Methods and Methodology of Learning the Coptic Language (Linguistic - Cultural Study) Master Degree Thesis in Egyptology

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1 Methods and Methodology of Learning the Coptic Language (Linguistic - Cultural Study) Master Degree Thesis in Egyptology Muhammady Fathy Muhammed Faculty of Archaeology- Cairo University Keywords: Education, Ways, Methodology, Coptic, Teacher (Schoolmaster), School, Student, School exercises, Syllabaries, Lists (Words, Names). The Research "Methods and Methodology of Learning the Coptic Language (linguistic - cultural study)" is divided into: An Introduction, Preface; layout of Education in Egypt before the Christianity (Ancient and Greco-Roman Egypt), and three main chapters. the first chapter "The Education in Coptic Egypt", in which different Coptic vocabulary function on the meaning of education or instructions ⲥⲃⲱ, learning ϯⲥⲃⲱ and teaching ϫⲓⲥⲃⲱ, and some Etymology from other scripts of the language of the ancient Egyptian, those from the Greek language. Discussing the history of Education and literacy in late antique Egypt, in which spread the Christian religion, from the second century AD to the formal end use of the Coptic language in the Egypt during the twelfth century. Education was not open to males only but was open to girls, who had access to primary schools, but males were vast majority. But elite females could attend, pursue and attend the advanced levels of education 1. Together with the Education in the monasteries, because the Coptic monasteries was a center of Education and knowledge, both monasteries which were held in northern Egypt; such as the monasteries of Wadi El- Natron, which founded by Saint Macarius (dayr anba Maqar), or the monasteries which were held in Upper Egypt; such as the Monastery of St. Phoibamon in Deir el-bahari, and the monastery of St. Epiphanius in the 1 - Cribiore R.,"Education in the Papyri", In: The Oxford Handbook of Papyrology, Edited by Roger S. Bagnall, (Oxford 2009), 32. 1

2 west of 1. Winlock H. 2 said that cell A was a workshop for the writers, and cell B was a school. And in Fayyoum Oasis during the first millennium AD, through the evidence and the archaeological remains discovered in these places. The Education was an important element of life, especially with the spread of the monasteries studded deserts of Egypt. When the Christians established the Monasticism in Egypt, there were many different styles of the Monasticism; o of them the style of saint Pachom he Required to anyo who wants to join the monastery to spend three years under test, and have to be learnt, because he will read the sacred book. Thus Pachom was interested in educating the monks and erase their illiteracy, he arranged three daily lessons in the day for beginrs, and those monks had to attend. Saint Shenoute traced and followed saint Pachom in his rules concerning the education. The definition of the Scriptorium which is the place where to copy the books -specially the sacred Bible and psalms which were so important in prayingin the monastery; like cell A in the monastery of Epiphanius at. And the Libraries. And the different meanings that this word and origin of language. The Scriptorium was inside the monasteries, and was relating to a school. Then the types of education Coptic; religious and secular. Education in late antique Egypt in its beginning was focusing on studying the Bible, then included all different branches of Science. Then progression stages of scientific and education which were three stages; the first stage was the primary education, that stage was at homes or a school inside a arby monastery, xt to the house, this was obligatory and free. According to the sources of late antique Egypt, there wasn t a certain age to join the school, as well as the duration of the study didn t identify and not specified. The preparations went according to each student, but it may like the Egyptians in that period kept a custom of joining their children to school at an early age. 1 - Wilfong, T. G., Western in the Seventh and Eighth Centuries, A Bibliographical Survey of Jême and its Surroundings, Bulletin of American Society of Papyrologists 26, 199, Winlock, H. E., Crum, W. E. and Evelyn White, H. G., The Monastery of Epiphanius at, vol. I (New York 1926), p

