Book of Mormon 43 Telestial to Terrestrial by Mike Stroud

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1 Book of Mormon 43 Telestial to Terrestrial by Mike Stroud The title for today's lesson is From Telestial to Terrestrial. And what I would like to do is: I would like you to look at the things that are happening in the earth today. Look at the things that are happening. Back in United States. this last week we had the worst tropical hurricane on the East Coast in the history of the United States. And right now as I speak there are millions of people who are out of electricity, is lost their homes, lost everything they had. Were seeing that. Were she and earthquakes everywhere. Were seeing tidal waves, were seeing war, and famine, and were seeing plagues. In all types of things. The whole earth is in commotion as it says in the Doctrine & Covenants, the whole earth is in commotion. And what I want you to do today is I want you to look at these events that are taking place, as they're going to continue to take place. Because what were seeing now is going to become more, it is going to escalate. It is going to increase; Not only in frequency but it's going to increase in severity. Earthquakes that are now this size [hand motion]; are going to get the size [large hand motion].and were seeing lots of different things happen. What I want you to think about today is, is what were seeing happen is preparing the earth to move from where it is at back closer to where our heavenly father is. This earth... This earth is going to leave this place in the solar system and moved back to another place in space. So let me just put a little thing appear on the board here and write up here in this corner I'm going to have this represent where heavenly father dwells. This is where he lives. And were going to make kind of a cycle here, when the earth was first created, it was created somewhere near where heavenly father dwells. Okay. This is the earth before the fall. That's where the earth was when the garden of Eden, we call it it a paradisiacal paradise position of the earth. And it's also a terrestrial level. Okay. And then when Adam and Eve partook of the fruit the earth fell. This planet moved through space to where it is right now. Hard to draw with this chalk. But this is today's earth. This is the earth today. And right now the earth is a celestial, is in a celestial place. The Earth has fallen, and this is what were going to talk about. The earth is fallen to where it was go where it is today. Up here for example, there was no sun... We didn't have any sun.. The reason you didn't need a sun here was is because we had the light from our heavenly father's present that gave all the light that was necessary. But as you move way out into space to where were at now, now we need to have a sun. And so the sun and eight other planets make up something called our solar system. Okay. And you need a sun and you need these other planets in order for this earth to be in a telestial place. In order to have life on it. So that everything that we see in our current solar system is designed to make it possible for us to have a nice earththat we can live on for our probation.. Okay. So a Telestial world is also a place of probation. So when Adam and Eve partook of the fruit and introduced death into the world, not only did Adam and Eve fall, but the planet they were on fell down to where it is at today. And this is where we are today. We are in a telestial world. In the temple refers to it as a lone and dreary world. It does not have the light of the father and the son, it needs a planet that we call a sun in order for there to be life on this this earth.this earth has been in this position for over 6000 years. Over 6000 years since Adam and Eve left the garden of Eden. Okay. Now what took place on the earth before 6000 years before the fall, I have no idea. But since Adam and Eve the earth has been in this condition now for years. There was no time back up in here. Time was not measured here. We start to measure time when we come down into a Telestial world. This is the area world where we start to have months, and years, and hours, and minutes, and the clock is ticking, tick, tick, tick. It's always moving in a forward direction. This is the time where we measure passed, present and future. When you get back up into this place, past, present, and future is all now. Everything in our father heavens presence is now. In other words he stands in the now, and in the now he can see past, present and future. But everything, past, present and future is present with him right now. So father in heaven is looking right now at my future. And he's looking at your future. He sees that. It is all before him at once. And time as we know it is not

2 measured to him, it's mission to us in this world. And that's the reason is we are in a probationary state where we need to do certain things with the amount of time that we have given. Whatever we do with the time in this world will determine where we will live, what kind of persons will be in the next world. Does that make sense? Any questions or comments on that?okay. Now this earth right here is alive. This earth is alive. What you see out there, you see the plants that are living, you see the grass, and you see the animals, you see the fish, and the birds; but the earth itself, the planet, is alive. This is a living thing that we are on. All right. It had a birth, it's had a baptism, it will have another baptism by fire. It will go from a Telestial to a terrestrial place and from a terrestrial place to a celestial. But I want to talk to you today is the movement of the earth and the people who live on it from a Telestial to a terrestrial level. Now, the earth is alive. Let's take a look at it. We call the earth, the earth is female.would we call it, mother Earth. We also call it, mother what? Nature. Don't you find it interesting that you don't talk about father earth, we don't talk about father nature; its mother Earth and mother nature. And the reason is: is the earth is female. The sun that we have is male. Did you know that? In the Scripture when it talks about the sun it says the sun gives his light, and the sun gives his light and the earth is referred to as female as I'll show you. Elder <student> Student: It says the sun as appropriate... the sun is a celestial like earth. Mike: ya, it is a celestial type being. And that's interesting. Student: you're saying that he read that Mike: I've read that also.and I've read that