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1 SHOP EVENTS LLO OG GIIN N SSIIG GN NU UPP PREMIUM! SEPTEMBER 12, 2016 Th e Co m p l e t i o n Process vs. The Presence Process Sometimes we find in life that we face difficulties not because we are doing something wrong, but because we are doing something right. I knew that by releasing The Completion Process I would 1 of 26 11/25/17, 9:50 PM

2 be up against a lot. I knew I would be facing difficulties because I would be doing something right in a society that is currently based on wrong. But I must be honest and say that I had no idea that I would get the amount of resistance and antagonism that I am actually getting. And the saddest part is that most of the resistance in this initial phase has been coming at me from people that I allowed and held the very closest to me. The tonality of this year s purification theme in my relationship sector has been betrayal. When I am publicly attacked (which happens more and more now), it is difficult to know exactly what to do. I have been adhering to a policy of staying out of it entirely. I have been channeling all of my energy into my work instead. But that works only up to a point. That point is when the war against you starts to actually work. It is easy to say haters gonna hate so don t let them steal your attention when all they do is talk. Talking is painful enough. But my opposition is not content to simply talk. Instead, they take action. Action that has seriously impacted me this year. Action like tanking my amazon ratings and going behind my back to turn 2 of 26 11/25/17, 9:50 PM

3 people against me and hacking into my website and social media pages to try to shut them down and flooding my publisher with warnings and hate mail and contacting people who would hire me for appearances to talk them out of it and trying to take legal action against me. At that point, sort of like when someone drops a bomb on your country, you have to be involved whether you like it or not. side with them against you. And then there are the people in the middle. It is these people that make it feel like you just can t win. They write me s and post comments incessantly asking for a response to the attacks so they can make up their mind about you. But for many of them, if you respond by defending yourself, they tell you that you are sinking to the level of your opposition and that they are disappointed in you. If you do not respond, they assume your antagonists are right and A while back, one of my principal haters decided to take the approach of making the case that I am a fraud because according to them, I "plagiarize all of my material". The thing about my various hate groups is that they have all decided to unite against the common enemy... Me. There is even a closed Facebook group that serves as a place for all the people who hate me to coalesce. It is dedicated entirely to Anti-Teal material. And so, like a mantra that rippled through them all, plagiarism was the overwhelming accusation. For many who follow my material and whom are insecure to begin with, this frightened them. They started to feel disillusioned. They started to doubt me. Soon the people around me were flooded with s from people expressing their sudden doubt in me and asking desperately for reassurance. Naturally, when my new book, The 3 of 26 11/25/17, 9:50 PM

4 Completion Process came out, the hate groups were quick to say that it too must be plagiarized. They began throwing out names of other processes, designed by other teachers, as potential candidates for plagiarism. The devotees of an Indian cult group (pictured at right) came after me saying I had stolen the process from their Guru, Nithyananda. A Guru I had never heard of in fact until they brought the accusation against me. However, their accusation held no weight whatsoever. The two processes were not even remotely related in terms of content, both simply involved the name Completion. And now, because that angle didn t work, the hate groups are accusing me of stealing the process from Michael Brown who wrote a book called The Presence Process. At this point, I wonder whom they are going to say I took The Process from next. The problem is that it seems my haters have much more time on their hands to slander me than they have to actually be diligent about doing their research. However, yet again, we keep receiving s from worried fans who want to know if I stole the process from Michael Brown instead of Nithyananda. And this time, it doesn t feel good to just let the accusations go on without addressing it. I am not going to address the plethora of insults thrown at me by my opposition whose intent is nothing more than character assassination. But I will address their newest accusation. And this time, I actually can address it because I actually am familiar with Michael Brown. And so, for those of you who have asked for it, I will cross compare The Presence Process designed by Michael Brown with The Completion Process. To begin with, it is critical to understand that I have been using this technique formally with my own individual clients since I just so happened to used it on one of my clients in 2014 while I was on a trip in Florida. He told me I really should turn it into a formalized process. At first, I didn t think I could break the process into formalized steps. I also didn t think I could train other people to be able to do what I was doing with people (facilitating 4 of 26 11/25/17, 9:50 PM

