SID: It s Supernatural. SID: HEIDI: SID: HEIDI:

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1 1 SID: Hello. Sid Roth here. Welcome to my world where it's naturally supernatural. Throughout history many believers have experienced the tangible presence of God, but it kind of comes and goes. My guest is experiencing the presence of God 24/7. She says this is normal and you can experience it, too. Would you like to learn? Is there a supernatural dimension, a world beyond the one we know? Can we tap into ancient secrets of the supernatural? Can our dreams contain messages from heaven? Is God ready to bring a tsunami wave of healing onto Planet Earth today? Sid Roth has spent over 40 years researching the strange world of the supernatural. Join Sid for this edition of It s Supernatural. SID: I want you to know that my guest Heidi Baker is a very different type of believer, so different than most of the believers that you and I know. But there is a problem. She's the normal one. Guess what that makes, no, never mind. But anyway, Heidi, I've just been observing you, but it's hard to believe that you were in Mozambique, Africa and served the Lord a year, totally burned out, pneumonia, against doctors orders. And I'm sure you didn't feel like it, your husband had been to the Toronto Airport Church, had such a transformation that as miserable as you were, I mean, what did the doctors say if you went to Canada? HEIDI: Well I was very, very ill in the hospital, hooked up to IVs and they said you could die. And my husband was so totally transformed that he said he'd sell his camera to get me there, and I knew that had to be God. And I ended up getting to California, going back in the hospital when I landed on a stop-over, pulled the IV again and made my way to Canada. SID: You know what you sound like? You sound like the woman the Bible has with the issue of blood. Nothing was going to stop you from getting there, and it was an Divine appointment because you got radically touched by God. Tell me what happened there. HEIDI: The first thing that happened was I was offended by everything. I was offended by it all, and I was a theologian, and I didn't appreciate the theology or any of it. I was looking at people. I was just, it had been a bad habit, too. But one of them stood up and said, "There's, God is healing somewhere. You're a missionary. You have double pneumonia." And I thought, oh no, did someone find out, how could they know? And they said it again, "You have double pneumonia. Take a deep breath." So I thought I have nothing to lose. I am so ill and I was at the very, very back, in the corner, holding on to the wall to stand up. And I took a deep breath, and I was totally completely healed. Totally completely healed. It was awesome. Then they said, "You need to come to the front." And then I thought, oh no, more bad theology because they said if you don't come to the front you'll lose your healing. I'm thinking, wow, I don't even believe that. But God likes to get past a lot of things like that and he sometimes will offend the mind to get to the heart. And that's what happened with me. He really did. I went forward and they prayed for me, and just as I thought, oh, they have big hands and they're big people and they're going to push me down. I did fall down. I don't know if they pushed me or not and I don't care because I fell down and I saw multitudes, Sid. I saw people from every tribe, every tongue, every nation. I saw hundreds and hundreds of thousands, and it went on, it had no end, a sea of humanity. And I was crying out, and I'm sad to tell you this, but this is my journey, and so if my journey helps someone else to say yes, my initial response to that vision was no. I said, no, I don't want to see them. I'm tired. My husband and I are tired, with 320 children. And he took a piece, in this

