The Lunar Sabbath Lie

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1 The following anti-lunar Sabbath article was apparently written in German originally. This must be a translation, and can be found here: I do not know if John Scotram is the original author or the translator. As is my norm, I will offer the following disclaimer. If you came here looking for an anti-lunar Sabbath article that actually presents evidence that disproves the Lunar Sabbath, you came to the wrong place. There has never been a successful claim brought against the Lunar Sabbath (against Lunar Sabbatarians, yes, against the Lunar Sabbath, no), and Bro. Scotram will not be the first. The thought just occurred to me that I should offer a reward to anyone who can bring a successful claim against the Lunar Sabbath. Bro. Arnold Bowen has offered $10,000 reward to anyone who can find in Scripture a weekly Sabbath on a date other than the 8th, 15th, 22nd or 29th day of the lunar month. Some have considered this hyperbole, but it is not. Bro. Bowen is a personal friend, and he HAS the money as a successful business owner. I certainly do not have that kind of money, and I doubt anyone would bother to try to claim $100 from me. But then again, Bro. Arnold has offered his $10,000 for over 15 years and he still has his money. I have encountered a few here in the Hall of Shame who THINK they have rightly claimed that $10,000, and I have had to set the record straight, proving that they do err, not knowing the Scriptures. The same goes for Bro. Scotram who writes exclusively in a black font. I will respond in orange [bracketed in orange] in mid paragraph, with a little blue, black, red and green. Dated The Lunar Sabbath Lie Details Written by John Scotram Published: Thursday, February 18, 2010, 10:19 pm Originally published on Thursday, February 18, 2010 at 20:16 in German at Many of you have probably been wondering why I haven't published any new articles in nearly two weeks. It was because I needed to answer your many questions, and also because I received many new confirmations for the Clock of God. But of course the enemy is not asleep! A message such as is contained in the Clock of God is a thorn in the side of Satan, because the truth would free us from him and sin. Clock of God is a reference to the calendar established at Creation. And while what he said above is true, Scotram has no idea that it is the Lunar Sabbath that is the true Clock of YHWH and a thorn in Satan's side. I always expected there to be a prompt attack against me if I would publish the Clock of God, but what came was so skillfully done that it has taken me some time to distinguish truth from falsehood. I have no idea to what he is referring, so we are just going to have to read along and see where this goes.

2 First, a few s arrived from "brethren" who apparently had deep interest in studying the Orion Clock. [Never heard of it. I have no idea what this is or if it is a reference to the Lunar Sabbath calendar.] They commended the study, but they also said that they had a little problem with it. "My" clock didn't take into account the true Jewish calendar. So, I examined their statements and found that it could be true on a single date, which could be in the year Since the Seventh-day Adventist Church had applied for membership with the ACK (Council of Christian Churches in Germany) in the spring of 1986, it could possibly fall into the old Jewish year, which would have been But I explained that there were indeed two particularly important events in The first was the application for membership with the ACK. The second event, which could also be the reason for God's mark on the Clock happened shortly afterward on October 27, OK. Moving right along. All this is about is individuals who create calendar models of their own (or assume to present the Scriptural calendar) in an effort to predict or confirm modern "prophetic" events. Nothing against Bro. Scotram personally, but this is all rubbish. No calendar proves prophetic or Scriptural events; events prove the True calendar. An unofficial (and still unofficial) representative and ambassador of the Seventh-day Adventist Church participated in the first World Day of Prayer for Peace at Assisi, which was convened by Pope John Paul II as the world's first and largest ecumenical prayer meeting ever. Since then, the meetings happen on a regular basis. There, praying for the peace of the world were Seventh-day Adventists, along with Buddhists, magicians, Hindus, witches, Voodoo priests, Catholics, worshipers of dead ancestors and other religions that are clearly anathema to our Biblical God. And October 27, 1986 is in the Jewish calendar year of By 2002, Bert B. Beach participated as the official representative of the Seventh-day Adventist Church at the third World Day of Prayer for Peace. The ecumenical movement is of the Devil. It truly is evil, and it pains me to see satyrday Sabbath denominations, who have rightly identified the Papacy as the 4th beast in Daniel, fall into line with Catholicism. I thought that would solve the problem for these brethren who had carefully studied the biblical calendar, and was glad to be able to continue studying with them. What came next surprised me. They explained that the clock could not be correct and must be adjusted because Christ would come again at the Feast of Tabernacles. Wait a minute, where is that in the Bible? [Agreed.] And I had not even mentioned in that first version of the clock-study the actual return of Christ! They could not explain, but they firmly maintained that it would be so. [And Bro. Scotram will not be able to prove satyrday is the Sabbath but will maintain that it is so.] To this day they have not explained what exactly I should change on the clock...only that I would necessarily have to change it...and besides, that I would be keeping the false Sabbath! The true Sabbath of the Bible (they said) should be calculated according to the moon and for 166 years all of us were keeping a false Sabbath because our Sabbath was not adjusted to the moon how it was for the Jews... [Israelites actually.] This was only a little over 4.5 pages long. I'm already 20% into this article and we just got our first mention of the Lunar Sabbath. I have NO idea what Bro. Scotram is up to; perhaps he is trying to lull his readers to sleep. I'm still awake. 2

3 I do not know who these "brethren" are as they have remained unidentified, but I agree with them. The Sabbath known to Israel was based (not on the calculation of the moon) but the OBSERVATION of the lunar cycles. And I have proof... The New Moon is still, and the Sabbath originally was, dependent upon the lunar cycle. Universal Jewish Encyclopedia, p No quote can be clearer than this. the Hebrew Sabbathon was celebrated at intervals of seven days, corresponding with changes in the moon s phases... Encyclopedia Biblica, p In the time of the earliest prophets, the New Moon stood in the same line with another lunar observance, the Sabbath. Ezekiel, who curiously enough frequently dates his prophecies on the New Moon describes the gate of the inner court of the (new) temple looking eastward as kept shut for the six working days, but opened on the Sabbath and the New Moon. Scribner's Dictionary of the Bible (1898 edit.), p. 521 The Hebrew month is a lunar month and the quarter of this period one phase of the moon appears to have determined the week of seven days. Encyclopedia Biblica, p And why have we never been taught any of this??? The [early] Hebrews employed lunar seven-day weeks which ended with special observances on the seventh day but none the less were tied to the moon s course. Hutton Webster, in his book, Rest Days, page 254. In the article Shawui Calendar: Ancient Shawui Observance, we find confirmation of a radical change in YHVH s calendar. The [lunar]...calendar was used by all the original disciples of Yeshua... This original Nazarene lunar-solar calendar was supplanted by a Roman planetary week and calendar in 135 C.E. -- when the Bishops of the Circumcision (i.e. legitimate Nazarene successors to Yeshua) were displaced from Jerusalem. This began a three hundred year controversy concerning the true calendar and correct Sabbath. This intimate connection between the week and the month was soon dissolved. It is certain that the week soon followed a development of its own, and it became the custom -- without paying any regard to the days of the month (i.e. the lunar month) that the New Moon no longer coincided with the first day [of the month ]. Encyclopedia Biblica, (1899 edit.), p The calendar was originally fixed by observation, and ultimately by calculation. Up to the fall of the Temple (A.D. 70), witnesses who saw the new moon came forward and were strictly examined and if their evidence was accepted the month was fixed by the priests. Eventually the authority passed to the Sanhedrin and ultimately to the Patriarchate. Gradually observation gave place to calculation. The right to determine the calendar was reserved to the Patriarchate; the Jews of Mesopotamia [the Babylonian Jews] tried in vain to establish their own calendar but the prerogative of Palestine was zealously defended. So long as Palestine remained a religious centre, it was naturally to the homeland that the Diaspora looked for its calendar. Uniformity was essential, for if different parts had celebrated feasts on different days confusion would have ensued. It was not until the 4 th century A.D. that Babylon fixed the calendar Encyclopedia Britannica: Vol. 4, article Calendar. 3

