Holy Trinity. Liturgy at. Lutheran Church 8:30 A.M. LITURGY

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Liturgy at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church March 12, 2017 + 8:30 & 10:30 a.m. Second Sunday in Lent During Lent we journey with all those around the world who will be baptized at the Easter Vigil. In today s gospel Jesus tells Nicodemus that he must be born of water and Spirit. At the font we are given a new birth as daughters and sons of God. As God made a covenant with Abraham, in baptism God promises to raise us up with Christ to new life. From worship we are sent forth to proclaim 8:30 A.M. LITURGY God s love for all the world.

8:30 A.M. LITURGY GATHERING HYMN: #660 Lift High the Cross GREETING AND PRAYER OF THE DAY ANTHEM: A Spendthrift Lover is the Lord (text bulletin, page 12) Carol Doran (b. 1936) FIRST READING: Genesis 12:1-4a (response: Thanks be to God) PSALM 121 - (bulletin, page 12) SECOND READING: Romans 4:1-4, 13-17 (response: Thanks be to God) HYMN OF THE DAY: #324 In the Cross of Christ I Glory HOLY GOSPEL: John 3:1-17 Before the gospel: Glory to you, O Lord. After the gospel: Praise to you, O Christ. SERMON SILENCE CONFESSION AND FORGIVENESS (front of hymnal, page 116) PRAYERS - (kneel; response your mercy is great) HYMN: #448 This Is the Spirit s Entry Now GREETING OF PEACE We gather around the altar for communion. An offering basket is near the front pew. GREAT THANKSGIVING, LORD S PRAYER- (bulletin, page 7) COMMUNION you may either dip the bread into the cup, or use it as a common cup. Those not communing may receive a blessing, keeping your hands crossed over your chest. PRAYER AND BLESSING SENDING - (response: Thanks be to God) / 2 /

10:30 A.M. LITURGY Help Us Create SACRED SPACE by powering down Please do not use cell phones and other electronic devices. GATHERING The ringing of the meditation bowl calls us to silence, centering and reflection as we prepare for worship. Prelude Adagio molto expressivo Johann Christian Bach (1735-1782) Penitential Rite (from Concerto in c minor) In Lent the procession around the church represents our baptismal journey from confession to forgiveness, from captivity to freedom, from death to life, and from Lent to Easter. Invocation and Invitation as the presiding minister begins you may make the sign of the cross in remembrance of your baptism. Turn to face the cross as it processes; you may bow as the cross passes, honoring the mystery of our salvation. Incense, used in Christian and Jewish worship since ancient times, is part of our multi-sensory liturgy. The assembly, gospel book, and table all signs of Christ's presence among us are honored with incense, representing the rising of our prayers and praise. Kyrie Louis Vierne (1870 1937) (from Messe Solennelle, Op. 16) Kyrie eleison Christe eleison Kyrie eleison Lord, have mercy Christ, have mercy Lord, have mercy / 3 /

Greeting The presiding minister bows toward the assembly which is the body of Christ and the primary symbol of God s presence in the liturgy. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all. And also with you. Prayer of the Day Let us pray Amen Be seated WORD First Reading Genesis 12:1-4a Written in the tenth century BCE, the Yahwistic source for the Pentateuch refers to God as YHWH, rendered in English Bibles as the Lord. Arising within this J tradition, Genesis 12 narrated the origins of Israelite history with the story of the call of Abram to obey God by moving to the land of Canaan. Through the line of Abram the Lord will bless all the earth. Word of God, word of Life Thanks be to God. Second Reading Romans 4:1-4, 13-17 As is usual with the second readings for about half of the church year, this second reading is chosen to coordinate with the first reading and the gospel. Romans is seen as particularly appropriate for Lent; thus four of the Lenten epistle readings come from Romans. On this Sunday, Paul s commentary on Abraham presents the Christian interpretation of the call of Abram: God blessed Abraham, not because he obeyed the Jewish law, but because he had faith in the promises of God, the same faith into which Nicodemus and all the baptized are invited Word of God, word of Life Thanks be to God. / 4 /

