired, lethargic, fatigued and depressed even. Every single cell in your body is made of energy, and every single cell is connected to each other. They communicate and work together. Their main goal is to do what is best for you, to serve your every need, to keep you alive, or to help you thrive. When stress in any form enters the body, the cells rush to repair the damage. Always on your side. When the body is overloaded with stress, the cells are using all available energy to right the wrong. Keeping the most vital processes going, and leaving you feeling low on energy. Your flow is obstructed, and surviving-mode kicks in. What creates stress in the body? Stress can come in many forms. Most people recognize these factors: Having worrying thoughts. Doing more than being. Not getting enough rest and sleep. Feeling fearful. Being angry and resentful. Eating and drinking non foods. Not breathing enough. Being in a toxic environment. There are many more, as many as there are people. 10

12 So, how do you power up, and get your battery running at an optimal and thriving level? First you have to take back that power, your power. YOU are in charge, and YOU are the change you have been waiting for. Take responsibility and make some positive changes. Eat energy, drink energy, breath energy, and let go of all thoughts that do not serve you. If something does not make you feel good, let it go. Start by letting go of all the toxic foods and drinks, that alone will cleanse and purify your body. Your emotions will follow, and you will be able to see your stressful patterns. Power comes when there is more energy flowing than your body needs to survive. Energy takes you from survive to thrive. Real, whole, clean human food, love, sunshine, earth power and rest; all amazing potentials for energy. Everything is vibration, and everything has an energetic charge. LOVE MORE, LAUGH MORE, AND SMILE OFTEN. KNOW THAT YOU ARE IN CHARGE, AND THAT YOU DESERVE ALL YOUR ENERGY! Once you are fully charged, you will never want to run low again. Make a choice, take a step in a new direction. Let go and power up! 11

13 FEELING LESS THAN OPTIMAL? Get some clarity that might change your life. This way the rest of your life can be the best of your life. The adrenals are the key to health, as they sit on top of the kidneys, which again, filter out lymphatic waste. This is crucial to a healthy body. The lymphatic system is the sewer system of the body, and if your do not get the cellular and the metabolic waste out, you will burn from the acids. This is called disease or an acidic body. What burns out the adrenals? Any kind of stress, emotional or physical will put a strain on the adrenal glands. When eating meat, we are consuming the animals stored adrenalin, which will off course stress our adrenals. We have all heard of adrenal fatigue, but did you know that anxiety is a sign of burnt adrenals also? Adrenal and kidney failure is the cause of most diseases, as they are the key to carrying out the waste. We are made of a trillion cells, and two major fluids. Blood and lymph. The blood feeds, the lymph cleans. Feeding the cells will not create optimal health, without cleaning out the sewage. Make sure your kidneys are filtering. You do that by peeing in a jar, seeing if you find any sediment ( particles, mucus ) in the urine. If you are not sure, let it sit overnight, and the sediment will sink to the bottom. Your urine should not be clear, it should be filtering out the waste. If you or anyone you know is struggling with any kind of health issues, get going on alkalization, detoxification and regeneration! Leave the animal proteins, eat mostly fruits, melons and berries, and know that the body is an amazing self healing organism. Power up on knowledge and better choices! 12

14 DISCUSSIONS ON HEALTH AND DIET I see so many discussions on health and diet. To even be discussing diet shows us how far we have wandered from our true selves and the truth of nature. What species would have to wonder and discuss, and even get fired up over what food is best for us? This is what the mind can do. Here we are sick, depressed, violent and dying, falling apart at the core. Our children are suffering, and we keep clinging to the notion that what we are doing is right, defending our poisons, so to speak. It is insane! Do we really think eating dead animals, drinking their milk and ingesting their eggs is good for us? Is it great for everybody involved, even the children fighting obesity and having to bring their asthma inhalers to daycare? I mean, really?? Sure, we are told we live longer, but that is a big fat lie. We live sick longer, die in pain, suffer, and are even defending the very lifestyle that has created it. Wake up and smell the truth. We have a species specific diet, like every other creature on this planet. We are primates. What we are witnessing is what happens when we really, I mean really move away from that, and feed our bodies dead, altered chemistry. All animals that are taken off their diets gets sick. Animals in the care of humans often get diseases. Wild animals don t get those, how could they? Something to think about? What we are eating is killing us. 13

15 Period! Look around you, and start counting those over 50 not taking pills, happy, positive, with a strong, athletic, healthy glowing, natural body. They are few and far between, and we can all see that. We could even start counting those over 30, and have a hard time finding someone with no glasses, no digestive issues, skin issues, weight issues or emotional imbalances. The children are now being diagnosed with what used to be old people s diseases. That should get the big red light to go off for all of us. Sure, more than bad, sad foods contributes to ill health and depression, like dirty water, lack of movement and sunshine, lack of sleep and rest. The thing is, that what we put in our mouth, what we feed our cells, what vibration we choose to reside in, will lead you to the rest of your choices. Every generation is getting weaker. As we pass those weak genes on to our children, let us take responsibility and heal our bodies, and strengthen our organs and glands. Through detoxification, alkalization, hydration and regeneration, we can restore what nature has so perfectly created. Honor God and creation, by honoring yourself. I feel very passionate about this, as I see so much suffering. Being healthy is rare, and even those not being healthy feel they are, as it is the new norm to not be free of imbalances. We are adopting to feeling less than optimal, and that scares me. I believe this has to do with lack of self love. Once you really love yourself, you can not hurt yourself any longer, or anyone else for that matter. Power up and take charge for the children, as they are looking to us for guidance and direction. We cannot outsmart nature. 14

