Social Studies 10. The Prairies: Chapter 5 Test

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1 Social Studies 10 The Prairies: Chapter 5 Test Multiple Choice Questions: 1. The troops sent by Macdonald to Manitoba to keep order: a. treated all persons equally b. attacked members of the Canadian Party c. attacked the Métis d. acted as peace agents 2. In order to obtain the land the Canadian government granted them, the Métis: a. were given title deeds to their land b. were issued scrip which could be exchanged for 160 acres c. were issued scrip which had a value of $160 d. both b. and c. 3. The Métis were unable to take up their lands in many cases because: a. the government never did issue scrip b. land speculators bought up their scrip c. they could not locate their lands d. the government forced them to take loans for their scrip 4. Because the Métis felt cheated out of their land: a. many left for the United States b. many sued the government for return of their lands c. many left Manitoba for the North West Territories d. many became city dwellers 5. Most of the Métis who left Manitoba settled: a. near Ft. Edmonton b. near Brandon c. near Prince Albert d. near Calgary 6. In the North West, the Métis engaged in which of the following activities? a. farming b. hunting bison c. hauling frieght for the HBC 7. The Laws of St. Laurent were intended primarily to regulate: a. settlement patterns b. civil law disputes c. the bison hunt d. dealings with the HBC 8. The Laws of St. Laurent were strict because: a. the Métis liked strict laws b. there was no other form of law enforcement c. the bison had to be conserved d. the Métis had been discriminated against in Manitoba

2 9. Lawrence Clarke, the Factor at Ft. Carlton, was determined to: a. raise the Métis standard of living b. prevent the Métis from working for the HBC c. lower the Métis standard of living d. hire the Métis as full time workers 10. Lawrence Clarke used his position as magistrate to: a. provide fair application of the law b. maintain his control over the Métis c. improve conditions for the Métis d. allow the Métis to obtain better working conditions 11. The Liberal government of Alexander Mackenzie: a. forced the Métis to live on reservations b. granted the Métis self-rule c. left the Métis alone d. forced the Métis to return to Manitoba 12. The leader of the Métis at St. Laurent was: a. Louis Riel b. Gabriel Dumont c. Lawrence Clarke d. Alexander Mackenzie 13. The winter of was very difficult for the Métis because: a. it was extremely cold b. the bison were almost eliminated c. the HBC refused to employ anyone d. too many settlers had arrived in the area 14. The Bison Hunt of 1875 was a disaster for the Métis because: a. there were no bison to be found b. the local natives found the bison herds first c. Lawrence Clarke overruled the Laws of St. laurent d. the government of Canada ruled that the Métis could not regulate bison hunting 15. By the end of the 1870 s, the Métis had: a. lost the right to make their own laws b. been recognized as having local legal authority c. successfully conserved the bison d. been allowed to return to Manitoba 16. American fur traders disrupted native life on the Prairies by: a. trying to convince natives they should become Americans b. trading expensive goods for furs c. trading alcohol for furs d. burning native villages 17. In order to combat the American Whisky Traders, the Canadian government: a. sent troops west b. created the NWMP to police the plains c. had the Whisky Traders deported from Canada d. took no direct action

3 18. The NWMP was designed to: a. drive out the whisky traders b. provide policing for the North West c. act as a paramilitary organization 19. The Canadian government wished to open the North West to settlement. This was not possible until: a. the CPR was built b. the NWMP eliminated lawlessness c. treaties settling aboriginal title were signed d. the boundary with the United States was fortified 20. Native leaders were: a. eager to sign treaties with the Canadian government b. disappointed with the Canadian government s land offers c. willing to accept any offer the government made d. none of these 21. Native leaders signed treaties with the Canadian government because: a. they wanted to live off government handouts b. they thought they could continue their former life-style c. they welcomed the prospect of becoming farmers d. they wanted to become like Europeans 22. The Canadian government: a. genuinely wanted to assist the native peoples b. established programs to help the native peoples become farmers c. had no intention of teaching the native peoples to become farmers d. wanted to integrate natives into the European life-style on the prairies 23. Factor not considered by the Canadian government or Catholic missionairies during the treaty process: a. that native peoples could not become farmers b. that native peoples were an impediment to settlement c. cultural destruction of the native peoples d. that native peoples could become productive members of the new prairie society 24. Sir John A. Macdonald felt that a railway had to be built quickly because: a. British Columbia had been promised a railway within 10 years b. he wanted to lower unemployment in Canada c. he feared assimilation of Canada by the United States d. he could make a profit off railway contracts 25. Macdonald wanted: a. the government to build the railway b. American railway owners to build the railway c. Canadian businessmen to build the railway d. British businessmen to build the railway 26. Sir Hugh Allen agreed to build the CPR: a. with a purely Canadian company b. only with British backing c. only with government participation d. only with American backing

