Rikhiapeeth, Rikhia, Deoghar, Jharkhand, India

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1 A R a D H a N a Yoga of the heart Complimentary Year 1 Issue 2 March/April 2012 Rikhiapeeth, Rikhia, Deoghar, Jharkhand, India

2 Aradhana - Yoga of the heart is an offering to Paramguru Swami Sivananda and our beloved Pujya Gurudev Swami Satyananda. It is compiled, composed and published by the sannyasin disciples, devotees and well-wishers of Paramahansa Satyananda. Editor: Swami Gyantara Saraswati Assistant Editors: Sw. Kriyabhava Saraswati (E) Sn. Atmajyoti (H) Published at Rikhiapeeth by Swami Gyantara Saraswati on behalf of Rikhiapeeth, P.O. Rikhia, Deoghar, Jharkhand. Printed by CDC Printers Pvt. Ltd. at Tangra Industrial Estate- II, Bengal Pottery, Kolkata. Rikhiapeeth 2012 Rikhiapeeth P.O. Rikhia, Dist. Deoghar, Jharkhand India For reply: please send a stamped, self-addressed envelope Rikhiapeeth, the tapobhumi of Swami Satyananda has developed into a vibrant spiritual epicentre abundant in peace, plenty and prosperity. Aspirants, seekers, devotees, householders and sannyasins, come from all parts of the world to live and work together for the benefit of others by following the high ideals of seva, selfless service, sadhana, spiritual practice, swadhaya, self study, and satsang, association with truth, as taught by Swami Sivananda and established by Swami Satyananda. It is a place of inspiration and joy for the thousands of natives who live in the hundreds of villages that surround Rikhiapeeth, as well as for millions of spiritual aspirants and devotees who come to imbibe the spiritual vibrations that abound in this sacred place. Aradhana - Yoga of the heart is intended to share the profound teachings and lifestyle that are being practiced and lived in this sacred place for the benefit of all. Journal for free distribution Cover photo: Sw. Sivananda Published: Rikhiapeeth, P.O. Rikhia, Dist. Deoghar Jharkhand Printed: CDC Printers Pvt. Ltd, Bengal Pottery, Kolkata Owned by: Rikhiapeeth, PO Rikhia, Dist. Deoghar Jharkhand Editor: Swami Gyantara Saraswati

3 A R a D H a N a Yoga of the heart Year 1 Issue 2 March/April 2012 Contents 3 Sure Steps to Spiritual Life 4 Aradhana of Divine Mother 7 Nine-day Aradhana 13 Tradition of Devi Aradhana 18 Seva is Aradhana 22 Guru Bhakti Yoga 28 Shivaratri 30 Akshay Tritiya 35 ãìãàããä ã ããàã ã ãã 43 ¼ããÀ ããè¾ã ¹ãÀ½¹ãÀã ½ãò ªñÌããè ããàã ã ãã 45 ÔÌãã½ããè Ôã ¾ãã ã ª ÔãÀÔÌã ããè ãñš Ôãã ã Ôã ÔãâØã 46 ãàã¾ã ãð ããè¾ãã Aradhana Invocation ªñÌãã ¼ããÌã¾ã ãã ãñ ã ãñ ªñÌãã ¼ããÌã¾ã ãì Ìã: ý ¹ãÀÔ¹ãÀâ ¼ããÌã¾ã ã: Ñãñ¾ã: ¹ãÀ½ãÌãã¹Ô¾ã ã ýý Bhagavad Gita 3:11 Yajnas nourish, strengthen and empower the Devas, they in turn empower us. Strengthening and nourishing each other in this way, both attain shreya (prosperity).

4 Declaration of Freedom The day of breakthrough Whatever may seem to bind or limit you, declare yourself free from it now. There is nothing in the outer world, no person, no condition and no circumstance which can take away the freedom that is yours in spirit. Instead of wishing that you were free to live your life differently, accept the truth that right now you are free. Free to change your thinking, free to change your outlook or life, free to be all that you long to be. Make this a day of freedom, spiritual freedom. Declare yourself free from anxiety and fear, free from any belief in luck or limitation. Aradhana Mar/Apr 2012

5 Sure Steps to Spiritual Life Love Serve everyone with intense love, without the idea of doership. By working for others without expecting appreciation, one learns to be kind and compassionate. Develop all-embracing love. Feel for others as you feel for yourself. Feeling oneness with others is atmabhava. Unite with all and feel the calmness within. Separation is death, imbalance, conflict and dissatisfaction. Unity is eternal serenity, composure and happiness. This sadhana will give unimaginable peace of mind. Expand your heart and think that this whole world is your own Self. An aspirant should also learn thought transference, the method of sending out a continuous stream of healing, loving and helpful thoughts to others and the whole world at large. This is silent, selfless service to humanity. You should know how to remove distraction and collect all your thoughts and send them out as a battalion of helpful forces to do good to those who are suffering. Just as the Ganga brings joy and coolness to those who live on its banks, so also one s strong thoughts of love and peace must flow out as a healing stream to bring solace and peace to those whose minds are filled with cares and worries. There is no virtue higher than love; there is no treasure higher than love; there is no knowledge higher than love; there is no dharma higher than love; there is no religion higher than love; because love is truth; love is God. God is an embodiment of love. In every inch of His creation, you can verily understand His love. Swami Sivananda Aradhana Mar/Apr 2012

6 Aradhana of the Divine Mother Swami Sivananda Saraswati Since the dawn of civilisation, when the primitive man lived in a matriarchal society, the worship of the Divine Mother came into practice. Later on, as civilisation progressed, the matriarchal pattern gradually faded out, and the father became the head of the family unit, where he was treated as the man in authority and to whom every one looked for guidance Swami Sivananda and approval. Consequently there was a change in the concept of God as such and the Fatherhood of God was established. But Mother-worship persisted simultaneously, since this concept was psychologically more appealing to the devotee, the Mother being nearest in filial affection to the child. Subsequently, a sympathetic harmony between the Motherhood and Fatherhood of God was developed by the Hindu religion and people worshipped Sita and Rama, or Radha and Krishna, together. Mother is very kind to her child. You are more free with your mother than with anybody else. It is the mother who protects you, nourishes you, consoles you, cheers you and nurses you. She is your first preceptor. She sacrifices everything for the sake of her children. In the spiritual field also, the aspirant has a very intimate relationship with the Divine Mother. The aradhana or worship of the Universal Mother leads to the attainment of the knowledge of the Self. The Yaksha Prashna in Kenopanishad supports this view. Approach Her with an open heart. Lay bare your mind with frankness and humility. Aradhana Mar/Apr 2012