Stand to welcome the gospel and turn to face the book as the gospel is read in the midst of the assembly. Gospel Acclamation The Son of Man must be lifted up, that whoever believes in him may have eternal life. (John 3:14-15) Gospel John 3:1-17 As the gospel is announced, you may trace a small cross on your forehead, lips and breast, a prayer that the Word may dwell in our minds, on our lips and in our hearts. The gospel of John, which took its current shape sometime around 100 CE, described Jesus as the Word of God, the Son of God, indeed, God s very being. After the poetic prologue, the listing of Christological titles in John 1, the sign at Cana, and the cleansing of the temple, the conversation between Jesus and Nicodemus in John 3 is the gospel s first lengthy discourse about the identity and significance of Jesus. In discussing the Spirit of God, Jesus is presented to a Jewish religious authority as the Son of God who brings life to the world. The holy gospel according to John. Glory to you, O Lord. The gospel of the Lord. Praise to you, O Christ. Sermon Following the sermon there is a time of silence for reflection and quiet meditation. Our liturgy is not only made up of words, gestures and music, but also moments of silence. Silence Please stand. Hymn of the Day #407 O Living Breath of God / 5 /

Welcome of Inquirers Presentation Sign of the Cross Prayers of Intercession please kneel Hear us, O God, Your mercy is great. Peace The peace of Christ be with you always. And also with you. The assembly is invited to share God s peace with one another saying, Peace be with you, or similar words. Be seated. / 6 /

MEAL Gathering of Gifts and Setting of Table If this is your first time, or if you have been attending awhile and would like to get to know us better, please fill out the welcome slip in the pew and place it in the offering plate. Today s loose offering is designated for ONE Northside. Checks and envelope offerings support Holy Trinity s overall ministry unless designated otherwise. Offertory Hymn #808 Lord Jesus, You Shall Be My Song Please stand Great Thanksgiving It is indeed right, our duty and our joy, that we should at all times and in all places give thanks and praise to you, almighty and merciful God, through our Savior Jesus Christ. You call your people to cleanse their hearts and prepare with joy for the paschal feast, that, renewed in the gift of baptism, we may come to the fullness of your grace. And so, with all the choirs of angels, with the church on earth and the hosts of heaven, we praise your name and join their unending hymn: / 7 /

Please repeat responses after the presiding minister. The Lord s Prayer As a sign of openness to the divine presence, you may join the presider in praying the Our Father with the ancient gesture of extended hands. / 8 /

Lamb of God Be seated. / 9 /

Communion All are welcome at Christ's table, including children. Bread is received in the hands. Wine is received either by drinking from the (silver) common cup, or by saving the bread and dipping it in the second (glass) cup. Those not communing may come forward for a blessing, keeping your hands folded or extended over your chest. For those unable to consume either wine or bread, communion is received fully in either element alone. Communion Hymns Silence Please stand. Prayer #324 In the Cross of Christ I Glory #735 Mothering God, You Gave Me Birth SENDING Having heard the word and shared the eucharist, we are sent to live our baptism through words and deeds, making known the love of Christ, and working for justice and peace in our families, communities, and world. Turn to face the cross as it recesses, you may bow as it passes, honoring the mystery of our salvation. Blessing Sending Hymn #660 Lift High the Cross Sending Go in peace. Remember the poor. Thanks be to God. Postlude In the Cross of Christ I Glory David Cherwien (b. 1957) / 10 /