4 the custom of celebrating the Sabbath every 7th day, irrespective of the relationship of the day to the moon s phases, led to a complete separation from the ancient view of the Sabbath... Encyclopedia Biblica, (1899 edit.), p These imported [from Babylon] superstitions eventually led Jewish rabbis to call Saturn Shabbti, the star of the Sabbath, [and] was not until the first century of our era, when the planetary week had become an established institution, that the Jewish Sabbath seems always to have corresponded to Saturn s Day [Satyrday]. Hutton Webster in his book, Rest Days, p Thus the condemnation in Amos 5:26 was set in stone. In Amos 5:26, the prophet is recorded as reminding Israel of their apostasy. Israel started worshipping Chiun, a star-god of their own making. In Acts 7:43, Stephen quotes Amos and is translated into Greek as saying Remphan, the star-god Chiun and Remphan are the respective Hebrew and Greek words for Saturn. The Sabbath of Scripture is based upon the lunar cycle. So Israel did indeed come to worship Saturn on his day, but at a much later date and not by Divine command. The four quarters of the moon supply an obvious division of the is most significant that in the older parts of the Hebrew scriptures the new moon and the Sabbath are almost invariably mentioned together. The [lunar] month is beyond question an old sacred division of time common to all the semites; even the Arabs, who received the week at quite a late period from the Syrians, greeted the New Moon with religious acclamations. We cannot tell [exactly] when the Sabbath became disassociated from the month. Encyclopedia Biblica, 1899 edit., pp How is it that Scholars cannot tell when the Sabbath was disassociated from the lunar cycle while modern Satyrday sabbath keepers in general deny that the Sabbath was ever connected with the moon in the first place? With the development of the importance of the Sabbath as a day of consecration and the emphasis laid upon the significant number seven, the week became more and more divorced from its lunar connection... Universal Jewish Encyclopedia: Vol. 10, 1943 edit. Article, "Week," p If there is any possible remaining doubt that Israel observed a lunar Sabbath in Scripture, let this quote settle your conscience: Luni-solar calendar foundations of the Jewish calendar extend from the earliest verses of scripture. Natural, uniform motions of the heavenly spheres are the pivotal markers of time reckoning. The list of ancient characters mentioned in the Old Testament used this lunar-solar calendar system of time recording. Observation of lunar phases coupled with solar positioning graduated the lifetime ages of Adam and his descendants.... Changes in the appearance of the moon provided the seven-day week. Originating with ancient interpretations of lunar time, divisions of seven days separate the four basic lunar phases... Starting with a dark new moon, the moon gradually comes into view on following nights. In about seven days the first half of the moon is visible. The second half waxes until full moon at the end of two weeks. Lunar light reverses progression in the third week, waning to half visibility again. A fourth week completes the month, and visibility again diminishes toward a new moon. Completion of four lunar phases comprises the month. Ages of Adam, published in 1995, by Clark K. Nelson. 4

5 This is not uncommon knowledge, it is just commonly ignored (or denied) by satyrday Sabbatarians. The ox knoweth his owner, and the ass his master's crib: but Israel doth not know, My people doth not consider. Isaiah 1:3 The calendar observed by Israel in the first century has never been abrogated, just buried in the rubble of the pagan/papal/man-made/solar-only/roman calendar. And I have only just begun offering historical witnesses... Philo was a first century Hebrew historian who lived in Alexandria (Egypt) from 20 B.C. to A.D. 50, during the time of the NT era. He was SO influential that he was included in the delegation that went before Roman Emperor Gaius (Caligula) in A.D. 40, to complain of the Roman oppression of various Hebrew communities. If Philo taught or believed a doctrine contrary to Hebrew teachings, would he have been included in this delegation? That would be an emphatic, NO! In order to have a lunar Sabbath, you must have a lunar week. Did Philo link the Sabbath or the week with the phases of the moon? Yes, in fact the lunar week and lunar Sabbath are the only week or Sabbath mentioned in Philo s writings. Notice that the number seven, the weeks, the Sabbath and the moon are all linked together in Philo s writings. In Allegorical Interpretation, 1 IV (8), it says "Again, the periodical changes of the moon, take place according to the number seven, that star having the greatest sympathy with the things on earth. And the changes which the moon works in the air, it perfects chiefly in accordance with its own configurations on each seventh day. At all events, all mortal things, as I have said before, drawing their more divine nature from the heaven, are moved in a manner which tends to their preservation in accordance with this number seven. Accordingly, on the seventh day, Elohim caused to rest from all his works which he had made."... Notice that Philo says the moon is perfect in its shape or appearance at seven day intervals. Had a Hebrew speaking Israelite written this he would have said it perfects chiefly in accordance with its own configurations on each Sabbath day instead of each seventh day because elsewhere in his writings, Philo identifies that when he mentions the seventh day [of the week] he is speaking of the Sabbath. Above, he tells us that the moon perfects its own configurations on each seventh day. It was understood, that at the end each period of six work days there would be a weekly Sabbath. The Greek speaking Jews referred to the Sabbath as the seventh day or the sacred seventh day, while in the language of the Hebrews it was termed Shabbat, or the Sabbath. Continuing on with Philo... The Decalogue XXX (159): "But to the seventh day of the week he has assigned the greatest festivals, those of the longest duration, at the periods of the equinox both vernal and autumnal in each year; appointing two festivals for these two epochs, each lasting seven days; the one which takes place in the spring being for the perfection of what is being sown, and the one which falls in autumn being a feast of thanksgiving for the bringing home of all the fruits which the trees have produced"... 5