5 the process) because of the extreme variables of the subconscious mind. But I managed to do it. I wrote the book detailing the process in 2 months. Much like a mathematician who figures out a formula after years of toying with different figures, I figured out this process as a result of many variables. It is an amalgamation of sorts. I discovered what I now call emotional Vipassana as a teen when I was being abused (this is detailed in the beginning of the book). I was introduced to the concept of visualizations involving the inner child and the safe place during the years of therapy that I underwent to overcome ritual abuse. I understand soul retrieval and developed my own methodology involving it as a result of the out of body travel I have done both spontaneously and electively since I was born. I discovered that triggers are the wormhole connecting us to the aspect of us that is unhealed so that we can create resolution through this out of body work and also by considering that any symptom we experience is our being trying to get our attention so as to heal (working with us instead of against us). Being an expert in human emotion, I designed the process the way it is designed specifically to resolve emotional wounds. The exact formula as to how all these different elements are supposed to fit together and why came to me and through me as a kind of revelation. My antagonists claim that I took the process from Michael Brown s presence process. But the chronology is amiss. I discovered Michael Brown because I was facilitating one of my clients with what is now called The Completion Process. During this session, this client of mine said that 1 of the 18 steps in the completion process, including my suggestion of unconditional presence reminded her of the teachings of Michael Brown and his process that he calls The Presence Process. I eventually did read the Presence Process and loved it. We usually do love the things we already agree with. This was YEARS AFTER The Completion Process was created (or channeled). 5 of 26 11/25/17, 9:50 PM

6 But for those of you who still want to know the difference between the two processes, I will outline them for you because I am familiar with The Presence Process and I am the very person who created The Completion Process. Cross Comparison of The Presence Process and The Completion Process: Like Eckhart Tolle, Michael Brown is a master of presence. Presence is not a concept that is owned by either teacher (nor by me nor by anyone in existence). It is a staple of spiritual practice and has been for thousands upon thousands of years. Instead, it is a state of being that any and all people will eventually develop awareness of when they progress down the path of spiritual awakening. One thing that bothers me relative to intellectual property and spirituality is that if you take 2 people on opposite sides of the globe and make them meditate for years and write down their findings, you would essentially see the exact same thing (or we would hope) coming out of those writings. This is why the core of religions around the world is the same. At that point, the question would be who plagiarized whom? The answer is neither. It is the same because they are writing about the same thing. In spirituality, teachers essentially write about the same thing in their own words. Soul retrieval for example was practiced by the Shamans in South America and simultaneously by African Healers (despite the fact that they never met or interacted). Anyone who developed the capacity to astral travel spoke about the fact that aspects of soul get stuck in space and time. Anyone who developed the capacity to astral travel developed techniques 6 of 26 11/25/17, 9:50 PM

7 for retrieving those stuck aspects. The main difference between The Presence Process and The Completion Process is that The Presence Process is designed to teach a person how to be 100% fully present with themselves no matter how they feel (bad or good). Michael Brown has essentially managed to formalize mindfulness meditation for the western world. He has made it so mindfulness meditation is no longer an abstract practice. The entire point of The Presence Process is just as the name suggests, Presence. The idea being that if you develop the capacity for unconditional presence, everything else, such as healing and awareness and insight will immediately occur on its own because the consciousness that is being directed in presence practice IS in and of itself the healing force. The Completion Process on the other hand could reasonably be called a modern day soul retrieval process. It is designed specifically to help you unhook from past traumas that you have experienced. And it is no surprise that being unconditionally present with your triggers (strong emotional reactivity) is the first step to being able to go back in time and perform a soul retrieval on yourself. Even though healing is the result that both processes create, The Processes themselves have two different overall aims. The Presence Process is a ten-week experiential process that involves the following steps: W e e k O n e : The reader commences Michael s 15-minute breathing practice 2 times daily to both start and end the day. Being fully aware of the in breath 7 of 26 11/25/17, 9:50 PM

