A STUDY OF METAPHOR IN BOB MARLEY SONGS. Journal. Presented to the Requirement For the Bachelor Degree of Education

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1 A STUDY OF METAPHOR IN BOB MARLEY SONGS Journal Presented to the Requirement For the Bachelor Degree of Education Conducted By ASWAD AHMAD NIM aa_8d8@yahoo.co.id ENGLISH DEPARTMENT LETTER AND CULTURE FACULTY GORONTALO STATE UNIVERSITY 2014

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3 A STUDY OF METAPHOR IN BOB MARLEY SONGS Aswad Ahmad English Department, Univesitas Negeri Gorontalo Advisor II & Advisor II Karmila Machmud, M.A. Ph.D and Adriansyah, S.S., M.Pd & Abstract - This research aims to interpret the concept and meaning of metaphor in the lyric Bob Marley songs. The research was conducted in descriptive qualitative method. The approach uses in this research is discourse and text analysis that stand on linguistics theory. The steps of collecting data are reading all song, then identifying the metaphor base on the process of identification of metaphor in song lyric, afterwards the metaphor that has found will classify or group in general or specific of source and target domain of metaphorical concept and making some notes of data finding in song lyric. Next, the steps of analyzing the data are classifying the metaphor into metaphorical concept using conceptual metaphor, finding literal meaning and interpreting the data based on Lakoff and Johnson theory and consider to the discourse and text analysis. Based on analysis of the data, there are 15 data indicate metaphor in the lyric of Bob Marley song. The result of data analysis showed two point; first, the meaning of metaphor of each data referring to several point comprise 1) 1 data shape to the motivational meaning in order to encourage people to face the experiencing of life in truthful way. 2) 1 data refer to the point of view of Bob Marley in order to criticize the erroneous of people paradigm about life. 3) 5 data point to the suffering and struggling of Bob Marley and the black people in their country in order to survive for their life and human right. 4) 1 data refer to the unity of black people who struggle to bring into reality of their freedom. 5) 3 data which the meaning refer to the attribute of social changes in order to criticize and defy the violence, oppression, bad policy, poverty and discrimination which attack the black people life. and 6) 1 data shape to the bad experiencing of Bob Marley s love which made him grief for a long time. Second, the result of classification of conceptual metaphor showed that there are 14 data categorized in structural metaphor and 1 data categorized in orientational metaphor. Most of those data are influenced by the context and culture of Bob Marley song. Key Words : Metaphor, Lyric Songs, Meaning, Discourse and Text Analysis Introduction Basic Consideration Many linguists say that language is fundamentally metaphorical in nature, such as Lakoff and Johnson (1980, p.3) who said that metaphor is in everyday life. The reason that language is metaphorical is because the way we think is metaphorical. Study in term of metaphor may help us to understand how people think, how they interpret their sense and how they 1

4 communicate. Imagine that when people express piqued feeling or angry, they usually choice the words are relate to the animal, such you are dog!, he is an animal! Those expressions are spontaneously happen. It is because the emotion comes automatically in mind and it is out of control. Furthermore, metaphor and song are related. Metaphor pervades our language and our thought, express and idea are essentially metaphorical in nature. Whereas song is communication tools of human interaction to communicate the idea, thought and expression. In this sense, the songwriter delivery mind, idea and feeling through songs lyric as a media to convey the message to the listener or hearer. Besides as tools of entertainment, song may use for give information and opinion of social problem was happened in surrounding. Refer to these, metaphor in songs is an emotional expression of songwriter or speaker to notify something may happened in daily reality and hope that who listen or hearer understand it. As we know, in order to comprehend metaphor in particular songs is not easy task and it could be difficult. Sometimes we only enjoy or happy to hear the song indeed memories the lyric song but we do not understand the message or aim and the meaning deliver in it song. When listening song we could receive messages. Its messages should be interpret to our preferred. Otherwise, metaphor in song may surprises us as the reader or listener because thought and idea expressed in song does not make sense on the surface level, and since literal meaning is denied, our imagination is required so that the meaning becomes clear. In this sense, the study of metaphor in song may help anyone in order to make easy to understanding the message of song and the meaning of metaphor. Based on explanation above, the researcher in this study interested to reveal the metaphor in songs of Bob Marley. It is because several reasons. The first reason is most of his lyric songs contains metaphor. The second, the perspective of the researcher here is studying the metaphor in Bob Marley songs present social reality and culture of Jamaica. Clearly Jamaican people has been live in slavery and injustice. So, his songs become source of data that help to understand the real situation around Jamaica. The third, Bob Marley created lyric songs as a power communication and expression of a social critics and present a safe haven for many 2

