.uear Mr. Tower: At your request. of ti1e 19t.h., lam senoing tl1e fol.l.owing infor.:nat.ion:

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2 East nerlin, Conn. i.lc.rch 21, l.930 Mr. 11illiam.o. 1 ower 150.i!if1;.h Ave. 1~ ew York, 1~ Y.uear Mr. Tower: At your request. of ti1e 19t.h., lam senoing tl1e fol.l.owing infor.:nat.ion: l)a te of our marriage: June 12th Ct1ilaren: 1\icl1ara Lilburn Ad;{ius 1l.izo bet.ii.{ul!1 1\c.;;:i11s born JI ijgc, J., 1926 J.Jec. 2(, 1928 ~or~i3lly yours,

3 SEPTEMBER - DECEMBER 1930 SOUTH AFHICA i\iissionary ADVOCATE 5 Please meet Let us introduce to you our ne\\ missionarie,, the RC\. and l\j rs. Lilburn Adkins \\ho reached u< the latter part of June of thi, ) ear. \\e are vlr~ grateful lo the Phelps-Stokes Foundation \\hich has 111ade possible I he support oi tl1c>c,p!ethlid folks. at a timl \\hln othln\ i.;( the increa<ing of our force hlrl set 111cd an utter impn-<ihility. Tlw. :in tn t:ikc up thl \\ nrk in tlw Jeam s Training :d11u11. hc lping to l rain ><llllt ni om llali\ e son,; for li iiric nl \\ ork a g tht:ir tl\\ll prnph. l\ir,..\dk111s \\a: l1111 n ill Ill.; ht ill Klnltllk~. and ltnlh,pt nt :-<1l1H \C:-tr:-. in.\~hur,x l"c)l1t. ~t. at \\il11111r" J-.:cntuck i1"111 \\hi\11 :\IL \.Jkin- \!Ja.J;1a1e.J Ill Jq.:.: Thrl<. "1r- Jal< r he r"c"i ld 111-1:. ll. <kgree from Garn:lt. and in 1<)2:-; complrtc d hi; \\ ork iur his l\i..\. dl~l"ll al the 1-.:lnlle<I. >d1ool oi :\I i,,iun- m Hartford l 0111l. ln1n1 the da~ s \\lwn he hlgan his l ligh :chuol \\ork..\ir.,.\dl;i11, Jlll the Ad k 1 n s. R,T alij.lfrs. L.!.:." JJl?i1u and cliildrcn. thl rail lo.\irica. and thi- rall < Ill tinued thrn th< H ar,. Ill c11lll~t Jn l -c minary. and d;1ring pa-t<jral,,,, r nl in Jn,Jian.1 ancl l\l inm -11la. :\Ir< :\dkills shared with him this desire to giye themseh es for sen ice in Africa, and it \\as with the purposl oi heller fitting themsel\es for that $ln ice that in I<J2i the~ store<l most oi their pos,,cs,;ion ill l\i inn. packed the remainder ill a car awl startld for Hartford to enroll 111 the Schon! oi l\lissions. \\hik attt rn\ing sd10ol therl tht ~ again st rvc:<l l\\o charg-es: le11~ingto11 and Ea;t Berlin, irom the latt< r place k;n ing in l\la~ fur thi-. tlw land uf lhlir dreams. They brini: \\ith tht m lilllc l~irhanl. a "Minn< -ntian" \\ hn \\ill <nnn r(ach hi,; inurth \l:tl. and hi,; lillk,;i-l<r. J:ttt ]~nth. a "Connll t irnl Yan kee". Jhi::. hlth!.!l lll}j I:"- :t \tl.\ \\rl : adtl1t11111 to our... tafi hrrt ;1\ },;1111l1i111. \\h hvi1 \\nri, \\ii! " at\lr tlh h.t\< ha.i the ll<<"<... ;p y ltph? t11r lant!t1:1~t.. 1u11\.\t 11rt: t tlh ar1. hard at \\11 11, \\ilh lo11ugtll>l aml,;he \\ith th" na\i\e dialect, lu lh 11[ \\hid1 ar" nc, c,<an in thl wnrk hln. \\" 1-tl J\\ that : <Hll" inlcrtl "ill iollo\\ thun and that.ur pra;< \~\\ill rontimtt \\ith them. 1/r.< /> 11. "" u n u n n u1111

