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1 YOUR BELIEF AND YOUR HEALTH ARE RELATED I usually spend from 8 to 16 hours of research and study when I write an article. The topic is typically given to me early in the morning upon waking, e.g. the Lord spoke to me about Paganism in the early Christian Church in Rome and the similarity to Christianity today. The article WH AT I S CH U RCH? emerged. I send my articles to about 60 different addresses and I received one kind correctional reply about the article, WHAT IS CHURCH? What is amusing is, I mistakenly ed a joke, to the same list, about vasectomy and received six responses. I just received the seventh. The unpopular premise in my articles is to abolish a belief in hell. When I abolished my belief in hell and death, my health improved because I began to emulate love coming from the God I believe is all love and does not act apart from His unconditional love. Also focusing on life instead of death has a positive response as the Law of Attraction is activated. My effort to impart the myth of hell into you, my readers, is an expression of my love. I am not patronizing anyone. God has chosen me, and ordained me, that I should go and bring forth fruit, and that my fruit should remain: that whatsoever I shall ask of my Father in Jesus name, He may give it to me. John 15:16---Paraphrased to personalize. I believe the fruit represents immortality from the tree of life. Jesus, who came to give Zoë life, replaced the t ree of life God removed from the Garden of Eden when Adam acquired the ability to judge between good and evil. For nearly a year I have been studying and writing in order for my readers to believe in a God who is love and does not act apart from love. THE SOBERING MESSAGE IS THE GOD YOU CHOOSE TO BELIEVE AND FOLLOW WILL SHAPE YOU INTO HIS IMAGE. If you believe God judges and condemns individuals to hell, you impart this image of God into your brain and you will judge and believe that sinful individuals deserve hell if they don t receive Jesus as Savior. Your love, based on performance, is replaced with judging. The original sin of man w as judging. 1

2 If you believe God is love and does not act apart from love you will believe that God sent Jesus as a cure or remedy for the earthly consequences of sin. Portions of your brain are strengthened when contemplating on a God who is love and does not act apart from love. Particularly the frontal lobes and the anterior cingulated is where e mpathy and reason reside. This is a neurological medical fact; denial w ill not change the facts. Love produces a visible and affective harmony in the atmosphere of life. Love produces an invisible harmony in the blood w here life exists. And we have known and believed the love that God has to us. God is love; and he that dw ells in love dw ells in God, and God in him. I John 4:16 Only a victim of an inconceivable deception can believe that God, who is love, can act apart from love and send anyone to a burning eternal fire, called hell. My opinion, It is really obscene to believe that God could send anyone to hell. Contemplating a wrathful God who judges and renders sentences to hell imparts the limbic system with fear and aggression. This is a neurological medical fact; denial w ill not change the facts. Fear imparts stress and aggression imparts negative emotions. Health is maintained when the blood cells, about 150 trillion, are in harmony or synchronized in the same frequency as God and His word. All matter is in a vibrating frequency i n frequency w ith God is life. I have heard medical doctors say, 85% of hospital beds are filled with patients suffering from stress. It is a medical fact that negative emotions can cause a disease. E.g, anger will cause ulcers. Un-forgiveness or bitterness can cause arthritis. Dis-ease is simply saying your blood cells are not at ease. Un-forgiveness of one s self is sufficient to disrupt the harmony of blood cells. Forgiving someone or forgiving yourself is not speaking to God; you are speaking to your brain. Un-forgiveness has earthly consequences. 2

3 Out of your mouth are the issues of life and out of your brain your mouth speaks. Your brain is very fertile soil and w ill grow anything you plant. For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the savior of the body. For we are members of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones. Ephesians 5:23, 30 The above verses first relates to a husband and then to sons of God having the mind or brain of Jesus. And Jesus has the mind of God. Savior is sozo in Greek and again is speaking about health or wholeness of the body. We are back to square one; the God of love is imparted by our belief into our brain and then our body is made whole. A husband is the only one capable to remove the past, physically harmful, memories that are stored in his wife s brain. These past and possibly forgotten memories can cause his wife s blood cells to be not at ease or diseased. Read the article, Jesus and a Husband. Your brain and its contents represent your spiritual and physical life. Health is a spiritual thermometer a ssessing t he c ontents of your brain. But those things that proceed out of the mouth come from the brain (heart); and they defile (make sick) the man. Matthew 15:18 Jesus is the center of life and is the reason he said, I want to be the head or the brain of your body. King David prophesied several hundred years before and about Jesus: Bless the LORD, O my soul; and all that is within me, bless His Holy Name. Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits. Who forgives all your iniquities; who heals all your diseases. Who redeems your life from destruction; who crowns you with loving-kindness and tender mercies. Who satisfies your mouth with good things; so that your youth is renewed like the eagle's. Psalms 103: Your sins are unilaterally forgive n without your response. 2. Your diseases are continually he a le d without an ending date---immortality. 3. You are delivered from destruction or a grave Immortality. 4. You will always speak good and positive words. 5. So your youth will be restored immortality. 3

