Lesson 1 Large Group Version

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1 Lesson 1 Large Group Version Using the Large Group DVD Main Point: I Will Learn From The Bible! Bible Lesson: Jesus Tempted in the Wilderness - Matthew 4:1-11 Bible Verse: Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path. Psalm 119:105 (NLT) What Is The Purpose Of These Activities? Ready, Set, Climb (Drop-Off Time Activity) - Page 3 This activity will introduce the children to the mountain climbing theme as they are dropped off in the room. Important things (Opening Classroom Activity) - Page 5 This activity will introduce the children to the lesson for the day. Introduction Video and Song - Page 7 During this video, the children will meet Wonder and Palette and sing a song. Main Point Demonstration Video - Page 9 During this video, the children will learn the Main Point for the day. Skit And Bible Lesson Video and Song - Page 11 During this video, the children will see how the characters learn the Main Point and see the Bible Lesson for the day. Main Point Review Video - Page 21 During this video, the children will learn how to apply the Main Point to their lives. Offering Time (Offering Activity) - Page 25 In this activity, the children will have the opportunity to give their offering. Bible Match It Up (Main Point Classroom Activity) - Page 27 This activity will help the children understand that it s important to learn from the Bible in order to live life the right way. Jesus Learned The Bible (Bible Lesson Craft Activity) - Page 29 This activity will help the children review the Bible Lesson. Scavenger Hunt (Pick-Up Time Activity) - Page 33 This activity will allow the children to review the lesson for the day as they wait to be picked up. 1

2 Lesson 1 Materials List The following is the list of supplies you will need for this lesson. If an activity can be done with an optional item, it will be listed below. For detailed instructions on how to lead the activities, see the Classroom Activity Training DVD. a backpack Optional: Tub of balls an offering container tape crayons Check each Help Sheet for printables needed for the activity. 2

3 Ready, Set, Climb DROP-OFF TIME ACTIVITY Lesson 1 - I Will Learn From The Bible! Purpose: This activity will introduce the children to the mountain climbing theme as they are dropped off in the room. Description: The children will move around the room doing exercises that will get them warmed up and ready to learn about climbing the mountain. Materials Needed: You will need this Help Sheet and the Ready Set Climb Pictures Lesson 1 from the Lesson Materials CD-ROM. Note: Hang the pictures up around your room prior to class starting. #1 Note: For optional background music, set your CD player to repeat track 1 on your Altitude Jr. Sound Track CD. To Introduce The Activity Say: 1. Welcome to the Altitude series! In this series we will be learning about Bible Lessons that take place on mountains! 2. To get us ready for all these mountains, we are going to do some exercises. 3. Let s get started! For detailed instructions on how to lead the activity, see the Classroom Activity Training DVD. During the activity say: Around the room are some pictures. At each picture, you will do some kind of exercise. Go ahead and start the first exercise! Once you have done that one, move on the next one. 3

4 Ready, Set, Climb DROP-OFF TIME ACTIVITY After the activity say: 1. Great job doing all these exercises! 2. I think you are all ready for the mountains. 3. Today, we are going to learn the Main Point I Will Learn From The Bible! Closing Statement: Now that everyone is here, let s learn some more about our lesson. Up Next: Opening Classroom Activity 4

5 Important Things OPENING CLASSROOM ACTIVITY Lesson 1 - I Will Learn From The Bible! Purpose: This activity will introduce the children to the lesson for the day. Description: The children will learn that the Bible is an important book for their lives. Materials Needed: You will need this Help Sheet, a backpack, and the Important Things Pictures Lesson 1 from the Lesson Materials CD-ROM. Note: Place all the Important Things Pictures in the backpack and set the backpack on the opposite side of the room. Keep the picture of the Bible with you. Optional: Instead of placing the pictures into the backpack, you can hide the pictures all around the room OR you can put the pictures in a tub of balls. Keep the Bible picture with you. To introduce the activity say: 1. Today, we are going to look for some important things we might need when we go on a hiking or camping trip. 2. Let s get started! For detailed instructions on how to lead the activity, see the Classroom Activity Training DVD. During the activity say: 1. In this game you will run from this side of the room to the backpack over there. 2. Inside the backpack are pictures of things we would need to take with us on a climbing trip. 3. Get one of the pictures from the backpack and bring it back to me. Note: Play this game until all of the pictures have been found. 5

