The Manual of Literature The Speech in the Virginia Convention

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1 The Manual of Literature The Speech in the Virginia Convention Grade 11 Term 2 Name: Section: Page 1 of 19

2 Patrick Henry The Voice of the American Revolution Patrick Henry ( ) was an eloquent orator and motivational leader at the time of the Revolutionary War. He was a great American patriot, a strong believer in citizens rights, and a prominent spokesman for independence from England. Protesting against British tyranny, Patrick Henry is immortalized as the man who said, I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty or give me death! In 1765, Patrick Henry was elected to the House of Burgesses, which was the lawmaking body of Virginia. While there, Henry was one of the first to speak in public on the rights of the colonies to rule themselves. Henry s moving speeches brought unity to the colonists and stirred them to action against the British. Henry said that they could never be free under an English government, and he persuaded Virginia to get ready for war. The colonies did eventually go to war against England, and they became independent states. Henry was elected as the first Governor of Virginia and served for five terms. A constitution was written to establish a government for the United States. **The occasion of the speech** On March 23, 1775, Patrick Henry addressed the Second Virginia Convention at St. John s Church in Richmond. He was 39 years old and had already served in the Virginia colonial legislature for nearly ten years. Peyton Randolph was President of the Virginia Convention. The Convention was attended by 120 delegates including such notable colonial leaders as George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and Richard Henry Lee. The meeting turned into a series of debates over whether or not to arm the colony of Virginia as a defense against possible incursions by the British army. Many at the meeting did not want to oppose the mother country, instead favoring conciliatory measures. In Patrick Henry s stirring and persuasive speech, he forcefully urged them that they needed to arm themselves and be prepared to oppose King George III. He spoke without any notes in a voice that became louder and louder, climaxing with the now famous ending. Supposedly the crowd then jumped up and shouted To Arms! To Arms! As a result, Virginia became the first colony to call for separation from England. Page 2 of 19

3 Vocabulary List 1 Speech in the Virginia Convention Word Part of Definition Example 1- Solace To give help and comfort to someone when they are feeling sad or worried - counselors did their best to solace the bereaved children 2. Invincible Adj. Impossible to defeat or prevent from doing what is intended Last year the company seemed invincible but in recent weeks has begun to have problems. 3. Treason The crime of lack of loyalty to your country especially by helping the enemies or attempting to defeat its government Guy Fawkes was executed for treason after he took part in a plot to blow up the British Parliament building. 4.Extenuate Verb To lessen or try to lessen the seriousness or extent of a problem The boy s flimsy excuses did not extenuate his terrible crime. 5-Avert Verb To prevent something bad from happening; avoid The president s stern measures could avert this imminent financial crisis. 6-Inviolate Adj. Not harmed or damaged For centuries the tomb lay inviolate until, by chance, it was discovered by two miners. Page 3 of 19

4 7-Supplication - a humble request for help from someone in authority Inside the temple, worshippers were kneeling in supplication. - A prayer asking God s help as part of a religious service. 8-Avarice Greed- a strong desire to keep money. The corporate world is plagued by avarice and a thirst for power. 9- vigilant Adj. Always being careful to notice things especially possible danger Following the bomb scare at the airport, the staff have been warned to be extra vigilant. 10- snare A trick or situation which deceives you The legal system is full of snares for those who are not wary. 11- Petition A document signed by a large number of people demanding an action from the government I signed a petition against the proposed closure of the local hospital today. 12-tyranny Government by a ruler or small group of people who have unlimited power over the people in the country or state and use it unfairly and cruelly Patrick Henry was determined to end the tyranny of the British reign. 13-Arduous Adj. Difficult, tiring and needing a lot of effort. The medical intern went through a long and arduous training program. Page 4 of 19

5 Vocabulary List 2 Speech in the Virginia Convention 1- Anguish Extreme unhappiness caused by physical or mental suffering The distraught family watched in anguish as fire spread through the house. 2 - Entreaty Earnest or urgent request- appeal When it comes to extending deadlines, our entreaties usually fall on deaf ears. 3 - Adversary Someone who offers oppositionan enemy The congressman s political adversaries tried to prevent him from winning the nomination. 4- Martial Relating to soldiers, war or life in armed forces -The government has imposed/declared martial law throughout the city to stop the riots. 5- Spurn Verb To refuse to accept something or someone because you feel that they are not worth having fiercely independent, the elderly couple spurned all offers of financial help 6- Implore Verb To ask someone to do or not to do something in a very sincere, emotional and determined way. The woman implored the firefighter to save her child. - Alicia implored her parents not to send her away to boarding-schooling. Yet, all her cries and pleas were to no avail. 7- Renounce Verb To say formally or publicly that you no longer support, believe in or have a connection with something. King Edward VIII renounced the throne in 1936 less than year after becoming king of England to marry American actress Wallis Simpson. Page 5 of 19