Following the liturgy, several things happen simultaneously: some folks greet one another and converse; others listen to the organ postlude; and others move to the front of the church for a time of refreshments and social time. SERVING AT 8:30 AM PRESIDING MINISTER ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pr. Michelle Sevig PREACHING MINISTER ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pr. Craig Mueller MINISTER OF MUSIC ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ David R. Brackley CANTOR ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ayriole Frost ASSISTING MINISTER ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Karol Weigelt READERS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chris Hanna, Michael Fustin USHER/GREETER ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Michael Fustin, Paul Hickey SERVING AT 10:30 AM PRESIDING MINISTER ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pr. Michelle Sevig PREEACHING MINISTER --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pr. Craig Mueller MINISTER OF MUSIC ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- David Brackley VIOLA --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ayriole Frost ASSISTING MINISTER ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Katie Mineck CRUCIFER ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Andrew Hedrick INCENSE----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Megan White INTERCESSOR -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Seminarian Josh Menke COMMUNION ASSISTANTS ------------------------------------------------------------------ Eric Pittenger, Erik Friend READERS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Leslie Basham, Dan McAdams TORCHBEARERES -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ellie Stang, Jake Johnson WELCOME HOSPITALITY ----------------------------------------- Martin & Lauren Modahl, Chris & Wendy Stelter ALTAR GUILD --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rich Campbell MEDITATION BELL ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Seminarian Chelsey Olson BREAD BAKER ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Erin Miesner SACRISTAN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Megan White Worship Acknowledgements Text and music for the liturgy is reprinted from Sundays and Seasons.com. Copyright 2007 Augsburg Fortress. All rights reserved. Reprinted by permission under Augsburg Fortress Liturgies Annual License # 26481. Unless otherwise noted, all other music and text reprinted under permission of OneLicense.net #A-707777. / 11 /

Anthem 8:30 am A Spendthrift Lover is the Lord Carol Doran (b. 1936) A spendthrift lover is the Lord who never counts the cost Or asks if heaven can afford to woo a world that s lost. Our lover tosses coins of gold across the midnight skies And stokes the sun against the cold to warm us when we rise. Still more is spent in blood and tears to win the human heart, To overcome the violent fears that drive the world apart. Behold the bruised and thorn-crowned face of one who bears our scars And empties out the wealth of grace that s hinted by the stars. How shall we love this heart-strong God who gives us everything, Whose ways to us are strange and odd--what can we give or bring? Acceptance of the matchless gift is gift enough to give. The very act will shake and shift the way we love and live. (Text: Thomas H. Troeger, b. 1945) Psalm 121 Tone I lift up my eyes to the hills; from where is my help to come? My help comes from the Lord, the maker of heav- en and earth. The Lord will not let your foot be moved nor will the one who watches over you fall asleep. Behold, the keep- er of Israel will neither slum- ber nor sleep; the Lord watches over you; the Lord is your shade at your right hand; the sun will not strike you by day, nor the moon by night. The Lord will preserve you from all evil and will keep your life. The Lord will watch over your going out and your coming in, from this time forth for- evermore. / 12 /

ONE HOPE: RE-MEMBERING THE BODY OF CHRIST Holy Trinity s book for Lent Available at the back of the church. $8.00. You may pay online at giving.htchicago.org Special Midweek Lenten Service Holden Evening Prayer Wednesday, March 22, 7:15 p.m. Catholic-Lutheran Myth Busters LENT 2017 Saturday, April 1 + 9:30 - Noon In this year of the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, we invite you to come and learn about some of the differences and commonalities among Lutherans and Roman Catholics, especially in the years since Vatican II. Sign up at the back of the Sanctuary. Lenten Lunch and HTOnTopic Immigration and What You Should Know Sunday, April 2, 11:45 a.m. Join us for a simple soup and bread Lenten lunch. HT members and immigration lawyers, Ginger Devaney and Scott Kuhagen, educate us on what is a faithful and informed response in a world where immigrants and refugees are becoming more targeted and marginalized. They will also share current updates about ICE enforcement priorities/practices and the current status of refugee resettlement.. If you can provide a pot of soup or loaf of bread, please sign up at the back of the church or contact the church office. / 13 /