6 Let s look carefully at what Philo is saying. To the seventh day of the week He [the Father above] has assigned the greatest festivals, in other words the greatest (longest) festivals have been assigned to the seventh day of the week. Philo, keeping the same luni-solar calendar established in Scripture, calls the first day of each of these seven day feasts the seventh day of the week. Scripture says that both of the seven day feasts (Unleavened Bread and Tabernacles) begin on the 15 th day of their respective months. See Leviticus 23:5-6 and 23:34. Friend, the seventh day of the week is the Sabbath, is it not? It is the seventh day of the week EVERY year. If the 15 th is the weekly Sabbath, so are the 8 th, 22 nd and 29 th days of the month. Notice Philo did not say they would receive two holydays of festivals, but one, the 15 th. Satyrday Sabbath keepers insist that there will be a satyrday Sabbath that interrupts these seven day feasts, and indeed, if the Gregorian calendar were the calendar of Scripture that would be true. But Scripture says nothing of a [satyrday] Sabbath in the middle of these 7 day feasts. To prove the seventh day of the week is the same as the 15th, elsewhere Philo states, And this feast is begun on the fifteenth day of the month, in the middle of the month, on the day on which the moon is full of light, in consequence on the providence of Elohim taking care that there shall be no darkness on that day. Philo s Special Laws II, The Fifth Festival, Section XXVIII (155) In other words, Philo is saying the weekly Sabbath begins these feasts, and is on the 15 th. This proves the Sabbaths by the lunar calendar is true and the Gregorian false because there is no way a satyrday Sabbath can begin these two festivals on the 15 th in the 1 st and 7 th month each year, on a continuous seven day cycle presented by the Gregorian calendar we have today. Speaking of lunar intervals, in Special Laws I. (178), Philo writes there is one principle of reason by which the moon waxes and wanes in equal intervals, both as it increases and diminishes in illumination; the seven lambs because it receives the perfect shapes in periods of seven days the half-moon in the first seven day period after its conjunction with the sun, full moon in the second; and when it makes its return again, the first is to half-moon, then it ceases at its conjunction with the sun. [All emphasis supplied by author/complier of this study.] The half-moon (first quarter moon) announces the first Sabbath of the month. It is the seventh day of the week, naturally, but this is the 8 th day of the month. New moon day is not counted against the week. The full moon rising at the end of the 14 th day of the month announces the 15 th as the second Sabbath of the month. If the new moon was counted, the quarter phases (or as Philo describes them, the moon as it perfects in its own configurations on each seventh day) would not come at the end of the week, disconnecting the perfection of the lunar cycle from the Sabbath. What YHWH has joined together, let not man put asunder. Philo gives a second witness in On Mating with the Preliminary Studies, XIX (102) For it is said in the Scripture: On the tenth day of this month let each of them take a sheep according to his house; in order that from the tenth, there may be consecrated to the tenth, that is to Elohim, the sacrifices which have been preserved in the soul, which is illuminated in two portions out of the three, until it is entirely changed in every part, and becomes a heavenly brilliancy like a full moon, at the height of its increase at the end of the second week. 6

7 Please let what Philo just said sink in. His readers in those days understood that the weeks were by the moon, same as in Scripture, and that at the end of the second week there would be a full moon. This statement needs no interpretation and is impossible to misunderstand. The cloud is moving. We need either to follow or be left in the wilderness. According to them, keeping the Sabbath correctly "according to the Bible" would work like this: At the first crescent after a new moon would be the first Sabbath. [Um, wrong. The first crescent announcing New Moon is a Babylonian doctrine, not Hebrew. Also, the first day of the lunar month is New Moon, not a Sabbath. The first day of the month being a Sabbath is also a Babylonian doctrine. The Hebrews only observed the seventh New Moon (Feast of Trumpets) as a Sabbath, an annual Sabbath.] Then seven days later the second Sabbath, that's on day number eight. Then the other Sabbaths on the 15th, the 22nd, and 29th of the Jewish month, always in a seven-day rhythm. But the problem is that the moon has an orbital cycle of about 29.5 days, so the Seventh-day Sabbath rhythm can not be linked to the moon. [That's odd because the original lunar month was 30 days long, and the Sabbaths were regulated just fine by the moon then, and they continue to be with the 29.5 day lunar cycle. The only thing that changed was the number of New Moon days. Rather than there always being two New Moon days, now there are sometimes only one. The Sabbath, nor the days of the month they fall on, changed not in the least.] That would only be possible if the orbital cycle of the moon were exactly 28 days, so these people resort to a trick. They say that the cycle for each lunar month begins at the first crescent moon, [it does not] making the Sabbath day shift almost every month to a different day of the week. [This part is true, but only when looking at the pagan/papal calendar. The Sabbaths are always the seventh day of the Scriptural week, and never deviate from that. But when superimposed over the pagan/papal/roman/man-made/solar-only calendar, the Hebrew Sabbath is not always on a satyrday. Which is the entire premise of this rebuttal. Satyrday is NOT the Sabbath of Israel.] For me, this seemed at first sight somewhat ambiguous, but they sent material. Some were very friendly and had an understanding that I should take my time to study and they would pray for me. Most of the others were like masters of theology that would pressure me by saying that if I did not immediately repent and change "my" clock, I would be responsible for the eternal death of my and my wife's soul. While this certainly sounds harsh, it is a true statement. And I would add that Bro. Scotram may also be responsible for the souls of anyone who reads and accepts his false calendar doctrine. It took courage for these "brethren" to be so brutally honest with Bro. Scotram, which I'm sure was completely lost upon Scotram. It is rightly said that true love cannot tolerate false doctrine. Most find it easier to point out the mote in their brother's eye and are completely ignorant of the beam in their own eye. In this instance, Scotram has the beam. For instance, Scotram insists that the ONLY way a lunar calendar could work is if it were on a 28 day cycle, which is patently false. Included in the Creation Calendar is something called New Moon days, which Bro. Scotram has already acknowledged. His problem is that he does not know that New Moon is a third category of day, that Scripture teaches that New Moon is not included in the work week. Genesis 1:1-2 and Ezekiel 46:1 prove that new moon day (the first day of every month, even the FIRST month of earth s history) is a third category of day, not counted as a week day. Genesis 1:1-2 is a time consuming creation event that was not included in the first work week, yet it WAS part of the first month of earth s history. 7

