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1 Il r* t/iu*^^ CtWu iuu* /1± * ' ^ llaroh 24, fteraqnal afld, oonf ^PUffi! Deal* Raymond. It i«becoming wore and sore borne lit onraehow valuable it would hare been If 1 had kept A personal diary. You know that I have always been so interested In doing things which had to be done that there was no time left in the day to make any record of it much less a personal record. X suppose some people who keep a diary do it out of vanity which la certainly something no one could, X believe, accuse ma of, but vanity, X find, ia not the only reason why such records are valuable. X as writing yon at this time to help yon to refreshraymemory on a rather important matter and. one which has assumed an importance even all out of proportion to what.wa necessarily gave it at the time. Xou will reoall that yrwf soon after the new Govern-* raent oarae into power in Germany in 1933, the Christian Solenoe Society in Germany were abruptly closed. It was a move which you and X expected as it was merely in line, with the general polioy of the Government in closing all sorts of religious societies for no real reason whatever. You will reoall that shortly after the Christian Solenoe Societies were closed, Lord Astor and three members of Parliament, who are members of the Christian SoienceGhuroh in England, oarae to Berlin. Z do not remember just when it was but X believe it was ill Xt Hay have been a little later* You will reoall that Williams, the Christian Solenoe Monitor correspondent in Berlin, oarae to searaeand told me about aster and his associates and of their failure to be able to arrange contact with Vie higher German authorities through the British Embassy although they haft been in touoh naturally with the Ambassador, xou may reoall that X said to Williams that, although it was not a matter of dlreot interest, X might be able to help if he wished rae to on the ground that the Mother Church was intitleunited Raymond H. Gelst, Ssqulre, American Consul), Berlin, Germany. States

2 States and that if Astoy and his associates wished at to help then X would see what I could do. Williams grasped at this immediately and he brought Astor and two of M s associates to the Consulate. X do not remember the names of the three members of Parliament who wore with Astor in Berlin but, if my memory serves mo right, one of then was Braithwaite. Only throe of them oame to the Consulate to soe mo with Williams as olio of the members of Parliament, X recall, could not oome. X still recall the rather cynical smile on Astor* s faoo when X told him that if they wished me to X would bo glad to arrange for them to see the head of the Ministry of the Interior. X could read his thoughts for he thought It very presumptuous that a Yankee Consul could be able to do something whioh the British Ambassador had not boon able to do. X took down,the receiver while they wore in my office and asked for Kr. Frlok, who X believe was then Minister of the Interior. Xf X recall oorrectly, Frlok. was there but If he was not it was the Acting Minister who woo one of the people with whom we hod constant contact. X explained to him over the telephone that Astor and hit associates were In my offioe and interested in getting the Christian Science Churches reopened. X sala to him that he doubtless knew that Astor and his family wore v$rf much interested in the ownership and direction of the London Times. X also pointed out that the three members, of Parliament who wore with him were three of the most important and vocal of the members of the Commons. X also pointed out to him that in England, ae in the United States, the Christian Science Church, although small in numbers, included many intellectuals and many persons.in high place. X knew these wore Just the things to say to vols particular man and the answer, of course, was immediate. Re said that he would receive Astor and his associates at onoe. When X told Astor and his associates that the Minister or Acting Minister (X do not recall definitely whioh it was X talked with) would receive thea at once, X can still remember the utter look of consternation oil ale faoe. Re oouldn't quite understand then how we eould do something that the British Asbasaador oould not do. Xt was really nost amusing. X did not think it worth while telling him that we had taken pains to establish contacts whioh we found wore needed, unpleasant as these contacts might be to us personally. X was

