Barquilla de Ia Santa Maria

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1 Barquia de a Santa Maria BULLETN of the Cathoic Record Society Diocese of Coumbus 1' Vo. XV, No. 6 - June 29: Sts. Peter and Pau - June, 1989 j J ~ J ) t STS. PETER AND PAUL MSSON DOUGHERTY'S SETTLEMENT or CRANE'S NEST, WASHNGTON TOWNSHP, MONROE COUNTY, ca 1841-ca 1869 Among the rough, wooded his of Washington and Wayne townships in Monroe County, Ohio the ony good highways in the first haf of the nineteenth century were the water courses. t was the creeks and sma rivers which the setters foowed into the country from the Ohio and it was aong the bottom ands that they setted. Aong Crane's Nest Creek (the ower part now caed the Litte Muskingum) their houses, stores, and mis were buit. About the year 1841 the og church of Saints Peter and Pau was buit by a few Cathoic famiies in an area on the creek known as Dougherty's Settement. The exact ocation of the church is sti pointed out as "Chape Bottom," the bottom and on the east side of the Litte Muskingum River, across the road and south from the Cox residence at Stonehouse Road (County Road 42). t is directy across the river from the Dougherty Cemetery. (1) The date of construction of the church is ess certain. The parish history of Woodsfied St. Syvester states that Sts. Peter and Pau was buit in 1839 (2) but this date seems a itte eary. Sketches of three of the founding famiies were pubished in the 1882 history of Monroe County. (3) Each of these mentions the church, but they do not provide enough information to pace its date beyond doubt. Edward Dougherty was a son of David and Sarah (Maoy) Dougherty, born in Co. Donega, reand in The parents came to Monroe County in 1817 and Edward setted in Washington Township in "He came here when there were but few setters, mosty hunters. He heped buid the first schoo-house, on the Gray farm; aso the first church, of ogs, on the creek, named St. Pau and St. Peter." This simpy dates the church to 1833 or ater. f j 1 ~ Wiiam Dougherty was born in Letterkenny, Co. Donega, reand in 1816, a son of Patrick and Rose (McTeague) Dougherty. "His father setted in Wayne Township, August 9, 1820, one of the eary setters in the unbroken forest, and heped to cear the country and organize schoos Their first church, and the present one, the church of St. Pau and St. Peter, is ocated in Washington township, and was buit in 1847." This date is of no vaue, for the church is known to have been oder; Sts. Peter and Pau is first isted in the annua Cathoic Directory of 1843, a mission of Beaver St. Dominic. The "setted sketch of John W. Pouton states that his father, John Pouton, near Antioch, Perry township, in 1841, and ceared his first farm -145-

2 near that pace. He went into the wid woods and heped to buid the first Cathoic church in Washington township, Monroe county." This woud pace the construction of the church no earier than John Pouton was married in Bemont County in 1834 and was iving near the present Temperancevie when the 1840 census was taken. (4) f he indeed heped with the construction of the church, then it coud have been buit no earier than t may have been buit that very year, if the date of 1847 mentioned in the Wiiam Dougherty sketch (see above) was a misreading of a hand-written A stone preserved from the od Archer's Settement church says that it was erected in 1841 "under direction of Rev. Peter Murphy." This was Rev. Wiiam Peter Murphy of Beaver. Sts. Peter and Pau Church was probaby aso erected under his direction and was named after his own patron. Nothing is known of the mission for more than a decade after its founding. The annua directories ist it as a mission of Rev. Chares McCaion of Beaver in the years 1843 through 1846 and of Rev. John C. Kraemer of Mitonsburg, 1848 through n November of 1852 the remarkabe Rev. J. W. Brummer was sent to Beaver as pastor, reieving Father Kroemer of some of his duties in the wide mission area. Father Brummer wrote many ong etters to Archbishop Purce and these provide astounding gimpses of the difficut condition of the Church in Monroe County, incuding Crane's Nest. (5) Father Brummer had been stationed at Dayton but had gotten into a quarre there and as a resut had been transferred. He viewed the assignment