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1 READING 6 Students understand, make inferences, and draw conclusions about the varied structural patterns and features of literary nonfiction. RC 11(B) Make complex inferences about text. did you know? Benjamin Franklin... started the first public library and fire department in America. founded what became the University of Pennsylvania. invented bifocal eyeglasses. (background) Page from Poor Richard s Almanack Writers of the Revolution from The Autobiography by Benjamin Franklin Meet the Author Benjamin Franklin Printer, publisher, writer, scientist, inventor, businessman, philosopher, statesman Benjamin Franklin s numerous roles only hint at the man s tremendous versatility and talent. As the oldest founding father, Franklin had already lived a full life when at the age of 70 he joined 40-year-old John Adams and 33-year-old Thomas Jefferson to draft the Declaration of Independence. Soon afterward, he loaned Congress a large sum of his own money and sailed on a leaky ship to France to arrange for more loans and a crucial alliance to fight the British. His masterly efforts abroad on behalf of the American cause earned him a reputation as one of the most successful American diplomats of all time. Only a few years before he died, his presence at the Constitutional Convention helped unify the delegates. So great was his influence that he is credited with convincing them to approve the final document by a vote of 39 to 3. A man of great integrity, intelligence, i and charm, Ben Franklin embodied the best of the new nation and became its first celebrity. Pulling Himself Up Born in Boston as the youngest of 15 children, Franklin did not want to follow in his father s footsteps t to become a candle and soap maker. Instead, he joined his brother in the printing business as an apprentice. With only two years of formal education, Franklin taught himself to write by imitating the great essayists of his day. At the age of 16, he was contributing satirical pieces to his brother s newspaper. By his own account too saucy and provoking as a youth, he soon quarreled with his brother and struck out on his own for Philadelphia. Franklin did very well in Philadelphia, prospering in his own printing business, running the successful Pennsylvania Gazette newspaper, writing his popular Poor Richard s Almanack for 26 years, and being active in colonial politics. Citizen of the World Franklin s writing from humorous satires and wise sayings to serious political essays and scientific observations on electricity as well as his diplomacy and charismatic personality made him an international celebrity. Although respected by the great minds of his age, he never lost his connection to the common people. In the words of John Adams: His reputation is greater than that of Newton, Frederick the Great or Voltaire, his character more revered than all of them. There s scarcely a coachman or a footman or scullery maid who does not consider him a friend of all mankind. Author Online Go to KEYWORD: HML

2 literary analysis: characteristics of autobiography An autobiography is the story of a person s life, written by that person. As you read this excerpt from Franklin s autobiography, notice the following characteristics of autobiography: First person: The author of an autobiography usually writes from the first-person point of view. Dual perspective: Often the author of an autobiography writes as an older person looking back on him- or herself as a younger person, providing opportunities for reflection. Significant moments: Autobiographies may vary from straightforward chronological accounts to impressionistic narratives. In either case, especially important events and people in the author s life are highlighted. reading skill: make inferences about the author Making inferences means reading between the lines making logical guesses based on evidence in the text to figure out what is not directly stated. As you read The Autobiography, make inferences about the values and motives that seem characteristic of Franklin s personality. Use a chart like the one shown to record details from the text about the 13 virtues he hopes to acquire and how he goes about doing so. What inferences can you make about him? Details or Evidence from Text Inference Is perfection possible? As a young man, Benjamin Franklin believed that human beings could actually achieve perfection in a given area. All you needed was a reasonable plan and a lot of self-discipline. Many people today also aim for perfection, although their quest may take a different path. Bookstores have whole sections devoted to self-improvement in a variety of areas, including diet, exercise, careers, and dating. QUICKWRITE Do you think perfection is possible or at least worth striving for? If you think so, outline a self-improvement plan that shows how you might achieve your goal. If you don t think perfection is possible, write a paragraph in which you explain why you think it is unattainable. Review: Connect vocabulary in context Franklin uses the following boldfaced words in describing his efforts to improve himself. Restate each phrase, using a different word or words for the boldfaced term. 1. unremitting storms that went on for weeks 2. felicity over her great good luck 3. a mansion as one symbol of affluence 4. dreamed up an artifice to avoid doing his job 5. incorrigible behavior that disgraced the family 6. a trifling problem, easily cleared up 7. would often contrive to secretly meet his friends Complete the activities in your Reader/Writer Notebook. the autobiography 267