3 Then the second stage was specialization, this stage was mainly based on apprenticeship special teacher, along with the study in the theological school which was called Catechetical school. The third and final stage was of higher Education, in that stage the education was oral, the role of the teacher in this stage to explain the texts. With shedding light on the role of parents in educating their children, with mention of the writing tools and materials used in the recording and writing the School exercises; The papyri, parchment, and paper (in later time) were rare in the school exercises, ostraca and wooden tablets. There was a w and practical method was invented by the Christians concerning to the wooden tables, they covered them with waxed coat, to let the student resettle the surface of the wax, and there were number of holes in the top of the wooden tablets to be hanged with a nail on the wall; like that which in the Coptic museum inv.1006 (409). The most material which has been used widely was ostraca, because it was cheap, easy to find anywhere all over Egypt. The second chapter: the Coptic schools and teachers in late antique Egypt. A. the Coptic Schools: The variant Coptic vocabulary by different function with the school; the most familiar word is ⲁⲛⲍⲏⲃⲉ, this word is the only Coptic word with the Greek letter ⲍ 1, ⲙⲁ ⲛ ϯ ⲥⲃⲱ, ⲙⲁ ⲛ ϫⲓ ⲥⲃⲱ 2. the vocabularies related to school; like ϣⲕⲉⲗⲕⲓⲗ bell, chalk or the reed which was used as a pen ⲕⲁϣ, ϫⲱⲱⲙⲉ, ϫⲱⲱⲙⲉⲛⲥϩⲁⲓ book, notebook and ⲙⲉⲗⲁ ink, and the original of some of these words whether Greek or Egyptian. The definition of school simply is the place where exist specific activity; it is the teaching and learning. Education in antiquity availed itself of a variety of places. Foremost in this were existing public buildings: temples, baths, gymnasia, and private houses 3. Raffaella Cribiore has demonstrated that elementary classes could have even taken place out in the open, in the city streets, and even under the trees. Higher education, however, eded more permant structures 4. Then the history and the roles of the school in late antique Egypt, o of the most important school at all, The School of teaching the principles of 1 - Plumely J. M., An Introductory Coptic Grammar (Sahidic Dialect), (London 194), Crum W.E., A Coptic Dictionary, (Oxford 1939), 320; Cherix P. A., Lexique Copte Sahidique segment d'origi égyptien attestés en copte sahidique, (Genève 2010), Majcherek G., The Auditoria on Kom el-dikka: A Glimpse of Late Antique Education in Alexandria", In: Proceedings of the Twenty-Fife International Congress of Papyrology, Ann Arbor 200, American Studies in Papyrology, (Ann Arbor 2010), Cribiore, R., Gymnastics of the Mind: Greek Education in Hellenistic and Roman Egypt (Princeton 2001)

4 Christianity in Alexandria (Catechetical School of Alexandria 1 ) and its role, heads and history. Ihe first and foremost in'litution of theological learning in Christian antiquity. Though we first hear of it as an eslablished school in the Historia ecclesiastic of Eusebius. around the year 10. The Auditoria on Kom el-dikka in Alexandria the most important and remarkable institutional complex it was an academic complex which dated to the byzanti period and it was used in late antique Egypt. The public schools and the Schools in the Monasteries; like cell B in the monastery of Epiphanius, Bachatly found in the monastery of Apa Phoibamon some ostraca written by the Greek and Coptic languages It seems from which the existence of a school of some kind. This is confirmed by the presence of the Coptic alphabet written in red ink at the entrance of the courtyard leading to the Southern offering hall in the Temple of Bahari 2. It was found many school exercises for students of Copts were staying in the cell no. 25 in the Monastery of the Archangel Michael in Naqlon in Fayom. This is like what was followed by the Ancient Egyptians, because the school was anxed to the temple. Establishing the school with conction to the monastery and the church because the Coptic Church took care and stillwith the children. Some conction between school and temple can be observed in the fourth century C.E. in the village of Kellis in the Dakhleh Oasis. A mud-brick structure inside the temple of the deity Tutu yielded fragments of several inscribed wooden boards of a scholastic nature, an ostracon with an exercise, and a number of reed pens. These objects were found in the rooms of the main structure that were divided by a partition and provided with benches. While it is tempting to suppose that these alterations were due to the ed to adapt the rooms to school use 3. It seems that many of the teachers have been using their homes as school in special cases or on specific days of the week, and that was a practical solution and years Atiya A. S., Catechetical School of Alexandria, Coptic Encyclopedia 3 (New York 1991), Bachatly C., Le Monastère de Phoebammon dans le Thébaïde, Tome II: Graffiti, inscriptions et ostraca, II, (Le Caire 1965). 3 - Cribiore R., Gymnastics of the Mind: Greek Education in Hellenistic and Roman Egypt, (Princeton University Press, 2001), Haggag M., Some Remarks on the Function of the Auditoria of Kom el-dikka, Alexandria. Auditoria of Kom el-dikka and Late Antique Education, The Journal of Juristic Papyrology. Supplements (Warsaw 200),

5 Then different Coptic vocabulary that function on the teacher; like ⲥⲁϩ in sahidic dialect and ⲥⲁϧ in bohairic dialect, and ⲣⲉϥϯⲥⲃⲱ which occurs in the Bible as a title of the Christ; in Gospel of Matthew 19, 6 1. In psalm 25, : ⲉϥⲉϯⲥⲃⲱ ⲛⲛⲓⲣⲙⲣⲁⲩϣ ⲉⲛⲉϥⲙⲓⲧⲱⲟⲩⲓ he instructs sinrs in his ways. Some its Linguistic origins (etymology), then the teachers in Coptic schools, their role, social status and stage of preparation and the most famous of these teachers; such as Pantaenus, Clement of Alexandria, Origen and Didymus the blind. The third chapter "The Coptic School texts", this chapter is the most important section in the thesis, these which were taught in Coptic schools, by the Coptic teachers, the definition of educational texts it s refers to the students' work inside the school or for the school at any level of the different levels of education, and also indicates what the teachers are prepared for pupils at school 2. There are many factors that sometimes contributed to characterize the school exercises; writing materials, the li is written, which finishes the text, punctuation. The writing concerning students are characterized, because it s slow and not perfect, size of letters is large written in irregular lis, footnotes, and diversity in the direction of the letters. But good and perfect writings are those that belong to teachers, which is called "the writings of teachers" or "teacher models", which characterized by speed, precision and perfection 3, those writings were played role of the books which were used to be copied; like the tablet of Isocrates, is dated to the th century, contains Greek and Coptic texts 4. The Coptic school exercise are few, because the education was the most verbally and oral, or they were erased after writing to rewrite again on the ostraca, these are the reasons that most Coptic school texts mostly out of our reach. But the most important educational Coptic texts are those that collected and studied by Monika Hasitzka (MPER N. S. XVIII ) 5, KSB III 1 - Horr G., the Coptic Version of the New Testament in the Northern Dialect, Cribiore R., "Literary School Exercises", Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 6 (199), Cribiore R.,"Education in the Papyri", In: The Oxford Handbook of Papyrology, Edited by Roger S. Bagnall, (Oxford 2009), Cribiore R.,"Education in the Papyri", Hasitzka M. R. M. unter Mitarbeit von Hermann Harrauer, Neue Texte und Dokumentation zum Koptisch-Unterricht, Mitteilungen aus der sammlung der Österreichischen ek, Neue Series, XVIII, (Wien, Holli 1990). 5