to Beaver as a punishment and this coored his eary view of the missions and their peope. n January of 1853 he wrote, "you gave me penance here enough for it on corn bread & creeks, rain & cod & the most ignorant peope that want to be instructed & so disordered that every one ought to have a priest for himsef continuay yet am aone run[n]ing or rather tumbing about on horseback from one pace to another[.] wanting to do good to a can do no good to any & whatever might be done or earned is ong undone & forgotten before the time come round again." When he came to Crane's Nest, the peope were just puing one of the men drunk and haf dead out of the creek, "who not three weeks ago had heard you & Father Hengehod instruct them & giving them the Pedge." Others "woud not come to church the way of a c[o]upe hundred rods distance after coming 24 mies through heavy rain to give them Mass." Soon enough, however, his attitude changed toward these "poor but very generous peope," and even in ater years after he had been assigned esewhere he continued to soicit the Archbishop for their spiritua care. n 1853 he reported that the peope at Crane's Nest wished to have a church in a better ocation; they woud use the od one as a schoo house and "give a sma pace around it for pay ground with a good deed for the same for understand there is no deed made of any account of the od church & ot." Wiiam Dougherty jr., Edward Dougherty, and another had offered three different pieces of and for the new church. One site was "opposite the od one across the creek where the graveyard is." Father Brummer seems not to have encouraged them, for he wrote, ''These are the specuations of these wid regions[;] what is feasabe of a this & what wi be done the future must teach & you must determine. For my part fee am not made for these things & woud much rather work at getting up iving tempes of the Hoy G[h]ost in as far as my itte capacity with God's assistence goes"... (6) -146-

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4 n January of 1854 Father Brummer wrote an eight-page etter to the Archbishop which, simpy stated, was a pea for a third priest for the area. He was sti stationed at Beaver and Father Kraemer was iving at Mitonsburg. He noted that the new annua directory isted Father Kraemer as attending Crane's Nest, Wis Creek, Archer's Settement, and mmacuate Conception (Enoch or Fuda), but that Father Kraemer, "weak and infirm", coud not possiby attend to them a. n his opinion "the Congregations of St. Peter & Pau Cranes Nest & St. Michaes Duck Creek [Archer's] are inevitaby ost to the Church & heaven & you may forthwith erase them from the map of your authority & jurisdiction if they do not get a good Pastor speediy." He menioned aso the hundreds of rish buiding the Marietta rairoad, "poor good peope", and scattered Cathoics at Martinsvie, Bridgeport, Beaire, and "every pace aong the River down to Marietta." He thought a third priest coud buid a church at Beaire or Bridgeport and Crane's Nest and attend the scattered Cathoics aong the Ohio River, though the assignment woud be "anything but a comfortabe & agreeabe mission." Apparenty based on some intention expressed previousy by the Archbishop, Fr. Brummer had aready announced to the peope of Sts. Peter and Pau that they woud have another priest and he had eft with Mr. Pouton $30 in cash pus some pedges to give to the new priest. (7) Archbishop Purce responded by sending the third priest, Rev. S. Herzog. The outcome was reported in another etter from Father Brummer to the Archbishop, dated May 18, 1854: must announce to your Lordship the important event that the great champion you sent to these savage regions of Archers & Cranes Nest Revd. S. Herzog "venit - vidit - et - fugit" & is hope now odged in some part of good father Dieters hospitabe Residence at Zanesvie to recover from the fright & then reorganize & repair his scattered Baggages for some other expedition. Deo Gratias! a Simiibus ibera nos Domine! Father Herzog may be very good in his pace but to put him in these paces is both kiing him & these missions. ost eight whoe days of this precious pascha time & went to some expense & to great tr(o]ube to wait on him & bring him here & thus it ends now. Fuy a year ater, the situation had