6 Important Things OPENING CLASSROOM ACTIVITY After the activity say: 1. Good job getting these things out of our backpack. 2. All of these things would be important to us if we were going out into the mountains to hike and camp, but there is one more picture I want to show you. 3. Those pictures were important for a camping trip, but I want to show you another picture. 4. This is a picture of something that is the most important thing for your life. What is this? (A Bible.) 5. Yes! It s a Bible, and the Bible is a very important book! 6. It s a book that will tell us how to live our lives. We should learn all we can from the Bible. 7. That s what we are learning about today. Today, our Main Point is I Will Learn From The Bible! 8. Repeat that with me. I Will Learn From The Bible! 9. How do you think we can learn from the Bible? (By coming to church. By reading the Bible with my family. Doing an Elevate At Home lesson on the computer.) 10. Those are great ways to learn from the Bible. Let s say our Main Point together one more time. I Will Learn From The Bible! Closing Statement: It s important that we learn from the Bible. We ll learn more about that in our lesson today! Note: If you have chosen to use the optional music, turn it off now. Up Next: Introduction Video 6

7 Introduction Video (ON DVD) Lesson 1 - I Will Learn From The Bible! Press Play to begin the Introduction video. WONDER Hi, kids! I m Wonder. And, I m Palette! WONDER Hey, Palette! I feel like singing. How about you? Oooooo, me too, me too, me too, Wonder! Kids, let s stand up. WONDER And, sing along! Press Play to continue to the song Lead Me. Up Next: Main Point Demonstration Video 7

8 More Elevate fun coming up next! 8

9 Main Point Demonstration Video (ON DVD) Lesson 1 - I Will Learn From The Bible! Press Play to begin the Main Point Demonstration video. Hey, kids! Let s talk about today s Main Point. WONDER Wait, I don t know what our Main Point is. Oh, well that s okay. Kids, to help Wonder learn today s Main Point let s check in with Miss Skye at the base camp climbing shop, Altitude! WONDER Oooooo! That sounds like fun! WONDER Our Main Point is I Will Learn From The Bible! Everyone, say that with us on the count of three. [A] WONDER AND One, two, three. I Will Learn From The Bible! WONDER Good job, kids. Now say the Main Point with your teacher! A Say, I Will Learn From The Bible! Up Next: Skit And Bible Lesson Video 9

10 That was so fun! Now let s watch the skit and Bible Lesson! 10

11 Skit And Bible Lesson Video (ON DVD) Lesson 1 - I Will Learn From The Bible! Press Play to begin the Skit And Bible Lesson Video. Hey, kids! Do you remember the Main Point? WONDER Our Main Point is I Will Learn From The Bible! Everyone, say that with us on the count of three. [A] WONDER AND One, two, three. I Will Learn From The Bible! WONDER Great job! Now, let s find out more about the Main Point with Miss Skye and Fluke! A Say, I Will Learn From The Bible! Oh boy! I can t wait to learn more! Ahhh, another day in the base camp shop. How are you today, Fluke? FLUKE (barks) B You re such a good boy! Hi, kids, are you ready to learn about mountain climbing? [B] Say, Yes! 11

12 Skit And Bible Lesson Video (ON DVD) KIDS Yes! Wait...someone s here. BIVVY I can t believe it! We re finally here at the mountain! SWITCH I know! I love mountains! So, when do we climb! BIVVY Hi, I m Bivvy and this is Switch! SWITCH Hi...now when do we climb?! Well it s so nice to meet you, Switch and Bivvy. My name is Miss Skye. I run things here in the shop and train new climbers. FLUKE (barks) I didn t forget about you. This is Fluke, he s the best helper I ve ever had around the shop. SWITCH Yeah, yeah, that s great. But, when do we climb the mountain?! We love mountains and we re ready to climb right now! 12