7 Let your thoughts be pure and sublime. Become as simple as a child. Pulverise your individual entity, the egoistic nature, cunningness, and selfishness. Make a total unreserved, ungrudging self-surrender to Her. Chant Her mantras. Worship Her with faith and unflinching devotion. Worship the Mother in all Her manifestations. She is the creative aspect of the Absolute. She is symbolised as cosmic energy. Energy is the physical ultimate of all forms of matter and the sustaining force of the spirit. Energy and spirit are inseparable. They are essentially one. The five elements and their combinations are the external manifestations of the Mother. Intelligence, discrimination, psychic power and will are Her internal manifestations. Humanity is Her visible form. Service of humanity is, therefore, the worship or aradhana of the Divine Mother. Feel that the Mother sees through your eyes, hears through your ears, and works through your hands. Feel that the body, mind, prana, intellect and all their functions are Her manifestations. The one, universal life throbs in the heart of all. How can there be any room for hatred and selfishness, when by hating another you are but denying your own self. Drive deep this consciousness within your heart. Always meditate and practise this ideal of divine oneness. Mother's grace is boundless. Her mercy is illimitable. Her knowledge is infinite. Her power is immeasurable. Her glory is ineffable. Her splendour is indescribable. She gives you bhukti, material prosperity, and also mukti, liberation. She is pleased with a little purity of heart. The sacred Durga puja is approaching. Do not lose this glorious opportunity. Make a definite and sincere attempt to obtain the grace of the Mother. She will transform your entire life and bless you with the milk of divine wisdom, spiritual insight and Kaivalya. Samadhi Sthal Aradhana Mar/Apr 2012

8 Aradhana during Falgun - March Holi 8 th March 2012 Holi is most auspicious for Rikhiapeeth, as it was on this day that our beloved Sri Swamiji gave his first darshan after Mahasamadhi in the form of Chaitanya jyoti at the Samadhi Sthal for the benefit of devotees on 5th March It was most significant that Sri Swamiji chose this day to give us the message that love is most important, and on Holi we should remember that love is light, love is truth, and love is God. At Rikhia Holi is not just a celebration but an aradhana too as it highlights the mandate of Swami Satyananda for Rikhiapeeth of Serve, Love and Give, the three fundamental teachings of Param Guru Swami Sivananda. Holi is a festival of love, not passionate love but divine love. On Holi enemies become friends and old grievances are dropped so that once again we can experience the joy of friendship, love and solidarity with one another. Holi Aradhana Now the occasion of Holi is celebrated at Rikhiapeeth with much joy, bliss and love. All present are encouraged to get into a Holy mood!! This joyous festival is celebrated with worship of Lord Krishna and Swami Satyananda, which is most special as Lord Krishna, just like Sri Swamiji, is supreme, eternal, and full of bliss and knowledge. At first the Guru Paduka Pujan is performed by offering colours to Sri Gurudev s Paduka to invoke the blessings of Gurudev. Following this uplifting kirtans are sung sharing love, inspiration, and joy with one and all. Aradhana Mar/Apr 2012

9 The Nine-day Aradhana Swami Sivananda Saraswati Each year the end of summer and beginning of winter, and the end of winter and beginning of summer, are two very important junctions of climatic conditions and solar influence as our bodies and minds undergo changes on account of the changes in the outer nature. This is why in India, these two occasions are considered opportune times to commence sadhana and worship the Cosmic Mother who is the root matrix of creation. These two periods, when nature or Swami Sivananda prakriti is in transition, are observed as Navaratri which fall twice a year in Chaitra (April) and Ashwin (October). Three stages of attainment The Navaratri celebrations objectively portray the inner spiritual life of the world. The central purpose of existence is to recognize your eternal identity with the supreme spirit and grow into the image of the divine, which is spotless purity, or niranjan. The aspirant has to therefore, as the initial step, get rid of the blemishes that have come to cling to him in his embodied state. Then he has to acquire the auspicious qualities. Thus purified and rendered full of sattwa, knowledge flashes upon him like the brilliant rays of the sun upon the crystal clear waters of a still lake. This process of sadhana implies resolute will, determined effort and arduous struggle. In other words, strength, or infinite shakti, is the prime necessity. The Divine Mother, the Supreme Shakti of Aradhana Mar/Apr 2012

10 Brahman, has to operate through the aspirant. Therefore, during Navaratri puja, nine nights of worship, the creatrix is worshipped in Her aspects of Kali, Lakshmi and Saraswati, representing the properties of tamas, rajas and sattwa respectively. This is the stuff of which the whole universe consists. Transformation, preservation and manifestation are the cosmic functions of the Mother. She is all that goes to make up the entire cosmos in its gross, subtle and causal realms. As with the individual, so it is with the cosmos, nothing is possible without the Mother. Your progress, material and spiritual, is bound up inextricably with your mother, human and divine. A person is molded almost entirely by his human mother, which is why the shrutis, scriptures, enjoin upon us to treat the mother as Guru. This is even more so in the spiritual field. Without the help of the Divine Mother, no spiritual progress is possible. She is the higher spiritual power that continuously meets the lower urges in battle and overcomes them completely in the end. Overcoming tamas During Navaratri, on the first three days the Mother is adored as Kali, the powerful and terrible one. In the process of sadhana, what is conquered and transformed first is tamas. Thus Kali, the divinity behind the tamas-shakti, is worshipped first. You pray to Kali to help destroy all your impurities, failings and defects. She helps to fight with and annihilate your baser qualities. She is also the power that protects your sadhana from its many dangers and pitfalls. Thus the first three days, marking the Swami Satyananda Aradhana 10 Mar/Apr 2012

11 Kanya worshipping Sri Yantra first stage of destruction of mal, impurity, and determined effort to rout out the many vasanas, cravings, in the mind, are set apart for the worship of the destructive aspect of the Mother. Acquiring the auspicious Once you have accomplished the task on the negative side, that of breaking down the cravings and old habits, the next step is to build up a sublime spiritual personality, to acquire positive qualities. The divine qualities, daivi sampat, that Lord Krishna enumerates in the Bhagavad Gita, have to be acquired. The aspirant must cultivate and develop auspicious qualities, pile up an immense spiritual wealth so he can pay the price of the rare gem of divine wisdom. If development of the opposite qualities is not undertaken in right earnest, the old demonic nature will raise its head again and again. This stage is as important as the previous one. The difference is the former is a ruthless, determined annihilation of the lower self; the latter is an orderly, steady and calm effort to develop purity. This pleasanter side of sadhana is depicted by the worship of Lakshmi. She bestows the wealth of daivi sampat. Lakshmi is the sampatdayini, wealth-giving, aspect of Shakti. She is purity itself. She is also the goddess presiding over the force of rajas, the guna that must be overcome after tamas. Thus worship of Lakshmi is performed during the next three days. Aradhana 11 Mar/Apr 2012