3 The Autobiography Benjamin Franklin background Franklin was a prolific writer, producing volumes of essays, travel journals, newspaper articles, satires, speeches, almanacs, letters, and even ballads. But his great masterpiece was his Autobiography, which is still very popular today. The following excerpt details Franklin s plan to achieve moral perfection. He was about 20 years old when he first conceived the idea on one of his long, trans-atlantic voyages. The plan reveals his faith in reason, order, and human perfectibility, which was typical of 18th-century thought. 10 It was about this time I conceived the bold and arduous project of arriving at moral perfection. I wished to live without committing any fault at any time; I would conquer all that either natural inclination, custom, or company might lead me into. As I knew, or thought I knew, what was right and wrong, I did not see why I might not always do the one and avoid the other. But I soon found I had undertaken a task of more difficulty than I had imagined. While my care was employed in guarding against one fault, I was often surprised by another; habit took the advantage of inattention; inclination was sometimes too strong for reason. I concluded, at length, that the mere speculative conviction that it was our interest to be completely virtuous, was not sufficient to prevent our slipping; and that the contrary habits must be broken, and good ones acquired and established, before we can have any dependence on a steady, uniform rectitude of conduct. For this purpose I therefore contrived the following method. a In the various enumerations of the moral virtues I had met with in my reading, I found the catalogue more or less numerous, as different writers included more or a Analyze Visuals What do the details of this famous painting suggest about Franklin? autobiography What characteristics of autobiography do you find in the first paragraph of this selection? 268 unit 1: early american writing Benjamin Franklin (1767), David Martin. Oil on canvas. White House Historical Association, Washington, D.C.

4 FPO the autobiography 269

5 20 30 fewer ideas under the same name. Temperance, for example, was by some confined to eating and drinking, while by others it was extended to mean the moderating every other pleasure, appetite, inclination, or passion, bodily or mental, even to our avarice and ambition. I proposed to myself, for the sake of clearness, to use rather more names, with fewer ideas annexed to each, than a few names with more ideas; and I included under thirteen names of virtues all that at that time occurred to me as necessary or desirable, and annexed to each a short precept, which fully expressed the extent I gave to its meaning. These names of virtues, with their precepts were: 1. TEMPERANCE. Eat not to dullness; drink not to elevation. 2. SILENCE. Speak not but what may benefit others or yourself; avoid trifling conversation. 3. ORDER. Let all your things have their places; let each part of your business have its time. 4. RESOLUTION. Resolve to perform what you ought; perform without fail what you resolve. 5. FRUGALITY. Make no expense but to do good to others or yourself; i.e., waste nothing. 6. INDUSTRY. Lose no time; be always employed in something useful; cut off all unnecessary actions. 7. SINCERITY. Use no hurtful deceit; think innocently and justly; and, if you speak, speak accordingly. 8. JUSTICE. Wrong none by doing injuries, or omitting the benefits that are your duty. 9. MODERATION. Avoid extremes; forbear resenting injuries so much as you think they deserve. 10. CLEANLINESS. Tolerate no uncleanliness in body, clothes, or habitation. 11. TRANQUILLITY. Be not disturbed at trifles, or at accidents common or unavoidable. 12. CHASTITY. Rarely use venery but for health or offspring, never to dulness, weakness, or the injury of your own or another s peace or reputation. 13. HUMILITY. Imitate Jesus and Socrates. 1 b My intention being to acquire the habitude of all these virtues, I judged it would be well not to distract my attention by attempting the whole at once, but to fix it on one of them at a time; and, when I should be master of that, then to proceed to another, and so on, till I should have gone through the thirteen; and, as the previous acquisition of some might facilitate the acquisition of certain others, I arranged them with that view, as they stand above. Temperance first, as it tends to Language Coach Conciseness in Writing Franklin s precepts (following line 24) are concise, or brief and clear. Reread lines 19 23, and explain Franklin s reasons for giving concise explanations of the virtues. Why are fewer words more effective? trifling (trfpflgng) adj. frivolous; inconsequential trifle v. b MAKE INFERENCES Based on Franklin s list of virtues, what inference can you make about his view of his own moral character? Explain. 1. Socrates (sjkpre-tczq): Greek philosopher (470? 399 B.C.) who believed that true knowledge comes through dialogue and systematic questioning of ideas; he was executed for his beliefs. 270 unit 1: early american writing

