Trisdesimt antroji pamoka Lesson 32

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1 Trisdesimt antroji pamoka Lesson 32 Jonas: RYT~ Algirdai, kelkis! Jaii astuonios, o mes devifi.tq valandq jaii turime buti universitete. Profesorius Valaitis labai nemegsta, kai studefi.tai veh'.10j a i jo paskaitas. Algirdas: Gerai, gerai. Pagal mano laikrodi dar tik puse astuoniij. Matyt, mano laikrodis veluoja. Jonas: Praejusiq savait~ tu pramieg6jai dvi paskaitas. Ir vis tavo laikrodis buvo kaltas. N esk savo laikrodi pas laikrodininkq pataisyti, nes kitaip tu visq semestrq veluosi i profesoriaus ValaiCio paskaitas. Algirdas: Si menesi as dar negaliu... Neturiu pinigij. Ateinanti menesi as gal turesiu daugiaii pinigij. Sakyk, kada prasideda Kaledq at6stogos? Jonas: Palauk, as paziiiresiu i kalendoriq. Kaledq at6stogos prasides devyni6liktq gruodzio, treciadieni. Vadinas, uz trijij savaiciq. Bet as n6riu vaziuoti namo anksciaii, gal pirmadieni, septyni61iktq gruodzio, o gal dar anksciaii. Algirdas: Kiek dabar laiko? Jaii man tikrai reikia keltis! Jonas: Dabar jaii desimt (minuciq) po astuoniij. Tu pasiskubink apsirefi.gti, o as jaii baigiu ruosti pusrycius. Puse devyniij mes jaii turime iseiti is namij. Algirdas: Gerai, gerai. Per desimt minuciq as busiu pasiruos~s. 247

2 keltis (keliuosi, k~liasi, kelesi, kelsis) - to get up, to rise veluoti (veluoju, veluoja, velavo, veluos) - to be late paskaita (3b) - lecture pagat (prep. with acc.) - according to; along lafkrodis -dzio (1) - watch, clock praeji;s, praejusi (past active participle of praeiti 'to pass') - last, the last (referring to time); past savaite (1) - week pramieg6ti (pramiegil, prami~ga, pramieg6jo, pramieg6s) - to oversleep ii' vls - (here) and for all this, all the time ka Ttas, -a ( 4) - guilty, responsible ne ti (nesu, n~sa, n~se. nes) - to carry, to take to pas (prep. with acc.) - by, near, at the house of; (here) to lalkrodininkas (1) - watchmaker pataisyti (pataisau, pataiso, pataise, pataisys) - to repair nes - because kitaip - otherwise semestras (2) - semester pasivellioti (pasivellioju, pasiveluoja, pasivelavo, pasiveluos) to be late; to get (somewhat late) somewhere menuo (gen. menesio, see Appendix) - month 32.1 The Hour of the Day. VOCABULARY GRAMMAR 32.1,1 'What time is it?' may be expressed by: Kaledos (plural only) - Christmas at6stogos (plural only, fem., 2nd decl.) - vacation kalendorius (2) - calendar gruodis -dzio (1) - December treciiidienis -io (1) - Wednesday vadi ntis (vadinuosi, vadlnasi, vadlnosi, vadinsis) - to call oneself; to mean; to express vadinas - it means; thus uz (preposition with gen. and acc.) - (here) in anksciau earlier (from ankstl 'early') gal - perhaps pirmiidienis -io (1) - Monday ti krai - indeed, for sure pasiskubinti (pasiskubinu, pasiskubina, pasiskubino, pasiskubins) - to hurry up apsireiigti (apsirengiu, apsirefigia, apslrenge, apsirefigs)-to get dressed baigti (baigiu, baigia, baige, baigs) - to finish, to be finishing ruo~ti (ruosiu, ruosia, ruose, ru611) - -to prepare i~eiti (iseinu, iseina, isejo, i!leis) - to go out, to leave pei' (prep. with acc.) through, across; (here) in, in the course of pasiru<s~ti (pasiruosiu, pasiruosia, pasiruose, pasiruos) - to get prepared, to get ready, to get finished 1) Kiek laiko? (lit.: 'How much time?') 2) Kuri dabar valanda? (lit.: 'Which hour is it now?') 3) Kelinta dabar valanda? (lit.: 'Which hour is it now?') The student may use any one of these expressions, but (1) is preferred because of its brevity. 32.1,2 To answer the question 'What time is it?' one generally uses the cardinal number with the hours: Examples: 1) Dabar septynios. - It is now seven o'clock. 248

