المحاسن THE BEAUTIES. (FROM THE PROGENY asws OF MUHAMMAD saww ) أحمد بن محمد بن خالد البرقى ج 1 AHMAD BIN MUHAMMAD BIN KHALID AL BARQY (DIED 274 AH)

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1 المحاسن THE BEAUTIES (FROM THE PROGENY asws OF MUHAMMAD saww ) أحمد بن محمد بن خالد البرقى ج 1 AHMAD BIN MUHAMMAD BIN KHALID AL BARQY (DIED 274 AH) VOLUME TWO Book 1 1 out of 60

2 بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم IN THE NAME OF ALLAH azwj THE BENEFICENT THE MERCIFUL كتاب العلل Book 1 The Book of Reasons أحمد بن أبى عبد هللا البرقى عن أبيه محمد بن خالد البرقى عن خلف بن حماد عن عمرو بن شمر عن جابر قال: قلت البي جعفر )ع(: كيف اختلف أصحاب النبي صلى هللا عليه وآله في المسح على الخفين - فقال: كان الرجل منهم يسمع من النبي صلى هللا عليه وآله الحديث فيغيب عن الناسخ وال يعرفه فإذا أنكر ما يخالف في يديه كبر عليه تركه Ahmad Bin Abu Abdullah Al Barqy, from his father Muhammad Bin Khalid Al Barqy, from Khalaf Bin Hamaad, from Amro Bin Shimr, from Jabir who said, I said to Abu Ja far asws, How did the companions of the Prophet saww come to differ regarding the wiping upon the two socks? So he asws said: There was the man among them who heard the Hadeeth from the Prophet saww but he was absent from the Abrogating Verses and did not understand it. So when it denied that which contradicted what in front of him, he was too proud to leave it. وقد كان الشئ ينزل على رسول هللا صلى هللا عليه وآله فيعمل به زمانا ثم يؤمر بغيره فيأمر به أصحابه وأمته حتى قال أناس: يا رسول هللا صلى هللا عليه وآله إنك تأمرنا بالشئ حتى إذا اعتدناه وجرينا عليه أمرتنا بغيره فسكت النبي صلى هللا عليه وآله عنهم فأنزل هللا عليه: " قل ما كنت بدعا من الرسل إن أتبع إال ما يوحى إلى وما أنا إال نذير مبين ". And it was so that something was Revealed unto Rasool-Allah saww, so he saww acted upon it, then he saww was Commanded for something else. So he ordered his saww companions and his saww community until the people said, O Rasool-Allah saww! You saww had ordered us with the thing until we were habitual in it and we flowed upon it, (now) you saww are ordering us with something else? So the Prophet saww was silent from them. Allah azwj Revealed unto him saww [46:9] Say: I am not the first of the Rasools, and I do not know what will be Done with me or with you: I do not follow anything but that which is Revealed unto me, and I am nothing but a plain warner. 1 عنه عن أبيه رفعه قال قال أبو عبد هللا )ع( لرجل: أحكم االخرة كما أحكم أهل الدنيا أمر ديناهم فانما جعلت الدنيا شاهدا يعرف بها ما غاب عنها من اآلخرة فاعرف اآلخرة بها وال تنظر إلى الدنيا إال باعتبار From him, from his father, raising it, said, Abu Abdullah asws said to a man: Judge the Hereafter just as the people of the world judge the matters of their world. But rather, the world has been made to be a witness, from it, it can be understood what is hidden from it from the Hereafter. Therefore, recognise the Hereafter by it and do not look at the world except with a view to learning a lesson from it. 2 عنه عن أبيه رفعه قال: قال أبو عبد هللا )ع(: المسجون من ديناه عن آخرته. 1 V 2 Bk 1 H 1 2 V 2 Bk 1 H 2 2 out of 60