5 such freedom, justice, hope, and unity in Africa as we known as black people country. The notion of this research mostly concern to studying metaphor in order to understanding the concept and meaning of metaphor that found in his lyric songs. Problem Statement Based on the consideration above, the researcher formulate the problem statement through the following question: How is the metaphor in the lyric of Bob Marley Songs? Objective of Study Based on the problem statement above, the point of objective of this study is in order to appear the concept and meaning of metaphor in the lyric of Bob Marley Songs. Scope of Study This study concern to examine the concept and meaning of metaphor. In this sense, the researcher will focus to find out the concept of metaphor based on conceptual metaphorical theory proposed by Lakoff and Johnson (2003) that refer to three types of metaphor namely structural metaphor, orientational metaphor and ontological metaphor. Then, in order to appear the meaning of metaphor, this study will concern to the literal meaning and context of Bob Marley songs. Theory The Concept of Metaphor Definition and Theory of Metaphor The word concept of metaphor origin from meta and sphere (metaphere), which meta means relation with such as metaphysics, metabolism, metallurgy, and sphere means space or range of interest, activities, influence (Oxford, p.427). In modern Greek, the word metaphor also means "transfer" or "transport". Thus, the metaphor is the transfer of the image, meaning, or the quality of an expression to another expression (cit ed in Classe, 2000, p. 941). Then, McGlone (2007, p.109) explained that a metaphor is a figurative of speech in which a word or phrase is used to describe something it does not literally denote. He made an example this journal is a gem. Hester (1976, as cited in Antara, 2007, p.21) mentioned that metaphor refer to the two of same complement namely epiphor and diaphor. Epiphor means metaphor which implicate the semantic meaning in wide context, and diaphor is types inside the inner. From all above definition, the complete statement about metaphor is explain by Lakoff &Johnson (1980, p.5) which said that the essence of 3

6 metaphor is understanding and experiencing one kind of thing in terms of another Metaphor Identification Procedure (MIP) Krennmayr (2011, pp.15-16) asserts that the approach of "I-know-itwhen-I-see-it" or intuitive cannot be expected to produce an accurate metaphor identification. Therefore, we need a procedure that is measurable. To answer this needs, Pragglejaz group (2007, p.3) set Metaphor Identification Procedure ( MIP) which is designed specifically for researchers to identify metaphors in spoken and written language which formulated as follow: 1) Read the entire text discourse to establish a general understanding of the meaning. 2) Determine the lexical units in the text discourse. 3). (a) For each lexical unit in the text, establish its meaning in context, that is, how it applies to an entity, relation, or attribute in the situation evoked by the text (contextual meaning). Take into account what comes before and after the lexical unit. (b) For each lexical unit, determine if it has a more basic contemporary meaning in other contexts than the one in the given context. For our purposes, basic meanings tend to be; (i) More concrete; what they evoke is easier to imagine, see, hear, feel, smell, and taste. (ii) Related to bodily action. (iii) More precise (as opposed to vague). (iv) Historically older. (c) If the lexical unit has a more basic current contemporary meaning in other contexts than the given context, decide whether the contextual meaning contrasts with the basic meaning but can be understood in comparison with it. 4). If yes, mark the lexical unit as metaphorical. Conceptual Metaphor In general meaning, the conceptual metaphor can understand as the concept system of human cognitive or thought that became a figurative comparison in which one idea is understood in term of another. the meaning of conceptual metaphor refer to the comparison of conceptual domain of metaphorical expressions which to understand another domain is known as the source domain and target domain. The conceptual domain that is understood in this way is the target domain. Lakoff (1993) attempts to explain how we understand metaphor which a conceptual metaphor: LOVE IS A JOURNEY. Love is structured by the concept of a journey. These everyday English expressions are used for reasoning about love. Lakoff 4