Joseph Smith said that. So, I don't know. It's a good question. But it is interesting isn't it? Okay. Now remember, brothers and sisters, in a lesson that I've given you before, that everything in the gospel is moving from a lower to what? To hire. Everything is moving from lower to higher. You are. You have left a very high place. You are back in this area here. You are very intelligent, powerful, spiritual beings. You are god's with a small g. Not God's with a capital G.Many many things... You know how to create earths. You know how to ignite suns. You know how you know all the laws of physics and science, and quantum physics. You already know that. The spirit inside you is way advanced, way advanced. None of us in here have any idea who the person inside you is. Because we're sitting here in a body that we've lost all of our memories.but the prophets of told us that we've told us that we are mighty beings, mighty men and women, powerful spirit men and women of light and power. I want you to remember that, because when you come from where you were, that mighty person and you find yourself down here on this earth you have fallen. You have really come down. The greatest thing that we lose in the fall, the biggest thing that we've lost as fathers children, his sons and daughters, is the fact that we've lost our identity. We don't know who we are.this is a part of the plan. This should be this way. Okay. But, that is the greatest effect of the fall of Adam and Eve, is for you to come down from a lofty, exalted high position, down on to this fallen world into a Telestial state and lose your identity. That is the greatest effect of the fall. Physical death is an effect of the fall, spiritual death are always affects aren't they. Disease, blood replaces the spirit that flows in your body, but the number one thing in my way of thinking that you've lost is that you've lost your identity. Who you really are. And again, I want you to know that that is a part of the plan. Because what were doing here in this Telestial world, one of the purposes of our probation is to regain as much of that knowledge of who we are as we possibly can while were still in this place. Okay. For example, if you die, for example, if you're a righteous person, you're a valiant man or woman in the church, and you die, your spirit will go into a place called Paradise, all right. And there were told by the prophets that your identity, who you were before you came here will be restored to you there. You'll be restored to that. So not only will you know who you were before you came here you'll remember what you did on the earth and you'll be able to see what your destiny is in the future. But that's only those men and women who live on the earth and are valiant to their covenants and die in their covenants. If

3 you are casual and you're not valiant you'll die and go into another place. And in that other place the veil's are still drawn. You don't remember who you were before you came, you remember your earth life, but you don't remember who you were before you came and you have only limited vision about what's coming in the future. So, basically if you die casually, and you are not valiant, you're still in a probationary state. You're still in school. But if you go to paradise school is out. In paradise you were successful in your probation and that probationary veil is lifted. And you remember who you were before you came here. Thus 2 groups of people who lived on the earth and died. Now, back to the earth be in mother nature. Let's go to the Pearl of Great Price, let's go to Moses chapter 7, Pearl of Great Price and so that you will understand, Moses chapter 7 in the pearl of great price is an excerpt, a portion, of the ancient book of Enoch okay. It's called the book of Moses, Moses chapter 7, but if you'll look at your chapter heading you'll see that it's a revealed portion of an ancient record written by Enoch. So what were reading in chapter 7 are the writings and the words of the prophet Enoch. I let's go on over here and take a look and see, let's go to verse Enoch chapter 7 verse 47. Let's look and see what that says. Excuse me, Moses 7 verse 47. Who would like to read that. Elder <student> this is Enoch describing what he saw when he was alive on the earth. This is when Enoch was down here during his time in the Telestial world. That's been about 4000 years ago okay go ahead. Student: and behold, Enoch saw the day of the coming of the son of man, even in the flesh; and his soul rejoiced, saying: the righteous is lifted up, and the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world; and through faith I am in the bosom of the father, and the hold, Zion is with me. Mike: So what is Enoch saw. He saw into the future, he saw the birth of Jesus Christ. He saw the Savior's ministry among the Jews. He saw his crucifixion, you see where it says, the righteous is lifted up. You see that, that means crucified, that means lifting up is the crucifixion of Christ is what he's talking about their. And the Lamb is slain from the foundation of the world and through faith I am in the bosom, now this is what Enoch is writing. Now look at the next verse, this is very interesting. Let's go to verse 48. Who would like to read verse 48? Student: and it came to pass that Enoch looked upon the earth; and he heard a voice from the bowels thereof, saying: Wo, Wo is me, the mother of man; I am pained, I am weary, because of the wickedness of my children. When shall I rest, and be cleansed from the filthiness which is gone forth out of me? When will my Creator sanctified me, that I may rest, and the righteousness for a season abide upon my face? Mike: Did you catch that? So Enoch hears a voice from out of the bowels of the earth. That means way down deep. So who is speaking here? Whose voices Enoch hearing? Student: earth's Mike: he is hearing the earth's voice. The voice of the earth, the earth is a living thing, it has a voice, it can communicate, and is it male or female? It's female. What does it say woe unto me, the mother of man. How is the earth the mother of man? We call it mother Earth, how is earth our mother? We are all a part of mankind, how is earth our mother? What does that mean, the mother of man. What it means is: is your physical bodies, this body that we see right here, this that you can touch and see and moves around, this body is made of the same materials that earth is made of. The same minerals. The same kind of things, and you can tell that when this body dies, if I were to take my body... Let's just take an animal for example, let's say that account dies out here and we just leave that cow out there and we just leave it there what eventually happens to it? It starts to decay, it starts to break down and over a period of time the muscles leave, the flesh leaves, the water leaves, and all that you've got left his skin and bones. Right. And if you let it sit there long enough the skins going to go, and if you leave that way long enough the bones are going to go, you don't move that animal and after a while you go out where the animal was and where you look to see where it was and what you see? Earth. Earth, and you take a shovel and you go dig around and where to this animal go? Where did it go, it disappeared into the

