Hey! Welcome back! This video is going to be fun because I m going to now do an Angel

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1 Your Angel Card Reading This is an unedited, direct transcription from the Intuitive Angel Card Readings Video Course by Melanie Beckler. Copyright All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, published, or sold in whole or in part in any form without the prior written consent of the author. Hey! Welcome back! This video is going to be fun because I m going to now do an Angel card reading for you using the ascension Angel cards which is the second Angel Oracle card deck that I ve created. And it is also beautiful and powerful for doing intuitive Angel card readings. So, let s go ahead and do a reading setup. And you can join me in doing this to get some practice for when you do your own readings. Okay, so let s go ahead and focus inward. I ask that we be surrounded by 100 thousand Angels, with an immense amount of light and love and the direct presence of spirit. I m now focusing my awareness within and taking a quick minute to just ground the room, to ground my energy, grounding my aura, and releasing any lower vibrations in my space or yours into the light of the divine. Angels, please usher out any lower vibrational energies or doubts or fears filling this space with love, light, and divine presence. And so now, there s so much light around us, we re in the presence of Angels, and I m envisioning above my head that brilliant orb of divine light raining down upon me, a waterfall of light, a column of light along my spine, down my grounding column, all the way to the light at the core of the earth. Feel your oneness with the light of the divine at the core of the earth, your oneness with all that is, and now let the light flow up, in through your earth star chakra, in through the bottom of your feet, up along the legs, into each of the chakras of your physical body, uniting them all in one column of brilliant white light, continuing up out the top of your head, into your higher chakra energy centers which all open to the divine light like beautiful flowers, and continue up to the direct presence with source, God, divine, all that is. Breathe and feel this amazing connection with source, and let the divine light energy flow around, creating the reading bubble of protection, of high vibration, of love, creating a safe, focused, protected, present magical space for this reading. And I m surrounding you in this reading bubble as well, placing my rose separation object between us. And now, I m just consciously checking in with my clairvoyant screen, clearing it off. I could even dissolve it into the light and build a new one. And now, loosely focusing on my heart, throat, third eye, crown, casual chakra, Angels, please assist us in tuning into whatever information will most serve, will most help in this reading. And I ask that my Angels and your Angels both come in and assist me in tuning into knowledge, guidance, truth, for the highest and greatest good, according to divine will. And so, it is Now, just aware of all the light around us, the incredible presence of Angels, of the 1

2 divine, of love, now picking up my cards, I am envisioning these surrounded with light to just quickly cleanse their energy and elevate their vibration. I now want to ask my question. And so, this is a question for you. What do you most need to know? What do the Angels most want to share with you with where you are now? Having pretty much completed the intuitive Angel card reading course, what guidance do the Angels have for you right here and now? So, I m envisioning light around the cards and just shuffling them, looking for the cards that stand out. I m going to do a three card reading this time. And so, our first card is the present situation. Our second card is going to be the challenge, and that would be that one. And our third card is the Angel s guidance to carry you into the future. So, what is our guidance card? And there it is. Okay. Our first card which is the present situation is Awakened creativity. Immediately, this card tells me that the situation now that you ve gone through the course is greater awakening. This is not only talking about creativity. It s also talking about your intuition. Your intuition has been awakened to a new level. And intuition and creativity are so closely tied, so the same processes and energies you use to setup your reading, to connect with the Angels, to receive the Angelic guidance can be used for you to tune into fresh and new creative ideas. So, the Angels are communicating that what you ve learned so far in the intuitive Angel card reading course is not only if you want to do readings for others. This is about bringing healing and blessings and opportunities into your life because your authentic self, your authentic light has been activated to a new level, this is required to tune into intuition and to the guidance of Angels. But in doing so, it s also awakened your creativity. So, in the days to come, as you do your Angel card readings, as you receive the Angelic guidance, as you just tune into the presence of Angels and enjoy the incredible frequency shift that