3 From him, from his father, raising it, said, Abu Abdullah asws said: The prisoner is the one who is in debt about his Hereafter. 3 عنه عن أبيه عن على بن النعمان عن عبد هللا بن مسكان عن عبد االعلى بن أعين قال: سأل على بن حنظلة أبا عبد هللا )ع( عن مسألة وأنا حاضر فأجابه فيها فقال له على: فان كان كذا وكذا فأجابه بوجه آخر حتى أجابه بأربعة أوجه فقال على بن حنظلة: يا با محمد هذا باب قد أحكمناه فسمعه أبو عبد هللا )ع( فقال تقل هكذا با أبا الحسن فانك رجل ورع إن من االشياء أشياء مضيقة ليس يجرى إال على وجه واحد منها وقت الجمعة ليس وقتها إال حد واحد حين تزول الشمس ومن االشياء أشياء موسعة تجرى على وجوه كثيرة وهذا منها وهللا إن له عندي لسبعين وجها. From him, from his father, from Ali Bin Al No man, from Abdullah Bin Muskan, from Abdul A la Bin Ayn who said, Ali Bin Hanzala asked Abu Abdullah asws about a problem, and I was present, so the Imam asws answered him with regards to it, So Ali said to the Imam asws, So if it was such and such? So the Imam asws answered him with another answer, to the extent that he asws answered him upon four aspects. So Ali Bin Hanzala said, O Abu Muhammad! This is a door, which we have being the wisest of all. Abu Abdullah asws overheard him, so he asws said: You are saying it like this, O Abu Al-Hassan, for you are a pious man. There is a thing from the things (for which) there is a restriction, it does not flow except upon one aspect, from it is the Friday (Prayer). There is no time for it except for one Limit when the sun sets. And there is a thing from the things which is extensive, so it flows upon many aspects. And this is from it, by Allah azwj! For it, there are seventy aspects with me asws. 4 عنه عن أبيه عن على بن الحكم عن محمد بن الفضيل عن شريس الوابشى عن جابر بن يزيد الجعفي قال: سألت أبا جعفر )ع( عن شئ من التفسير فأجابني ثم سألته عنه ثانية فأجابني بجواب آخر فقلت: جعلت فداك كنت أجبتني في هذه المسألة بجواب غير هذا قبل اليوم فقال: يا جابر إن للقرآن بطنا وللبطن بطنا وله ظهر وللظهر ظهر يا جابر ليس شئ أبعد من عقول الرجال من تفسير القرآن إن اآلية يكون أولها في شئ وآخرها في شئ وهو كالم متصل منصرف على وجوه. From him, from his father, from Ali Bin Al Hakam, from Muhammad Bin Al Fazeyl, from Shareys Al Wabishi, from Jabir Bin Yazeed Al Ju fy who said, I asked Abu Ja far asws about something from the interpretation (of the Quran), so he asws answered me. Then I asked him asws about it for a second time, so he asws answered me with another answer, so I said, May I be sacrificed for you asws! You had answered me with regards to this question with an answer other than this, before today. So the Imam asws said: O Jabir! For the Quran there is an esoteric, and for the esoteric there is an esoteric (Meaning), and for it there is the apparent for an apparent. O Jabir! There is nothing more remote from the intellects of the men, than the interpretation of the Quran. There would be a Verse, the beginning of it would be regarding something, and the middle of it would be regarding something, and the end of it would be regarding something. And it is a connected speech which goes upon its aspect. 5 3 V 2 Bk 1 H 3 4 V 2 Bk 1 H 4 5 V 2 Bk 1 H 5 3 out of 60

4 عنه عن أبيه عن الحسن بن محبوب عن محمد بن قزعة قال: قلت البي - عبد هللا )ع(: إن من يقولون: إن إبراهيم ختن نفسه بقدوم على دن فقال سبحان هللا ليس كما يقولون كذبوا على إبراهيم )ع( فقال: كيف ذلك - قال: إن االنبياء كانت تسقط عنه غلفهم مع سررهم اليوم السابع فلما ولد البراهيم إسماعيل من هاجر سقطت عنه غلفته مع سرته وعيرت بعد ذلك سارة هاجر بما تعير به االمآء قال: فبكت هاجر واشتد ذلك عليها )قال:( فلما رآها إسماعيل فبكى لبكائها فدخل إبراهيم )ع( فقال: ما يبكيك يا إسماعيل - قال له إن سارة عيرت أمي بكذا وكذا فبكت فبكيت لبكائها