16 By altering food and chemistry we are losing our health. Everything is provided for us. Food is available everywhere you look in nature. To believe that we somehow need to cook, to kill, to alter or manipulate anything, is saying we are smarter than creation. Doing the same thing over and over, expecting a different result, really is madness. When I see children being fed fast food, hot dogs and the likes while being obese, or having allergies, asthma, etc., my heart cries. I mean, we really need to wake up! Fuel up on real living life giving foods, and wake up to a whole new reality. It is natural to feel well. It is natural to be happy. It is natural to be pill free. It is natural to feel alive. It is natural to eat real foods. Grow FREE! TAKE OUT THE GARBAGE To have a clean, fresh, livable house, we take out the garbage. It does not matter how many nice things we bring into the home, or how much cleaning we do. If we never take out the trash, we will live in a stuffy, smelly, backed up, rotting place, crawling with uninvited guests. They will have a party, feeding off your inviting environment and hospitable lifestyle. As time goes by, it will be harder to feel good at home, as clutter and garbage will be obstructing the energies and the peace. The air will be hard to breathe, and things will stop to function optimally. Our body is our temple, and where we spend all our time in this lifetime. It is a permanent residency, and that is an absolute. The lymph system is the body s sewer system, and to carry out the waste it needs to be moving and disposing the garbage. 15

17 The blood is the kitchen, bringing in the food to feed the cells. More to eat, and more waste is created and hydration can happen. This simple idea is to awaken us to the fact that it is through proper detoxification, by moving the lymph, eliminating cellular and metabolic waste, that true regeneration, alkalinization and hydration can happen. When the lymph system goes down, YOU go down. When acids win, YOU lose. Make it simple: Stop bringing in more garbage. Move the lymph. Open all eliminating organs. Let the sun shine in. In this lifetime, in this World, the challenges are many for most of us. It seems the nonfoods presented to us, alongside the stress, the polluted air, the negative programming and the fear of change, is holding us captured in our polluted houses. Clean out your house, and let the fresh air in. Take charge of your home, and know that YOU are the only one responsible for how it feels, looks and functions. I believe it all starts with self love. How can we ever neglect what we love? When we know better, we can DO better. Power up, take responsibility for your temple and Grow FREE. EATING A RAINBOW OF GOD S VIBRATING FOOD IS SELF LOVE IN PRACTISE! Do you feel you are worth health and longevity? Most of us have lived a life not fully loving and honoring the amazing beings that we are. Our body is our temple and our vehicle through this journey we call life. Everything we eat, breathe, feel and think affects it in different ways. Cause and effect. 16

18 Along my own walk, I have seen how food and emotions can hold you trapped in pain and suffering. It was not until I felt what feeling good really feels like, I realised just how numbed and lost we are from eating damaging foods and lack self love. If you are struggling with anything, feeling down, are in pain, or just not feeling inspired in life, KNOW that YOU hold the power to CHANGE everything! Do not restrict yourself, but allow yourself to eat an abundance of colors and vibrant healing life force! Food is about energies, and living raw organic and wild foods have the highest vibrations. Pure love from the Divine. When we know better, we can do better, and when we do better, we feel better. When we feel better, we are more inspired and passionate about life. When we love life, we love ourselves. When we love ourselves we love all that is, and can be in service to others and to life itself. Smoothie to live for: Mango Red currants Black currants Strawberries Aronia berries Gooseberries Homemade wild green powder Distilled water YOU are worth it, I mean really worth living in joy and great health! Make a choice and go for it! Power up and Grow FREE! 17

19 AGING IN OUR SOCIETY As I turned 50 this year, it made me reflect on the concept of aging, and how society sees age, illness and suffering, as companions. They go together. The older we get, the sicker we get. More pain, more weight, more illness, and more suffering. The body is renewable, and new cells are born every second. It is natural to be healthy at any age. Getting older does not mean getting sick, losing vision or hearing, lack of mobility or getting weaker. The body does not get sick because it has lived long, but because it has been exposed to toxins and obstructions for too long. It is all about accumulation, lack of elimination. We become what we hold on to, on all levels. Living free of guilt, letting go of old hurts and emotional stress, eating free flowing living foods, and letting the body get rid of the waste, will help the body live healthy at any age. Fruits, along with their skin and seeds, contain valuable antioxidants that reduce the amount of free radicals in the body, as well as help to slow down the aging process. Leafy green vegetables also provide antioxidants that not only help slow down the process of aging, but also reduce many risks of age related diseases caused by a lifetime of exposure to free radicals, which is an obstruction. Herbs are here for us, the wild foods. Nature provides, if we will only listen. Imagine me having lived so many experiences, been so many times around the sun, and still feeling like life is just beginning. I feel like I am just starting to see the real purpose and meaning of me being here. To be able to be a mother to my two amazing children is beyond words, and to be a grandmother, well, I had no idea it was even possible to feel so blessed. Through living my story, walking my talk, helping others, and seeing that life is so much more than this physical reality, I have been blessed with the opportunity to Grow more FREE every day. From laying in bed for several years, too sick to get out of the house, spending years on letting this body heal, to be able to travel and play, is a journey worth living. My experience can now benefit others, and together we will walk from pain to joy, from Hellville to Wellville. I will continue to spread the word of nature and healing, on detoxification and health. 18