8 Looks like this: New Moon (Genesis 1:1-2) Day 1 of week (Genesis 1:3-5) Day 2 of week (Genesis 1:6-8) Day 3 of week (Genesis 1:9-13) Day 4 of week (Genesis 1:14-19) Day 5 of week (Genesis 1:20-23) Day 6 of week (Genesis 1:24-31) 7 th day Sabbath (Genesis 2:1-3) (30) If last month began with a new moon and the second month after creation began with a new moon, what do you think the FIRST month of the first year of earth s history began with? New Moon. And what creation event falls into this New Moon category? See above. As you can plainly see, more than 28 days are required to accommodate New Moon days. Ezekiel 46:1 says that the gate to the temple is shut on ALL SIX working days, but open on the Sabbath and new moon. Please count the number of work days above (in black). Those are the SIX working days spoken of by the prophet Ezekiel. Last month, New Moon was on a w-day. If the tabernacle were still here and I asked Bro. Scotram, Would the gate have been open or shut?, how would he answer? If he said open because it is New Moon day, I would respond that w-day is a work day, the gate must be shut. If he agreed, Of course w-day is a work day, it must be shut. I d reply, But friend, it is New Moon, it must be open. He has no correct answer because he is applying a pagan/papal calendar to this Scriptural calendar event. And I have 3 more witnesses. Amos 8:5, Isaiah 66:23 and II Kings 4:23 also prove that the days of set-apart convocation (Sabbaths and new moon days) belong in a separate category, apart from the six common work days. Amos: The unscrupulous venders are seeking to cheat the Israelites, but it is Sabbath and/or New Moon. Israel won't come out to buy their wares until it is a work day. Isaiah: We worship YHWH on the Sabbaths and New Moon days, not on the six work days. II Kings: The boy collapses in the field, his mother races out, scoops him up and runs inside. There the boy dies in her lap. So she runs upstairs, places the boy on Elisha's bed, then runs to her husband asking permission to take a donkey and a servant with her to go see the prophet. To which he inquires, It is neither New Moon, nor Sabbath, why do you want to go see him today? Where was the man in the context of this passage? In his field. What was he doing? Working. Put the New Moon day back in its rightful place in the lunar month, and suddenly (IF one is going outside and LOOKING at the Creator s clock--the lights in the heavens) the Sabbaths will be announced by quarter phase moons before the 8 th, 15 th, 22 nd and 29 th days of each lunar cycle. There is simply NO evidence in Scripture that the weekly Sabbath is EVERY 7 th day in succession. There is simply NO evidence in Scripture that satyrday is the Sabbath. Scripture says that the Sabbath is the seventh day of the week. Period. But whose week? Yah s week or the pagan/papal seven-day planetary week? 8

9 The ONLY reason Bro. Scotram and other satyrday Sabbatarians of his ilk believe that the weekly Sabbath is EVERY seven days in an unbroken cycle is because they are looking at the pagan/papal Gregorian calendar and assume that because "the Jews" keep satyrday as Sabbath that this is proof that satyrday is the Scriptural seventh day Sabbath. Agreed, the lunar month is now 29.5 days long. It is not possible to accommodate a half day on ANY calendar, so the months are either 29 or 30 days in duration. Looks like this (New Moon days in blue, work days in green, Sabbaths in red): Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day First Month, 30 days Second Month, 29 days Third Month, 30 days Fourth Month, 29 days Fifth Month, 30 days I don't know about you ladies and gentlemen of the jury, but the lunar cycle that announces the weekly Sabbaths on the 8th, 15th, 22nd and 29th days of the month via quarter phases of the moon, seems to work just fine, whether there is a 29 or 30 day month. In the past, the responses of many Seventh-day Adventists were very similar regarding "my" clock. [You should consider YHWH's clock.] I am used to it! But the lunar Sabbath still surprised me. I made the mistake, and I stress that it was clearly a mistake, to read some of their studies. I can only describe what came out of it as abysmal "confusion". Many of those "brethren" are very clever with words and understand perfectly how to turn biblical simplicities into lunar complexities. Anyone who is not firmly grounded in the Word of God could easily stumble there. Many arguments seem so obvious that sometimes I couldn't see the forest for the trees. New studies were sent to me from all directions if I asked even a single question. Again and again I received 20 or 30 pages of new material, sometimes three or four times per day! 9

10 To bad you did not examine the evidence without employing your tradition as the only filter for testing something new to you. The Lunar Sabbath doctrine is so simple that a child can understand it. My 4 year old son and later my 4 year old grandson could identify the Sabbath by the moon. At that age, they could not read, discern or understand the Gregorian calendar. What makes it difficult for adults is all the spiritual baggage they carry around; they are laden with the traditions of their fathers and false doctrine of the churches that has been crammed down their throats since infancy. All error does not become truth by reason of multiplied propagation, nor does truth become error because no one will see it. Gandhi A long habit of not thinking a thing wrong gives it the superficial appearance of being right. Thomas Paine. The most useful piece of learning for the uses of life is to unlearn what is untrue. Antisthenes, written somewhere between 444 and 371 B.C. Most of our so-called reasoning consists in finding arguments for going on believing as we already do. James Harvey Robinson. It is not the truth that hurts us; it is that we have been taught (and believed) so many things that are NOT true. Phil Wilson There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments, and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance; that principle is contempt prior to investigation. Herbert Spencer I went into prayer. Something seemed fishy about the matter! Did I really find some interested brethren and friends of the Clock of God, or was something else going on here? I asked them why so far none of them said anything about the real meaning of the clock. We are not talking here so much about the second coming of Christ; we all know that it will be very soon! It is even less about a Jewish calendar or a lunar Sabbath. It is still very much about the message of the Fourth Angel and the knowledge from God as to when and how His people have fallen from truth! But the "brothers and sisters" wanted to know nothing about that. Again they just sent me a bunch of new PDFs on the lunar Sabbath. That's because if you are not worshipping on the right day, you are not worshipping the correct deity. Bro. Scotram, are you really THAT dense? These brethren are concerned for your soul. Whoever is in charge is in charge of the calendar. The calendar you keep tells you when to work and when to worship. WHEN you worship tells heaven and the on-looking universe WHO you worship, so getting the day right is THAT serious. The papacy is in charge of the Gregorian calendar (established by Pope Gregory XIII) in case you had not noticed. Remember this verse? 10

11 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High. Isaiah 14:12-14 As you can see, Lucifer has an "I" problem. See that line where he's going to sit on the mount of the congregation? Wanna know what the Hebrew word is for congregation? It is mo'edim (found in Genesis 1:14 and Psalm 104:19), meaning set feasts and times appointed to worship. A mountain in prophecy is controlling power, the seat of a government. What Lucifer is saying is that HE is going to control the calendar, and he does. Nearly every nation has adopted the pagan/papal Gregorian calendar. So, yeah, believers HAVE fallen from the truth. Far from the truth. Attempting to worship YHWH using the pagan/papal calendar is a pretty egregious error, wouldn't you agree? This is the origin of the modern calendar... In A.D. 321, Constantine venerated the day of the sun. Most recognize that this is when sunday worship entered into the "christian" movement. Few recognize what else happened to the calendar adopted by Rome in the 4th century. To assume that Israel observed the pagan seven day planetary week in the first century when Rome themselves did not is sheer lunacy. Rome did not officially adopt the seven day planetary week until A.D. 321 when Emperor Constantine became a christian. At that time, saturn s day was the 1st day of the seven day planetary week, not the 7th. Below is a sketch of the planetary week, circa 100 B.C. saturn s day, sun s day, moon s day, mars day, mercury s day, jupiter s day, venus day 11

12 Rome ruled the world in the first century B.C., thus the Roman numerals, but this is not a Roman calendar. This is the pagan seven day planetary week as it existed from B.C., until A.D. 321 when Constantine venerated the day of the sun. You see, Constantine worshiped Mithra, the Persian version of the sun god. He did not want the day of the sun taking a back seat to saturn, so when he venerated the day of the sun all he did was bump satyrday from the coveted #1 position in the week all the way to the seventh day, which was vacated by all the other days moving up one position in the weekly cycle, permitting the sun s day to hold the preeminent position. The sketch on the previous page came from this clay calendar tablet (above). You see, the dirty little secret is out. Satyrday was not the seventh day of the week anywhere on earth until A.D. 321, and then by virtue of Constantine, not the Creator Almighty, so it certainly was NOT the Sabbath of Israel at any time in earth s history. Rome did not have a seven day week in the first century. Their 8 day market week is below In the first century, Rome observed an 8 (EIGHT) day calendar week. They were identified as A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H. Above is an actual representation of a first century Roman calendar. So, Bro. Scotram, was Israel using the Roman 8 day market calendar week or the 7 day pagan planetary week in the first century? If something else, are you going to produce any evidence to support your conclusion? Thus far you have said a lot of nothing. 12