12 Kanya performing Aradhana of Swami Satyananda during Navaratri The dawn of wisdom Once the aspirant succeeds in getting rid of the negative propensities and develop pure qualities, he becomes an adhikari or qualified person who is now ready to receive the light of supreme wisdom. At this stage comes the devout worship of Saraswati, who is divine knowledge personified, the embodiment of brahmajnana. The sound of her celestial lute awakens the notes of the sublime mahavakyas, great statement or profound aphorism, usually referring to the great proclamations of the Upanishads, and the pranava, mantra Aum or primordial sound vibration. She bestows the knowledge of the supreme nada, psychic or transcendental sound, and then gives full atmajnana or self-knowledge as represented by her pure and dazzling white apparel. She is also the Mother in her sattwa guna, and transcending sattwa is the last rung of sadhana. To propitiate Saraswati, therefore, is the third stage. In celebration of bliss The tenth day, Vijaya Dashami, marks the triumphant transformation or jubilant victory of the jiva, or individual, over his lower nature through the descent of knowledge by the grace of Saraswati. The jiva rests in his own Supreme Self of sat-chit-ananda, truth-knowledge-bliss. Aradhana 12 Mar/Apr 2012

13 Indispensable process This arrangement also has a special significance in the aspirant s spiritual evolution. It marks the stages of evolution that are indispensable for every aspirant, through which everyone should pass. One naturally leads to the other, and to shorten this process would inevitably result in a miserable failure. Nowadays many aspirants aim straight at the acquisition of knowledge without the preliminaries of purification and acquisition of daivi sampat, and complain that they are not progressing on the path. How can they? Knowledge will not descend till the impurities are washed out and purity is developed. Nor can the sattwic plant grow on impure soil. Follow this arrangement and your efforts will be successful. This is the path. Destroy one negative quality, and develop its opposite positive quality. By this process you will soon bring yourself up to that perfection which will culminate in identity with Brahman. All knowledge will be yours. You will see yourself in all. You will be a jivanmukta. Let the Divine Mother take you step by step to the top of the spiritual ladder and unite you with the Lord. Devi Durga blessing the prasad before distribution at Rikhiapeeth Aradhana 13 Mar/Apr 2012

14 Aradhana during Chaitra - March/April Chaitra Navaratri Rikhiapeeth 23 rd March 1 st April 2012 Navaratri is a nine-day celebration of Devi conducted at Rikhiapeeth from 23 rd March to 1 st April This Chaitra Navaratri anusthan will be celebrated with worship, prayers and chanting dedicated to the Cosmic Mother over this nine-day period. During this anusthan the Kanyas and Batuks of Rikhiapeeth will chant the Ramcharitamanas in the morning session. In the evening, Saundarya Lahari, Tantroktam Devi Suktam and the 32 Names of Durga will be chanted, and the famous Manas Kokila Krishna Devi from Bhagalpur will be telling inspiring tales from the Ramcharitamanas. Navaratri Aradhana To participate with this Navaratri sadhana at home: Sit down quietly and calm the mind. You can light a candle and incense, and place a picture of Devi or Guru in front of you, and a Sri Yantra if you have one. Then you can chant the following: Saundarya Lahari once or divided into parts Tantroktam Devi Suktam once 32 Names of Durga 3 times Aim Hreem Kleem Om 108 times Aradhana 14 Mar/Apr 2012

15 The Tradition of Devi Aradhana Swami Satyananda Saraswati Swami Satyananda at Akshay Tritiya, 2009 Aradhana of Devi, the Goddess, has been worshipped by all civilisations, cultures, races and tribes throughout the ages, with different names, different forms and different traditions. In the Vedic tradition, it is said that the feminine divine power is the ultimate power. Jagatmata, the mother of the world, is the ultimate reality. In Tantra, Devi is Shakti, the primal energy responsible for creation. All cultures of the ancient world worshipped the principles of Shakti and Shiva. Adi Shakti, the first Mother, the first energy, is considered to be the first creator, although this is not accepted by the patriarchal religions. There are two spiritual traditions existing in the world, one is matriarchal and the other is patriarchal. Matriarchal traditions speak of God as the universal mother, the goddess, the force of nature. According to the patriarchal traditions, God the creator is a father, not a mother. Judaism, Christianity and Islam are patriarchal. Tantra, Hinduism, Buddhism, Zoroastrianism, Shintoism, Taoism and the Native American traditions are matriarchal traditions. The concept of the Mother as creator is still found in many tribal communities where some form of female deity is worshipped according to the culture. They may not worship Devi strictly according to the rituals of the Tantras or Vedas, but they still perform ritual worship of the Mother Goddess. In South American countries many indigenous tribes have their own methods of worship of the Aradhana 15 Mar/Apr 2012

16 Mother Goddess. In North America the Native Americans are very attuned to nature or the Earth Mother. They believe there is an invisible power in nature which can see and hear you if you make the correct sound. This tradition still exists everywhere, but the invisible and mysterious divinity always remains secret. In Tantra this power is called Shakti, but you can also say Devi, Goddess, Madre, Mother and so on. Ancient Egyptian culture conceived of the universe as the interplay of the Mother Goddess and the Sun God. In the Guru Granth Sahib, the holy book of the Sikhs, she is Astuti Bhavani. In traditional Japanese towns and villages there are ancient temples which show Vedic and Buddhist influence and images of Devi in different forms. At Monserrat in Spain, an image of the Black Madonna has been worshipped since the twelfth century. Over the years the statue became blackened from exposure to smoke, so it appears like Kali. Over time the social traditions relegated the Mother to the background. Christianity, Islam and Judaism also did the same, but the main factors responsible are not really spiritual but social. God was perceived as a masculine reality and therefore the female deities became secondary realities. Due to the Greek influence as well as Christianity and Islam, the masculine concept of divinity spread all over the globe and it was widely accepted that God is supreme and nothing is beyond God. As a result, there was little thought given to the human rights of a female because in most religions the feminine gender was considered to be inferior. However, this was not so in the Shakta tradition which, being matriarchal, upheld the spiritual status of women. Now many people are searching among the seeds of the ancient Swami Satyananda, 2008 matriarchal traditions for a new Aradhana 16 Mar/Apr 2012