20 It is my soul journey. I feel younger than I have in years, and I know this is only the beginning! How cool is that? Life just keeps getting better every single day. I am humbled and grateful beyond words. Stay strong, and have faith. PROTEIN MYTHS Are you of the belief that you need to eat a part of an animal? That it will provide you with something beneficial to you? An old myth at best, and a very ignorant one. Everything you will ever need as far as nutrients, comes from a plant source. It did for the animal you ate also, it came from a plant. Why would we believe that we needed to go through the killing and eating of an animal, to get to those nutrients? The meat industry has a large number of the population believing that meat is a nutritional source, and that even milk from a cow, made for calves, would have benefits for a baby human. Then, the industry has you hooked on it, and drinking milk from an animal, is normalized all the way into old age. A very sick, calcified, painful and debilitating old age for the vast majority of people today. What we are lead to believe is that meat provides us with protein, as a nutrient, as a source of energy and as something vital for good health. They do not tell us that it is the body that makes the proteins, the final product, the tissue, the muscle itself. By eating this muscle, we are simply eating the flesh which this animal made from the plant based amino acids. Did you ever think of that? Where the cow got his protein? It got it from the same source as we optimally would get it from, the plants. Amino acids are what the body uses to make protein, and all vegetables, greens and fruits, have them in abundance! Nature is perfect. By eating the muscle, your body has to rip it apart, tear it down, looking for those essential nutrients (amino acids) from the plants... puh, what a job! Another animal killed, and for what, the taste? The same misinformation is out there about the milk and the calcium. So many myths. Do we really need to drink breast milk made for a calf, to get the calcium 19

21 that the mother cow made from grass? Do we need to keep drinking it, to keep healthy, like every other animal does? Have you ever seen a cow drink milk? Off course not! They get their calcium from the greens, like we were intended to. We are made to eat fruits and greens. We thrive on that, and there is never a lack in nutrients. Nature is perfect. We tend to get fearful that we are lacking nutrients, when the plant world offers the most amazing variety of them. You will never lack anything eating like nature intended. Raw living foods, like every other species. Reminding me of yet another myth. We evolved into eating cooked foods, cooked foods are good for us. What? How could killing the enzymes, depleting it of most of the nutrients ever benefit anything? How could chemically altering nature be of benefit for a living body of 1000 trillion live cells? Nature IS perfect! When you think of it, there really is no need for this suffering of animals, this eating of acidifying, mucus forming and disease forming foods. Nothing good comes from it. This is our time to rise above, to shine, to get healthy, free and in sync with Mother nature once again. This is our time to Power Up and Grow FREE! LET THE JOURNEY BEGIN! A great part of any healing process, any eagerness for life and beyond, holds a great deal of humbleness. To me, that means to recognize that life is so much grander than me, and that the more I seek to mentally understand, the more is revealed to me of what is not to be understood. Like any other species, I see us as a perfect part of nature, with the same ability to heal and regenerate. All we need to do is stop what is making us sick, tired, stressed out, angry, hopeless and helpless, and allow God s greatness. I will be honored to walk with you. 20

22 What is the story you have been telling yourself? Every day, at every moment, a word, a chapter is written. Your life s story is told in the way that you live it and how you choose to tell your story will manifest your reality. Inspired by a sister, on my barefoot walk today, I really felt into the story of my life. What am I surrounding myself with? What are the words I keep telling to myself, and what am I trying to prove to myself and others? True freedom comes from true empowerment, and that is a pretty large statement. What is true empowerment? Well, to me it is the ability to stay true to oneself at all times. To be able to choose to live authentically and to love and cherish one s self. To be able to feel the freedom that comes from abandoning the concept that we must follow the crowd in order to find happiness. To be able to choose health, friends, actions and attitude. To feel proud of who you are and what you have accomplished. Declare your story, and walk your talk. Set yourself free from anything that is holding back your beautiful spirit from fully expressing itself! I declare to live authentically, true to myself, in gratefulness, in service, with my tribe, to love myself, to express my truth, and to allow myself anything that serves me. I declare to honor my life and nature, and to walk my talk. This is my story, and I am the one telling it! Now tell yours, in how you talk, feel and live! Take off your shoes and connect with the healing power of nature! 21

23 REAL FOOD NOT ONLY TASTES LIKE HEAVEN, BUT IT LOOKS LIKE IT TOO. Raw living yumminess, all prepared with love. When women Goddesses gather, only high vibrational energetic foods are consumed. The rainbow goes into the body, and no stimulants are needed. No coffee, no alcohol, no soda, no pick me ups, only pure joy of living. Why does this food make so much difference you say? Well, first of all, health is about eliminating what is making you sick, fat, depressed and fatigued. It is about eliminating obstructions. That way, the body can clean it self, like it is supposed to do, so that it can absorb the nutrients from the foods we eat. Then, it is about giving the body the best fuel out there, what it is designed to eat. We are primates, and our teeth, stomach acid, intestinal tract, etc... are made for eating raw living plant foods, mostly ripe delicious fruit. When you let go of addictions, old programming on what food looks like, a whole new world opens. A world of health and vitality. Real food does not come from a box or a jar. It does not have ingredients one can not pronounce and it does not have a long shelf life. How will you know this to be true? Try it! It will taste amazing, you will feel better (besides some cleansing reactions) you will have more energy, sleep better, feel more positive about life and so much more. power up, you are worth it! 22