4 earth. You dig around in the ground and you're looking for stuff and what you find for the animal was, earth. So when the Lord says, for dust thou art and and to dust shalt thou return, have you ever heard of that? Dust to dust, ashes to ashes, you ever hear that. That's what that means. That means that your physical body is made up of the same materials that the earth is made up of... Carbon, iron, and minerals, that want it means, different things like that. At about 90+ percent of your body is made of of H2O, water. The rest just goes right back into what? Mother Earth and becomes a part of the earth. And so your physical body is made up of the same material that this earth is made up of and that's what it means when mother Earth is talking about Enoch and she says, the mother of man. The mother of man. Does that make sense? Okay. So when it says that Adam was made from the dust of the earth; that doesn't mean we make him like we make a brick, you know, it means that his body is physical body is made up of the same materials that the earth is. And we can see that clearly. Any comments? Sister Stroud. Okay. So what does it mean when the earth is saying I am pained because of the wickedness of my children? What does that mean? Think about that for a minute. Look what it says, Wo is me, the mother of man; I am pained, I am weary, because of the wickedness of my children. When shall I rest, and be cleansed from the filthiness which is gone forth out of me? When will my Creator sanctified me, that I may rest, and the righteousness for a season abide upon my face? What is that little season that were talking about when the earth will rest and righteousness live on her face? What do we call that? That's the millennium. And so here is mother Earth, some 4000 years ago, years ago... closer to 5000 years, saying, when will my rest. Come? And basically what the earth is saying, when will I go from Telestial to terrestrial? When will that happen? And Enoch saw that is can take quite a bit of time.k. Now, watch this, can the bad things that God's children do on the earth, do the bad things that we do, do our sins cause mother Earth to react? Does the earth react to the wickedness of God's children who live on the earth? Is there a reaction to that? Yes, there is! There really is. Okay. And the more that God's children keep his commandments the more at rest of the earth is. So at the time when Enoch's people were a Zion people there was only will my little small piece of the earth where everything was peace and happiness and all around him was turmoil. Enoch new that the earth was going to be cleansed with water. He knew that that was going to happen. And he had a request from the father, and his request was: that his people, who were righteous, could be on the earth when the 2nd coming comes. That is what unique wanted. Can my people be here, this Zion society, this little society where there is peace and rest and no sin and the Savior walks on the streets day in and day out and they saw him every day. Zion, his request was can we be here when you come in the last days? That was like 5000 years into the future. But the Lord said, yes. Well how is he going to do that? How is he going to take Enoch's people which are at a terrestrial level living on the Telestial planet, how is he's going to bring Enoch's people back to the earth so that they can be here during the 2nd coming? Well the first thing he did was he needed to take them away. So what did the Lord do? He took the land and the animals and the people and the trees that Zion was, that society remember the whole world that was wicked there was this one little place where everything was at peace. And angels came every day, and God was there, and Christ is there, and so what did the Lord do? He said, I'm just going to take this whole piece of earth, and I'm going to lift it right off the earth, and I'm better bring it up to where I live. And so a whole piece of this earth, and that is a chunk of this earth right there, where in Nick and his people were, what do we call this little chunk Zion. What did the Lord do, wish to get off this earth up close to where he lived and that's where they're at right now. And what's the word, the Lord says when I come the 2nd coming, who's coming with him? The city of Enoch is coming with him. And he's bringing it back. Why? Because anciently he promised Enoch and his people, that when I come, at the 2nd coming, and I sure in the millennium your people and you will be there. And so he is fulfilling a promise. So, there's a piece of the earth right now that was taken away. Somewhere there is a big old hole in your earth that used to have land there, but doesn't right now. If you take a map of the earth and you cut up a map, cut up a map and take this map right here. You want to have fun. This is a map as it looks today, right. 7 continents. Now if you cut that up you can bring that altogether and you can save