6 and some texts in the collection MPER XV 1 and some other school exercises in Berlin 2. The institutional content and teaching methods: The historian says that the students went through an entire curriculum to learn reading and writing in the past passing three successful successive stages of supervised teachers scattered, where students learn reading and writing in primary school, rules and poetry in grammar school, the art of speech in rhetorical school3. The student was initially in primary education, with training on the letters of the alphabet and then to skip this important stage and up to the advanced stage of education to learn by heart Psalm or part of the holy Gospels; like Paul the Apostle messages starting from the third century AD4. There is Coptic text mentions that the teaching of writing precedes reading in the school training, it concerns two Christian saints; Pau and Pani 5. This text says: Sinfronis learnt the art of writing and quickly began to overtake him on the older pupils who have already started to read 6. So, the methodology of the education in late antique Egypt was based on main concept; it s the sequence and gradualism from simple to difficult, and from little to major. The Coptic school exercises: It followed the educational system. The students were practicing single letters of alphabet practiced several times, and letters that are joid without following an alphabetical order in the first stage at primary school, the second level includes complete and incomplete, Syllabaries which consist of consonant letters with vowels, these syllabry are divided into dual, triple and quad. Lists of words, s, short passages: maxims, saying, opening formula of letters repeated several times, and how to write letters, sections and lists of spelling words and names. In advanced stage 1 - Harrauer H. and Sijpesteijn P., Neue Yexte Aus Dem Antiken Untericht, MPER XV, (Wien 195). 2 - Loebenstein H. and Krause M., "Paprus Collections", Coptic Encyclopedia 3 (New York 1991), Kaster R. A., "Notes on "Primary" And "Secondary" Schools in Late Antiquity", Transactions of The American Philological Association 3 (1995), Cribiore R., Higher Education in Early Byzanti Egypt, 50; Cribiore R., "Education in the Papyri", p. 32; Cribiore R., Writing, Teachers and Students in Graeco-Roman Egypt, no. 403, Tafel LXXV. 5 - Orlandi T., Il dossier Copto del martire Psote, (Milano 19), Cribiore R., Writing, Teachers and Students in Graeco-Roman Egypt,( Atlanta 1996),

7 training on longer passages; copies of biblical texts or of teachers' models, grammatical and mathematical exercises were simple with numbers, examples of addition, and tables for fractions and. The Coptic school Exercises can be divided regarding to content to: A- Exercises of : Whether these letters are written in is arranged in alphabetical order. Whether complete or incomplete. Sometimes the letters borrowed from demotic script seven or six, according to dialect. Teaching the alphabet was cessary to keep it well before it can be written. There are some exercises that contain also includes training in writing. B- Exercises of syllables: Syllables consist of consonant letters with vowels, these syllables are divided into dual, triple and quad, the majority of the exercises of syllables is the triple which contains two consonants between them a vowel. The main purpose of exercises of syllables is to teach students the pronunciation. There are some exercises which contain and syllables. It was divided into horizontal columns by points or vertical lis and horizontal. C- Writing exercises: In order to train the student to write and mastered it he must copying exercises from other texts, such as religious texts; psalms in particular and parts of the gospels, or to copy the usual formulas for the opening formulae of the letters; which is the most type which is written in Coptic, ranging from training on short sentences, and sayings, lists of names; personal and geographical, and lists of words. Monika Hasitzka said that the word lists were characteristic feature of the Coptic education only, reaching to the level of long-copied texts. There are little of orthographic and grammatical exercises, P.Vindob.K 1694 is an example of a grammatical exercise. D- Mathematical exercises: To let the students learn numbers and the ability to know and learn different mathematical operations, addition, subtraction, and division. In mathematical texts alphabet were used to express numbers. The training was by giving the result twice, by changing the position of the numbers, for example 1+2=3 and 2+1=3. Then the curriculum content and teaching ways and methods, and finally with the educational texts published; Coptic ostraca of Crum, exercises from