13 After almost two weeks of asking God to clarify the matter, I "arrived". I wondered what these studies could mean, and what their purpose could be if per chance these were not even brethren who were apparently trying to keep the biblical Sabbath exactly, but actually enemies? And then it was clear to me, and I must admit that I am a little ashamed that I did not think to do this sooner: "Check out if there is a religion that keeps such Sabbaths or days of rest according to the moon!" Oh brother. Go back far enough and EVERY nation on earth, pagan or righteous, at the same time worshipped according to the phases of the moon. There is a reason for this. The tower of Babel was built using what language? The language of the Garden of Eden (heaven actually). So Yah dented the original language of earth, making many where there had been only one. Likewise, once scattered, heathens segregated into their different language groups and were worshipping their pagan deities using what CALENDAR? The calendar established in the Garden of Eden (in heaven really). It if ain't broke, you don't fix it. The lunar-solar calendar was the only calendar known to man at that time (as adroitly proven by Immanuel Velikovsky in his book, Worlds in Collision), so Yah slightly altered the relationship between the earth, sun and moon knowing full well that only His people would continue to observe His appointed times using the original calendar and instructions in Scripture while the pagans, under no such restraint, would create calendars of their own to suit their own pagan ideals. This calendar scramble is historically known to have taken place in the 8th or 7th century B.C. In one generation, all nations on earth were scrambling to come up with a new calendar. Why? The answer is as startling as it is revealing. At the Tower of Babel Yah altered the languages of the earth, leaving behind a remnant of the original with the Shemites who were in mountains to the east and who would have maintained the original language of Eden -- Genesis 10:31 to 11:9. In a similar fashion, Yah dented the original calendar of earth, ultimately causing many differing calendars where there had been only one True Calendar. The righteous patriarchs and ultimately the nation of Israel continued to observe this calendar because they were given only these calendar instructions in Scripture. This dent caused only two previously un-encountered calendar issues. Originally there were always 2 days of New Moon in the 30 day lunar months and there were always 12 months every year. With whatever YHWH did to His calendar in the cosmos, the moon's orbit was shortened by half a day making a 29.5 day lunar cycle where there had originally been a 30 day cycle, and the sun was moved a little more than 5 days further away, making a day year where there had originally been a 360 day year. The years in prophecy are based on a 360 day model because THAT is the original calendar model of Eden. Interestingly enough, there is not a single command in Torah that says, Thou shalt have 30 days in a month. Or Thou shalt have 12 months in a year. So the resulting changes Israel had to make to continue to observe the Creation Calendar broke no statutes. At times, now, there are 29 day months, meaning some months had only one day of New Moon, where there had originally always been two. And now, because the lunar year is 11 days shorter than the solar year, 7 times every 19 years, a 13th month had to be added to keep Passover in line with the barley harvest in spring. Because in three years, the lunar cycle would be 33 days shorter than the solar cycle, necessitating a 13th month. 13

14 So I did what I usually do, I started researching on the Internet. The first search even brought it up. On and this is just one example of many we read that these days are the worshipping days of the ancient Babylonian and Sumerian moon cult: These texts tell us that the Babylonian prognosticators evaluated the match between what the calendar predicted and what the sky actually did. Departures from the expected order were viewed with concern. In Mesopotamia it was probably the Sumerians, the people who built the formative civilization of the region, who put the first formal calendar into use. The Sumerian calendar was lunar, but its months began when the first crescent was sighted in the west. A passage in the Babylonian creation myth echoes, in Marduk's instructions to the moon, a concern for the lunarcycle: And more than likely, this article was not written from the perspective that YHWH had created all things some years before the Sumerians came onto the scene. As I said, all nations, pagan (Babylonian, Sumerian, etc) and righteous (Israel) all had their variation of the original calendar of Eden. If the fact that pagans observed a lunar calendar is "proof" against the Lunar Sabbath, then why do you keep satryday? This day was invented and established as the first day of the pagan 7-day planetary week about 600 B.C. and only moved to the seventh day of the week by pagan/papal Rome. Bro. Scotram, the rules must apply across the board. Your tradition does NOT give you a free pass among truth seekers. He bade the moon come forth; entrusted night (to him) assigned to him adornment of the night to measure time; and every month, unfailingly, he marked off by a crown. "When the new moon is rising over the land shine you with horns, six days to measure; the seventh day, as half (your) crown (appear). and (then) let periods of fifteen days be counterparts two halves each month. As, afterward, the sun gains on you on heaven's foundations, wane step by step, reverse your growth!" The "crown" is the moon's fully lit disk, and the horns refer, of course, to the waxing crescent. On the seventh day a "half crown" describes the half-lit first quarter moon, and the rest of the text narrates the way in which the moon should continue to measure out the months. Not "should", DID continue to measure out the months. The lunar cycle looks about the same to whomever is looking at it. This could have been written by a pagan or an Israelite. And if it sounds familiar, that's because Philo, the first century Hebrew historian spoke of the lunar cycle in nearly the same glowingly reverent manner, shared on pages 5-6 above. The moon is the hour hand of the Father's cosmic clock. And Philo was representative of first century Hebrew beliefs in his writings. Some of the Sumerian month names have survived in cuneiform texts and, like the Egyptian names, refer to the months' principal feasts: "the Month of the Feast of Shulgi" and "the Month of the Eating of Barley of Ningursu." Feasts were scheduled by the moon's phases, with regular celebrations at the first crescent, first quarter (seventh day), full moon (fifteenth day), and last day. 14