8 and out breath. Breathing without pausing no matter what. This practice is to continue for the full 10 weeks. The reader begins practicing the art of synchronizing the conscious response I am here now in this with the breath. I on the in breath Am on the out breath. Here on the in breath. Now on the out breath. In on the in breath. And This on the out breath. The reader is told that any discomfort they encounter is an indication of charged emotion surfacing for integration. Week Two: The reader is asked to recognize their reflections and projections. They are asked to notice their reactivity and to realize that their reactivity is nothing more than the result of an un-healed aspect of their own being that needs integration. They are asked to recognize how they are projecting this unhealed aspect of themselves onto whatever situation is causing them to react. The reader is asked to stop focusing on the circumstance that upset them and to instead realize that the upset is a messenger for the unhealed aspect of themselves. Week Three: The reader is asked to respond instead of react. They are asked to respond by taking their attention off of the event or person who is upsetting them, stepping away from the story that is causing them to react (dis-identifying). And placing their attention on how they are feeling instead. They are encouraged to become aware of the fact that this is a reflection of something unhealed and to become aware of what that unhealed something is by asking When did I last experience this same felt resonance? (This is the step that is the most similar to one of the steps of The Completion Process. Both processes recognize that when someone is emotionally triggered, it is an indication that the un-healed past is vying for attention. However, The Presence Process asks you to have this awareness so that you can awaken from the pre-written drama (dis-identify from it). On the other hand, The Completion Process uses this awareness to actually enter the past and to alter it (use your identification with it to create resolution). Week Four: The reader is asked to learn how to feel unconditionally. This is the basis of unconditional presence. It means that no matter how you feel, you are there with the feeling instead of trying to change it. The reader is 8 of 26 11/25/17, 9:50 PM

9 told to be with the way they feel without trying to understand it, fix it, change it, visualize, transform, manipulate or heal it in any way. Michael suggests that if you feel the upset, the unhealed past that is linked to it is instantly integrated into the consciousness. Week Five: The reader is asked to connect with their own innocence. Michael asks the reader to connect to their child self, the one who is unhealed and to realize that their current upset has nothing to do with what is happening now. He proposes that the reader can imagine their child self standing in front of them and feeling exactly how they feel. The reader is then asked to be completely unconditionally present with how the child feels without trying to change how the child feels in any way. They are asked to practice unconditional presence with the child self. This is an exercise presented in the book and not an actual part of The Presence Process itself. He suggests that this is not necessary to do but that it may help you connect to your childhood self and recover your innocence. Week Six: The reader is asked to move into a state of being (not a doing step). Where they are asked to show up to any experience they may have and any charged emotion. The reader is asked to deepen their commitment to presence. This week the reader is being asked to have awareness of the state of being-ness. This practice bares the closest resemblance to the teachings of Buddhist mindfulness (teachings also given by Eckhart Tolle). The reader is told that along with their morning and night breathing practice, when they are upset, they are to practice the formal steps of presence (which we can say are the actual formal steps of the presence process) 1. Dismiss the messenger (the now situation causing them to be upset). 2. Turn their attention inside on the way the upset makes them feel. 3. Then they are to be 100% unconditionally present with how they feel and to feel it without agenda. No fixing it, no manipulating it and no trying to understand it. By feeling it without condition, the reader is told that it will integrate and be digested by the conscious. Week Seven: The reader is asked to begin a practice, which they will 9 of 26 11/25/17, 9:50 PM