From him, from his father, from Al Hassan Bin Mahboub, from Muhammad Bin Qaz at who said, I said to Abu Abdullah asws, There are ones who are saying that Ibrahim as circumcised himself as before the arrival. So he asws said: Glory be to Allah azwj! It is not as they are saying. They are lying against Ibrahim as! So he said, How is that? The Imam asws said: The Prophets as, their as wrapping falls off from them as along with their as navel, on the seventh day. So when Ibrahim as was awarded with Ismail as from Hajar as, his as wrapping fell off from him as along with his as navel. Afer that, Sarah as taunted Hajar as with what the maid is taunted with. So Hajar as cried, and that was intense upon her. So when Ismail as saw her as, he as also cried upon her as crying. So Ibrahim as came up and said: O Ismail as, why are you as crying? He as said to him as : Sarah as taunted my as mother as with such and such, so she as is crying, therefore I as am crying upon her as crying. فقام إبراهيم )ع( إلى مصاله فناجى فيه ربه وسأله أن يلقى ذلك عن هاجر فألقاه هللا عنها فلما ولدت سارة إسحاق وكان اليوم السابع سقطت عن إسحاق سرته ولم تسقط عنه غلفته فجزعت سارة من ذلك فلما دخل عليها إبراهيم )ع( قالت له: يا إبراهيم ما هذا الحادث الذى حدث في آل إبراهيم )ع( وأوالد االنبياء هذا ابنك إسحاق قد سقطت عنه سرته ولم تسقط عنه غلفته! So Ibrahim as stood upon his as Prayer mat and whispered therein to his as Lord azwj and asked Him azwj to Cast that away from Hajar as. So Allah azwj Cast it away from her as. So when Is haq as was born unto Sarah as, and on the seventh day his as navel fell off Is haq, but his as wrapping did not fall off. So Sarah as panicked from that. So when Ibrahim as came up to her as, she as said to him as : O Ibrahim as! What is this event which has occurred in the Progeny of Ibrahim as and the children of the Prophets as. This is your as son as Is haq as. His as navel has fallen off him as, but his as wrapping has not fallen off from him as? فقام إبراهيم )ع( إلى مصاله فناجى فيه ربه وقال: يا رب ماذا الحادث الذى قد حدث في آل ابراهيم وأوالد االنبياء هذا إسحاق ابني قد سقط عنه سرته ولم تسقط عنه غلفته! فأوحى هللا إليه: أن يا إبراهم هذا لما عيرت سارة هاجر فآليت أال أسقط ذلك عن أحد من أوالد االنبياء بعد تعيير سارة هاجر فاختن إسحاق بالحديد وأذقه حر الحديد So Ibrahim as stood upon his as Prayer mat, and whispered to his as Lord azwj and said: O Lord azwj! What is this event which has occurred in the Progeny of Ibrahim as and the children of the Prophets as? This is Is haq as, my as son as. His as navel has fallen off from him as but his wrapping has not fallen off from him as? So Allah azwj Revealed unto him as : This is due to what Sarah as taunted Hajar as with. Therefore, I azwj Wish that, that would not fall from anyone from the children of the Prophets as after the taunting of Sarah as upon Hajar as. Therefore he as circumcised Is haq as with the iron, and he as tasted the heat of the iron. قال فختنه إبراهيم بالحديد فجرت السنة بالختان في إسحاق بعد ذلك. 4 out of 60

