See for Teaching Helps podcast information. The Creation

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1 See for Teaching Helps podcast information. The Creation Genesis 1:1 2:3 1 Where did everything come from? God used his powerful word to create a perfect world in six days. Application: God made this amazing world for us to enjoy and take care of. Response: We praise God for his creation and take good care of it. Lesson Summary: At the beginning of time, God created the heavens and the earth. At first everything was dark, empty, and formless. In six 24-hour days, God gave the earth light, form, dry land, and living creatures in the sea, sky, and on the land. On the sixth day, he crowned his creation with a man and woman made in his own image. Seeing that everything was good, he rested on the seventh day. * Genesis 1:1 * Exodus 20:11a Romans 1:20 Hebrews 11:3 * The First Article of the Apostles Creed in the image of God knowing God s holy will and being holy subdue to take control of, to rule over See Franzmann, Bible History Commentary: Old Testament, pages 12-28; The People s Bible: Jeske, Genesis, pages Looking Ahead at Lesson 2 The Fall and the Promise Genesis 3 Aim: What did God do when Adam and Eve sinned? Truth: God promised a Savior who would save Adam and Eve from their sin. Application: Because of Adam and Eve s sin, we too are sinful, but our Savior Jesus came to save us from our sin. Response: We obey God s commandments to thank him for saving us. Lesson Summary: Satan tempted Eve to eat from the tree God had forbidden. After Adam and Eve both ate, they hid from God and then blamed others for their sin. In his love, God promised a Savior. Then he banished Adam and Eve from the garden. Memory Treasures: *John 3:16; *Romans 3:23; Romans 5:12; *The Second Article of the Apostles Creed; *Hymn 304:1,5, Northwestern Publishing House. All rights reserved. Heavenly Father, sometimes I take for granted the wonderful world you have given me to live in. Teach me to take the time to enjoy and appreciate the blessings of your creation. Help my students and me appreciate your power, wisdom, and love as we think about the amazing world you ve made. Amen. 1

2 1 Alternate Lesson Plan Sing: Sing Lord, Open Now My Heart to Hear (hymn 282:1) as a prayer that God would bless your study of his Word today and throughout the year. Pray: As we open our Bibles and read your Word, Direct our hearts and minds, dear Lord. Increase our faith, our knowledge too. Help us grow closer and closer to you. Amen. Have the students quickly sketch a flower or animal and then show it to one another. Discuss how each of their drawings is an original creation, made from their own hands, but what they actually drew has already been created. It came from someone else s mind or imagination. Our lesson today will tell us who created everything who designed and sketched and formed the whole world. We will answer the question, Where did everything come from? Sing: Sing Praise to the Lord, the Almighty (hymn 234:1,3) to praise God as the Creator of all. Pray: O Lord, we praise you! You are great and most worthy of praise! You are rich in love and good to all. Help us trust always in your almighty power. Help us be confident that you are faithful forever! Amen. You will need a hard-boiled egg. Pass around the egg. Ask the students if they ve ever heard this famous question: Which came first the chicken or the egg? Ask which they think came first and why. They may decide it is an unanswerable question, since chickens lay eggs and chickens hatch from eggs. Help them realize that the question isn t just about chickens. It s about where everything came from chickens and eggs, cows and trees, mountains and catfish and hummingbirds. In our lesson today, we will answer the question, Where did everything come from? 2

