On the Path. It s Time for the An nual Elec tion for New Board Mem bers. Community Gathering. Special Focus

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1 On the Path The News let ter of the South ern Mary land Emmaus Com mu nity July, 2010 Walk In the Light Vol ume 10 Is sue 3 It s Time for the An nual Elec tion for New Board Mem bers Each year, 1/3 of the lay mem bers of the Board of Di rec tors have a 3-year term that ends, and new Board mem bers are elected by the com mu nity to take their place. In ter ested in how that pro cess works? Well, if you are, read on! A Nom i na tions Com mit tee was formed in the spring, made up of the out go ing board mem bers. Their job was to pre pare a list of lay com mu - nity mem bers who are will ing to be con sid ered to serve on the Board of Di rec tors for a three year term be gin ning in Au gust. New Board mem bers elected in July 2010 will serve on the Board from Au gust June In ad di tion, we will be fill - ing a par tial term ( ) for a Board mem ber who was un - able to com plete their term. This va cancy will be filled by a spe cial pro cess through the Com mu nity Lay Di rec tor with Board ap proval. Community Gathering July 17, at Cal vary United Meth od ist Church in Waldorf Pot luck at 5:00 Gath er ing at 6:00 If you need child care for the July Gath - er ing, please con tact Janet Goodwin at janet.goodwin1@gmail.com or phone Special Focus Wear your best beach hat and com pete for the prize! The Nom i na tions Com mit tee called a to tal of 16 com mu nity mem bers whose names were con sid ered for po ten tial new lay mem bers of the Board. Seven of these were men. Un for tu - nately, none of the men called were able to ac cept the call to have their names put on the bal lot this year. Given the late date, the Nom i na tions Com mit tee went ahead and listed the names of women who agreed to have their names placed on the bal lot as Mem bers at Large nom i nees for com mu nity wide vot ing. The bal lot is printed in this news let ter (page 8) with in struc tions for vot ing. Each com mu nity mem ber is al lowed to vote once. Bal lots can be com pleted and sent by mail to the Reg is trar no later than July 26, Com mu nity mem bers at tend ing the pic nic last Sat ur day June 26 were given an op por tu nity to vote at the pic nic. The Board is hope ful that next year s list of Mem bers at Large nom i nees will in clude a num ber of men. Please pray about serv ing on the Board, and if you feel led, See Board, pg. 8

2 Fall Walks West River Men s Walk # 37 - Oct Women s Walk # 38 - Nov. 4-7 Make plans to at tend the com mu nity events for each walk: Thurs day - Spon sor s Hour - 7:00 p.m. Sat ur day - Can dle light - 8:00 p.m. Sunday - Closing - 4:00 p.m. This Week: 7/11/2010 Emmaus Community Stats 65 Week ends in 16 States and 2 Coun tries 26 Women s Week ends and 39 Men s Week ends Sign up to pray for our walks (and oth ers) online at: Pil grim and Team Ap pli ca tions and this news let ter may be down loaded from the web at CLICK on Doc u ment, Lists and News let ters Recurring Events of the Southern Maryland Emmaus Community Next Gath er ing July 17, :00 p.m. Fel low ship & Pot luck Din ner 6:00 p.m. Gath er ing Cal vary United Meth od ist Church Wal dorf, Maryland 4th Day Sem i nars 4th Day Sem i nars are held in the spring and in the fall fol low ing the men s and women s walks. The next sem i nar date will be No vem ber 13, 2010, 4:00 p.m. at Cal vary United Meth od ist Church in Wal dorf. At ten dance at a 4th Day Sem i nar is re quired in or der to spon sor pil grims, and highly rec om mended for those who wish to team. 2