4 6 SOUTH AFRICA JvIJSSIONARY ADVOCATE SEPTEMBER - DECElIBER 1930 TH 0 S E. S PI RI TS. Cattle or Devils. -..._ \ Vhen Goni \\"as quite a young ""- man he \Hnt away to \\ork in the Miss Lulu Tubbs, R.~desia. llhite mans tolln, as he \\anted money to J,11y cattle which would later he. traded for a wifl. :-Jail\ of his ca!t- Por nearly an hour the other day that he ha<l of en worke<l on su.ch a le <lied and he \\"as \cry ;nuch tro11b- I stood in the kitchen listening tu day and it di<lnt ways rai\}.- Ittakes k<l. His lwathen friends \\ho wanted Goni tdl about the religion ui the Cv11rag, fur a siia1f tu thus ;ome ne\\ cloth.s.ai<l to huy doth as hvatht n JlLOplc. i\ great Cru\\1! 11 Lt >tarn! against his J."tCihL~n r:_l_ati\:.:_".!_..-:m-oifrring 1(1.liis grea!grand moth<:r. at the king~ \il!~ge not long ago to ----?-- - -~ Tl~is th.c~ dcdar~cl would please the pray for ram. l he)~.q.ll1.ughl- rnany.,. "<;"""-- lv l,;p1r1t of Jn, ancestor and the yanls nf 1Jl[it1Ccl0ih as an offering ~ _,..,.,- -.._ (attic \1 ould livt. Ilut Goni 11ent to to the C\il spirits.. This cloth wa / Livingstone on,, thr missionar.1. i\lr J<nherts. aml \\rapp< d aronnd a rh1e~ man who.!~a..)./ ;l-ked \\hat tn dn I-k \\:l< told tn.1111,v ~~""11 r110scn 10 talk,, 1th the ;1n~ 1t,;. Sacrifice moriz catt.lt :11~c1. not tn nia.ke offrrn~gs,!"" al,11 g;n <: the man!_1~0 \~ 11 < lo the nil ~1H11t!->. T1 u-tmg God tor ancl g:l\l tll\m doth. l l(len fhl~<. 11 i1\ S "l< nplt- talk of lh< ~arrili<p I hdp tht>-j>11.1 oh<> c1l his l hri,1ian are oil]\ littlt." gitl~~-,yho r11n :l\\:t. 1ri1..1Hl an,} ~ltlll lhc... tli..:.(1.a"( a-....;(c11- l.1tcr, b;tl "m,id1n;c s th<,\ arc klpt a- ha1 < mt1<h in ~pcn<ling > 0 lll1tlh l"l and hi, tatlk Iii,.,l. Thi, 11 a thl his 1 rollq-11\_1 - ah1a>>. 1 di,lnt htar. f. ( tl1:it Ii. I of my lif<.n ~ \. rim. _..:in time he kanw1l that storils about evil lhc..at.rt>" 11i the ~ir)..:. gi\cll a\rcj.y thi.".. 1 1iri1.:. \\Crt unl~ 111..:: ~inr... thrn hv. tilnc. The cr»\\<l came nml <ta.1< 1] a,ll 1 -e:thtct -~i ~nrr1f1ct wlueh j, im ha- "il 1h:.1 111all\ olher icar-,.j day. c1:.~1~~ ~l.~11.1ci.ll;: a1~<l mtjlttiii;r_ t 1 tlh: pi _ : 1re 1 nl~ tcrrnr-.,,j l \il th<: "Tm:s; no fuo<l l rom mornmg pl~ pnid hack a; a mall parl ol, \\ hirh tl1< c:11 i>tian nlc d n lt h,i\ " nntil night. The.\ ma<le man> paths a "!<:JI cllllt owing to our (ind. I Onh t1, 0 1t ar< a;::o he had a lmel> all around the \ 1llagc. am! <Spec1ally " 1 pair. oi t\\ i; 1, linrn. into hi5 hunw. The clcanlj a broad rnacl to th<_.empt> which W< <an IH\Pr n pay! ], hlath<n r<l.1tl\ls ca1m anj tr.. ul,k<l h;n.\\h<rc olcl m~n \\C\c \\a :g to lhnl n ~:irrifirc whirh hrings ih him \en nrndi insi,;ting that 1i he.-ccl:ln C mt ssla;::efs ron.11 t i,c,lsphir1 s. - allu\\"ul i,,,(]1 tn li\c ;_:rla1 t n111hlt ll 1wop < ( ar <YI ~pm s eca11>< O\\n IH l rc>\\nrd in hpnllh111i n<".. : 1 H f l l I I. l ll o 11 n ll! 11 wonld cnnw to h1< la < <1tt(! it.. l l I l t l liyil.y. Ila consrio11s1w~s of doin:.!.i... t. th.. t. 01 < "h1o h 11i.., lu.11w them 1 I t 1t y 1><J JC_\" or < o no t 1e\ it ll\"t 1arn1 \YI t 1... u. 1

5 Leonard M. Perryman Board of :Missions of the Methodist Church 475 Riverside Drive, New York 27, N. Y. L; i V.d.ssionary Dies of Injuries Suffered in Attack I A Methodist missionary died in Johannesburg, Union of South Africa, February 13 as the result of injuries suffered in an attack upon him and his wife by two Africans, while they were on their way home from church. The Rev. Lilburn E. Adkins, 64, Kuttawa, Ky., and Mrs. Adkins were taken to a hospital the night of February 12, a~er they were found unconscious in a dimly lit street in a Johannesburg suburb. Mr. Adkins died the following day. Mrs. Adkins was in critical condition but expected to live. Press reports said Mr. and Mrs. Adkins were set upon by two Africans, beaten and robbed while returning from a church service for miners from Mozambique, who work in the mines near Johannesburg. The attackers sto.le a briefcase containing religious literature. Mr. and Mrs 0 Adkins worked with other Methodist missionaries in an educational and evangelistic program for the emigrant miners from Mozambique. The mine program and the. Central JVdssion Press are the major Methodist missionary activities in Johannesburg, ltri.ch is a part of the Southeast Africa Methodist Conference. For the last two years, Mr. Adkins had served und0r the Di vision of World Missions of the Methodist Board of llissi0ns. For about 20 years previous to that, he had served with the Horld Gospel J.lission in Kenya, ar.d fr.-rn 1930 to 1937 he 1 ras a Methodist educational missionary in Mozambique. Born in Kuttawa, Mr. Adkins was graduated from Asbury College, Hilmore, Ky., in 1922 with a bachelor of arts dp-gree and from Garrett Biblical Institute, Evanston, Ill., in 1925 with a bachelor of divinity degree. He received a master of arts degree from the Kennedy School of Missions, Hartford, Conn., in 1928.,i

6 - 2 - I Before entering missionary service in 1930, Mr. Adkins was the pastor of churches in the Minnesota and New York East Methodist Conferences. At the time of his death, he was a member of the Rhodesia Methodist Conference. Besides his wife, Mr. Adkins is survived by two daughters, :Mrs. Richard Barker of Michigan and Mrs. Elizabeth Ruth Ogden, a missionary of the Church Missionary Society (Anglican) in Kenya, and a son, Richard Lilburn Adkins. (February 15, 1961) ~ I