3 2) Dabaf trys vfilandos (ryto). - It is now three o'clock (A.M.; in the morning) 3) Dabaf dvylika (valandij,) nakties. - It is now twelve midnight. 4) Dabaf (lygiai) dvylika. - It is now (exactly) twelve noon. 5) Dabaf viena. - It is now one o'clock. 6) Dabaf desimt. - It is now ten o'clock. In examples (5) and (6) the cardinals may be replaced by ordinals in popular speech: (5a) Dabaf pirma. - It is now one PM; (6a) Dabaf de imta. - It is now ten PM. 7) Dabaf peiikios (minutes) po dvylikos. - It is now five after twelve. 7a) Dabaf peiikios (minutes) po dvyliktos. - It is now five minutes after twelve. 32.1,2 (cont.) The half hours are as follows: 8) Dabaf puse pirmos. - It is now half past twelve. (Note that the ordinal is used here.) 9) Dabaf puse dviejii:. - It is now half past one. Contrary to example (8) above the cardinal is commonly used rather than the ordinal here. But it should be pointed out that the construction: Dabaf puse antros. - 'It is now half past one', is also possible. 10) Dabaf puse trijif. - It is now half past two. 11) Dabaf puse keturiif. - It is now half past three. 12) Dabaf puse penkiif. - It is now half past four. Etc. Note that in this usage (with puse) the ordinal number refers to the preceding hour; in other words the first hour is that between twelve and one o'clock, the second hour is that between one and two, etc. 32.1,3 The Hour plus Minutes. There are two ways of expressing the hour plus the minutes: one is an 'official' way, e.g. for radio programs, time-tables, etc. and the other way is the popular way. Examples: 1:05 a) b) a) official time b) popular expression viena (valanda) (if) pefikios (minutes) peiikios (minutes) po vienos (valandos) 249

4 1:10 a) viena (valanda) (if) desimt (minuciq) b) desimt (minuciq) p6 vienos (valandos) 1:15 a) viena (valanda) (if) penki61ika (minuciq) b) penki61ika (minuciq) po vienos (valandos) 1:25 a) viena (valanda) (if) dvidesimt pefikios b) dvidesimt pefikios (minutes) po vienos 1:30 a) viena (valanda) (if) trisdesimt (or, of course, puse dviejfl, see 32.1,2) b) trisdesimt po vienos 1:35 a) viena (valanda) trisdesimt pefikios (minutes) b) pefikios (minutes) po puses dviejq 1 :40 a) viena ( valanda) keturiasdesimt (minuciq) b) be dvidesimt (minuciq) dvi (valandos) 1 :45 a) viena (valanda) keturiasdesimt pefikios (minutes) b) be penki61ikos (minuciq) dvi (valandos) 1 :55 a) viena (valanda) pefikiasdesimt pefikios (minutes) b) be penkifi (minuciq) dvi (valandos) Thus one may say either (1) Dabar viena penkios or (2) Dabar penkios po vienos (or po pirmos) for 'Now it is five minutes past one.' 32.1,4 P. M. and A. M. are expressed as follows: A.M. - P.M. - ryto (lit.: of the morning) vakaro (lit.: of the evening) However, a third expression is used in Lithuanian for the afternoon hours, somewhere between 1:00 P. M. and 6:00 P. M.: po pietij, 'after dinner, after the mid-day meal'. A fourth expression: nakties 'of the night' refers to the early morning hours :00 A. M. - antra valanda ryto (lit.: the second hour of the morning), or: 2:00 A. M. - antra valanda nakties (lit.: the second hour of night) 4:00 A. M. - ketvirta valanda ryto (or: nakties) 6:00 A. M. - sesta valanda ryto (or: nakties) 1:00 P. M. - pirma valanda po pietij, (lit.: the first hour after the mid-day meal) 10:00 A. M. - de8imta valanda ryto 5:00 P. M. - penkta valanda po pietij, 7:00 P. M. - septinta valanda vakaro