3 Day 1 [The heavens and the earth; light.] Day 2 [The sky.] Day 3 [Lakes, rivers, and oceans; plants and trees.] Genesis 1: Fill in the boxes, indicating what God created on each of the six days of creation. Day 4 [The sun, moon, and stars.] Day 5 [Birds, fish, and other sea creatures.] Day 6 [Land animals and creatures; man.] 2. Complete this sentence: God created [all things] by using [his word]. He said, [ Let there be ], and there was! Where did the world come from? God used his [word] to create the world and its creatures in [six] days. What s the Difference? You will need puzzle pieces in a bag. Begin by using the puzzle pieces to demonstrate the foolishness of evolution. Shake the bag of puzzle pieces and then pour them out. Invite the students to watch these puzzle pieces come together to make a picture. After waiting a bit, the students should protest that this puzzle will not come together on its own no matter how long you wait. Point out that evolutionists believe that just such a thing happened that a few scattered cells came together all by themselves, came to life, then evolved (changed) into little fish and frogs, then small animals, then apes, and finally human beings. Explain that you are going to look at the differences between the theory of evolution and the truth of Genesis. Fill in the blanks below demonstrating the difference between the theory of evolution and the account of God s creation. 1. Instead of filling in the boxes with words, have the students draw quick sketches of what God created on each day. Or they may draw and write a few words such as light, sky, and plants and trees. 2. Have the students do item 2 in God s Word 1. Creation ABC Sketch on the board the chart that follows. Point out that God s creation has great variety, and ask the students to think of things that begin with the letters A, B, and C and were created on days 3, 5, and 6 of creation. Put the students in small groups, and give them about three minutes to copy and fill in the chart. See which group comes up with the most! Day A B C 3 apple tree 5 canary 6 buffalo 1 Man-made theory Millions of years Evolution God s [truth] Six [days] Creation Chance God s [plan/design] Remind the students that the Bible tells us God created each species separately and designed them to reproduce in kind only, meaning fish can only have baby fish and frogs can only have baby frogs. So the evolution theory that one type of animal changes into another can t be true. Evolution doesn t answer the question, Where did the first bits of matter and the first living cells come from? What is the answer, and 3

4 1 3. Have the students work with partners to list the evidence that shows that humans were a special part of God s creation. [The three persons of the Trinity discussed the creation of humans. God made humans in his own image. He gave them authority to rule over all the creatures of the earth. When he announced the food he provided for his creation, he spoke of humans separate from the other creatures.] 4,5. Tell the students the answers for items 4 and 5 in God s Word 2. Then ask them to write in their own words what it means that Adam and Eve were created in God s image. [Example: Adam and Eve were created without sin. Before the fall they knew God s will and agreed with that will perfectly.] Not Simply Animals Ask the students to imagine a science teacher telling them, Human beings are just very intelligent, complex animals. Tell them to give evidence that this belief is wrong. [Only people, not animals, were created in God s image. People were created to rule over the animal kingdom. God gave eternal souls only to people, and he sent his Son to die for people, not animals.] Ask how God wants us to view animals. [They are creatures that we are to rule over, use to help us, and care for, all as needed.] where do you find that answer? [Genesis tells us that all matter and life came into being at God s command.] Genesis 1: Look at these two statements. Explain how God s instructions to Adam and Eve were both commands and blessings. God said Adam and Eve should grow in number. [God was commanding them to have children and fill the earth but also indicating that he would bless them with children.] God told Adam and Eve to take charge of the earth and its fish, birds, and land animals. [God was commanding them to work to take care of the earth and the creatures. But he was also telling them that he would bless them with the ability to rule over creation.] 4. What words in these passages explain what it meant for man to be created in God s image? Ephesians 4:24 [Righteousness, holiness, purity of truth.] Colossians 3:10 [Knowledge.] 5. Finish this sentence: The fact that Adam and Eve were created in God s image means they knew [God s holy will] and they were [holy]. What does the Bible tell us about the creation of people? God created people in his [image], to [rule] over the earth. Caretakers of the Earth God intended that people would rule ov er the earth as caretakers. We are to care for the earth. How can we do that? Light switch: [Conserve electricity and our fossil fuels by turning off the lights we don t need.] Soda can: [Recycle metals, glass, and plastics; properly dispose of other waste.] Dog: [Be kind to animals.] 4

