MONTHLY BULLETIN #50. Topics relevant to the material learned this month in Daf HaYomi B Halacha הלכות מוקצה והלכות בנין וסתירה

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1 בס ד DAF HAYOMI B HALACHA Issue MONTHLY BULLETIN #50 ' סימן ש"ז סעיף ד' עד סימן שט"ו סעיף ג : סיון תשע"ח - אייר DIRSHU 212 SECOND STREET, SUITE 404B LAKEWOOD, NEW JERSEY הלכות מוקצה והלכות בנין וסתירה Topics relevant to the material learned this month in Daf HaYomi B Halacha Is it permitted to have a savings account that accrues interest each day including Shabbos? May a gabbai read from a list of congregants on Shabbos or Yom Tov for the purpose of allocating an Aliyah? How should one dispose of an empty milk bag on Shabbos? May a wet garment that dried on Shabbos be moved? May one wear glasses which broke on Shabbos? 1

2 Is it permitted to have a savings account that accrues interest each day including Shabbos? The Shulchan Aruch (306:4) rules that it is forbidden to hire a daily laborer to work on Shabbos. The Mishnah Berurah ( 15) adds that even if he worked, it is forbidden for the laborer to accept payment for Shabbos. This is because the Rabbis prohibited receiving Shabbos wages, unless the Shabbos wages are swallowed in other, weekday wages (i.e. by including Shabbos together with an entire week or month), in which case the payment is for the entire time instead of for each day. The Rema adds that if a laborer was hired for a month and his pay was stipulated to be a certain amount for each day he is considered a per day laborer and may not work on nor be paid for Shabbos. The Mishnah Berurah ( 19) and Biur Halachah (s.v. vehisnah) explain that the Rema refers only to a case where the language used to hire the worker indicates that the employer reserves the right to terminate the job anytime during the month, in which case the worker will only be paid for the days he actually worked. Since the days which swallow Shabbos are not fixed, and the wages are calculated by the days of work, it is forbidden. However, if the worker was hired for a fixed sum for the entire month, even if the employer undertook to pay at the end of each day, it is permitted. In this case, the wages are determined by the days which swallow Shabbos, and it is irrelevant that the wages are paid at the end of each day. The Mishnah Berurah (ibid.) cites the Mogen Avrohom that the laws of Shabbos wages also apply to rent; it may not be paid specifically for the day of Shabbos but it can be swallowed in other weekdays. The Mogen Avrohom rules that these rules that these laws even apply when lending money with interest (i.e. to a non-jew whom it is permitted to charge interest). In order to be able to accept interest for the entire duration of the loan, one must avoid stipulating that the interest is paid per day that he holds the money; otherwise the days of Shabbos must be deducted from the total. [The Mishnah Berurah suggests stipulating either that if the loan is repaid in middle of the week interest will be paid for the entire week or that no interest will be paid for the partial week.] Regarding money in an account that accrues interest daily, the poskim (Rav Moshe Feinstein [Iggros Moshe O Ch vol. 4, 59], Shu t Minchas Yitzchok [vol. 9, 59], and Rav Shlomo Zalman [cited in Shemiras Shabbos Kehilchosah 28: 141]) rule that Shabbos is not affected. Since the fiscal days are reckoned by a set time different from the Torah day (e.g. from morning to morning, noon to noon, or midnight to midnight), Shabbos can always be considered as swallowed in the weekday hours preceding or following it. However, this does not help when Yom Tov and Shabbos follow consecutively 1. Since there are no weekday hours between the two days, there is an entire fiscal day for which interest is being paid and is not swallowed by any weekday hours. [See Minchas Yitzchok ibid. who mentions that if it is for the sake of a mitzvah many are lenient with regards to Shabbos wages.] Rav Moshe Feinstein clarifies that when Yom Tov is in the middle of the week, even though Jews in the Diaspora observe two days, it is not the same as when Yom Tov and Shabbos are consecutive, and we can be lenient with the rules of Shabbos wages and treat each of them as a weekday for the purpose of considering the other day swallowed by weekday hours. [With regard to Rosh Hashanah he suggests that both days are considered bona fide Yom Tov and the first fiscal day cannot be swallowed by any weekday hours.] However, when both days are consequent to Shabbos we cannot extend the leniency to Shabbos and one fiscal day is forbidden. Since it is nearly impossible to refuse this forbidden interest from the bank, Rav Moshe Feinstein (ibid.) rules that one should distribute it anonymously to charity in order not to benefit in any way from the Shabbos wages. May a gabbai read from a list of congregants on Shabbos or Yom Tov for the purpose of allocating an Aliyah? The Shulchan Aruch (307:12) writes that on Shabbos it is forbidden to read a list of invited guests or the foods prepared for them because one might come to transgress the Rabbinic decree forbidding reading shtarei hedyotos (documents of debt or account). The Rema adds that it is even forbidden to look at them without reading. The Mishnah Berurah ( 47) cites an additional reason for prohibiting reading such lists, because he might transgress Shabbos by erasing from the list. The host might notice that he does not have enough food to feed all the people he invited and might wish to erase some of the names, or he might decide to serve less food and erase some of the dishes. The Mishnah Berurah suggests that for mitzvah purposes there are grounds to permit a waiter to read these lists because he has no right to tamper with the list eliminating the concern for transgressing Shabbos by 1 The laws of Shabbos wages apply equally to Yom Tov. 2