24 the healing power OF NATURE WE CANNOT IMPROVE ON NATURE! Whenever you feel lost, out of balance, sick, tired or confused, look to nature. There you will find balance, energy, love, harmony and connection to all that is. That perfect nature is what we are made of, it is what we are part of. What applies in nature applies for humans. There is no need to try to improve anything, only when trying do we get into trouble. We let our minds get in the way of our intuition, or true connection with creation. We have created laws and regulations that go against our very nature. Passion, empathy, love and enthusiasm seem distant for many. We put chemicals in our bodies, believing it will heal and restore it, and even when we see how much harm and suffering it creates we keep on doing this. We label each other with diagnosis, and point fingers at fellow humans. Control, power, money and greed, all a sign of being lost and disconnected. Our soul seeks to be free, and our body seeks to heal. We all are dependent on each other, and we are all dependent on nature. Sunshine, air, water, all vital nutrients to life. Fresh, species specific food is all found in the perfect form, for every soul on this planet, and that goes for humans too. To cook food, to put chemicals on it, to alter it in any way is not honoring creation. To kill an animal for pleasure, to torture them for their fur, to keep them captured, hurt and in terrible conditions, is not in sync with nature. The Karma is not pleasant. Live like you mean it, and free your heart of anything that does not give you the highest vibration. Take a look in the mirror and ask How can I serve. Let us all walk lightly on this earth and cause no harm. 23

25 Nature is perfect, and every time we try to improve it, we get into trouble. Every species has a species specific diet, a diet it is designed to eat. A diet that is perfect for digestion, absorption and elimination. Ingesting anything we are not meant to, will lead to ill health, and hurt the flow of nature. The biochemical makeup of cow s milk is perfectly suited to turn a 65-pound newborn calf into a 400-pound cow in one year. It contains, for example, three times more protein and seven times more mineral content, while human milk has 10 times as much essential fatty acids, three times as much selenium, and half the calcium. Give up the dairy, the milk is for the calves. No species is designed to drink milk after the baby stage of life. A Cow s milk is designed for calves, with a high growth factor, and proteins the human body cannot break down. Nature has a balance, and when tampered with, it will backfire. The higher consumption of calcium leaching milk, the higher rates of osteoporosis. To the human body, cow s milk is very mucus forming and acidic. It wreaks havoc in the body. It is still widely accepted that the calcium in dairy products will strengthen our bones and help prevent osteoporosis, but studies show that foods originating from animal sources (like milk) make the blood acidic. When this occurs, the blood leeches calcium from the bones to increase alkalinity. While this works wonders for the ph balance of your blood, it sets your calcium-depleted bones up for osteoporosis. As explained by John Robbins, The only research that even begins to suggest that the consumption of dairy products might be helpful [in preventing osteoporosis] has been paid for by the National Dairy Council itself. If you want to get healthy, improve your physical and mental strength, build strong bones and muscles, move regular, and lose weight for good. Stop using dairy products of all kinds and get your calcium from veggies and fruits. Eat your way to health and vitality, with living food. The USDA s limit for pus cells in 1 liter of milk is 750 million pus cells. Ever wonder why so many people have stank breath and excess mucus? Drinking milk is also linked to diabetes, allergies, indigestion, cancer and heart disease. Eat to live, and live to love all of creation. Power up and Grow FREE! 24

26 WALKING BAREFOOT IS HEALING! Remember when you were a child, and nothing felt as good as grass under bare feet? Barefoot walking is so much more than connecting to mother earth. It is even more than getting grounded and having those negative ions balance inflammation and stress from the cells. It s nature s perfect Reflexology treatment! While walking through the woods barefoot, I feel the massage given to my feet. As I walk over smaller stones, cones and roots, grass, moss and heather, I can feel my feet getting a perfect massage. We are meant to go barefoot, and do we really know what not doing that does to our health? I believe we don t, and will benefit greatly by kicking off those shoes when we can. There are no EXCUSES for not taking charge and being the BOSS of life! Always look where you are going, to stay safe. Today we practice reflexology, also called zone therapy, this mixture of healing art and science is based on the premise that an energy channel encompassing 12 vital organs exists from our feet to the tops of our heads. Applying pressure with his/her hands, a reflexologist unblocks that channel to restore proper health and organ function. Power up and kick off those shoes. Get down with some serious walking on Mother earth, and Grow FREE! 25