5 11 :00 P. M. - vienuolikta valandii vakaro To express the difference between 12 noon and midnight the following expressions are used: 12:00 P. M. - dvylikta valandii nakties (lit.: the twelfth hour of the night) vidurnaktis (or vidunaktis) means 'midnight' and vidurdienis (or vidudienis) means 'noon' 'At what time?' may be expressed by: (1) kadii 'when', (2) kuriii: valandq 'what hour' or (3) keliiitq valandq 'what hour.' Note that the second and third expressions above are in the accusative case. To answer this question, i.e. to express the concept 'at a certain hour', generally the ordinal with the accusative case is used for even hours. 1) Mes ateisime dvyliktq vala.ndq. - We shall come at twelve o'clock. 2) treciq valandq (ryto) - at three o'clock in the morning. 3) pirmq valandq (po pietfi) - at one o'clock in the afternoon. 4) desimtq valandq (vakaro or vakare) - at ten o'clock in the evening. To express the concept 'at a certain half-hour' puse is used with the cardinal or ordinal. But note carefully that the word puse 'half' remains in the nominative case. Note that the accusative case to denote 'at a certain time' is limited to the ordinal number. With the cardinal numbers the nominative case is used. 5) Mes ateisime puse pirmos. - We shall arrive at twelve thirty. 6) puse dviejij (or) puse antros - at 1:30 7) puse trijif (or) puse trecios - at 2:30 8) keturiif - at 3:30 (never use the ordinal here) 9) puse penkiif - at 4:30 (never use the ordinal here) 10) puse septynif! - at 6:30 (never use the ordinal here) To express the concept 'at a certain time' when minutes occur in the expression all cardinal numerals not governed by prepositions are in the nominative case. 11) Mes ateisime peiikios po vienos. - We shall arrive at five after one. 12) Mes ateisime penki6lika po vienos. - We shall arrive at 1:15. 13) Mes ateisime be penki6likos astuonios. - We shall arrive at a quarter to eight. 251

6 14) Mes ateisime be penkiolikos keturios. - We shall arrive at a quarter to four. 15) Koncertas prasideda be penki[f sesios. - The concert begins at five minutes to six. 16) peiikios po dvylikos - at five after twelve 17) dvidesimt peiikios po dvylikos - at twenty-five after twelve. 32.1,6 The twenty-four hour system is used in official Lithuanian. It was used in independent Lithuania to announce radio programs, theater performances, etc. Example: 12:55 - Zinios (News) 13:00 - Simfoninis koncertas (Symphony concert) 14:00 -Pranesimas ukininkams (Report to the farmers) 14:30 - Profesorius X: Jvadas i kalb6tyrq (or: kalb6tyros jvadas) (Introduction to linguistics) 32.2 The Days of the Week. pirmadienis - Monday antradienis - Tuesday treciadienis - Wednesday ketvirtadienis - Thursday penktadienis - Friday sestadienis - Saturday sekmadienis - Sunday Note the use of the accusative with the names of the days: 1) As ateisiu pas tave ( Sj) pirmadienj. - I shall come to your place (this) Monday. Forms in parentheses may be omitted. 2) Jis buvo namie praejusj antradienj. - He was at home last Tuesday. 3) Mes eisime ten kitq, treciadienj. - We shall go there next Wednesday. The student should note that the days of the week are merely compounds: pirma 'first' plus diena 'day' gives pirma-dienis 'Monday'; antra 'second' plus diena 'day' gives antra-dienis 'Tuesday', etc. etc Other Uses of the Accusative in Time Expressions. 1) siif: savait~ - this week 2) kitq, savait~ - next week 3) si menesi - this month 4) si rytq, - this morning 252

7 5) vakar rytq - yesterday morning 6) si vakarq - this evening 7) Vienq kaftq ten buvau. - I was there once. 8) Jis mane muse tris kartus. - He hit me three times. See also 22.3 part b The accusative case is also used with kas to denote 'each, every': 1) Kas dienq rafau lciiskq. - Every day I write a letter. 2) Kas savciit~ vazineju namo. - Every week I drive h ome The Nominative Case in Time Expressions. The nominative case is used in certain time expressions. Examples: 1) Jail kelios dienos, kai smarkiai lfjja. - It has been raining hard several days already. (lit.: Already several days since it has been raining hard.) Note also the use of the present tense to denote an action which began in the past, but continues into the present. 2) Jail septyneri metai, kai jis studijuoja lietuvi'lj, kalbq. - It is already seven years that he has been studying Lithuanian. 3) Jonas: Sakyk, Kazimierai, kur tavo draugas Petras? Jail penki menesiai nesu jo mat~s. - John: Say, Casimir, where is your friend Peter? I haven't seen him for five months. Kazimieras: Jis sedi kalejime. If ne penki menesiai, o jail astuoni menesiai, kai jis sedi... - Casimir: He is (sitting) in prison. And it isn't five months, it is already eight months that he has been (there)... 4) Jail penki menesiai, kai jis man - It is already five months that he hasn't written to me. 5) J au penkios dienos nuo prezidento Kenedzio nuzudymo. - It is already five days since President Kennedy's assassination The Accusative: Extent of Time. The accusative case may denote extent of time: 1) As tfi knfjgq ra8au jail keturias savciites (or: keturios savciites). - I have been writing this book for four weeks already. 2) Ten gyvensiu kitq ziemq. - I shall live there next winter. 253