7 ,_ - T H E r 0 U N D A T I 0 N. l I i, \ )\ I 3 Soul Mining in Southern Rhodesia.. \ \. - By RE\. L. E. ADl\INS. RHODESIA / THE history of Southern Rhodesia docs not date back sufficiently far to tell of the early beginnings of the gold mining industry. The cave dwellers had scarcely vacated their natural apartments when civilized man began "digging in" elsewhere. until today some hills appear to be honeycombed with old and new workings. Just when the work began may ne\er be known. It is said that when Vasco da Gama first rounded the Cape of Good Hope and sailed up the East coast, he found natives at Sofala. a port in what is now Mozambique. with gold that came from the North\1 cst, most likrl y from Rhodesia. If these hills and \ alleys could speak, what stories they could tell of the courageous spirits of the prospectors. tljt ir undaunted faith, their inspiring hope that freshened every night and led them to continue to believe that the rich reef Jay just beyond or a Iii tic deeper. If the deep gashe, on the earths surface could talk.they could tell of wasted energy and buried millions of dollars. to say nothing of the bodies mangled by falling stones or blown into shreds by blasting dynamite. \Vhat expense. \Vhat wastage! All in the s,<1rch for the gold 1h.11 perisheth. Soul mining is a more recent denlopment in this par! of the world. Money and energy. in incs1imablc amounts, have been expended in this wond, tful 1.1sk of bringing 10 thc surf.ice of sordid and and unpromising!iycs the valuable virlues that lay hidden there. \Ve cannot say that every claim s1.1hc d for Gnd!l.ls produced up lo our c xpcd.1- tions. bu1 smcly no one who h.1s had even.1 small amount of ljqiericnce in thi~ grc at worh of soul winning will say th.ii it is e\cn 11.1Jf as ri~k y as I he I.1 borious. ex pensi w and of ten un profi1.1 bk work of digging out 111«gold of c.11 th. JI h<tt JI ill <t illa11 Gire i11 Exch<t11g<? J,,L" 1,!b u., of.1 m.1n 11 ih> p.1id.111 in ui.kt buy 1he fwl<l th.it h.1d thc hidden 11,.,1~u1,., Of the m.rn1 wl><> c.1nh 10 ilh.1!1.11 "d.ing ll<kmp1ion du1ing nth nl nnr I 9 \i "1111p nh, 1ing,;.1 k\\ b:~ugl11 \.l1 HH\ hind\ 1.ll " "i1.)1nr " "J,i..:h 1\ c1, h11k nhh, 1h.1n,rn.111,,1n.111hlli. ]Ji, l1c.1r1... "-..1 th1.,... J,1.pl, 1,,1.t1ld ll1.! l..,111,fl, d 1111til tii1.1. ]).1d lllll11,,d \lh"h th1:1:-!\ 1,1\1,l {,) llh i1lih)!l.111" ".\t 1Jl, J,1,1 n1.::.l ,1\1,... l1.:l :.1 J.1r:...:.. g.1thl r1n:~. tl)1.~ !1. 11;11h1,,ts \\ tlh11\\l11111,1.1 l.11~, J,.,nf11,..\n,-,pl i, n \\,1, m.1d, 11:.11 "11h J"r1.lpl, jl " n11h 11 (.1i1l1 in ini-!jllfh hins,; th.11 til<y b"llh le llh m di b1, l\cjr thc m until pride rnks in 1h, 1r beans. Jn either case. it were helllr to part with all such things that would hinder in the winning of souls. The presence of God \\as very real in this scrvin. f-or at kjst a half an hour. people from \arious parls of the grow were pulling off wire bracelets and car rings and 1hrowing them into the fire. while songs of victory \\erl w.1ftcd on the smohc!jdcn air. Tho~< ornaments had httk commercial value. but to the African youth. with so few val u.1bks. their intrinsic \\Orth \\JS no small amount. \Vhethr it w.1s nccess.iry th.11 all of those be 1hrn\\n 10 1lw flames. is another question. bur \\C must nott the cv1dlnt fact that in the minds of those dear pwpk no price was too great. They were \\illing 10 fdl.111 for the hidden treasure. Spiritual Prosp<rlors SClli11g Shares To\\ard the cio~, of the above-mentioned camp meeting..i \\om.in.1rosc in one of the sen iccs 10 testify. Among oth r things she mentioned her grc.11 concern for!he people at Samang,1. Thi~ was a pl.ilc \\.l\ up.1mong tlw hills \\htrc 1hcrc had been no 1".1chcr for abo\11 fi, e yc.irs. \Vi1hout a leader. 1hc peop:e b.1d drif1c<l back into 1he old life. As evidence of her in1cre~t. the woman placed the equi\,1knt of six cents on 1hc 1able. Others followed lwr example until.1bout ~2.25 had been gi\lll in rh.1t Slr\i<L. At anolhcr ~, n 1cc i\lis5 i\lullikin brought a challenging missionary mcss.1gc to Iwr na1ivc audicnc,., during \\hid1 sh< ga\e special (()nsid1 r.1tion to ccr1ain Illed\ ~l.itinns. \\lwn Samang.1 \\.ls mentioned l.1r05l and.rnnounced th.it th1 tra\cling mini,tcr of 1h.11 C1rrni1 h.1d.1gflld 10 kaw in a few days I inh for S.1m.111ga where he would 1ond11ct.1 rl\il.11. I asj..c d P.1trick. 1hc mini,ltl. [\) wm,.ind hthd at I he alt.1r. I tlh n 1 u11ltd to 1hc people.ind ~aid. "All of you who arc willing 10 go \\ilh yo111 miniskr 111 ~pend Sl\Cr.1! days or.1 wed, in.1 re\il S.1m.111g.1. join him here at the ah.ll. 00 lmnh<li.11d\ sonh Oil<.1nisc as thc lopk hq~.lll 11> ing in 1h, n.11i1, di.1kc1 :- Oh 1it11 I l1-.1wnl\ r.11h, 1" he.11 1" 11,.1,J.. l Ji,, : :-,, 1hJ 1,.1dh0I t Jij,; \\,l\ t 1 t ih (<11111 I\ I!J.ll I\ Ill d,11 J..1h\\," 11\)Jll d10ltli1t J.111.., li 1]1._ 1.lh.ll\Jti, ~t.. \\: \.b1,h l11ni.d t l- tl1.\.111"\ Jnd,, 1 1), :1h \\!lil:...: b li111ll"1 1 tih ll1".. n... " 1...ll ln)d 11ll s..)ng 1.1.J1lllllh.d P>u:,,,.. \)ljj J r,,, 11.1, c,,..,rh t1.) dt"l: \\\ h.1w hr1,l lll1.ind I 111nd ~, nd 11\ 1, tlwn... I did not loui1l but thac mu~t haw b, cn tit tc, n