3 בס ד אייר-סיון תשע"ח: סימן ש"ז סעיף ד' עד סימן שט"ו סעיף ג' erasing, and we are generally lenient regarding the prohibition of shtarei hedyotos for mitzvah purposes. He adds that there is an opinion which always permits a waiter to read such lists because the prohibition of shtarei hedyotos was waived in order to prevent problematic situations (such as that of Kamtza and Bar Kamtza (Gittin 55b), which led to the destruction of the Second Bais Hamikdash). This is relevant for a woman who prepared a menu for Shabbos or Yom Tov and wishes to remind herself of what she wrote. Rav Nissim Karelitz (cited in Ayil Meshulash Shtarei Hedyotos 35) rules that she may ask a household member who is not authorized to make changes to the menu to read it to her. Avoiding the worry that she would otherwise experience is considered a bona fide need and is not prohibited under shtarei hedyotos. Rav Shlomo Zalman (Shulchan Shlomo 307: 6) suggests that the woman might even be permitted to quickly glance at the list in order to remind herself in which order to serve the dishes. Another possible application of this rule is for a Gabbai in a congregation who wishes to look over a list of members who recently received aliyos. The Shaarei Ephraim (Pischei Shearim 10:33) suggests that perhaps we may be lenient because there is little likelihood that he will erase from the list. Since he is reading a list about the past, and not about the future, there is no reason for him to erase anyone from the list. 2 In addition, the congregation will definitely call his attention to prevent him from transgressing Shabbos by erasing. As for shtarei hedyotos, he considers it a mitzvah purpose to prevent members from quarrelling over the aliyos. Nevertheless, he does not rule conclusively. Regarding a Gabbai calling out the names from a written list on Shabbos, Rav Nissim Karelitz (cited in Minchas Shlomo, Shtarei Hedyotos p. 238) quotes different opinions and rules that it should be avoided if possible. Even though it is unlikely that he will transgress Shabbos by erasing in public, he might bring the list home with him and erase it afterwards. How should one dispose of an empty milk bag on Shabbos? The Shulchan Aruch (308:6) writes that if a vessel breaks on Shabbos and its pieces are still fit for some use, they are not muktza and may be moved. For example, shards of glass can still be used to cover a bottle. If they are no longer fit for any use, they are muktza and may not be moved. [The rules of muktza generally prohibit moving useless items. Articles which are designated for use are considered vessels and may be moved.] The Mishnah Berurah ( 28) explains that the pieces of a broken vessel should have been considered like stones which are muktza machamas gufo (muktza because they are inherently useless on Shabbos) and may not be moved for any purpose even though they are fit for some use. However, since they came from a complete vessel which was designated for use, as long as they are still fit for any use, they retain the status of useful articles. The Shulchan Aruch (ibid.:7) rules that if the broken pieces were discarded before Shabbos, although they are fit for use, they may not be moved on Shabbos. The Mishnah Berurah ( 32) explains that discarding them on Shabbos does not cause them to become muktza on that day. Since the pieces were considered useful during bein hashemashos (the beginning of Shabbos, when the status for many Shabbos-related laws is determined), and are still fit for some use, they do not lose their status by being discarded. However, if they were discarded before Shabbos, since broken pieces are not inherently purposeful, they become muktza. Nowadays that broken pieces are generally discarded and not used for other uses, there is a dispute among Poskim about their status on Shabbos. The Mishnah Berurah ( 48) explains that a broken needle is muktza even though it can be used for removing splinters - because it is generally discarded. It would seem that even though broken pieces are fit for use they are muktza if they are usually discarded. Rav Nissim Karelitz (Chut Shani vol. 3, pp ) makes the distinction that a broken needle is usually discarded because it is not easily used to remove splinters, whereas nowadays broken pieces are discarded because they are not necessary, since we live with abundance and do not need to use broken pieces. He points out that even nowadays, if one had no lid and needed to cover something, he would use a broken piece; therefore, it does not lose the status of a purposeful article. Rav Nissim Karelitz rules that a candy wrapper which has any use even if only to play with one s fingers does not become muktza. However, if it requires ingenuity to come up with a use for it, it does not retain its status as a purposeful article. Disposable utensils, empty bottles, opened cans, or milk bags, even though they are usually 2 Even though a name might no longer be relevant, and there is reason to erase it to keep the list current, since he is not reading the list now to keep it current, rather for the past record, there is no concern about erasing and the prohibition does not apply. 3