5 The Imam asws said: So Ibrahim as circumcised him as with the iron, and the Sunnah flowed by the circumcision with regards to Is haq as, after that. 6 عنه عن أبيه عن حماد عن حريز عن محمد بن أسحاق قال: قال أبو - جعفر )ع( مرة: أتدرى من أين صارت مهور النساء أربعة آالف - قلت: ال قال: إن ابنة أبى سفيان كانت بالحبشة فخطبها النبي صلى هللا عليه وآله فساق عنه النجاشي أربعة آالف درهم فمن ثمة ترى هؤالء يأخذون به فأما المهر فاثنا عشرة أوقية ونش From him, from his father, from Hamaad, from Hareyz, from Muhammad Bin Is haq who said, Abu Ja far asws said: Do you know from where the dowry of the women has come to be four thousand? I said, No. A daughter of Abu Sufyan was in Ethiopia, so the Prophet saww addressed her. So Najjashi bound it at four thousand Dirhams from it. So the one who sees those, so he should take by it. So, as for the dowry, it is twelve ounces (of gold) and nothing more nor less. 7 عنه عن أبيه عن محمد بن يحيى عن حماد بن عثمان قال: قال أبو جعفر )ع(: قبض رسول هللا صلى هللا عليه وآله على صوم ثالثة أيام في الشهر وقال يعدلن الدهر ويذهبن بوحر الصدر قلت: كيف صارت هذه االيام هي التى تصام - فقال: إن من قبلنا من االمم إذا نزل عليهم العذاب نزل في هذه االيام فصام رسول هللا صلى هللا عليه وآله االيام المخوفة. From him, from his father, from Muhammad Bin Yahya, from Hamaad Bin Usmaan who said, Abu Ja far asws said: Rasool-Allah saww Fasted three days in the month, and said: The proportion of the time takes away the heat of the chest. I said, How did these three days come to be the ones in which to Fast? So he asws said: The communities from before us, when the Punishment descended upon them, it descended during these days, therefore Rasool-Allah saww Fasted these frightening days. 8 عنه عن أبيه عن محسن بن أحمد عن أبان عن إسحاق بن عمار قال: قال أبو عبد هللا )ع(: إن رسول هللا صلى هللا عليه وآله مشى في جنازة سعد بغير رداء فقيل له: يا رسول هللا تمشى بغير رداء - فقال: إنى رأيت المالئكة تمشى بغير أردية فأحببت أن أتأسى بهم From him, from his father, from Mohsin Bin Ahmad, from Abaan, from Is haq Bin Amaar who said, Abu Abdullah asws said: Rasool-Allah saww walked in the funeral of Sa ad, without a robe. So it was said to him saww, O Rasool-Allah saww! You saww are walking without a robe? So he saww said: I saww saw the Angels walking without robes, so I saww loved it that I saww should do the same. 9 عنه عن محمد بن على عن محمد بن أسلم عن محمد بن سليمان و يونس بن عبد الرحمن عن أبى الحسن الثاني )ع( والحسين بن سيف عن محمد بن سليمان عن أبى الحسن )ع( )كذا( وعنه عن أبيه وعلى بن عيسى االنصاري القاسانى عن أبى - سليمان الديلمى قال: سألت أبا الحسن الثاني )ع( عن رجل استغاث به قوم لينقذهم من قوم يغيرون عليهم ليبيحوا أموالهم ويسبوا ذراريهم ونساءهم فخرج الرجل يعدو بسالحه في جوف الليل ليغيثهم فمر برجل قام على شفير البئر يستقى منها فدفعه وهو ال يعلم وال يريد ذلك فسقط في البئر ومات ومضى الرجل فاستنقذ أموال الذين استغاثوا به 6 V 2 Bk 1 H 6 7 V 2 Bk 1 H 7 8 V 2 Bk 1 H 8 9 V 2 Bk 1 H 9 5 out of 60

6 From him, from Muhammad Bin Ali, from Muhammad Bin Aslam, from Muhammad Bin Suleyman and Yunus Bin Abdul Rahman, from Abu Al-Hassan the 2 nd asws ; and Al Husayn Bin Sayf, from Muhammad Bin Suleyman, from Abu Al-Hassan asws ; and from him, from his father, and Ali Bin Isa Al Ansary Al Qasany, from Abu Suleyman Al-Daylami who said, I asked Abu Al-Hassan the 2 nd asws about a man who was asked for help by a people who were being raided by some people, looting their money, and captivating their offspring and their women. So the man went out with nothing more than his weapon in the middle of the night in order to help them. So he passed by a man who was standing by the brink of the well, drawing water from it. So he repulsed him, and he did not know, nor did he intend that, so he fell