5 this piece right here, right in here, everything comes together and it's what we call Pangaea. Have you ever heard of that? Pangaea means an earth where all the continents was one continent and one ocean. Did you know that is the way this earth was before the flood? And after the flood the earth was divided up to where today we have continents. Now, if you want to cup one of these up and put them together for a family home evening project, it's fun. But you'll see, right here, right here there is a round circle right there that is called the Gulf of Mexico. Have you ever heard of the Gulf of Mexico? Okay, if you put this map together it all fits but there is a whole right there. There's a big round hole. And Joseph Smith said that that is where the city of of Enoch was. And when the city of Enoch comes back it will fill that hole on all the earth, guess what, at the 2nd, we, all the continents are going to come together again.and during the millennium all the earth will be in one continent and all the oceans will be in another continent like it was before the flood. Alright, it is a restoration of things. Alright. Let's take a look at some of the signs of the times that are taking place let's go to D&C 29. And I'm just going to give you some examples of things that are happening in our day and are going to continue to happen in more frequency and greater intensity as we get close to the 2nd coming. Now, what I want you to remember is this, brothers and sisters, the purpose of my lesson is this today: is to teach you, what you see happening with the earth and with nations and with politics and with war and with disease, what's happening is the earth is being prepared to leave this place and go somewhere else. During the millennium this earth will not be in this solar system, during the millennium. So sometime between right now, November 3, 2012, and the 2nd coming this earth is going to move from this place back closer to where it was before Adam and Eve fell in the garden of Eden. Okay. And so this earth is getting ready to and Telestial life, it's getting ready to finish it up. And so everything that we read about in the Scriptures, these signs of the last days that were going to look at. These are all things that are happening to prepare the earth to move back. And you are things going to go back. The question is, are you going to be prepared to go with it? Are you going to be worthy to follow the earth back and go through the stages of progress or are you going to have to be taken off the earth and put in another place and not to be able to be a part of that progress. The earth is righteous. What? Yes, the earth is righteous. The earth is not wicked. The earth is righteous. The Scripture say the earth fulfills the measure of its creation. That's over in the Doctrine and Covenants, but that means is: the earth does what it is exactly was designed to do and is obedient and keeps the laws of God. Okay. Student: [26:22] So after that change will there still be Mike: after what? Sister Stroud: after the judgment Mike: all of this is going to take place before the judgment. After the judgment were talking about here is finished. So everything were talking about moving back is pre-judgment, it is before the judgment. Come on in. If you want to commend come in. Student: Mike: yes student: right Mike: the resurrection takes place before the judgment right. Right. Student: Mike: right Mike: no. This earth actually will be the celestial kingdom.k. So, anybody after the judgment who's going to be Telestial will go to another planet that has been prepared for them. Student: Mike: well, there will be planets prepared. So in the future when we get this earth back into where it was first created, when he gets back here the earth won't be Telestial and the earth won't be terrestrial. The earth at this point will be celestial. And so anybody who is not worthy to live on the celestial earth at that time will have to go to another planet that the father has prepared. There will be a terrestrial

6 place and there will be a Telestial place and those who are not on this earth will have to go to those other planets. Is that what you talking about?. Okay. Good question. All right, let's look at some of the events, some of the pre-2nd coming events. Go to section 29 verse 14. These are some things that are going to happen in our day and when you read about these things I want you to think, oh the earth is preparing to move up. Okay, I want you to think about these differently today. I want you to think about this as preparation time. It's like a woman who's having a baby, all right. The closer she gets to having her baby the more intense the pains. The more, the closer she gets to the baby the more the pain's come closer together. In fact you measure whether a babies coming, She has labor pains and they start out this far and then the labor pains get closer and closer. And then they get closer and closer. And then they get closer and closer and closer and then the birth takes place. It's the same thing. What's happening here is all of these events that were talking about here are like labor pains. In a woman having a child. The earth is getting ready to move from a lower place to a higher place and all of the signs and catastrophes are labor pains. Okay. Labor pains, not only preparing the people who live upon the earth but preparing the very earth itself. The earth has to go through these things. For example, the earth is already been baptized, it's a living thing. In order for it to become a celestial world the earth has to go through a baptism of water. It has to be completely submerged by water. When did that happen? Noah. Okay. Now the Scriptures also tell us that there needs to be something called a baptism of fire. Has that happened to the earth yet? No. When is it going to happen? At the 2nd coming. So what Joseph Smith said, Noah came before the flood, I come before the fire. That was Joseph Smith. So he's come to prepare not only this earth but everybody on it to be prepared to go through baptism of fire that's called the 2nd, in that fire when the earth is cleansed, while let's look at these labor pains here verse 14, but, behold, I say unto you that before this great day That's the 2nd coming shall come the sun shall be darkened, and the moon shall be turned into blood, and the stars shall fall from heaven, These are great signsthat were going to see before the 2nd coming, look at 15, and there Shall be weeping and wailing among the host of men; Do you know who's weeping and wailing? Yeah, it's the people we call Telestial people. Who are Telestial people? The Scriptures tell us that Telestial man and a Telestial woman are murderers, adulterers, fornicators, liars, and those who love and make a lie. That's Telestial. And the closer we get to the 2nd coming these people are going to be very nervous and they're not going to be happy people. This Scripture says weeping and wailing among the host of men. I'm not weeping and wailing, are you? And the reason I'm not weeping and wailing is because I'm looking forward to this. I want to be on the earth when she's cleansed and renewed and receive her terrestrial glory. I want to be there. And I'm keeping God's Commandments now so that I can qualify. How you live your life today, brothers and sisters, is like a visa for