13 Skit And Bible Lesson Video (ON DVD) BIVVY You know what, Switch? You re right, let s go out to the mountain and climb right now! SWITCH Whoa! Don t worry. He won t hurt you. He s just trying to keep you safe. SWITCH Safe? Yes, you can t just go climb the mountain...that s dangerous. You need to train here first. You also need to learn about the safety equipment and the climbing gear that you ll need. Learning is important, and there s a lot to learn. SWITCH Nah...we don t need to learn anything. BIVVY Yeah, we just want to climb. Let s go, Switch. Wait just a minute...so, you think the two of you know everything you need to know about climbing? SWITCH AND BIVVY Yep! 13

14 Skit And Bible Lesson Video (ON DVD) Okay, let s see. This is a climbing wall that we use to train new climbers. Way up there at the top is a flag. If you can climb to the top and get that flag then I ll know you re ready to climb the mountain. SWITCH All we have to do is climb up there and get that flag? BIVVY That s easy! SWITCH I got this! The key is to lift with your legs! Okay, here we go! BIVVY You re almost there! SWITCH I ve got to get to that blue on there. I ve Oh no! Ouch! You try. Oh my pancreas! BIVVY Watch me, Switch, I ve got this! Put this foot here. Oh dear! Oh dear! Say, No! C SWITCH Oh! My other pancreas! Kids, are Switch and Bivvy ready to climb a mountain? [C] KIDS No! 14

15 Skit And Bible Lesson Video (ON DVD) You see? This is what happens when you don t learn what you need to learn. Learning is important. Even Jesus knew this. BIVVY Really. Jesus spent time learning? Thank you, Fluke! Yes, He did, Bivvy. There s even a lesson about it in the Bible. In fact, part of this story is on top of a tall mountain. Would the two of you like to hear this? SWITCH A Bible Lesson on a really tall mountain?! Yes! BIVVY Sure, let s hear it! Okay, here it is. One day, Jesus was out in the wilderness all by Himself. While Jesus was there, the devil came to Him to try and make Him do things that are wrong. Here are three things the devil tried to get Jesus to do. The devil knew that Jesus was very hungry, and so he told Jesus to change some rocks into bread. Jesus could have done it, but Jesus had learned from the Bible that this was not something that God would want Him to do. So Jesus told the devil no. 15

16 Skit And Bible Lesson Video (ON DVD) Next, the devil took Jesus to the top of the Temple, which was a really big building where people worshiped God. The devil told Jesus to jump off the top because angels would rescue Him. Jesus could have done it, but again, Jesus had learned from the Bible that this was something that God would not want Him to do. Once again, Jesus told the devil, No. Finally, the devil took Jesus to the top of a tall mountain. The devil said that if Jesus would bow down and worship him, then the devil would give Jesus all of the kingdoms in the world! But, Jesus had learned from the Bible that this was not something that God would want Him to do. So, one more time, Jesus told the devil, No. Then Jesus told the devil to go away and leave Him alone. Jesus learned from the Bible and that helped Him know what God wanted Him to do. We should learn from the Bible, too, so that we can know what God wants us to do, too. BIVVY Wow! So, Jesus learned what the Bible says, and then He knew what God wanted Him to do? FLUKE (barks) Yes, learning what the Bible says is very important. That way we know what God wants us to do. And just like learning from the Bible is important, you also need to learn from me all about climbing. Learning from me will help you know what to do so you won t get hurt. So...will you learn from me? 16

17 Skit And Bible Lesson Video (ON DVD) SWITCH AND BIVVY Yes! Let s learn! Please teach us! All right! I m so glad you re ready! Here, these are harnesses that will allow you to hook onto the climbing ropes, and these helmets will protect your heads. Here let me help you out. Later SWITCH Hey, we look cool! BIVVY Yeah, now what do we do, Miss Skye? SWITCH Yeah, teach us. We want to learn. Good! Switch you will climb the wall. Grab onto the hand holds one at a time and slowly move up to the flag. Bivvy will hold the rope down here. Bivvy, you keep pulling on the rope as Switch climbs. You ready, Switch? SWITCH AND BIVVY Got it! SWITCH Okay, here I go. I m going slowly...one hand hold at a time. BIVVY You ve got it! 17