4 27. The Pacific Scandal occured when the Conservatives: a. obtained contributions from Sir Hugh Allen b. made a deal with American businessmen c. offered the CPR contract to Sir Hugh Allen in return for financial assistance d. asked Louis Riel to run for them in Manitoba 28. The Pacific Scandal was an example of: a. corruption b. conflict of interest c. political promises d. bribery of voters 29. The Liberal government of Alexander Mackenzie was: a. eager to build the CPR b. determined to make a free trade deal with the United States c. unwilling to spend money to build the CPR d. deeply interested in getting Newfoundland to join Confederation 30. The Liberal government of Alexander Mackenzie: a. undertook to find new ways to end unemployment b. allowed the Canadian Pacific Survey to take place c. offered to let B.C. out of Confederation d. devised the National Policy 31. The National Policy did not consist of: a. high tariffs b. building the CPR c. creating a new understanding with Quebec d. encouraging settlement of the West 32. High tariffs under the National Policy were designed to: a. anger the Americans b. protect Canadian industries c. allow an Imperial Preference for British goods d. provide for the industrialization of the West 33. Settlers in the West, under the National Policy: a. were encouraged to build factories b. were seen as a captive market for Eastern Canadian groups c. were expected to become cattle ranchers d. were not allowed to buy more than 160 acres of farm land 34. The CPR was essential to the National Policy: a. because it would keep B.C. happy b. it would allow for the shipment of goods and people c. it would link the Canadian West with the United States d. it would provide work for unemployed persons 35. The new CPR syndicate in 1880 was made up of: a. bankers b. bankers and railwaymen c. industrialists d. British businessmen

5 36. The CPR syndicate was offered: a. money b. prairie farmland c. an operating monopoly 37. Which of the following men were not members of the CPR syndicate? a. George Stephen b. Sir Hugh Allen c. Donald Smith d. James J. Hill 38. The CPR syndicate decided to move the line of the railway south because: a. it was a whim of its directors b. there were few land speculators there c. the land was easier to build a railway on d. it would annoy settlers already on the prairies 39. A problem with the new southern route was: a. the location of the line in BC was not clear b. the new route would be more expensive c. the new route was 40. The new general manager of the CPR in 1881: a. James J. Hill b. William van Horne c. General Rosser d. Major Rogers 41. William van Horne was: a. efficient b. hard-working c. an American 42. The biggest problem facing the CPR in 1883 was: a. lazy workers b. a lack of supplies c. not enough cash to finish the railway d. government interference 43. The CPR, in 1883, had completed: a. the least expensive part of the line b. the most expensive part of the line c. the line north of Lake Superior d. the line in BC 44. In 1883, the Canadian government was forced to: a. abandon the building of the CPR b. take over the building of the CPR c. provide the CPR with additional monies d. increase taxes to pay for the CPR

6 45. The surveyor who found a route through the Selkirk Mountains: a. Sanford Fleming b. Major Rogers c. General Rosser d. William van Horne 46. While the CPR paid workers between $1.50 and $2.00 per day, the actual amount earned by workers was: a. less due to a wage tax b. less due to the fact that the CPR charged them for their food c. more because the government gave them a bonus d. more because the CPR paid a performance bonus 47. Van Horne used wooden trestles to carry the rail line: a. because wood was stronger than steel b. because carpenters were paid less than stone masons c. because they were cheaper to build d. because the government paid a bonus for their construction 48. Working conditions for CPR labourers were: a. inspected for safety b. extremely dangerous c. better for skilled workers d. protected by government legislation 49. If a worker on the CPR was injured: a. he received Workers Compensation b. he was immediately discharged c. he would receive expert medical care d. he could apply for disbaility pay 50. The grade in the Kicking Horse Pass was: a. the maximum allowed for safety b. very shallow c. twice the steepness that safety allowed d. three times the steepness that safety allowed 51. The event that saved the CPR from financial ruin: a. Van Horne s decision to change the Pacific terminus to Vancouver b. a loan from the British government c. the CPR s rapid deployment of troops during the North West Rebellion d. a loan from the Bank of Montreal 52. When the CPR was used to transport troops west in 1885: a. it was newly finished b. there were four gaps in the line north of Lake Superior c. there were three gaps in the line north of Lake Superior d. there were four gaps in the line between Winnipeg and Lake Superior 53. The CPR was finished in November, 1885: a. on schedule b. five years ahead of schedule c. three years behind schedule d. one year ahead of schedule