8 Michigan university, exercises from monastery of Epiphanius, from Phoibamon, from Duke university, from Columbia, MPER (NS. XVIII, XV) Collection, from IFAO, from Says collection, of Fourt Jean-luc, of Herbert Thompson, from Greco-roman, from, from Fayyoum and from the. With the comment and said the most important of these models with the ed to say that there are many of these texts similar in content. The Paleography and the characteristics of the Coptic school exercises: 1- Slowss and lack of proficiency and immaturity, for the size of the letters are large, irregular lis of writing, footnotes, and sometimes the writing is slope and stepping out of the li. Diversity in the direction and the size and shape of the letters and the large number of ligature that is often not elaborate. 2- There are frequent errors in copying texts, sentences and formulas, these errors were result of forgotten, omissions, or ignorance, some of these errors were corrected. 3- Confusion and cannibalization between the letters which are similar in shape and sound like ⲁ, ⲇ and ϫ, ϭ. Some letters lengthen in its end like ϣ, ⲣ, ⲫ. This is a chronological feature makes text dating to the last centuries of the Coptic languae, especially the th and 9 th centuries. It sometimes contains the page margins, and be numbered like pages of a book. 4- Some Coptic exercises were written on a material already used in other writing texts, by erasing the text with water and then copy the exercise, This can be seen that some letters are faint; those which belong to the erased text. This process was a reason of missing much important information. Or use free space on papyrus and paper to copy his exercise. 5- The student began writing the exercise with the Cross for blessing, as well as the Chrism. Sometimes we find shape and form of the letters o, then changed Hence we know that means more than o student have written exercise, there is often student better than another o. 6- Rarely is a student's signature on the exercise. In the end of the thesis, the results conclusions of this Study, the bibliography, Indexes of the exercises, proper names, the archaeological sites, the most important vocabularies, the hieroglyphic words, and Coptic words, and finally the plates.

9 The Conclusion: At the end of this thesis "Methods and Methodology of Learning the Coptic Language (linguistic - cultural study)", it was reached following results: Education in late antique Egypt assets attributable to the period in which Christianity entered Egypt in the second half of the first century, when old educational traditions staid with the w religion. The Christian dignitaries established schools wherever they settled in their hierarchical dioceses and leadership. The educational habits ar churches and monasteries in most areas all over Egypt. Since the fourth century education became an important element of life in the monastery. The monasteries were centers of knowledge; it had many monks who worked as scribes and teachers and had libraries. The monasteries were managing the educational process. Saint Bakhoum was interested in the education of monks and erasing their illiteracy to be able to read the Holy Scriptures. So he arranged for the beginrs three daily lessons in the day, they had to attend these lessons. While the old monks were attending lessons of interpretation the divi Scriptures on Wedsdays and Fridays. The library was oped for reading, which contaid the Bible, the sayings of the desert fathers, the work of the martyrs, laws and canons. Sometimes had some books of stories, history, literature and the grammar of the Coptic language. The young children in the villages were learning to read and write mathematics and important elements in Christianity in the Coptic language. The advanced education was offered in the monasteries. It s difficult to distinguish between the letters which have been sent already and those which used as. Although the Copts were interesting the education, but most of the people were illiterate, the evidence of that many Copts asked the educated persons to write for him because he didn t know how to write. Didymus the Blind educational means invented a w method to help blind children; this is hewn letters to help them learn to read. During the period between the twelfth and fifteenth centuries, the Copts made efforts in order to maintain the Coptic language, which was threated by the superiority of the Arabic language, so, they compiled books on Coptic grammar, vocabulary are called introductions and ladders. Those books that helped to teach the Coptic language in Europe, which began in the 1 th century by both Kircher and Stern. 9

10 Selected Bibliography: Al-Suryani M., Ancient and Contemporary Christian Education in the Coptic Church of Egypt, M.A thesis, (Princeton Theological Seminary, 1955). Antoniak I., "New from ", In: Christianity and Monasticism in Upper Egypt, Vol. 2 Nag Hammadi-Esna, (New York, Cairo, 2010). Bagnall R. S., Egypt: from Alexander to the Copts, (London, 2004). Bagnall R. S., Egypt in the Byzanti World , (Cambridge, 200). Bagnall R. S., Late Antique Egypt, the Oxford Handbook of Papyrology, (Oxford, 2009), Bachatly C., Le Monastère de Phoebammon dans la Thébaïde, Tome II: Graffiti, inscriptions et ostraca, Publications de la Société d archéologie copte. Rapports de fouilles, (Cairo, 965). Bacot S., " Grecs Et Coptes Des Fouilles Franco-Polonaises sur Le Tell Edfou", Bibliothèque d Études coptes 19 (2009), Bell H. I., Egypt from Alexander the great to the Arab Conquest, (Oxford, 1966). Biedenkopf-Ziehr A., Koptische Ostraka II: Ostraka aus dem Ashmolean in Oxford, (Wiesbaden, 2000). Boak A. E. R., "Greek and Coptic School Tablets at the University of Michigan", Classical Philology 16, no. 2, (1921), Boak A. E. R., A Coptic Syllabary at the University of Michigan", Agegyptus 4 (1923), Boaval B., "Le Cahier scolaire d Aurelios Papnouthion", Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 1 (195), Boud'hors A., Monastic Estates in Late Antique and Early Islamic Egypt:, Papyri, and Studies in Honour of Sarah Clackson, American Studies in Papyrology 46, (American Society of Papyrologists, 2009). Boud'hors A., grecs et coptes des Fouilles de Jean Maspero À Baouit (O. Bawit IFAO 1-6 et O. Nancy, IFAO, Bibliothèque D'Études Coptes 1, le Caire, Boud'hors A. et Heurtel Ch., "Exercice de grece sur un Éclat de Calcaire", Memnonia 16 (2005), Bowman A. K., Egypt after the Pharaohs, ( Press, 1996). Breen A. B., "Three Coptic Papyri from the Michigan Collection", Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 59 (195), Bru Karl-Heinz., "Schooldays in the Fayoum in the First Millennium", Christianity and Monasticism in the Fayoum Oasis: Essays from the 2004 International Symposium of the Saint Mark Foundation and the Saint 10