comes as a result of connecting with Angelic presence and guidance, you are also going to receive creative inspiration, nudges about action steps to take, nudges about things that you could do to bring blessing into any and all areas of your life. This is the creativity the Angels are talking about. It s the guidance from the Angels and from your inner soul and spirit that s guiding you to improve your situation, to bring healing into your life, to more fully embody your higher self, your divine presence, and your authentic truth. Because in this state, your intuition is awakened, your creativity is awakened, infinite possibility is awakened. They want me to share with you a simple variation on our setup, so that you can use that same process of flowing divine energy through you, grounding, bringing it up, connecting with the divine, and letting it flow all around you. Okay, so now you ve done that and you re in the respective, open state to set your intention, ask your question, and do a reading. What you can also do is from this space, just enter into a meditation and ask. I now ask the full awakened presence of my authentic spirit and higher self to more fully be embodied by me now. When you ask this, you may get a mental image of your higher self actually lowering down and connecting with you, or you may just get the image of yourself vibrating brighter, shining with more of your authentic truth, with more of your true authentic, awakened nature. And that truth is that you are a divine spiritual being. I hope that if anything comes out of this course, that something that you re be- 2

3 ginning to realize, that you re so much more than just a physical being. You re a spiritual being, and that is why you re able to access guidance from the Angels, the presence of the Angels, the realms of spirit. And a huge part of your purpose, the overarching purpose, because of course, there s specific details and intricacies, and that s a lot of what you re going to be receiving, the creative inspirations about, about how to take action in the direction of accomplishing those facets of your purpose. But the overarching purpose is to embody your true divine nature, your higher spirit, shining your full light, living in the light, standing in the light, sharing light and love with others. And through this, you have an immense difference that you re making in the world. Your life improves through receiving creative inspirations and acting on them, and you re able to make a difference in the greater field of all that is through being true to who you really are. This is awakened creativity. This is standing in your power. This is what the Angels are sharing with you right now. Now, I want to look at this card. And the first thing I notice is the butterfly in this woman s mind. So, this just brings up the beautiful theme of transformation. The caterpillar before it turns into a butterfly thinks the world is over. Say a caterpillar crawls up to a wall and there s this giant wall in front of it. Now, the caterpillar could struggle to climb up the wall and get to the other side, the caterpillar could struggle to dig under the wall to get to the other side, or the caterpillar could sit back and go inward and connect with the divine light, to connect with the infinite power of the universe, to connect with the infinite field of love. And when the caterpillar does this, it s transformed into a butterfly, and then it can effortlessly fly over that wall. So, why I told you that, why that was triggered in my intuition through seeing the butterfly in this card is that there may still be areas of your life where you feel challenged now. There may still be areas of your new beginning as an intuitive Angel card reader, or you still feel challenged. You may feel like sometimes, intuition effortlessly flows in, and other times, you feel a little blocked. And this is perfectly okay. The guidance the Angels are sharing with you is to go within like the caterpillar. Instead of struggling and trying and trying to climb over that wall to the place where your intuition is stronger and intuitive Angel card readings comes easier, go within, use the tools, clear your chakras, go back and listen to the Angel session where you meet your Angelic team. Let your Angels lift you in vibration, infuse your mind, body, and spirit with greater love. And through this, through sitting back, being, breathing, being still and calm in tuning into the perfection in this moment now, the light of your higher self bringing your authentic light and spirit to the surface, this is how you are transformed into the butterfly, so you can effortlessly fly up over whatever challenges are happening in your life now, so you can reach that new height on wings of Angels where you can tune into Angelic guidance in a fun, joyful, easy, helpful, and empowering way. Okay, so awakened creativity. I also notice from this lady s third eye, there s like a stream of light flowing forth. And so, this is just a reminder that you are receiving Angelic guidance. When you go through the process, when you look at the card, when you focus on your internal psychic screen, there is intuition and guidance. Now, it s 3

