STUDENT WORKBOOK. Additional Materials. Reproducible Comprehension Questions for Selected Workbook Latin Passages

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1 1 LEVEL Reproducible Comprehension Questions for Selected Workbook Latin Passages STUDENT WORKBOOK Additional Materials Milena Minkova and Terence Tunberg Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers, Inc. Mundelein, Illinois USA

2 A NOTE TO TEACHERS The Student Workbook for Latin for the New Millennium Level 1 contains additional Latin readings. Teachers may assign these as in-class sight readings or as homework activities or use them another way as appropriate. For five of those readings, these pages contain a set of multiple choice comprehension questions that follow the reproduced Latin reading. These are available as downloads for the teacher to reproduce as needed. The comprehension questions were developed by Kevin Finnigan, Skaneateles High School, Skaneateles, New York.

3 LATIN FOR THE NEW MILLENNIUM: LEVEL 1 COMPREHENSION QUESTIONS FOR WORKBOOK, LEVEL 1, EXERCISE 6, P. 20 Terentia Cicerōnī (to Cicero) salūtem plūrimam dīcit. Epistula tua, Cicero, ā mē (me) tenētur. Sī dolēs, doleō. Nōn sōlum tamen cōnsilia mala ā malīs virīs contrā tē parantur, sed etiam auxilium māgnum ā bonīs virīs parātur. Itaque nōn dēbēmus dolēre. Nam familia nostra (our) nōn est misera. Epistulae tuae longae ā 5 mē, ā fīliō, ā pulchrā fīliā exspectantur. Valē! 1. The subject of dīcit (line 1) is a. Terentia b. Cicero c. salūtem d. plurimam 2. Epistula tua, Cicero, ā mē tenētur (line 2) is best translated a. Cicero is holding my letter. b. Your letter is being held by Cicero. c. Cicero, hold my letter. d. Your letter, Cicero, is being held by me. 3. The subject of dolēs (line 2) is a. you singular b. you plural c. we d. they 4. Nōn solum... parantur (lines 2 3) can also be expressed a. Nōn solum tamen malī virī contrā tē consiliīs malīs parantur, b. Nōn solum tamen mala consilia contrā tē virōs malōs parant, c. Nōn solum tamen malī virī mala consilia contrā tē parant, d. Nōn solum tamen mala consilia contrā virōs malōs parās, 5. All the following words are derived from a word in line 3 EXCEPT a. magnify b. auxiliary c. parent d. virile

4 6. The best translation of dolēre (line 4) is a. to hurt b. you hurt c. they hurt d. we hurt 7. Nam familia nostra nōn est misera (line 4) is best translated a. For we are not unhappy for our family. b. For our family is not unhappy. c. For the family does not pity us. d. For there is no familiar misery for us. 8. The singular of Epistulae (line 4) is a. Epistulam b. Epistulā c. Epistula d. Epistulārum 9. Epistulae tuae... exspectantur (lines 4 5) is best translated a. Your long letters await me, our son, and beautiful daughter. b. Your long letters are awaited by me, our son, and beautiful daughter. c. Our son, beautiful daughter, and I will write you letters. d. Our son, beautiful daughter, and I have received your long letters. 10. The overall tone of the this letter can be described as a. fearful b. critica c. joking d. encouraging

5 LATIN FOR THE NEW MILLENNIUM: LEVEL 1 COMPREHENSION QUESTIONS FOR WORKBOOK, LEVEL 1, EXERCISE 6, P. 35 Xerxēs est dux multōrum mīlitum. Dum mīlitēs Xerxis aquam ex rīvō bibunt, rīvus siccātur. Mīlitēs Xerxis Hellespontum trānsīre dēbent. Xerxēs dēcernit sē et virōs armātōs Hellespontum pontibus transīre posse. Mīlitēs pontēs aedificant. Tunc mare procellā turbātur et pontēs servārī nōn possunt. Xerxēs putat mare esse malum. Itaque iubet mare 5 verberārī. Mīlitēs Xerxis mare verberant. 1. The case of mīlitum (line 1) is a. nominative b. genitive c. accusative d. ablative 2. The best translation for Xerxēs... mīlitum (line 1) is a. Many soldiers led Xerxes. b. Xerxes had a lot of soldiers. c. Xerxes was the leader of many soldiers. d. Xerxes and many soldiers had that leader. 3. The subject of bibunt (line 1) is a. mīlitēs b. Xerxis c. aquam d. rīvō 4. The best translation of siccātur (line 2) is a. is drying b. is dried up c. dries d. makes them dry 5. What must the soldiers do? They must a. go against Xerxes. b. attack the Hellespont. c. remain calm. d. cross the Hellespont.