travel. Do you want to be on the earth when she travels back to a higher level? Where there is no more death where there is no more disease no war you want to go there? Then you get your visa correct., You live the commandments and your obedient. If you do that then you have a visa that will allow you to make the move. If you don't, you'll have to come off the earth and go somewhere else and not be able to be a part of that wonderful group that will see the Savior coming. You'll have to go into a place where it is restricted. Where the veils are still in place and your now still in a probationary state. But the only difference is, you don't have a body anymore. Now you are a spirit in a probationary state. And you did not graduate from the course. So guess what? In order to graduate, if you don't graduate with your class, you have to go back to school and you have to take your lessons over again. And you have to pass your test. And that's what's happening in the spirit world, in that place of restriction. Let's look ata few more things here. These are the labor pains of the earth. 16 a great hailstorm sent to destroy the crops of the earth, boy, you know what that hailstorm, Revelation tell us, you know how much hailstones way? Do you know how much each one of those hailstones way? 35 kg. Each stone is 35 kg. Wait you know what Hale is? It's an ice rock, it's a chunk of ice that when it comes through the atmosphere it's the earth. Can you imagine I stones that way 35 kg each? And it's a global, notice it says

7 it destroys the crops of the whole earth. So it's a global thing. It's not just happening in Utah, and it's not just happening in Manila. It's happening everywhere. It is a global hailstorm. And it's huge. alright. Student: we had one come down and it's this big and it stings and it's, yeah that big around. You get in a hailstorm back home and go put red marks on your body. I've seen hailstones as big around as golf balls that destroy automobiles. Destroys them. Blows all the glass out, crushes the roof down, then set up, the whole car is totaled out. And that's hailstones that big around. What are you going to do with one that weighs 35 kg? Okay? See what I'm talking about? Look at verse 18, here's another thing that is going to happen. This is before the 2nd coming, I the Lord God will send forth flies upon the face of the earth. This is a plague of flies. I write. And look what they will do. They will take hold of the inhabitants of the earth and cause their flesh, eat their flesh, and cause maggots to come in upon them. Yeah. These are flies that eat human beings. Who are they eating? Telestial, terrestrial or celestial people. Their eating this group right here. OkayHere's another one, their flesh shall fall off their bones and their eyes from their sockets. What the heck is that? That does not sound good. I do not want to be a part of this, do you? And so I'm going to have my visa current I am not going to have a lapsed visa. Because I don't like what this sounds like. Listen to a couple more. Go over to section 45 there are many things in the doctrine and covenants like this and I show them to you just for one reason, one reason, this is showing that something happening to prepare the earth and the people who are living on the earth to do what? Go from a lower place up to a higher place. Now whether you make the trip are not depends on your faithfulness and your obedience. There will be many many many members of the church that will be in this group. Half of the membership of the church, minimum, are Telestial. They are not we'll talk about that in a minute not tell you why at least half of the membership of the church. Don't talk about the world, half of the members will make this trip. I will talk about why in just a 2nd. Section 45, look at verse 31. Well let's go up to 25., 26, in that day shall be heard all the wars and rumors of wars, and the whole earth shall be in commotion, and men's hearts shall fail them, That's today. They're everywhere on the earth you live in a day of war. Can I and don't get discouraged when I tell you this you will never see world peace in your lifetime. Forget it. It is your, it is your opportunity to live on the earth prior to the 2nd coming where all that you will see worldwide is warfare. There will not be peace on the earth. And tell who? Until Christ comes. So between now and this coming of Christ it is constant warfare. Escalating, more frequent, and intensified. That's the day you live in. Now, get excited about that. Because, what I'm doing is, is showing you these things are happening not for you to be discouraged but I'm showing you these things are happening as a sign to tell you that your living in the day when were getting ready to move up. Most people look at the 2nd coming and they say, who that's God is angry and is killing these people because of their wickedness. On know, and in reality it's the earth reacting to the wickedness of the people who are on its face. See, God doesn't have to come down and go chunk lightning bolt Wham synonymy he doesn't need to do that. The earth reacts to our wickedness. And the more the population of the earth becomes wicked, the more the earth is going to react. So if you see an escalation of these events, tidal waves and earthquakes look around and ask yourself are the people becoming more righteous or more wicked? And you can see it. You can see the population is going down, it spiraling down in the righteousness and as righteousness decreases the advance of the earth increase. Because mother Earth is saying plan will I rest. I am so tired. Of this and you and I, I want you to know something, you think that you're just one person living on the earth among 7 billion people and that your know, can I tell you that how you live your life has an eternal effect on everybody. You are not isolated. How you live your life right here in the Philippines and in be gone is having an effect on how people live their lives in New York. And in Salt Lake City and in Sydney Australia you are not isolated. Everyone of us are interconnected spiritually, were all children of the same father. And what you do and the decisions you make here have an effect on everybody. In a very very real way. So don't just think that what you do and what you choose has no effect, it has a real effect. On everything that's going on because you are not just an isolated part you are a part of the're connected with everyone, you come from the same universal father, you are his children.