7 (1993) states that the reader understands the domain of love (the source) in terms of the domain of journey (the target). The metaphor can be understood as a mapping exercise from a source domain (in this case, JOURNEYS) to a target domain (in this case, LOVE). Grounded on that statement above, can explain that everyone may understand the things through understanding process of other things, which acquainted and understood before is the basis explanation about conceptual system of metaphor. As addition, Baldauf (1997, p.16) stated their source is actually language because people communicate via language and communication is a conceptual system under that people think and act. This is the evidence that the process of human thought and its comprehension system partly metaphor. In cognitive of human thought, those metaphorical system elaborated in conceptual domain of metaphorical expression in two domain which is source and target domain. Classification of Metaphorical Concept Lakoff and Johnson (1980, 2003) divided the metaphorical concepts in three groups which are presented in the following, starting with structural, orientational and ontoligical metaphor that explain as follow: 1) structural metaphor that is a concept formed in a metaphors manner which applying for other concept. The form of metaphorical concept is hiding or abstract which need to comprehend in other aspect. Lakoff and Johnson (20 03, p.10) explained how metaphorical concept can hide an aspect of experience which can be seen in other as what they called conduit metaphor. 2) orientational metaphor, that is related to spatial orientation, such up-down, in-out, frontback, on-off, deep-shallow, centralperipheral. And (3) ontological metaphor, which is viewing events, activities, emotions, ideal as entities and substances. These metaphor conceptualized the thought, experiences, and process other abstract of things to something has physical, or the other word, considered abstract as concrete. Metaphor in Study of Music Irvine and Kirkpatrick (1972) make more concrete arguments for music as social movement. They see four reasons for viewing music in this way. First, music uses a symbol system in order to convey a message. Second, this message, delivered through music, can affect the judgments of listeners, thus having a persuasive impact. 5

8 Third, musical form changes the rhetorical message from its normal discursive state into a specific state which still serves to deliver a message. Finally, because music has been considered in terms of entertainment, it is insulated from moral and/or cultural restraints imposed on verbal discourse. The relation of metaphor and music are language used in music lyrics is by no means exempt from the presence of metaphor.. Indeed, Irvine and Kirkpatrick (1972), as well as Francesconi (1986), argue that not only the language, but the form of music, is essentially metaphoric in nature.. Research Methodology This research primarily uses a qualitative method the aims of the study. Then, the researcher takes underlying descriptive qualitative as approach in this study. The technique of data collection in this research is literature study which researcher examine the books and literature related to this study. Moreover, the data sources used in this research is song lyric which selected from album of Bob Marley and The Wailers which released during Then, the data used in this study were analyzed into several steps. The steps are reading whole song lyric, identifying metaphor and interpreting the result of data analysis. Discussion Metaphor Life : 1. journey Data #11 Life is one big road with lots of signs, (s11/v1/l 1:4) Literally, big road refer to a main road or highway of course with lot of sign that help people to remain danger may happened on ruts. In this context, the concept of life described within characteristic of a big road with many signs. Bob Marley described that life is supposed to be a long journey that people can go into any directions. There are many signs or decisions that have to make. It is complicated and need a lots of hard times, but people have not focus on the hard time that will only make thing worse. Observe explanation above, the metaphor contains motivational meaning in order to encourage suffering people. The researcher understand that the concept of life as mentioned before is hiding that means metaphor presents the meaning hiding. Lakoff and Johnson (2003, p.9) asserted that in order to comprehend the meaning we need to focus to understanding 6