8 3) Praejusici vasarq tikrai suiikiai dirbau. - Last summer I really worked hard. 4) Atvaziuok rudeni. - Come in the fall. (See also 22.3) 32.7 The Instrumental in Expressions of Time. The instrumental case is used in certain expressions of time: 1) siais meta is - this year 2) praejusiais metais - last year 3) kitais metais - next year 4) savaitemis - for weeks 5) birzelio, liepos ir rugpiucio menesiais - during the months of June, July and August 6) siomis dienomis - these days The instrumental plural may imply that something happens repeatedly or regularly at a certain time: 7) Jis atsikelia rytais. - He gets up in the morning(s). 8) vakarais - in the evening(s), evenings 9) Dienomis zm6nes dirba, o naktimis miega. - People work (during the) days, but sleep (during the) nights. See also The Locative in Expressions of Time. The locative case is used in certain expressions of time: 1) vakar vakare - last night (lit.: 'yesterday evening') 2) ryt6j vakare - tomorrow night (lit.: 'tomorrow evening') See also 24.llb Year, etc. In Lithuanian the. word metai 'year' is declined like a masculine plural noun, although it is to be translated by the singular 'year' in English. The instrumental case of the ordinal (cf. Lesson 29) may be used to denote the date. Examples: 1) Jo sunus gim e tukstantis devyni simtai sesiasde8imt pirmais m etais. - His son was born in ) Jo tevas mire tukstantis devyni simtai keturiasdesimtais metais. - His father died in (See also paragraph 32.7) * metas - (sing.)= time (for something ) ; it is t ime (to do something ). 254

9 32.10 The Months. The months in Lithuanian are as follows: sausis (2) - January vasaris (2) - February k6vas ( 1) - March balafi.dis (2) -April geguze (3b) -May birielis (2) - June Hepa (1) -July rugpiutis"' ( 1) - August rugsejis (1) - September spalis (2) - October la pkri tis ( 1) - N ovem her gruodis (1) - December 0 Generally these are used in the expressions sailsio menuo 'the month of January', vasario menuo 'the month of February', etc. To express 'In January', etc.: sailsio menesi (genitive of the name of the month, accusative of menuo) The Dates. The date is expressed with the ordinal number referring to the year (in the genitive plural), the genitive singular of the month and the ordinal number denoting the day (in whatever case the construction requires). Examples: 1) tukstantis devyni simtai sesiasdesimt pirmif mettt k6vo (menesio) septyni6likta (diena) - the 17th of March, (Abbr m. kovo 17, or , or 1961.III.17) 2) tukstantis devyni simtai trisde imtij mettt spalio (menesio) dviddimt trecia (diena) - the 23rd of October, (Abbr m. spalio 23, or , or 1930.X.23). The accusative case of the ordinal referring to the day is used to denote 'on a certain date', e.g. Jo dukte gime tukstantis devyni simtai peiikiasde imt ketvirti'j, mettt (or ketviftais metais) vasario (menesio) tryliktq (dienq) (or 1954 m. vasario 13, or , or 1954.II.13). - His daughter was born on the 13th of February, Forms in parentheses may be omitted. * Also spelled rugpjotis (pronounced rugpjl'ltis = rugiai 'rye' + pjauti (piauti) 'to cut' - to reap, harvest). ** sausis = sausas 'dry'; vasaris = vasara 'summer'; k6vas = k6vas 'a raven'; balaiidis = balaiidis 'pigeon'; geguze = gegute 'cuckoo'; birzelis = berfas 'birch'; liepa= liepa 'linden tree'; rugpiutis - see footnote(*); rugsejis= rugiai 'rye'+ seti 'sow'; spalis = spalis 'chaff'; lapkritis = lapas 'leaf'+ kristi 'to fall'; gruodis = gruodas 'frost'. 255