6 procure that coolness and clearness of head, which is so necessary where constant vigilance was to be kept up, and guard maintained against the unremitting attraction of ancient habits, and the force of perpetual temptations. This being acquired and established, Silence would be more easy; and my desire being to gain knowledge at the same time that I improved in virtue, and considering that in conversation it was obtained rather by the use of the ears than of the tongue, and therefore wishing to break a habit I was getting into of prattling, punning, and joking, which only made me acceptable to trifling company, I gave Silence the second place. This and the next, Order, I expected would allow me more time for attending to my project and my studies. Resolution, once become habitual, would keep me firm in my endeavors to obtain all the subsequent virtues; Frugality and Industry freeing me from my remaining debt, and producing affluence and independence, would make more easy the practice of Sincerity and Justice, etc., etc. Conceiving then, that, agreeably to the advice of Pythagoras in his Golden Verses, 2 daily examination would be necessary, I contrived the following method for conducting that examination. c I made a little book, in which I allotted a page for each of the virtues. I ruled each page with red ink, so as to have seven columns, one for each day of the week, marking each column with a letter for the day. I crossed these columns with thirteen red lines, marking the beginning of each line with the first letter of one of the virtues, on which line, and in its proper column, I might mark, by a little black spot, every fault I found upon examination to have been committed respecting that virtue upon that day. I determined to give a week s strict attention to each of the virtues successively. Thus, in the first week, my great guard was to avoid every 3 the least offense against Temperance, leaving the other virtues to their ordinary chance, only marking every evening the faults of the day. Thus, if in the first week I could keep my first line, marked T, clear of spots, I supposed the habit of that virtue so much strengthened, and its opposite weakened, that I might venture extending my attention to include the next, and for the following week keep both lines clear of spots. Proceeding T. TEMPERANCE eat not to dullness; drink not to elevation. S. M. T. W. T. F. S. S. O. R. F. I. S. J. M. C. T. C. H. Form of the pages. unremitting (OnQrG-mGtPGng) adj. constant; never stopping affluence (BfPlL-Ens) n. wealth contrive (ken-trfvp) v. to plan skillfully; to design c MAKE INFERENCES What can you infer from lines about Franklin s approach to problems? Language Coach Easily Confused Words Although successively (line 59) and successfully sound and look similar, their meanings are different. Successively means following in order, one after another. Successfully means with the result of achieving a goal. Use each word in a sentence to explain Franklin s plan for perfection. 2. Pythagoras (pg-thbgper-es)... Golden Verses: Pythagoras was a Greek philosopher and mathematician (580? 500? B.C.). 3. every: even. the autobiography 271

7 thus to the last, I could go through a course complete in thirteen weeks, and four courses in a year. And like him who, having a garden to weed, does not attempt to eradicate all the bad herbs at once, which would exceed his reach and his strength, but works on one of the beds at a time, and, having accomplished the first, proceeds to a second, so I should have, I hoped, the encouraging pleasure of seeing on my pages the progress I made in virtue, by clearing successively my lines of their spots, till in the end, by a number of courses, I should be happy in viewing a clean book, after thirteen weeks daily examination.... d 80 d autobiography The precept of Order requiring that every part of my business should have its allotted time, one page in my little book contained the following scheme of employment for the twenty-four hours of a natural day. In what way do lines provide an example of Franklin s dual perspective? the Morning. Question. What good shall I do this day? Rise, wash, and address Powerful Goodness! Contrive day s business, and take the resolution of the day; prosecute the present study, and breakfast. noon. evening. Question. What good have I done today? night Work. Read, or overlook my accounts, and dine. Work. Put things in their places. Supper. Music or diversion, or conversation. Conversation. Examination of the day. Sleep. 272 unit 1: early american writing