9 the concept of that metaphor in the term of another. In this sense, the sentence one big road with lots of signs is another term that present to clarify the meaning. So, based on the explanation above the type of this metaphor categorized in structural metaphor. Data #13 The road of life is rocky and you may stumble too, (s13/c1/l 1:7) Literally, rocky means a chunks of rock or abounding in rocks, or also consisting or full of rock or rocks. Rocky also can means firm, difficult or hard. It is depend on the situation or context of where the language use. In this context, the concept of rocky may refer to the something difficult or hard. Bob Marley wanted to tell to every people that life is not easy. If we are on a road of life or daily life, we experiencing a difficult period and have a lot of problem. So, the way the things in the world are set up are usually what cause us to stumble and fall. Based on explanation above, the researcher understand that Bob use the term of rocky as motivational word in order to describe a hard experiencing of life that make people suffer. He command to anyone to set up life as well in order do not be stumble. Referring to the concept of metaphor, the concept of the road of life is rocky and you may stumble in explanation above is sent hiding meaning. It is hiding as abstract concept which mean that in isolation this sentence no meaning at all. The aspect here is the concrete concept. In this sense, the term is rocky became concrete concept of life. So, the concept of life in this sentence can understand by comprehend the meaning of rocky. In this context, the term rocky and you may be stumble in explanation above gave point that the road of life is always complicated and many problem sometimes coming across that make us stumble and fall. Metaphor Life : 2. trade Data #5 Your life is worth much more than gold. (s5/v1/l 12:16) Literally, worth refer to the quality that renders something desirable, useful or valuable. Bob asserted that its word means something exceed in specified value as gold. This context emphasize that life has much valuable which more than material. In belief of Bob, Babylon has been destroy their life and something valuable, and accordingly, payment must be made. 7

10 Through metaphor above, Bob encourage Rasrafari people to admiring life as something valuable. So the meaning of metaphor referring to the motivational context. The sentence your life is worth much more than gold, theoretically, it has concept of metaphor which compare one thing to another (Lakoff & Johnson, 1980, p.12). In this case, the term of worth is a source domain that explain the moral value of life as a target domain. In the context of metaphor, the concept of worth much more than gold is a description term which made clearly the meaning of life. Further, the researcher understand that Bob Marley want to describe the meaning of life referring to the something very important which more than treasure. The value of life placed above what is regarded in most of the world. Finally, based on those explanation the concept of metaphor in this sentence is categorize in structural metaphor. Metaphor Life : 3. sight Data #7 I mean - some-a people think life is a dream (s7/c1/l 4:5) Literally, the sentence a dream signifies a of thoughts, imagination, and sensations occurring in a person's mind during sleep. In the context of Bob song, The meaning of dream in this context linked to an illusion mirage or reflection arises in mind of people. Bob described that some people are often encouraged to have fun alone and they are trying to satisfy the desires all the time. The best thing that they wanted was to give birth to desire, so it will feel real life. In the context of the song, Bob tried to describe the meaning of life in unusual term in order to criticize contrast situation of people life which they feel that life only an illusion and waste it. He use of term of dream became an insinuation or also can be an appeal to anyone to do something worthwhile in life. In this sense, referring to the context of metaphorical concept, the concept of dream present to reveal more specific explanation about life. So, the concept of metaphor in these sentence is structural metaphor. Metaphor Suffering : 1. slave Data #1 O God, I was a prisoner, too - yeah! (s1/v1/l 2:4) Literally, the sentence a prisoner means a person who was arrested and imprisoned as punishment for certain crime or offenses and undergoing the legal process. Also, it can be a person who fells his freedom is limited or trapped by certain 8