not changed. The two priests sti had seven missions (Beaver St. Dominic, Washington St. Patrick, Mitonsburg St. John the Baptist, Fuda mmacuate Conception, Crane's Nest Sts. Peter & Pau, Archer's Settement St. Michae, and Wis Creek St. Joseph), besides cas from the rairoad and Beaire. Father Kraemer was competey broken down and coud not answer even the most urgent cas. The danger to the priests was not ony physica, as Father Brummer wrote: the priest aways running about is aways distracted becomes careess to his own prayers, meditation & even breviary (this say of mysef not of sainty Father Kraemer) & very sedom gets the chance to go to confession his mind is occupied with his wordy temperary materia difficuties & trubes more & more he becomes a man of wordy mind & how can such a person bring & ead these poor & peope to become good cathoics & save their sous. He actuay does more harm than good & both pastor & peope must go to distruction. t has been this wid, unsetted ife of the priests -148-

5 that were sent here, successivey, & neary a ruined or at east made dissipated & distracted that has caused the ruin of most of these missions. Certainy the mismanagement & negect of suppying pastors have done their share too. f things go on this way most of these missions wi become what Archers is now, die away & if you sent a third priest he wi not be abe to get his support except by wordy & management & incompatibe with his state of a good priest. (8) On August 1, 1855, Father Brummer wrote again to the Archbishop, in preparation for a visit he was to make that month. (He had earned of the date of the visit by reading the Teegraph!) The new St. Mary's Church, repacing Beaver St. Dominic, woud be dedicated on August 15. n addition, the Archbishop woud visit Washington, Wis Creek St. Joseph, and Crane's Nest. There woud be over twenty to be confirmed at the atter. Father Brummer coud not attend to instruct them himsef, so he had appointed Mr. James Hiiard to do that. He added, "You need not think of coming here without heping Cranes Nest &c. with another priest that can attend them." This, however, the Archbishop coud not or woud not do. n the autumn of 1855 severa changes were made in the assignments of the cergy. Father Brummer was given a rest at St. Nichoas in Zanesvie and Father John M. Jacquet was sent to repace him at St. Mary's. t woud appear that the Archbishop had taken seriousy the proposa which Fr. Brummer had made whereby a priest woud be stationed on the River. n a etter dated January 8, 1856 Father Brummer remarked that "Revd. father Kennedy is gone to Beair to estabish a congregation & church there & attend from there to Cranes nest. poor Cranes nest! think it wi be ost as Archers!'' This experiment did not ast and Crane's Nest came into the care of Father Jacquet at Batesvie (Beaver). n 1856 and 1857 we at ast get a gimpse of the congregation, for the names of those who made Easter Communions were recorded by Father Jacquet in the Marriage Register at St. thirty-four names for 1856 are: Crane's those Mary's. Nest years The Od Mr. Leek Od Mrs. Leek James Leek Anna Arnas (?) Mr. McManimy Od Mrs. Haren Od Mr. Haren Mrs. Thomas Maier Wiiam Shepherd Mr. Shepherd Miss Shepherd James W. Hiard Mrs. Hiard Od Mrs. Wi. Daugherty Mrs. Nathan Daugherty Barbary Daugherty Od Mrs. Sweeney Od Mrs. Sweeney her sister Stephen Daugherty Mrs. Daugherty Catherine Daugherty Margaret Daugherty Een Daugherty John Pauton Adrian Pauton Mrs. Pauton Wiiam Pauton Jacob Daugherty Frances Daugherty Od Wison Edward Daugherty Mrs. Edward Daugherty Mary Daugherty Margaret Daugherty n 1857, ony twenty-two names were recorded. (9) About 1858 Father Brummer was sent as pastor to Mitonsburg, Fuda, and Wis Creek, with his residence to be at Fuda when he coud make proper arrangements there. Father Jacquet was to keep the other missions, but he was -149-