4 discarded, are other examples that are not muktza because they can still be used. He also states (p. 110) that a dirty tissue which has been thrown in the garbage is not muktza if it could still be used. On the other hand, Rav Shlomo Zalman (cited in Shemiras Shabbos Kehilchosah 9: 12) rules that an empty milk bag is muktza because it will not be used again. If one wishes to change the milk bag on Shabbos he should take the pitcher (bag holder) to the garbage and shake it out. If one is concerned that it will not come out by merely shaking it, one must leave some milk in the bag, in which case it may be moved. Rav Shlomo Zalman also ruled (in Peninei Hama or 24:7) that once someone decides to throw out a dirty tissue on Shabbos, it becomes muktza even before it is discarded. Rav Elyashiv (cited in Hilchos Shabbos Beshabbos vol. 2, pp ) rules that wrappers (such as plastic popsicle wrappers, or torn paper) which are never reused are muktza, but disposable utensils which can be rinsed and reused when no other dishes are available may be moved even if they became dirty before Shabbos (and one intends to throw them out), as long as they were not thrown out before the start of Shabbos. Since extra milk is sometimes poured back into the empty milk bag, Rav Elyashiv (cited in Shalmei Yehudah 6: 47) rules that it is considered a purposeful article and may be moved. Even Rav Elyashiv (cited in Shevus Yitzchok Muktzah p. 56) and Rav Nissim Karelitz (ibid.) rule that dirty disposable utensils which were thrown out before Shabbos are considered muktzah and may not be moved. May a wet garment that dried on Shabbos be moved? The Shulchan Aruch (308:16) writes regarding a laundered garment that was placed before Shabbos on a stick to dry and one wishes to use the garment on Shabbos, that the stick may only be moved if it was a vessel; otherwise the garment may be removed only without moving the stick. The Mishnah Berurah ( 63) adds that this is only if the garment has dried significantly before Shabbos began so that it is not damp enough to wet another item. The Rema (301:46) rules that a wet garment is muktza because one might squeeze it, and if it was muktza when Shabbos began, the Mishnah Berurah writes that it remains muktza for the rest of Shabbos. [Shu t Minchas Yitzchok (vol. 1, 81) explains that even if the item was too damp to be used, so long as it was not wet enough to cause another item to become wet, there is no concern that he might squeeze it and it is not considered muktza. Rav Elyashiv (cited in Shalmei Yehudah 9: 51) rules that even if one is unsure about whether the garment was dry enough, it may be moved on Shabbos.] The ruling that a garment that dried on Shabbos remains muktza seems to contradict the ruling of the Mishnah Berurah (310: 19) that if it is within one s power to bring a muktza item to a state of usefulness on Shabbos it loses its muktza status [this is known as gomro biydey odom, able to be finished by man]. Shu t Minchas Yitzchok resolves this by suggesting that gomro biydey odom only applies when it was certain to become useful on Shabbos, whereas the Mishnah Berurah deals with a garment that might not finish drying on Shabbos. This is also the opinion of Rav Shlomo Zalman (Minchas Shlomo vol. 1, 10 p. 81), Shu t Shevet Halevi (vol. 1, 52:3), and Rav Moshe Feinstein (cited in Sefer Tiltulei Shabbos 36, and in Iggros Moshe O Ch vol. 5, 22:26). In warm weather, when the garment will definitely dry before Shabbos is over, it does not remain muktza. Rav Moshe Feinstein adds that this is only true if one actually hung the garment to dry, but if he forgot that he wished to dry it, it remains muktza even though the weather was warm and it was certain to dry. On the other hand, Rav Elyashiv (cited in Shvus Yitzchok Muktza p. 101) explains that gomro biydei odom only applies to an item which is muktza because it is currently useless. Since one is able to make it useful, it does not retain its muktza status. However, an article which is muktza because of a prohibition (such as squeezing a wet garment) remains muktza throughout Shabbos even though one is able to end its prohibition. This idea is also mentioned in Kovetz Shiurim (Beitza 6). Rav Moshe Feinstein (Iggros Moshe O Ch vol. 5, 22:38) writes that clothes which were left in a dryer to dry on Shabbos are muktza because it is forbidden to operate a dryer on Shabbos. Since the dryer makes noise during operation, it is included in the ruling of the Rema (252:5) which forbids operating noisy machinery on Shabbos. Rav Shlomo Zalman (cited in Shemiras Shabbos Kehilchosa 15: 63, Minchas Shlomo 10: 4) seems to disagree and suggests that this does not cause a garment to be muktza. 4