11 Shenouda the Archimandrite Coptic Society in Honor of Martin Krause, edited by Gabra G., (Cairo and New York: The American University in Cairo Press, 2005), Bucking S., "A Sahidic Coptic Manuscript in the Private Collection of Lloyd E. Cotsen (P. Cotsen 1) and the Limits of Papyrological Interpretation", Journal of Coptic Studies (2006), 55-. Bucking S., "Scribes and Schoolmasters? On Contextualizing Coptic and Greek Excavated at The Monastery of Epiphanius", Journal of Coptic Studies 9 (200), Bucking S., "On the Training of Documentary Scribes in Roman, Byzanti and Early Islamic Egypt: A Contextualized Assessment of the Greek Evidence", Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 159 (200), Caminos R. A., "A Fragmentary Hiratic Schoo-Book in the (pap. B.M. 1029)", Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 54 (196), Clarysse W., "A Propos de Quelques Exercices Scolaires (Melenages Victor Loret)", Bulletin de l' Institute Francais D Archeologie Orientale 30 (1931), Cribiore R., Writing, Teachers and Students in Greco- Roman Egypt (American Studies Papyrology 36, Atlanta, Georgia: Scholars Press, Cribiore R., "Literary School Exercises", Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 6 (199), Cribiore R., Gymnastics of the Mind Greek Education In Hellenistic and Roman Egypt, (Oxford, 2001). Cribiore R., "The Coptic School Exercises in the Collection of Columbia University", Akten des 23. Internationalen Papyrologen-Kongresses, Wien Juli 2001, edited by Bernhard Palme, Vienna: Verlag der sterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften (Austrian Academy of Sciences Press, 200), Cribiore R., "A School Tablet from the Hearst ", Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 10 (1995), Cribiore R.,"Greek and Coptic Education in Late Antique Egypt", In Ägypten und Nubien in spätantiker und christlicher Zeit: Akten des 6. Internationalen Koptologenkongresses, ed. S. Emmel et al. (Wiesbaden 1999), Cribiore R., "Spaces for Teaching in Late Antiquity, In: Alexandria: Auditoria of Kom el-dikka and late antique Education", ournal of Juristic Papyrology, Supplement (Warsaw, 200), Cribiore R., "Education in the Papyri", In: The Oxford Handbook of Papyrology, Edited by Roger S. Bagnall, (Oxford, 2009),

12 Cribiore R., "Higher Education in Early Byzanti Egypt", Egypt in the Byzanti World , edited by Bagnall R., (Cambridge, 200), Crum W. E., Coptic from the Collections of the Egypt Exploration Fund, the Cairo and Others, (London, 1902). and Evelyn White Crum W. E. and Evelyn White H.G., The Monastery of Epiphanius at, The Metropolitan of Art Egyptian Expedition, 2 vols, (New York, 1926). Debut J., "Les documents scolaires", Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 63(196), Di Bitonto-Kasser A., " scolastici copti a Deir Gizaz", Aegyptus 6 (19), Delattre A., " bibliques et scolaires de la région thébai", Chronique D'Egypte 6 (20), Dun H. J., "Education in Egypt and the Copts", Bulletin de la Sociéte D Archeologie Copte 6 (1940), El Konaissi A., "What is Share of Philosophy in the Educational Curriculum, if there is, of the Monasteries of the Egyptian West Desert in the Beginning of the Middle Ages?", The Culture of The Oasis from The Antiquity to The Modern Age, Instituto Italiano di Cultura del Cairo, El Kharga, 22-2 October 199, Galant L., "Un Ostracon calcareo Greco-copto del Museo di Firenze", studi italiani di filologia classica 9 (1901), Gasparri F., "Scriptorium", Encyclopedia of the middle Ages, edited by Bunson M., (New York, 1995). Hall H. R., Coptic and Greek Texts of the Christian Period from, Stelae etc. in the, (London, 1905). Husselman E. M., "A Bohairic School Text on ", Journal of Near Eastern Society 6 (194), Kahle P. E., Bala'izah Coptic Texts from Deir El-Bala'izah In Upper Egypt, 2 vols., (London, 1954). Kaster R. A., "Notes on "Primary" And "Secondary" Schools in Late Antiquity", Transactions of the American Philological Association 3 (1995), Parsons P. J., "A School-Book from the Sayce Collection", Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 6 (190), Pezin, M., "Exercice scolaire avec psaume en copte (P. Sorbon inv et 2524): amulette chrétien?", Cahiers de recherches de l'institut de Papyrologie et Égyptologie de Lille 12 (France, 1990),