15 If you read the above text and compare it with the studies of the "brethren", you will realize that this is one and the same language and the same subject matter. It's about the monthly moon festivals of the ancient Babylonian religion. So, Bro. Scotram, are you implying that the feasts that are dated by the moon in Leviticus 23 are of pagan origin? In reality, you are still not saying much of anything. Do you ever intend to state your case or prove your position against the Lunar Sabbath? I talked to the Lunar Sabbath keepers about it, and immediately the answer came back that these "evil" days of Babylon do not coincide with the Jewish Lunar Sabbaths. Here is a short message of a "sister" who was already pretty upset with me: Dear John, Just for the records, the Babylonian 'evil days' as they were called were on the 1st, 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th. Not on 8, 15, 22, 29 as the Bible one. So your argument does not stand either. With His Love, O. Look carefully! They are admitting here that "Babylonian evil days" do exist, and what a surprise, those are always just one day before the "Jewish" [Hebrew] Lunar Sabbaths. Definitely suspicious, right? [How so? If you were in a line up of 6 with a suspected criminal and the victim identifies the man standing next to you as the one guilty of the crime, does that make you somehow guilty? No. If you are standing in a crowd of ticket holders, and they are drawing for the winner of a raffle, if they call the number of the person standing next to you, do you get to partake in their winnings? NO. There are two dragsters racing side by side. You are driving the car in the right lane. The car in the left lane wins, breaking a record in elapsed time. Do you get partial credit for their victory? NO! WHAT could possibly be suspicious about the Hebrew Sabbaths being one day away from the Babylonian "evil days"? They were observed by two different nations, worshipping different "Gods" using a similar lunar calendar.] How can this be? The answer is quite easy if you carefully study the Bible with some background information. We all should know that the Jews use a so-called inclusive counting system. For them, the first day of the beginning of a period is always included in the total. So: First Day + Seven = Eighth Day. [Um, first day + seven = seven using inclusive reckoning, not 8. And, for the record, while there are places where it is implied that Israel used inclusive reckoning, it is never commanded, and not always the case, unless stated. Please consider the following: in Exodus 19, Israel is told to get ready against the third day, which verses identify as today, tomorrow and the third day. This is inclusive reckoning. But in Leviticus 23:16, we are told from the morrow after the 7th Sabbath we are to number 50 days. 15

16 Providentially, the morrow after the 7th Sabbath is NOT included in the 50 day count, so the context must be considered. It is not accurate to make a statement that Israel always used inclusive reckoning when they did not.] By contrast, the Babylonian method of calculation is exclusive. The first day is not counted. So: First Day + Seven = Seventh Day. [Exclusive reckoning would be 1+7=8 because day one is excluded from the 7 count.] (Incidentally, this also solves a problem with the times of the government of Nebuchadnezzar in the Book of Daniel. Once again, we have different Jewish and Babylonian time reckoning.) Incidentally, it appears that Bro. Scotram really does not know what he's talking about. Sure, Israel and Babylon had different time reckoning, but they had the same lunar calendar to work with. Their definitions of time (New Moon for instance) were different. For Babylon, New Moon meant the first visible crescent (a ONE day occurrence). However, Israel had TWO days of New Moon, which was the dark phase of the lunar cycle. There are 28 days in a lunar cycle when the moon is visible. There are 28 week days in a lunar month. There are 4 quarter phases in the lunar cycle that are approximately 7 days apart. There are 4 weekly Sabbaths in a lunar month that are seven day apart. After the last Sabbath of each month, there are 1-2 dark days (days when no moon is visible) in a lunar cycle. After the 4th Sabbath of each month, there are 1-2 New Moon days in a lunar month. Do you honestly believe that all of this is a coincidence? When you line these up, you have perfect harmony. The New Moon is a third category of day, it is neither work day nor Sabbath. Since the Sabbath IS a day of the week, then it is only natural that the visible phases of the moon line up and announce the Sabbath within the 28 week days in a month (4 x 7 = 28). So, what's left? 1-2 dark days when the moon is not visible and 1-2 New Moon days. So--line them up. For the record, if you line up the 28 with the 28, the 4 with the 4 is automatically lined up, including the 1-2 with the 1-2. Do the math. This ain't rocket science! Let's bring this to a conclusion! [Wait, what? When did you begin?] For both, the day of the first crescent moon was the first day [Sorry, it wasn't. The first crescent announced the pagan New Moon. The first crescent announced the END of the Hebrew New Moon, not the beginning.], so it is clear that both kept the first "Sabbath" of every month on exactly the same day. However, the Babylonian 7th day is the Jewish 8th. The Babylonian 14th day is the Jewish 15th. The 21st is the 22tnd, and the 28th is the 29th. So all of the days are EXACTLY THE SAME DAYS! They are the evil days of Babylon! True statement. The Hebrew New Moon was a day earlier than the Babylonian New Moon. So the 8th day of the Hebrew calendar would align with the 7th day of the Babylonian calendar. Clearly, Bro. Scotram is looking for victories wherever he can find them, and his point is accurate, but what IS his point? The Babylonians were using the SAME calendar as Israel because it was the ONLY calendar in existence at the time. But their holy days were not the same, nor were the Babylonians serving or worshipping YHWH with their calendar appointments. 16

17 Witches bathe. According to Bro. Scotram's thinking, he along with all believers should cease bathing. According to this site: Charles Manson drove an old Military Dodge Power Wagon. According to Bro. Scotram's logic, everyone who drives a Dodge Power Wagon must be a mass murderer. Now, of course, the question arises as to who the goddess was that was worshiped there? It's simple: Ishtar! See my articles on the Papal coat of arms, especially "The Corbinian Bear" (to be translated) and A Gift of Heaven. Again we get the whole picture: It is the Babylonian Ishtar, the Egyptian Isis, the Phoenician Astarte, the Greek Demeter, the Roman Diana, and Mary the Mother of all Nations and Queen of Heaven who has the moon under her feet the Catholic goddess! Yeah, so? Israel did not worship any of these pagan goddesses (unless they were in apostasy). Demeter was the goddess of grain and Astarte was the goddess of sex. These two were not considered moon gods, nor the queens of heaven. We must assume that Bro. Scotram is associating moon worship with the Lunar Sabbath. We must assume because he has been forthcoming with little to nothing thus far. Lots of words that have little to do with the subject at hand, and the same practice seems to be in play here. So once again it is about the worship of the ancient Babylonian goddess of the moon, which is represented today in the Catholic world through Mary. [WHAT is about the worship of the moon goddess? Bro. Scotram, you seem to be the only one here talking about pagan gods. The "brethren" and I are talking about the worship of YHWH Almighty using the calendar He established in the heavens at Creation.] Pure paganism and anathema to the true Creator God! That is why God chose the seven-day cycle based on the creation week, and not depending on the lunar cycle. [You do err, not knowing the Scriptures.] It was to distinguish His true day of rest once and for all; to ensure a clear separation of all non-biblical religions that worship the heavenly bodies instead of their Creator. In the Shadows of the Future article series I address the real meaning of the biblical moon-based Sabbaths and show that the "Lunar Sabbath Lie" is designed to block a wonderful message from God to His people. Yes, the worship of pagan deities is anathema to the Creator. But looking at the sun or moon to tell time is not worshipping the sun or moon any more than you worship your wristwatch when you look at it to tell time. Genesis 1:14 TELLS us to look at the great lights to tell time. Exodus 20:8-11 links the weekly Sabbath to Creation week, as you said, Bro. Scotram. But unbeknownst to you (because you speak before examining the evidence), Deuteronomy 5:12-15, where the commandments are repeated, reveals that the weekly Sabbath is ALSO linked to the exodus. Israel was released from Egypt on Abib 15. New Moon Day 1 of week Day 2 of week Day 3 of week Day 4 of week Day 5 of week Day 6 of week 7 th day Sabbath (30) 17