8 I entered upon the execution of this plan for self-examination, and continued it with occasional intermissions for some time. I was surprised to find myself so much fuller of faults than I had imagined; but I had the satisfaction of seeing them diminish. To avoid the trouble of renewing now and then my little book, which, by scraping out the marks on the paper of old faults to make room for new ones in a new course, became full of holes, I transferred my tables and precepts to the ivory 90 leaves of a memorandum book, on which the lines were drawn with red ink, that made a durable stain, and on those lines I marked my faults with a black-lead pencil, which marks I could easily wipe out with a wet sponge. After a while I went through one course only in a year, and afterward only one in several years, till at length I omitted them entirely, being employed in voyages and business abroad, with a multiplicity of affairs that interfered; but I always carried my little book with me. e My scheme of Order gave me the most trouble; and I found that, though it might be practicable where a man s business was such as to leave him the disposition of his time, that of a journeyman printer, for instance, it was not possible to be exactly observed by a master, who must mix with the world, and 100 often receive people of business at their own hours. Order, too, with regard to places for things, papers, etc., I found extremely difficult to acquire. I had not been early accustomed to it, and, having an exceeding good memory, I was not so sensible of the inconvenience attending want of method. This article, therefore, cost me so much painful attention, and my faults in it vexed me so much, and I made so little progress in amendment, and had such frequent relapses, that I was almost ready to give up the attempt, and content myself with a faulty character in that respect, like the man who, in buying an ax of a smith, my neighbor, desired to have the whole of its surface as bright as the edge. The smith consented to grind it bright for him if he would turn the wheel; he turned, while the smith pressed 110 the broad face of the ax hard and heavily on the stone, which made the turning of it very fatiguing. The man came every now and then from the wheel to see how the work went on, and at length would take his ax as it was, without farther grinding. No, said the smith, turn on, turn on; we shall have it bright by-andby; as yet, it is only speckled. Yes, says the man, but I think I like a speckled ax best. And I believe this may have been the case with many, who, having, for want of some such means as I employed, found the difficulty of obtaining good and breaking bad habits in other points of vice and virtue, have given up the struggle, and concluded that a speckled ax was best; for something, that pretended to be reason, was every now and then suggesting to me that such extreme nicety as I 120 exacted of myself might be a kind of foppery in morals, 4 which, if it were known, would make me ridiculous; that a perfect character might be attended with the inconvenience of being envied and hated; and that a benevolent man should allow a few faults in himself, to keep his friends in countenance. f In truth, I found myself incorrigible with respect to Order; and now I am grown old, and my memory bad, I feel very sensibly the want of it. But, on the whole, though I never arrived at the perfection I had been so ambitious of e MAKE INFERENCES Rereadlines Whatcanyouinferabout Franklin spersistencein pursuinghisgoals? f CoNNECt Whatinsightdoes Franklincometoabout hisquestforperfection? Considerwhatyouhave learnedinyourown lifeaboutperfection. Doeshisinsightseem reasonable? incorrigible (Gn-kôrPG-jE-bEl) adj. incapableofbeing reformedorcorrected 4. foppery in morals:excessiveregardforandconcernaboutone smoralappearance. the autobiography 273

9 obtaining, but fell short of it, yet I was, by the endeavor, a better and a happier man than I otherwise should have been if I had not attempted it; as those who aim at perfect writing by imitating the engraved copies, though they never reach 130 the wished-for excellence of those copies, their hand is mended by the endeavor, and is tolerable while it continues fair and legible. g It may well be my posterity should be informed that to this little artifice, with the blessing of God, their ancestor owed the constant felicity of his life, down to his 79th year, in which this is written. What reverses may attend the reminder is in the hand of Providence; but, if they arrive, the reflection on past happiness enjoyed ought to help his bearing them with more resignation. To Temperance he ascribes his long-continued health, and what is still left to him of a good constitution; to Industry and Frugality, the early easiness of his circumstances and acquisition of his fortune, with all that knowledge that enabled him to be a useful 140 citizen, and obtained for him some degree of reputation among the learned; to Sincerity and Justice, the confidence of his country, and the honorable employs it conferred upon him; and to the joint influence of the whole mass of the virtues, even in the the imperfect state he was able to acquire them, all that evenness of temper, and that cheerfulness in conversation, which makes his company still sought for, and agreeable even to his younger acquaintance. I hope, therefore, that some of my descendants may follow the example and reap the benefit. m g autobiography What significant moment or insight is described in this paragraph? artifice (ärpte-fgs) n. a clever means to an end felicity (fg-lgspg-tc) n. great happiness 274 unit 1: early american writing