17 Kanyas of Rikhia dancing to invoke Devi Ma basis on which to build a more harmonious world. The entire world is moving towards a matriarchal system once more, and in a matriarchal system God is Mother. Devi in the Indian Tradition In the Vedic and Tantric traditions, Devi, the Divine Mother, has been eulogised and worshipped in many forms. Thousands of goddesses exist in India, all manifestations or symbols of the one energy or power. As Durga, she is the remover of obstacles, as Kali, the destroyer of time and annihilator of the ego, as Saraswati, the bestower of wisdom and knowledge, as Lakshmi, the bestower of prosperity, as Tara, the guiding light, as Jagadamba, the mother of the universe, and many, many more. These different forms depict the inherent qualities of benevolence and compassion, as well as the fierce and powerful forces which act as catalysts to propel the devotee to attain awareness of the cosmic force which sustains, nourishes and governs the entire creation. According to Tantra, Matri Shakti or mother energy is the first creator. She is known as Devi, Shakti, or the primordial energy. When energy is liberated from matter, it is called moksha. In India Aradhana 17 Mar/Apr 2012

18 it is known as Devi. It is always considered to be a female Shakti, Devi, Durga, Bhavani, Mata Kali etc. These feminine forms symbolise the nature of Shakti. The Shakta tradition believes that Shakti is the centre or nucleus of all matter. She is also the nucleus within us, not just of our mind but of our soul. She does not have her own fixed, visible form. She is manifest in a myriad of forms and vibrations as well as in the formless state. In the Shaiva tradition, Shiva is on the right and Shakti is on the left, Purna at his favourite spot near Ma Durga but in the Shakta tradition Shakti stands with one leg on Shiva who sleeps. Shakti is seen as the sole power in the body at mooladhara chakra. She is at the basis of everything in creation. The first verse of Saundarya Lahari states: Shivah shaktya yukto yadi bhavati shaktah prabhavitum "Without Shakti, even Shiva is ineffective." In the Shakta as well as in the Vedic tradition, there is a female trinity, as well as a male trinity, consisting of Kali, Lakshmi and Saraswati. These three deities represent the three levels related to the awakening of Shakti or the female power. They were created by Adi Shakti from whom all forms of God have sprung. Brahma, Vishnu, Maheshwara and so on were all created by that Mother who is anadi, birthless and beginningless. The mother is the giver and nourisher of life. She has the power to bless everyone but she does not punish anyone. A mother has infinite tolerance and forgiveness. A child may go wrong, but a mother never does. A mother is not jealous of her children. She can never be cruel. Even if she slaps her child, it is out of compassion, love and affection. This is the teaching of Shakta Tantra. All children belong to their mothers, according to the law of nature. The relationship between mother and child is stronger and more intense than the relationship between father and child. This is Aradhana 18 Mar/Apr 2012

19 the same relationship that you can develop with God. She is Mother and we are her children. We always say, Devi Ma, Kali Ma, Durga Ma, Bhagavati Ma. We do not say that God is our father, but we often say, Tvameva maataa cha pitaa tvameva "God is our mother and therefore our father also." Devi has three forms, benign, destructive and creative. Worship of her benign powers gives quick rewards and blessings. Although there are many methods for worshipping Devi, worship performed with faith and devotion is best. There are many ways to awaken the shakti within us, but the easiest way is to see God as our mother. Therefore, in the Indian tradition worship of Devi is considered to be supreme. Kanyas performing Sri Vidya Puja at Rikhiapeeth The cosmic Mother will look after all our difficulties, physical, mental or spiritual. She is nothing but beauty, kindness and grace. She will never frown on us, but she will destroy all our negative qualities and all the dark forces if we worship Her with faith and devotion. Swami Satyananda Aradhana 19 Mar/Apr 2012

20 Seva is Aradhana Swami Niranjanananda Saraswati Swami Sivananda in Rishikesh Seva is an important component of the ashram culture. It has been translated in English as service, but seva means the final stage of human involvement in the world while being in a higher state of consciousness. The literal meaning of the word seva is to be with that, saha eva. To be with what? To be with that which is human, compassionate and loving. In other words, seva means to connect with the divine, transcendental nature and to express that nature in thought, word and deed. Of course, to do this you have to let go of the many identities and ideas that you hold close. This is where the concept of letting go or surrender comes in at the ashram. Surrendering to the divine will and becoming the instrument of its peace is the outcome of seva. Swami Sivananda went one step further when defining seva. He said the purpose of seva should be to purify one s heart. Purification of the heart comes about when expectations and attachments become refined, they are no longer sensorial or Aradhana 20 Mar/Apr 2012

21 sensual, and do not carry any idea of gain or loss. Instead, you feel for everyone as you do for yourself. There is a shift in perception; it is not a state that can be achieved by saying, From tomorrow I will be like this. It is a shift of ideas from self-orientated to self-expressive. Purifying the emotions through seva improves the qualities of the heart, which are further intensified with bhakti yoga. So seva is developed through karma yoga and purity of heart through bhakti yoga. Both go hand in hand. Expressive yoga Sivananda yoga begins when Patanjali yoga stops. When you do your yamas, niyamas, asana, pranayama, pratyahara, dharana, dhyana, they represent your attempt to come to perfection. An expression of what you have gained through these is Sivananda yoga. In Patanjali s yoga also you work with your head, pratyahara, dharana and dhyana, in fact, samadhi is head, too. However, in the yoga of Sivananda, when you are expressing the qualities that you have acquired, you use the heart, not the head. Therefore, the Swami Niranjanananda serving villagers during Mahasamadhi at Rikhiapeeth first teaching is service. The second teaching is to love. The third is to give, to sacrifice. Fourth is to purify. Fifth is to become good. Sixth is to do good. Seventh is to meditate, the same as the seventh teaching of Patanjali. The eighth is to realise, just as for Patanjali it is samadhi. So, the path of raja yoga as outlined by Patanjali represents the sadhana attempt of yoga and the eightfold path of Sivananda represents the expressive nature of yoga. We have seen this take place when Paramahansaji went to Rikhia. The villagers there were total strangers to us, yet we Aradhana 21 Mar/Apr 2012