18 Skit And Bible Lesson Video (ON DVD) SWITCH I made it! I ve got the flag! Woohoo! Great job, you two! Switch, in a moment, I will need you to lean back off the wall while Bivvy slowly lowers you back down. Ready? SWITCH AND BIVVY Ready! D Say, Yay! Okay, slowly lean back, Switch. Bivvy, slowly let out the rope and bring Switch down safely. Good job! Kids, when I count to three, let s cheer for Switch and Bivvy! One...two...three! [D] AND KIDS Yay! BIVVY Thanks, Kids. We did it, Switch! SWITCH We sure did! Miss Skye, you taught us, we learned, and then we knew what to do. We have the flag, and now we re ready to climb the mountain! Yes, but that s just the first flag. 18

19 Skit And Bible Lesson Video (ON DVD) SWITCH AND BIVVY The first flag? Yes, this is called a learning flag, and there are seven more flags like it up on the mountain that I want you to try and find. You see, there s still a lot you need to learn about mountain climbing and a lot you need to learn from the Bible, and you will learn those things as you find each flag. So what do you say? Do you think you can climb the mountain and find all of the flags and learn more about Mountain climbing and the Bible? SWITCH AND BIVVY We can do it! Good! Good idea, Fluke. Here. I m going to help you keep learning. When you re up on the mountain and you have a question or you don t know what to do, call me on this walkie talkie, and I will help you. The kids will help, too! SWITCH Thanks, Miss Skye. I can t wait to learn even more! BIVVY Goodbye, Miss Skye. Goodbye, Fluke. Goodbye, kids! FLUKE (barks) 19

20 Skit And Bible Lesson Video (ON DVD) WONDER What a wonderful lesson! I love learning lessons from the Bible! WONDER And I love to sing! Let s sing another song to worship God! That is a fantastic idea! Everyone, stand up and sing along! Press Play to continue to the song Talk To You. Up Next: Main Point Review Video 20

21 Main Point Review Video (ON DVD) Lesson 1 - I Will Learn From The Bible! Press Play to begin the Main Point Review Video. WONDER Palette? Yes, Wonder? WONDER Come with me and let s show the kids more about our Main Point! Oooooo! Come on, kids. Let s go! Imagine that it s bedtime and your parents ask you what kind of story you would like to hear. You ask your parents to read you a story from the Bible. You have learned I Will Learn From The Bible! WONDER Or maybe you heard a verse at church that you want to learn. You ask your parents to help you memorize it. You know it is important to learn the Bible. Or imagine that some kids at church are talking instead of listening to the teacher. You want to learn from the Bible so you listen to your teacher instead of talking with the other kids. WONDER All of these are ways we can show we have learned the Main Point, I Will Learn From The Bible! 21

22 Main Point Review Video (ON DVD) But wait, we re not done yet! Let s take a look at today s Bible Verse. WONDER Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path. Psalm 119:105 (NLT) Now, say this verse with your teacher so that you can remember it. Option: You may choose to do exaggerated hand motions with the Bible Verse or repeat it several times by saying it louder, faster, softer, etc. to help the children remember it. 22

23 Main Point Review Video (ON DVD) Press Play to Continue. Well, kids, it s been a wonderful day! WONDER Thanks for joining us! We sure did learn a lot! See you next time! WONDER AND Bye! Up Next: Offering Activity 23