27 THE LIFE FORCE GIVING, NURTURING SUN. We are lead to believe that we should use sunscreen to protect ourselves from the sun. The life force giving, nurturing sun. We are lead to believe that we actually need to put chemicals on our skin (absorbed into the bloodstream) to be able to be outside in the sunshine! HELLO! NO, God/the Creator/the Universe/nature did not make a mistake. YES, we are supposed to be in the sunshine, as it IS giving us highly beneficial nurturing/ energy on so many levels. We really need to wake up from this craziness. We are killing ourselves slowly, creating disease and suffering. Stop all sunscreen uses, and at least stop spraying it around. Use organic cold pressed coconut oil on your skin. If you wear it, you eat it. If you smell it, you eat it. If you eat it, you live and feel it. Oh yes! If you have a fair skin tone, be in the sun less and build up. I have not worn sunscreen in years, and I am most certainly fair skinned. I used to get sun rashes, and guess what, not anymore! This is important information, can you feel it? Can you feel that it makes sense? I mean, nature is perfect! Follow your intuition, and Grow FREE NATURE IS PERFECT! It is time to see beyond anything ever taught, and connect with source itself. One thing is a fact, we are primates. Another thing that is a fact, is that nature is perfect. To presume that a food would be better for a God created body, than what is already created by God, is to try to improve on nature. We can never improve on creation itself. 26

28 So, where do we get this idea that cooking food is a good thing, when we know, with all the equipment that we have, our sense of truth and beyond, that cooking does not add anything. Cooking anything lowers energy/angstrom, kills the enzymes, and alters the chemistry of the food itself. This is only some of what we know. We can keep wandering from man made protocol to man made protocol, trying to figure it out, when all we really have to do is step back and unlearn everything. I am personally guided to share and inspire what is revealed to me, and that is what I do. The awakening of the soul, to me, is the reconnection with nature with who we truly are. No science can connect us with that, and no intellect can mentally understand the grandness of life and living - that we were taught about healthy eating, or a very large portion of it. A great part of any healing process, any eagerness for life and beyond, holds a great deal of humbleness. To me, that means to recognize that life is so much grander than me, and that the more I seek to mentally Understand, the more is revealed to me of what is not to be understood. Like any other species, I see us as a perfect part of nature, with the same ability to heal and regenerate. All we need to do is stop what is making us sick, tired, stressed out, angry, hopeless and helpless. Truth is what feels good to you, even though others might not feel the same way. - Hilde larsen We can look at cause and effect, and it does seem to be a Universal law, even though we see different things apparently work for different people. We are indeed different through our weaknesses, although from creation we are all the same. 27

29 Through life itself, a lifeline of different genetic weaknesses and degeneration, we appear very different. This sense of separation is hurting us, as the solution is always the same. Trusting in nature. What people eat, is none of my business, it is a private choice. I only inspire those that feel they have been led to my door so to speak, and who seek what I am passionate about. I am not passionate about a protocol or a teaching, I am passionate about the creation, the God given amazing body, its dance among nature s gifts, and its ability to self heal. Also, on such a path one sees very clearly what is not of it, and what does not resonate with perfection so to speak. Man made clutter, mind games and ego has taken over, when simplicity is needed. keep it simple, and let growth find a place. 28

30 let go and GROW FREE EVERY THOUGHT IS AN OBSTRUCTION! When thoughts are present, true connection can not flow. Thoughts are often interfering with being in the now moment, and by stilling the mind we can listen to our divine truth. Our innate wisdom will come through, and the feeling of calm will rise. We are thinkers, and even though the ability to think is a great tool, it is also a constant creator of stress, noise and worry. The mind has a tendency to keep going, even though we are not fully aware of this. We spend our days lost in unconscious and unproductive thinking addictively replaying the same mental patterns, the same old stories, over and over in our heads like a broken record player. Monkey mind is a Buddhist expression which refers to the incessant chatter that goes on in our heads. Like a restless monkey jumping from branch to branch, the mind is always on the move, producing up to 100,000 thoughts per day. It is estimated that our brains are bombarded with seven times as much stimuli as our grandparents experienced. Add to this the rising stress levels caused by increased working hours and longer traffic jams and it is a wonder that many people can cope at all. Take some time every day to just breathe and BE. Sit down, close your eyes and let go of all thoughts. Focus on your breathing, and let every image just pass you by. Let your thoughts just pass by without connecting with them. Eckhart Tolle refers to the watcher as the Silent Witness. This constant and unchanging part of our being is the Source of all peace and contentment within. Learning how to meditate will allow you to deepen your connection with the Silence within. Power up your ability to pause... 29

31 BE FEARLESS! Life is for living, and living is free. Life is for loving, and loving is what will transform anything back into balance. Life is what we all want out of life. We want to live more than anything else, and yet, living seems to be the hardest part. Even though we are all living our lives, we tend to be controlled by the fear of life itself. The underlying fear of death, illness, failure and loss, becomes larger than the pure joy of living. Once you become fearless life becomes limitless. It is your natural state to be fearless, invincible, unstoppable and strong, you are amazingly POWERFUL! Your energy can transmute anything, and no ill health can live within joy, truth, calmness and faith. Fear and doubt will tear you apart, so go deep, meditate and really get to the core of YOU, there, you are powerful beyond this body. Let go of fear of death, as it is only a transformation, and let this life be a journey of eagerness and bold actions. There is never anything to lose but one s own perception of this life. Feel your own strength and your ability to choose life! Say YES to all that serves you, and fear no thing. BE the change you want to see in this world, and know that YOU are the one you have been waiting for. Life here on earth is too short not to love, laugh, play and dance fearlessly. Step up to your full potential, and take charge of your destiny. Every cell in your body is at your command, and every thought, emotion and food you eat, is serving you in one way or another. You always get what you ask for, even though you might not even know that you asked. Power up, and be fearless NOW! Once you become fearless, life becomes limitless - Hilde larsen 30