2 2 vision, of his flesh, from the son, Jesus, he did. His eyes are eyes of burning, fiery love. But he took a piece of his flesh and he just handed it to me, and he said, "Feed it to the children." I said, "I can't." I'm thinking, I can't even speak, I'm sobbing. And in this vision, "How can you feed flesh to a child?" He said, "Feed it to the children. I died that there would always be enough." Holy. I reached out my hand and it turned into bread. It turned into bread. Then he handed me a cup. It wasn t jeweled, it wasn't gold, it was a poor man's cup. Water and blood flowed from the side of Yeshua. Really, it flowed from his side. And without speaking to me, he told me heart to heart, it's a cup of suffering and joy. Will you drink it? And I thought, Lord, if you're offering it, your eyes are burning fire, your body is so bruised. If you're offering it, Lord, if you're offering it, Lord, I'll drink it. He had ripped the "no" out of me and I drank the cup. He said, "Give it to the children." And I'm thinking how? You're going too far, God. How do we give a cup of suffering and joy to a child?" The joy part, that sounds wonderful. The suffering, he showed me the suffering of humanity that every single man, woman and child who doesn't eat, who doesn't know Yeshua, who doesn't know beautiful Jesus, is dying of starvation. Just like the children that I picked up in the garbage year after year, just like the kids in the famine zones that are dying in my arms, they're dying of starvation, of they don't know him. They're dying of lack of water if they don't drink of him. So I drank the cup and I passed it out. And he said to me a second time, "I died that there would always be enough." Changed everything. It changed everything. SID: Now, I wanted to tell you about a blind woman, no pupils, just white in the eyes. And you know what her name was? No Name. Be back in a minute. We'll be right back to It's Supernatural. We now return to It's Supernatural. SID: Heidi, there are so many encounters that you had, we don't have even the time to talk about. Tell me about No Name. HEIDI: Oh, that's one of my favorite stories just because of how God changed my heart. On Monday mornings when I'm at home, which has been two-thirds of my life and now it's moving to a half because of Israel, Monday is a very special day. I used to not like Mondays because we'd have staff meetings where people would complain. Now we have testimony meetings and everything changes. But I had about 12 children sleep over at the house and I'm getting up really early to make them breakfast, and then we have devotions. Then we have two services, this is Monday morning, with thousands of children. And now I get to do what I love doing most, which is go out house to house, my sweet spot, just holding the poor, loving on the people and just walking house to house, and got to dedicate a house to my friend Tina, a little old, old mother who was living under a tree. And so she was really happy. I led a few people to the Lord next to a latrine. And I was walking down to my truck to get to a discipleship meeting. That sounds important. Some of the leaders are leading over 2000 congregations. I think that's my important meeting. That's my assignment. I walk past this hut and I see a woman lying there, sitting there, leaning against the hut in the sun. Now in my country, Mozambique, you don't do that. It's superhot. Nobody needs melanin out there. They're just not supposed to be in the sun, so I knew

3 3 something was wrong. And I'm going to tell you my failure, again, before I tell you what he did. My failure was I looked at my watch and I told the God, the Living God who is God, who told me to stop, spoke to my heart, stop. Instead of just being immediately obedient, Sid, I looked at my watch and then I heard the Lord say again, "I told you to stop." And I felt so convicted. I felt broken by just my lack of sensitivity to Holy Spirit. And I just put my hand behind my back. And I went up to the lady just sitting there with white eyes, and I took a hold of her hands, and I asked her a question in the local dialect. [foreign language] "What is your name?" [foreign language]. She said, "I have no name. I'm blind. I have no name." I asked her in another language that's also spoken there? [foreign language] "What's your name?" Another lady said, "She has no name, she's blind." And before the Lord asked me to lead her into salvation, he said, "Give her a name. Give her a name." "Utaleah," I said, "Your name is Utaleah, you exist with joy." I gave her a name and she started laughing, her little teeth dangling. She only had about three teeth left. She's laughing. I said to the woman down there, nobody talked to this lady. She was so isolated. I said, "Call her by name." She said, "Utaleah." This lady burst out laughing and she's blind. She's just blind. She's blind, but she's full of joy. I hold her in my arms, just holding her in my arms, and Jesus the one who is worthy, Jesus the one who is worthy, he just stopped there. He's in us, Sid. He lives inside of us and it's only him. He's the healer. He's the healer. Jesus who is Lord took that lady's white eyes and in front of me turned them brown. He did. He did. SID: You know Heidi, there are people watching us right now and they're saying, how come that doesn't happen with me? How come that doesn't happen at my congregation? Well I've asked Heidi these questions. Heidi has told me what she does that is the joy of her life. And when we come back, I want her tell us because anything she can do, I tell you before God, you can do better. Be right back. We'll be right back to It's Supernatural. We now return to It's Supernatural. SID: Heidi, I want you to help the people that are watching, and me. I've been observing since we've been talking for the last few hours, before the show. Your prayer life is not one hour here or one hour there. Sometimes it is, but you look like you're praying all the time. Are you? SID: You pray in supernatural language and tongues. SID: When you go to sleep, do you pray in tongues? SID: When you're sleeping, are you praying in tongues?