24 Learning about The Bible IS fun! Now, it s time for offering! 24

25 Offering Time OFFERING ACTIVITY Lesson 1 - I Will Learn From The Bible! Purpose: In this activity, the children will have the opportunity to give their offering. Description: The children will give their offering and learn that offering is a time for them to give a little bit back to God to tell Him thank You for everything He gives them. Materials needed: You will need this Help Sheet and an offering container. #2 Note: For optional background music, set your CD player to repeat track 2 on your Altitude Jr. Sound Track CD. To introduce the activity say: 1. When someone gives us something, we should say, Thank you. 2. Right now, it s time for our offering. 3. Because God gives us everything we have, this is our way of telling Him thanks for all those things. 4. Let s get started! For detailed instructions on how to lead the activity, see the Classroom Activity Training DVD. During the activity say: If you have your offering, you can give it and put it in the container. The money you give to the church is used to tell other people about Jesus. If you don t have your offering, you can give it next time. Has everyone had a chance to give their offering? Great! Now, let s thank God by praying to Him. Everyone, shake out your hands and put them together! Now, bow your heads and close your eyes. Dear God, thank You for giving us everything we have, and thank You for letting us give a little bit back to You so others can learn about You, too. In Jesus name we pray. Amen! 25

26 Offering Time OFFERING ACTIVITY After the activity say: 1. You did great giving your offering today. 2. Remember, if you didn t have any offering today, you can give it next time you come to church. Closing Statement: Thank you for giving a little bit back to God in our offering time. Note: If you have chosen to use the optional music, turn it off now. Up Next: Main Point Classroom Activity 26

27 Bible Match It Up MAIN POINT CLASSROOM ACTIVITY Lesson 1 - I Will Learn From The Bible! Purpose: This activity will help the children understand that it s important to learn from the Bible in order to live life the right way. Description: The children will play a matching game and find out what the Bible tells them about how to live. Materials Needed: You will need this Help Sheet and the Bible Match It Up Lesson 1 from the Lesson Materials CD-ROM. #1 Note: For optional background music, set your CD player to repeat track 1 on your Altitude Jr. Sound Track CD. To introduce the activity say: 1. Who can tell me our Main Point for today? (I Will Learn From The Bible!) 2. Let s all say that together. I Will Learn From The Bible! 3. In this game today we are going to find out that it is important for us to learn from the Bible. 4. Learning from the Bible will help us have the best life possible. 5. Let s get started! For detailed instructions on how to lead the activity, see the Classroom Activity Training DVD. During the activity say: All of our cards are face down on the floor. When its your turn, you will turn over two cards. If you turn up a Bible and another picture, you will have made a match. We ll talk about that match and then keep playing. Note: Use the text on the picture cards to guide your discussion in the game. 27

28 Bible Match It Up MAIN POINT CLASSROOM ACTIVITY After the activity say: 1. Good job making those matches. 2. Did you find out something new you could learn from the Bible? (How to be nice to my friends. That we should obey our teachers.) 3. In each of the pictures, we saw something that we can learn from the Bible. 4. There are many things we can learn from the Bible. Closing Statement: Learning from the Bible will help us live our lives the right way - the way God wants us to live. If you have younger children who don t understand the concept of the game, feel free to place the cards face up and allow the children to make the matches that way. Up Next: Bible Lesson Craft Activity 28

29 Jesus Learned The Bible BIBLE LESSON CRAFT ACTIVITY Lesson 1 - I Will Learn From The Bible! Purpose: This activity will help the children review the Bible Lesson. Description: The children will review the Bible Lesson with the teacher and then make a craft that reminds them of the Lesson for the day. Materials Needed: You will need this Help Sheet and the Video Section entitled Bible Lesson Craft Activity on the DVD. For each child you will need crayons and one copy of the Scroll Bible Lesson 1 from the Lesson Materials CD-ROM. To Introduce The Activity Say: 1. Who learned from the Bible in our Bible Lesson today? (Jesus.) 2. Jesus knew a lot of things that were in the Bible, and He used them to help Him obey God. 3. We are going to review the Bible Lesson, and then we ll make a craft to take home that will help us remember the Bible Lesson. 4. Let s get started. For detailed instructions on how to lead the activity, see the Classroom Activity Training DVD. During The Activity Say: 1. Let s look at these pictures. I ll read the question and you see if you can answer it. 2. Q: What did the devil tell Jesus to change the rocks to? Note: Press Play to continue to the answer. 3. A: Bread. 4. Jesus had learned from the Bible that this was not something God would want Him to do so He told the devil, No. 29