3 Southern Maryland Emmaus Community Reunion & Accountability Groups The Re union Group Co or di na tor, Mary Ulrey, would like to hear about any ac tive Groups in South ern Mary land. If you are hav ing dif fi culty find ing a Re union Group, con tact Mary. Ex - pe ri ence the 4th Day feel ing with your fel low Emmaus trav el ers. Bethel UMC, Up per Marlboro Co-ed - monthly first Wednes day - 6:00 p.m. Bowie UMC - Old Town Bowie Co-ed - weekly at 4:15 p.m. Cal vary UMC, Wal dorf Men Tues day - 7:15 p.m. Women Wednesday - 5:30 p.m. at Panera s First UMC, Lau rel Men Sat ur day - 7:00 a.m. Women Sat ur day - 8:30 a.m. Good Shep herd UMC, Wal dorf Men Wednes day 6:30 p.m. Women Mon day 7:30 p.m. Women Tues day 7:30 p.m. (not at church call for di rec tions) Women Wednes day 6:30 p.m. Women Tues day 8:45 a.m. (not at church call for di rec tions) La Plata UMC, La Plata Women Tues day 1:00 p.m. Lexington Park UMC, Lexington Park Co-ed Tues day 7:30 a.m. Bob Ev ans Co-ed Thurs day 11:30 a.m. (home set ting) Liv ing Springs Chris tian Fel low ship, Bowie Co-ed Tues day 6:00 p.m. Na val Air Sta tion, Patuxent River Men Wednes days 11:30 a.m. Olivet UMC, Lusby Monthly on first Mon day 6:30 p.m. at Tony De May s home Shiloh UMC, Bryans Road Co-ed Tues days 6:30 p.m. Wa ters Me mo rial UMC, St. Leon ard Pas tors Tues day 1:00 p.m. Visit our website. No need to reg is ter at our new website as no per sonal in for ma tion is main tained. Our webmaster is Pat Knowland On the Path Dead line for next is sue is September 1, The pre ferred method of sub mis sion is as an MSWord doc u ment file or a WordPerfect file sent via- to the fol low ing ad - dress: dbrennan6@verizon.net. Very short ar ti cles or notes may be sent in the body of the mes sage. Please send your com ments and rec om men da tions as well to the ed i tor, Dan Brennan, at the ad dress above. 3

4 Southern Maryland Emmaus - Leadership & Service Per sonal in for ma tion con tained in this news let ter is in tended for Emmaus ac tiv i ties only, and will not be re leased to other or ga ni za tions for any rea son. Dale Merkle Comm. Lay Di rec tor June Fauber As sis tant Comm. LD Jan Drass Sec re tary/historian John Carns Trea surer Rick Pitonyak Events Coord. Everett Baker Com mu ni ca tions Dir. Ed Priest Reg is trar/pil grim Selection Chris Ownens Spir i tual Di rec tor Ca thy Lavoie Asst. Reg is trar Vacant Spon sor ship Ken Horne Chrys a lis Sheila Hanson Team Se lec tion Chair Mary Ulrey Asst. Team Se lec tion Va cant Asst. Spir i tual Di rec tor Shelley Wilson Mu sic Di rec tor Ches ter Willett Agape Co or di na tor Rick Pitonyak Asst. Agape Coord Rdcemerk01@aol.com jfauber610@hotmail.com jdrass@maranatha.net carns@comcast.net sirpitster@aol.com everett_baker@verizon.net priest1@md.metrocast.net pastorchris@fumcl.org lavoie20602@aol.com thekidfrog@comcast.net perseey@msn.com mulrey@sysplan.com shel ley@logcabinstudios.tv cwillet@khov.com sirpitster@aol.com On The Path Is the news let ter of the South ern Mary land Emmaus Com mu nity. Pub lished bi-monthly by , dis trib - uted by the Point of Con tact for each par tic i pat ing church, and avail able on the South - ern Mary land Emmaus website. South ern Mary land Emmaus is af fil i ated with the In ter na - tional Emmaus Move ment of The Up per Room, Nash ville, Tn. Emmaus is a pro gram of - fer ing of Up per Room Min is - tries of the United Meth od ist Church. Our pur pose is to in - spire, chal lenge, and equip church mem bers for Chris - tian Ac tion. Please con tact the POC for your church as listed in this news let ter if you are not re - ceiv ing the news let ter. If your church does not cur - rently have a POC, please prayer fully con sider vol un - teer ing for that role. Prayer Coordinator Everett Baker communications@ somdemmaus.org 4