22 Sat Chandi prasad preparations in Yanjashala were mandated to serve them, to fulfil their needs. Love came later, first it was service. Construct a house, help them find employment and develop skills by which they could stand on their own. Then came the component of love when Paramahansaji said that all the young girls and boys of the area would be given the best opportunities. Then came give. Those of you who have been to Rikhia have seen that. With these comes purification of intention, emotion, spirit, ideas, thoughts, of a connection that enables one to become good, which is the fifth stage. When I travel to different cities in India now, I see people living in the spirit of Sivananda Math, or we can say Sivananda yoga. In each city I find at least ten people who have been associated with the spirit of Sivananda yoga and Sivananda Math in one form or another, and continue that work in their own city. Ten years ago, there was nobody. Now there are ten people in each city. Ten years later, maybe there will be a hundred people, fifty years later maybe five thousand people. People are being taught to live like that as a samskara, as a direction in which to evolve and grow, and to contribute to the betterment of this garden which we are all working very hard to improve. Aradhana 22 Mar/Apr 2012

23 The translation of the word seva in English as service is passable, but in reality seva is the culmination of your having perfected karma yoga. It is the outcome of a state where you are able to perform karma yoga with three ideas only: perfection, participation Teaching English to Kanyas and Batuks and no expectation. If you can follow these three ideas, ishwara pranidhana will happen automatically. When there is no expectation, you let go and surrender comes. When there is total participation, one-pointedness comes. When you are striving for perfection, trying to do the best you can and improving every time, new expressions of creativity are seen. The mind, emotions, and actions head, heart and hands, become aligned, they are balanced. It is this balanced expression that is known as seva. And the ashram environment provides ample encouragement for one to move into the component of seva. An opportunity to Serve Rikhiapeeth offers the unique opportunity to offer seva as an aradhana or worship of God in human form based upon the highest Vedantic teachings of atmabhava. By offering seva to support the ongoing projects of Rikhiapeeth you can become an integral part in the fulfilment of the vision and sankalpa of Paramahansa Satyananda to uplift the most neglected within our society. If you are interested to offer your expertise in teaching English or computers to the rural children, or assisting at the free out patient s clinic or joining in the varied service offered by Rikhiapeeth to the most neglected of our society, then write to us for further details. Aradhana 23 Mar/Apr 2012

24 Guru Bhakti Yoga Swami Satyasangananda Saraswati Way back in 2004 soon after Swami Satyananda moved to Gauri Ganesh from Ganesh Kutir, one fine morning when I went there for his daily darshan, he suddenly looked at me very deeply and asked me, Satsangi if one day, you see me as a young boy will you recognise me? Without a blink of an eyelid, I said, Yes, of course. He asked, How? Prompt came my reply, By your smile. He nodded in affirmation and said, The year after I leave my body, you must undertake a sankalpa for the fulfillment of my further mission by performing anushthan at the Shakti peethas. Then came 2009 and Sri Swamiji took Mahasamadhi at midnight on 5th December. Those sacred words which had been stored somewhere in my psyche once again emerged and I realized that the time had come for his words to be put into action. First of all in 2010 during the holy month of Sravan (July) when Baba Baidyanath dham comes alive with millions of kanwariyas and the chants of Bol Bam, I performed a three day anusthan at Baba Baidyanath mandir, which alongwith being a Shiva peeth, is also a Shakti peeth as Shakti s hridaya or heart fell here and it is here that Sati was cremated. In fact Swami Satyananda had been directed to Rikhia as the words he had heard in his meditation were that he should go to the chitta bhumi, cremation ground, of Sati. Anyone who has visited the temple in the month of Sravan would at once understand what a herculean task it is to perform a three day anusthan in the mandir at that time. The queues Swami Satyasangananda performing puja at Baba Baidyanath Temple Aradhana 24 Mar/Apr 2012

25 stretch upto ten kilometers. To reach the temple you have to walk barefoot for miles jostling with all the kanwariyas. By divine grace the temple authorities gave me a small room just beside the main garba griha and to my amazement when I entered the room I discovered that it was the site for an ancient Sri Yantra mandir. On the floor was a stone carving of the Sri Yantra which radiated immense energy. Aradhana of Sri Yantra at Hridaya Peeth, Baidyanath Deoghar Each morning I walked barefoot to the mandir and while millions thronged outside and the temple was bursting at its seams I had the divine grace of sitting at the feet of Shakti in close vicinity of Shiva and performing my anusthan. I do not need to re-iterate the strength and power of that experience. It became clear to me that in all Shiva temples there is an important Shakti peeth and in all Shakti peethas there is an important Shiva temple. Today we may have separated the two on account of our strong feelings of sectarianism but in fact the two can never be separated. They are so closely united that no force in the world can separate them. After that, in 2011 I took a sankalpa to perform a year long anushthan of Sri Lalita Sahasranam havan at Rikhiapeeth and on Lalita Sahasranam Homa at Samadhi Sthal Aradhana 25 Mar/Apr 2012

26 each quarter or three month completion to visit a Shakti peeth. I decided to call this anusthan Guru Bhakti Yoga as that was the basis of Sri Swamiji s sadhana throughout his life which became the focal point of his sadhana at Rikhiapeeth. So from 1 st January 2011, the sacred mantras of the divine Lalita Sahasranam stotra resonated at the Samadhi Sthal of Swami Satyananda, as each morning at the crack of dawn Rikhiapeeth came alive with the sacred chants which were solemnized with ahutis or oblations in the daily havan. My tirtha yatra began on Makar Sankranti, 14 th January 2011 which I started with a pilgrimage to Rameshwaram in Tamil Nadu, with Swami Niranjanji. Aradhana at Harla Jori mandir, Rikhia Before we started from Rikhia, to invoke the blessings of Lord Shiva for the maha sankalpa I had undertaken, I lit an akhanda deepak at the Harla Jori mandir beside Rikhiapeeth, which Sri Swamiji used to frequent on his daily morning walks. In Rameshwaram I performed a three day anusthan in the temple precincts adjacent to the Rameshwara jyotirlingam and Mata Parvati shrines. One day as I finished my prayers and closed my eyes, I heard Sri Swamiji s voice which clearly said to me that as you go out you will receive the blessings of Shakti. To my surprise as I stepped out of the mandir to my left there were beautiful black stone statues of the Astha Lakshmis and as I passed the statue of Dhana Lakshmi my eyes were on the ground and I saw lying at my feet was a beautiful mangal sutra which I brought with me and now adorns the Sri Yantra at Rikhiapeeth. It was at Rameshwaram that Sri Swamiji had a vision of his future when sitting by the ocean, he saw hundreds and thousands of men, women, children, swimming towards him. Some were in ordinary Aradhana 26 Mar/Apr 2012