8 14 THE FOUNDATION or twenty who knelt there offering to carry their own food and tr ave 1 the long. hilly journey in the search for souls. The meeting closed. About ten da)s later I visit, d another stat10n. It was class-meeting day and the leader was my friend James Chikusi. one of those who had returned from Samanga. He was giving bis report. In his graphic way he told how they had. figurati\cly speaking. dug in many different places in the country of Samanaga but in vain. 1\t last they lis1, ncd... and they heard 01ces saying faintly. "\Ve arc here-we arc here. They began digging at once. and by prayer, and song. and preaching, and faith they removed stones.111d brought out the souls. One hundred and lift Y six showed their rt newed lo\c for God and His church. I encouraged JanHS to visit the stations gi\ing his report. The native Christians were so much interested that they have sent in from several stations collections amounting 10 $ Very little of this was paid by rnissionari, s. To tlzc llartlest Places Soul mining. as in the Jigging out of the earths treasures. cannot always be done in comfortabk environment. It is sometimls "to the hardest of places." He calls, His ser\ants go. Blessed is that sen ant who says, "No matter how deep. dark. damp, discouraging or dangerous the mine m.1y be. at Thy word. Lord, Ill go down." A few days ago. Elijah, one of my young pastor-teachers. came to my door and said that he work. He had recently been appointed to a station at Rupinda. but be had been told by a former teacher that it was no pl.1c, for a single man to go. I knew that the station was at the foot of a very steep mountain that could be descended only by means of "shanks mares." I had gone up and down thae m.111y time~ and worn blisters on my feet. I also knew of sonh critical members in that church. So I sent him 10 the District Superintendent, lvlr. Ivlurphre~. Bro. ivlurphn e having heard that Elijah was wishing to quit, postponed the final decision by arranging an intt rview between Elijah and onl of the young men in school here at Old Umtali. After the two young men had finished their pri,-.ite conference of prayer, Elijah emerged with a light in his face. His eyes were moist as he s.iid. "Ill go te.ich." "J\.re you willing lo go 10 that h.ud place, Rupinda?" he was asked. "1\nywher,.," \ljs hi~ reply. The miners who can say "1\nywhcre," arc the ones wanted for this task. The 1wf is here, untold treasures arc hiddln. rnd 1h, ore )ields a high percent of spiritual \,1lues. May we, Gods servants, manifrst JUSt.1s much courage, persistcncy and hope as do the miners of the gold that perisheth. investing our me.rns, )<J our own lives to sec this thing through. The Autobiography of An African " Fro111 R< " 1". /.. s; 1l.s nf 1/11 Hhod<"«ia Confc 1""<C would not slc, p there any longlr he did not know cuuu :, this rc1:11 i11s}j;1iuu.,.fcsft111ouic1l of au Africa11 \\hat to tllink? tcachcr-111<u<"hc1, th< Rc t<rcu<l 1hon1tt.>.llarauga. It is ~li I 1,11/y" «lo1y oj" 1iilvrima11c,r:om the c/al/w ss to the Jc -l\. I::. H. Greely came lo open a school fivht.-epitor., among us. 1\ly f.1thcrs pwpk told him not to let \\AS horn in a bc.11 h, n \ii Lige. th.lt was full the children g<>. Tlw ch id w,i, very kind and said; I of sin and d.uhncss. i\ly L11her \v,as a chief of "No. my d1ildr, n nrn~l go hlc.llll my son is \cry his own country and Ji.id hi., law for his pcopj,. happy m the n,,1 \\,i)... i\ly hrotbtrs and I went Th,.\i":idzimu I spirits I bad I 1111 ]l0\1 (-r among to the ~d1ool. J hl, hief often (,lllll 10 the drn1d1 th, m 0 0ne d.iy \ll s.iw some s1r.1ngc pt opll cqpiing serliles. with unl wbitl m.1n. Tb, ir (,l(ls \\lrl f111l 0f sn.iil- i/once lhli< """.1 bc, 1-drink1in Ill) fathers -- _,. ing. 1 lwy,1,hed us wlhil th<\ <<Hild find th, diilj,, \illagell,~iwn t1> the \1.,ici1111w-and the pcopk bc-.i nd \\l 10ld l hem t h.l! lw b.1ci gone t0.i hclr- \ q ml wn d rn n h I \\<n 1 t h<r< with 01 her Chrisd ri n h. "l lw nlxl morning thly c.im,.ind t.ilhld to. li<in plnpk t<l sing.rnd 1lll thlm about Jesus. th.1hut11 \\ h.11 tlh\,,1id \1.1s th, tru, God and, \l.lll\,,f till l<<jl, did ll<t l1k, <Hr "ng b<<.llll gn-.11 pi1i1. I d<> n<>l 1\ mcmber llh,11 tllly,,1id tlwi lo\lll thl11 h,< t.ind 11.1d1imu. but t11, n,: 1h.1t tlh\,,1ng rcm.iin, d in our Af1, r h in:,: in h<l 1<1,, wr.1!,.,.,11, at ;>.It. 1! h.-.11ts \l.in1 d.n, l.11.i tli. 1 h:ld.uwtl:cr Sll\1:c \l.lh<lll\\c" tlh 1111"" n.11\,,11d th.11 I mn<i go tn.11:d tb \\". i.l.. 1 G,>d <.1nh t. m1 h.-:n.1nd It OIJ \_1111.1lt """ h t1.1 1i.d.1-.1 J-lt<I l<.iclwr \II <Ht hh,.i hn1k. 11." l.<id tll<>h.111 my s111;,i\\,l\ 1.1tll< r did n >t 1111<f.i,1.1nd.1b this 11<11 pl ind th.11 night my hljll \\.11 full of prjisls. I H, s.iid tu th, m:s;1"n.111!),, nnt 1.1h,, my chi! \llnl to,,ill lll\ b1u1he1,.1nj 1~llrs lo (Ollle to dren.l\ll\ l <ll.. ii,i 1h.11,.,,n \1,mid tl.l<h my II" l "rj Jeu. 1h, S,1\i<l\r 0( 1h, lost \10rlcl. J1<<>pk h<1,.111d 1h" 1. u 11.rn1 t< <11<!!Ihm,l\\,l\ -ilj u,,.d tn sk,p in.i hut tlut lwh>ngcd to tlh from m1 I.ind t/i.11, 1 lw... 1ni. l<>,,.,. 1b, m1511nn \\,1J.1.imu, 1s1 1 i1i1s \\ll< n I told my f.lther th.it I Jr). Hl s,i\1 tlh firq b.wh.ind.ish, d 10 buy it!or

