Walking with Patriarchs Week 1

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1 Walking with Patriarchs Week 1 Creation of the World Sunday... 2 Creation Day Monday... 4 Creation days 2 and Tuesday... 6 Creation Days 4 and Wednesday... 8 Creation Day Thursday Day Friday Garden of Eden Saturday Creation of Eve and Naming Animals days of Creation To read KJV in 21 st Century English go to: Century-King-James-Version-KJ21-Bible/ Adam and Eve To read the Bible online go to: James-Version-KJV-Bible/

2 Sunday Creation Day 1 Bible Reading: Genesis 1v1-5 Other Readings: Psalm 90v2; Job 26v7; Isaiah 40v22; Hebrews 11v3; John 8v12 5. He framed (made) them by what? (Hebrews 11v3) God is Almighty. There is just nothing too hard for Him. He just spoke and it was so. He can take away the darkness of sin from your life. 10. God saw the light was (v4) 11. What did God call the light? (v5) 12. What did God call the darkness? (v5) This universe was NOT always here. So how did it start? Was there a big bang? Did everything evolve over millions of years? What does the Bible say? 1. Who was there in the beginning? (v1) 2. How long has God been there? (Psalm 90v2) God is eternal. That means He had no beginning and He has no end. He was not born and He will not die. God was there in the beginning of the universe. So He knows what happened! Read what God says in the Bible. 3. What did God create on Day 1? (Genesis 1v1) 4. What did God make them out of? (Hebrews 11v3) Note: one thing did NOT evolve into another. God made them out of nothing at all! 6. What did God hang the earth on? (Job 26v7) Scientists had not discovered this fact when the Bible was written. But God knew it! 7. What was the earth like at first? (Genesis 1v2) It was not a molten blob. God had to fill it and make it ready for life. 8. Who moved on the face of the waters? (v2) 9. God said, Let there be (v3) God did not create the sun until Day 4. So there was light before the sun! Jesus is the Light of the world (John 8v12). So God made the first 24-hour day. Now there was light, time, space, water. Planet earth had to be made ready for life and then filled with creatures. MEANINGS: Without form = without shape; Void = empty; Deep = deep water, sea; Face of the waters = surface of the sea; Framed = made Answers 1) God; 2) For ever; 3) The heavens and the earth; 4) Nothing; 5) The Word of God; 6) Nothing; 7) Without form and void and dark; 8) The Spirit of God; 9) Light; 10) Good; 11) Day; 12) Night

3 How old is the universe? Answer: about 6000 years old. Add up people s ages and other time periods in the Bible. You ll find that creation week was about 6000 years ago! Some people try to squeeze millions or billions of years between the first 2 verses of Genesis. BUT God does NOT say that. God is the Great Almighty Eternal God. He s always there to help you. There is no problem too hard for Him. My help cometh from the LORD, which made heaven and earth Psalm 121v2 Ah Lord GOD! behold, thou hast made the heaven and the earth by thy great power and stretched out arm, and there is nothing too hard for thee. Jeremiah 32v17

4 Monday Creation days 2 and 3 Bible Reading: Genesis 1v6-13 Other Reading: Psalm 104v What did God make on Day 2? (v6) We might call it the sky. It is the atmosphere and the space beyond. Note, now there was air. Sound travels through air. So now sounds could be heard. 2. What did God call the firmament? (v6) This is NOT the heaven where God lives. As we read the Bible we see there are 3 places described as heaven. The first heaven is where birds fly. The second heaven is where the stars and planets are. The third heaven is where God lives. 3. What did God cause to appear on Day 3? (v9) 4. Where did God gather the waters under the heaven to? (v9) This would strongly suggest that the land was not divided up like it is in the world today. 5. What did God call them? (v10) 6. What did God cause to grow on Day 3? (v11) 7. God saw what He made was. (v12) 8. Give 3 words to explain how herbs and trees bring forth fruit. (v11-12) God made the first plants all fully grown. But He gave each kind of plant its own particular kind of seed. This meant they would reproduce themselves. They would not change or evolve into something else. Grape vines did not change into mango trees. Peanuts did not change into coconuts. Apple trees do not grow oranges. 9. What food does God grow for cattle? (Psalm 104v14) 10. Who are the herbs for? (Psalm 104v14) 11. God was getting planet Earth ready to fill it with creatures. By the end of Day 3 much was ready. Which of the following things are necessary for life? Water Clothes Light Gold Night Plants Air MEANINGS: Firmament = expanse, the sky and the space beyond; Herbs = plants Answers 1) Firmament; 2) Heaven; 3) Dry land; 4) One place; 5) Earth and seas; 6) Grass, herbs, trees and plants; 7) Good; 8) After his kind; 9) Grass; 10) Man; 11) Water, light, plants and air The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork. (Psalm 19v1) The sea is his, and he made it: and his hands formed the dry land. (Psalm 95v5)