27 clothes, some in geru, some shaved, some with long hair. So after the customary bath in the ocean and an energizing abhishek with water from twenty one wells, Swami Niranjan and I performed rudrabhishek puja for Sri Swamiji in the mandir. From Rameshwaram, I set out on my own to Kamakhya in Assam, the foremost Shakti peeth, where the yoni of Sati fell. This peetha is so alive, awakened and vibrant that as soon as you enter you are simply swept by the energy field that radiates there. Any sadhana or anusthan performed at Kamakhya is multiplied a thousand fold as the Bathing in the 21 wells before puja at Rameshwaram level of awareness that dawns simply by being there is awesome. Each day I sat at the mandir from dawn to dusk, without food or water, performing my anusthan right inside the mandir which created such a strong effect that even when my day s anusthan was over right through the night my subtle body was still reverberating with the mantras and divine sounds and smells of Shakti. On the third day I culminated my anushthan with a Lalita Sahasranam havan in the temple precincts which I performed myself, followed by kanya pujan for nine kanyas, who all blessed me for the fulfillment of my sankalpa. In March 2011 after completing three months of havanatmak Lalita Sahasranam path, I set out for Jwalamukhi, Kanya Pujam at Kamakhya the sacred Shakti peetha where Aradhana 27 Mar/Apr 2012

28 Sati s tongue fell. This pure and radiant shrine which is set in the virgin hills of Himachal Pradesh is the place where Shakti manifests as jwala or flames. If her grace falls on you she can manifest at anytime and anywhere as a flame right in front of you, so great is her power. Housed in a small mandir the Devi blesses devotees through eight flames that have been burning brightly since time immemorial. In that pure setting I was blessed by the divine darshan of Devi as I performed my three day anusthan from dawn to dusk. My third anusthan was in June 2011 at Chandi sthan, Munger where the Jwalamukhi in front of the main shrine sacred eye of Shakti fell. As Munger is the place of my Guru, Swami Satyananda and also the place of my spiritual birth, this anusthan was filled with divine blessings and grace of Sri Swamiji and at once a connection was struck with the divine force of Chandi. In September after completing nine months of the intense Lalita Homa at Rikhiapeeth, I set out for Madurai to conduct my fourth anusthan at the Meenakshi temple at Madurai. It is said that here Shiva took birth as a human and married Parvati who was born as the princess Meenakshi in the royal household of Madurai. Each day both Shiva and Meenakshi are worshipped and taken to meet each other and after the days ceremonies they retire together in a special bedroom as here they are worshipped as husband and wife. Once again I woke upto the Darshan of Ganesha at Meenakshi Temple fact that it is necessary to Aradhana 28 Mar/Apr 2012

29 worship both Shiva and Shakti together for achieving fullness, completeness and a sense of total accomplishment. Here at Meenakshi I received a special Sri yantra made of black stone which was consecrated with full abhishek in front of the Goddess Meenakshi and her consort Samba Shiva. This Sri yantra was brought to Rikhia and by strange co-incidence or design, arrived in Rikhia at mid-day on 23 rd September 2011, the exact date and time of Sri Swamiji s arrival at Rikhia in 1989, twenty Meenakshi Temple two years ago. Then again in October before Diwali I went to Vaishnav Devi, Jammu, to receive her blessings and thank her for everything that had been accomplished throughout the year for the fulfillment of Sri Swamiji s sankalpas. Jai Mata Di. Aradhana at Kamakhya On 15 th January 2012, after performing the ceremonies at Makar Sankranti in which a grand scale bhoj of dahi, chura, gur, til, was organized for the 2000 kanyas, batuks and oldies of Rikhia Panchayat at Annapurna Kshetram, Swami Satyasangananda set out for the sacred shakti peeth at Kamakhya. Along with Swami Niranjanananda she went there to thank the Goddess Kamakhya for all the grace that she has showered on us all by bringing about the successful conclusion of the year long Lalita Sahasranam Homa at Rikhiapeeth to fulfill the divine mandate of Swami Satyananda for Rikhiapeeth which is peace, plenty and prosperity for all. Aradhana 29 Mar/Apr 2012

30 Shivaratri Aradhana of Shiva-Shakti at Rikhiapeeth Swami Niranjanananda & Swami Satyasangananda performing abhishek of Shivalingam and Sri Yantra on Shivaratri at Rikhiapeeth Shivaratri is always special at Rikhiapeeth as it is the tapobhumi of Swami Satyananda as well as in the close vicinity of Deoghar, the abode of the venerated jyotirlingam of Baba Baidyanath. A two day anusthan was held on 19 th and 20 th February 2012 in the presence of Swami Satyasangananda which was attended by hundreds of devotees from all over the world. Swami Niranjanananda blessed the occasion with his radiant presence at the culmination of this anusthan on Shivaratri evening. It is a well known fact that on this day it is Shiva who is worshipped by performing abhishek on the shivalingam. However by divine grace on Shivaratri a new tradition has dawned at the Samadhi Sthal of Swami Satyananda at Rikhiapeeth, and that is the worship of both Shiva and Shakti on this day by performing abhishek on the shivalingam as well as the Sri yantra. After all Shivaratri is the union of Shiva and Parvati, the night Aradhana 30 Mar/Apr 2012

31 when Shiva came with his baraat or wedding procession, to claim the hand of Parvati. So the question arose why not include her in the aradhana of Shivaratri, for how can a wedding take place without the bride! This was amazing insight into an age old tradition which had been lost forever of worship of both together which re-instated the proclamation of the scriptures that they are inseparable. Although until now on Shivaratri only the shivalingam was worshipped from this year onwards Peethadhishwari of Rikhiapeeth, Swami Satyasangananda has set a new precedent as on this sacred day both the father and mother, Shiva and Shakti will be worshipped. During Shivaratri diksha was given to 132 in mantra, 38 in Jignasu Sannyasa, and 11 in Karma Sannyasa. Poorna Sannyasa diksha was given to Swami Yogabhakti, France, Swami Marutdeva, Germany, Swami Dhyanshakti, Rikhia, Swami Mantradevananda, Rikhia. During this auspicious wedding ceremony of Shiva and Parvati gifts were offered by Sivananda Math to 73 graduate kanyas who received bicycles and to 75 old age pensioners who received a new shirt and lungi, and to villagers from villages Sotara Letwa and Patthalgara who received a new sari/shirt, lungi, angavastra and bangles. On this occasion 1800 kanyas and batuks received milk and fruits along with new outfits and stationery. Diksha on Shivaratri Aradhana 31 Mar/Apr 2012