Fair Trade Sales Today PARISH NOTES Join us at the back of the church following 10:30 worship to purchase fair trade coffee, chocolate, and other goods. Fair Trade items will be sold on the 2nd Sunday of every month! Movie Group - Today - The 13th (2016) The film discussion group will screen and talk about The 13th by Ava DuVernay (2016) at 12:00 noon following 10:30 worship. Ironically, it is about the 13th constitutional amendment, which abolished slavery and the state s right to deprive a person of liberty but with the specific exception of criminals, thus forging a link in the judicial mindset between imprisonment and slavery. Peter Bradshaw, The Guardian Film Intro & Trailer. Please bring a snack or light lunch item to share. Take with You Today: Love in a Ziploc At the back of the church are love in a ziplocs, assembled by our Sunday School children on the First Sunday of Lent. Take one or two with you for your glove compartment or backpack, and give it to someone who could use a lift, such as a homeless person. Upcoming Service Opportunities Serve A Meal At The Crib Shelter Saturday, March 18 + 7:00 p.m. Volunteers from HTLC will prepare then serve a meal at The Crib youth shelter (at Lakeview Lutheran, 835 W Addison). We need volunteers to provide food items, cook, and serve the meal. To sign up and find more information, head to serve.htchicago.org, or speak to Ken Duckmann (justducky514@yahoo.com). / 14 /

Book Group April 3 Eat, Drink, Read. The next book group meeting will be Monday, April 3 at 7:30 PM at the home of Susan Boin, 1840 W Cornelia. We'll be discussing What Alice Forgot by Liane Moriarty, a novel about a woman who loses her memory of the past decade and grapples with some of the choices she has made. You're welcome to join us, whether or not you have time to read the book! Parents Night Out March 18 Drop your kids off and have a Parents Night Out! + Next Session: Saturday, March 18 from 4-7 p.m. + Cost: $10.00 per family (covers food) + Ages: infant 12 (limit of 16 children) + Hosts: Patrice Macken, Paulina Heilbrunn, Sofia Hindaileh If you are interested, contact Paulina Heilbrunn (paores@gmail.comt). You will need to fill out a Child Entry Form if it s your first time. Communion Retreat March 25th Children and their parents are encouraged to attend the communion retreat on Saturday, March 25 th from 9:30-11:00 a.m. This is a wonderful opportunity to meet with the pastor to learn about the meaning of communion, read Bible stories, play with water and bake bread. Whether your child is already communing regularly or preparing for their first communion, all children age 5 and up are invited. Please RSVP with Pastor Sevig msevig@htchicago.org Hospitality Hosts Needed We are looking for volunteers to assist with planning, hosting, set-up or clean up for the congregational events/meals we have throughout the year. Annually Holy Trinity hosts five big events: Easter Vigil reception, Easter Breakfast, Church Picnic, Advent Festival and a welcome meal for newcomers. We want to establish a list of people to call on for events like these. You would not be expected to help at every event or assist with each task, we are simply looking for people who are willing to help with hospitality when necessary, so we know who to ask when needed. Please contact Pastor Sevig for more information msevig@htchicago.org / 15 /

NEWCOMER OR FIRST TIME? WELCOME! + Whoever you are, wherever you're from, whatever the color of your skin, whomever you love or marry, or whatever your feelings about religion or spirituality, you are welcome here. + Please fill out a yellow slip in the pew rack and place it in the offering plate. + Offerings: We rely on the generosity of members and friends to support the programs, staff, building, and ministries of Holy Trinity and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. A large number of the congregation gives their offerings online. You can also donate online at giving.htchicago.org. We still pass the offering plate as well! We appreciate your contributions of time, talent, and financial support! STAFF Lead Pastor Craig Mueller cmueller@htchicago.org Associate Pastor Michelle Sevig msevig@htchicago.org Assistant Pastor HTLoop Ben Adams badams@htchicago.org Interim Administrator Paul Strome office@htchicago.org Minister of Music David Brackley dbrackley@htchicago.org Community Life Coordinator Katie Mineck clc@htchicago.org pstrome@htchicago.org Holy Trinity: Lakeview 1218 W. Addison Street office@htchicago.org Holy Trinity: Loop 637 S. Dearborn Street info@htloop.org 773.248.1233 holytrinitychicago.org Music Assistant Ayriole Frost music@htchicago.org Seminarians Mathew Berger, Chelsey Olson, Sarah Derrick, Josh Menke Nursery Attendant Kateryna Sati Fisiak / 16 /