6 6. What did Xerxes decide? a. He decided to wait at the Hellespont. b. He decided to kill the armed men. c. He decided to immediately attack the enemy. d. He decided to cross the Hellespont with soldiers. 7. pontibus (line 3) is best translated a. in bridges b. by bridges c. without the bridges d. under the bridges 8. Mīlitēs pontēs aedificant (line 3) is best translated a. The soldiers build the bridges. b. The soldiers destroy the bridges. c. The bridges are built by the soldiers. d. The bridges are destroyed by the soldiers. 9. Tunc mare procellā turbātur (lines 3 4) can also be expressed a. Tunc mare procellam turbat. b. Tunc mare procellā turbāmus. c. Tunc procella marī turbātur. d. Tunc procella mare turbat. 10. malum (line 4) modifies a. Xerxēs (line 4) b. putat (line 4) c. mare (line 4) d. esse (line 4) 11. Itaque iubet mare verberārī (lines 4 5) is best translated a. And so he orders the sea to be beaten. b. He is ordered to be beaten by the sea. c. And so the men are ordered to beat the sea. d. And so he orders the men to be beaten by the sea. 12. Which of the following best describes the action in Mīlitēs Xerxis mare verberant (line 5)? a. productive b. foolish c. dangerou d. evil

7 LATIN FOR THE NEW MILLENNIUM: LEVEL 1 COMPREHENSION QUESTIONS FOR WORKBOOK, LEVEL 1, EXERCISE 6, P. 60 Horātius erat mīlēs et in bellō pugnāre dēbēbat. Is tamen cōgitābat: Multī nostrum in bellō occīduntur. Ducēs nōs pugnāre iubent, sed verba eōrum audīre nōn dēbēmus. Ūnusquisque nostrum corpus sum servāre potest. Bonum et pulchrum est prō patriā morī, sed propter amōrem meī vītam meam habēre cupiō. Tunc poēta scūtum suum relinquit et fugit. 1. Horātius erat mīles (line 1) is best translated a. Horatius was a soldier. b. Horatius was wandering with a soldier. c. A soldier was wandering with Horatius. d. Horatius the soldier was wandering. 2. pugnāre (line 1) is best translated a. they fight b. we fight c. while fighting d. to fight 3. Is (line 1) refers to a. bellō (line 1) b. nōs (line 2) c. Dūcēs (line 2) d. Horātius (line 1) 4. Multī nostrum in bellō occīduntur (lines 1 2) is best translated a. Many of them were killed in the war. b. The war is killing many of them. c. Many of our men are being killed in the war. d. The war killed many of our men. 5. The subject of iubent (line 2) is a. Ducēs (line 2) b. nōs (line 2) c. nostrum (line 2) d. Horātius (line 1)

8 6. Who is eōrum (line 2)? a. Ducēs (line 2) b. verba (line 2) c. Multī (line 1) d. nostrum (line 2) 7. The plural of potest (line 3) is a. potestis b. possunt c. possumus d. potes 8. Bonum et pulchrum est prō patriā morī (line 3) is best translated a. Dying in front of one s father is a good and beautiful thing, b. Dying in one s country is a good and beautiful thing, c. It is a good and beautiful thing to die for one s father, d. It is a good and beautiful thing to die for your country, 9. meī (line 4) is a. nominative b. genitive c. dative d. accusative 10. How is Horatius characterized in this passage? a. noble b. talented c. selfish d. rude

9 LATIN FOR THE NEW MILLENNIUM: LEVEL 1 COMPREHENSION QUESTIONS FOR WORKBOOK, LEVEL 1, EXERCISE 6, P. 94 Mulier marītum suum āmīserat et dē eō valdē dolēbat. Corpus marītī, quod in conditōriō iacēbat, tenēbat et lacrimīs cōnsūmēbātur. Propter dolōrem vidua nōn comēdēbat nec dormīre cupiēbat. Prope conditōrium erant trēs latrōnēs crucifīxī, quōrum corpora ā mīlite custōdiēbantur. Mīles vīdit rem in conditōriō movērī et in conditōrium intrāvit. Tunc 5 mulierem cōnspexit et putāvit eam esse mōnstrum. Deinde tamen intellēxit eam esse uxōrem quae dē marītō mortuō dolēbat et cōnsūmēbātur. Tum inquit: Cibum comedere dēbēs. Sī cibum nōn comēderis, tū quoque mox nōn vīvēs. Cēnam suam dare eī cupiēbat. Fēmina prīmum recūsābat,sed tandem accēpit. Nōn sōlum cibōs comēdit, sed ūnā cum mīlite rīdēbat. Dum mīles cum muliere manēbat, familiārēs ūnīus latrōnis 10 crucifīxī ēius corpus clam corripuērunt. Mīles pūnīrī dēbēbat; nam nōn bene custōdīverat. Vidua nōn cupiēbat suum amīcum pūnīrī. Itaque corpus marītī mortuī eī dedit, quod mīles in locum corporis ablātī posuit. Hominēs id crēdere nōn poterant. 1. amīserat (line 1) is best translated a. lost b. had lost c. was losing d. will lose 2. Corpus (line 1) is a. nominative b. genitive c. dative d. accusative 3. What is the antecedent of quod (line 1)? a. Mulier b. Corpus c. eō d. maritum 4. The case of conditōriō (line 1) is a. genitive b. dative c. accusative d. ablative