8 And his spirit fills the universe and is in everything and around about everything including all of his children. So we are connected in a very real way. Okay. More than just saying well I'm brothers and sisters that's true but there's more to that than we think. So now all of these, I'm not going to go into any more of... the doctrine and covenants lays out all of these tremendous earth events that are showing that something is happening in our day. Something's happening. And when the 2nd coming comes here's what's going to take place. In the 2nd coming comes this earth is going to move from where it is back through space to a terrestrial level. Now this will be the millennial earth. Notice what the earth was called before the fall, it was called a paradiseal earth, is that right? But going back it's a different name. Now let's go and look at your, look at your articles of faith, you know where that is, all the way back your doctor and covenants, go all the way back your articles of faith and let's take a look at of articles of faith number 10. Go all the way to the end of your Doctrine and Covenants just before, after the Joseph Smith history, after Matthew, the very last thing, articles of faith number 10and they shall say that Christ delay it is coming until the what I've taught you today will make sense now because you look at this article of faith differently want you, I hope. Let's take a look at article of faith number 10. And think about what we've shown you here, all right. Don't be shy command go with me. We believe in the literal gathering of Israel and in the restoration of the 10 tribes: We had that in a lesson here a couple weeks ago didn't we now watch that Zion (the new Jerusalem) will be built upon the American continent; Here we go that Christ will rain personally upon the earth; What's that, millennium, And watch this and, that the earth will be renewed and receive its What? paradisical glory. Well how is that going to happen? How is the earth going to be renewed? So right here we have a fall, and write in this area we have something called a renewal. So when the earth moves back from this place where it's been for 6000 years, when it moves back, something's gonna change. It's going to be changed. It's going to be renewed and receive its what? Paradisiacal glory. So the millennial earth, brothers and sisters, is a terrestrial level. During the millennium the earth and everybody living on the face of the earth, not talking about the spirit world. Everybody living on the face of the earth will be terrestrial, translated beings. This is your future.i'm talking about you here. We're not talking about hundreds of years down the road. We're talking about you and me. Now notice that it says renewed. It does not say die. So this is not a death of the earth, this is a translation of the earth. This renewal, another word for renewal is what? Translation. It's like that little piece down here, remember that we talked about, 5000 years ago that was taken off. That was a little mini example of what's going to happen to the whole earth. That was a little example of what's taken. When Enoch city was taken away, where did Enoch go?for a while, if you are on the earth, this is really fascinating, if you are on the earth after Inox city was taken away for for maybe 100 years, you could look up you can see that piece of the earth up there. Before the flood, and after the flood you could look up and see that city. And it was in the atmosphere above the earth. Student: why they were building the Tower of Babel was to get up to it. Mike: remember the Tower of Babel, remember they built that tower. You think they were trying to be dealt with it so they would get in the flood, but that was one reason, but another reason was they wanted to have a ladder the God up to that piece of the earth that they could see floating in the sky. And then after a while the Lord took away and it was taken all the way back into his presence where it is today. Well, in the millennium before the earth reaches this point, that little chunk of Zion is going to come back. It's going to come back and it's going to join the new Jerusalem on the earth and the Zion of Enoch is going to come from heaven and the new Jerusalem on the earth will come up and they will all meet each other in this clouds with Christ. They will be brought up off the earth. Where they taken off the earth? Why is this lifting up off the earth, why? What's going to happen to the Earth that you don't want to be on it during this point. This translation, and this renewal, take place by fire. So the 2nd coming, when the Savior comes, everybody that is a Telestial man or woman will lose their lives in that

9 fire. They will die in that fire and their spirits will go into the spirit world. Those who have lived terrestrial and celestial lives will be caught up off the earth and protected. The earth will be burned by fire, renewed, translated, made a terrestrial world and then everybody will be brought back on it to live on the earth at that time. You see patterns here? This is not a death, this is a terrestrial translation. But up here at the end of the millennium this earth is going to catch fire again. There are 2 fires. There is the fire that takes place here that gets rid of the Telestial, you and I are going to see that. And then at the end of the millennium there is another fire, and the 2nd fire is the death of the earth. The earth dies and resurrects. And what's the resurrected earth going to be? The celestial kingdom. Where those who lived on this earth and have been faithful now inherit that kingdom. You see the steps that it's going through, the earth is going through the same things you and I are going through. You've been baptized by water, if you been born again you been baptized by fire, and now what's the next step? Translation.If you're worthy you will be translated, because of what? Because everybody living on the earth during the millennium are translated beings. There is nobody on the earth during the millennium that aren't translated. What does translated mean... No death. You can't die. Translated beings have power over death. Translated beings can move about anyway they want. They can travel from planet to planet. They don't have to rely on cars, automobiles, boats or