down the well and died. So the man went away, and he recovered the wealth for which he had been sought the help for. فلما انصرف قالوا: ما صنعت - قال: قد سلموا وآمنوا قالوا: أشعرت أن فالنا سقط في البئر فمات - قال: أنا وهللا طرحته خرجت أعدو بسالحي في ظلمة الليل وأنا أخاف الفوت على القوم الذين استغاثوا بى فمررت بفالن وهو قائم يستقى من البئر فزحمته ولم أرد ذلك فسقط في البئر فعلى من دية هذا So when he left, they said, What did you do? He said, You have become safe and secure. They said, We have been notified that so and so fell down the well and died? He said, By Allah azwj! I tossed him. I went out with my weapon in the darkness of the night, and I feared the loss of the people who sought help from me, so I passed by so and so, and he was standing drawing water from the well. I confronted him, and I did not intend that, but he fell in the well. So, upon whom is the bloodmoney compensation for this? قال: ديته على القوم الذين استنجدوا الرجل فأنجدهم وأنقذ أموالهم ونساءهم وذراريهم أما لو كان آجر نفسه بأجرة لكانت الدية عليه وعلى عاقلته دونهم وذلك أن سليمان بن داود )ع( أتته امرأة عجوزة مستعدية على الريح فدعا سليمان الريح فقال لها: ما دعاك إلى ما صنعت بهذه المرأة - قالت: إن رب العزة بعثنى إلى سفينة بنى فالن النقذها من الغرق وكانت قد أشرفت على الغرق فخرجت في سنن عجلى إلى ما أمرنى هللا به فمررت بهذه المرأة و هي على سطحها فعثرت بها ولم أردها فسقطت فانكسرت يدها He asws said: The blood-money is upon the people who called the man (for help), for he rescued them and saved their wealth, and their women, and their offspring. But, if he had recompensed himself with a wage, the blood-money would have been upon him and upon his rationale, besides them. And that is, (because) Suleyman Bin Dawood as, an old woman came up to him as, assisted upon by the wind. So Suleyman as beckoned the wind and said to it: I as did not call you except for what you did by this woman? It said, The Lord azwj of Honour Sent me to a ship of the Clan of so and so, in order to rescue her from drowning, and she had overseen the sinking (of the ship). So I hastily went out to what my Lord azwj had Commanded me with. So I passed by this woman and she was upon its surface. I came by her and did not surround her, so she fell and broke her hand. فقال سليمان: يا رب بما أحكم على الريح - فأوحى هللا إليه يا سليمان احكم بأرش كسر هذه المرأة على أرباب السفينة التى أنقذها الريح من الغرق فانه ال يظلم لذى أحد من العالمين. So Suleyman as said: O Lord azwj! With what did You azwj Command the wind? So Allah azwj Revealed unto him as : O Suleyman! I azwj Judged the compensation to be the breaking of the arm of this woman upon the owners of the ship which the wind 6 out of 60

7 rescued from the drowning. Allah azwj worlds. 10 does not do injustice to anyone from the عنه عن أبيه وعلى بن عيسى االنصاري عن محمد بن سليمان الديلمى عن أبى خالد الهيثم الفارسى قال: سئل أبو الحسن الثاني )ع( كيف صار الزوج إذا قذف إمرأته كانت شهادته أربع شهادات باهلل - وكيف لم يجز لغيره - وإذا قذفها غير الزوج جلد الحد ولو كان أخا أو ولدا From him, from his father and Ali Bin Isa Al Ansary, from Muhammad Bin Suleyman Al Daylami, from Abu Khalid Al Haysam Al Farsy who said, Abu Al-Hassan asws the 2 nd was asked, How it came to be that the husband, when he slanders his wife, his testimony are four testimonies with Allah azwj! And how come it is not allowed for someone else? And if someone other than