9 \,..., ; 1.,.,.J..s,,.Y. """"OJ>..;,;,..,.",. -i..e"""je " LJ V "*.I. -"\ei"".j,,., ~dB t, 1\:i:.:r i CLl» :te t.::..1.l )]""....\.Jo""".J... " ~"1""... J...!. ot. J-- O> ~< P Ll1F.! J 1 uc~:~ OJ~ Jrtj?acl(1e a ui:d 1.ouronco i..~1?_ugb, «own t.. h J r::oas t, seltlor:i-visl t<::, 1 ~ort of Ir.J1:,mbune.Ii th its.:j.:t:c t;; milos :ir.1::.-1..-viti. ::ir..e comai::: 1~pon Y.nr.ihini - :. L i li \~i~ ~.t~:: 1)l_,.1,,(~f) ()j:.ii! ich Ge dcv(l op,,... f.u1(.,,~ojl 1 1,,., 1 1)~"."{ -1.,... 1 l<ji...,...,...,..,.;,,ro4oyl"1lr>" o" t" l"r 4 " 0. J. jo" ;.ij.v u. " l.l\: ~.,.v... l... u.~,,..-, f,j_.._ J..J.,tJ.,.. ~_1...,_,.._.., J. (:\1.1g,y J ;J.;.u ~-:: o. tiluhi " :01 ";110 -v nlj.cy t:r.~:..oht..:h htc}1 llowe(l :J, ::::ivel.zuc~,.,~r.t.1ev~1.j. 1 -.il.i..,~; 110-~r:..:t,1i11 :.;ij!r:1;n.(1 0 \1:>11.:.,; i,ue rii.re:: t;;11tl(8 :cose hilj_s ol c.l"l:l~l l.lrno<:>t..hje, ~:1ii elosini;:; ili ~t1iou ;, ;;he :i.~i.oh vvlj.t1;l»1e~~e (tonu0 :i"aiegus 0. Ji.:J.:,1. ;.1::iJ: o~n.>ty, GC::k, }!1.0. otl cr 0.,, I. 1.. d. v ::.J. ~t~~j f:)!l~... (1- :.i(..)t) ~..::t1 /t-~ \J:,2.r! ~.1.( 1 )!l~,i.j_c~...! t~~tl!l:j:)2,lj.. ~- V p :...till -v}jr- }~.i ";Jl ~;u.1t11jc~ r1--u izjj:., -:>01J~ii:t.~J. -:,lie ~-:c01-aet; o:r!li8t=t!. 1 :.l>le "" }11.: &~! : ilj.: l1:i.:. t(}ll iri. 1J:o t,} :1(~~~ : 1l~s}1 0 ~>;i :;~~r t:re l1=1tives i-j.ookod i.ll"i;o :;be v":.ill o~ wutohilt: :,.}ic.\:.er; cone.t>ei cntioue1;<;",_.p,1.i1111t:i.ous1y o J3y 11ic;ht ".;j:~j~ "L~.G i:l. :t"~-1.)1t1:tc r.u.:. 1Jlt30t)~:~..:i:.:t 1J<1:: G~.11[; 1J:: t 1;.i-tn1ns }... ~.} ~-;.../ t1:~i~lv<.1. {jj1...,):1 ;/1 t,j.1.e ~~1.~ (~.~J..::~.ec~~ t} 1.::i~ t.j1c1 S})i.:rii to, r1it:ht t...g li~t~ltt..-1 ;~ ;~~i) 11.<;\;-tdt; ~~ :,.1.. : :~(1--v.;~:~.. C1~""~.2,.-j:.-:- c. ;~}!:-::.!"~=- ;:)". ~~t.o i ~.J_(l:... t ~ c l)l. ;! l...~.!. i. ~.. l.... ~ ) 1.oJ!: I.., I.,... I ". t. J i ".. I jl ~".:.!.. j 1 ". v ~,,_.... (~ l f;.}.j..,. I.! ~".1.. ~....,Ll,; I, t J.t.J. l.....,,,,. ).. :. \.,..!._ ~. v. \...L ~ ~.. ~, -.!.,...., (".J 1 -i ~... p.. i!.1.. ) 1, ~ ~,. 1.t. i!,j 1.1.Lv,.a1,. ~ :. i.:rlg..:"g i.. >,.j,..l "1 J ",...,... J-t- ~\ 1<"), ~1.i...n. l "(.:...-r_...._.,._.., 11; ),ri J..,\. Lt..,..!, l; \ :...;,l.._ 11.1._ v -~... v...,. v.i....,.~.-...:_._...!,,.""\.,. - n......,..."i. 1 r",jv(.~o...j. LJ.l.. \J,!,1\.fl,..,1.,., { o:i. t.he ;:,; J:i:ld. i o.,..,,i, ---..,.1 -.,.. t"" ( L c. ti" L i (hi"" co:::":t":r. V.....:....,,.,, """....i,w v..!.._..j......,..,.ll J;... -"-.. \I I:e :.,]E( 1Jt-:0d ;,ool.. "oed :.llll. ;>~ u0ti<h:lll <:::. oii.i:o t;~1: tio!la J:!.Lti (:::Vi..1.Jl;,_.:-71istic,,.ri1l,-::(\:ic:..:."ciG:i~~l ;,f.li~giol.;;.l"~ :rr.m.~ Ol 1 Ull!J.i:o.t. 1 ijlj\.!.(~d 1Ji J continue to t.eaitu.1.0.!ci/ uho lc:... 0:c.:11.:. lllhlfv v:i:i1.c:i[. ij.1to illtclliucfil t :.~hj~ist:l.i.;n,\f1 ioon2 o