5 Southern Maryland Emmaus - Leadership & Service Most South ern Mary land Com mit tees are chaired by mem bers of the Board of Di rec tors, but ser vice on those com mit tees is open to all com mu nity mem bers. AGAPE Support Ches ter Willett Newsletter Dan Brennan Child Care Janet Goodwin Com mu ni ca tions* Everett Baker Com mu nity Historian Jan Drass Prayer Vigil Coordinator Sara Martin Event Coordinator Rick Pitonyak Registrar Ed Priest Comm. Spir i tual Director Chris Owens Re union Group Vacant Entertainment Dan Brennan Team Se lec tion Coord. Sheila Hanson Fa cil ity Representative June Fauber Fourth Day Seminar Vacant Sponsorship Vacant Pil grim Selection Ed Priest/Ca thy Lavoie Supply Di ane Walker Mu sic Director Shel ley Wilson Comm. Lay Director Dale Merkle Prayer Requests Everett Baker *Com mu ni ca tions in cludes , P/POC, Web, Di rec tory and News let ter sub com mit tees An nual Com mu nity-wide Pic nic - Sat ur day, June 26, 2010 Were you there? Visit the Southern Maryland Emmaus Website for additional pic tures of the pic nic. 5

6 Southern Maryland Emmaus - Prayer Points of Contact If your church is not listed, please vol un teer to be the Prayer POC. Send your name, ad dress, and tele phone num ber to dbrennan6@verizon.net Bowie UMC Mary Browne BrowneBUMC@aol.com Cal vary UMC Dawn Townsend dawn5babe@gmail.com Ce dar Grove UMC Jacque Benjamin Jacque.benjamin@gmail.com Em man uel Bap tist Dick Fogg upper12_4us@peoplepc.com Em man uel UMC Ed Plotts ewpjr@comcast.net Dahlgren UMC Rob ert Kertesz cardinalpilot177@comast.net Clinton UMC June Fauber jfauber610@hotmail.com Corkran UMC Faith Bi ble Church Wendy Headrick wbheadrick@usa.net Faith UMC (Rockville) Cindy Mat ter cindymatter03@aol.com First UMC (Lau rel) Dave Meixner themeixners@comcast.net Glenn Dale UMC Kay Smith Zincdr@aol.com Good Shep herd UMC Linda Flanagan waldorfangel@gmail.com Bethel UMC Jan Holmes Janmhol@verizon.net In dian Head UMC Sarah Miller sarahlundmiller@aol.com La Plata UMC Bonnie Thomp son bonbri@comcast.net Leonardtown Bap tist Church Wendy Headrick wbheadrick@usa.net Liv ing Springs Don Rich ard son dcdaddy@peoplepc.com Lexington Park UMC Kathie Wright kaatrobjas@verizon.net Marbury Bap tist Church Denise McConnell dmconnell@earthserve.com Mt. Zion UMC John Carns john.carns@mantech.com New Life Wes leyan Church Dona Bat ten gsuslivs@comcast.net Olivet UMC Bob Bohn bkbohn@comcast.net Prov i dence/ft. Wash ing ton UMC Rich Weaver rhythmguitar1@hotmail.com St. Paul UMC (Lusby) Everett Baker everett_baker@verizon.net St. Paul s UMC (Leonardtown) Wendy Headrick wbheadrick@usa.net Shiloh UMC Peggy Ire land peggy@nam.org Smithville UMC Kathy Massaro snjwalk93@comcast.net South Po to mac Church P.J. Pitonyak LadyPJay@aol.com Trinty UMC Laura Yax lkyax@comcast.net Trin ity Bap tist Vacant Wa ters Me mo rial UMC Nancy Massie watersumc@hotmail.com 6