4 The above five benefits are unconditionally available if you honestly believe that God is love and His mercy endures forever. The disciple John confirmed this, The next day John saw Jesus coming unto him, and said, Behold the Lamb of God, which expiates the sin of the world. John 1: 29 World is kosmos in Greek and means all of world s humanity. God s unconditional love allowed the sin of the world to be expiated or removed unilaterally by Jesus and does not require acceptance or works. This is really the good news of the gospel. Jesus gave the Prodiga l Son story for evidence. That if you shall confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and shall believe in your heart (brain) that God hath raised him from the dead, you shall be saved. For with the heart (brain) man believes unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. Romans 10: 9, 10 The heart of man is his brain or mind the brain signals the mind to speak. Saved is sozo and Salvation is soteria in the original Greek and both mean to be made physically whole. I assume Noah Webster, an early 19 th century lexicographer, interpreted the words saved and salvation in the King James Version from the impressions of the Catholic Church and the Catholic traditions transferred to Christianity. The Strong s Concordance giving the correct definitions was not available until early in the 20 th century or 100 years after Webster s Dictionary was published. The accurate and true translation of saved and salvation have no significance to heaven, hell or life after death. They are words describing Zoë or physical life. Jesus said in John 10:10, I have come that you might have life (Zoë) and life (Zoë) more abundantly. Or the opposition, Satan has come to kill, (make you sick and diseased that causes death), steal, (your living in the kingdom of God), and destroy, (accidents). The Pharisees, followed by the inaugural first Christian or Catholic Church, perverted the true reason Jesus was birthed, crucified and resurrected. This untrue perversion has led Christians to believe God is wrathful, to be feared and eternally punishes everyone for sin in a burning location called hell. The argument can be settled just by an examination of living healthy or sick. Healthy is Jesus way and is obtained by how your brain perceives God. 4

5 Sickness and disease leading to death is Satan s way and is obtained by how your brain perceives God. The pharmaceutical emblem Rx is the Pagan god of health. The two snakes wrapped around a pole adjacent to the Rx emblem is a mockery; speaking something must be added, to the single serpent representing Jesus, which God instructed Moses to erect. The world s system wants to add to Jesus. And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up. John 3:14, just two verses before the favorite, J ohn 3:1 6. Looking or perceiving at the serpent as commanded by Moses prevented physical death to an Israelite who had been bitten by a deadly serpent. The bitten ones w ho didn t perceive or look upon the serpent died. And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up. That whosoever believes in him should not perish, but have eternal life. For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. John 3:14 17 Y our brain is imparted w ith love or fear by w hat God you believe. The serpent Moses raised up on the pole represented: Physical life, if looked upon or physical death, if not looked upon. Do you believe this? The pole represented the cross The serpent represented Jesus Jesus resurrection destroyed death and restored immortality Believing and perceiving (Looked upon) Jesus as a manifestation of God who is love and cannot act apart from love, prevents perishing or physical death and imparts eternal or everlasting physical life, immortality. Do you believe this? Some will say, It may be Bible but it isn t Christian. Perish in Greek is apollumi to destroy fully or die. 5

6 Everlasting in Greek is aionios and means forever or immortality. Life is always Z oë in scripture and speaks to the Spirit, representing God, perfect kind of physical life, now and not a life after death. The New Covenant is a love letter from God our Father with intentions to recreate the Garden of Eden, or heaven on earth as God spoke in the Lord s Prayer. Jesus never once spoke about receiving his work on the cross to prevent going to hell. He said, I have come to give Zoë life to all w ho believe. There are no w ords in the Bible that describe life after death. The Bible is an instruction manual for living Zoë life now. God sent Jesus to earth, as the last Adam, to reverse the first Adam mistakes. Adam swallowing the lie to acquire knowledge of good and evil introduced physical death and temporarily removed immortality and heaven or the Garden of Eden on earth. Health obtained by pharmaceuticals is a substitute for God s plan. You may live to 120 years but your death will remove your wisdom and love from extending into the dimension of immortality. Addictive drugs deceive blood with foreign chemicals and treat the symptoms. Why would God create man and then require foreign chemicals designed by man to maintain health and temporarily prevent death? IS SOMETHING MISSING IN MY LOGIC? It is comparable to physically securing an out of balance mechanical engine to prevent the vibrations. T he symptoms are corrected but not the cause. There are many scientifically minded nutritionists and medical doctors who can correct most sicknesses and diseases with natural, God given, foods. The purpose to believe in everlasting life or immortality is a God satisfying thing and it is always better to agree with God and His intentions. My belief in immortality is the ultimate expression of my faith for a dimension of life I cannot see or understand and yet is the substance of my hopes. 6