5 בס ד אייר-סיון תשע"ח: סימן ש"ז סעיף ד' עד סימן שט"ו סעיף ג' There are a number of Poskim 3 who disagree with the ruling of Mishnah Berurah, and rule that the prohibition against moving a wet garment because one might squeeze it does not classify it as muktza. May one wear glasses which broke on Shabbos? The Shulchan Aruch (308:16) writes that one may not move on Shabbos a kirah (a small oven-like stove which can fit two pots on top) if one of its side-pieces has slipped off. The Mishnah Berurah ( 68) explains that the side-pieces of the kirah are similar to feet, and the reason that it may not be moved is out of concern that one might slide it back in tightly, which is a Torah violation of Shabbos. Rav Shlomo Zalman (Shulchan Shlomo 32:1-2) points out the apparent contradiction to earlier rulings (:6, :8) that broken vessels may be moved on Shabbos as long as they are fit for use and doors of vessels that came off may be used, without concern that one might repair them. He differentiates that those vessels are fit for easy use, whereas in this case there is no easy way to use it with a broken foot. Rav Shlomo Zalman (cited in Shalmei Yehudah 4:27) and Rav Nissim Karelitz (Chut Shani vol. 3, 56 1) rule that the muktza status of this kirah is that of keli shemelachto le issur (a vessel whose use is not permitted on Shabbos, a lenient degree) and not muktza machmas gufo (the status of an item unit for any use, a severe degree). The Rema adds that the same applies to a bench if one of its feet has slipped out, and it may not be moved or supported on another bench for sitting. Even if the foot slipped out before Shabbos, it may not be moved unless it was already used in its broken state before Shabbos. The Mishnah Berurah ( 71) explains that once the bench was used in its broken state, there is no concern that he will violate Shabbos by slipping the foot back in. The Mishnah Berurah ( 69) writes that if the foot itself broke or was lost and cannot be slipped back in, there is no concern that he will violate Shabbos by fashioning a new one and it may be moved. The Biur Halacha (s.v. de osur letaltelah) adds that if the foot slipped out on Shabbos and one is concerned that the bench will harm a person as it falls, he may remove it; consequently, he may also support it on another bench and use it for sitting. The Poskim discuss other broken items which may fall under this category of muktza. A very common issue is that of eyeglasses if one of their temples fell off. Rav Shlomo Zalman (cited in Shalmei Yehudah 4:27 and 4:50) rules that they are muktza because they can only be used precariously. [He supports his opinion with the explanation of Rabeiniu Chananel (Shabbos 138b) that the kirah under discussion has four legs, of which only one has slipped out. Even though it can still be used with its remaining three legs, since it can only be used precariously, there is concern that he might slip the broken foot back in.] If the screw is lost, Rav Shlomo Zalman rules that it may be used, even though it can still easily be fixed with a piece of wire (twist tie) or a pin. Even though repairing the glasses in this way on Shabbos is forbidden, such a repair is not a Torah violation of Shabbos and using the broken glasses is not forbidden out of concern that he will do so. Rav Nissim Karelitz (ibid.) rules regarding a broom whose handle has slipped out, that the brush, which can easily be used even without the handle, may be moved and used on Shabbos. However, since it is unusual to use the broomstick for anything by itself, it may not be moved. The poskim (cited in Shalmei Yehudah 3:32 in the name of Rav Shlomo Zalman and Rav Elyashiv, and Rav Nissim Karelitz ibid.) rule that if a wheel fell off a baby carriage, it falls under this category of muktzah and may not be moved. If one is still holding it and has not stopped moving it, Rav Nissim Karelitz holds that the rules of keli shemelachto le issur apply and he may continue moving it until he leaves go (just like the instances where it is permissible to move a keli shemelachto le issur in 308:8, where it is permitted to continue moving it until one puts it down) 4. Rav Shlomo Zalman (Shulchan Shlomo 44) suggests that since using it in the normal way raises concerns that he might repair the wheel, it is different from the regular rules of keli shemelachto le issur and one must stop rolling it right away. Rav Elyashiv holds that even if the wheel has not yet come off, as soon as it becomes loose the carriage may no longer be used out of concern that he might come to tighten it. [If the carriage is in an unprotected place and may not be moved, Rav Nissim Karelitz rules that one may instruct a non-jew to bring it to a protected place, because it is a shevus deshevus bemakom hefsed.] 3 The Chazon Ish (cited in Orchos Shabbos vol. 2, ), Shu t Shevet Halevi (ibid., and vol. 3, 33), Shu t Minchas Yitzchok (ibid.), and Rav Shlomo Zalman (cited in Shemiras Shabbos Kehilchosa 15: 63, Minchas Shlomo 10: 4) 4 He cites additional support from the ruling of the Biur Halachah (ibid.) that one may support the bench if he is permitted to remove it. 5