7 Calling All Sponsors It is not too early to be gin pray ing about peo ple to spon sor for the Fall Week ends and to get their ap pli ca tions sub - mit ted.. The men s week end is Oc to ber 14-17, 2010 and the women s week end is No vem ber 4-7, Get those pil grim ap pli ca tions sub mit ted. To have the Fall Week ends we must have a min i mum of 12 pil grims for each week end. The men s ap pli ca tions must be re ceived by Au gust 18, 2010 and the women s ap pli ca tions by Sep - tem ber 8, 2010 for the fall week ends to take place. If the min i mums are met the fi nal cut off dates for pil grim ap pli - ca tions for the men is Sep tem ber 1, 2010 and Sep tem ber 22, 2010 for the women. Ap pli ca tions must be post marked on or be fore these dates to be ac cepted. Just a re minder to spon sors who spon sor mar ried ap pli cants. If you want to spon sor a mar ried ap pli cant, you need to ex plain the Walk to Emmaus to the spouse and in vite him or her to go on the walk if the spouse has an in - ter est in walk ing. If the spouse doesn t wish to walk, make sure that he or she doesn t ob ject to your pil grim go ing on the Walk to Emmaus. This is called the Equal Com mit ment Rule (ECR). You can find more about the ECR in the Up per Room Walk to Emmaus book let Spon sor ship. You can pur chase a copy of this book let at Gath er ings from our Trea surer. This is also a great book let to study be fore you con sider spon sor ing. It has a lot of great help and guid ance for spon sors. As spon sors please re view the ap pli ca tion of your pil grim be fore sub mit ting to make sure the ap pli ca tion is com - pletely filled out and that you and the pas tor have signed the ap pli ca tion and that the pil grim ap pli ca tion fee of $35.00 is in cluded. As spon sors please al low your pil grim to pro vide the fee if they can af ford it, so that they have a fi nan cial com mit ment to at tend ing the week end. July Gathering - Summertime at its Best! Beach Theme! July 17, 2010 at Cal vary United Meth od ist Church Wal dorf, MD 5:00 p.m. Pot luck, 6 p.m.. Gath er ing What to bring: Hat and Last name A - L: Fried chicken and a side dish to share Last name M - Z: Cold cuts and a des sert to share Hat Con test: Wear your best beach hat and com pete for the prize! 7

8 Baord cont. from Pg 1 con tact the Board of Di rec tors. Com mu nity mem bers can vol un teer to have their name put on the bal lot for vot ing with out hav ing to go through the Nom i nat ing Com mit tee pro cess. The Board Sec re tary and Reg is trar are re spon si ble for tal ly ing the board bal lots. The Com mu nity Lay Di rec tor will no tify the nom i nees with the high est num ber of votes who will then be come newly elected Board mem bers In ad - di tion, new Board mem bers are an nounced in the next news let ter, and at all com mu nity events in Au gust. The new Board mem bers at tend Board meet ings start ing in Au gust. It's Time to Vote Each June we have the op por tu nity to elect some new lay mem bers of the Board. Each mem ber of the South ern Mary land Emmaus Com mu nity gets one bal lot. The Bal lot be low lists all nom i nees for 5 open po si tions (2 women and 3 men) for a three year term and 1 open po si tion (woman) for a 2 year term. Here's how to vote: Clip or print out this bal lot, fill it in and mail it to: South ern Mary land Emmaus Board Elec tion P.O. Box 1242 Leonardtown, MD All bal lots are due (or must be post marked by July 26, 2010 South ern Mary land Emmaus Board of Di rec tors Bal lot Please vote for lay mem bers (up to 5) you would rec om mend for ser vice on the Board. Carol Barton (Lexington Park United Meth od ist Church) Linda Horty (Trin ity United Meth od ist Church) Dru McLaughlin (Em man uel Bap tist Church) Ka ren Smith (Cal vary United Meth od ist Church) Brenda Smith-Thomas (First United Meth od ist Church of Lau rel) Con nie Wells (Lexington Park United Meth od ist Church) In for ma tional note: Please take into con sid er ation that we strive for di ver sity. Bal lots are due no later than July 26, 2010 Sig na ture 8