3 -Z-» X was confident that they would return with the assurance that the Christian Science Churches would be opened for X knew that under the circumstances, with the desire of the Party to placate England for the time-being, and especially people like Aster, they would make this gesture which would cost them nothing and particularly as they considered the Science Churches 111 Germany insignificant anyway. They were reoelved very courteously at the Ministry. They were given the assurance that the Churches would be opened at once.and their property returned and, as a matter of fact, the necessary orders to that effect were issued that afternoon. Astor asked me to come to the Bristol or to the Adlon, X do not recall which, to have a cup of tea with him and his associates end they thanked me very profusely for what X had done. Williams, X think, was there and he may recall it. X remember saying to Astor that X.thought X had done one of the worst day's work in my life although he seemed to think it had been a good day's work. X said to him, "the Party is going to keep their word with you and probably leave the Soienoe Society undisturbed Just beoause they want you and your associatea to have the Impression that the Party keeps its word* They ere.going to keep their word with you and you will he misled into believing that they keep their word or intend to keep it about other things much more important and in which they haven't the Xt le a bad job that X % least Idea' of keeping their word. ;: : have done*. X was all the more oonvlnced that X had done a bad Job when X saw the incredulity oil their faces. All this has remained very much In back of my mind during the intervening years. Several years ago when X saw Astor in London la his town house and heard what he had to say, X realised how really clever the German Government had bean and how bad a service X had rendered the cause of decency. Just because the Party was keeping its word to the Christian Soienoe Church, Aator was convinced that the Party would keep its word about ether things. Ho old not realise that he was being used merely ae all Instrument and you know what a disastrous Influence Astor and the Cliveden group have bean, they are leading England Into a position where she will be at bay and have to fight ant fight under very unfavorable conditions. Xt is really inconceivable that such small things could be at major a faator in big things and it is sad indeed to recognise what the cost is that has to be paid by so many for the frailties of those who are supposed to be at the top and wise. Some

4 -4Some weeks ago we had a telegram from Berlin saying that the Christian Science Ohurohes had been olosed and calling attention to the faot thai this mig& have a considerable influence on Astor and the Cliveden group who were so sura that they could put every confidence in the German word. The telegram recalled that Astor had had assurances from the Germans on this subject. Z have since had advices which Indicate that Astor's disillusionment Is fairly complete and that this Christian Science matter has continuously played lit his.fundamental attitude a part which ie really Incomprehensible but it was a factor which X recognized from the outset* Z have reolted the foregoing as I would like you to correct me so far as your memory may serve you if I have not recited the circumstances accurately. My memory la rather clear about the whole natter except for a few names. My memory is fairly clear that it was Friok, then Minister ofthe Interior, with whoa Z made the engagement for Astor. but I should like to be more sure of this. If It was not he, it was the Acting Minister whose name I do not reoall. I do not think that you were present during the conversations I had with Astor but Williams of the Monitor was. Z do reoall having recited the circumstances to you at the time Just as we kept each other fully informed on everything in those busy days. Perhaps ran mill be good enough to take this up with Williams and I have no objection to hie reading this letter if you see fit. What I would like to do is to get the facte settled in my own mind and 1 do not wish to use the information which you or Williams may give me for any other purpose. I would appreciate your doing something more and that is to have someone go through the files to determine whether X wrote a despatch on the oiroumstanoes at the time. Z think we must have covered this matter either in a separate despatch or mentioned it in one of the many despatches we wrote those days. Zf there is any record in a despatch that you can find. I will be glad to have you send mo a oop T of the despatch or of such part of it me may be pertinent.. X that Z of the Moffat to get am sure that if we did not cover it in a despatch must have covered it Hi one of my personal letters time either, to the Secretary, to Phillips or to and X will have someone go through my private files that record. Z

5 -5- X dislike te ask, you to search your mind on this matter at this time when you have so much to do butt &R view of th developing situation and of the grave mistakes which have been made in the handling of the European problem, X want to have this incident cleared up in my own mind definitely and I am oonvlncod that this well meant intervention on our part in those critical days did not. as X feared at the time, serve in the end a very useful purpose. With all cod wishes, Cordially yours, A-M:GSM:VNG

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