32 Akshay Tritiya The Indestructible Day Swami Satyasangananda Saraswati Devi Puja during Akshay Tritiya at Rikhiapeeth India is a land of rich and diverse spiritual heritage providing a treasure of knowledge which we are indeed fortunate to have received by virtue of being born in this land. Just as there is a blueprint made out long before anything comes into existence, be it a house, a car, a television, computer, missile or satellite, in the same way your life too has a blueprint which was made long before you came into existence. You may or may not have realized this but it is this heritage which lays great emphasis on fasts, vows, anusthans, and aradhana that keeps an individual from straying away from the blueprint designed for life. How exactly does this happen? Take a closer look and you will discern that these festivals occur at special moments in time. They also commemorate an event long gone thus signifying the circular movement of time which allows these special moments to return again and again. The term given to these moments is muhurta and Aradhana 32 Mar/Apr 2012

33 we ought to know that the significance of every muhurta can be felt at every dimension of existence whether physical, material, emotional, intellectual or spiritual. One such important muhurta is Akshay Tritiya which has earned itself the status of a day which is inherently perfect. Akshay Tritiya also known as akhateej occurs on the third day of the bright fortnight in the month of Baisakh mid April to mid May. The word akshaya literally means that which is constant, stable and is never destroyed. In our lives nothing is constant, everything is continually changing and we feel the burden of this from time to time when we have to adjust ourselves accordingly. In fact the only example we have of something which is never destroyed is satya or truth, which is but another name for the omnipresent God. Of course we have never seen God, but the heritage we have received from our ancestors tells us that there are special muhurtas, or moments, when one can experience this constant truth and also benefit from that experience. One of these auspicious muhurtas is Akshay Tritiya. In fact Akshay Tritiya is also known as Ishwara tithi. Tithi means day and by calling it Ishwara tithi it signifies that anything that comes into existence on this day will never die. Parashuram one of the chiranjeevis or immortals was born on this day. As such this day is also known as chiranjeevi tithi. Out of the four yugas, Treta Yuga commenced on this day, therefore it is also known as yugaditithi which is considered a very significant moment in time as a great metamorphosis in the stratosphere takes place at that moment. It is on this day that Badrinath, one of the four revered shrines in the Himalayas, opens its doors for Sri Yantra worship of Lord Narayana. Aradhana 33 Mar/Apr 2012

34 On account of the indestructible force of this day all the words you speak, thoughts you think and acts you perform on this day become a part of your hard disk and remain with you life after life. It is therefore understandable that on this day one must make a sincere effort to perform good deeds through japa, tapas, tyaag, daan and remembrance of the Lord so that your bank balance increases. The predominant tattwa on this day is the akshay tattwa. That indestructible tattwa which can open those avenues for you which can make you realise your own potential. As such it is most definitely the day when one should scratch the surface and search within as the vibrations of this day will make that task so much easier. It is a day to leave behind the destructible acts and perform only those that you will feel happy to have recorded in your file when you look back. Because the indestructible nature of the tattwa that prevails on this day penetrates into every domain of life. Devi Havan during Akshay Tritiya at Rikhiapeeth Aradhana 34 Mar/Apr 2012

35 Aradhana during Vaishakh - April Akshay Tritiya Rikhiapeeth 22 nd 24 th April 2012 Akshay Tritiya has been a very important tithi at Rikhiapeeth ever since Paramahansa Satyananda came to Rikhia in On this day he held special anusthans, observed many vratas and always gave this day great importance for his sadhana. To continue this tradition of His, the sacred Sri Vidya Puja will be performed at Rikhiapeeth during Akshay Tritiya from 22 nd - 24 th April for the benefit of all. This intense Sri Vidya Puja will be performed according to authentic Tantric rites and rituals by the expert Yoginis of Lalita Mahila Samajam Ashram, Tamil Nadu, in the presence of Swami Niranjanananda and Swami Satyasangananda. The prana pratishtha of this adhishtatri Sri Yantra was performed in the presence of Paramahansa Satyananda on 25 th October 2008 a year prior to his Mahasamadhi. At that time he had declared the worship of Sri Yantra an essential feature of Rikhiapeeth - a seat of higher learning. This Devi worship during Akshay Tritiya is even more auspicious as it will be held during the Uttarayan period when all worship is considered to be more potent and powerful. Akshay Tritiya Aradhana Rise early on Akshay Tritiya and perform havan repeating the 1000 names of Vishnu. After that if time permits do japa of guru mantra or akhand naam sankirtan of Rama. Chanting of the entire Bhagavad Gita is especially significant on Akshay Tritiya. If you are fortunate to find someone in need do help them out as that will earn you the blessings of the Lord. At Sri Swamiji s tapobhumi in Rikhiapeeth this is how we celebrate this important occasion of Akshay Tlritiya. Aradhana 35 Mar/Apr 2012