11 situations that cause his conscience was pressured. Actually, the context of prisoner in metaphor above refer the occasion suffered by Bob Marley in his circumstances. He used those word to describe his self in which he was depressed and conscience did not feel freedom, because he saw too much abject poverty, social neglect and the poor rampant. Based on explanation above, the researcher understand that The meaning of this metaphor is hiding. He concept of metaphor above categorize in structural metaphor. The subject I in the sentence is refer to Bob Marley, and the sentence a prisoner as source domain to reveal the meaning of the subject I. Relate to the metaphor above, Bob Marley did not explain that he was a truly prisoner. He speaks of prison as symbol of oppression that face Jamaican people (Rasta). In this sense, he reflected the social condition such as poverty, poor rampant and policy brutality to the term of prisoner. Data #14 I'm just a Buffalo Soldier in the heart of America, (s14/v4/l 1:4) Generally, the sentence buffalo soldier means an African-American soldier serving in the western United States after the Civil War. Originally were members of the U.S. 10th Cavalry Regiment of the United States Army. The term buffalo here is refer to Negro or black soldier who was a slave brought from their homeland of Africa to America to work as slaves, then made them fight for Unite Stated during Indian Wars. Most popular with name Buffalo Soldier because they had curly, kinky hair like a bison and wore uniform resembled Buffalo s coat. In this sense, Bob allied the term of Buffalo Soldier or black soldier to the Rastafarians or Dreadlock because both of this term has similar between their character and struggle. So that Rastaman also a black people as like as African people and they struggling for their freedom. Base on concept of metaphor, the researcher understand that Bob compare the abstract concept of Jamaican people with the concrete concept of Buffalo soldier. In this sense, the term Buffalo soldier in hearth of America is another term that present to clarify the meaning of black people of Jamaica. Although the term Buffalo soldier describe not only about their identity, but the truly meaning that it show about black people who live in struggle, survive, victim and slave. So, based on this explanation the type of this 9

12 metaphor categorized in structural metaphor. Data #15 Say (Trench - Trenchtown) we're the underprivileged people, (s15/v2/l 11:16) Literally, the term underprivileged people refer to the people having less money, unlucky, less education, disadvantaged or poor. In this context, Bob describe that they are is the black people who always live in poverty. Their population that does not have access to the rights, healthy food, good medical care or benefit caused of low economic or social status Jamaica. Actually, the underprivileged is the affirmation context of Bob Marley situation which he feels any suffering that make he tried to out from it. The researcher understand that the concept of underprivileged which refer to the black people is explanation or concrete concept to present hiding meaning of the situation of black people in term of we in metaphor above. Referring to the concept of metaphor by Lakoff and Johnson (2003, p.12) who asserted metaphor is a concept formed which applying for another term, so the metaphor in data above categorized in structural metaphor. Metaphor above appropriate to compare to the condition of Jamaican people. Metaphor Suffering: 3. survival Data #10 We're the survivors, yes: the Black survivors! (s10/v1/l 2:2) Literally, survivor means a person or thing that survives or alive from tension, trouble, hardship or suffer in surrounding. In this context, Bob Marley described survivor is refer to the people who survive or live in resistance, struggle, and injustice cause the victim of slave in very long time. The person who survive in this term is the black people who not just Jamaica people but also the whole African diaspora dominate in Africa. Based on the explanation above, the researcher understand that the metaphor we re survivor above is part of liberation lyric which created by Bob Marley to critic society problem in Jamaican and African. In this sense, he used metaphor word survive to describe the suffering of black people. Thus, if point to the concept of metaphor, this sentence categorized in structural metaphor. In context of this data, the researcher understand that the term of black survival is not only means somebody who survive, more than it. This 10

13 term appear the context of suffering and discrimination of Jamaican people who always strength for it. Then, Bob compare reality which face by those black people resemblance to the context of survivor. Data #3 My feet is my only carriage (s3/v2/l 7:9) Literally, carriage is a wheeled vehicle which usually drawn by horse and not used for general purposes, since they are wheel less vehicles. The carriage is especially designed for private passenger use in the interest of comfort or elegance, though some are also used to transport goods. In this context, Bob describe that his body to carriage which his feet and legs are his only mode of transportation. He want tell to anybody that he walk alone or fight alone to reach his mission. The sentence "only my feet" in the context of the metaphor not only refer to the part of body, but these is represent all members of his body or mindset. The idea is that everyone or himself should have to have courage or the establishment of a strong and also have a positive attitude in life. He believes that this attitude will take him to reach the dreams or goals in future. Those metaphor also addressed to the people of Jamaica. He taught that anyone who poor could not afford to buy shoes or new clothes that they also have to stand on feet and follow their dreams, just like Marley did. In this sense, it can understand that Bob sent hiding message in the term of my only carriage in the different context which no means a transportation mode to explain his struggle. So, based on the explanation of metaphor above is categorized in structural metaphor. Metaphor Music: attribute Data #8 Me say, Music you're - music you're the key, (s8/v2/l 1:9) Generally, the word key has several meaning and it is depending on context of usage. It is literally means a major device, important things or something principal, substantial, instrument or guide, and other. In this context, Bob described that music is a tools to convey complaints and problems of Jamaican people to everyone. He believes that through music, the black people of Jamaica feel happiness and hope their life will free from suffering. He also interpret the meaning of key as attribute of a channel for social change. In this context, music portrays resistance to oppression, it is a symbolic action, part of a nonviolent revolution. 11