13 Robinson J., "The First Christian Monastic Library", Acts of the 3 rd International Congress of Coptic Studies, August 194, (Warsaw, 1990), Sobhy G. P. G., "Education in Egypt during the Christian Period and amongst the Copts", Bulletin de la Sociéte D Archeologie Copte 9 (1943), Stefanski E. and Lichtheim, M., Coptic from Medit Habu, (Chicago, 1952). Szabat E., "Teachers in the Eastern Roman Empire (Fifth - Seventh): A Historical Study and Prosopography", Alexandria: Auditoria of Kom el- Dikka and late antique Education. JJP Supplement vol. (Warsaw, 2006), Van Minn P., "A Late Antique Schooltablet at Duke University", Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 106 (1995), Williams R. J., "Scribal Training in Ancient Egypt", Journal of The American Oriental Society 92, no. 2 (192), Wilfong T. G., "Western in the Seventh and Eighth Centuries" A Bibliographical Survey of Jême and its Surroundings", Bulletin of American Society of Papyrologists 26 (199), Worrell W. H., Coptic Texts in the University of Michigan Collection, (Humanistische Serie, Bd. 46), (Ann Arbor, 1942). 13

14 Index of the Coptic school exercises content Writi ng materi al chronol ogy Now at Provenance Inventory number seria l 1- Exercises of Coptic and hieratic exercise Coptic and demotic exercise Alphabet+scribe name+prayer Scattered Greek; Coptic alphabet Scattered Greek; Coptic alphabet Random letters Random letters Alphabet in order wood papyrus papyrus ? 6-? 9? 9 Cairo, Egyptian Cairo, Egyptian Louver Columbia university Columbia university Columbia university Columbia university Columbia university Columbia university Berlin, Private collection Western Deir Gizaz Deir Gizaz O.Narm.Dem.II 3 OMM 1063+OMM 204 O.Narm.Dem.II 3 Egyptian OMM 136 Paris, Louvre AF 1220 O.BM inv MPER NS 1 3 O.BM inv MPER NS 1 3 O.BM inv MPER NS 1 42 O.BM inv MPER NS 1 40 O.Lond UC MPER NS 1 59 O. Leiden inv O.Deir el Gizaz inv.41 T.Würzburg K 102 O.BM inv MPER NS 1 66 O.BM inv MPER NS 1 64 O.BM inv MPER NS 1 65 P.Vindob.K 1933 P.Vindob.K 016 P.Vindob.K 199 O.Deir el Gizaz inv

15 and repeated Letter Ⲉ in lis Alphabet+ⲁⲛⲟⲕ Letter ⲩ Alphabet in 9 lis Parchm ent? ? AD Berlin Berlin Berlin IFAO IFAO Baouit Herpolis Edfo Qurnat Mar'y Deir Gizaz n. 41 O.Vindob. K 0313 MPER NS 1 O.Vindob.K 500 MPER NS 1 9 P.Vindob. K 069 MPER NS 1 10 O.Vindob. K 044 MPER NS 1 P.Vindob. K MPER NS 1 12 P.Vindob. K MPER NS 1 13 P.Vindob. K P.Vindob. K 0252 MPER NS 1 16 P.Vindob. K MPER NS 1 1 P.Vindob.G 3640v MPER NS XV 106a P.Vindob. K 145 MPER NS 1 19 O.Berlin P. 193 O.Berlin P Baouit Nr.430 P.Vindob K MPER NS 1 55 P.Vindob K MPER NS 1 56 O. Berli P MPER NS P.Vindob. G 3640 MPER NS 1 106a O.EdfouCopte 1 O. Qurnat Mar'y inv. 302 O.BM

16 Unarranged alphabet Letter Ⲫ 6 times letter Ⲃ repeated+ some alphabet + syllables random alphabet random alphabet in two lis only 3 letters Syllables Syllables+alphabet Dual Syllables wood ق -4 م Epiphanies Monastery 6- Beside Carter s rest Western thebes Beni Hassan Western thebes 6- Columbia Uni. Epiphanies Monastery 6- Columbia Uni. Epiphanies Monastery 6- Columbia Uni. Epiphanies Monastery 6- Columbia Uni. Epiphanies Monastery 2- Exercises of syllables 5-6 Michigan Uni. Karanis Michigan Uni. 5 O. BM O. BM O. BM 2414 O. BM 2639 O. BM 2124 O. BM 2639 like: : MMA O. Mon.Epiph. 56 Polish Center Excavation 2003 Northern wall, tomb no. 23, Beni Hassan 49 in TT 2, O.col.inv.103 (acc ) O.col.inv. 10 (acc ) O.col.inv. 109 (acc ) O.col.inv (acc ) P.Vindob K MPER NS 1 05 P.Vindob K MPER NS P.Mich.inv. 316 T.Mich.inv. 65 P.Vindob. K