5 Genesis 1:31 2:3 6. After each day of creation, why do you think God made a point of saying that there was evening and there was morning? [He wanted to show us without a doubt that he created the world in six regular days.] 7. Get together in groups of three or four. Go around the group and have each person name one way that our world is different from the perfect world God created. Keep going until you have at least ten. [Sin, sickness, pain, broken bones, poverty, starvation, murder, death, and so on.] What one word describes everything God created? Everything God created was [perfect]. Did You Know? Optional: Have pictures of an acorn, a monkey, and a monarch butterfly. God s world is no longer perfect, but it s still amazing. Try your hand at these interesting facts about creation: Allow the students to supply the information they know, and then provide the information supplied here. Optional: As you talk about these facts, show the corresponding pictures. An acorn isn t much bigger than the tip of your thumb, but what does it grow into? [An oak tree, which can be 100 feet tall.] How is the eyesight of monkeys different from other animals eyesight? [Monkeys see in color; most animals black and white.] How far do monarch butterflies migrate in the winter? [Some fly about 2,000 miles, from Canada down to Mexico. Every year about 100 million monarch butterflies gather in a refuge in the city of Angangueo, Mexico.] How many bones are in the human hand? [27.] Aim: Where did everything come from? Truth: God used his powerful [word] to create a perfect [world] in [six] days. Application: God made this amazing world for [us] to enjoy and take care of. Response: We [praise] God for his creation and take good [care] of it Discuss item 6 in God s Word Distribute several newspapers (front page sections). Have the students look for and list news headlines that wouldn t have happened in God s perfect world. [Most of the news articles wouldn t exist in a perfect world, because the majority of them have to do with sin and problems caused by sin.] Amazing Creation Point out that in the Romans 1:20 memory treasure Paul says that people who do not believe in God are without excuse. Ask why this is true. [The beauty and complexity of creation prove God s existence.] Then have the students list some examples from nature that demonstrate the wisdom and power of God. [Answers will vary.] Share the examples from God s Word Today 3. Students learn more readily when they feel valued and appreciated in the classroom. Smile at them and use their names. Show interest in them and allow them to tell stories about themselves. Let the love of Christ be visible in your attitude, words, and actions. 5

6 A1 Have the students talk with their parents about some of the most awesome places in God s creation that they ve visited Hawaii, their summer cottage, their own backyard, etc. Ask them to discuss what those places reveal about God. Encourage them to bring photographs to your next class. At the next class period, pass the pictures around and talk briefly about them. Say, Let s close today by thinking about this building. (If you can go outside for this, even better!) What is this building made of? [Wood, brick, glass, cement, steel, iron, etc.] Where do we get those materials? [Trees, dirt, clay, sand, gravel, metals from the earth, etc.] Where do those materials come from? [God made them.] We could point to a hundred different things around us. Who would be the maker of them all? [Although many would be built by people, the ultimate maker is God.] God deserves the praise for all we have. Let s sing our praise to him now. Student: One way we thank God for his beautiful world is by taking care of it. List two ways you can take good care of your own corner of creation. (Student, cover your parent s column so that you can t see what s written there. Parent, cover the student s column. Then uncover both columns and discuss your ideas.) Parent: Student s initials: Parent s initials: Have the students think of something in creation that they think is really cool (zebra stripes, the Venus flytrap, the human eye, etc.) or that they are thankful for. Have them write the following prayer phrase, inserting the name of the thing for which they are thankful. For, I thank you, Lord. After each student is done, put all the phrases together as a class prayer. Have each student read his or her phrase and the other students say, I thank you, Lord afterwards. Example: For African elephants, I thank you, Lord. For the ability to see up close and far away, I thank you, Lord. For red roses, I thank you, Lord. Conclude the prayer: Thank you for everything, dear Lord. Your creation is truly amazing. Amen. Sing Praise to the Lord, the Almighty (hymn 234:5). 6