10 2 :~;i.1 of. thes~ t41:ij1.;8 ;:.lo i.j~ilig :}CCOl.:lJJlishe<i in oui U<:xri.:ru.J. rrci11- i;,g.:iul~)ol <.!. t. ~.:...1:i0 :u1;i.. ~he.;..:. :.n.1111,s lje1lb.rtrnc.u 1. htik> u. 1 our- ;y e.uro f 0ot:...:cu...i.:1,o c:<~~~.icul1u;i is J.,;c\ciC.od ).;.: ;;:t,<::> l"or t.u1~1:0::::e Gove:tnncnt, ~~i1d _,a.--.; vh ;::.. <i o.:. t,hc -~ ou.r :. 0~1..r;:; 1,11, &t;lld.on 1; :>.~ o un ::or :_;ovu,.l wient.,. < l. ~ ex.:.!:j:l.),~;:v).0hh 0 ~.:lot.:o "<h:v ~,LJ::S..:e<H71.iii3 U uecio.ner l::l ee.1iij.1.lcaue,.. i..:l~i... ~J. (~..!. 1 0"1,!J <..ij: 6!.:uUcit;J1tiC i:.:.. t<j.j...,f?l..t,.t;{t ijt ~ \).. G! --~ ~r~(){;j.o[:::tc~:l 11tilJ"l"}tQt m.ei: ~~ :.ihc;; :...::o ";,he.:.uac 1:.o.ru-t(,-bo, ~nu i-re r-:it-hai. <..:.l.rcluhtos ::r.om our 0 1i.t}t;:..i11iT.lb J)i..:}.\..J..~trJ1I.. Jlit CJ:.:J.tc, :.;Ullt..liJ.J.::r.coL.~ ui".1.u (1tt:.....C1.iell~i UO!l.l 0 1 j,1(>llcf..1.c ( 0 Jhis Ct.i...!~~~ne 11:.. ~l:t.:ojo~ ~,r ~0,.::-1}~~.. _,,~1:: i,oo ""t.:{::.:: et. :\:t 1 ~: : b~ tjf. on :t "~j:._: g~:i.~<:.. tl~.:.,.. ~Gr:!..l:c :..,12~.~ l..>"&i~"l~ c \.!... t... t;:l ~.ht;..t;r."y i_,j, i : ~ ~.. ~u. :.: - t.<;i~y :.;: } -~,c... c~~1.i too..~ 2.. a:..~ o:, ~1-i o -i;hoo:j 01;.;:,J. st.ue1.er1 tg come t;o _,..,1hl-.1i vii th ~},ej :~ J..~niJ..icG ;;t jc;j_i-ttl.;;;)().r1; i:.:> l l!(:}g(;,t..-ti ty ~.O... " lijlel:i \) 1 \.!!U..lG&.~ 01~::~ jjt! ddl.~-~ t-.:j..,.;:t t... J.. 4 t~ (;t;~:.(ij~\,jt.j. t.ro..,,:.. ~;:.::. lc..:-,(t,t,.!:.:.~i1i1j" ~:vt- t.!1t;:; :i t;:. Jo::..x the:;, ~ws l:t<\. 1.;) -.o:rk. ::Lo;) ~ ld u;.:,!,l02<:3d OL the :u.:-i 1:1a;.;~-u~~ht t-0 J.Uo.!:: u.ricke; to Hnu.ve h:i~b..cts; to "\,:,ln hid.es; to huild houses;.:.~nd to cio v~;.riou<.: v"i.l.el u~t:fhl 1. :o.cl~e ;hol.1. 1ivus lh ta.n,_-nt to rett..1 ~l1tl.1.i\i""vc; Lo ;.;t..r~, ;... 1r~~ 1 (> l:ros1~..tltly C...J:c!.L0:!1 :}}. ild.j~eri o.!11 8!.o~"t 0 cli..1i~e t.lillt:h t "~l~~.-t.t, J~ii~n. or c 1 cn1bst:iio ej{,)11~0j,e._;j1: l.e~10.,::1,ut~i1;,.} :..-.~ ;\.j,j_(;: ~~.:; t.:.~j...: :.,;,..i.~7 :!.J.Odd.0 A,il.l0."1 t!1tj SV-..:L.4~elis(. 1 ;.~O~.:a \. 1 l~t to l.j... ~et:.oli 11 ~ l.t) lil.i!)}!co "LhA G~Jll ter ~..t.i~ :). L.0A ~...;/1d.;~ 11.Le ill... 6"V \... j,i J..~Gc3" jif... t l; <lt,;j~~jli (.Jf!.;J).L(t.~~;, ~ 1 1~0.. i r... \;. I.H... l tk I,_ t:.._.i... ~/ I,...Le.. ~ o 00. 1, 7 c 1 i -f-...j.:;j...: t~ ~ i... ~-\ v.t ~... J,i,, :t.~... v.,.t,._..;j.j.. t! 0 1. l ".._.J.J. - ic....:,:,...,.j1j2 o ~"! c J... j~s llj..ll... :... J:j, JJA.~v.:.l":! ;; i,,.o t),4j_lc.!;oc~!rl. t;... cl.2:>u~jo J-:s t.-" c... > ;-.~,,, i...,..,,,1 11,r.,f.l f)...,)1.., ) i~) 1<.:ii..J ~ ~ t-j "t.", }-i,, li c.1.1u lj",,d _..., ,,. v...:w... ~.J _..~... - t...j,. _.._...,e J ~..,;;,) -.:.;,... ~ 1. ~ c<:ulti ln,<;!jo i.;:he lt:i..hodu c.:;jj.:;jr.i,!~tm i;t ~:... 1lir:i, unn.ivp.s 1,h<? ot~i.d~... L I..., ". "., i l. () "......,,. vj.. J ,... J:...,.1... ~.")()J.~.l..11. vj.!. ).~~.! :_::;:-..;~..#" t._... J..0\t,l l :....J..J ~ -.J.1.,.. 11._,tt..vvJ.c...,._...,,;~... 1.!.,,,.. } ~~-:7... ~... \..to_... " -... _....L,,_J.:.,. -"..,.. u <,.... l... ;. ~ , ".,, ~I. 1.t.M ~ ~ t (.. UO O l J ~ \, < ~ I~.., ;.,-.: li l..j...jj. l l... ~.,_... " 1, i.j l I < 1 ~. ~. Q,. ~ j. ~....!.f, JI,..t. l J. t:.i "....,....,., I,,.... l" 1 ~... ;,.l\, :;,:: -,.... L.. l \...,.,... J,., ~...,.(. i L)~ 1 0 I,. -d.:., r " c-.. a l.t<j f...11,,\.4,,t..{;-!..l J~\.-- ~ l.r.....i. J..""..." 1).t i l...j. ;_... -.,,"i.,..i.."vt 1 ~:.o;.....jl.4.lu~;.:: ;;;, c~:..ool.. ~.J..i. L.~:u... t.~ t.o.:"".j.de ~~..::100: u. ~ v~; :,~i l :.::t...:1-, o j v.tj.ilo...,:.;..,; ~"";.L.. ~ ~.1~~.J......,....,_J.-l~...J ~....,...,,., 1 1" " ( a... :)~.; 1... v.1..~ --U,..;,t,.4... J.. w. ch..l.j i..w ~...ioi"... t..:.:ji!ls~ ~ ~~e.:"t 1 ::...::~: ::.~ :) ~ ;:!_ 1 (~!:J 1.~... ~: el -.\i~~1,~.!"c. jo,_j.~:_jc... ~~.1.~~., ~~..:ad. -~1132.bc".;~;. 0 ~cc: 1011~ 1.. :..,.. n. ;,} i11 i_j,.}.( llon-ur ol ~.r,,ti11i11t:. ::.,.O u0ntl :Lni.; u :.t t. :... ii.o r, tro11c t~i.r.ch0.8 hear"gs :,1Hi minds :ind. souls oi t~ lleo... ;y-