4 your job, your role as an Angel reader to flow that guidance forth, to let it flow out beyond you, and when you get in the flow, then more guidance springs forth. And remember, if you get stuck, you have tools you can use. You can relook at the card, you can re-ask the question, you can focus within on your own psychic screen to connect with deeper Angelic guidance, to go deeper, to explore more. Remember to be open and curious and neutral about what you re going to receive, be willing to receive guidance, to let it fill you, and then let it flow forth. So, awakened creativity. The other thing that stands out to me on this card are just these bands of light. And really, just the nature of this card is so luminescent because this is also your true nature. We ve done so much cleansing, you ve learned so many different psychic tools, and practiced connecting with your Angels, and whether you realize this yet or not, this has created a change in you. You are now shining brighter, more vibrantly, and with more of your authentic truth. So, this is a reminder from your Angels to keep letting it shine, to shine your light in your own unique way. And this is your opportunity as an intuitive Angel card reader. Let me just check in with my psychic screen now. Rephrasing my question now that I m sitting up in my chair and focused on the psychic screen, asking, Angels, what do they need to know now that they ve completed or mostly completed the intuitive Angel card reader course? What is the present situation? I see you surrounded by Angels. Your Angels are holding you up like you just won a championship sporting event. They re so proud of you and want you to honor how far you ve come, the progress you ve made. Yes, there s further to go. Yes, it s going to take practice for you to really get this at a high level to do accurate readings. It takes practice. But already, you ve advanced, so honor that. You ve taken steps up the staircase, you re embodying more light, you re tuning into more intuition, your readings have already improved. Now, keep going. Your Angels are holding you up. They re supporting you, loving you, and assisting you. Keep asking for their help. And hand-in-hand with your Angels, move forward with love, with joy on this path as an intuitive Angel card reader. So, that was our first card, Awakened creativity. Now, our second card is looking at the challenge around where you are right now, having gone through the intuitive Angel card reader course. And this card is, To love your challenges. So amazing how the perfect cards have a way of appearing. When you go through that setup process, when you shuffle, when you ask the Angels for help, they guide us to the right cards. You guys, I could not have made this up. I did not pick these cards out beforehand. This is totally on-the-fly. Trusting and letting the Angels guide this, and the perfect cards appear. So, what is the challenge with where you are now? The challenge is that there are challenges that it s life, that there s going to be things that pop up, maybe you ll sit down to do your Angel card reading, you re in a safe, quiet space, the energy is set, and then your next door neighbor fires up a jackhammer. I can t tell you how many times this has happened to me when I m about to channel. Or even in doing this course, I ve had to repeat a few sections due to moving trucks parking right up my window and idling, or technology issues, or whatever. The challenge does not mean that you re not on the right track. The challenge means there s something greater on the other side. When a challenge appears, that also means there s a new opportunity for you to overcome it. When the caterpillar 4

5 reached that giant wall, that was the challenge. But it went within, it filled itself with light, with divine presence and love, and it was transformed into the butterfly, so that it could effortlessly fly up over the challenge, over the wall, into new possibility. So, challenges are going to happen. And the challenges and the opportunity is to love them, is to not let your energy get bogged down and weighed down by whatever challenges are happening in your life, or in the lives of your family, or your friends. It s to act as an observer when the challenge appears. When you step back and simply observe, Okay, this is a challenging situation. or I m experiencing this challenge. You re able to observe it as Angels do without judgment, without fear, without concern. And so, you maintain your positive vibration, and the challenge holds no power over you, because when you re in a positive vibration, you can then overcome it, you re then open and receptive to receive Angelic guidance, and the Angels will guide you through whatever is happening in your life, and through whatever challenge you ve encountered. You simply have to remain open, observant, and neutral. It s when your ego gets triggered by the challenge that you ll run into problems, that your vibration will drop, that you ll get weighed down and worry or fear or even anger about whatever challenge is happening in your life. And if you find that s the case, love the part of you that has emerged afraid, love the part of you that is angry or fearful or feels