9 בס ד תשע"ח: סימן ש"ז סעיף ד' עד סימן שט"ו סעיף ג' אייר-סיון THOSE WHO SANCTIFY SHABBOS PROPERLY The days between Pesach and Shavuos are called Sefiras Ha omer. The significance of these days goes well beyond the mere counting of the days and weeks because it is the time to prepare for and to anticipate Kabbolas Hatorah. The Sefer Hachinuch (306) writes about the roots of the obligation to count the days of the Omer, The Torah is the chief foundation of the Jews and is the objective for which the world was created as it is written (Yirmiyah 33:25), If not for My covenant day and night, I would not have established the rules of heaven and earth, and the purpose of the redemption from Egypt was that the Jews would accept the Torah at Har Sinai and fulfill it [as Hashem informed Moshe (Shemos 3:12) The fact that I sent you to [successfully] bring forth the Jews from Egypt will be a sign for you that you will serve Hashem on this mountain. Since the Torah defines the essence of the Jews, and for its sake we were redeemed and raised to such glory, we were commanded to count each day from after the first day of Pesach until the day of the giving of the Torah to demonstrate our soul s intense yearning for the special day. Just like a toiling slave yearns for the opportunity to relax and constantly counts the time left until he is free, by our count we exhibit the strength of our desire for the occasion of Shavuos and our acceptance of the Torah. The Gemara (Shabbos 86b) relates that the Torah was given to the Jews on Shabbos. The Maharal (Tiferes Yisroel 27) offers three explanations for this significance: a. Shabbos is when spiritual blessing is showered from above, as it states (Bereishis 2:3) And Hashem blessed the seventh day. Since there is no greater blessing than the Torah, the day most fitting for it to be given to earthly mortals is Shabbos. b. Mundane work is forbidden on Shabbos, which is set aside as a day of holiness. The Torah epitomizes spirituality and is devoid of earthiness, and Shabbos is the day most appropriate for it to be given. c. The creation of the world was brought to completion by the creation of Shabbos. It was also contingent on the acceptance of the Torah. It is appropriate that the actual acceptance should also take place on Shabbos. Another aspect of the holiness of Shabbos is revealed by the rules governing speech on Shabbos mentioned in the Shulchan Aruch (307), which require that it be different from weekday speech, and that idle speech be limited. This is derived from the Gemara (Shabbos 113b) which derives this from a pasuk in Yeshaya. The Mishnah Berurah ( 5) mentions that righteous men had the practice to speak only in Lashon Hakodesh (the holy tongue) on Shabbos, in order to avoid speaking idle talk. He cites the Shelah that one should not greet his friend in the normal manner of Good morning, but should say Good Shabbos. The Rema permits those who enjoy idle speech to engage in it on Shabbos, but one who does not personally enjoy it may not speak for the enjoyment of others. Even though it appears to be inconsistent with the spirit of Shabbos, it is permitted for someone who enjoys it. This has been explained by holy seforim with the following allegory: A king wished to indulge his subjects and proclaimed a great feast. All who attended were to be granted their hearts desire. Many attended with sundry requests. Some sought reduction of their taxes, others requested appointment to royal positions, and a few asked for presents from the royal treasury. There was one person, who suffered from diseases on his skin, who approached with a strange request. He wanted a large quantity of animal wastes, in which to wallow and feel comfort from the pain he usually endured. When the king was made aware of this peculiar petition, he responded with incredulity, He could have asked for the best doctors to cure his condition, yet he only asks for a pile of dung? Yet, if such is the fool s wish, let it be granted him. Similarly, Hashem gave us, from His treasury, the great gift of the day of Shabbos. One who understands its worth is only interested in using the precious time for holiness and spirituality. One who does not understand the value and holiness of Shabbos and is willing to waste it because he enjoys engaging in idle speech, is similar to that man at the king s feast, and is permitted to do as he likes. 9

10 QUESTION OF THE MONTH The Shulchan Aruch (302:5) writes that some say that one may not wipe dirt off one s foot or shoe even against a wall. The Mishnah Berurah ( 27) explains that this refers to a wall of rocks, and according to this opinion one may only wipe it against wood or on a single rock. In Shaar Hatziyun ( 35) he cautions that the rock must be large enough that it will not move while wiping the dirt against it. Presumably, the person would be wiping his shoe while it is on his foot and would therefore only be moving the rock indirectly. The Mishnah Berurah (308: 82) rules in a similar instance that one may sit on a muktzah object even if it will indirectly be moved by his body (other than his hands). Why, then, does he require here that one not move the rock? Answers to the questions will be published in Issue #51. Answers should be ed to or faxed to by ט"ו סיון / May 29 to be entered into a raffle for a set of Dirshu Mishnah Berurah. When submitting your answers to the Question of the Month, please include your full name spelled in both Hebrew and English together with your address. LAST MONTH S QUESTION OF THE MONTH: The Mishnah Berurah (301: 66) writes that