17 triple and quad Coptic; Greek syllables triple syllables Triple Syllables incomplete word list Syllables school book Coptic letters+2 names teacher s model Syllables Syllables Syllables Syllables+alphabet Syllables Syllables Syllables Triple Syllables Syllables+alphabet note of 4 folios; psalm+ list of birds names part of Homer's Iliad story of son who killed his father hymn to Christ wood paper wall wood 6-4? no date Duke University Sorbon, France Petrie s John Rylands Library IFAO Paris Uni. Michigan Uni. Louvre Deir Gizaz Beni Hassan Michigan Uni. Theadelphia (Batn-Ihrît) 3- Writing exercises Arsenoi Epiphanies Monastery Metropolitan Epiphanies Monastery O.Deir el Gizaz 14 MPER NS 1 2 T.Duk.inv. P.Sorb.inv. 204, cliché Kagan-IRHT MPER NS 1 5 O.Lond UC 3196; CO. 435; MPER NS P.Lond or 421 (25); MPER NS 1 0 MPER NS 1 10 O.Berol.inv.P P.Rylands UL P.vindob.K 0306 MPER NS 1 9 MPER XVIII 4 O.IFAO s.n 313 O.BM P.J R. Liberary P.Vindob K P.Mich. inv. 926 P.Vindob.G MPER NS IV 24 Mon.Epiph. II 621 MPER NS 1 24 O.MMA O.Mon.Epiph.II 6 P.Vindob.G MPERNS T.Würzbug K

18 and his mother+ copy on verso letter and grammatical exc. Nouns+verbs list mathematical exercise+ word list 2 Samuel 1. 1 Acts 2. 9 religious texts word list in alphabetical order word list+names religious texts as an exercise exercise of letter+ letter from Andros Romans 14:6 religious texts as an exercise opening formula+ 2 letters Invocation and supplication grammar religious texts Coptic-Greek dictionary order+ opening wood paper Coptic Greco-Roman Greco-Roman Greco-Roman Greco-Roman Macquarie Uni. Macquarie Uni. Macquarie Uni. dra naga dra naga dra naga Baouit P.Berol.inv MPER NS XV 139 O.BM 330 Musée copte inv.1006 (409) Theban, Part IV, no. 45 MSS Theban, Part IV, no. 46 Theban, Part IV, no. 4 O.BM inv.2432 Theban, Part IV, no (2404B) 21255(2423B) 21255(2424B) 21269(2435B) TT TT233, TT BM P.vindob. K 043 MPER NS 1 4 P.vindob. K 3256 MPER NS P.Vindob.K 1694 MPER NS 1 29 P.Vindob. K 044 MPER NS 1 21 P.Vindob. K 0309 MPER NS P. Ct YBR inv

19 formula exercise on writing letter A letter of apology as an exercise two repeated words ثالثة شقافات عليها حروف أبجدية opening formula+ names list Sentences and names beginning of letter as an exercise List of persons names exercise to write Kamets name letters+syllabels+ Romans exercise on 2 Corinthians 4 Baskets list on Ro. V. exercise in 6 lis Prayers and a list of names exercise on a letter religious text? psalm 14 religious sentence on recto and verso beginning of letter in o phrase letter to Pavictor exercise on writing Jesus the Christ writing ⲜⲀⲒⲨⲤ twice 2 lis of writings Byzantin e Byzantin e Byzantin e Roman Petrie s Petrie s Petrie s Michigan Uni. Baouit Dendara Dendara Dendara Elephanti Theadelphia (Batn-Ihrît) Hermonthis Deir Bahari qua (B). BL Or B29 UC6219 (Petrie 24) UC6225 (Petrie 30) UC320-UC209 and UC32090 O.BM 566 O.BM 2121 O.BM 23 O.BM 1216 O. MU 2309 P.Mich. inv. 926 O. BM 1642 O. BM 1591 O. BM O. BM 3315 O. BM O. BM O. BM O. BM O. BM O. BM O. BM O. BM O. BM

20 grammar exercise word list, names+ places of Bible literary exercise religious sentences Letter + list names + supplication letter from set to John part of homily school model? on writing letter beginning of letter in lis list? or maths exercise part of religious text letter to Apa Solomon religious sentences nominal sentences myth of Christ and the grape vi + complaint formal text Greek-Coptic dictionary exercise on writing psalm Greek-Coptic dictionary exercise on letter exercise on letter wood 6-3 Anastasi collection Hay coll. Sams coll. Anastasi collection Sorbon France Sorbon France Egyptian Egyptian Karnak Naqada Ihnasiyyah al-madinah O. BM O. BM O. BM 1996 O. BM 2121 O. BM 2424 O. BM 55 O. BM 212 O. BM 2500 O. BM 1410 O. BM 296 O. BM 2523 O. BM 50 O. BM 3316 O. BM 1641 O. BM O. BM 2412 EA P. Köln VII p. Sorbon inv P. Sorbon inv et 2524 Amos and Hosea Dic. CO 263 CO