suppressed, love that wounded, scared inner child within you. Love what appears. And love is the way to glide through whatever challenges appear on your path. Okay. So again, our overall question that I asked is, What do the Angels most want you to know? Now that you have gone through the bulk of the intuitive Angel card reader course, we re looking at the challenge around the current situation. And our challenge is to love our challenges, love your challenges. In this card, you can see there s a person in there, standing, looking at the light. There s so much going on around them. There s like even some darkness, some clouds, a grid of duality. But they re standing there, present, grounded, and open to taking steps forward into the light. So, that s your opportunity and challenge now, to keep taking steps forward into the light, to let the shadows fall behind you, to release the past, to release doubts and fears and insecurities, and to keep taking steps forward into greater light and into greater love which serves you immensely on your path as an intuitive Angel card reader, staying focused on the light rather than the thoughts of the ego, staying focused on the divine rather than the personality doubts of your lower self. Let your higher self illuminate you. And do your Angel card readings from this place, from this power, knowing that you are a spiritual being. And when you stand in this power, the readings and information you re able to tune into is incredible. The checkerboard floor caught my attention again as a reminder that while you and while we as humanity are ascending, there s still duality in the world, there is still challenge, there is still hardship, there is still pain. So, rather than being upset when some of that appears, love the challenge, love yourself through it. And through that love, you can overcome any obstacle and progress one step at a time into the full light of your authentic truth, your highest self, and your highest possible purpose. Okay, checking in with my internal screen. I m seeing you standing, shielded with an orb of light, surrounded by Angels, and totally protected on every level. So, it s a reminder that as you continue to raise in vibration, as you 5

6 embody more light and shine more light, you become more sensitive, and so some of the harsh energies and negativity of other people can weigh you down. Psychic attack is a scary sounding thing, but a form of psychic attack can simply be a sensitive person tuning into someone else talking badly about them or even thinking badly about them. For the sensitive person, this can cause them to feel bad even if there was no direct intention or malintent or communication. So, an important part of handling the challenges and loving the challenges that appear on your path is keeping yourself protected psychically. An easy way to do this is to just keep yourself surrounded in that bubble of light that protects you from any external negativity that allows Angelic guidance through, that allows your full light to shine and flow forth out beyond you in a ripple of light, but protects you from taking on lower energies and vibrations. At any time, if you need help, you can ask Archangel Michael to come in, to protect your energy, to cut draining cords, to uplift you, protect you, and surround you, to vacuum your energy of fear and insecurity, and to raise you up vibrationally to a new level of light. So, it s a reminder that if you feel challenged, ask yourself, Have I cleansed my energy recently? And be sure you do the chakra cleansing process. You ground the room you re in, you ground your aura, you invoke divine light, you invoke Angels, you wear a psychic shield of light, and this will help you to be calm, centered, and present to overcome challenges that appear. Also, meditation is huge for shifting out of the world of chaos and struggle and thought and into that pure connection with love. So, take the time to listen to guided meditations, to just meditate in stillness, tuning into that inner light of your highest self. And all of these tools and others that you ve learned in this course that I ve not mentioned are here to be drawn upon to help you overcome challenges on your path of an intuitive Angel card reader, which is not just about doing Angel readings, believe it or not, and it s not just about opening to Angelic guidance, and expanding your intuition, and heightening your psychic gifts and abilities. Being an intuitive Angel card reader is about standing in your light, standing in the light of your higher self and your authentic truth, and using the Angel card readings as a tool to help yourself, to help others, to expand your creativity, to tune into new possibilities, to tune into greater light and love, to be the best version of you that you can be, not trying to be like anyone else, not trying to be like me. I m already taken. I don t try to be like you because I would do a horrible job at that, because only you can be you. And the world, humanity, all of existence, we need you to be you. You play an essential role in the ascension process, in the current realm of earth. Your light is needed. So, shine your light, stand in your truth, love your way through challenges and obstacles that appear. And one of those that I just got a download of, a challenge that may come up for you is taking the time to do your readings, to do your light work, to flow light through you, to do these processes. Take time for yourself to meditate, to connect with Angels. This is a form of self-love and self-care, and it s so powerful in helping you to embody your highest truth and shine with your full soul light. Okay, so love your challenges. Now, our final card in our situation challenge guidance reading contains additional guidance and love and wisdom from the Angels to now help you moving forward 6