5 Was Day 3 millions of years long? Some people tell us that the days of Creation week lasted for millions of years. But think about it! Plants need light to live. How could they have survived millions of years in the dark? Many plants are pollinated by birds or bees. Birds and bees were not made on Day 5. So if the days lasted millions of years, how could these plants have reproduced and survived? Did you know? Air is made up of mainly nitrogen, some oxygen and a tiny amount of other gases such as carbon dioxide. These are in just the right amounts. If there was a lot more oxygen, a single spark could set the world on fire. If there were a lot more nitrogen, we would suffocate. Carbon dioxide is essential for plants to live, but is deadly to humans in large quantities. Earth s atmosphere has the right amount for all the plants, but not too much to harm us. The atmosphere on planet Mars is 95% carbon dioxide. This is one reason why people could not live on Mars without special breathing equipment! By faith believe that God made everything out of nothing. There s not a chance that something came out of nothing all by itself! The earth is the only place in the universe known to have liquid water. The earth is 70% covered by water. You see, God made planet Earth for life. We all need water to live.

6 Tuesday Creation Days 4 and 5 Bible Reading: Genesis 1v14-23 Other Readings: Psalm 33v6; 104v19; 147v4; Isaiah 45v18 1. By what was the heavens made? (Psalm 33v6) 2. What great light did God create to rule the day? (Genesis 1v16) 3. What lesser light rules the night? (v16) 4. What did He also make? (v16) This included the other planets and their moons. There are 9 planets Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. God keeps all the planets and their moons from crashing into each other. count them. But God has a name for every star. What a great God we have! He knows us and He cares for us. 7. Why did God form the earth? (Isaiah 45v18) God prepared the earth for life. He wanted to fill it with all sorts of creatures. 8. What sort of creatures did God make on Days 5? (Genesis 1v20) The included sea creatures like plesiosaurs and flying reptiles like pterosaurs. They are NOT prehistoric creatures. God made them on Day 5. This means that they were to have lots of babies. 11. The sea creatures and flying creatures were to have lots of babies after their (v21) Whales do not have baby salmon. Robin eggs do not hatch baby eagles. Fish did not come from worms in an ancient pond. Birds did not come from dinosaurs. 12. God saw all He made on Days 4 and 5 was. (v18+21) 5. Why did God create the sun, moon and stars? (v14+15) Days Signs Weeks Lights Years Darkness Seasons 6. What does God know all the names of? (Psalm 147v4) 9. Which came first? a. Earth OR Sun b. Atmosphere OR Stars c. Pluto OR Plants d. Reptiles OR Birds e. Whales OR Land animals 10. What did God want the fish and birds to do? (v22) MEANINGS: Firmament = the sky with its clouds and stars; Abundantly = lots and lots; Fowl = birds There are billions and billions of stars. Astronomers cannot