18 Abib 15 in several places is revealed as a Sabbath in Torah. Is satyrday the 15th day of the first month on the Gregorian calendar you use? Your accusation reveals your true, deep and vast ignorance of what the Lunar Sabbath is, what Lunar Sabbatarians believe and why they have concluded that the lunar cycle reveals the True Sabbaths of Yah. It is true, the calendar of Scripture distinguishes His True Sabbath and ensures a clear separation from false religions and the worship of the created rather than the Creator. Wanna know how it does that? By the inclusion of several points that are there to destroy all false, pagan or man-made calendars. In no particular order To further complicate and refute Bro. Scotram's claim that satyrday is the Sabbath, the 14th day of Abib is always the preparation day for first day of Unleavened Bread. Abib 14 floats on our current version of the Roman calendar. Abib 10 is the day to purchase a lamb if you don't already own one. Abib 10 floats on the Roman calendar. The fact is that the 10th, 14th and 16th of Abib are, without exception, commanded work days. The barley could be harvested on the 16th only after the Wave Sheaf had been offered and accepted, Leviticus 23:9-14. If there is a continuous 7 day cycle, every few years either the 10th, 14th or 16th will fall on a satyrday. In fact, satyrday fell on Abib 10 in Satyrday fell on the 14th of Abib in 2004, 2008, 2011 and Satyrday fell on the 16 th of Abib in 2002, 2006 and There is no legislation provided to do these tasks a day early or late in case these days "just happen" to fall on the Sabbath, these work dates are fixed. These days will never fall on the Sabbath, yet one or the other will fall on satyrday every few years. Can you explain this? Bro. Scotram certainly cannot. As added evidence, Josephus, the first century Hebrew historian wrote that Abib 16 is always wavesheaf. Wavesheaf is the morrow after the H7676 Sabbath spoken of in Leviticus 23:11. Please understand that Josephus is writing to a non-israelite audience. In The Antiquities of the Jews, Book 3, Chapter 10, section 5, he has this to say about the Passover season: (248) In the month of Xanthicus, which is by us called Nisan, and is the beginning of the year, on the fourteenth day of the lunar month, when the sun is in Aries (for in this month it was that we were delivered from bondage under the Egyptians, and law ordained that we should every year slay that sacrifice which I before told you we slew when we came out of Egypt, and which was called the Passover; and so we do celebrate this Passover in companies, leaving nothing of what we sacrifice till the day following. (249) The feast of unleavened bread succeeds that of the Passover, and falls on the fifteenth day of the month and continued seven days, wherein they feed on unleavened bread (250) But on the second day of unleavened bread, which is the sixteenth day of the month, they first partake of the fruits of the earth, for before that day, they do not touch them.. (251) They take a handful of ears, and dry them, then beat them small and purge the barley from the bran; they then bring one tenth deal to the altar, to Elohim; and, casting one handful of it upon the fire they leaven the rest for use of the priest; and after this it is that they may publicly or privately reap their harvest. Josephus is explaining to the Gentile nations how the barley could be harvested on the 16 th, and says exactly what Leviticus 23 says about the feast of Passover, Unleavened Bread and wavesheaf. In the fourteenth day of the first month at even is YHWH s passover. 18

19 And on the fifteenth day of the same month is the feast of unleavened bread unto YHWH: seven days ye must eat unleavened bread. In the first day ye shall have an holy convocation: ye shall do no servile work therein. But ye shall offer an offering made by fire unto YHWH seven days: in the seventh day is an holy convocation: ye shall do no servile work therein. And YHWH spake unto Moses, saying, Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, When ye be come into the land which I give unto you, and shall reap the harvest thereof, then ye shall bring a sheaf of the firstfruits of your harvest unto the priest: And he shall wave the sheaf before YHWH, to be accepted for you: on the morrow after the sabbath the priest shall wave it. Leviticus 23: The battle of Jericho was a 7 day event. Every able bodied Israelite male took with him every available weapon at his disposal. The priests even carried with them the sacred Ark of the Covenant. In this battle/siege, Israel is on the offensive, they are the aggressors. Read the account in Joshua 6. Only Joshua knew it would be a 7 day affair, the men were told they would attack when Joshua gave them the signal. These soldiers were marching around Jericho for 7 days in attack mode, on a full tilt adrenalin rush, not knowing for sure when the signal would come. Which day was the Sabbath? Did YHWH ever send Israel into battle on the Sabbath? The battle of Jericho is more a calendar statement than it is about the conquest of Canaan. How do I know this? Simple. Israel had JUST come out of the wilderness after a 40 year sojourn, having to relearn the law (including the Sabbath) of Yah. Do you suppose that the VERY first thing YHWH commanded Israel to do would be to break the Sabbath with a 7 day siege? If the Sabbath is every seventh day in an unbroken cycle, then ONE of the days Israel marched around Jericho had to have been the weekly Sabbath. You think about this. If you are interested in knowing how they took Jericho WITHOUT breaking the Sabbath, look at the calendar model below. It is so simple a child can figure it out. And it was in the second month, on the first day of the month, that YHWH said to Joshua, Rise up, behold I have given Jericho into thy hand with all the people thereof; and all your fighting men shall go round the city, once each day, thus shall ye do for six days. And on the seventh day they went round the city seven times, and the priests blew upon trumpets. Jasher 88:14, 17 1 time 1 time 1 time 1 time 1 time 1 time 7 times New Moon Day First Week Day Second Week Day Third Week Day Fourth Week Day Fifth Week Day Sixth Week Day 19 Seventh Week Day (30) Second witness: There is another 7 day skirmish in I Kings 20. Here is an excerpt And it came to pass at the return of the year, that Benhadad numbered the Syrians, and went up to Aphek, to fight against Israel.

20 And the children of Israel were numbered, and were all present, and went against them: and the children of Israel pitched before them like two little flocks of kids; but the Syrians filled the country. And there came a man of Elohim, and spake unto the king of Israel, and said, Thus saith YHWH, Because the Syrians have said, YHWH is Elohim of the hills, but He is not Elohim of the valleys, therefore will I deliver all this great multitude into thine hand, and ye shall know that I am YHWH. And they pitched one over against the other seven days. And so it was, that in the seventh day the battle was joined: and the children of Israel slew of the Syrians an hundred thousand footmen in one day. I Kings 20:26-29 On the Sabbath, Israel was commanded to go to the tabernacle to worship. Here, the men are in the field, pitched against the enemy, and after 6 days of posturing, the battle is joined on the seventh day of a 7 day sequence, followed by a great slaughter. This battle was attended by a man of Yah, who came with a message of encouragement from YHWH. So this battle was a sanctioned event. But does YHWH EVER break, bend or ignore His own law? No. Clearly this battle also began on New Moon. Here is a calendar model that permits this 7 day battle to take place without breaking the law Pitched Pitched Pitched Pitched Pitched Pitched Joined New Moon Work day 1 Work day 2 Work day 3 Work day 4 Work day 5 Work day 6 7th day Sabbath (30) There is no way to accommodate either of these historical battles on a calendar that has uninterrupted seven day weeks. So, how is satyrday the Sabbath of Scripture? 3. Scholars have generally agreed that the only dates that the crucifixion could have taken place was A.D. 30, 31 or 33. The reason for these years is that there are other historical events that took place at known dates that must be taken into consideration and placed in the timeline of the events in the NT. Passover was a lunar event, the 14th day of the first lunar month. The moon's phases are not a secret and the lunar cycle can be determined in either the past or future with a great deal of accuracy. Any moon phase calculator will tell you that... Passover would have been on the pagan we-day in 27 A.D. It would have been on the pagan mo-day in 28 A.D. On the pagan su-day in 29 A.D. On the pagan th-day in 30 A.D. On the pagan tuesday in 31 A.D. 20

