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1 GRAND PRIORY OF KNIGHTS TEMPLAR IN ENGLAND & WALES PRECEPTORY OF AUSTRALASIA SERVICE OF INVESTITURE Saturday 14 th MARCH, 2015 at 3.00 PM St John s Anglican Church Church & Alt St, Ashfield N.S.W., Australia

2 Investiture Service, March 15 th 2015 The congregation shall assemble in their places leaving the front row of pews empty. Organist will play processional music as the official party enters the Chapel All Stand The Preceptor leads the procession into the Chapel Order of Procession: o Preceptor o Novices o Knights o Grand Prior o Chaplain The Chaplain shall receive the ceremonial sword from the Preceptor which will be placed on a side table. The Preceptor will then lead the Novices and Knights to their place in the front row of pews. 2 OSMTH - Grand Priory of England & Wales

3 Stand for the Hymn Ye know that the Lord is Gracious Ye that know the Lord is gracious, Ye for whom a corner stone Stands, of God elect and precious, Laid that ye may build thereon: See that on that sure foundation Ye a living Temple raise, Towers that may tell forth salvation, Walls that may re-echo praise. Living stones, by God appointed Each to his allotted place, Kings and priests, by God anointed; Shall ye not declare his grace? Ye, a royal generation, Tell the tidings of your birth, Tidings of a new creation To an old and weary earth. Tell the praise of him who called you Out of darkness into light, Broke the fetters that enthralled you Gave you freedom peace and sight; Tell the tale of sins forgiven, Strength renewed and hope restored, Till the earth, in tune with heaven, Praise and magnify the Lord! The Congregation may sit Preceptory of Australasia Investiture

4 The Grand Prior says words of welcome and explanation. The Chaplain says: In the name of the Father and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit: O God, you are the help and shield of all who trust in you. To you we bring these symbols of loyalty, honour and devotion. May all who look upon them be reminded of their duty to you and to our Order, through Jesus Christ Our Lord. All: Amen The Chaplain greets the whole congregation Chaplain: The Lord be with you All: And also with you All: Almighty God, to whom all hearts are open, all desires known, and from whom no secrets are hidden: cleanse the thoughts of our hearts by the inspiration of your Holy Spirit that we may perfectly love you, and worthily magnify your holy name; through Christ our Lord. Amen The Chaplain uses this invitation to confession: God so loved the world that he gave his only Son Jesus Christ to save us from our sins, to be our advocate in heaven, and to bring us to eternal life. Let us confess our sins in penitence and faith, firmly resolved to keep God s commandments and to live in love and peace with all. 4 OSMTH - Grand Priory of England & Wales

5 All: Almighty God, our heavenly Father, we have sinned against you and against our neighbour in thought and word and deed, through negligence, through weakness, through our own deliberate fault. We are truly sorry and repent of all our sins. For the sake of your Son Jesus Christ, who died for us, forgive us all that is past and grant that we may serve you in newness of life to the glory of your name. Amen Chaplain: Almighty God, who forgives all who truly repent, have mercy upon you; pardon and deliver you from all your sins; confirm and strengthen you in all goodness; and keep you in life eternal; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. All Stand All: Glory to God in the highest, and peace to his people on earth. Lord God, heavenly King, Almighty God and Father, We worship you, we give you thanks, we praise you for your glory. Lord Jesus Christ, only Son of the Father, Lord God, Lamb of God, you take away the sin of the world: have mercy on us; you are seated at the right hand of the Father: receive our prayer. For you alone are the Holy One, you alone are the Lord, you alone are the Most High, Jesus Christ, with the Holy Spirit, in the glory of God the Father. Amen Preceptory of Australasia Investiture

6 The Congregation may sit The Chaplain says the collect of the day. Chaplain: A bible reading: Ephesians 6:10-17 The whole armour of God Chaplain: This is the word of the Lord. All: Thanks be to God. The Chaplain gives a short address THE CREED All Stand All: We believe in one God the Father, the Almighty maker of heaven and earth, of all that is, seen and unseen. We believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ, the only Son of God, eternally begotten of the Father, God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not made, of one being with the Father; through him all things were made. For us and for our salvation he came down from heaven, was incarnate from the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary and was made man. For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate; he suffered death and was buried. On the third day he rose again in accordance with the Scriptures; He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of 6 OSMTH - Grand Priory of England & Wales