7 Believe it or not, my belief in immortality was manifested when my belief in hell was abolished. Death and hell are connected many times in scripture. The definition of hell in the Bible is a grave or a location for a dead body. Because you wilt not leave my soul in hell, neither wilt thou suffer your Holy One to see corruption. He seeing this before spoke of the resurrection of Christ, that his soul was not left in hell, neither his flesh did see corruption. Acts 2:27,31 Soul is a breathing creature. The body of Jesus spent three days in a grave/hell. But is now made manifest by the appearing of our Savior Jesus Christ, who has abolished death, and has brought life (Zoë) and immortality to light through the gospel. II Timothy 1:10 Jesus said in Mark 7:13, Making the word of God of none effect through your tradition, which you have delivered: and many such like things you do. It is my thought; believing in a God of wrath is the basic tradition of Christianity. And it is my thought that the traditions of Christianity are firmly buried in the lives of Christians because of an Adolph Hitler philosophy: TELL A LIE OFTEN ENOUGH TELL A LIE LOUD ENOUGH TELL A LIE LONG ENOUGH AND EVERYONE WILL BELIEVE THE LIE. AN UNCHALLENGED LIE WILL BECOME A FACT. A LIE WILL BE BELIEVED FOR FEAR IT MIGHT BE TRUE. THIS IS SATAN S EVOLUTION FOR CHRISTIANITY S ENDORSEMENT OF HELL. FEAR THAT HELL MAY BE TRUE PREVENTS YOUR BRAIN FROM CHANGING. FEAR IS TO SATAN WHAT FAITH IS TO GOD. Sickness and disease leading to death are evidence of a belief in a God of wrath. Several years ago a sectarian survey of the health of all religions was taken. Christianity was the sickest of all religions buddhism was the healthiest. AND BY JESUS STRIPES YOU ARE HEALED????? 7

8 Perfect love from a perfect God casts out fear, stress and all the deadly benefits. Divine health and belief in immortality are evidenced by a belief in a God of love. April 18, 2009 P.S. When I began my search about hell I asked God to reveal the truth. And I committed to write and release the truth regardless of personal consequences. Some of my history as a Christian: has more details. Please excuse the I s but before every I was the Holy Spirit leading. I began leading strangers to the Lord using the threat of hell the first week I was born again and saved. I walked the beaches with Bill Bright, the founder of Campus Crusade for Christ and the Lord used me to lead probably thousands to Jesus, using the Four Spiritual Laws. I even helped Bill edit the booklet. Bill and Vonette Bright wrote the CCC training mannual in our mountain home in Lake Arrowhead, California. My wife and I traveled the United States for several years assisting and conducting Lay Institutes to train Christians to witness. My wife and I worked with the Athletic Ministry, AIA, and trained many to witness at AIA s basketball games and weight lifting events. We had twelve AIA families living in trailers on our avocado grove in Yorba Linda. The Lord used me to start Sportron a fitness center for the total man, spirit, soul and body. Escaping hell and going to heaven were the underlying modus operandi. I preached at the Union Rescue Mission in Los Angeles asking homeless men to receive Jesus for forgiveness of sins in order to avoid hell and go to heaven after death. I played golf, usually once a week at the Yorba Linda Country Club with J. Vernon Magee, who was one of America s popular evangelist and Bible scholars. His Bible Bus Through the Bible is still on many radio stations even though he has been dead for nearly 30 years. Demos Shakarian and his wife Rose came to our home in Downey, California and shared his vision to start the Full Gospel Business Men Fellowship International. I was President of the International Chapter for two years and led many to Jesus. I was on the first TBN--TV broadcast and gave my testimony on the 700 Club. I was the founder of the Christian Oilmen Association, a national organization involving independent oilmen. I have helped several pastors start new churches and taught Sunday school for many years. Josh McDowell, well known Christian author, lived at our home on weekends in Yorba Linda and John Wimber, the founder of thousands of Vinyard Fellowships around the world came to my Bible study when he was first saved. 54 years as a Christian-----I am not a stranger to the doctrine of hell. Linking w ith Jesus w ill improve any life and produce a better man. 8


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