z Safa British School Newsletter 16 th September 2018 Dear Parents, Please be reminded of how we communicate with you:

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1 z Safa British School Newsletter 16 th September 2018 Dear Parents, Please be reminded of how we communicate with you: D6 Communicator App You will find a school calendar, alerts, letters and reminders. If you require any assistance please do not hesitate to ask at reception, they will be happy to show you how to use it. s - All information sent to parents is sent to the address that you have provided to us. If you change your address or you are not receiving s from us please let us know by contacting our Network Manager, Florida Damo on fdamo@safabritishschool.com Kind regards Zara Harrington Principal

2 TOP PERFORMERS ATTENDANCE & PUNCTUALITY WELL DONE to our top 5 classes for Week ending 12 th September FS1 Green % 2. Year 1 Onyx % 3. Year 3 White % 4. Year 4 Red % 5. Year 1 Diamond 98.81%

3 Reminder: No Hat, No Play We have introduced a fun draw for everyone: All the teachers names are put into a hat. Each week in assembly one teacher s name is pulled out of the hat followed by the name of a member of the senior leadership team The Senior Leadership team member will teach a lesson for the teacher the following week This is fun for the Senior Leadership Team, The Teachers and most importantly for the Children. Last week, Miss Teju taught a lesson for Miss Bridget This week, Miss Noreen will teach a lesson for Miss Beth

4 Reminder: No Hat, No Play NEWS FROM FRENCH This week, Years 3 and 4 have started their French classes by taking a diagnostic test in order to help them refreshing their memory. They all did well and are ready to start learning new words in French. Years 5 and 6 have practiced a lot their speaking skill and revised the different greetings in French. They had fun by doing role play. Next week Years 3 and 4 will be continuing revising greetings. Years 5 and 6 will start talking about nationalities and countries. Well-done to all the children for their involvement in class

5 Reminder: No Hat, No Play NEWS FROM CREATIVE ARTS Miss Barber and Miss Frazer met FS1 and FS2 children. The Singing, Dancing and Fun will begin next week! In Music with Miss Frazer, KS1 explored sounds using percussion instruments. Year 1s topic is Number so they learnt all about the beat in music. Year 2s topic is Ourselves so they created sounds to accompany a poem called I Like. In KS2, Year 3 played instruments to a poem called The Sound Collector. Year 4 learnt a song for their up and coming Production and explored some keyboard work. Year 5 and 6 continued the body percussion for the Cat Song they learnt last week and demonstrated their keyboard skills. With Miss Barber in Drama/Dance the children have finished learning the School Assembly song with all the actions, ready to perform in Assembly for the first time on Sunday morning! KS1 learnt some sound with movement activities to help with their listening, concentration and confidence skills. They then started learning some poetry for performance focusing on rhythm and rhyme. Year 1 started a poem called The Morning Rush which was about the morning daily routine and Year 2 started a poem called Friends about a Monkey, Snake and Frog. Year 2 began creating actions in groups and working on the rhythm and expression of the poem. In KS2 they learnt and created actions for the fast rap part of the Assembly song. Year 3 started learning The Boneyard rap poem and Year 4 looked at McBroccoli. Year 4 also began preparations for their up and coming Production in November. Year 5 learnt Gran Can You Rap exploring the rhythm and expression of the poem and Year 6 learnt Please Mrs Butler. Next week in Music, KS1 will develop exploring sounds using percussion. KS2 will continue singing and keyboard skills. In Drama/Dance we will continue working on Performing Poetry with expression, diction and actions. Year 4 will continue to rehearse for their production. Well done to all the children who auditioned for SAFA SINGERS! It takes a lot of confidence for children to stand up and sing on their own, so well done to all who took part. Unfortunately, it is only a small group ECA, however there will be more Auditions in Term 2 for children to try again. Congratulations to the children who are part of the group, rehearsals will begin on Sunday lunch break.



8 Reminder: No Hat, No Play NEWS FROM PE This week we have continued with cooperation games. The children have learnt how to work together to achieve success. Some of the classes have started Football and have been working on ball control. FS and Year 1 have been playing tag games and working on ball skills. During our swimming lessons we have been working on Front Crawl, strengthening our leg kick and working on breathing to the side. Next week Next week FS to Year 2 will continue playing games and learning how to work together and support each other. Years 3 to 6 will continue with Football. During our swimming lessons we will continue working on Front Crawl. Extra Curricular Activities Extra Curricular activities began last week. If you have any questions regarding any of the sporting activities please see a member of the PE Department. Some of our PE activities are outside so please make sure your child has water, a hat and suncream if their activity is outside.