11 poo_flca iheuc \;J rij;.;ds 1:.1r<J :;;Jc.;:ly "!Jd t:ul(:ly tu.l.l.vjin,s these JOO plc out 01 :ni.1:e:csti tio1., t!i tchu;; u:: t. 1.mrl other tte;:. :..~lling 1 ~::.il.i:...q uu~;toi.ns ~ J3Uli 1iho vork ix, j~ti.jj11ji.r,i i;;; hul.l})tlj.tldc ~he OJ>flO:t.1iUJiity l,~s 0..:o~n.1 lly lo;,,:;,c 1.,1.U bounds..~fh>01u. c1:h: to v1oe;t t!:o oypo:i:tuni ty hc.ve i,~egod. J:he ohtile >1or1: of t.b.e ili:.-~itute is ca:rriecl on by,..;. njore },;,,1~d::.:u1 of 1:1iQl:im.c.~.ries (110t. :,11 on tl"" /ie:td at the ;,;,uau r.ime) - 1.j,\J :.:.c;...iiiir.0 ~ichool.i:or1.kli 8ehool,.\gricul tttlal Do 1-:..:.. t;j:> n-c. i:,u v.g :;,,e i<.. l lle }Ki.rt"!IDJ.t, O.hH() ::. ogi <H>l j)(~lij riir:lfjll t, the dib,;:1ej1:,1j.j.y ~ervice, ir, 1:J.d(,it.io11 to tho mu1 ti1iuc1e oi ~r:1:ul l>~:sk5 t1~.:,:, :.1.J p-,:!?ti o, Lhe ud;;ii; <ist.,e,.\,.i.oll v.f,,very ""ch ozc.t.e:.. ~,.,... J. :,;::,..1."J u I)

12 Dies of Injuries Suffered in Attack 1\ 1\ kthodist 1111ss10nary dice! in Jo hannl>burg. Union of South 1\frka. February 13 ;1s thr result of injuries suffered in an attar!.. upon him and his ll"ife h\ tll"o J\fric.ms. \\h1k the\ were on illllr l\".l\ honw from clnnch. lhl lk1: Lilhw n E..\dl,in>. 6-l. Kull.111";1, K 1.,Jilc~r,. 1\t1J..ii1 - "ere t;1j..cn to a l;ospit.11 the night of Ftlm1-.HY 12. after the) m rt found uncon,cious in ;1 climh lit stret t in a Joh.rn nc,hurg suburb. 1\lr.,\clkin di~ d the following da) ;\Jr,..\dkins 1\\1 in C11tical condnion hut <\]>tcted to!in. Press report "1id ;\Ir. and i\hs.,\,l J..111s \\ere St! U]Xlll h) tll"o :\fjic:uh. beaten,111d robbed 11hik returning frnm.1 church sen 1et for miner from i\lo biquc. \\ho 1111rk in tlw mines IH<ll Johannesburg. The a11ackers stoic a hricfcnse cont;1ining religious litcr.1 I urc. i\lr. and i\lrs..\dkins \\orked ll"ith other i\lethocl1,t mbsionaric, in an nlu c.hional and ernngrlistic program for the cmigr.rnt mi1wrs from i\ lmamhiqm. The mine prog1;1m.rnd the Centr.11 \li"ion P1< ss ;l!"l the m.1.1or :\kthodi,t 111i...:-.1onary ncl i\ Jtic~ in Joh.1nnC!-il)t11\!. ll"h 1d1 is.1 pa rt of the Sm 11 lll.1,t,\f iit.1.\ lcthodist Conference. For thl I.1st t110 1<-.1r,. \Ii. \di, in h.1cl "n eel under the Di1 i>1on of\ \orld \ li"ion of the :\lcthodit Bo.ml of \li"ion,. For.1hout t11< ntl" )"<.ll"s pn 1 i HIS to th.11. he had "n cd with tlw \\odd Co,1wl \ li"inn 1n I..:cm.1.. ind fn>m 19.~0 to l<j.7 he i\kthodi,i cduc.nion.11111i,,i,1n.1r) in :\lo1.1111h1qu<. Horn :u i\!1..\dl,in, 11,1, t:r.1du.l!cd from \,h1111 Collc!.!t. \\ii mo1< in ll~2 1ii1h.1 h.1clwlnr.. r d(.~1l (,.ind lr11111 (:.111t 11 11il)li<..il l11tl1ull. L1.111,1n11. Ill.. Ill lj25 111lh.> h.>< hdnr ol di11ni11 dn:rn. I k n,,-11 ("(I.1 n1.1,h 1 nl dl\.!ht l1n1n thl J,lll """...;, h11ol " \Ii""" I l.11 tln1,j. ( 111rn.. in ll2s. 11llllll llllt.1111~ 1111-"lt ll.11\ ll\11..l Ill Jtl~(l \li \1)1.111" \\,l" the J il ll 11! tlllhlih Ill dh \JJllllll l.1.11ld \l\\ ) nil, I.ll \ht Ji.,,]i,1 C11nl H 11«\t tlh 11111< nl hi d<»1th. lw \\,1,,1 nw111 ht-r nl thl nll<ld< " \ h tl1rnh,1 Cnn lll"lll(,(., ll""k Ji,, "" \11 \dk1n i "". 111"1 In t11n d.nd>h 1, \],, l1kh.1nl ll.nl,,., nl \litl11.!.1ll.md \]i, J ],,.1h, 1h Huth ().,,h n. " 1111""" " ol tlw.\ I H I L I ) (J I lblivp,\c11 d/ S. Tlooth (ngh1: ccm/<i" 11 l lcrlic11 L Loll< of the llomd o/,\}i"io11 1em1.! 111 lw n iclch cl1.<trili111ecl 111 cc11111n The 1\ppeal 11 ill iab the forlll of 1111 ofi 1 1l11c11Jio l lla1ll 1,f:lp lla111i11:.:, ill 1111 u tl1t \p]1<1r/ hut it hn111 1I tn 111i:::c at ( hull h.\11"11111.n) ~n<i< 11 \nglic;111 Ill ],.:lll\.i,,!lid,) "II. l1icl1.1nl J.iJhtllll \cll,1n,. Cnba Chmd1 "\Iii l.. )),,pill \\"ithdr:mal 1 IH \], thndi-i ( lu1nh 111 ( 11h1 j, \t I\ llllh.h.ijl\t. dc,jllh tlh l\,llll.lll111l ol.dj hut thll nl JI" 1111,,11111,nit. (1.lP "Jllh.d h\ thl \\1thd1.1\\,il nl llll"ll.llll lil\1.illl.llh hllll,j... ld \\llh ( uh1n ll ull1,l11p,,l~111d111..: 111 lih 1)1 \l, ! \\ llilll \J1,,i111l 111 tht. 1i11.11d " \11"i"ll " I IH \], th11di,1 l l11lllh S11111t. t.h..:ht\ li\l lt1lllt. 1t.llt.l p ,.11lll lllllllt.ltlll l.1\ \\lllj,.l,... Ill t..111\111:.: llll thl \\111 f, 111 tht. l h\lll. h,,, II \\,I 111 hnth d,,jh n n11,,1nn.1rit. lni ti 11u1 10 lt.1hji,h d1.!t. IJCHI 1.. huit h in C.uh.1,j,1~ ~t i..:11,