6 8- Corrosive Adj. Harmful and causing bad, bitter feelings. - Hydrochloric acid is a colorless, corrosive acid. - The lecture enumerated the corrosive effects of drug use as it is mainly accountable for the destruction of the nervous system. 9- Insidious Adj. causing harm in a way that is gradual or not easily noticed - High-blood pressure is an insidious condition which has few symptoms. People inflicted with this disease are oblivious of its presence. 10- supinely Adv. in a manner with the face upward - The gymnast was stretched supinely on her back. 11- Impede Verb Be a hindrance or obstacle to - Progress has been impeded by a number of economic factors. - Despite his injury, the player impressed everyone by his great performance in the game. He played without a brace on the elbow and did not appear to be impeded by his injury. 12- plea An urgent and emotional plea - A homeless mother of six made a tearful plea for a home for her family. 13- subjugation Forced submission to control ; oppression; conquest - Patrick Henry was calling upon the Americans to fight after enduring years of subjugation and tyranny. Page 6 of 19

7 A- Fill in the blanks with the suitable word from the list below (5 points) Invincible- supinely- vigilant martial- inviolate- extenuate- insidious The day dawned perfectly for battle. Each army gathered in the woods beside the open field. The captain gave a stirring speech to prepare his soldiers for battle against their foes. Listen, everyone, he said. We have to be to succeed today, so watch carefully and keep your eyes open. The enemy is sly and full of tricks don t let them sneak up on you. We must not allow them to cross the field. Our side must remain ! Remember, we are patriots and guardians of freedom! No one can defeat us. We are ! The soldiers nodded, except for Nathaniel, who didn t like what he d heard. He said, That may sound good, Captain, Nathaniel said, but it does not agree with my experience of the last few battles. Actually, we were beaten last time. I think that we should retreat and return with a bigger force. The captain glared at Nathaniel. What a cowardly thing to say! I don t think anything can what you said. Why don t you go join the other side? Angered, Nathaniel stood up but, knowing he would be disciplined for open revolt, said nothing. He started to back away but tripped over a tree root and landed face up on the ground. Ouch! Nathaniel moaned, as the tension left his body. You are a good soldier, Nathaniel, and we need your strength, said the captain, offering a hand to Nathaniel. Are you going to lie there , or will you join the fight? B- Choose the answer that best explains the meaning of each underlined word 1- To extenuate means to A. lessen B. interact with C. worsen D. plot about Page 7 of 19

8 2- What does martial mean? A. warlike B. strong C. purposeful D. persuasive 3- Insidious means A. insulting B. curious C. ignorant D. stealthy 4- If something is invincible, it is A. original B. unbeatable C. imperfect D. useless 5- Vigilant means A. disciplined B. organized C. watchful D. quiet A SPEECH IN THE VIRGINIA CONVENTION A- Define each of the following Literary Terms:- 1- Rhetorical Question:- 2- Speech: - a formal talk given usually to a large number of people on a special occasion. Page 8 of 19

9 3- Antithesis:- 4- Parallelism:- 5- Repetition:- 6- Logical Appeal:- 7- Emotional Appeal:- Page 9 of 19

10 Text Analysis Rhetorical Devices Rhetorical devices are structures within language that appeal to readers or listeners and communicate ideas. A rhetorical question is a question to which no answer is expected. Antithesis expresses contrasting ideas in parallel grammatical structures. Repetition is the recurrence of words, phrases, or lines. Parallelism is a kind of repetition in which words or phrases in the same grammatical form connect ideas. Allusion is a brief and indirect reference to a person, place, thing or idea of historical, cultural, literary or political significance. Directions: In the chart, record an example of each rhetorical device from Patrick Henry s speech Rhetorical device Example Rhetorical question Repetition Antithesis Parallelism Allusion Page 10 of 19

11 Questions Guide In 1775, Patrick Henry introduced a resolution to the Virginia Convention to form the local militia to be prepared to fight the British. The resolution passed by five votes. Read his speech and answer the following questions in order to analyze the persuasiveness of his speech. 1) First, determine his overall position and/or call to action. Who is the audience? What is the occasion of the speech? Paragraph 1 2) Based on lines 1 11, what details in this passage reveal that Henry believes he is speaking at a decisive moment? Why does he feel that free debate is essential at such a moment? Page 11 of 19