9 NEWS FROM ARABIC A Reminder: No Hat, No Play في اذه اأ عوب سل ارجعنا عم ال طبنا عبض المهارات اللي و غة اوإ ي ئ ال ملة س الابقة وت ح ي ضو الخطة الدرا ي سة للمع ي ضا و القادمة. - في اأ سلب عو القادم - ن إءا ش هللا عتالى - ن سق مو بالتاي ل: - ي ف الصف ل وألا: ن سق مو ال مكإ ب دراسة الحروف الهجا ي ئة بحسب وت سمى ل ك ف ص. - ي ف الف ص الث ي نا: ن سق مو تبحل ل ي صن أدبي بعد التردب على قراءته جيد ا. - ي ف الف ص الثاث ل: ن سق مو تبحل ل ي صن خارجي بعد التردب على قراءته جيد ا. - الف ص الع با ر: ن سق مو تبد س ير عبض ا الو قعد النحي وة اوإ ي ئ ال ملة. - الف ص الخامس: ن سق مو ال مكإ ب همزة القطع ف ألو الل صو اولتعرف على عاونأ الخبر. - الف ص سالا سد: ن سق مو بمارجعة جملة كان أوخه تاوا و ة سارد عاون أ المقدت ام واف ل أل الفارقة هومزة القطع ف ألو الل صو.

10 NEWS FROM ARABIC B Reminder: No Hat, No Play This Week.(د) Year 1 were studying about letter Year 2 were studying about family members. Year 3 were studying about places. Year 4 were studying about UAE. Year 5 were studying about hobbies. And 6 were studying about the weather. The Week Ahead Years 1 are going to study the letter (ذ),year 2 are going to continue their topic about family members, Year 3 will continue their topic about places,y 4 are going to continue their topic about UAE. Y5 will continue their topic about hobbies. Y6 will continue their topic about the weather.