even within an eiruv where carrying is permitted, it is forbidden to walk with a cane if it is entirely unnecessary, (i.e. it does not assist his balance and is not an ornament) because it is disrespectful to Shabbos (zilusa deshabbos). In light of the Shulchan Aruch s ruling (308:4) that it is forbidden to move even a permissible item on Shabbos unnecessarily under the laws of tiltul (moving objects) it seems unnecessary to forbid carrying a cane unnecessarily because of zilusa deshabbos. Why does the Mishnah Berurah offer this specific reason to forbid carrying a cane? Many answers were received from our readers, comprising a number of answers and distinctions some of them alluded to or mentioned by the poskim, and others differing with fine nuances. In general, many of them pointed to the following basic distinction: When the Mishnah Berurah (301) discussed walking with a cane, he is referring to a case where the rules of muktzah allow moving it, for the following possible reasons: 1. The person walking with the cane benefits from, or at least enjoys, striding with the cane. Even though it does not aid in walking, he might feel more secure while gripping it, or by holding and swinging it in time with his strides. For the rules of muktzah, this is not considered moving an object unnecessarily. 2. The cane was picked up for a permissible purpose unrelated to walking (e.g. to remove it from an unprotected location), and the rules of muktzah allow one to continue moving it until it is put down. 3. The cane might be included in the category of often-used vessels, such as eating utensils or garments, which have no muktzah-related restrictions and may be moved even unnecessarily. Even though there is no muktzah-related restriction against moving the cane, walking outside with it is considered disrespectful to Shabbos and may not be done. The following people (in Hebrew alphabetical order) contributed to the compilation of this section: R Chaim Ausch Brooklyn, NY; R Boruch Aronson Brooklyn, NY; R Meir Gross Passaic, NJ; R Binyomin Werther Lakewood, NJ; R Eliyohu Wincelberg - Suffern; R Shimshon Zitwer Brooklyn, NY; R Shmuel Shlomo Zalman Taubenfeld Monsey, NY; R Yitzchok Meir Tropper Cherry Hill, NJ; R Aharon Levine Baltimore, MD; R Nosson Miller Baltimore, MD; R Michoel Soroka - Brooklyn; R Zalman Hillel Fendel Lakewood, NJ; R Avrohom Chaim Kokis Lakewood, NJ; R Mordechai Kushner Monsey, NY; R Shmuel Zanvil Klein Brooklyn, NY; R Shlomo Kessler Toronto, ON; R Yaakov Katz Passaic, NJ; R Elazar Refoel Rothstein Vancouver, BC; R Tzvi Elimelech Rubin Monsey, NY; R Dovid M. Rubinstein NY; R Shlomo Schwartz Toronto, ON; R Yehoshua Steinman Los Angeles, CA; R Dov Henich Shechter Lakewood, NJ RAFFLE WINNER: ELIYAHU WINCELBERG, SUFFERN 6 HIGHLIGHTED SHIUR: MAGGID SHIUR: RAV MOSHE CHAIM KAHAN, SHLITA LOCATION: BAIS MEDRASH GOVOHA - ATERES BROCHA CITY: LAKEWOOD, NJ Chazal say:. כל השונה הלכות בכל יום מובטח לו שהוא בן עולם הבא לומד.כל השונה but rather כל הלומד Chazal don t say means to learn whereas שונה means to review until you are fluent in the limud. Learning, reviewing and taking tests on the limud of Mishna Berura constitutes שונה הלכות which.בן עולם הבא makes one a Rav Moshe Chaim Kahan Daf HaYomi B Halacha For more information about the Daf HaYomi B Halacha program, call DIRSHU or visit To start a Daf HaYomi B Halacha shiur in your neighborhood, call ext. 103 or


12 IN THE LIGHT OF CHASSIDUS of Shabbos is to cling to Hashem through Torah and prayer. Therefore, you must be exceedingly careful with Shabbos prayers because it is the main thing, unlike what most people אייר think. A similar idea is expressed in many seforim, stressing that it is especially important to have better concentration and טבל לימו ל כני devotion during prayers on Shabbos. טבלת לימוד לתכנית א ב ג ד ה אייר תשע"ח - אייר תשע"ט ו ש בבלי מוסר יום תאריך DATE דף היומי בהלכה משנה ברורה א תורה הבית מתחילת פרק ח ß עד ובדברינו יומתק זבחים ג ב א אייר ر ر סימן ש ז מסעיף ד עד סעיף ו פרק ח ß מ ובדברינו יומתק עד והנה אספר זבחים ד ג ב אייר ر ر מסעיף ו עד סעיף ט פרק ח ß מ והנה אספר עד וככה ממש זבחים ה ד ג אייר ر ر מסעיף ט עד סעיף י ב פרק ח ß מ וככה ממש עד והנה כאשר הנפש זבחים ו ה ד אייר رπر מסעיף י ב עד סעיף ט ז פרק ח ß מ והנה כאשר הנפש עד תחילת פרק ט ß זבחים ז ו ה אייר Ø Ø± חזרה מסימן ש ז סעיף ד עד סעיף ט ז ש מתחילת פרק ט ß עד ועתה נבאר אודות העושר זבחים ח אייר ו אייר Ø ±Ø± מוסר ד עד משנה ו פירוש רבנו יונה פרק ה משנה אבות עם היומי ד חכמה DATE דףל ניסן בבלי ברורה אייר משנה בהלכה קנין תאריך יום פרק ט ß מ ועתה נבאר אודות העושר עד תחילת פרק י ß זבחים ט א ז אייר Ø Ø± מסעיף ט ז עד סעיף כ זבחים י ב ח אייר Ø Ø± מסעיף כ עד תחילת סימן ש ח מתחילת פרק י ß עד ולבד זה זבחים יא ג ט אייר Ø Ø± מתחילת סימן ש ח עד סעיף ב פרק י ß מ ולבד זה עד עוד נכלל בזה פרק י ß מ עוד נכלל בזה עד תחילת פרק י א זבחים יב ד י אייר Ø μø± סעיף ב עד סעיף ד זבחים יג ה י א אייר Ø Ø± סעיף ד עד סעיף ז מתחילת פרק י א עד ועוד כלול בזה פרק י א מ ועוד כלול בזה עד תחילת פרק י ב זבחים יד ו י ב אייר Ø Ø± חזרה מסימן ש ז סעיף ט ז זבחים טו ש י ג אייר Ø Ø± עד סימן ש ח סעיף ז מתחילת פרק י ב עד ובזה ביארתי פרק י ב ובזה ביארתי עד תחילת פרק י ג זבחים טז א י ד אייר Ø πø± סעיף ז עד סעיף ט זבחים יז ב ט ו אייר Ø Ø± סעיף ט עד סעיף י א מתחילת פרק י ג עד ודע שאפילו פרק י ג מ ודע שאפילו עד ודע עוד זבחים יח ג ט ז אייר μø ±Ø± סעיף י א עד סעיף ט