10 Connect: Aphorisms from Poor Richard s Almanack Benjamin Franklin He that cannot obey cannot command. Don t count your chickens before they are hatched. A mob s a monster; heads enough but no brains. Well done is better than well said. Lost time is never found again. Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. If you would know the worth of money, go and try to borrow some. A friend in need is a friend indeed. Fish and visitors smell in three days. Love your neighbor; yet don t pull down your hedge. God helps them that help themselves. If you would keep your secret from an enemy, tell it not to a friend. Be slow in choosing a friend, slower in changing. Don t throw stones at your neighbors, if your own windows are glass. Eat to live and not live to eat. Love your enemies, for they tell you your faults. Better slip with foot than tongue. Three may keep a secret, if two of them are dead. Never leave that till tomorrow, which you can do today. A penny saved is a penny earned. A rolling stone gathers no moss. Make hay while the sun shines. Beware of little expenses; a small leak will sink a great ship. He that goes a borrowing goes a sorrowing. Honesty is the best policy. Little strokes fell big oaks. He that lies down with dogs shall rise up with fleas. connect: aphorisms 275

11 After Reading Comprehension 1. Recall Who are Franklin s models for the virtue of humility? 2. Clarify Why does Franklin list the virtues in the order he does? 3. Summarize What is Franklin s method for acquiring the 13 virtues? Literary Analysis 4. Make Inferences About the Author Look at the details and inferences you recorded in your chart. Now assign each of Franklin s 13 virtues to one of the following categories. What can you infer about Franklin s beliefs and values in general from his list of virtues? healthful living succeeding in the world getting along with others 5. Analyze Autobiography Like most autobiographies, Franklin s has a dual perspective in which he is both main character and narrator. Go back through the excerpt to find characterizations of Franklin as a young man and as an older man looking back on his life. Record your answers in two charts as shown. What differences do you find? READING 6 Students understand, make inferences, and draw conclusions about the varied structural patterns and features of literary nonfiction. RC 11(B) Make complex inferences about text. Character Trait Young Franklin Evidence in Text 1. Ambitious 1. I conceived the bold and arduous project of arriving at moral perfection. (lines 1 2) 2. Character Trait Old Franklin Evidence in Text 1. Honest 1. In truth, I found myself incorrigible with respect to Order; and now I am grown old,... I feel very sensibly the want of it. (lines ) Analyze Aphorisms Franklin wrote many aphorisms brief, clever statements that make wise observations about life. How might Franklin s aphorisms have helped him and others come closer to perfection? Literary Criticism 7. Critical Interpretations Some critics consider Franklin self-righteous and materialistic; others have ridiculed his plan for moral perfection as regimented and superficial. Do you find any evidence for these charges in the excerpt? Explain. Is perfection possible? Although Franklin worked diligently, he never reached perfection in all facets of his life. In what areas have you tried to reach perfection? How would you rate your efforts at self-improvement? 276 unit 1: early american writing

12 Vocabulary in Context vocabulary practice Show your understanding of the vocabulary words by answering these questions. 1. Which would cause felicity, doing well on a test or having trouble sleeping? 2. If someone created an artifice, would that person be shrewd or naïve? 3. To contrive, would you act impulsively or by plan? 4. Who is more likely incorrigible, a person with five parking tickets or one with five burglary convictions? 5. Is a trifling problem one you should ignore or act on immediately? 6. If you wanted to hide your affluence, would you probably drive an inexpensive car or take a trip around the world? 7. Is a person with unremitting joy constantly happy or never happy? word list affluence artifice contrive felicity incorrigible trifling unremitting academic vocabulary in writing document illustrate interpret promote reveal Some people have interpreted Benjamin Franklin s autobiography in a negative light. Write a short paragraph discussing the kind of lifestyle Franklin promoted. In your paper, also discuss how close you think most people come to meeting his expectations. Use at least three Academic Vocabulary words in your writing. vocabulary strategy: cognates in different languages The Romance languages French, Italian, and Spanish developed from Latin. Although English is not one of the Romance languages, many English words did originate in Latin. When words in different languages are descended from the same language and have similar or identical spellings and meanings, they are called cognates. For example, the spelling of animal is exactly the same in English and Spanish. The English word rose has a similar spelling, rosa, in Spanish. READING 1D Recognize and use knowledge of cognates in different languages and of word origins to determine the meaning of words. PRACTICE Identify the English cognate of each of the following Spanish words. Then write an English sentence using the English word. 1. tecnología 2. novela 3. diccionario 4. arrogante 5. fotographia Interactive Vocabulary Go to KEYWORD: HML the autobiography 277