7 after completing this course into your normal life. And there s already been quite a bit of guidance from the Angels already, but let s see what our guidance card says. And this card is Soulmate relationship. And so, the intuition that I m getting around this card is that there already is a soulmate in your life. Who is a powerful ally for you moving forward? Who can you talk to about what you ve learned in an intuitive Angel card reading course? Who can you practice with to do readings with moving forward? Who is that member of your soul family who you can come together with to be excited about these new energies you connected with, about sharing the guidance of the Angels, and to together, support each other in stepping into new levels of love and light? For some of the people reading this course, this card brings the message that doing this work with the Angels, embodying more of your light, standing in more of your truth is bringing healing to your soulmate relationships, is bringing healing into your marriage or into your family relationships or into your friendships. This can even mean attracting new soulmates when you act on the creative inspirations, when you act on your intuition, when you take steps forward on your path hand-in-hand with your Angels, to embody your light, to seek Angelic guidance, to receive it, and to flow it forth. All areas of your life bring healing, including relationships, including finding true love or experiencing greater harmony and bliss in your personal relationship. When relationships experience struggle, it s because one or both of the partners are out of alignment with their authentic truth. Because when you and your partner, or you and your family member, you and whatever soulmate relationship this card makes you think of, when you re both in your authentic truth and light and power, communication flows effortlessly, love flows effortlessly. It s when you get caught up in ego that there s those tensions and struggles. And so, this card is also a reminder and brings the guidance to continue to shift out of ego and into love. This card has this huge heart that we re reaching up towards, so keep reaching towards the light, keep reaching towards love, keep choosing love in every moment, because love is what carries you into the higher realms of spirit. These people have launched up off the earth there, flying through the air, the ground isn t even anywhere in sight because they re so illuminated in love and light. And while staying grounded is important, you have the tools to do that, so you re safe to lift in light and lift into more of your authentic truth as a spiritual being and as an intuitive Angel card reader. I m now going to tune into my psychic screen, asking the Angels, Is there anything else you wish to share? Is there any additional guidance? I see you eating, and the word appeared, nourish. And the Angels aren t only talking about eating food. They re talking about being mindful about what you ingest in every area. So, be mindful about what you re eating and know that eating fresh fruits and organic vegetables and drinking water helps to raise your vibration. If you eat a big, heavy meal like a steak or some Taco Bell tacos, it s going to vibrationally weigh you down and may make it harder for you to receive Angelic guidance. So, even if it s just right before you re going to do a reading, be mindful of what you re putting in your body. And light, fresh, healthy produce and fruits and vegetables will help you to be clear and open and receptive to the Angelic realm. It s also talking about being mindful of the 7

8 information you take in. So much of the media and news and television and radio, so much of the information flowing at us every day is incredibly negative and that can weigh on you. And so, be mindful. If you feel heavy, what have you been tuning into? Have you been reading about the struggles and complaints of your friends and family on Facebook? Have you been watching the news and is it weighing you down? If you realize this, take it as an opportunity to clear and shield your energy, and then be mindful about ingesting positivity. Read a positive uplifting book, listen to positive uplifting music, and ingest information that s empowering, soul nurturing, and helps you to continue to grow. Because as you continue to grow on your path, as you continue to develop personally and spiritually, all areas of your life increase and improve as well. So, as you develop personally, your readings become more powerful. As you feel vibrant and healthy and alive, it