7 the Father. He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead, and his kingdom will have no end. We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son, who with the Father and the Son is worshipped and glorified, who has spoken through the prophets. We believe in one holy catholic and apostolic Church. We acknowledge one baptism for the forgiveness of sins. We look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come. Amen The Congregation may sit The Chaplain says the Templar Prayer as an intercession: O God, you who have made our hearts into a Temple of Your Holy Spirit, teach us to pray to You in spirit and in truth. Lord, make us skilful to do all good works, rouse us to deeds of love through Your Spirit, and arm us with the power of faith. Bring us together to your holy Temple. Bind us together as living stones. Awake in us true fellowship, so that each may serve the other in holy love. O eternal God, in your mercy remember your Poor Fellow Soldiers of the Temple, all Officers, Chevaliers and Dames, and all benefactors and friends. Lord we ask you: let the whole of Christendom be united in truth. Bring together those whom you have chosen. Break down the walls which divide us, and restrain all those who create discord. Lord, we pray you that the day may come when there is one flock and one shepherd. Give us strength and ability for our everyday work. Give us patience and faithfulness. Help us to prove true Knights Templar, and warriors for your eternal truth, so that we may praise you Preceptory of Australasia Investiture

8 in joy and at all times confess your name. Not to us, O Lord, not to us; but to your name give the glory. All: Amen. PRAYERS BEFORE ADMISSION & INVESTITURE Chaplain: Let us pray for our brothers seeking Investiture into the Order. Look upon the lives of these your servants, O Lord, and make them yours in the power of the Holy Spirit; that they may walk in your way, faithfully believing your word, obeying your commandments and always worshipping you, to the furtherance of your eternal kingdom, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Stand for the hymn Come Holy Ghost our souls inspire Come Holy Ghost, our souls inspire And lighten with celestial fire; Thou the anointing Spirit art Who dost they sevenfold gifts impart. Thy blessed unction from above Is comfort, life, and fire of love; Enable with perpetual light The dullness of our blinded sight. Anoint and cheer our soilèd face With the abundance of thy grace: Keep far our foes, give peace at home; Where thou art guide no ill can come 8 OSMTH - Grand Priory of England & Wales

9 Teach us to know the Father, Son, And thee, of both, to be but one; That through the ages all along This may be our endless song. Praise to thy eternal merit; Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen. The Congregation may sit The Preceptor reads the Rule THE MODERN RULE 1. Chapter 1: On the Temple and its Service Remember that you are a Templar, an inheritor of the Poor Fellow Soldiers of the Temple, so called because the first headquarters of our noble Order were in the precinct of the Temple in Jerusalem. Think on the word Temple and its meaning continually. As divine scripture says: One thing have I desired of the Lord which I will require; that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the fair beauty of the Lord and to visit his Temple. (Psalm 27; verse 4) Chapter 2: On Love for the Church Consider with joy that we are no longer strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God, built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the cornerstone, in whom the whole building being bonded together grows into a holy Temple to the Lord, and in whom we are built together as a dwelling of God through the Spirit. (St Paul s Letter to the Ephesians; chapter 2; verses 19 to 22) Chapter 3: On Discipline of the Body Preceptory of Australasia Investiture

10 Read over again the original Rule given to us by St Bernard of Clairvaux and seek to put it into practice in modern life. With all thankfulness for God s good gifts, resist temptation and be master of your body. Chapter 4: On Knightly Combat Be mindful that you are on the crusade of the King of Kings. Unless you take up your cross and follow me, you have no part with me, said our Master. (St Matthew s Gospel: chapter 16; verse 24) Do not be afraid to confess the King who is like no other King. May the white cloak remind you that we fight a holy war in all truthfulness; and may the red cross remind you that sacrifices must be made; for we do not fight against flesh and blood, but against potentates and powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, and against spiritual wickedness in the cosmos. (St Paul s Letter to the Ephesians: chapter 6; verse 12) Chapter 5: On Fellowship Remember that you stand beside your brother at all times, as he fights under the same banner as you. Obey your superiors, honouring Christ in them. We have only one Master, Christ; but we are all brothers. Feel responsible for your brother, for God will also ask you one day: Where is your brother? (Genesis: chapter 4; verse 9) As a knight, stand up for the weak, above all for women and children, widows and orphans who need your help. Avail yourself of the worldwide community of the Order to correspond with your brothers and sisters and visit them whenever you have the opportunity. (St Matthew s Gospel: chapter 25; verses 31 to 46) Now we have told you the things which you should do and what you should guard against... and we have not told you everything we need to tell you, but you will ask it. And may God let you say and do well. The Grand Prior and the Chaplain move to stand in front of the altar. 10 OSMTH - Grand Priory of England & Wales