13 Reading for Information MAGAZINE ARTICLE Benjamin Franklin s drive for self-improvement may seem a little excessive, but it remains a great American ideal. This article looks at the continuing American urge to change oneself for the better. 50 Ways to Fix Your Life by Carolyn Kleiner Butler Americans have long been captivated by the notion of self-improvement none more so than Benjamin Franklin. An accomplished printer, author, postmaster, scientist, inventor, and diplomat who taught himself to speak five languages, this Founding Father conceiv d the bold and arduous project of arriving at moral perfection. Today, self-help is not just a way of life it s practically a national obsession. There are 7,500 books on the topic on alone, covering just about every imaginable bad habit or dilemma. Such offerings appeal to the deeply felt American idea of before and after, says Robert Thompson, professor of media and popular culture at Syracuse University in New York, who points out the underlying similarities between Franklin and, say, Dr. Phil. If you were born a peasant in a medieval village, you knew who you were and it was very hard to change that, but here there is fluidity of class, and entire industries pop up that reflect the ultimate optimism that really anybody can be a swan and completely turn [his or her] life around. Time to change. The hard truth is that lasting change doesn t usually happen in a single TV season. In reality, of the 40 to 45 percent of people who will make New Year s resolutions come January, fewer than half will succeed within six months, according to John Norcross, professor of psychology at the University of Scranton in Pennsylvania and coauthor of Changing for Good. But the fact is that when someone makes a serious commitment to transform his or her life, it is possible. How can you cross that far-off finish line? First and foremost, you really have to be ready to do it and understand that the pros outweigh the cons. Also, research shows that keeping track of your development in a visible way charting your weight loss, for one, or graphing your heart rate and stamina is associated with sustainable lifestyle change, as is social support, whether in the form of friends, online discussion groups, or reliable, proven, self-help books. Lastly, and most important, don t give up if you tumble off the wagon now and then. Triumphant changers often see a setback as a reason to recommit to their goal, and they get back on the horse immediately. In the end, simply making a concerted effort to improve your lifestyle can have lasting benefits, no matter what the final result. Indeed, Franklin recounts, On the whole, tho I never arrived at... perfection... I was, by the endeavour, a better and happier man than I otherwise should have been if I had not attempted it. 278 unit 1: early american writing

14 Wrap-Up: Writers of the Revolution Revolutionary Ideas For colonists living in the 1770s, there was one topic around which most conversation and writing revolved: the Revolution. The writing of this period was political, and it was persuasive. It had a life-and-death purpose: to win over the hearts and minds of American colonists and the rest of the world to the belief that rebellion was necessary. Writing to Persuade Reflect briefly on each of the pieces you have just read, and select one or two you find particularly persuasive. Then, imagine you are a colonist of the time and write a letter to your local paper in which you voice your support for the ideas of the writer or writers chosen. Be sure to cite specific phrases or lines that you find convincing. Add your own thoughts and opinions to try to further persuade readers to support the rebellion. Consider thought-provoking or incendiary sentences or passages your opinions on the issues discussed in the selections how to express your viewpoint clearly and convincingly Extension LISTENING & SPEAKING Imagine yourself on the village green, part of an impassioned gathering of colonists arguing both sides of independence from England. Recast your letter as a speech and deliver it to your friends, neighbors, and political opponents. WRITING 16 Write persuasive texts to influence the attitudes or actions of a specific audience on specific issues. LISTENING AND SPEAKING 25 Speak clearly and to the point, using the conventions of language. Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death. Patrick Henry delivering his great speech on the Rights of the Colonies before the Virginia Assembly, Richmond, March 23, The Granger Collection, New York. 279

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