becomes easier to access Angelic guidance. Everything is so interconnected and it s just so important to remember that you are supported and loved by the Angels, by your entire team of guides and Angels and spirit. But you also have soul family. You have soulmates and soul family in a greater soul group. The Angels are telling me because you re going through this course, because we ve connected, you re a part of my soul group. We re a part of each other s soul group. It s by no mistake that we are connected in this life because each of our light is needed. And so, we ve come together to help each other to shine brighter. Me by sharing this information with you in the form of the course, you by being open to it, and helping me to have the motivation to put this course together because honestly, in doing this, I ve learned and grown through just relaying the Angel s messages and teaching how to do Angel card readings, so it s benefiting you, it s benefiting me, and together, we re creating this ripple of positive blessing and benefit out beyond us, out beyond our soul group, rippling out into the world, to elevate the entire playing field, to elevate the planet, to elevate humanity, to bring greater love and light and blessings to the earth and to all that is. Now, I feel like pulling one more card, so I m just going to go ahead and shuffle. And I was asking in my mind rather than aloud I don t know why I was doing that. This card appeared. But I was asking, Angels, what else do you want us to know right now to support us and guide us in moving forward on our path? And the card that appeared for me was Your authentic vibration. Amazing, right? I was totally just talking about that because that s what the Angels were encouraging me to say earlier, and then they prompted me to draw another card, and here it is again, Your authentic vibration. This is the essence of what this course is all about. It s about you standing in your power and your authentic truth. And as an authentic spiritual being, you re able to be in direct communication with your Angels, to receive their guidance, to connect directly with God and divine light, to flow that energy through you, to recharge you, to boost your spiritual gifts and your psychic abilities, and then to listen to the guidance you receive and act upon it and take action steps to do as you re inspired, to live your truth authentically you, because again, your light, your gifts, your unique energy is so needed in the world. Thank you for being you. You are beautiful and your Angels are guiding you further, forward and beyond this course, one step at a time, into your highest possible potential. 8

9 Angel card readings are a powerful tool for you on this path, to check in with what the Angels want you to know, to receive guidance or validation or just reconnect with their healing light and love, so use the Angel cards as a tool. But remember, they in and of themselves, aren t magical. Yes, they re beautiful, they re colorful, they have powerful messages, they work incredibly well for helping trigger the intuitive guidance of the Angels, but you re the one who s magic, you re the divine messenger, you re the bridge between heaven and earth. And when you re open and receptive and standing in your power and you draw a card, then that s where the magic comes in. The card isn t magic. You re magic. It s just a trigger to let intuition from the Angels flow. I haven t even looked at this card yet. What does it mean? What intuition do you get that this means? What guidance are the Angels sharing for you in moving forward, in moving onto your next steps as an intuitive Angel card reader? Stay positive, keep returning to love, stand in your authentic power, shine your light, tune into creative inspiration, let Angelic guidance flow, let joy and love be your guide. The Angels are with us, and this is such an incredible journey and adventure we re on. I am so honored for the opportunity to share it with you. Thank you for joining me in this course. Thank you for this opportunity to do this reading. I feel lighter and brighter. I needed to hear those things. And so, thank you. I honor the divine in you. Thank you, thank you, thank you. And thank you to all of the Angels and guides and spiritual beings who came into this space for this reading. We thank you for your presence, love, frequency, healing, and guidance. Thank you, thank you, thank you. And so, it is Now, I m envisioning the waterfall of light around me, cleansing my energy, and the waterfall of light around you, cleansing your energy, creating a bit of separation between us now, the rose separation object blooming brilliantly between us, so that you can maintain and shine your authentic light. I can maintain and shine my authentic light, and as two brilliant lights, we can together make a powerful difference in this world to ripple out far beyond and benefit all. Okay. Thank you so much. That was awesome and fun. I hope you enjoyed it. I ll see you in the next video where we re going to wrap up and talk about what your next steps, what our next steps are now moving forward. Okay, I ll see you there. 9

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