11 NEWS FROM ISLAMIC A Reminder: No Hat, No Play في هذا اأ سلبوع تعر اف ن عم الطبنا على حأدث ا الهةرج النبوية من مكة المكرمة إلى دمالينة المنورة ذكولك ل و ا نتنا هذه المو ضوعات عم الطبنا: - ف صال األول: مفهوم المرا شكة والات سمح. - ف صال ث الاني: فضل وآدابة و ال ت القرآن الك م ير. - ف صال ث الاث ل: قصة و ز نل حو الي ل عى الرسول ي ف راغ رحاء. - ف صال ر الابع: آدب ا وخدل المنزل اولرخوج منه. - ف ص ال ال سما خ: الهةرج إلى دمالينة. - ف صال السا سد: أعمال الرسول ل صى هللا ل عيه ل سوم ي ف دمالينة المنةرو. - س ألابوع ق الامد ن إ شاء هللا عتاى ل نستو ا نل الم ضووعت ا ت الا ي لة ن إ شاء هللا عتاى ل: - ف صال األول: سورة إل اخ الص. - القرآن والتجود ي: متي حالفظ من سوةر ا ف التحة اوإ لخ الص وت ل عم ض عب ما ك حأ التجدو ي ي تال مثل: آداب قراءة القرآن - اا سل ةتذا ع والبس ل مة. - ف صال ث الاني: سورة ال ر صع. - القرآن والتجود ي: متي حالفظ من سوةر العصر ومرجاعة السور ا سالبقة ومرجاعة ض عب ما ك حأ التجدو ي ي تال ل عتمها طالالب مثل: آداب قراءة القرآن - اا سل ةتذا ع والب لمسة - الف ورح اللثوية والم مي المشددتين. - ف صال ث الاث ل: سورة ت الين. - الا و اج بت: سر تل الا و اج بت بنهاية اأ سلبوع عم الط الب ي ف ا ف دتر التربية اإ ال سلمية لا ذ يى جرذ تكير طالالب حبل او اج بته حإوضااهر للم سردة. - القرآن والتجود ي: متي حالفظ من سوةر التين او رشلح ومرجاعة السور ا سالبقة ومرجاعة ض عب ما ك حأ التجدو ي ي تال ل عتمها طالالب مثل: آداب قراءة ر قالآن - اا سل ةتذا ع والب لمسة - ف ورحال اللثوية والم مي المشددتين. - ف صال ر الابع: سوةر الراطق. - الا و اج بت: سر تل الا و اج بت بنهاية اأ سلبوع عم الط الب ي ف ا ف دتر التربية اإ ال سلمية لا ذ يى جرذ تكير طالالب حبل او اج بته حإوضااهر للم سردة. - القرآن والتجود ي: متي حالفظ من سوةر البجو ر اوالنشقق ا ومراجعةرو س ءزج عم ومرجاعة ض عب ما ك حأ التجدو ي ي تال ل عتمها الطالب مثل: آداب قراءة القرآن - اا سل ةتذا ع والب لمسة - ف ورحال اللثوية - النون والم مي المشددتين حأوكام المد وا ل ق ل قلة. - ف ص ال ال سما خ: سورة را طف ن إلا. - الا و اج بت: سر تل الا و اج بت بنهاية اأ سلبوع عم الط الب ي ف ا ف دتر التربية اإ ال سلمية لا ذ يى جرذ تكير طالالب حبل او اج بته حإوضااهر للم سردة. - القرآن والتجود ي: متي حالفظ من سوةر االنفرا ط وعبس وتولى ومرجاعةرو س ءزج عم ومراجعة ض عب ما ك حأ التجدو ي ي تال ل عتمها طالالب مثل: آداب قراءة القرآن - اا سل ةتذا ع والب لمسة - ف ورحال اللثوية - النون والم مي المشددتين حأوكام المد وا ل ق ل قلة. - ف صال السا سد: سورة السجةد ت اي آلا )7-1( - الا و اج بت: سر تل الا و اج بت بنهاية اأ سلبوع عم الط الب ي ف ا ف دتر التربية اإ ال سلمية لا ذ يى جرذ تكير طالالب حبل او اج بته حإوضااهر للم سردة. - القرآن والتجود ي: متي حالفظ من سوةر ال سجدة ومرجاعة سور ءزج عم ومرجاعة ض عب حأك ما التجدو ي ي تال ل عتمها طالالب مثل: آداب قراءة القرآن - اا سل ةتذا ع والب لمسة - الف ورح اللثوية - النون والم مي المشددتين وادمل وا ل قلقلة.

12 NEWS FROM ISLAMIC B Reminder: No Hat, No Play This week we have reminded the pupils about the new Islamic Hijri year. And they have learnt the following lessons: - Year one lesson: Sharing. - Year two lesson: The virtue of reciting the Quran. - Year three lesson: In the cave of Hira story. - Year four lesson: Manners of entering and leaving home. - Year five: Immigration. - Year six: The achievements of the Prophet in Madinah. Next week we will learn about: - Year one lesson: Surat-ul-Ikhlas. Quran & Tajweed: Practice the verses at home, revise the etiquettes of reciting the Quran such as Istiáthah & Basmalah. - Year two lesson: Surat-ul-Asr. Quran & Tajweed: Practice the verses at home, revise the etiquettes of reciting the Quran such as Istiáthah & / ث / ذ / ظ pronouncing: Basmalah. Also practice ن - Year three lesson: Surat-ut-Teen. م / Quran & Tajweed: Practice the verses at home, revise the etiquettes of reciting the Quran such as Istiáthah & / ث / ذ / ظ pronouncing: Basmalah. Also practice ن - Year four lesson: Surat-ut-Tariq. م / Quran & Tajweed: Practice the verses at home, revise the etiquettes of reciting the Quran such as Istiáthah & / ث / ذ / ظ pronouncing: Basmalah. Also practice ن - Year five: Surat-ul-Infitar. / م and practice Madd rules ( ~) & Qalqalah. Quran & Tajweed: Practice the verses at home, revise the etiquettes of reciting the Quran such as Istiáthah & / ث / ذ / ظ pronouncing: Basmalah. Also practice ن - Year six: Surat-us-Sajda 1-6. / م and practice Madd rules ( ~) & Qalqalah. Quran & Tajweed: Practice the verses at home, revise the etiquettes of reciting the Quran such as Istiáthah & / ث / ذ / ظ pronouncing: Basmalah. Also practice ن har. / م, practice Madd rules ( ~), Qalqalah and the rule of Ith-

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