7 Answers 1) By the word of the LORD; 2) Sun; 3) Moon; 4) The stars; 5) Days, signs, light, years, and seasons; 6) The stars; 7) To be inhabited; 8) Sea creatures like fish and whales, flying creatures like birds and insects; 9.a)Earth; b)atmosphere; c)plants; d)birds; e)whales; 10) Multiply; 11) Kind; 12) Good Did you know? Why did God wait to Day 4 to make the sun? God does not tell us why. But He knew that people would worship the sun, moon and stars. So maybe He wanted to show us that they are not so important. The sun did NOT form the earth. The stars do NOT control what happens on earth. God wants us to worship only Him. Don t follow the stars. Follow the LORD. The earth rotates (spins around) once every 24 hours. That gives us day and night. It takes the earth 365 ¼ days to orbit (travel round) the sun. This gives us one year and a leap year every 4 years. The seasons depend on how the earth is tilted towards the sun. The moon is earth s natural satellite. It takes the moon 29 ½ days to orbit Earth. Farmers used to count the times of the moon to know when to plant their crops. The moon controls the tides of the sea. Sailors used to navigate by looking at the position of the stars. Stand and look up into a starry sky. Think about how great the Creator of the universe is. And yet He reaches down His love to you! Then think if heaven is so beautiful on the outside, what must it be like on the inside! When I consider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which thou hast ordained; what is man, that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that thou visitest him? (Psalm 8v3-4)

8 Wednesday Creation Day 6 Bible Reading: Genesis 1v24-31 Other readings: Psalm 50v10-12; Isaiah 45v12; Jeremiah 27v5 1. Give the 3 groups of land animals. (v25) Beasts of the earth refers to large wild animals e.g. rhinoceroses, dinosaurs and elephants. Cattle refers to livestock and domesticated animals e.g. cows, sheep, goats, camels. Creeping things refers such creatures as frogs, chameleons, mice, and snakes. God is a Trinity one God but 3 Persons. They are God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. The 3 Persons of the Trinity are talking to each other. God is NOT speaking to the angels. Man is NOT made in the image of angels. 4. In whose image is man created? (v27) 5. What was man to rule over? (v26) 6. and created He them. (v27) 7. Who were the first man and woman? (Genesis 3v20) 8. Who blessed them? (Genesis 1v28) 9. What were they to fill? (v28) and eat one another. They lived in perfect harmony. MEANINGS: Beast = large animal; Image = likeness; Dominion = rule over; Replenish = fill; Subdue = overcome 2. How many times does God say after his kind in verses 24 and 25? God wanted the earth filled with people. So He wanted Adam and Eve to have babies. God gave each animal the power to make baby animals just like itself. Kangaroos do not have baby rabbits. Dinosaur eggs did not hatch baby birds. 3. God said, Let make man (v26) 10. In the beginning were all people vegetarians OR meat eaters? (v29) 11. Everything that God made was. (v31) In the beginning everything was perfect. There was no disease, no sin and no death. People and animals did not kill Answers 1) Beasts of the earth, cattle, and creeping things; 2) Five times; 3) Us; 4) God s; 5) All the fish, birds, animals and all the earth; 6) Male and female; 7) Adam and Eve; 8) God; 9) The earth; 10) Vegetarians; 11) Very good

9 What does Image of God mean? God made man special. Man was created in the image of God. God is a Spirit (John 4v24). We have a spirit that will live forever. Animals don t. We can be filled with God s Holy Spirit. We can worship God and pray directly to Him. Animals can t do this. God is love (1 John 4v8). We can love God and other people. We can know God s love for us. Animals can t do this. God is good (Psalm 34v8). He cannot do wrong. He wants us to be holy and good too (1 Peter 1v16). We have a conscience that tells us what is right and what is wrong. Animals don t. God made us different from animals People can talk and write. Animals make sounds but they can t talk or write. People can invent and build things like computers and skyscrapers. Animals can t. We can think, plan, decide, and use tools. Animals can t. We can use fire to cook meals. Animals are scared of fire. You see, God wants us to have fellowship with Him. You are not an animal. You are a special creation by God. He has a special work for you to do. He has created you specially to do that work. Ask Him to show you His plan for your life. Then trust Him to help you do it! I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well. (Psalm 139v14)