14 Based on this explanation, the meaning of metaphor of music you are the key is more specific and can be understand if it refer to the context of Bob life. The term of key contains deep meaning or hiding and the message can appear only in the situation of social and culture behind the song as explain above. So, based on concept of metaphor, the sentence above is categorized in structural metaphor. Metaphor Love : 1. unity Data #2 We also got to realize we are one people, yeah (s2/v3/l 9:13) Literally, the sentence one people is being united as one, out of being different with one another, support and respect the different whatever we are made of all different thing but always together as one. In this context, Bob clarify one people as tribute to the unity of the different cultural minorities inhabiting the nation. It means that even though we are of many different races, backgrounds, ethnicity and cultures we are all equal. Anyone should living, working, praying together in tolerance, harmony and love without exploitation and discrimination. In this case, Bob described that black people has been live in discrimination, slave and segregation, and of course they have authority to build peaceful in their country without slump. Then, he motivate every black people to being one to struggle for their freedom. He use the sentence one people in his lyric to bring up those spirit. Further, according to Lakoff and Johnson (2003, p.8), the structural metaphor involve the structuring of one kind of experience in term of another kind. So, based on those explanation, the metaphor above categorized in structural metaphor. Metaphor Love: 2. sadness Data #6 But I know, now, that I'm way down on your line (s6/v1/l5:17) Literally, way down signifies a process to alight or submissive, and on your line signifies someone marks of rule for a reason that need to follow. Then, the term way down on your line refers to the condition which someone feels alight through the rules. In this context, Bob confirmed that he was falling in love to Cindy for a long time that make him goes through in anxious of heart. The notion can be catch here is the speaker is want to convey his steam of a frustrated in loving a girl that became a grief for himself. The cause is he is realized that the girl is interested in other 12

15 men before him. The speaker doesn t want to wait around for this girl only to find out that she has no intentions of getting with him. He wants to know why she is running from his love. Then he feels wait is worth the reward. He has waited through the seasons for this girl, summer through winter. Further, referring to concept of metaphor, the term way down on your line is a spatial expression of the speaker to convey the message of thing. So, based on this explanation the type of this metaphor categorized in orientational metaphor. Metaphor Personal : Attribute Data #4 "Johnny was a good man," I - I know! (never did a thing wrong) (s4/b/l 2:5) The phrase good man literally means the person who has commendable behavior or never do something bad. In this context, the sentence means a person who never did the wrong thing or mistake. Meanwhile, the subject Johnny refer to the son as innocent child who became the victim of shooting. So it means that Johnny here is a child of innocence who death in crossfire. The term good man in this context describe that the child called Johnny never mixed up with the conflict in Jamaica. In the concept of metaphor, the sentence good man above is an attribution to brief about the subject Johnny. Here appear that good man which means innocent child is source domain which describes abstract concept somebody who call Johnny. Therefore, this metaphor is categorized as structural metaphor. Data #12 Well, the biggest man you ever did see was - was just a baby. (s12/v1/l11:11) Literally, the word baby means a very young child recently born. It certainly has natural character such easy crying, babbling, should breastfeeding, learning to crawl and others. Here understood that Bob equate the sentences the biggest man is like young child. He used word a baby to compare or describe the true nature of someone who biggest but just same with the baby behavior. In this case, the sentence the biggest man actually addressed to anybody who had has incumbent in government or may referred to rulers in Jamaica. He described that sometimes they made policy which only benefit unilateral, but not profitable for small people and they only trigger a war their attitude They sometimes crying like a baby expecting compassionate of the people, they asking for support to be 13