6 expanding his work in Guernsey and Bemont counties and soon prevaied upon Father Brummer to attend Archer's and Crane's Nest. n Apri of 1859 the Archbishop wrote that he woud soon ordain Rev. D. Kueber and woud send him to care for Mitonsburg and Wis Creek that autumn. The ordination was deayed however, and the status remained the same. By the spring of 1860 Stephen Dougherty was troubing Father Brummer, "a the time with his compaints of not being better attended. 'How much they woud do if they were we attended' & if go there hardy get enough to pay expenses. Faith, iving Faith is what is wanting & then the pay wi foow & for the right priest that woud save these poor peope." The priest was eventuay provided, but not in any way proposed up unti then. The ast years of Sts. Peter and Pau mission are amost as obscure as the first. The annua Cathoic Directory for the years 1864 through 1879 ists "Dougherty Settement" as a mission of Fuda. For the ater years of this period, this isting is not supported by the ony extant annua pastor's report. (10) Rev. D. J. Kueber of Fuda for the year 1868 reported ony three missions: St. Michae's (Archer's), St. Henry's (Harrietsvie), and St. Patrick's (Fox's Settement in Washington County). This may be a spurious directory entry, at east in the ater years, one which simpy was not deeted when the situation changed. n Juy of 1865 Rev. Nichoas Piger was sent to Mitonsburg and reieved Father Kueber of the Monroe County missions. He began a mission at Woodsfied and by 1867 had a church under construction there. n his report to Bishop Rosecrans for 1868 he isted twenty-five sous at Sts. Peter and Pau, Crane's Nest, but one hundred at Woodsfied, where St. Syvester's Church was nearing competion. The dedication of St Syvester's on Sept. 12, 1869 by Bishop Rosecrans (at which 32 persons from Woodsfied and Crane's Nest were confirmed) is generay seen as the end of Sts. Peter and Pau mission. Crane's Nest continued to be isted in the annua directories as a mission of Mitonsburg (aong with Woodsfied and Wis Creek) through the year This may be another carry-over, however, for the 1872 report by Father Fadung of Mitonsburg makes no mention of it. The og church must have been abandoned as a mission about 1869 or 1870 and thereafter the peope traveed six mies to perform their reigious duties in Woodsfied. They finay were sent a resident pastor in the eary 1880s. Adding to the confusion in the history of Sts. Peter and Pau mission is the evidence for two additiona Cathoic churches and one church property near Crane's Nest Creek. The two churches appear both on John B. No's 1869 map of Monroe County and in Cadwe's 1898 atas. No other evidence of their existence has been found. One was ocated on the east side of Moose Ridge Road, near a schoo house in Section 2. This is just south of the od viage of Edwina in Wayne Township. The other was ocated on the hi overooking the west end of New Caste, now caed Laing's, in Green Township. This was near the Crane's Nest Fork of the Litte Muskingum. The other property was on the west side of State Route 537 in Section 15 in Washington Township, southeast of Graysvie, between the road and Cear Fork Creek. t was deeded to Bishop Rosecrans by B. F. Obinger in 1875 "for the Cathoics of Em Cove." Bishop Watterson sod this property in (See Monroe Co. Deed Records 32/118 and 39/477.) -150-

7 ~ ' NOTES 1. Pointed out by Mr. John Pauus of Francis Pauus Road, who was shown the site by his father and others. 2. See for exampe the sketch in the Steubenvie Register, Nov. 2, 1984, suppement page Historica Hand Atas... containing.. History of Northwestern Ohio. and Monroe County... ; Chicago & Toedo: H. H. Hardesty & Co., 1882; biographica section, pages 10, 14, and Bemont County Marriage Register 3, page 263; census of 1840, Bemont County, Somerset Township, page 22. An interesting note: on December 27, 1841 John Pouton purchased from Edward Dougherty and wife Sarah 39 acres 1/4 mie south of the Dougherty Cemetery (Monroe Co. Deed Record 2/420). 5. The etters were copied by the ate Rev. Herman Mattingy at the University of Notre Dame Archives and the copies were paced in the Archives of the Diocese of Coumbus. 