feet. They can travel by priesthood power, they can travel by thought, they can communicate by thought, or they can communicate by mouth. I could sit here, if we were a translated class, I could teach this whole class and not open my mouth and not say one word and you would understand were talking about. If we were translated, because translated beings don't need to communicate, they can, they can, but they don't need to, they can sit there and converse, and guess what they speak in a language that is perfectly understood. The language of translated beings is the language that cannot be misunderstood. It is not possible to misunderstand.think about that for a minute. Look how many times in the Telestial world we say things that offend, we say oops I didn't mean that... Well, let me rephrase that... All, how do I say this? You don't have to worry about that in a translated state. You speak the language of the spirit. It is perfect and it is understood by everybody. Perfectly, no misunderstandings. Perfect communication. Wow. I like that. Any questions on that?from Telestial to terrestrial. Here's the question. The earth is going to make the journey okay. The earth is not going to have any trouble making this journey. The question is: are you? That's the big question. Isn't it. The question is: are you going to make the trip with her? She's going to be okay. The earth is going to become a celestial kingdom. The earth is going to be, for 1000 years going to be renewed paradisiacal the question is are we going to be with her and that is your choice.that's one reason you've come to this class here and other classes. That's one reason you attend church. That's one reason you cultivate the Holy Ghost, so the Holy Ghost can teach you what you need to do to make sure your visa for travel is current. And up-to-date. Questions? Elder student Student: Mike: I haven't heard that. I haven't heard that, we've been told some things about the celestial earth, but I have not heard that one. If you can find that I'd be glad to look at it. Now I want to, I want to talk about all the people on the earth, and we've taken all of God's children on the earth and we can divide them into basically 3 general groups. Can't we. We can divide the Telestial, and that's a group of rebels. Those are people who don't like law. Those are people who say, don't tell me what to do it's my life and I'll do what I want. And we have people like that in the church. We have people that when they're offered a chance to serve in the church they say no. That is a rebellion. You don't have the right to say no, but you can do it, but your covenant person. You made covenants before you join this church you agreed that you would help build the kingdom, and you had help move it forward, and you would serve. Now after a member, you say no I won't take the call, you are a rebel. And you immediately put yourself in a Telestial group. And if you don't repent you will make the trip. What you're saying, brother Stroud, if I don't accept the call to serve in the church, if I turned down my

10 branch president, I'm casual in my membership, I will make the trip? Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying. That make??? isn't it accepting calls doesn't it? Terrestrial the minimum requirement to move from here to here, the minimum requirement, we must be morally clean.don't have to be a member, did you know that? There are going to be nonmembers that are going to make this trip. You do not have to be a member to be on the earth to move from Telestial to terrestrial, but you do need to be clean. And that means that if you've made moral choices in the past, that means that if you've lost your chastity, that means if you broken the law of chastity, repent. That is what repentance is about. If you've broken that law. I have one lady that I know of that has broken that law and she said to her Fred, I'm going to tell you something that I cannot tell anybody else, and I'm telling you you better tell somebody else. You'd better get to your branch president and start the process, because as long as you hold that inside you're doing what the Lord says, you're hiding your sins in the dark. And it fits into this category, that is rebellion.the Lord says you confess and forsake. And some sense, especially moral sense, need to be discussed with your brash president, your Bishop. If you tried to hide those moral transgressions and death takes you your visa expired. You won't make the trip. I hope that is clear, right. So, it's not saying that you have always been morally clean because we understand that we live live in and in moral, rotten, filthy world that's getting worse right. But if you've made that sin, there's a way out. It's called repentance and the atonement makes it as though it never happened. But if you don't access the atonement, and you die and that sin, it is your fault. You've made the choice. And so if this woman wants to make the trip, if she wants to be happy in this life, and if she wants to have peace instead of shame and guilt, she needs to go see her branch president. That goes for you too. Any of you in here that are morally unclean at this point. You need to get this resolved now. Because you never know how long you're going to be on this earth. If death takes you, and you're in that, you didn't pass. You now go back into school, and you missed your opportunity to enjoy the are still a Telestial person. The minimum requirement for terrestrial world is moral cleanliness. The other thing the Scriptures says, is that you must be Honorable. There is an honorable man and women of the earth, Hon. to take that take that and put in the word honesty, integrity, you can't be a liar and a thief and a cheat. And be in the terrestrial world. That is these people. Down here. And a celestial person is a person who lives by every word that proceeds for from the mouth of God and seeks to keep his commandments and be obedient in all things. Does it means are perfect, no. None of us are perfect, but you've got to be trying. It has to be the desire of your heart, and you had to be working for it. Okay, does that make sense? Now, those are the 3 groups of people. You find latter-day Saints only in the celestial. Those living in a celestial law have to be members of the church. You have to be