New city fellowship. international

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1 New city fellowship international C -K -L -B -P -Z -T -U

2 Why Missions? Our God is a missionary God. He is a God who pursues the lost. He is a God who sends His Son into this world to seek and to save what is lost. He is a God who gives the Spirit of wisdom, power and love to fulfill his purposes of redeeming countless multudes from oppressive naons in rebellion against God and from the oppression of sin and Satan in their own lives. And all that, which he did in and through his Son, he now connues to do through us, his church, the body of Christ. In the following pages you will read brief summary statements of ways we are involved with the global church bringing God s love to the naons. In each of these relaonship-based commitments, we are both helping to love our brothers and sisters in their mes of great need, and in turn assisng them in some small way as they carry that love to the those walking in darkness in their surrounding culture and communies. The schools we support, the medical care we help provide, the church planng work we assist, the mutual training and learning we do with pastors internaonally all serve these dual purposes of bearing one another s burdens as God s people and equipping the church to show that love to the world. Many non-chrisans, whether Muslim, Animisc, Hindu, Buddhist or secular are recipients of medical care, educaon and food, and the offer of forgiveness of sins and restoraon to God and each other, all given in the name and love of Jesus Christ, the Ruler of the kings of the earth. Through these words and acts of kindness the naons are being discipled. All God asks of us, what he has chosen us for and called us to, is that we simply take our part - however large or small that may seem to be - in the advance of his kingdom and salvaon in this world. We are called upon to pray for the global church and to pray for the naons. We are also called to share our resources whenever we can. Some are called to physically go and parcipate with our missionary God by leaving their own homes and families for either short periods of me, or somemes for a lifeme. All we ask is for you to read through and hear the stories of the movement of God among the naons and that you keep your heart open to however the Spirit wants to lead you. We have no doubt he will be speaking and will lead you to parcipate in some way. Jesus says to all of us, As the Father has sent me, I am sending you (John 20:21). To follow the missionary God in his love for the world is all of our calling. It is a core part of what we were chosen for. What dignity, what honor, what privilege that we should be called the children of God. I!! (! ), B H, &. L F N P T C U K B Z

3 Mission statement New City Fellowship s missions teams exist to enable the members of NCF to partner with the global church for the advancement of the Gospel by preaching grace and doing jusce in their local communies and wherever called by God, and to parcipate in starng new churches in the unreached communies of the world. We will seek to obey this calling by: Developing relaonships with naonal pastors and churches in the countries to which God calls us through the growth and training of NCF mission teams who are commiaed to invesng relaonally with local churches and pastors in a parcular country of the world and who will seek to find ways to mutually engage in sharing the Gospel through word and deed. We will be commiaed both to sending NCF teams on short-term missions trips and to bringing naonal pastors to St. Louis for our mutual instrucon and encouragement in the faith. Developing priority field focus for our missions programs through idenfying communies in the world where we can have a focused, long-term investment, based on NCF congregaon and pastoral leadership commitment. We will especially seek to fund naonal leaders and partnership projects in these areas of the world. Supporng U.S. missionaries who will either help connect us to naonal churches with whom we can partner or engage in evangelism and church planng in unreached communies by working through our denominaonal mission agency (Mission to the World) or like-minded non-denominaonal agencies to send NCF missionaries directly to the field. Kingdom Restoration Society The Kingdom Restoraon Society (KRS) is an internaonal mission agency, headquartered at New City St Louis. In its local mission outreach, NCF operates on two levels that are o8en interwoven, but sll remain organizaonally disnct from one another. There are things we do missionally in our own community that are more exclusively the work of New City Fellowship as a church and then there are areas of outreach that we do collecvely with groups of other Chrisans and other churches throughout the St Louis area. The same is true in our global mission work. We do U.S. mission work and partner with others to do global mission work. The venue for partnership locally is called Restore St Louis. The venue for partnership globally is The Kingdom Restoraon Society (KRS). Last year over $515,000 in donaons passed through this Mission Society. Those are all donaons outside the NCF Missions Budget. The KRS internaonal board of directors includes Macklann Basse (Togo), Leon Mukendi (DR Congo), Zam Khat Kham (Burma), Joe Muutuki (Nairobi), and Barry Henning (St Louis). At NCF St Louis we use KRS as the structure for sending our own short-term missionaries overseas, including Tim and Kathy Rice working in Vanga, Congo, and Daniel and April Murphree in Myanmar. The most recent change to the charter of KRS is that it is now funconing as an Ordinaon Society which means New City St Louis, New City Lomé, New City Kinshasa, New City Nairobi and New City Burma can all ordain leaders and church planters for the gospel ministry. In addion, we are partnering with Third Millennium Ministries to offer Theological Training courses in many languages, both in the U.S. and overseas.