10 5. What is the subject of consumēbātur (line 2)? a. Mulier (line 1) b. conditōriō (line 2) c. marītī (line 1) d. lacrimīs (line 2) 6. Because of her grief the widow a. did not see her friends. b. summoned a soldier. c. slept continuously. d. did not sleep. 7. quōrum corpora ā mīlite custōdiēbantur (lines 3 4) can also be expressed a. quōrum corpora mīles custōdiēbat b. quōrum corpora mīlitēs custōdiēbant c. quibus corporibus mīles custōdiēbātur d. quae corpora mīlitēs custōdiēbant 8. Why did the soldier enter the funeral chamber? a. to kill the monster b. to look for the woman c. he thought he saw something move d. to chase away a ghost 9. putāvit eam esse mōnstrum (line 5) is best translated a. he thinks that she was a monster b. she thought that he was a monster c. she thinks that he is a monster d. he thought that she was a monster 10. What does the soldier say to the widow? a. You must leave the funeral chamber. b. You must not grieve. c. Prepare some food. d. You should eat. 11. suam (line 7) is best translated a. his b. her c. their d. our

11 12. From Nōn sōlum cibōs... rīdēbat (lines 8 9) we learn that a. the soldier is selfish b. the woman likes comedy c. the widow s grief is lessened d. the woman loves the soldier 13. What happens while the soldier stays with the woman? a. It begins to rain. b. A body is stolen. c. A crowd arrives. d. More soldiers arrive. 14. Why should the soldier be punished? a. He attacked the widow. b. He was not a good guard. c. He deserted his fellow officers. d. He did not like the widow. 15. What is the antecedent of eī (line 11)? a. amīcum (line 11) b. Vidua (line 11) c. corpus (line 11) d. marītī (line 11) 16. quod mīles in locum corporis ablātī posuit. (lines 11 12) is best translated a. because the soldiers had carried away and placed the body in this place b. which body the soldiers had taken away and had placed here c. which the soldier put in place of the body which had been taken away d. because the soldier had taken away the body to this place 17. id (line 12) refers to a. the soldier b. the widow c. the friend s punishment d. what the soldier did

12 LATIN FOR THE NEW MILLENNIUM: LEVEL 1 COMPREHENSION QUESTIONS FOR WORKBOOK, LEVEL 1, EXERCISE 6, P. 111 Sī terra nostra cum māgnitūdine tōtīus caelī comparāta erit, vidēbitur esse nihil. Sed terrae pars, in quā habitant hominēs, est valdē parva! In tam parvō spatiō quanta esse potest glōria ūnīus hominis? Et in tam parvō spatiō multae sunt gentēs, multae sunt linguae. Hominēs ūnīus gentis linguās externās nōn saepe intellegunt. Itaque glōria ūnīus 5 hominis ad gentēs externās venīre nōn potest. Sī autem accēperimus glōriam ūnīus hominis in locō valdē parvō mānsūram esse, nec umquam ad gentēs externās ventūram esse, dē tempore quoque cōgitāre dēbēbimus. Sī ūnum temporis pūnctum cum decem mīlibus annōrum comparātum erit, vidēbitur esse nihil. Sī autem decem mīlia annōrum cum tempore īnfīnītō comparāta erunt, vidēbuntur esse nihil. Itaque etiam sī glōria ūnīus 10 hominis per decem mīlia annōrum mānserit, nihil erit. Et glōria, etiam sī per decem mīlia annōrum manēre potuerit, mortālis tandem erit, sicut vīta hominum. 1. Sī terra nostra... comparāta erit (line 1) is best translated a. If you compare the size of our land to the entire earth s b. If our land is compared to the size of the whole sky c. If you compare the whole sky s size to that of the earth d. If all of our land s size is compared to the sky s greatness 2. The subject of vidēbitur (line 1) is a. terra (line 1) b. magnitudine (line 1) c. caelī (line 1) d. pars (line 2) 3. The antecedent of quā (line 2) is a. terra (line 1) b. magnitudine (line 1) c. caelī (line 1) d. pars (line 2) 4. In the question In tam... hominis? (lines 2 3) the author is asking a. how many men can live in such a small space b. how small can a space be for men to live in it c. how great can the glory of man be in such a small space d. how great a space does one man need

13 5. gentēs (line 3) is a. nominative b. genitive c. dative d. accusative 6. The sense of Hominēs... intellegunt. (line 4) is a. men often understand several languages b. the people of one country seldom understand foreign languages c. the people of one nation often speak only one language d. the languages of many nations are often understood by many others 7. mansūram esse (line 6) is best translated a. will remain b. remains c. remained d. had remained 8. dē... dēbēbimus (line 7) is best translated a. we will have to soon face the storm b. we must think about time later c. we have to think about the storm d. we will have to also think about time 9. Itaque... mānserit (lines 9 10) is best translated a. And so if man remains for ten thousand years he will have glory b. And so if the glory of one man remains for ten thousand years c. And so if man s glory will remain for ten thousand years d. And so if man lives for ten thousand years, he will have glory 10. From Et glōria... hominum. (lines 10 11) we can conclude that Boethius believes that a. glory is everlasting b. infinite glory will be possible for all men c. all men can have glory d. just as man is mortal, so is glory

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