10 Thursday Day 7 Bible Reading: Genesis 2v1-3; Exodus 20v8-11 Other Readings: Nehemiah 9v6; Hebrews 1v3; Colossians 1v What was finished? (Genesis2v1) The host of them refers to all the stars, planets and moons. 2. Who preserves all things? (Nehemiah 9v6) 3. Who holds all things together? (Colossians 1v17) Read the verses before and after v17. You will see that Christ is Person they talk about. Christ keeps all the planets and their moons from crashing into each other. He keeps all the forces of nature and gravity working perfectly. 4. He upholds all things by what? (Hebrews 1v3) 5. How many days did God take to make everything? (Exodus 20v11) 6. What day did God rest from His work? (Genesis 2v2) 7. What did God do to the 7 th day? (v3) 8. What are we to remember? (Exodus 20v8) 9. What way are we to keep it? (v8) 10. How many days are we to work? (v9) 11. What day were the Israelites to keep as their Sabbath? (v10) 12. Why? (v11) The Israelites kept the seventh day of the week as the Sabbath. New Testament Christians met together on the first day of the week to worship. They did this because Jesus rose from the dead on the first day of the week. (Acts 20v7) Answers 1) The heavens and the earth; 2) The Lord; 3) Christ; 4) The word of His power; 5) Six; 6) Seventh day; 7) Blessed it and sanctified it; 8) The Sabbath day; 9) Holy; 10) Six; 11) Seventh; 12) Because God rested the seventh day at creation and set it apart to be holy MEANINGS: Host = large number; Preservest = keeps safe; Consist = hold together; Blessed = made holy; Sanctified = set apart as holy; Labour = work; Hallowed = treated as being holy; Sabbath = day for rest and worship When did God create the angels? Genesis does not say, but it was probably on Day 1. Job 38v7 says that all the sons of God (angels) shouted for joy when God laid the earth s foundation. The angels were all created holy. Otherwise God couldn t have said that everything He made was very good. So it was after Creation week that some angels rebelled against God. The leader of these fallen angels is Satan. His name means adversary. He is the great enemy of God.

11 Why did God take 6 days? God is Almighty. He didn t need 6 days to make the universe. He could have made everything in an instant of time. But He wanted to give us our week. And He wanted to set us an example to follow. Some people say that the days of creation week lasted for millions of years. But think about it. That would mean that the seventh day was millions of years too! But Exodus 20v8-11 makes it plain that the days were 24-hour days. God was giving us our week 6 days to work and one day to rest and worship. Our Creator knows how He made the body. He knows that after we work 6 days we need a day to rest. Also, He made us spiritual beings. So He has given us a special day to praise and worship Him. Our Creator cares for us. Let s get excited about His Day! For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it. (Exodus 20v11)

12 Friday Garden of Eden Bible Reading: Genesis 2v4-17 This chapter just tells us a bit more that happened on Day God had not sent upon the earth. (v5) 2. What watered the ground? (v6) The face of the ground means the surface of the ground. Plants need water to live. A mist or heavy dew watered them. We don t know for sure when it first rained. But it sure rained very heavy in the worldwide flood when Noah lived. When God made Adam he was a fully grown man. He didn t have to learn to walk or talk. He didn t grunt like an animal. Adam was created in the image of God. He was NOT an apeman. Nor was he an ignorant savage. He had a soul that would live forever. 7. What garden did God put Adam in? (v8) 8. What 2 special trees were in Eden? (v9) We don t know what these 2 trees looked like. But Revelation 22v2 talks about the tree of life being for the healing of the nations. I wonder did it stop people getting sick and growing old. man, without death, violence, disease, sickness, thorns, or fear. No wonder it is called Paradise. 11. What work did God give Adam to do? (v15) Adam didn t laze about all day in the sun. God gave him work to do. He was the first farmer. He knew all about growing crops, gardening and caring for animals. God made him very clever and able to do all this. 12. What tree was Adam NOT to eat of? (v17) 13. What would happen if he did? (v17) 3. Who was needed to farm the land? (v5) 4. What did God make man out of? (v7) 5. What did God breathe into man? (v7) God didn t do this to the animals. Adam was different from all the other creatures. 6. What did man become? (v7) 9. The river in Eden parted into how many ways? (v10) 10. What precious metal and stones were in Eden? (v11-12) What a beautiful garden to live in! Just imagine the beautiful plants and flowers, the rivers, the gold, and having all the very best food to eat. The animals were living happily with The Hebrew really says dying you will die. This meant that they would grow old and die. But it also meant that they would die spiritually. They would be separated from God. Notice the word LORD in this chapter is in capital letters. The King James Version of the Bible does this to show that in the Hebrew it is the name Jehovah for God.