7 54. The Last Spike of the CPR was driven by: a. Sir John A. Macdonald b. William van Horne c. George Stephen d. Donals Smith 55. The Canadian government intended to pay for the CPR by: a. selling prairie land to settlers b. selling prairie land to the Métis c. taxing farmland on the prairies d. selling prairie land to the CPR 56. Because the Canadian government needed to sell land on the prairies: a. it accepted Métis petitions b. denied Métis petitions c. ignored Métis petitions d. encouraged the Métis to return to Manitoba 57. In the early 1880 s, the Métis had no wish to: a. continue to farm b. rebel against the Canadian government c. gain title to their lands d. obtain financial aid from the government 58. As the costs of building the CPR mounted between 1882 and 1885, the government: a. increased financial aid to native peoples b. drastically cut the Indian Department s budget c. asked the Métis to assist the native peoples d. tried to get the native peoples to work on the CPR 59. Government aid to native peoples was: a. provided with no strings attached b. denied to difficult Indians c. provided only if natives wanted to farm d. eliminated in all cases 60. The Métis, seeing the native peoples starving: a. refused to help them b. asked the Catholic Church to help them c. provided as much aid as they could d. ignored the problem 61. In the summer of 1884, the Métis: a. decided to rebel b. asked Louis Riel to return to lead them c. moved back to Manitoba d. decided to leave Canada for the United States 62. When the Métis asked Louis Riel to return, he was: a. a stroekeeper in Montana b. a lawyer in Montana c. a school teacher in Montana d. a rancher in Montana

8 63. In late 1884, Riel and Jackson drew up the: a. Métis List of Rights b. Métis Bill of Rights c. Métis Declaration of Independence d. Métis Declaration of the Rights of Man 64. The Métis Bill of Rights was similar to the American Declaration in that: a. it detailed Métis grievances b. it stated that the Métis should be treated equally c. it was ignored by the Canadian government d. none of these 65. The Métis Bill of Rights addressed the concerns of: a. the Métis only b. the Métis and the native peoples c. the Métis and European settlers d. all groups in the North West 66. In early 1885, the Canadian government decided that a rebellion in the North West would: a. provide an opportunity for the CPR to save the nation b. provide an excuse to send troops west c. end the HBC control of the North West d. both a. and b. 67. In March, 1885, the Canadian government had which of the following forces close to the Métis settlements in the North West: a militia at Regina b. a NWMP detachment at Ft. Carlton c. two regiments of soldiers at Calgary 68. Riel decided to take up arms against the Canadian government in March, 1885 because: a. he wished to teach the NWMP a lesson b. he felt that a peaceful resolution of the Métis grievances was impossible c. he wanted to fight Canadian troops d. he wanted to annoy Macdonald 69. When the NWMP and the Métis met at Duck Lake, the result was: a. the Métis were forced to retreat b. the NWMP took the Métis force prisoner c. the NWMP detachment was defeated d. the Métis were able to attack Ft. Carlton 70. By April, how many Canadian troops had been deployed in the North West? a b c d. 10, At Batoche, in May, 1885, militia forces: a. were smaller in number than the Métis b. were about the same number as the Métis c. outnumbered the Métis about 4 to 1 d. surrendered to the Métis

9 72. The Battle of Batoche lasted: a. three hours b. a day c. two days d. three days 73. What happened to the two Métis leaders after Batoche? a. Riel and Dumont were both captured b. Riel was captured and Dumont escaped to the United States c. Riel was captured and Dumont was killed d. Riel and Dumont both escaped 74. The Canadian government viewed the Métis as: a. dangerous rebels b. wayward children c. desperate people driven to rebel d. people worthy of equal rights 75. Riel was taken prisoner at Batoche and was charged with: a. murder b. starting an armed rebellion c. high treason d. attempted murder 76. Riel s lawyers at his trial wanted him to plead: a. guilty b. not guilty c. not guilty by reason of insanity d. guilty with extenuating circumstances 77. Riel s jury was: a. all Métis b. all European c. half Métis and half European d. mostly European 78. Riel suggested in his defence that: a. the Canadian government had acted irresponsibly b. the Canadian government had ignored Métis petitions c. had the Canadian government negotiated in good faith, the rebellion would not have occured. 79. Riel was sentenced to hang. Which group(s) were opposed to this? a. the trial jury b. the Quebec people and government c. the citizens of Ontario d. Sir John A. Macdonald 80. Riel was executed. The other Métis leaders: a. were also executed b. were exiled from Canada c. given light fines or pardoned d. were sentenced to long prison terms

10 Essay Questions: Choose one of the following questions and complete a five paragraph essay response. 1. How did scrip create problems for the Métis? 2. To what extent was the attitude towards the Métis racist? 3. Account for the formation of the NWMP. 4. To what extent was the treaty process on the prairies fair to native groups? 5. Compare and contrast the Alexander Mackenzie and Sir John A. Macdonald. 6. Justify moving the route of the CPR south in Justify the North West rebellion in The execution of Louis Riel was justified. Evaluate this statement.

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