11 INVESTITURE CEREMONY The Preceptor escorts each Novice to stand facing the Grand Prior and the Chaplain. The Preceptor then stands to the side of the Grand Prior facing the Novices. Grand Prior: Preceptor, do you confirm that these Novices have been duly instructed in the duties expected of them as members of this worthy Order? Preceptor: I do so confirm. Grand Prior: DK and AC attend now to the precepts of our Order. Love, honour and fear Almighty God; defend the Christian faith; be loyal and serviceable to your country, your Order and their interests. Prefer honour to wealth. Pursue justice and truth in word and deed. Cherish truth, virtue and honesty. Seek to give no willing cause of offence to any but, whilst opposing wrong and injustice, deport yourself courteously, gently and affably to all. Be of an open and liberal heart, a bounteous hand and especially devote yourselves to the poor in Christ Jesus. Raise the fallen standard of chivalrous honour and strive for the welfare of your sisters, brothers and all humanity, however much self may suffer in the contest. And I therefore ask: do you now affirm your commitments to this code of Chivalry? Novices: I do, with the help of God. The Novices kneel in front of the Grand Prior. Preceptory of Australasia Investiture

12 The Chaplain holds the Holy Bible for the each of the Novices to place their right hand upon it in turn. Grand Prior: D, do you now affirm your vow of loyalty to the Order, having examined truly and sincerely the reasons as set out in the Rule and Statutes? Novice: I do, with the help of God. Grand Prior: A, do you now affirm your vow of loyalty to the Order, having examined truly and sincerely the reasons as set out in the Rule and Statutes? Novice: I do, with the help of God. Grand Prior: I, GM, Grand Prior of the Knights Templar in England and Wales, have authority to invest Knights into this worthy Order. The Preceptor places the Knights Cross around the neck of each of the Novices. Grand Prior: Wear this Cross with humility as a symbol of the Blessed Lord Jesus Christ s crucifixion, and remember that you are His soldier and servant. The Preceptor places the Mantle around the shoulders of each of the Novices. Grand Prior: Receive this Mantle of white and crimson as a sign of the honour this day bestowed upon you, and in token of the robe of Divine Protection that will ever encompass those who are faithful and true. The Preceptor then collects the sword from the side table and stands to the side of the Grand prior facing the Novices. The Novices remain kneeling and the Preceptor proffers the sword to the Grand Prior so that he may dub the Knights Designate. 12 OSMTH - Grand Priory of England & Wales

13 Grand Prior: D, in the name of the Holy and Undivided Trinity, of our Lady and all the Saints, I dub you as a Knight of the Temple. Arise, Chevalier. Grand Prior: A, in the name of the Holy and Undivided Trinity, of our Lady and all the Saints, I dub you as a Knight of the Temple. Arise, Chevalier. The Grand Prior returns the sword to the Preceptor who places it on the side table. The new Knights stand and face the Chaplain. Chaplain: O Lord God, we ask that you may look mercifully upon your servants, and that you may turn their hearts from earthly vanity and inspire them towards love of their eternal vocation. Pour out on them the grace which abides in you; so that, fortified by the aid of your protection, they may fulfil that which He has promised. Grant that they, having completed their profession as a Knight, may deserve to attain those things you have deigned to promise to those who persevere in you, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. The new Knights turn to face the congregation. Grand Prior: Chevaliers, family and friends, let us welcome the new Members of the Temple of Jerusalem, Preceptory of Australasia. All applaud The newly Invested Knights return to their places in the front pews. The Chaplain then gives his blessing: Preceptory of Australasia Investiture

14 The peace of God, which passes all understanding, keep your hearts and minds in the knowledge and love of God, and of his Son Jesus Christ our Lord; and the blessing of God Almighty, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, be among you and remain with you always. All: Amen Chaplain: Go in peace to love and serve the Lord. All: In the name of Christ. Amen Stand for the hymn Forth in thy name O Lord I go Forth in thy name O Lord I go My daily labour to pursue; Thee, only thee, resolved to know, In all I think or speak or do. The task thy wisdom hath assigned O let me cheerfully fulfil; In all my works thy presence find, And prove thy good and perfect will. Thee may I set at my right hand, Whose eyes my inmost substance see, And labour on at thy command, And offer all my works to thee. Give me to bear thy easy yoke, And every moment watch and pray, And still to things eternal look, And hasten to thy glorious day. 14 OSMTH - Grand Priory of England & Wales

15 For thee delightfully employ Whate er thy bounteous grace hath given, And run my course with even joy, And closely walk with thee to heaven. Remain Standing At the end of the hymn, The Preceptor shall collect the Sword from the side table and then lead the procession from the Chapel. Organist shall play recessional music Onward Christian Soldiers... during the recession from the Chapel Order of recession: o Preceptor o Knights o Grand Prior o Chaplain The other members of the congregation are asked to remain in their places until the procession has left the Chapel. Thank you for joining us today on this very special occasion to witness the Investiture of our new Knights. Preceptory of Australasia Investiture