32 LOVE YOUR LIFE! When you love life, life loves you back. What you give your attention to, grows. What you resist, persists. What you send out, comes back to you. True, yet not so easy to live by and embrace all the time. Far from everything is easy to love about your life all the time, but what CAN be easy is to choose to focus on what you LOVE. When you make a CHOICE to LOVE your life just the way it is, things start to shift, and you will see more and more to LOVE. You can start by eating the most vibrant healing foods there is, and feeling the love from nurturing your body, mind and spirit. Love is unconditional, it is a vibration. It is the energy that heals and regenerates every cell. It is on the alkaline side of chemistry, where true healing takes place. Fresh living fruits and vegetables, sunshine, clean water, nature s vibration, laughter and prayers, are all part of that love for life. Are you in for some LOVING, and LIVING the best life that you can? My best tips on how to love your life NOW is: Nurture yourself, Forgive, Be of service, Be present, Think positive thoughts, Declutter, Smile more, Hug someone, Relax more often, Go outside, Eat real foods, Sing often, Stop all complaining, Move the body, Meditate, Turn off the TV, KNOW that you are worth it, Follow your heart. THE TIME IS ALWAYS NOW! put some love in, and power up! 31

33 change is CONSTANT EVERYTHING IS CONSTANTLY CHANGING, YET WE SEEM TO BE RESISTANT OF CHANGE ITSELF. We have the power to change our lives, yet we most often do not want to own that power. It seems we would rather stay miserable than to change. We find some sort of comfort in the known, and we might hold on to it, even though it is hurting us. Every day, every moment, holds a choice. We can choose to be happy, free, loving, a good friend, helpful, and to take care of our bodies. We can choose to smile, laugh and have a positive outlook on life. We can choose to see the best in all, and to do no harm. The list is endless, as life is a fluid manifestation of your constant choices. It can be hard to take responsibility for our own lives, yet more and more people are doing it. Change is blowing, and we can all feel the wind. We are saying yes to organic natural plant foods, vaccine free lives, fairness, love, happiness, prosperity, inner peace and kindness. We are saying no to animal cruelty, and compassion is our game. More and more people are standing up for what they believe in, educating themselves, seeing their own power and grace, and feeling the anticipation of positive change. If you want something to change, change something, and remember, change is where the magic comes from. 32

34 The magic in your life is for you to create, every day, in every moment. The power of change is blowing, and what that means to you, and your life, is YOUR decision, in every moment. Stay graceful, loving, compassionate and joyful. Make positive change your game. Power up on the ability to choose! HEALTH IS EASY, CHANGE IS HARD! To say that health is easy is a bold statement. How can I say that, when it is seems so hard? How can I say that, when so many are sick and suffering? If health was easy, wouldn t everybody be healthy? When I say that health is easy, I mean that what you need to do to get healthy, is uncomplicated. It is simple, and it is for everybody. We are all the same by design, we are all humans. We all have the same digestive tract, the organs, the glands and nervous system. We all have blood and lymph as our main fluids, and we all thrive on the same real foods. That is simple. When we put into our body what it is not designed to eat, the outcome is like putting the wrong fuel into a car, the engine will not work as it should. That is also simple. When you stop what is hurting the body, and start eating what it thrives on and is designed for, it cleanses and heals. It alkalizes and regenerates. It reverses the sign of ageing, and it hydrates and restores health. That is simple, and automatic. The body is a self healing mechanism, and responds to everything that you do, say, eat, think and feel. Why is it then, that so many are in pain, on medications, constipated, sleepless, angry, depressed, anxious, have so called chronic degenerative diagnosis, cancer, diabetes, etc? The fear of change is overwhelming for many. 33

35 To be able to break free from old programming and conditioning is hard, and it takes courage and strength. I believe that we all have that courage and inner strength. I believe that we all have the ability to break free and to take charge of our own lives. The fear of change is an illusion that is holding us back from experiencing our true potential. YOU are strong enough to change everything. If you are not feeling great, if you are in any way sick or tired, just step up and CHANGE something! You have so much potential, and your body is always on your side. It is always working to be the best that it can be, so just LET IT! By getting out of the way, by trusting nature and creation, we can really shift our experience in this lifetime. When one becomes fearless, life becomes limitless! I dare you to Power up and Grow FREE! YOU ARE SO MUCH STRONGER THAN YOU MIGHT THINK. You hold the power within to change your entire life. You ARE the change, and only your own doubts, fears and thought patterns can set you back from your goals. Like the dandelion, growing through the asphalt, you can do what your mind might see as impossible. It is growing through something that we see as so much stronger than the plant. We are seeing the impossible in action. Not everything can be comprehended by the mind, and not every solution is within our perception. 34

36 Always keep your focus on your goal, on the solution, and do not get mental about the how and the when. Sometimes the how is way beyond our comprehension, and the creation is so much larger than our thoughts. The strength we all hold, the power within, and the ability to choose, is true freedom. Freedom is knowing you have what it takes. Knowing is only of value when put into action. Action is the driving force of any manifestation. The next time you see a dandelion, remember how strong you are! KNOWLEDGE BECOMES POWER, WHEN INSPIRED INTO ACTION! Through our actions, the momentum of movement, change and evolvement happens. We tend to know and analyze, and we tend to talk about our visions more than actually walking our talk. If we truly want to serve, to give and to empower ourselves and others, we need to act upon our visions. Being the change you want to see in the world, means acting accordingly to your ideal situation. Any change starts with a thought, a feeling, but only when connected to action will true manifestation happen. Live like you mean it, and be inspired to take action to do better. When we know better, we can DO better. Make good choices, dream big, stand up for what you believe in, act upon your visions and help a brother and a sister. Power up on ACTION! 35