10 continue for the next 3 weeks. The reader is asked to submerge themselves in a bath of comfortably warm water for 15 minutes. The reader is asked to focus on any feeling that surfaces as a result of being in the water. Then they are asked to dry off and immediately attend to their 15 minute breathing session. The reader is asked to not allow themselves to be absorbed in any story about why they feel the way they feel or what it means but instead to experience their own mental confusion that arises as a result of being present with the way they feel. The idea is that by dis-identifying with the feelings but being fully present with them, a state of wholeness and holiness is restored. Week Eight: The reader is asked to recognize that they cannot seek or make peace; they can only realize it. They are asked to realize it through forgiveness. Michael explains how we end up unhealed in childhood as a result of not being unconditionally loved. The reader is encouraged to forgive their parents and bless them with the unconditional love that they, themselves wanted from their parents. This creates peace. The reader is encourages to be unconditionally loving (forgiving) towards themselves by being unconditionally present with the way they feel regardless of whether they feel positive or negative. The reader is then asked to humbly pray for forgiveness. Week Nine: The reader is asked to recognize their unconscious definition of love because Michael suggests that this is the barrier we have to unconditional love. Michael suggests Our unconscious definition of love is the resonance of the emotional signature we experienced as children whenever we needed to be loved. The reader is asked to identify the way they felt when they needed to be loved (for example, lonely or angry). The reader is asked to acknowledge that this is their unconscious definition of love and therefore is the barrier to being unconditionally loving. The reader is asked to realize that in order to experience unconditional love, they must stop looking for love externally and give love to themselves instead through being unconditionally present with themselves and by practicing the art of giving what we need to ourselves. For example, the reader is encouraged to stop seeking success externally and instead to simply imagine what success 10 of 26 11/25/17, 9:50 PM

11 feels like right here and now. Michael suggests that by doing this, success will naturally come to us which is different than trying to get success externally. The reader is asked to become aware that giving unconditionally is receiving. Week Ten: The reader is invited to consciously enter the unified field by realizing that they are not separate from everything they see as other in the world. Much like the teachings of non-duality and oneness, Michael asks the reader to behave as if they are one with all life around them. He suggests that to be able to feel this unification, we must stop doing and instead learn how to be. The reader is asked to begin the practice of appreciation by giving things around them and ultimately themselves unconditional felt attention because by doing so, they are automatically seeing and acknowledging the value of it. The reader is then asked to continue this (along with the previous nine steps of practice) as a way of living within the world. Anyone who is familiar with The Completion Process can already see how different these two processes are. But for those of you who are not familiar with The Completion Process, allow me to summarize it. The steps of The Completion Process are as follows: Create a Safe Haven. We set up a Safe Haven (safe place) in our mind, and we also create a primary Safe Support Figure. This has to be done only 11 of 26 11/25/17, 9:50 PM

12 once, unless you wish to create a different kind of place at another time. Emotional Vipassana. We practice Emotional Vipassana in order to explore the feeling or trigger. When we have a strong uncomfortable emotion or feeling in the present, we close our eyes and sink into the feeling. We familiarize ourselves with the unique sensations of the feeling. We are unconditionally with that feeling, experiencing and observing it without needing it to change. After a time, we see if we can name the feeling. We can do this with ourselves regardless of whether there is a particular feeling present; it is simply much easier and more impactful when a strong emotion is present. Validate the Present Feeling. We give the emotion or feeling the message that we are completely with it, that we see it as valid, that we care about it, and that we are ready and want to know what it has to say. We are open to fully receiving it. Invite the Memory to Surface. We use the sensations of the feeling like a rope connecting us to the origin or causation of that very feeling. We ask, When was the first time I felt this exact same feeling? And instead of mentally chasing the answer, we let our being offer it up to us like a bubble floating up from the depths of the ocean in whatever form it comes. Re-Experience the Memory. If/when a memory surfaces, we observe and experience the memory in whatever way it comes to us. We take time to be present with the intensity of the feeling of the memory. We emotionally reexperience it. Validate the Feeling within the Memory. We give the emotion in the past (same as we did when it was present tense) the message that we are completely with it, that we see it as valid, that we care about it, and that we are ready and want to know what it has to say. We are open to fully receiving it. Step into Adult Perspective within the Memory. When we feel ready, we step out of the perspective we are currently in (such as first person) within the 12 of 26 11/25/17, 9:50 PM