9 Board Notes Visit to Camp Saint Charles- A num ber of Board mem bers as well as a few com mu nity mem bers toured this fa cil - ity on June 12 to see if it might be suit able as a week end lo ca tion for fu ture walks. The Board is dis cuss ing their find ings and rec om men da tions, and ap pre ci ates the time spent and in put from all who toured the camp. Tell us about your walk The Fourth Day Sem i nar on May 22 was very well-at - tended and the Board thanks all the spon sors and pil - grims who at tended! South ern Mary land Emmaus had a dis play and spon - sored a mini-gath er ing with com mu nion at the Bal ti - more-wash ing ton An nual Con fer ence again this year. At ten dees in cluded mem bers of South ern Mary land Emmaus, as well as mem bers from other nearby Fourth Day com mu ni ties (Mary land Step ping Stone, Mary land River of Life and West Virginia Emmaus). Sure we get to hear a lit tle about some one s walk ex pe ri ence dur ing the gath er ings as part of a 4th Day Talk, but would n t it be in ter est ing to hear about some of the of ten over looked mo ments that made your week end spe cial? Maybe you have some thing to share in the fol low ing catagories: The funniest thing that happened to me on my weekend The strangest food experience of my weekend (you know we ve all had them) Snoring 101 (how you survived that noisy night - tricks for the novice sleeper) My favorite piece of agape (the one you re still wearing) Our week ends are pow er ful ex pe ri ences of con nect ing with the Lord, but there are also those lighter mo ments that we rarely talk about. How about shar ing a story or two with your broth ers and sis ters. Send your thoughts to the ed i tor at dbrennan6@verizon.net. Meet the Board! As part of a se ries in tro duc ing Board mem bers to the com mu nity, this month we d like to in tro duce you to Ed Priest. Ed wor ships at First Saints Com mu nity Church, St. Paul s Cam pus in Leonardtown MD, and walked on Mary land #36 and sat at the ta ble of Da vid! (clap)! This is not Ed s first tour of duty on the Board. He was part the South ern Mary land Emmaus Steer ing Com mit - tee to get the South ern Mary land Emmaus com mu nity started, and has re turned to serve on the Board to bring con sis tency in Board de ci sions and di rec tion, help to grow our com mu nity and help to as sure knowl edge able trained spon sors. Well, he has the per fect job on the Board to do that- Ed has served as the Reg is trar since com ing on the Board in sum mer 2009! He has al ready re vised the spon sor let ter and check list, given ex cel lent spon sor ship train ing at two Fourth Day Sem i nar events, and he is com mu ni cat ing with spon sors about their pil - grims as the need arises! Need less to say, the Board feels very for tu nate and blessed to have Ed serv ing and han dling the Reg is trar du ties so ca pa bly! So, we asked Ed a few per sonal ques tions that we thought you might like to know. We found out that Ed has lived a lot of places he was born in Bain bridge GA, and has lived in Pensacola FL, Cor pus Christi TX, Jack son ville FL, Monterey CA, Alameda CA, Vir ginia Beach VA, Cal i for nia MD, Hol ly wood MD, Ridge MD and now re sides in Leonardtown MD with his wife Kay and their cat. I won der which of those places he en joyed most. If you see Ed at a monthly gath er ing, ask him, and let us know! Ed is quite in volved at his church. He serves as a Lay Leader for the St. Paul s Cam pus, and is a Cer ti fied Lay Speaker, as well as Cap tain and Cook for a soup kitchen team. In his spare time, he likes to study, read, cook and fish. His fa vor ite verse is Malachi 3:10. Ed, thank you so much for serv ing on the South ern Emmaus Board of Di rec tors (again)! We ap pre ci ate your faith ful ness, dil i gence, ex cel lence and at ten tion to de tail! 9

10 Walk in the Light - South ern Mary land Emmaus Visit us on the web at "Were not our hearts burn ing within us while He was speak ing to us on the road, while He was ex plain ing the Scrip tures to us? Luke 24:32 In for ma tion on the South ern Mary land Walk to Emmaus, as well as pil grim and team ap pli ca tions may be found on our website: On the Path 1005 Nor folk Drive La Plata, Md Time Sen si tive Material

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contemporary songs of faith We Belong to You/Somos Tuyos Assembly, Three-part Choir, Keyboard, and Guitar œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ Bb F/Bb C contemporary ngs of faith aculty, Students Alumni of Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles, alifornia Be You/So Assemly, Threepart hoir, Keyoard, Guitar glish, Vicria Thomn Spanish tr., Pedro Rualcava

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