4 Kinshasa,Congo Congo is the largest area of mission acvity for us as a church, both in terms of the numbers of ministries and the amount of support we send. The reasons for this level of parcipaon are rooted in the presence of a large, pro-acve Congolese community at our church. Pastor Leon Mukendi and other Congolese leaders in the New City community have constantly engaged us in the needs of their home country. Their family members, their connecons to many churches in the Kinshasa area and their love and compassion for the people of their country who have suffered the devastang effects of long term war, corrupt dictatorships and prolonged economic and social collapse have moved many of them to make return trips, invest resources back in their communies and lead the way in developing relaonships between their churches and New City. New City Fellowship of Kinshasa Pastor Leon and his wife Adolphine returned to Kinshasa in April of 2016 to start New City Fellowship of Kinshasa. As a church, we support Leon s annual salary of $28,600 out of our general budget and then our missions support all goes to the various community ministries. With the help of addional donaons from outside New City St Louis, NCF-K was able to construct a covered meeng space and hold their first worship on Sunday June 26, Leon has already idenfied an Associate Pastor to work with the church, with a long range goal of training him to become the senior pastor. This church plant is in one of the poorest communies in the city. Strategic Commitments in the Mikondo-Kinshasa District: Pastor Leon Mukendi Pastoral training and Bible Ins>tute: Part of the mission of New City Kinshasa is to help teach addional pastors and church planters to develop and plant other like-minded churches. Third Millennium Ministries, an internaonal theological and Bible training program developed by Seminary professors from around the world, is interested in partnering with us to translate their program into French and provide New City Fellowship Kinshasa with the materials to become a local Bible Instute for pastors. Good Samaritan Ministries (Restore Kinshasa) NCF Kinshasa has a desire to see several community based ministries established. This group of outreach ministries will be commiaed to bringing God s jusce and compassion to the poor in the Mikondo district. In November of 2016, through another generous dona>on, NCF-K was able to purchase new sewing machines and start sewing classes that will become a source of income for the women who are trained. Other areas for future ministry development include: Nehemiah Projects - A mul-faceted job training program that will help equip many desperate young men with needed job skills in a country that currently has a 90% unemployment rate. Training may include areas like furniture making, automove repair, painng, welding, computers, sewing and landscaping Orphan Care - Operate a small orphanage on the CEFOREA compound for some of the many orphans in the surrounding community Daily programs for widows, single mothers, pros>tutes and other abused young women Medical Clinic - Expand the current medical clinic, La Compassion, to provide services at the CEFOREA compound. This will service all the children and poor in the various ministries, as well as the community in general Lamb of God Chris>an High School - A high school that will provide a good Chrisan educaon for children in the immediate community and serve as a school for secondary educaon for the 3 other affiliated Lamb of God primary schools in Kinshasa. We will also provide a daily breakfast and lunch program, as well as basic medical care NCF-Kinshasa first worship service New sewing machines for job training $76,570 F NCF K C R N, B H - &., (314) P 227), L M - _&.