4 4 HEIDI: I sure believe I am. SID: So Paul, when he said, "I pray in tongues more than any man," you can say, "I pray in tongues more than any woman." HEIDI: I don't know, but I sure love Jesus. SID: You seem to be, and this is observation, so in love with Jesus. Tell me about your love affair with Jesus. HEIDI: I know I just know him. I know what he did for me. When he gave his life for me I know that I was a sinner and he set me free. And my only response to him, the more I know him is to love him more because he first loved me. And Abba first loved me and I only have [unintelligible]. SID: But any born believer knows what you just said, but they segment God for Sunday mornings or Saturday mornings and the rest is for them. How do you get from where you are if they're there? How do they get there? HEIDI: The only way I can explain it is if you've ever fallen in love with another human being. If you've ever actually fallen in love with someone, would you not want to be with them all the time? Would you not want to be connected with them and in communication? Wouldn't you just want to be connected all the time? This is what is offered to us. God our daddy God, God, Jesus, God Holy Spirit said you can be one, you can be connected with me. He invites us in and once you step in and you taste the glory of his love, the glory of his presence, you don't want to be anywhere else. You don't want to be separated from him. You don't want your mind thinking separate from him. SID: All right. What would a first step be for a believer that is there to get there? HEIDI: I believe you get to know him, that everyone can get to know him, first through his word. And some of you say, well we had this discussion, you work nine to five. Well just get the audio version. It's like if you're, some people are worried about not being connected to the Internet, how much more should we concerned about not connected to God? He's given us a direct line. I don't want to be cut off. And there is a code. The code is Jesus. The code is Jesus. He's the code that gets you into the connection with God the Father and Holy Spirit. As you yield yourself to Holy Spirit you're in communication. So I would say get the Word, read the Word, listen to the Word, be in the Word. Allow the Word to be in you and yield yourself to Holy Spirit. You can be filled to the degree that you want to be filled. You can be filled to the degree that you are yielded to God. Like Jesus, he emptied himself out. He became nothing. Jesus, God in the flesh became nothing and he was completely dependent on the Father, completely dependent on the Holy Spirit and then he said, "Come follow me." Come follow me. How do we want to live a life in any other way? He's our joy and our delight.

5 5 SID: You know, I wrote a song as a young Jewish man that didn't know my left hand from my right hand. I was college-educated and everything, but I meant spiritually. And this song was, "There Must Be Something More". If that's the cry of your heart tell Jesus you're sorry for your sins, believe his blood washed them away and ask him to live inside of you, and ask him to be your Lord. Would you pray that the same hunger you have, look into the camera, the same hunger you have, those that are watching, will supernaturally have that jumpstart. Yes. God, I ask you, Jesus, to take them in right now. I ask you, God, take them in, take them through, take them in, let them see that your blood really takes away their sin. O Lord, may they be covered in your love and your beauty, and in who you are, and may they never, ever want to leave you for a moment. I pray Jesus, my beautiful bridegroom, king and savior, invade their lives right now. Holy Spirit [speaking in tongues], Holy Spirit, Holy Spirit, my friend [speaking in tongues], Holy Spirit, fill them, fill them, fill them. Some of you need to just pull over if you're listening in your car. Some of you need to stop what you're doing and just yield yourself. You might want to get low right now. Bow down, lift your hands and yield your heart to God. Say Holy Spirit, fill me, fill me, fill me. I love you, Holy Spirit. I worship you, Father. I worship you, Jesus. Holy Spirit, invade my life. I want to be fully filled because you're worthy of it all. SID: I'm going to tell you something. There's so much Heidi has to offer. When we go off the air, if you go to my web page,, I'm going to turn Heidi loose, and I believe that you are going to be so filled with the Holy Spirit. Go there right now, And I pray in Yeshua's name that your hunger has woken up like from a slumber, from asleep and you will not be satisfied with anything short of having intimacy with God, greater than Heidi. It's available to you. You are chosen. God has selected you in Yeshua's name. Amen. Next week on It's Supernatural. James Goll: Hello, I'm James Goll. How would you like every decision in your life to be made clearer? It's possible when you activate it with the gift of discernment in your life. Join me in the next It's Supernatural with Sid Roth and you may even discover that you are already a discerner.

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