13 memory and step into the perspective of our current adult self within the memory. In other words, we move from passively witnessing the memory to active visualization. Validate the Child s Emotions. We comfort and show affection and unconditional, focused presence to our child self in the scene with one prerogative in mind, validation of the child s emotions. We give the child the message that it is right and OK to feel how they feel, and we give the child permission to fully feel how they feel. If we feel unequipped to do this, we bring our Safe Support Figure from the Safe Haven into the scene to do this for our child self. Await Relief. We wait for the child self in the scene to naturally move in the direction of relief (keeping in mind the child selves may just need you to prove that you will be there for them forever, just as they are). Call Back Other Fractured Aspects of Self. We call back any other fractured aspects of the self that are present in that one scene and lovingly merge them into the core child self, so we are only dealing with one child self. Meet the Child s Needs within the Memory. When and if the child feels validated and is ready to move forward emotionally, we take action to find a resolution to the situation at hand. This is where creativity and individuality are important. We must find out what need is not being met and meet it. We can say things to our child selves that make them feel good. We can stand up for our childhood selves. Give suggestions and take suggestions but, ultimately, trust yourself (or the person doing the process) to know what is needed to alter the circumstance. Above all, trust the child self in the scene to know what he or she wants and needs. Choice to Stay or Go. When a feeling of relief has occurred as a result of taking action to change the circumstance in the memory, we give the child the choice to stay in the memory/visualization or to come to the Safe Haven. Check for Completion. If the child chooses to stay, we ask the child why 13 of 26 11/25/17, 9:50 PM

14 he or she wishes to stay, we respond accordingly, and we repeat Steps if necessary before bringing the process to a close. As we repeat the steps, we check again for any more nonintegrated, fractured aspects of the child self that might still be stuck in the memory. If we find any, we merge them into one child self and ask again. We trust the child to know what is right for him or her and we meet all of the child s needs within the context of the memory. If the child wants or needs someone to stay, we leave an aspect of ourselves or our Safe Support Figure there with our child self. If the child chooses to go to the Safe Haven, the child is brought to the Safe Haven. Enter Safe Haven and Deactivate the Memory. Coming into the safe haven, the memory the child was taken out of is then closed (for example, shrunk or popped like a balloon). Create Purification and Healing. Place the child (or children) in the healing water and bathe them as a purifying and healing ritual for entering into the Safe Haven. The child drinks the water as well. This symbolically ends the previous life in the memory so that the child can begin a new life here in the Safe Haven. Meet the Child s Needs within the Safe Haven. The child s needs and wants are met within the context of the Safe Haven to the degree that the person doing the process feels as if the session is complete. Option to Stay or Merge. The child is given the choice to stay in the Safe Haven or to rejoin and merge with the adult perspective. If the child chooses to stay, lovingly embrace and support that choice. If the child chooses to merge, we imagine the child merging with our adult perspective and becoming a part of us, like a puzzle piece going back into place. Return to Conscious Perspective. We return to conscious perspective, taking at least a few deep breaths as we bring our consciousness back to real time. And we gently take time to re-acclimate to the sharpness of our surroundings and the new level of integration and presence that we feel. We need to be present with the way we feel when we come out of the process. Our body needs to process the integration that just occurred. 14 of 26 11/25/17, 9:50 PM

15 The Completion Process is not a practice that unfolds over the course of several weeks. It is a single sitting process that is designed to be done any time someone feels emotionally triggered. Both Michael Brown and I agree that to heal past trauma, you must not try to escape from the pain you are feeling when you become upset. You must instead go towards the feeling. Both Michael Brown and I agree that unconditional presence is the principal agent for gaining awareness and consequently for healing. Michael Brown suggests in his process that going towards the feeling with an attitude of unconditionality is in and of itself enough to fully transform it so we can experience ourselves as whole again. And I suggest that the reader in fact capitalize on the feeling in order to journey backwards in time specifically to understand it, fix it, change it, visualize, transform, manipulate and heal it. So The Presence Process and The Completion Process in fact directly oppose one another in this respect. Wherever hatred exists, people who are creating revolutions within the system will be a target for attack. Unfortunately, slander works because people believe what they hear. If something is repeated enough and by enough people, everyone assumes it must be right. This is why consensus that is reached by a group of people fueled by hatred is such a dangerous thing. 15 of 26 11/25/17, 9:50 PM