ו פרק י ג מ ודע עוד עד תחילת פרק י ד זבחים יט ד י ז אייר μø ر סעיף ט ו עד סעיף י ח מתחילת פרק י ד עד אות ב ß הנה ידוע זבחים כ ה י ח אייר μø ر סעיף י ח עד סעיף כ א פרק י ד מאות ב ß הנה ידוע עד וזהו הכל זבחים כא ו י ט אייר μø ر חזרה מסימן ש ח סעיף ז זבחים כב ש כ אייר μø μø± עד סעיף כ א סיון פרק י ד מ וזהו הכל עד תחילת פרק ט ו אייר בבלי כ פרק ה משנה י עד משנה משנה משנה משנה ו עד דף פרק DATE י א אייר חכמה ז ברורה י י ד י ח איירמוסר היומי הבהלכה קנין תאריך יום זבחים כג מתחילת פרק ט ו עד ובזה ביארתי א כ א אייר μø ر סעיף כ א עד סעיף כ ג פרק ט ו מ ובזה ביארתי עד כן הדבר זבחים כד ב כ ב אייר μø ر סעיף כ ג עד סעיף ל א פרק ט ו מ כן הדבר עד תחילת מאמר עת לעשות זבחים כה ג כ ג אייר μø ر סעיף ל א עד סעיף ל ו מתחילת מאמר עת לעשות עד ואף שהחיוב זבחים כו ד כ ד אייר μø πø± סעיף ל ו עד סעיף מ א זבחים כז ה כ ה אייר μø± ر מסעיף מ א עד סעיף מ ו מ ואף שהחיוב עד והנה חוב זבחים כח מ והנה חוב עד והנה ידוע ו כ ו אייר μø±±ø± חזרה מסימן ש ח סעיף כ א מ והנה ידוע עד והנה אנו רואין זבחים כט ש כ ז אייר μø± ر עד סעיף מ ו מ והנה אנו רואין עד ועל כן מאוד זבחים ל א כ ח אייר μø± ر מסעיף מ ו עד תחילת סימן ש ט מ ועלכןמאוד עד התאוששואחים זבחים לא ב כ ט אייר μø± ر מתחילת סימן ש ט עד סעיף ד ג א סיון μø±μø± מסעיף ד עד אמצע סעיף ד הגה ואז אפילו נוטל מ התאוששו אחים עד כן צריכין זבחים לב ד ב סיון μø± ر מאמצע סעיף ד הגה ואז אפילו נוטל עד סימן ש י אמצע סעיף ב הגה י א מ כן צריכין עד תחילת תשובה לעיר אחת זבחים לג ה ג סיון μø± ر מאמצע סעיף ב הגה י א עד סעיף ו מתחילת תשובה לעיר אחת עד והנה ידוע זבחים לד זבחים לה מ והנה ידוע עד והנה כולנו ו ד סיון μø± ر חזרה מסימן ש ח סעיף מ ו ש מ והנה כולנו עד תחילת מאמר עלבונה של תורה זבחים לו סיון ה סיון μø±πø± עד סימן ש י סעיף ו ברורה DATE אייר פרק הדף יום בבליהפרק מוסר ו משנה ה בדקדוק חברים עד סוף בדקדוק חברים כ ח אייר ג סיון פרק משנה משנה ה בהלכהפירוש רש י היומיפרק ו עם משנה כ עד תאריך כ א כ ה קנין חכמה א ו סיון μø ر מסעיף ו עד אמצע סעיף ז הגה אבל אם מתחילת מאמר עלבונה של תורה עד ועתה בעוונותינו זבחים לז ב ז סיון μø ±Ø± מאמצע סעיף ז הגה אבל אם עד תחילת סימן שי א מ ועתה בעוונותינו עד והיצר הולך זבחים לח מ והיצר הולך עד ופתאום איבדנו זבחים לט ג ח סיון μø ر מתחילת סימן שי א עד סעיף ב מ ופתאום איבדנו עד ובאמת לא רק זבחים מ ד ט סיון μø ر מסעיף ב עד סעיף ג ה י סיון μø ر מסעיף ג עד סעיף ח זבחים מא מ ובאמת לא רק עד שמעו נא ו י א סיון μø μø± חזרה מסימן ש י סעיף ו מ שמעו נא עד תחילת חתימת הספר זבחים מב ש י ב סיון μø ر עד סימן שי א סעיף ח מתחילת חתימת הספר עד האדם אשר באמת זבחים מג א י ג סיון μø ر מסעיף ח עד סעיף ט זבחים מד מ האדם אשר באמת עד והנה ידוע ב י ד סיון μø ر מסעיף ט עד סימן שי ב סעיף ב זבחים מה מ והנה ידוע עד תחילת מאמר שני ג ט ו סיון μø πø± מסעיף ב עד סעיף ט זבחים מו מתחילת מאמר שני עד ובאמת זה סיון תמוז ד ט ז סיון μø ر מסעיף ט עד סימן שי ג אמצע סעיף א הגה ומיקרי ע י כך מאמר שני מ ובאמת זה עד וזהו שאמרו זבחים מז יוםה יום י ז בבלימח ח"ח)זבחים מכתב בהלכה העתק מוסרעד תחילת שאמרו סעיף ג מאמר משנהכך עד ומיקרי ע י היומיא הגה מאמצע סעיף ברורה בהלכה μø ±Ø± דף תאריך סיון DATE (ספרי מ וזהוהיומי דף היומי בהלכה משנה ברורה שני דף מוסר תאריך היעוצה עד העתקמכתב הספר העתק חתימת סיון א וא כ י ח מט ידוע ועתה נתבונן זבחים מ ועצתי והנה מכתב עד מתחילת סעיף ח שי א מסימן Ø ±Ø± חזרה פרק ג ß ß ולך נא ראה ß עד פרק ד ß נא זבחים ה עד ג מסעיף Ø Ø± ד ß תשרי 09/24/17 מסעיף ד ß עד סעיף ח ß סיון תמוז יש ועוד נתבונן ד ß עד בש י ט היעוצה פרקעד מ ועתהידוע מכתבמ והנה העתקמכתב העתק סעיף ג Ø Ø± עד שבאנו ß נבנ ß ואחריזבחים ח שי גסעיף סימןה עד מסעיף כ א סיון Ø Ø± ועצתי עד ב ה ß תשרי 09/25/17 מסעיף ח ß עד אמצע סעיף ח ß הגה והטמנה שעושין בבלי ברורה משנה תאריך יום דףעד דף היומי בהלכה משנה ברורה פרק א תקוע י ז סיון י ג סיון ו י חכמה קנין DATE עוד בהלכה ויש מוסרביש עד מ ועוד מכתב העתק (ספרי היומי פרק ד ß ß ואחרי שבאנו ß עד פרק ה ß נג ח"ח)זבחים כ ב ואם היה סכין הקדמהא בהלכהסעיף ישריםאמצע היומי שי ד מסילתסימן Ø μø± סיוןמסעיףדףח עד מוסר תאריך ג יוםג ו ß תשרי 09/26/17 מאמצע סעיף ח ß הגה והטמנה שעושין עד תחילת סימן רנ ט חתימת הספר העתק מכתב פרק ג ß ß ולך נא ראה ß עד פרק ד ß נא מ ועצתי היעוצה עד ועתה נתבונן זבחים מסעיף ג כ ג סיון Ø Ø± א כ נד Ø Ø± מסעיף ד ß עד סעיף ח ß תקוע עד סעיףהיהה סכין סעיףעדא ואם 09/24/17 מאמצע ובאמת ה ß דבר עדפשוט ß כןהוא הדבר הזה ß סעיף ג העתק מכתב מ ויש עוד עדפרק דא ד ז ß תשרי ד ß תשרי 09/27/17 מתחילת סימן רנ ט עד סעיף ב ß יש נתבונן מ ועתה מכתב העתק ב שבאנו ß נב ח עד ה Ø Ø± כ א ועודהספר הוא עדעד עדסוף פשוט דבר מ ובאמת מכתב העתק ה נה זבחים Ø Ø± סיון כ ד ז עד ג מסעיף ß ואחרי ד ß ה ß תשרי ב ה ח ß תשרי 09/25/17 מסעיף ח ß עד אמצע סעיף ח ß הגה והטמנה שעושין פרק ה ß ß כן הדבר הזה ß עד ß וכן הדבר בענין ß 09/28/17 מסעיף ב ß עד אמצע סעיף ז ß ונראה לי העתקאהבתמכתב ו ß תשרי Ø μø± ג וג כ ב אמצע סעיף מסימןשי ד חזרהח עד סימן Ø Ø± מסעיף וישפרק ב ß יש א ß עדתחילת מ ועוד פרק מאמצע סעיף ח ß הגה והטמנה שעושין עד תחילת סימן רנ טמתחילת ישראל סעיףא ג ואם היה סכין תקוע קונטרס פרק ד ß ß ואחרי שבאנו ß עד פרק ה ß נגנו עוד זבחים כ ה שי ג סיון 09/26/17 פרק ה ß ß וכן הדבר בענין ß עד פרק ו ß ט ß תשרי 09/29/17 ו חמור פשוט הוא ובאמת דבר אותעד חזרה מסימן רנ ז סעיף ד ß עד סימן רנ ט אמצע סעיף ז ß ונראה לי עוד מ ויש מתחילתמכתב היה ז סכין תקוע עד סעיף ג העתק סיון Ø Ø± כ ג ואם א מאמצע עוד ב ß עד ב ß הזה ß נדנז זבחים Ø πø± ד דש כ ו שי ד סימן עד פרק ה ß עד ß כן הדבר ז ß תשרי תשרי 09/27/17 09/30/17 מתחילת סימן רנ ט עד סעיף ב ß פרק ו ß עד ß והנה צווה הכתוב ß ש ה י ß הספר תחילתסוף פשוטעדהוא עד עודדבר מ ובאמת העתקב ß מכתב זבחים בענין ß נה Ø Ø± כ ד ז עד ג א ג ß חמור ב ß מאות נח ر ر סיון כ ז י א ז מסעיף ß והנה