baptized member or you cannot keep the celestial law. Can't do it. Terrestrial, there will be members and nonmembers in the terrestrial group. The minimum requirement is Honorable and morally clean. Okay. Telestial, to what you want, eat drink and be merry for tomorrow we die. It's one big party, let's grab all the gusto we can, everybody's doing it. It must be okay, everybody's doing it. That's the lives of the Telestial. Because everybody's going to hell, what do you go with them. That is what that logic is, see. And so what we need to do now is to come up, and I want to talk about members of the church. I'm going to erase this, are we okay? How about members of the church. Well, Do we find members of the church living Telestial lives? Ya, we do. I've lived the Telestial life. I'm telling you I've lived at the Telestial level, I know what it's like to live at a Telestial level. And do we have members who live at a terrestrial level? Do we? Yeah, we too. Okay. And I've lived at a terrestrial level, and we have members of the church living at a celestial level okay? Now there's a parable, if you have your Bible in Matthew chapter 25 that is called the parable of the 10 virgins. I want to talk to you about this parable. This parable is talking about, here we go, members only. There is the first thing you want to know. The parable of the 10 virgins is not talking at

11 all about people who are not members of the church. Do you remember the parable, we won't go through it today, but do you remember the parable? How many virgins were there? 10. What's this thing with virgins? And in the parable are they men or women? Yeah other women. Okay, is this parable also include man, or is this a women only parable? It includes men and women.there's a reason why the Lord uses women on this, because women, according to the Lord should be the symbol of virtue people let me go with you, go to Jacob in the book of Mormon, let me show you what the Lord things about women. This will give you an idea why he uses women in this parable even though it refers to a man also. Go to Jacob and let's go to Jacob chapter 2 verse 28. Jacob to: 28, look what the Lord says about women. For I, the Lord God, delight in The What the chastity of women. And What does he say next? whoredoms are an abomination before me; thus saith the Lord of hosts. So what he is doing here with women is he setting a high standard for these people. But were talking about, when we talk about virgins were talking about people, a lot of people think that were morally clean, and it does, but it also has other meanings... That men and women, it means that these men and women who have accepted a high standard and of excellence as members of the church and are working toward that, they're striving to keep themselves on the right track, they're holding on to the rod of iron, they're on the straight, they're trying to do do the best they can. They are members. Does this mean sexual cleanliness. Sure you can mean that, but you've got to think further on that. The got a little bit more on that. There are other ways to be virtuous. There are other ways to be virtuous rather than sexual cleanliness. Let's go to Alma 31 and let me show you one use of this word. The word virtue has much more involved to it than we think. Alma 31 verse 5. And now, as the preaching of the word had a great tendency to lead the people to do that which was just yea, it had had more powerful effect on the minds of the people than the sword, or anything else, which had happened unto them therefore Alma thought it was expedient that they should try the What? virtue of What? the word of God. See, there is virtue involved in the word of God. I would say that to be a part of this Virgin group here, you need to be reading your Scriptures. You need to be loving what the Lord has revealed. You need to be receiving personal Revelation, you need to have the Holy Ghost as your companion. That's what were talking about, virtue. Let's go to Doctrine & Covenants section 121. Brother, this is talking about priesthood. So this is for our priesthood brethren, and this is talking about how do you honor and how do you magnify your priesthood. Go to verse , verse 45, what's this? 121 verse 45, let thy bowels That means, bowels means way down deep bows is a scriptural term that means way inside of you weighed in deep the deepest feelings that you have also be full of charity toward all men, and to the household of faith, Watch and let what? virtue garnish thy thoughts unceasingly; Garnish means surround, all right. So what did we just get there? Your thoughts.. Your thoughts, let's take one more let's go to Mosiah chapter 4 and let me show you ways that you can be virtuous. We've talked about virgins, the word virgins come from the word virtue, okay. So, let's go on over here to Mosiah 4 verse 30. Now think in terms of virtue. Things in terms of what it means to be a member of this group that we call the 10 virgins, watch. But this much I can tell you, that if ye do not watch yourselves, and your thoughts, and your words, and your deeds, Is it possible for us to be virtuous in thought? Is it possible to be virtuous in words? Sure. And is it possible to be virtuous in deeds, absolutely. Okay, and so there's the warning. So think beyond, think beyond sexual immorality, which is a part of it, but expand out to virtue being who you are. The kind of person you are. You have the image of Christ in your countenance. And you and you have no desire to do evil but to do good continually. This doesn't mean you don't make mistakes, but you don't Want to anymore. When you come to that point, you're in this group. Now, what do these virgins have with them? They were invited to come somewhere, where were they invited? What were they waiting for? They were waiting for something what we call in this parable, they were waiting for the bride groom. Who is the bridegroom? It's Christ. And they're waiting for him to come and at midnight, watch, midnight, the cry went out, go you out to meet the bridegroom. Why it midnight? Everybody is asleep. And nobody is expecting him. That's the way the 2nd coming going to be Westmark is he going to catch the world surprised. Is the majority of mankind going to be unprepared

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