13 ll 1 I U"I\ more than a third ofi the regular :esbury needs more room for latest ;e> two first-quality articles. At this I to delay. Order these bargains for "LLKRK11ll[ ier HEADLINER )ening door Onl) 1 $19900 are illuminated by interior lighting. Choice of black copy board with white letters or while copy board with black letters-specify. Ere>cting e>quipment Cxtra. MR-500-R. Transportation extra from Nasli\ille, Tenn.: specify truck or rail shipment. Wt., 193 lbs. $ Extra Copy Board. 4lx43 mches. Transportation extra; wt., 24 lbs. $27.85 MR-4143W White Background MR Black Background Lawn Erecting Equipment. Transportation e>xtra; wt., 125 lbs. $60.00 LARGE ILLUMINATED TABLE CROSS Reµ:u la rly , This hl autiful 1lh11n1nntCd lross i~ constructed of prune ru~tproofcrl stccl,, 1th hitc tri1nslucc. nt fibcr J..!}ass panels. Gold-color.. d t n<11ncl hakcd at h1~h h. n1p~ri1t11rc to ~i\e ::-at1n flnish. IntCl ior finh:::hccl 1n luc:trou~ h;1kc. d \\hit< CJH1n1CI to p1 0, idf propcr li~ht rhffuc:ion throuch potnt. ls Ftttt cl \\Ith hulhs r:::pt. c i.dlv dt ~1c11Cd to cn r soft ("\Cll hl!ht and ra~il\ 1 t pl.ht d hy lln1ov1ng the panels. \Vh1te fiber ;.!lass pnncls nrc unhr(akahlr <"Ind hulh~ ilr( l"(aclily a\<lllilhl( at an~ ef(ct r1c 5Upply <,,lorl>. Cross n1c.1!3ur(s 23:t.1 1nt ht~!:> l11gh inch(~ \\ 1dc at the ll"o~~-.1r111 <incl 2:.., 111t hc~ ~quarc Suppo1 tld h\ :.1 71 :! inch square base fcltpilddccl to proteet ~urfac c. Place ~ our 01 dt r tod;i.y.incl lake.1d\.1ntngc of this sa\llll.!~ MR-TC-50. Po~ta~c extra: ~hpg. wt.. n lbs. $29.95 MR: 500.R \\lo;ic t"\111 J!J!lll ("1p\ Cn.,1(j Mf(:.J 1.13\V :- BJ.,ck F.-..lln )nllci Col" IlunHl MR c.-.n1111< tl L.1\\ n El CCtill. EJlliJlHCl ,. t Jlh111111i.1htl T.1blC" l11.:-.~ MR TC 50 ~ S27 85 S27 85 S60 00 S29.95 SEND TO Street_ Acid ~tntc $.1Jrc:; t.1x \\ lu. tt 11.1pplit s City I St.Jtc ~ J1,1:-1ntlll c.1h lo~1..u C1 ch..lrr.c l<> Ill ncc.. unt \\ 0 r. L ll 0 l I I l Cl 0 J;

14 Photographs from this file have not been included but are available upon request. For more information please contact

PSALM 140. & b Slow «««««« «««« ««« ˆ_«l ˆ« ˆ_«l « j ˆ««ˆ ˆ« ˆ«« l ˆ«. ˆ« nˆ_ « ˆ ˆ ˆ. -ˆ l ˆ« «. ˆˆ ˆ ˆ«« j ˆ ˆ ˆ« ˆ_ nˆ_ˆ_ «««« ˆ ˆ ˆ«.

PSALM 140. & b Slow «««««« «««« ««« ˆ_«l ˆ« ˆ_«l « j ˆ««ˆ ˆ« ˆ«« l ˆ«. ˆ« nˆ_ « ˆ ˆ ˆ. -ˆ l ˆ« «. ˆˆ ˆ ˆ«« j ˆ ˆ ˆ« ˆ_ nˆ_ˆ_ «««« ˆ ˆ ˆ«. Byzante Basi Kazan (1915 2001) & b So son _ n. have cried out un e, & b. j _ n_ hear me. Hear & b me, Lord. have _ cried out & b. ṇ _ Œ e, hear me Give ear & b _ n. j voice sup pi ca & b tion, hen cry

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