5 VANGA,Congo $4,960 NCF members Tim and Kathy Rice have now been in Vanga, DR Congo for 2 1/2 years. The first year was characterized by learning the new systems, language, and status of the work here, which was frankly precarious. As we reported last year, God by his amazing power and wisdom had a complete turnover of hospital administra on. Our 2nd year in Vanga was the beginning of rebuilding--new systems of financial accountability and new programs of quality improvement. As we are into our 3rd year, the theme seems to be team building. We are so happy that our Congolese colleagues at the hospital are really owning the process of improving the medical care here, including developing a stronger system of spiritual ministry to our pa ents. Tim and Kathy Rice We are currently looking to add to our missionary team. We want to add both key members to our longer-term missionary team as well as supplement with shortterm visitors. Specifically, we are looking for the following: general maintenance/handyman supervisor; accountant/ bookkeeper; IT maintenance person. On the medical side, we are recrui ng a general surgeon or orthopedist; GYN-OB or midwife; and nursing instructors with masters degrees or MPH. Of course, our ideal team members would speak French, but that can be learned on the job! When we were in Germany visi ng our partners last winter, the Vanga hospital was offered a huge baaery, the size of a shipping container. This will allow the hospital to have electricity 24 hours/day (up from the 3 hours a day we have now). With a new solar installa on, we will be able to have air condi oning in the opera ng room. The hiccup is that in order to receive this generous gi8, we need to have someone who can take responsibility for its installa on and maintenance. We need someone to join our team that can not only fulfill that role, but also teach a Congolese team to take on the task. In addi on, we have several "dream team" type projects: We would love to develop/build bamboo bicycle-ambulances to transport pa ents from outlying clinics to the hospital A8er we saw a pile of medical waste on a busy street by the elementary school, Tim began working on developing a «rocket stove» hospital waste incinerator using a propane tank and burning palm nut shells, the waste product from making palm oil We also have begun developing plans to build a simple, but new emergency room, triage center, intensive care, and administra on wing to the hospital These are worthwhile, life-saving projects, but we need project managers who can bring the dream to reality. Please pray that God would send forth laborers into His harvest field in Vanga! Rocket Stove - homemade medical waste incinerator Bicycle Ambulance F T. K. R /C ' H V C :.,. &. ;

6 Myanmar (Burma) $11,920 NCF connues to engage with pastoral development and evangelism in Myanmar. Pastor Zam Khat Kham has returned to Myanmar and has begun exploratory sessions to develop his Mission Training Instute with local community members and church elders in Kalay Myo. Although Kalay Myo is a remote city in northern Burma it is a strategic crossroads between many tribal groups. There has been much interest in these classes so far! Daniel and April Murphree along with their 3 year old son, Hesediah, and newborn baby, Luna Jael, have moved to Myanmar as of March 2018! They are excited to finally be in the field a8er two years of language training. They have been able to connect with their ministry partners in Yangon and Pastor Kham in Kalay Myo and have begun laying the foundaon for solid working relaonships together and in the community. Please pray for clear communicaon with naonal partners and for their family s transion to the field. Daniel, April, Hesediah and Luna Murphree Chin woman with ta3ooed face Pastor Kham and his wife Lun F B, D M!!!&. Togo $9,160 Macklann Basse, former pastor at NCF St. Louis in South City and his wife Rose returned to their home country in Addressing the need for educang the large street-children populaon, they started an elementary school in their home, hosng about 170 students pre-k through 5th grade, including some Muslim children. NCF sends $300 per month to help support this work. Macklann has also started Africa Missions with Naons, a missionary training instute. Through AMN, Macklann meets weekly with 15 adult students, teaching them to share the Gospel and be missionaries in their city and villages. Each August, AMN hosts a missions conference that encourages people to receive God's grace in Christ, share the Gospel in their parcular context, and pracce jusce for those who are oppressed or lowly. One of the ministries we also help support through the Basses is the Sister Therese Home Orphanage that cares for 30 children. We send $50 per month to help with food supplies and other needs. The Basse family Training pastors through AMN Children at the School of New Beginnings 6 T T, A J - X&., (314)