37 CHANGE IS INEVITABLE AND AUTOMATIC, PROGRESS IS NOT. Change is continuous, it is the nature of the Universe. Progress is a choice, a commitment to self. The power of YOU is where the magic is. I remember so well chasing time, running from appointment to appointment, never feeling content. I also remember the self medicating with caffeine, cigarettes, alcohol and foods. We use these substances to run from our feelings, our lives and our emotions. By letting go of that which was holding me back, of what was hurting the very core of my being, I got my health and life back! Take charge and take your health and joy to the next level! BE THE BOSS, and know that the change YOU want to see is in YOUR power, always! Be inspired to feel the true joy of life, by walking your true path, and being all that you can be. i wish you to power up and grow free! 36

38 empowered LIVING THERE IS NO REJECTION, ONLY REDIRECTION! I love this way of looking at it. It keeps me in a flow, and looking back, boy did I keep banging on those closed doors! Often we tend to think ahead of ourselves, meaning we imagine events or situations, and we feel a sense of being let down or rejected if things do not work out. We have made a manual of how things should work, and when things do not take that direction, we see failure or lack of success. When one door closes, another one opens. Right? True story. When a door is closed, we are given the opportunity to move on, it is simply the Universe s way of telling us that this is not serving our highest good. By faith, the redirection can flow, and by giving thanks for new opportunities, they will become many. Faith is such a key word to moving easier through life. Without faith, how can one leap on to new and unfamiliar ground? Sometimes we get a door slammed in our face, and are redirected in a way that feels overwhelming. I know, this has happened to me many times. You get the feeling that wow, why is this not working? That is the time you want to step back and pause. Let that door be, accept it, and walk on. The word rejection means to refuse to accept, submit to, believe, or make use of. So that simply means, the action which was rejected was not accepted at that time, and that something else will be. The timing was not optimal, and you were more needed elsewhere. Think of all the times you have looked back, thinking, oh my, if that did not happen, THIS amazing thing never would! So Tribe, faith, power and letting go, and remember there really IS no rejection. 37

39 AUTHENTICALLY SPEAKING! There is much anger, despair, illness, frustration, not feeling content, and longing for something more, something out there, longing for change. The longing is a bell ringing, saying, listen, let me be ME! Let me be myself, let it be safe to be ME! It is almost like everything is being shattered, driven to the surface, like every old trauma, hurt and emotional upheaval is showing up at the front door, saying: Here I am, now deal with me! Through our social conditioning/programming, from our upbringing, and from fear based information, we have all been mended and formed. We are most often pleasers and what I call bull-shitters. Our lives get to be an altered version of our truth and purpose, and now we are wondering why we feel lost and in disease. I see so many that struggle with their health on both physical and emotional levels from not living authentically. Wearing any mask, is an obstruction of life. Every minute we are not living our truth we are in fact hurting ourselves. Have you noticed how it feels when you are pleasing others, just to keep the peace, or that your body is feeling heavy after you have been acting fine, when you are not? This is all taking a toll on the physical body, not expressing truth is acidic to the body, and suffocating to the soul. It is also keeping us from living the life we truly deserve. Being authentic simply means to live your truth, and to walk your talk. It means to stand up for what you believe in, and to know your real power. It means to not let fear rule your actions or your feelings. It means knowing that it is ok to express yourself. It means to live from your place of true passion. From my own experience, I can see that knowing what your truth is, can be hard. For so many years, I believed I was living my truth, but in fact I was not being authentic at all. I was trying to be, do and have what I believed was expected of me. 38

40 Start your authentic living by shredding some false beliefs, and by letting go of some old hurts. I am challenging you to step up and raise your vibration, and I guarantee you will want to keep going. If you want to live more authentically, these are great issues to take a look at: Make a decision to take charge of your own life. Sometimes we tend to give the authority to someone else. Most of us have been taught to obey. It is natural to want to fit in at school, to seek acceptance at the workplace. It is what we have been taught is important. I like this saying: What others think of you, is none of your business. Eat what is actually good for you. Look at what you are eating. Is it serving you? Are you supporting your body, being true to it? Eating fresh fruits and vegetables, like nature intended, will raise your vibration and start a process towards more authentic living. Being authentic is also about feeding your cells what you know they need, and you do, we all do. Surround yourself with supportive people. We all need to feel that we belong. We are all in the need of support and sister/brotherhood. Find likeminded people that will see you for who you are, and that makes being you feel amazing. Speak your truth. Before speaking, I try my very best to follow this rule: Is it true, is it kind, is it necessary? Speaking one s truth, means to express what you believe in, and to stand up for yourself and others. It means to fearlessly show who you are, in every way. Trust your intuition. Listen to your inner guidance. Only you know what is best for you, always. Trust and have faith that you are everything you need, and that it is ok to live as you desire. Once we are authentic in our expression, we will Grow FREE! - Hilde Larsen Walk your talk. Live your truth, and feel confident to live your passion. Be the change you want to see! Forgive all. It is amazing how much we can hold on to that is not serving us. Through meditation and inner searching, letting go of old hurts is a great way to find inner calm and truth. Listen to your breath, it speaks to you. 39