10 32.12 Prepositions with Expressions of Time. 1) i - in (with acc.): Ji vaziuoja trciukiniu tris kartus i savciit~. - She travels by train three times a week. 2) per - during (with acc.): a. Per visq nii.kti dirbau. - I worked (during) the whole night. b. Per visits metus jis nieko - During the entire year he did nothing. 3) po - after (with gen.): a. Po valandos jis ateis. - In (after) an hour he will come. b. Po dviejif savciici1l baigsiu dcirbq. - In (after) two weeks I will finish the work. 4) uz - after (with gen.): Uz keliif dienif baigsiu dcirbq. - In (after) a few days I will finish the work. 5) pries - ago (with acc.): Pries menesi buvau lig6nineje. - A month ago I was in the hospital.' EXERCISES A. Questions. 1. Kuriij valand11 jus valgote pusrycius? 2. Kada jis eina mieg6ti? 3. Kuriais metais jus atvykote i Amerikq? 4. Kada yra jusq gimimo diena (birthday)? 5. Kada jus einate namo is darbo? 6. Kuriij valandq prasideda koncertas? 7. Kiek metq jus gyvenote Anglijoje? 8. Kaip ilgai jus studijuojate lietuviq kalbq? 9. Kada Kolumbas atrado (discovered) Amerikq? 10. Kiek dabar laiko? B. Express the following in writing in full: 7:05 AM; 10:29 PM; 11:14 AM; 3:30 AM; 3:30 PM; at noon; at midnight; in the afternoon. C. Practice giving dates (in full): 1776.VII.4; 1942; 1914; 1918; 1939; 1945; D. Translate into Lithuanian: 1. She travels to Boston three times a week. 2. In a few days he will be here. 3. A month ago he was in the hospital. 4. We have been studying Lithuanian for four months. 5. On Monday he will go home. 6. After ten hours he will be in Europe. 7. We worked the whole night. 8. The whole day he did nothing. 9. In a few months we will speak Lithuanian very well. 10. I could not sleep all night. * Also: per savait~. savaiteje. ** See also Lesson

11 PRIES KONCERT.t\ Vyras: Zmona: Vyras: Zmona: Vyras: Zmona: Vyras: Zmona: Vyras: Zmona: CONVERSATION Klausyk, brangi6ji, pasiskubink! Mes paveluosime i koncertq. Dabaf jaii puse septyniij! Nesinervink, suspesime. Pagal mano laikrodi dar tik penki61ika po sesiij. Tavo laikrodis amzinai veluoja. Neuzmirsk, kad koncertas prasideda septiiitq valandq. Gerai, gerai, as jaii baigiu. As maniaii, kad koncertas prasideda penki61ika po septyniij. Ne, koncertas prasideda lygiai septiiitq. Kaip n6rs jaii paskubek, nes autobusas musq tikrai nelaiiks. Tai vaziuokime automobiliu! As nemegstu autobusu vaziuoti. Juk tu zinai, kad musq automobilis suged~s. Jaii trys dienos, kai nuveziau pataisyti, if vis dar nepataise. Galejai if anksciaii nuvezti, tai dabaf nereiketq autobusu trankytis. Dabaf jaii be dvidesimt (minuciq) septynios. Autobusas iseina uz trijij minuciq. Gerai, gerai, tik ne5aiik! As jaii pasiru65usi. Galime eiti. BEFORE A CONCERT Husband: 1. Wife: 2. Husband: 3. Wife: 4. Husband: 5. Wife: 6. Husband: 7. Listen, dear, hurry up. We will be late to the concert. It is already half past six. Don't get nervous, we will get there in time. According to my watch, it is only a quarter past six. Your watch is always (eternally) late. Don't forget the concert starts at seven. All right, all right, I am almost ready. I thought the concert starts at a quarter after seven... No, the concert starts at seven sharp. Hurry it up somehow because the bus certainly is not going to wait for us. Then let's go by car. I don't like to go by bus. You know, don't you, that our car is broken down. Three days ago I took it to be repaired, and they have not repaired it yet. 257

12 Wife: 8. You could have taken it there earlier, so now we would not have to go (on a rough ride) by bus. Husband: 9. It is already twenty to seven. The bus is leaving in three minutes. Wife: 10. All right, all right. Don't shout. I am ready. We can go. NOTES: 8. Trankytis autobusu - trankytis 'to shake, to jolt'; trankytis autobusu 'to have a bumpy, uncomfortable ride'. 258

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