7 Kenya $23,040 New City Fellowship of Nairobi - Planted by Joseph and Elfi Muutuki, New City Fellowship of Nairobi is a mul-cultural church that preaches the Gospel of grace and seeks to reconcile the nave Kenyan and Asian Indian communies. Joseph was a founding elder of New City Fellowship St. Louis. A8er compleng seminary and returning home to Nairobi, he was convicted by the Spirit to address the division between the nave Kenyan and Asian Indian communies. Overcomers by Grace - Overcomers By Grace was founded in 1999 to reach out to people living with disabilies. In Kenya, people with disabilies are o8en ostracized and even hidden away from society. OBG s mission is to empower them with life skills so that they can live meaningful, independent and fulfilling lives. Sabia Khan is the director of the ministry, filling the shoes of her husband and OBG founder ShaWat, who passed away in Joe and Elfi Muutuki Sabia Khan OBG students taking a field trip F, J M - X&. S K - &. Uganda $2,480 Ben and Kim Church, former members of New City Fellowship, have been serving as missionaries in Uganda since Ben spent most of 2017 preparing a team to plant a church on the south side of Kampala, in an area called Seguku. Since war broke out in South Sudan in December of 2013, many thousands of refugees have sought safety in Uganda and other countries of East Africa. The team has been assisng vulnerable internally displaced persons especially women, children and the elderly, as well as persecuted church leaders escape violence in South Sudan to refugee camps in Uganda. Within the Kiryandongo Refugee SeAlement, the team has helped provide shelter for orphans and widows and access to clean water. MTW Uganda has partnered with Westminster Chrisan Instute Uganda for almost fi8een years. Ben regularly teaches courses in Bible and Theology in the diploma and bachelors programs there. The Instute provides much needed biblical and theological training for pastors and church leaders in many denominaons throughout Uganda and East Africa. Ben and Kim church and family Ben with students from a class on the Synopc Gospels at Westminster Chrisan Instute T U B C -.X&. 7

8 Pakistan $6,000 In 1992, Reverend Sardar Din began a Chrisan day school, Calvin s Academy, in Lahore, Pakistan. The school has grown from 11 students to over 2,200 on four different campuses. New City sends $400 per month to help with teachers salaries and $100 per month for food supplies. Rev. Din s ministry also involves helping people in church congregaons learn to read using the Bible as their basic text. Local pastors oversee this ministry with the help and oversight of Westminster Biblical Mission s seminary staff. There are over 30 of these Bible Literacy Centers now funconing in Pakistan. Rev. Din has recently established a medical clinic which sees forty to fi8y paents a day, six days a week. The clinic serves both Chrisan and Muslim paents and is a way to praccally show the love of Christ to those in need. Students at Calvin s Academy Students at Calvin s Academy F M K: (314) ; &!. Zimbabwe $2,400 Thank you for your prayers and financial support of our brothers and sisters in Zimbabwe! NCF primarily supports widows and children in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe's second largest city. We support 10 widows who are caring for grandchildren. We also support a daycare program for young children, housed in our sister church, City Presbyterian. If not for the daycare, these children would be wandering the streets. In addion to these things, we support three pastors who train other pastors. Every individual we support, from the widows to the pastors, support others in need. As the economy has failed, God has mulplied fish and loaves of our brothers and sisters to care for the poor. Please connue to pray for God's provision in the face of very difficult economic circumstances. Unemployment is esmated at 95%. The economy has failed. But praise the Lord, the church is growing despite the circumstances! Children at Praise Happy Time nursery NCF team with brothers in Zimbabwe 8 C A S Z: &.