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50 Guru Purnima Rikhiapeeth 1 st 3 rd July 2012 ƒôã ÌãÓãà ¹ãî ¾ã ØãìÁªñÌã ÔÌãã½ããè Ôã ¾ãã ã ª ãñš Ôã½½ãã ã ½ãò ØãìÁ ¹ãîãä ãã½ãã ã ãñš ã¹ããñ¼ãîãä½ã ãäàãäœã¾ãã¹ããèÿ ½ãò ½ã ããƒã ãã Øããèý ÔãÌããó ã½ã Ôã íá ãñš Ôãã ã Ôãã ã Ìãñ ÔãÌããó ã½ã ãäíãó¾ã ¼ããè ãñ ããõà ã ãšã ããèìã ã ØãìÁ ¼ããä ã ã, ØãìÁ Ô½ãÀ ã ããõà ØãìÁ Ôã½ã¹ãà ã ãšã ãš ã ããñœãã ªãÖÀ ã Öõý ƒôã ¹ãÀ½ã ¹ããäÌã ã ãìãôãà ¹ãÀ Ôã íâ ÔÌãã½ããè ãäíãìãã ã ª, ÔÌãã½ããè Ôã ¾ãã ã ª ã ãã ãäìãïìã ãñš Ôãºã ØãìÁ- ã ããò ãšãñ Ôã½ããä¹ãà 㠹ãî ãã ããõà ããàã ã ãã Ôãñ ÔÌãã½ããè Ôã ¾ãã ã ª ãšãè ã¹ããñ¼ãîãä½ã ãä ãœãà ŸñØããèý ØãìÁ ¹ãîãä ãã½ãã 1 Ôãñ 3 ãìêããƒã 2012 ãñš ªãõÀã ã ½ã ããƒã ãã Øããèý 3 ãìêããƒã ãšãñ ¹ãÆã ã: 7 Ôãñ 11 ØãìÁ ¹ãî ã ã ãšã ãšã¾ãã ãš½ã ÖãñØãã ãä ãôã ªãõÀã ã ªãèàãã ªãè ãã Øããèý ƒôã ¼ã̾ã ãšã¾ãã ãš½ã ãšã ãã¾ããñ ã ã ÔÌãã½ããè ãä ãàâ ã ãã ã ª ÔãÀÔÌã ããè ã ãã ÔÌãã½ããè Ôã ¾ãÔãâØãã ã ª ÔãÀÔÌã ããè ãšãè ¹ããÌã ã ¹ããäÔ ããä ã ½ãò ãä ãš¾ãã ãã Øããý ããñ ¼ã ãšøã ã ØãìÁ ãñš ¹Çããä ã ã¹ã ãñ ¹Çãñ½ã ããõà Ôã½ã¹ãà ã ã ãã ã¹ã ãñ ããèìã ã ½ãò ØãìÁ Íããä ãš ãñš ãðš¹ãã ã ãã ããíããèìãã㪠¹Çãã¹ ã ãšà ãã ÞããÖ ãñ Öö Ìãñ ¹ã ã, ¹ãŠãñ ã ¾ãã ƒã-½ãñêã ãàã ãêª Ôãñ ãêª ã¹ã ãã Ô ãã ã ããàãäàã ã ãšàòý This year Guru Purnima will be commemorated at Rikhiapeeth in honour of the disciple of disciples, Swami Satyananda who lived and breathed only for his guru, Swami Sivananda Saraswati. During this most sacred event, the tapobhumi of Paramahansa Satyananda, will come alive with prayers and worship of Sadguru Swami Sivananda, Swami Satyananda as well as all Gurus of the universe who inspire our lives. The Guru Purnima anushtan from 1 st to 3 rd July 2012 will culminate with the sacred Guru Puja from 7 11 am on the 3rd of July, diksha will be given on 3 rd July. The grand scale event will be presided over by Swami Niranjanananda and Swami Satyasangananda. Devotees who wish to offer their love and devotion to Guru and invoke the grace and blessings of Guru Shakti into their lives may register by phone, or letter at the earliest.

51 Sri Saundarya Lahari The Descent Swami Satyasangananda Saraswati This exceptional commentary expounds the essence of Tantric philosophy and sadhana making it universally accessible and applicable. The eloquent interpretation features prayogas, or techniques, of how to utilise the powerful mantras of Adi Shankaracharya to alleviate and overcome the difficulties and obstacles we face in life and to experience the limitless power and benevolent grace of the cosmic mother in our daily lives. Rikhiapeeth blog: The Rikhiapeeth blog is a sanctuary for all spiritual seekers. Inspiring satsangs of Paramahansa Satyananda are posted daily which address universal questions relating to the entire gamut of birth, life, death, reincarnation and karma. These satsangs uplift spiritual seekers from around the globe, known and unknown, in their pursuit to live a divine life. In fact if you have a question these satsangs will answer it. Bloggers comment: This blog is truly appreciated. It can be an excellent way to begin a day, becoming a daily dose of wisdom and clarity. Aradhanas at Rikhiapeeth March/April Holi: 8th March A colorful and joyous aradhana filled with joy, love and bliss. Chaitra Navaratri Sadhana and Diksha: 23rd March 1st April A sacred and powerful aradhana dedicated to the worship of the Cosmic Mother which clears the obstacles on the spiritual path. Diksha on 31st March. Akshay Tritiya: Devi Aradhana and Diksha: 22nd 24th April The sacred Sri Vidya Puja will be performed by the Yoginis of Lalita Mahila Samajam Ashram, Tamil Nadu, in the presence of Swami Niranjanananda and Swami Satyasangananda. Diksha on 24th April. Courses at Rikhiapeeth March/April Deepening Yoga Sadhana: 6th 12th March This unique course guides sincere practitioners to a deeper understanding and experience of the ancient yogic practices as revealed by Swami Satyananda. Saundarya Lahari Retreat: 17th 19th April This exceptional retreat reveals the essence of Tantric sadhana through the use of mantra, yantra and mandala.

52 Rikhiapeeth Events 2012 March 8th March 23rd 1st April April 22nd 24th July 1st 3rd July 29th 2nd Aug Aug 9th Sept 1st 8th Sept 12th Oct 16th 23rd Nov 13th Dec 14th 17th Dec 24th 28th Dec 31st Jan 1st 5th & 6th each month Holi Chaitra Navaratri Sadhana Akshay Tritiya: Sri Vidya Puja Guru Purnima Sri Radha Krishna Jhoolan Krishna Janmasthami Srimad Bhagavat Katha & Sivananda Janmotsav Swami Satyananda Sannyasa Day Ashwin Navaratri Sadhana Diwali Sat Chandi Mahayajna / Sita Kalyanam Yoga Purnima New Year Guru Bhakti Yoga Rikhiapeeth Courses 2012 March 6th 12th April 17th 19th June 15th 28th July 6th 8th Aug 15th 4th Sept Sept 14th 16th Oct 26th 4th Nov Nov 7th 13th Jan 2nd 8th 2013 Jan to Oct Deepening Yoga Sadhana Saundarya Lahari Retreat Yoga Sadhana and Ashram Life Course Antar Mouna Course Yoga Teacher Training Course (Hindi) Ajapa Japa and Yoga Nidra Chakra Sadhana Course Prana Vidya Course Kriya Yoga & Tattwa Shuddhi Course (English) Introduction to Ashram Life Those planning to attend any of the specified events and courses should contact Rikhiapeeth by phone, or post in advance (for reply within India, please enclose a stamped self addressed envelope). Rikhiapeeth, P.O. Rikhia, Dist. Deoghar, Jharkhand, India, Tel: / / , rikhiapeeth@gmail.com

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