6. Brummer to Purce, Jan. 7, Same to same, Jan. 21, Same to same, May 24, Courtesy of Rev. Chares Mascoino, pastor of Barnesvie Church of the Assumption and Temperancevie St. Mary. 10. The 1868 and 1872 reports are preserved in the Archives of the Diocese of Coumbus. DOUGHERTY CEMETERY, CRANES NEST CREEK Section 6, Washington Township, Monroe County, Ohio ; These stones were read on Apri 20, 1989, with the assistance of Mr. John Pauus and Rev. George J. Schege. Every egibe stone is incuded. Ernest S., died [center broken out] , aged Mo.. John N. Cine, Feb. 27, 1831; Oct. 30, 1907 ) Margaret Cine, June 10, 1834, Apr. 6, 1903 ) Emer, son of J. & S.E. Cox, Nov. 1, 1877-Dec. 9, Of such is Thy kingdom of heaven. Catherine A. Dougherty-Cronin, Feb. 25, 1854, June 22, 1883 Peter, son of Wm. J. & S. Dougherty, died Dec. 28, 1851, aged 8M 8D. Wiiam, son of Wm. J. & S. Dougherty, died Oct. 19, 1841, aged 3Y 10M & 27D. Emiy, daughter of John & Mary Daugherty, died Apr. 23, 1865, aged 3M & 5D. ) nfant daughter of John & Mary Daugherty, died Mar. 13, ) nfant daughter of John & Mary Daugherty, died Dec. 13, ) nfant daughter of John & Mary Daugherty, died Dec. 24, 1870, aged 13 ds. ) JohnS., son of Wm & Sarah Dougherty jr., died November 8, 1861, aged 16 y's, 11 rna's, & 29 d's. Sarah, wife of Wm. Dougherty jr., Died Jun 11, 1855, Aged 36Y 1M & 26D. David Dougherty, born May 28, 1829, died Jan. 26, 1894 Margaret, wife of David Dougherty, died May 28, 1889, aged 56 Y 3M 18 D. Jeremiah Daugherty, born Juy 21, 1833, died Nov. 22, 1885 ) Sarah Daugherty, born Sept. 1, 1834, died Aug. 5, 1895 ) Cynthia A., daughter of D. & M. Daugherty, died Feb. 11, 1879, aged 19 Ys 1 Mo nfant son of D. & M. Daugherty, died Mar. 11, nfant son of D. & M. Daugherty, died Feb. 27, n memory of Phiip, son of Danie & Mary Daugherty, departed this ife Feb. 3d 1841 aged years & 6 mos

8 Edward Daugherty, Aug. 29, 1809, Dec. 6, 1888 (verse) Sarah, wife of E. Daugherty, Jan. 9, 1815, Aug. 9, 1885 Mary E., wife of Simon Dougherty, died Oct. 10, 1873, Aged 38 Ys 9 Ms 5 Ds. Simon Dougherty, died Apr. 14, 1889, aged 55Y. 1M. 8D. James Daugherty, born May 24, 1806, died Juy 12, At rest. Hettie E., wife of Edward Dougherty, born Feb. 5, 1864, died Nov. 20, Sgt David Daugherty, Co. K, 62nd Ohio nf. Aeia, wife of David G. Dougherty, daughter of Henry and Ann E. Okey, died Aug. 20, 1886, aged 36Y 9M 28D. David A., son of.n. and M.F. Daugherty, died Juy 26, 1866, aged 2Ys 1Mo. Edward Daugherty, ) Heen M., wife of Edward Daugherty, ) Danie Daugherty, died Apri 27, 1857, in his 49 year. Wiiam Daugherty, died Dec. 17, 1851, aged 14 y's, 6 rna's, 7 d's. Mary E., daughter of Wm. & Margaret Dougherty, died Nov. 3d, 1861 aged 2y's 5m's & 21 d's +Corneius, son of E. & S. Dougherty, May 18, Nov. 26, (verse) Emiy E., daughter of E. & S. Dougherty, Feb. 14, Feb. 28, n My Father's house are many mansions. Margaret, wife of J. Dougherty, born Mar. 29, 1839, died Oct. 29, Dora E. Dougherty, E. Everitt Dougherty, Brookyn H. Dougherty, born Dec. 24, 1902, died Sept. 15, Wm. H. Dougherty, Co. K [miitary marker, remainder buried] Louisa, daughter of H. & E.A.B. Daugherty, died Jan. 1, 1867, aged 4Ds. nfant of J.W. & M.A. Daugherty, died May 26, 1865, aged 3 days. Wiiam Daugherty, died Jan. 26, 1879 (?), aged 67Y 8M 1D James Dougherty, born March 22, 1833, died March 4, 1896~ 62nd Reg OV John Harran, died Dec. 6, 1858 in his 84 year. Rebecca, wife of John Harran, died Sep. 15, 1863 in her 71 year. Wiiam, son oft. and C. Harn, died March 20, 1855, aged 2 yrs & 18 ds. Martin, son oft. & C. Harn, died June 17, 1856, aged 10 mas, 21 ds. Amanda J., daughter of S. & M. Hi, died Jan. 5, 1865, aged 4M 15D. Robert E., son of S. & M. Hi, died Feb. 23, 1872, aged 9Mos 8Ds. Margaret, wife of Simeon Hi, born Aug. 12, 1840, died March 10, Wiie, son of Simeon Hi, born March 12, 1866, died Nov. 26, Moie L., daughter of Simeon Hi, born Feb. 3d, 1873, died Oct 2d, Mary E., daughter of J. & N. Lowe, Died Jan. 20, 1857 Aged 3 Mo's & 14 d's. + HS Hugh McMeniama, departed this ife Mar. 29, 1853(?), aged 45 years. + HS n memory of Susannah McMeniama, wife of Hugh McMeniama, who departed this ife the 11 day of Sept, 1846, in the 31st year of her age. Aso Hugh McMeniama, infant son of the above, aged 4 mas & 4 ds. Denis McMeniama, died Apri 3, 1859, aged 21 ys, 10 ms, and 29 ds. Louisa, daughter of J. & R.J. Stafford, died Feb. 20, 1877, aged 17Y 2M 1D. Copyright 1989, Cathoic Record Society - Diocese of Coumbus 197 E. Gay Street Coumbus, Ohio Donad M. Schege, editor Zi "ON J.VU:h: OtHO snawn-,o~ 0 Yc iidyj.socf -s n "D:O J..=O-.c NON S11':CY OHO sn8wn" avo.lsy 1 snawn,c:> ~c ~s:s:>cto. ~.-1.=10 A:ii~NYH:>

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