16 Report Blogpost " G GO O TTO OB BLLO OG GPPO OSSTTSS Teal's Blog # + % & ' 55 N NEEX XTT USER FEEDBACK 7 7 Co m m e n t s of Page 1 of 5 ( 11/25/17, 9:50 PM

17 Dr Choudry Teal, the opposition to your work is related to ego-fears as you bring down the old paradigm. This is how it was supposed to be. Be careful. But keep going. You are doing an awesome job. I can only imagine how difficult it must be to keep balancing these energies. I honor your courage as you keep showing up the way you do. Crystal Rob Posted September 12, 2016 (edited) Report Dear Teal, I am one of your supporters. I hope everyone who loves you responds to this situation. I want your very own Safe Support Person to defend you in the face of all this adversity. I do believe though, this very thing happening is in itself catalytic; just like you yourself are. I am though, angry as hell with all these haters and I don't even know one of them. Put one in front of me and let me have a go! I do understand what you mean by similar meditation and awareness investigating processes have a familiarity about them - your creating a Safe Haven was so familiar to me I thought maybe you'd been in my head! I have used such a very similar visualisation in a singing bowl group meditation. The difference lies in that I gave my own imagined Sanctuary to them rather than have them create their own. Having now mostly read your amazing Completion Process book (I excitedly purchased 3 of them!) tomorrow night I am going to help a group of Hawkes Bay, NZ, healers create their own Safe haven and Safe Support Person. My hope is that these people who help others in a variety of ways - from Clairvoyance, energy healing and community support, then get excited and help others do the same. Spread the Word so to speak. Of course your name will be prominent in all this; not only do I have a pull-up banner of 3 of your energy paintings to help raise the vibration of my sessions, but I will read them the main steps from your CP book. I will also have 2 of your books there for anyone who wants to borrow them. One big difference is that I now have made you my very own Safe Support person. I hope that's OK? Your name is getting out there Teal. Such a pity that the overall negativity of America, it's 17 of 26 11/25/17, 9:50 PM

18 foreign policies and politics (that are funny-stupid, comical and seriously F---- ed-up at the same time) along with other parts of the world of course - are impacting on you and your Teal Tribe community. Obviously there are parallels in history of the similar persecution - humans, eh! Keep the faith - there are so many that believe in you. And to those Doubters out there who question Teal - I say "mirror..?". Love and Light Teal Rob C Ediited September 12, 2016 by Crystall Rob Havellock NZ I believe Teal Tribe is the overall group affected and questioning. teal's intentional community not so much. A q u a r i a n Teal, please talk to the haters...one on one. I dont like someone slanders you for whatever their personal reasons are. They may be watching you very closely to try to topple you down. So, better be watchful and take a proactive action...a concerned tealer. S a t o r i _ S e n y a I'm glad you have stepped up to defend yourself. I understand that sometimes it's best to just let the haters be, but the way these attacks have escalated merits defense. To do anything less would be masochistic. Also, any time I've had what I guess could be called doubts about you, they didn't last long. I am a person who carefully considers things and uses my sense of reason and intuition to feel things out, and frankly you just make sense to me. You make more sense than any other human being I've come across. I certainly don't claim to be universally objective (my emotions totally run away with me all the time... hey, I'm passionate lol), but I trust in my ability to ascertain whether someone is being truthful or not about what's in their heart. Against all odds, you have chosen to love humanity instead of hate it. It takes incredible strength and courage to choose love, and even more to dedicate yourself to the path of humanitarianism when you have been wounded so deeply by people. But I can see your sincerity. It's reflected in everything you do! My hope is that anyone who is experiencing doubts about you will confront their 18 of 26 11/25/17, 9:50 PM