7 1 Romans 1:20 Hebrews 11:3 * Genesis 1:1 * Exodus 20:11a And I believe that God still preserves me by richly and daily providing clothing and shoes, food and drink, property and home, spouse and children, land, cattle, and all I own, and all I need to keep my body and life. God also preserves me by defending me against all danger, guarding and protecting me from all evil. All this God does only because he is my good and merciful Father in heaven, and not because I have earned or deserved it. For all this I ought to thank and praise, to serve and obey him. This is most certainly true. * The First Article of the Apostles Creed I believe in God the Father almighty, maker of heaven and earth. What does this mean? I believe that God created me and all that exists, and that he gave me my body and soul, eyes, ears, and all my members, my mind and all my abilities. Memory Treasures Exercises Evolutionists say that the world developed by chance over millions of years. Find some words in the first two passages that contradict the theory of evolution. [Genesis 1:1 God created ; Exodus 20:11a six days, LORD made. ] Read Romans 1:20. What two things about God does creation show us? [His eternal power and his divine nature (Godhead).] Lesson Activities 1. Review Creation SCRBAMLE Purpose: Students will review the facts of the lesson by unscrambling words. Procedure: Have each student complete Copy Master 1. The answers are as follows: [1. DAY, 2. EXPANSE, 3. WATERS, 4. PRODUCE, 5. FOURTH, 6. CREATURES, 7. LIVESTOCK, 8. CREATED, 9. WAS, 10. OUR, 11. RESTED, 12. LOVE, 13. GOD, 14. A PERFECT WORLD.] Roll a Review Purpose: Students will use dice to review what God created on each day of creation. Procedure: Divide the class into groups of three or four. Have each group roll a die and then name something that was created on that day of creation. For instance, if they roll a 5, they could say piranha or bald eagle. The Days of Creation Purpose: Students will learn to relate the things we see around us to the various days of creation. 7

8 1 Procedure: Refer to the lesson picture. List things you see in the picture that were created on the third, fifth, and sixth days of creation. [Third day: water gathered into a lake, trees, and plants. Fifth day: fish and birds. Sixth day: butterflies (insects), monkey, lion, rhinoceros, Adam and Eve.] 2. Application Surfing the Net Purpose: Students will do a five-minute online research project to reinforce the fact that God s creation is amazingly diverse and complex. Procedure: Have each student choose one of the following items and, by doing some Internet research, find one interesting thing to share with the class. This isn t an intensive research project; they should spend no more than five minutes. They could do their research at home and bring the information to the next class. Subject options: pearl, tarantula, rose, lizard, diamond, redwood tree, black hole, dinosaur, penguin, hummingbird, Saturn, praying mantis, opossum, Venus flytrap, sun, whale, flying squirrel, ostrich, moon, coral, parrot, zebra, galaxy, and beaver. Care for Creation Purpose: Students will carry out a service project that will remind them to care for God s creation. Procedure: Remind the students that God has given us the job of caring for his creation. Ask them to name a part of God s creation around them that needs to be cared for. Perhaps some plants on your church property are being overrun by weeds or a nearby park has a great deal of litter in it. Work together to carry out a project to take care of that part of God s creation. 3. Art Photo Shoot Purpose: Students will learn to recognize the beauty and complexity of God s creation. Procedure: Take the students outside and have them search for something that would make a great photographic example of God s creation close-up things, like a leaf or an insect, and faraway things, like a tree on the horizon. Give them about three minutes to find something. Then let the students use a digital camera to take photos. Print the photos and make a collage on a bulletin board titled Open Your Eyes to See! or Picture God s World! (Students could also bring in their own cameras.) A simpler option: Ask the students to bring in pictures of some of their favorite places along with a short written explanation of why they like them. (This may be done as the To Do at Home activity with parents.) 4. Science It s STAR-tling! Purpose: Students will learn more about the grand and complex universe God created by studying four constellations. Procedure: Hand out Copy Master 2. Have the students draw lines to connect the stars and create the shapes. After the students read the star facts to themselves, quiz them. Example: Looks like an upside down W. [Answer: Cassiopeia.] Have the students cut the rectangles apart and punch out the stars using hole punches. Darken the room and have them shine flashlights through the holes to create the constellations on a blank wall. Pray a prayer of praise to God for making such a vast and beautiful universe for us to enjoy. 8

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