41 HAVE YOU SAID THANK YOU TODAY? Thank you are the words of gratitude, the words of healing. Through being grateful, we find more to be grateful for. The practice of gratitude, forgiveness, and being willing to serve, I believe to be, are the strongest driving forces of the love energy. This world needs all the love that it can get, and we are all called forth to do our part. Research shows that grateful people are happier and more likely to maintain good friendships. According to research by the Institute of HeartMath, a state of gratitude improves the heart s rhythmic functioning, which helps us to reduce stress, think more clearly under pressure and heal physically. It s actually physiologically impossible to be stressed and thankful at the same time. Thank you, friends, for being in my Tribe. Thank you body for rejuvenating and regenerating, and for always healing on all levels. Thank you cells for being happy, for being healthy and vital. Thank you life for supporting me in everything I do, and for teaching me through my own experiences. Thank you nature for being abundant and perfect. Thank you for every breath, every smile and every sunrise. Thank you for you! Thank you! Give thanks for a little and you will find a lot. Hansa Proverb The essence of all beautiful art is gratitude. Friedrich Nietzche 40

42 WHERE HEALTH IS PRESENT, NO ILL HEALTH CAN RESIDE. Feeling good is the vibration that creates more of what feels good. Hilde I never would have imagined how good feeling full of life feels like. When disease manifests, and life is filled with pain and despair, happiness is buried. I am now blessed with an ability to live my dream, and to grow more energetic, feeling younger feeling and more enthusiastic every day. Where health is present, no ill health can reside. Life is like a dance, and we re partners. Setbacks, delays, and detours? They re like steps in the mambo, tango, and cha-cha. If you dissected the movements and saw them without the rest of the dance, everyone would look to be in great pain. But when you see the big picture... poetry in motion. In life, setbacks, delays, and detours are often just my way of preparing keeping you for something way better. Don t let them discourage you, don t see them out of context, and whatever you do, don t stop dancing. Your most able choreographer - The Universe I am telling you these truths: Our lives are our responsibilities. We all deserve health. Happiness is a choice. YOU are worth it! If you want something to change, change something. Start NOW, and do not waste another minute feeling less than great! Life is a dance, can you hear the music? Power up and Grow FREE! 41

43 THIS IS TO ALL YOU BEAUTIFUL SOULS THAT ARE WALKING THROUGH EMOTIONAL CLEARINGS RIGHT NOW. Know that you are not alone, and that the energies are supportive of letting it all go. Old hurts, even from your ancient family timelines will eventually surface to be cleared. Say these lines out loud, and know it is SO! I can no longer get hurt by words, I know that they are never personal. I will no longer raise my voice and get emotional, I do not engage in other people s drama. I can no longer be treated badly or unfairly, I am removing myself from those energies. I can no longer get disappointed, I hold no expectations. I do not have to shed any more tears, my heart is not open to anything but love and compassion. I will no longer feel unloved, I am loved by ME, in the light of the Creator. I am free to choose to be loved and treated like the amazing, strong, beautiful, compassionate, and courageous soul that I AM! 42

44 EVERY DAY IS A GOOD DAY TO CELEBRATE. Life is such a gift, and by celebrating it, we are showing gratitude towards all that is. Every day might not seem like a great day to celebrate, but there is always something to be grateful for. The air that you breathe, the smell of a flower, the fresh foods on you plate, or a hug from a loved one. Being alive, is in itself worth celebrating, and loving yourself is the best way of showing gratitude and appreciation. It might feel strange at first, but when you think about it, what could be more amazing? Every breath we take, every move we make, every thought we think, every feeling we feel, is what we consciously choose to create. To celebrate from the heart, is the most powerful way to let life flow and grow. celebrate every moment. 43

45 coaching BY HILDE IT WILL BE MY HONOR TO INSPIRE AND GUIDE YOU TOWARDS OPTIMAL HEALTH AND JOY IN ALL AREAS OF YOUR LIFE. My passion is to help people feel their very best, no matter how ill, sick, depressed, or hopeless they feel today. Life is a journey and I will inspire you to take charge of YOU! Being in charge of your own health does not mean you do not get help and guidance. It does not mean you do not listen to others, and it does not mean that you never receive treatments or care. What it means is that it is YOU that has to love yourself the most, and it is YOU that is the one making the choices. Taking responsibility for our health also means that what we eat, think, and do must be a conscious choice, knowing that there is cause and effect. If you are not feeling the way you want to feel, know that it can change at any minute. Every minute of the day holds the potential for change, and every little change holds a miracle on its path. When you are ready to feel amazing, WE NEED TO TALK! 44

46 my focus is SELF-EMPOWERING As a Health and wellness Coach, and a Detox specialist, I will inspire and educate you to live a conscious and healthy life on all levels. Together, we will find your passion for life, your inner power, and you very own path to health and joyful living. I will be the one inspiring you, showing you the ropes, sharing my experiences, and cheering on you the whole way there. Through responsible detoxification, hydration, alkalization and regeneration; your true potential will shine through. get in contact with me: Website: Facebook: 45

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