21 beginning of letter beginning of letter beginning of letter beginning of letter exercise with 2 words Homer poetry Homer poetry list of names wisdom or proverb syllables + words Homer s Iliad Menander s play mathematical exercise of monastery copy as an exercise hymn as an exercise religious text as an exercise nominal sentence as an exercise repeated li for 6 times wood wood Egyptian Egyptian Egyptian Egyptian Egyptian Egyptian Egyptian Egyptian Metropolitan Metropolitan Metropolitan Bodlein Library Oxford Bodlein Library Oxford Bodlein Library Oxford Bodlein Library Oxford Bodlein Library Oxford Deir Bahari Dendara Menya Deir El- Bala'izah Deir El- Bala'izah Deir El- Bala'izah Deir El- Bala'izah Deir El- Bala'izah Phoibamon Phoibamon Phoibamon Phoibamon Phoibamon CO 265 CO 20 CO 29 CO 399 CO 49 CO 523 CO 524 CO 525 Wooden tablet P.Mon.Epiph.6 P.Mon.Epiph.615 P.Mon.Epiph P.Rain.Unterricht

22 opening formula+ Invocation ending formula of letter Acts + letter religious word list divided to parts orthographical model from religious text psalm in Akhmemic dialect as an exercise psalm in Akhmemic dialect exercise on letter table+word list Greek-Coptic exercise in 5 lis opening formula of letter exercise in lis word list+2 Corinthians 1. 1 opening formula on two sides letter in lis Sycamo re wood wood pottery paper paper pottery pottery AD? ? -9?? Columbia Uni. Columbia Uni. Columbia Uni. Bibliothèque Royale de Belgique Parsons collection Ashmolean Oxford Florenz Coptic Coptic Coptic Berlin Epiphanies Monastery Epiphanies Monastery Epiphanies Monastery ar Deir El madinah Phoibamon naqlon monatery naqlon monatery Phoibamon naqlon monatery O. Col. Inv. 13 (acc ) O. Col. Inv (acc ) Apis.1902, Col.inv MS. BRUX. IV 590 P.Vindob. K 044 Gr. Inscr MPER N.S Add (CO 434 MPER NS 1 261) 165 MPER NS 1 P.inv.1/9 Doc.No.2/9 Doc. No.1/9 O. inv.? 121 MPER NS MPER NS O.inv.? 195 / 9 P.Vindob. K 012 O. Vindob. K 051 O. Berli P O. Vindob. K

23 texts from Bible religious text+ letters word list Greek-Coptic exercise formula of in the name of father... Luke s gospel from to 10 exercise on letter copy of prayer and invocation of the Holy Trinity prayer and psalm opening formula of letter+ drawing of horse drawing exercise animal, lotus, plaited cross drawing exercise geometric forms drawing exercise of plaited decoration+cross drawing of a man climbs a palm tree drawing exercise of human faces+bird face+ crosses exercise on letter pottery pottery paper pottery pottery pottery -10? م Egyptian, Berlin Berlin IFAO IFAO IFAO IFAO IFAO Coptic Coptic Coptic Coptic Coptic El Ashmuin Edfou Edfou Edfou Phoibamon zawyet al ayan, Giza Phoibamon Berlin, Ägyptische p. 10 O. Berli P. 494 P.Vindob K. 030 P.Vindob. G 133 MPER NS 1 13 P.Vindob. G 260k P.Vindob. G P.Vindob. K O.EdfouCopte O.EdfouCopte 141 O.EdfouCopte 142 Cairo, IFAO O. number Cairo, IFAO O. (C 205) O. The bifao 29 O. BM EA MPER NS

24 + story exercise on religious text names list word list grammar of Coptic language Coptic and pronunciation part of play of Sententia 31+ Coptic translation maths exercise on numbers mathematical exercise dividing table on 4 part of part of part of numbers table of number 2 table table wood wood Egyptian Berlin Coptic National library, Paris Library of Leiden University Fayoum? Ramasseum Unknown Upper Egypt 4- Mathematical exercises Louvre Elephanti Berlin, Ägyptisches P O.Bodl.GK.Inscr.2925 (Coptic 44), folio 23, part 24, Golman collection Or. 499 P.Vindob.K o. 64 MPER NS 1 26 P.Vindob.K 4 P.Vindob.K 0151 O.LouverAF KHM Wien Inv.604 P.Vindob.K 0649 P.Vindob.K P.Vindob.K 206 P.Vindob.K part of -12 P.Vindob.Ach part of part of 10

25 part of part of no. part of part of part of part of part of arithmetic list? Wadi Sarga P.Vindob. K 2096 Wadi sarga, Nr.23, s.53f P.Vindob.K 209 O. BM exercise of accounting mathematical equation limesto Parchm ent IFAO O.IFAO s.n P.Lond. Or. 50, BM no

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