12 Why do you think Henry begins his speech with the statement Mr. President: No man thinks more highly than I do of the patriotism, as well as abilities of the very worthy gentlemen who have just addressed the house. But different men often see the same subject in different lights. Henry says that different men often see the same subject in different lights. What does the word light mean here? Why do you think he uses it? Henry states his view in saying that, I consider it as nothing less than a question of freedom or slavery. What does he mean by it? What appeal does he create? Reread lines What are some examples of antithesis, and what kind of emphasis does it create? Page 12 of 19

13 What appeal does he create when he says, It is only in this way that we can hope to arrive at truth, and fulfill the great responsibility which we hold to God and our country? What does truth mean to Henry? Determine Patrick Henry s tone in this speech. Paragraph 2 3) Mr. President, it is natural to man to indulge in the illusions of hope. What does this line imply? ( Review the meaning of refutation ) 4) What rhetorical device is he using when he says, listen to the song of that siren till she transforms us into beasts? Explain it and discuss what appeal it creates. ( it is a mythical allusion) Page 13 of 19

14 5) Henry says, Are we disposed to be of the number of those who having eyes see not, and having ears hear not, the things which so nearly concern their temporal salvation. What rhetorical device is he using? Explain its persuasive effect and what appeal it creates Paragraphs 3 and 4 6) Reread lines 29 40, answering each of the rhetorical questions. How is a listener likely to respond to Henry s final statements in lines 37 40? 7) Henry presents the evidence of the British sending armies and navies. What is his rhetorical pattern for the presentation of this evidence? How is it persuasive? What appeal is created? Page 14 of 19

15 Paragraphs 6 and 7 8) Henry lists several actions the colonies have taken to protest their treatment by the British. How do these actions show that Henry is speaking at a decisive moment in American history? Why do you think Henry repeats the word sir so often in this paragraph? Explain the likely effect of this repetition as well as that of the phrase let it come! ( lines 69-79) Paragraph 8 9) Paragraph 8 begins with the last opposing argument. What is it? How does Henry refute it? What rhetorical device does he use? Page 15 of 19

16 10) In the last sentence, Henry once again makes his point that he equates British rule with death by saying, but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death! Explain (IMP.) Reading Check 1) Henry refers to a lamp that guides him. What is this lamp? 2) Henry rejects the possibility of Americans gaining their rights simply by asking the King to grant them. Why? 3) What does Henry say will result from the colonies backing down from a war with Britain? Page 16 of 19

17 Selection Test A) Read each of the following questions. Then choose the letter of the best answer. 1) Henry begins his speech with A. strong demands for an immediate vote B. firm requests for funds to pay for war C. polite references to other speakers D. kind words for other colonies 2) Henry sees the basic question of the debate as a choice between A. war and peace B. freedom and slavery C. patriotism and disrespect D. truth and imagination 3) Henry says that the British obviously want to subdue the colonies because the British have A. ignored the colonists pleas for help B. killed colonists over their taxes C. captured sailors for their navy D. sent their army and navy 4) What rhetorical device is Henry using in the following quotation? Shall we resort to entreaty and humble supplication? What terms shall we find which have not already been exhausted? A. repeated phrases B. antithesis of ideas C. rhetorical questions D. parallelism of structure Page 17 of 19

18 5) What might Henry have done to emphasize the following lines from his persuasive speech? Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! A. increased the volume of his voice B. slowed down while he spoke C. sat down while he spoke D. paused after every word B) Answer the following questions 1) What is one example that Henry offers to show that the colonists have tried all peaceful means to avoid war with the British? Patrick Henry mentioned many examples to show that the colonists have tried peaceful means to avoid war: a. The colonists petitioned the British government in hopes that the British would listen to their complaints (lines 26 31). b. The colonists have argued to get the British to listen to their complaints (lines 41 44). c. The colonists have begged for intervention to stop the ministry and Parliament from treating them so poorly (lines 49 50). 2) What does Henry fear will happen if the colonies wait too long to confront the British? Include one detail from the speech in your answer. Students may say that Henry fears any one of the following things may happen if the colonies wait too long to confront the British: a. The colonies will be totally disarmed (line 64). Page 18 of 19

19 b. A British guard may be stationed at each house (lines 64 65). c. The colonies will become weaker because of inaction and irresolution (line 65). 3) What does Henry see as the basic idea of the debate? Henry sees the basic idea of the debate as a question of freedom or slavery (line 8). 4) What are two reasons that Henry gives for his belief that the colonies are strong enough to fight Britain and gain independence? Responses will vary. Students may say that any two of the following are reasons that Henry gives for his belief that the colonies are strong enough to fight Britain and gain independence: a. The British will only continue to take away arms and station more troops, so now is the best time because the colonies have some power (lines 62 68). b. There are three million people in the country who want liberty, a holy cause, who could be called on to fight (lines 70 72). c. God is looking out for the colonists and will send friends to help in the fight (lines 72 75). Page 19 of 19

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