9 U.S.A.-FIRST NATION $2,480 Great Plains Gathering is a church plant within the PCA intenonally serving Nave American and First Naons people in Billings, Montana. Billings has a diverse populaon of nave people with up to 40 different tribes represented. Josh ChareAe is the founding pastor of GPG and is Turtle Mountain Chippewa. Josh grew up in Billings and graduated with an MDiv from Covenant Theological Seminary in He is married to Kae and they have three children: Alex, Aidan and Ella. It is the vision of GPG to see Christ's Kingdom extend through Gospel ministry in both word and deed in such a way that true hope and peace would flourish among Billings Indian people. There is great need to intenonally build community through the Gospel and Nave American people have much to contribute to the Body of Christ. Please pray with and for us as we serve. Visit our site at for more informaon. Josh and Kae Chare3e First Naon children F.!. London $4,960 Chris and Josephine Hatch, along with their kids, Rahel and Kaleb, moved from St. Louis in 2005 to minister with Serge among the immigrant community in London. In 2011, a8er working for six years with a church in an Indian/ Pakistani community, the Hatches transioned to a church plant in the Shepherd s Bush neighborhood - an area which is made up of people from the Muslim world, sub-sahara Africa, the Caribbean, Asia and Europe. Economically, racially and ethnically diverse, Shepherd s Bush has a combinaon of secular Europeans and religious immigrants who live in close proximity and yet have few relaonships. New City Church (Internaonal Presbyterian Church) is working to see the love and mercy of God expressed through verbal proclamaon and praccal deeds of service. God has slowly built a mul-ethnic worshipping community which conducts ministry to the homeless, various youth programs, bible studies and direct evangelism. Through year-long apprenceships and summer internships, New City seeks to develop future mul-ethnic servants who have a heart to love God and neighbor. A view of the Shepherds Bush neighborhood Chris, Rahel, Josephine and Kaleb Hatch F.!.;..; T &LH 9

10 Proposed Missions Budget ITEM AMOUNT FIELD TOTAL Congo: Orphan Support... $3,240 Orphan Medical Care... $6,000 Lamb of God schools... $35,410 Medical Clinic... $8,400 Administraon - Pastor Kazadi... $4,200 Tim Rice: Vanga Hospital... $4,960 Leon Mukendi: New City Kinshasa church plant... $18,000 Wire transfer fees... $1,320 $81,530 Kenya: Joseph Muutuki: New City Nairobi... $4,960 Overcomers by Grace... $18,000 Wire transfer fees... $80 $23,040 London: Chris Hatch: New City IPC... $4,960 $4,960 Burma: Pastor Kham support... $4,960 Orphan support... $2,000 Daniel and April Murphree support... $4,960 $11,920 Pakistan: Calvin's Academy - food... $1,200 Calvin's Academy - teacher salaries... $4,800 $6,000 Zimbabwe: Orphan educaon... $1,200 Craig Jones: City Church... $1,200 $2,400 Togo: Macklann Basse: New City Lomé... $4,960 Orphan Educaon... $3,600 Sister Therese: orphanage support... $600 $9,160 USA - First Na>on: Josh ChareAe support... $2,480 $2,480 Uganda: Ben Church support... $2,480 $2,480 SUB-TOTAL... $143,970 Administra>on costs (5%)... $7,198 Make up deficit 2017/18... $9,030 TOTAL: $ 160, F L S. P &.; (314) P 229

11 Contact our missionaries Burma Zam Khat Kham Tedim Township Chin State, Myanmar KENYA Sabia Khan Overcomers by Grace P.O. Box Nairobi, Kenya Daniel and April Murphree Joe and Elfi Muutuki P.O. Box Sarit Center Nairobi, Kenya UGANDA TOGO Ben and Kim Church Macklann and Rose Basse c/o PMI Conway Road St. Louis, Missouri Zimbabwe Craig and Mell Jones c/o City Presbyterian Church Jason Moyo Street Bulawayo, Zimbabwe LONDON Chris and Josephine Hatch 38 Marryat Road London SW19 5BD U.S.A. - First nation Josh Chare_e Great Plains Gathering 2423 Cascade Ave. Billings, MT Congo - Vanga Tim and Kathy Rice CongoHealthConnecon Pakistan Sardar and Anila Din Westminster Biblical Missions Congo - Kinshasa Leon and Adolphine Mukendi c/o NCF 1142 Hodiamont Ave St. Louis, MO


New city fellowship. international MISSIONS

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