הדב צוורה הזה ß עד מאמצע סעיף ז ß ונראה לי עד תחילת סימן ר ס פרק ה ß ß כן הא ח ß תשרי י א תשרי 09/28/17 10/01/17 מסעיף ב ß עד אמצע סעיף ז ß ונראה לי הדבםר עלבון ß ß וכןד ß וג הכתוב ß ע תחילת פרק ב ß ונגד ו א ß עד מתחילת פרק קונטרס השניה זבחים נו כ ח סיון Ø Ø± וב כ ה סעיף ג מסימןעדשי ג ر±Ø± חזרה הסיבה ישראלג ß עד אהבתפרק מתחילת נט סימן שט ו תחילת מסעיף י א פרק ה ß ß וכן הדבר בענין ß עד פרק ו ß ט ß תשרי י ב תשרי 09/29/17 ו פרק ו ß ß וגם עלבון ß עד פרק ז ß השניה עודעדחמור הסיבהאות ב ß מ ונגד ב ß עד מתחילת פרק כ ט סיון Ø πø± ב גש כ ו סימן סעיף מתחילתשי ד 10/02/17 עד סימן מתחילת סימן ר ס עד סעיף ב ß פרק ג ß חזרה מסימן רנ ז סעיף ד ß עד סימן רנ ט אמצע סעיף ז ß ונראה לי פרק ו ß עד ß והנה צווה הכתוב ß נזס תחילת פרק ד ß זבחים ر ر שט ו ז עד סעיף ב גש י ß תשרי י ג תשרי 09/30/17 הבלו ß לחיי ß ואם עד ז ß 10/03/17 מסעיף ב ß עד סימן רס א אמצע סעיף א ß אבל מעשרין דא תחילת פרק ג ß עודעדחמור מאות ב ß פרק ב ß הנבון זבחים נח כ ז סיון ر ر י א עדסעיף ر ر מסעיף ז ב עד ועלעדהאיש פרק ד ß מתחילת ל ג סא מאמצע סעיף ז ß ונראה לי עד תחילת סימן ר ס פרק ו ß ß והנה צווה הכתוב ß עד ß וגם עלבון ß דא ב י א תשרי י ד תשרי 10/01/17 10/04/17 מאמצע סעיף א ß אבל מעשרין עד סעיף ב ß ונגדעדהסיבה פרק ג ß מתחילת פרק ז ß ß ואם לחיי הבלו ß עד ß והנה מדרגת ß נט תמוז ر±Ø± כ ח סיון תחילת סימן שט ו תחילת פרק האישעדהנבון מ ועל פרק ד ß ה א ر ر מסעיף ג י אעדעדסעיף ד סב השניה ה ß זבחים פרק ו ß ß וגם עלבון ß עד פרק ז ß בה ג י ב תשרי ט ו תשרי 10/02/17 במאמרי ß פרק עדד ß ß והכבוד מדרגת השניה ז ß הסיבהעד פרק מסעיף ב ß עד אמצע סעיף ב ß ושיעור זמן ß והנהתחילת והנהעד מ ונגד מתחילת סימן ר ס עד סעיף ב ß פרק ג ß והגדולה ß ס זבחים תמוז ر ر כ ט סיון סעיף ז סעיף ב שט ו עד מתחילת פרק ה ß מתחילת رμر ו ב סימןשי ד מסימן 10/05/17 חזרה סג ß והנה הבלו ß לחיי ß ואם עד ז ß י ג תשרי 10/03/17 מסעיף ב ß עד סימן רס א אמצע סעיף א ß אבל מעשרין בעבור ß ד ע ß והגדולה ד ß והכבו ß ז ק פר ט ז תשרי 10/06/17 ועל האיש במאמרי ד ß מתחילת פרק תמוז ر ر וג דש ג ל סיון שט וסעיף סימןב עד מסעיף הקונטרסהנבון זבחים סא חזרה מסימן רנ ט אמצע סעיף ז ß ונראה לי עד סימן עד סוף מ והנה סעיףג ד ر ر עד סד פרק ז ß ß ואם לחיי הבלו ß עד ß והנה מדרגת ß י ד תשרי רס א אמצע סעיף ב ß ושיעור 10/04/17 מאמצע סעיף א ß אבל מעשרין עד סעיף ב ß פרק ז ß ß והנה בעבור ß עד פרק ח ß 10/07/17 י ז תשרי דש ה תחילת פרק ה ß הנבון עד והנה יש מהפתאים כ ז פרק ر ر קניןא סעיף ד מסעיף ג עדעד סב זבחים חכמה פרק ה מהפתאים עד והנה יש האישפרק ד מ ועלתמוז סיוןד ß א פרק ד סיון פרק ב תמוז כ כ ד במאמרי ß עד ß והכבוד והגדולה ß והנה ß והנה מדרגת מתחילת פרק ה ß עד פרק ז ß ט ו תשרי מסעיף ב ß עד אמצע סעיף ב ß ושיעור זמן תמוז رμر ה ו ב 10/05/17 חזרה מסימן שי ד סעיף ז זבחים סג בעבור ß הקונטרס והגדולה ß עד ß והנה סוף ז ß ß והכבוד חזרה מסימן רנ ט אמצע סעיף ז ß ונראה לי עד סימן עדפרק ט ז תשרי מ והנה במאמרי תמוז ر ر ו ש ג 10/06/17 עד סימן שט ו סעיף ד סד זבחים חכמה 10/07/17 רס א אמצע סעיף ב ß ושיעור פרק ז ß ß והנה בעבור ß עד פרק ח ß ה סיון פרק ב עד פרק ד והנה יש מהפתאים כ ז סיון א תמוז פרק ד והנה יש מהפתאים עד פרק שקניןי ז תשרי כ כ ד INCREASED CONCENTRATION DURING SHABBOS PRAYERS וקנין חכמה דף היומי בהלכה, קנין תורה, ף יומי ב לכ 6 The Shulchan Aruch (306:1 & 6) rules that the prohibition of mimtzo cheftzecha forbids being busy with weekday work on Shabbos even if no melacha is actually done. It is permitted to speak about arrangements for the sake of Heaven (i.e. for purposes of a mitzvah). The Mishnah Berurah ( 25) explains that this is derived from the pasuk, If you will restrain your feet because of Shabbos and honor it by refraining from achieving your desires, which is interpreted as only forbidding your desires but not the desires of Heaven. Rabbi Yehudah Bar Yakar (an early Rishon) explains the words of Mincha on Shabbos, menucha sheleimah she atoh rotzeh bah (a perfect rest with which You find favor) as describing the spiritual nature of Shabbos rest. He writes that even though Shabbos is for rest, one should not think that 7he may sleep and loll all day without doing kindness and charity. Rest cannot be perfect unless one engages in performing the Will of Heaven, and the pasuk states I am Hashem Who does kindness, justice, and charity in the land, because these are My Will says Hashem. Rest with which Hashem finds favor denotes that one must even rest with speech, as it states in Pesikta Just as Hashem rested on Shabbos from speech [with which He created the world], so too must you rest from speech on Shabbos. The Shulchan Aruch Harav (at the end of Kuntres Acharon) writes similarly about resting from speech on Shabbos and doing the Will of Heaven. Viewed in this light, the custom that Jews have of visiting people on Friday night by a Shalom Zachar to wish Mazal תשרי Tov or by Kiddush on Shabbos day is not merely a social בבלי custom which was chosen to take place on Shabbos because סנהדרין ע תשרי of convenience. It is an integral Shabbos observance which סנהדרין עא בבלי סנהדרין עב 9 fulfills this spiritual nature of rest. When sharing another s joy סנהדרין עג ע סנהדרין עד עא and wishing blessings on him, we are engaged in kindness עב סנהדרין עה with our words. סנהדרין עג עו סנהדרין עד עז סנהדרין עה סנהדרין עח Another aspect of observing Shabbos with our words is with סנהדרין עו עט סנהדרין עז פ our prayers. The sefer Yosher Divrei Emes writes that prayers סנהדרין עח פא סנהדרין עט are a fundamental part of keeping Shabbos. 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