21 On the pagan su-day in 32 A.D. And on the pagan th-day in 33 A.D. What this proves is that there were no fri-sat-sun weekend Passovers on ANY of the dates between 27 and 33 A.D. covering all the suspected years of the crucifixion. And the day after Passover in the year of the crucifixion was most certainly the weekly Sabbath (see Mark 15:42, Luke 23:54-56 and John 19:31), which means that if satyrday is the Sabbath, friday would have been Passover. But there are no fri-sat-sun crucifixion weekends available. This proves that the pagan planetary week was not employed by Israel in the first century. They observed the Lunar-solar calendar established at Creation, a fact corroborated by historians and proved in Scripture. There are many other obstacles that prevent the different calendar models of men from being considered the calendar of Scripture, but these three should sufficiently prove my point. The calendars of men to not take into consideration the commanded work days (Abib 10, 14 and 16), New Moon days (that interrupt the week), and the fact that certain events are linked to the cycles of the moon, i.e. Passover is always at the full moon. These three problems individually obliterate any consideration that satyrday could be the Sabbath of Scripture, collectively, well, sorry Bro. Scotram, but you hitched your pony to the wrong wagon this time. Only the Lunar Sabbath calendar presented herein meets each of these calendar challenges without issue, which proves that it is indeed the calendar of Scripture. The reaction of the "lunar brethren" was very interesting when I sent my findings to them. I was admonished not to condemn their "valuable new insights" carelessly and throw it into the fire, because I would be eternally punished for it! [Again, this is a harsh, but true statement, and I have to admire the chutzpah displayed by these brethren. It takes courage to spell out what will happen if you disregard what is truth. Parents spell out the dire consequences to their teenagers all the time, but few adults care enough about other adults to present the evidence and the end result if ignored. I'm not sure whether I should admonish these brethren for their "judgment" or not. It is difficult to read, but it is no different than the message that YHWH gave the prophets to deliver at times.] Well now, doesn't that way of thinking sound vaguely familiar to you? It does to me! My hunch is that this entire Lunar Sabbath idea was developed by the Jesuits. [Guffaw! If you have gotten this far, do you STILL think the Lunar Sabbath is from the Jesuits? Bro. Scotram, the Jesuits do not take the time to back up their claims with Scriptural, natural and historical evidence. They simply tell you what to do, then kill you if you do not comply with their threats. Did your brethren threaten to eternally punish you if you ignored the Lunar Sabbath message? No. They merely delivered the message that YHWH sent to apostate Israel. Repent. Or else.] Don't think that it is a simple thing to refute all this with the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy! [It cannot be refuted by Scripture or the Spirit of Prophecy. I did not know Bro. Scotram was an Adventist. I'm surprised and disappointed. I thought SDA's were better students than this.] There are clever minds behind these studies in order to deceive even the elect if it would be possible! There is already a study of over 3000 pages regarding the years 1937/38. It was discussed by the Seventh-day Adventist General Conference and to this day not all arguments are completely clarified. It is called the Grace Amadon Collection. If you would like to waste a lot of time like I did, just google and search for it. As for me, it is clear now that if somebody wants to make me keep these irregular Sabbaths aligned with the first crescent moons, and these "just happen" to fall on the exact same days of worship of the Babylonian Moon Goddess and the Queen of Heaven, then at least I know where it stems from! Do you too, dear brothers and sisters? 21

22 Ladies and gentlemen, what Bro. Scotram said above sounds EXACTLY like an excuse that a Jesuit would offer. The Sabbaths are not irregular, they are very consistent, falling on the 8th, 15th, 22nd and 29th days of the lunar month. Bro. Scotram sees them as irregular because he is looking at the pagan/papal Gregorian calendar rather than addressing the express command of YHWH that the calendar of heaven would be WRITTEN in the heavens. The Adventist denomination ADMITS that satyrday is not the Sabbath, and they have KNOWN this since This is not a conspiracy theory. Please examine the evidence for yourself: William Miller originally believed that Jesus was crucified in A.D. 33 instead of A.D. 31 because he was not able to harmonize sunday (his Sabbath) of the Julian/Gregorian Calendar to the resurrection. Miller and others could have determined (had they understood Israel s calendar) that the full moon for Passover in A.D. 31 fell on what we would now call monday or tuesday, not on friday, thus making it impossible for Yahushua to have rested in the tomb on a satyrday, followed by a sunday resurrection. The SDA committee in 1939 DID discover that there was no Friday crucifixion in A.D. 31. which led to this committee being shut down by the hierarchy. Forty years later the problem was still unresolved. That year, the first Adventist Yearbook was published. It included calendar information for all of 1883 including dates and times for astronomical new moon, first quarter, full moon and last quarter phases of the moon. On page 66 of the online 1883 Yearbook, appeared the following statement: Those who disbelieve in the seventh-day Sabbath bring against it numerous objections, all of which are readily answered with the exception of one, THE CROSS. This is the great, the unanswerable objection to the Bible Sabbath. (Capitalization in original) Please see photo copy of this quote and the page on which it was printed on the next page. So from the early 1840 s to 1883, early Adventists were UNABLE to prove that satyrday is the Sabbath. There is a reason for this. Satyrday is not the Sabbath. The Sabbath is the seventh day of the Hebrew week, not the pagan planetary week. It got worse. The SDA church learned for certain that Israel observed a lunar calendar in the late 1930 s. At that time a committee was formed to prove a fri-sat-sun crucifixion weekend, but found that when they counted backward by 7 to 31 A.D., Passover did not fall on friday, the same thing they discovered in Perplexed, the committee wrote extensively to leading scholars and astronomers around the world trying to figure this out, but they were told by every one of them that what they had found was correct, that Israel had a lunar/solar calendar, and that Passover in 31 A.D. would not have fallen on a friday if you count backward by seven. While trying to figure out what was going on, WWII broke out and the committee was disbanded and never reconvened. None other than M. L. Andreasen stopped all further investigation by saying, Such is more than the common people can understand, and if we go to the people now with such a proposition, we must expect that confusion will result. Sound familiar? SDA leadership s position for decades has been to bury the truth because if might cause confusion. So much for taking it before a multitude of counselors. If there are any Adventists on this jury, you should be morally outraged. 22

23 Ellen White said in 1896 that the Father could have returned before that time IF the Jones and Waggoner s 1888 message (a return to statute observance) had been accepted. The feasts are only observed on a lunar calendar. This would have eventually proved the Sabbath by the moon and Israel s lunar/solar calendar, just as the committee in discovered. 23

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