13 MEANINGS: Generations = history; Till = plough land; Nostrils = 2 holes in nose for breathing; Midst = middle; Thence = from that place; Dress it = trim and look after garden; Surely = certainly, for sure Answers 1) Rain; 2) Mist; 3) Man; 4) Dust of the ground; 5) Breath of life; 6) A living soul; 7) Eden; 8) Tree of life and the tree of knowledge of good and evil; 9) Four; 10) Gold, bdellium, onyx; 11) Dress and keep Eden; 12) Knowledge tree; 13) He would die All things were made by him; and without him was not anything made that was made. (John 1v3) Man was created a little lower than the angels. God the Son is the Creator and He s worshipped by the angels. But He was willing to come down to earth to be our Saviour. Have you ever thanked Him for loving you so much? But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death, crowned with glory and honour; that he by the grace of God should taste death for every man. (Hebrews 2v9) Where was Eden? We don t know exactly where Eden was. There is no river in the Middle East today that divides into 4 heads like Genesis 2v10-14 says. That doesn t mean the Bible is wrong. Remember Noah s flood really changed the earth big time.

14 Saturday Creation of Eve and Naming Animals Bible Reading: Genesis 2v18-25 This is Day 6 too! Read on to find out more. Remember LORD is Jehovah. all the names. He could see that apes looked more like him than pigs, zebras, cows or mice. But he knew that none of them were human like he was. He could see that there was male and female of every animal but he had no wife. Eve is the mother of the whole human race. Everybody who has ever lived has descended from her. We are all related. That is one huge reason why we should never look down on any other person who may have different coloured skin. 1. Who was speaking? (v18) 2. What did God say was not good? (v18) 3. What did God decide to make for Adam? (v18) 4. What did God make the animals and birds out of? (v19) 5. What sort of creatures did God bring to Adam? (v19-20) 7. What did God cause Adam to do? (v21) 8. What did God take out of Adam? (v21) Men do not have one less rib than women, just as children of a man who has lost an arm are not born with one less arm. 12. When a man gets married, who is he to cleave to? (2v24) Just picture all the different land animals and birds cows, sheep, goats, camels, giraffes, kangaroos, cats, dinosaurs, elephants, apes, horses, flying reptiles, sparrows, eagles, flamingos, bats, snakes... What a busy day Adam had! 6. Who named these creatures? (v19-20) Adam was very clever. He was able to see all the differences in these animals. And he was able to think up and remember 9. What did God make out of the rib? (v22) 10. Why was she called a woman? (v23) God brought her to Adam. It was love at first sight! Adam said, Now this is bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh. He knew Eve was different from the animals she was truly human, created to worship and love God like him. 11. What did Adam call her? (3v20) MEANINGS: Help meet = helper, wife; Fowl = birds; Whatsoever = whatever; Cleave = cling; Ashamed = feeling very unhappy or guilty Answers 1) The LORD God; 2) That man should be alone; 3) Helpmeet (wife); 4) The ground; 5) Land animals and birds; 6) Adam; 7) Sleep; 8) A rib; 9) A woman; 10) She was taken out of man; 11) Eve; 12) His wife

15 How did marriage start? God designed marriage. God s way is one man marries one woman. He did NOT give Adam many wives. He did NOT make 2 men to marry or 2 women to marry. God blessed Adam and Eve and told them to have many children and fill the earth (Genesis 1v28). In the beginning everybody was a creationist! God gave Adam and Eve five amazing senses (sight, hearing, smell, touch, taste) so they could enjoy all the wonderful things the Creator made. Are you using your senses to enjoy and believe your Creator? Did you know? Only 2% of all creatures are animals with backbones? (And most of those are fish). They are called vertebrates. Adam didn t have to name any creepy crawlies or fish! Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth, while the evil days come not, nor the years draw nigh, when thou shalt say, I have no pleasure in them. (Ecclesiastes 12v1)

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