19 fears and clear away whatever is clouding their perception. With love, Sam A m a z a w a I did not realize the attacks were so personal and so close to you. Amidst all this, please allow me to say that your Completion Process is the reason that I have decided to commit to this life instead of checking out. It is now the main focus of my life, and everyone that I have helped through the process have experienced miraculous shifts. Thank you for the courage and the love you showed to make this life-giving process public. Please know that there are also many like me who love and support you with all our heart. C e r e n There was this time when my mom got disgusted by me and hated me for not doing what she asked of me. She immediately attacked me harshly and insulted me. I couldn't do anything. I just sat there like a stone. It took me 1 and a half hour to process what happened. After peeling through all my emotions, I came to the understanding that she attacked me so viciously because she was equally hurt inside about something. Those people attacking you is an indicator that you are onto something meaningful, life changing and vital. You merely released a source inspired healing gem out into the world. Some of us fight it with all our might and blood because we are not ready to face our wounds that way, yet. We try to hurt you really badly without realising that is exactly how much we are hurt inside. We hate you for trying to really bring our attention to our insides. The rest of us are ready to take it further step by step and heal our wounds with your generous, compassionate and kind help offer. We are the lucky ones. We take you for someone who really knows what it's like to hurt inside and who is so compassionate that she wants each and every single one of us to heal. We are able to take you for the person you are; someone with her heart full of love. Thank you for all the guidance and help. Thank you for being our mother, Teal. You can only take us so far. From here on, we have to take our own responsibilty and decide 19 of 26 11/25/17, 9:50 PM

20 whether we are going to put our efforts into our healing or opposing it. Oh, and we love you. We are grateful to you. Please, keep doing what you do. Heike Baumeister - Kumutat Dear Teal, despite of negative responses your book is sold out. Although we preordered weeks ago, we were informed that we won t get it before the end of october! So, don t worry, your work is needed and appreciated! Lots of love Heike H e a t h e r The world is becoming unsteady. I feel it. This is one of those things, people clinging to old ways of understanding to make sense of new things. The pain is always greatest right before the rebirth, we are in its throes. I know you feel it Teal. We all feel it. The interrogation of our beliefs is important. The question for me all along that has arisen for this is: why does it matter to people so much? Why does it affect anything. If something works, it works, interrogating the validity of it is nonsense because your experience of it validated it. I am sure these claims are baseless, but I implore us all to realise that our infatuation with copyright, with "owning" something is an old understanding. I felt this was an articulate piece of writing and I know there must've been pain and discomfort associated with producing it. Thank you Teal. Your pain in front of us is such a gift to everyone, even if we do not thoroughly understand it yet. Cindy Stoddard I got "CP" about a week ago and have been using it a ton. I have been using inner child processes for over 30 years and wasn't really very interested in yet another version. But - wow - this is a different process in ways that have my inner children finally reintegrating. 20 of 26 11/25/17, 9:50 PM

21 Yes it's very hard work. I've been going back to re-experience ritual abuse. What I love about CP is the relief I've felt and my freedom from fear. FINALLY! It has helped me understand my dificulty with letting go of guilt. Now it all makes sense. So I'm so grateful to you Teal. You put yourself out there with such courage. Your changing our world. Personally I think the people who want to pull you down are actually making you stronger. Blessings, Cindy L u a t Thank you. A u t u m n e a g l e Dear Teal, Thank you for sharing your Completion Process and all your knowledge via YouTube for free; as well as these blogs, which are beautifully written and so satisfying to read. Also thank you for your other two books (which I look forward to eventually reading) and amazing frequency art work and tarot cards. Thank you for your bravery and courage in sharing your life story and message; it is reaching the right people! Thank you for standing in the face of adversity and for helping me on my journey. You have provided me with special keys and missing links that have transformed my life for all the better. Please know that for every negative whiner, there are several people who feel like me. Love, peace, and support from Alaska! L o v i n g l o v e 21 of 26 11/25/17, 9:50 PM