16 Background Information on the Templars The Order of the Temple of Jerusalem and the Industrial Temple is a chivalric association of Christians who take their inspiration from the highest ideals of the Order of Knights Templar, founded by Hugh de Payens in Jerusalem circa 1119 to protect pilgrims travelling to the Holy Land. The Grand Priory of Knights Templar in England and Wales also follows in the tradition of the 1841 Paris Declaration of Principles that commits the members of the modern Order to ecumenical Christianity and active charity. Membership of the Grand Priory is open to Christians, over eighteen years of age, who are willing to commit themselves to the traditions of the monastic rule of life contained in the Rule of the Templars and the code of chivalry contained in In Praise of the New Knighthood, both prepared for the medieval Order under the guidance of St Bernard of Clairvaux. The objects of the Grand Priory include: pursuing excellence in work and daily life to the greater glory of God; increasing a Christian understanding of other faiths; assisting persons undertaking pilgrimages and preserving Christian sites in the Holy Land; promoting international peace and justice; providing humanitarian relief to the poor, sick and needy; and preserving heritage sites and encouraging historical research associated with the medieval Knights Templar. The Grand Priory belongs to an international umbrella organisation, the Supreme Military Order of the Temple of Jerusalem Knights Templar International, that is recognised as a Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) by the United Nations, and that has other member Grand Priories in Argentina, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, 16 OSMTH - Grand Priory of England & Wales

17 Croatia, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Mexico, NATO, Norway, Portugal, Serbia, Sweden and the USA. Further information can be found on the OSMTH website at: the website of the Grand Priory of England and Wales at: and the Preceptory of Australasia at THE MODERN RULE Here begins the prologue to the Rule of the Temple: We speak first to all those who secretly despise their own will and desire with a pure heart to serve the Sovereign King as a knight and with studious care desire to wear, and wear permanently, the very noble armour of obedience. (from the introduction to the Primitive Rule of St Bernard of Clairvaux for the Templars) The Rule of Life of the modern Order, the Regula Moderna, was approved by the International Theological Convention of the Chaplains of the Order in November Chapter 1: On the Temple and its Service Remember that you are a Templar, an inheritor of the Poor Fellow Soldiers of the Temple, so called because the first headquarters of our noble Order were in the precinct of the Temple in Jerusalem. Think on the word Temple and its meaning continually. As divine scripture says: One thing have I desired of the Lord which I will require; that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the fair beauty of the Lord and to visit his Temple. (Psalm 27; verse 4) Chapter 2: On Love for the Church Consider with joy that we are no longer strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God, built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the cornerstone, in whom the whole building being bonded together grows into a holy Temple to the Lord, and in whom we are built together Preceptory of Australasia Investiture

18 as a dwelling of God through the Spirit. (St Paul s Letter to the Ephesians; chapter 2; verses 19 to 22) Chapter 3: On Discipline of the Body Read over again the original Rule given to us by St Bernard of Clairvaux and seek to put it into practice in modern life. With all thankfulness for God s good gifts, resist temptation and be master of your body. Chapter 4: On Knightly Combat Be mindful that you are on the crusade of the King of Kings. Unless you take up your cross and follow me, you have no part with me, said our Master. (St Matthew s Gospel: chapter 16; verse 24) Do not be afraid to confess the King who is like no other King. May the white cloak remind you that we fight a holy war in all truthfulness; and may the red cross remind you that sacrifices must be made; for we do not fight against flesh and blood, but against potentates and powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, and against spiritual wickedness in the cosmos. (St Paul s Letter to the Ephesians: chapter 6; verse 12) Chapter 5: On Fellowship Remember that you stand beside your brother at all times, as he fights under the same banner as you. Obey your superiors, honouring Christ in them. We have only one Master, Christ; but we are all brothers. Feel responsible for your brother, for God will also ask you one day: Where is your brother? (Genesis: chapter 4; verse 9) As a knight, stand up for the weak, above all for women and children, widows and orphans who need your help. Avail yourself of the worldwide community of the Order to correspond with your brothers and sisters and visit them whenever you have the opportunity. (St Matthew s Gospel: chapter 25; verses 31 to 46) Now we have told you the things which you should do and what you should guard against... and we have not told you everything we need to tell you, but you will ask it. And may God let you say and do well. 18 OSMTH - Grand Priory of England & Wales

19 This page intentionally left blank Preceptory of Australasia Investiture

20 Non nobis, Domine, non nobis, sed nomini Tuo da gloriam Psalm 115:1 The Grand Priory of Knights Templar in England and Wales, Preceptory of Australasia. Web: Facebook: Search for OSMTH - Australasia 2015 The Grand Priory of Knights Templar in England and Wales, Preceptory of Australasia. All rights reserved. 20 OSMTH - Grand Priory of England & Wales


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