16 chosen as leader, they formerly crawling, but after get it all they forgotten all promise and even let people live in misery, discrimination and poverty. Based on the explanation above, the line the biggest man you ever did see was just a baby is clearly indicate a metaphor because it contains the concept of metaphor. This sentence included in structural metaphor. Metaphor Babylon: Devil Data #9 Me say: de Babylon system is the vampire, falling empire, (s9/v2/l3:9) Literally, vampire means a predator or a rises corpse in the night from its grave to drink the blood. Vampire is actually only a personage come up as folklore popular in Europe. In the context of this metaphor, the term of vampire" is refers to any evil force, any institution or system of thought which is anti-progressive, investing in the oppression and the division of people throughout the world. Marley compares the character of Babylon to the term of vampire which are biting human and sucking blood. Here Bob Marley compares the social oppression which as the term of Babylon system to the term of vampire that make people suffer. In his perception, social institution such churches and university only promote hegemony idea that make people deceived with pretext in order to reinforce mentality of poor people who colonized. In this sense, the sentence Babylon system can understand as corrupt society, government and institutions, as an oppressive force, and the police, as agent who destroying people which can comprehend in the term of vampire. Conclusion The researcher decide to conclude two point of the result of the data analysis. The first, the meaning of metaphor of each data referring to several point comprise 1) there are three data shape to the motivational meaning in order to encourage people to face the experiencing of life in truthful way. 2) there is one data refer to the point of view of Bob Marley in order to criticize the erroneous of people paradigm about life. 3) there are five data point to the suffering and struggling of Bob Marley and the black people in their country in order to survive for their life and human right. 4) there is one data refer to the unity of black people who struggle to bring into reality of their freedom. 5) there are three data which the meaning 14

17 refer to the attribute of social changes in order to criticize and defy the violence, oppression, bad policy, poverty and discrimination which attack the black people life. and 6) there is one data shape to the bad experiencing of Bob Marley s love which made him grief for a long time. The second, based on the classification of conceptual metaphor the result showed that there are 14 data categorized in structural metaphor and 1 data categorized in orientational metaphor. In this study, the researcher did not found the data of metaphorical concept which categorized ontological metaphor. It is because there are no data show about event and activities of entities and substance of metaphor. References Baldauf, C. (1997). Metapher und kognition grundlagen einer neuen Theorie der All tags metapher. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang Cameron, L. (2003) Metaphor in educational discourse. London and New York: Continuum. David. (2007). The words and music of bob marley. London: Praeger Francesconi, R. (1986). Free jazz and black nationalism: A rhetoric of musical style. Critical Studies in Mass Communication, 3(1), Huisman, M. (2011). Babylon by bus. Martijn Huisman: publish in Irvine, J. R., & Kirkpatrick, W. G. (1972). The musical form in rhetorical exchange: Theoretical considerations. Communication Research, 12(3), 58, Jacobs, S. (2009). Rebel music from trenchtown to oaktown: The lyric of bob marley and tupac shakur as counter-hegemonic culture. Thesis: University of Florida Jacobson, M. (1995). Bob marley live. Natural history,104 (11), Kövecses, Z. (2002). Metaphor: A practical introduction. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Kövecses, Z. (2003). Metaphor and emotion: Language, culture, and body in human feeling. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Krennmayr, Tina. (2011). Metaphor in Newspapers. Utrecht: LOT. Lakoff, G. (1993). The contemporary theory of metaphor. In A. Ortony (Ed.). Metaphor and Thought (Second Ed.) Cambridge: Cambridge University Press Lakoff, G. (2003). Metaphor and war, again. Retrieved from: Lakoff, G & Johnson, M. (1981). Metaphors we live by. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Lakoff, G & Johnson, M. (2003). Metaphors we live by. Second edition Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Marshak, S.P., Pazhakh, A., & Hayati, A. A comparative study on basic emotion conceptual metaphor in english and Persian literary texts. 15

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