22 First, I would like to tell you that I do love you very much and that your work has changed my life in a very beautiful way. Second...I LOVE YOU TEAL I hope that you know that you have and keep changing and saving many lives. Sending you lots of love and light, Judi L a r a B e r g As an artist I know that similar ideas for artworks become actual artworks at the same time in different places all over the planet. The authors of these artworks, of course, don t know about others working with the same idea, and, for sure, their work has nothing to do with plagiarism. There are obvious differences in the way these artists present the idea, but sometimes the work they have created has so many similarities, that you may think that there must be some direct influence. Some artists even try to prove that some other artist has stolen their idea. Often it may be that less successful artist accuses more successful artist for stealing their idea and plagiarism. It is almost impossible to prove that this is not the case. Some ideas are just meant to manifest in the visible form at certain time. Many artists and creative people feel inspired to work in this direction, because the whole situation in the world around them tells that this is the subject you should be working with now. And then there are many artworks born that have same tendencies, use similar techniques, same materials, and express same ideas. And the whole world benefits from this process. Teal, your work is needed right here and right now, and you have given the world an important tool for healing. Many other people express the same ideas, but the way you have presented your work is simple and understandable, and it works well for many. I hope more and more people will find joy and piece through the Completion Process. S i l v Teal, when I felt stuck in life, your you tube videos, workshops, and books helped me 22 of 26 11/25/17, 9:50 PM

23 tremendously and still continues to help me. I absolutely love my life and you played a big part in helping me rediscover myself, my self worth, and love with your teaching and wisdom. In this moment, right now, I send you my deepest and warmest gratitude for what you do. Your love and wisdom heals so many. This blog has motivated me even more to persevere when challenges arise. Thank you again. Another lesson learned. Sending you much love. silvia A r n e The way to appreciate fresh air is standing close to a smoking fire... A n d r e a G Kia Ora from New Zealand, thank you so much for coming to NZ Teal. I am so grateful to have met you and found your blog, books and videos. I love your work, it resonates truth, authenticity and it is so useful in making my life better. I am going to do the training so that I can facilitate the Completion Process for others. I look forward to meeting you again one day soon. Kia kaha (stay strong). I am not worried about your haters, they will find new things to amuse themselves with soon. They are full of fear and insecurities-hopefully they will try the Completion Process on themselves and be Tealed. Arohanui, I love you. 23 of 26 11/25/17, 9:50 PM

24 K D a n s e r That's amazing that you took that much energy to address the things being spread. I love that you saw it from a perspective not your own as to give outsiders real information instead of opinion. Your amazing and you will and are changing the world. We are here with you every step of the way unconditionally presence and supportive no matter what. I love you Teal. Thank you for not giving up. I'm here if you need anything Always and Forever, Anastasia Dansereau Olivera Stevanovic Posted September 13, 2016 Report Michael Brown is the best spiritual teacher ever, because he made his two books The presence process and The Alchemy of the heart and vanish from public appearance. You can hunt youtube for his videos, but there are several, 5 years ago. He said what he had to say and went back to life in private. His techniques are also rutted in ZEN PRACTICE of conscious breathing. Simple to do, silence your thinking and healing will occur. But not enough or the book or seminar... Teal, you just violated laws of intellectual properties by publishing Michaels book summary here..hahhaha, just joking... But seriously, you should do some public appearance diet, and things should fall in place for you. You should take of youtube your videos about suicide, about pedophiles, your talking about your coming from the Liran stars etc.. everybody should have the right to change his mind, or thinking... this videos of yours are bed for spreading because it is not the throught everybody agrees on. Also, publishing what kind of yoni eggs you are having is a low taste provocation.. joking about that in private circle is ok, but sharing with XXXXXX XY people must bumerang on your lovely head. You do not need that kind of stuff in your biography as spiritual teacher. I was watching your videos, and there is a great value in them, but you must cut of the wrong things form your yutube channel.. That is my opinion, you could erase this letter but I think you should know what is the critical points people can hold against you, 24 of 26 11/25/17, 9:50 PM

25 maybe you co not see them. best regards, Olivera N E X T Page 1 of 5 ( Create an account or sign in to comment You need to be a member in order to leave a comment Create an account Sign up for a new account in our community. It's easy! Register a new account Sign in Already have an account? Sign in here. Sign In Now # Sign in with Facebook + Sign in with Google Submit Question (to Ask Teal Video Series) Become A Completion Process Practitioner Volunteer Media Coverage Images Press Kit Store FAQ Premium FAQ 25 of 26 11/25/17, 9:50 PM

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