30 Jesus Learned The Bible BIBLE LESSON CRAFT ACTIVITY Note: Press Play to continue to the next question. 5. Q: What did the devil say would happen if Jesus jumped off the Temple? Note: Press Play to continue to the answer. 6. A: The angels would rescue Him. 7. Jesus told the devil no. Jesus knew from the Bible that God would not want Him to do this. Note: Press Play to continue to the next question. 8. Q: What did the devil say he would give Jesus if He would worship him? Note: Press Play to continue to the answer. 9. A: All the kingdoms of the world. 10. Jesus had learned from the Bible and knew that God would not want Him to do this either. 11. Jesus told the devil to go away. He had learned from the Bible and that helped Him know what God wanted Him to do. 12. Great job answering these questions! Let s start on our craft. 13. This is a picture of a scroll. The Bible was written on scrolls back when Jesus was on Earth. 14. Since we know it s important to learn from the Bible, there is a Bible Verse on your scroll. 15. Color the scroll while I read the Bible Verse to you. 16. Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path. Psalm 119:105 (NLT) 17. This Bible Verse tells us that when we learn the Bible, it will help us know the things we should do. 18. Jesus knew the Bible, and it helped Him when He was in the desert. Note: After you read the verse to the class, have them repeat it after you, saying a couple of words at a time. 30

31 Jesus Learned The Bible BIBLE LESSON CRAFT ACTIVITY After the activity say: 1. I like your scrolls. 2. Let s roll them up, and you can take them home to help you remember that it s important for you to learn from the Bible. 3. Jesus learned from the Bible and that helped Him know what was right. We should learn from the Bible, too, so we will know what is right for us to do. 4. Let s say our Main Point. I Will Learn From The Bible! Closing Statement: This week, put this scroll somewhere you will see it so you can remember the Bible Lesson. Ask God to help you learn from the Bible. Up Next: Pick Up Time Activity 31

32 What a great day! This is your last activity! Have fun with it! 32

33 Scavenger Hunt PICK-UP TIME ACTIVITY Lesson 1 - I Will Learn From The Bible! Purpose: This activity will allow the children to review the lesson for the day as they wait to be picked up. Description: The children will search around the room for pictures of the lesson. Once they find a picture, they can cross it off their scavenger hunt page. Materials Needed: You will need this Help Sheet, tape, and the Scavenger Hunt Pictures Lesson 1 from the Lesson Materials CD-ROM. For each child you will need a crayon and one copy of the Scavenger Hunt List Lesson 1 from the Lesson Materials CD-ROM. Note: Prior to beginning the activity, place the Scavenger Hunt pictures around the room at the children s eye level. To Introduce The Activity Say: 1. Wow! What a fun day it s been! We have had a fun day learning our Main Point I Will Learn From The Bible! 2. To help us remember what we learned, we are going to do a scavenger hunt. 3. On a scavenger hunt, you look for some items on a list. 4. Let s get started! For detailed instructions on how to lead the activity, see the Classroom Activity Training DVD. During The Activity Say: 1. Here is a scavenger hunt paper for each of you. 2. On this paper are pictures of things we have learned about or seen in our lesson today. 3. Let s talk about each picture. Note: Go over each picture with the children to remind them about the different things they learned in the lesson. Once you are finished reviewing the lesson using the Scavenger Hunt List, you can tell the children how to do the scavenger hunt. 33

34 Scavenger Hunt PICK-UP TIME ACTIVITY 4. You all remembered a lot of things about our lesson. 5. Now we are going to look for these pictures. I have placed them around the room for you to find. 6. When you find a picture, you can cross it off on your Scavenger Hunt Paper. 7. Take a crayon and you can get started! Pick-Up Statement (to be said to the children as they are picked up): Great job today! Can you tell your parents what we learned about today? (I Will Learn From The Bible!) See you next week! Note: If you have chosen to use the optional music, turn it off now. 34

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