the husband slanders her, he would be flogged by one lash, even though it may be a brother or a parent? قال: قد سئل جعفر بن محمد )ع( عن هذا فقال: أال ترى أنه إذا قذف الزوج امرأته قيل له: وكيف علمت أنها فاعلة - قال: " رأيت ذلك بعينى " كانت شهادته أربع شهادات باهلل وذلك أنه يجوز للزوج أن يدخل المدخل في الخلوة التى ال يجوز لغيره أن يدخلها وال يشهدها ولد وال والد في الليل والنهار فلذلك صارت شهادته أربع شهادات إذا قال: " رأيت بعينى " وإذا قال: " لم أعاين " صار قاذفا في حد غيره وضرب الحد إال أن يقيم البينة The Imam asws said: Ja far asws Bin Muhammad asws had been asked about this, so he asws said: Do you not see that when the husband slanders his wife, it is said to him, And how did you know that she did it? He says, I saw that by my own eyes. His testimony (equates to) four testimonies with Allah azwj. And that is (because) it is allowable for the husband that he can enter the doorway in privacy which is not allowable for someone else to enter it, not does the son, nor the parent can see it in the day and the night. So it is due to that, his testimony (equates to) four testimonies, when he says, I saw it with my own eyes. And if he says, I did not see it with my own eyes, his slander would be subject to a Limit of someone else, and he would be struck by the Limit unless he establishes the evidence. وإن غير الزوج إذا قذف وادعى أنه رأى ذلك بعينيه قيل له: وأنت كيف رأيت ذلك بعينيك وما أدخلك ذلك المدخل الذى رأيت هذا وحدك أنت متهم في دعواك وان كنت صادقا وأنت في حد التهمة فالبد من أدبك بالحد الذى أوجبه هللا عليك وانما صارت شهادة الزوج أربع شهادات باهلل لمكان االربع الشهداء مكان كل شاهد يمين And if someone other than the husband slanders and claims that he saw it with his own eyes, it is said to him, And you, how did you see that with your own eyes? And what made you enter the doorway alone where you saw this? You are guilty in your claim, even if you are truthful, and you are within a Limit of the accusation, therefore it is inevitable that you be educated (taught a lesson) with the Limit which Allah azwj has Obligated upon you. But rather, the testimony of the husband (equates to) four testimonies with Allah azwj in place of the four testimonies, (one) in place of each sworn testimony. قال: وسألته كيف صارت عدة المطلقة ثالث حيض أو ثالثة أشهر وصار في المتوفى عنها زوجها أربعة أشهر وعشرا - قال: أما عدة المطلقة ثالث حيضات أو ثالثة أشهر الستبراء الرحم من الولد وأما المتوفى عنها زوجها فان هللا شرط للنساء شرطا فلم يحابهن فيه وشرط عليهن شرطا فلم يحمل عليهن فيما شرط لهن بل شرط عليهن مثل ما شرط لهن 10 V 2 Bk 1 H 10 7 out of 60

8 He (the narrator) said, And I asked him asws, How did the waiting period of the divorced woman came to be three menstruation or three months, and came to be for the one whose husband had died (widow), four months and ten (days)? The Imam asws said: As for the waiting period of the divorced being three menstruation, or three months, is for the purgation of the womb from the birth. And as for the one whose husband has died (widow), so Allah azwj Placed a condition to the women, that they would not get married during it, and did not Burden them with the condition that Allah azwj Placed upon them, but Allah azwj Imposed a condition against them what Allah azwj Stipulated for them. فاما ما شرط عليهن فانه جعل لهن في االيالء أربعة أشهر النه علم أن ذلك غاية صبر النساء فقال في كتابه: " للذين يؤلون من نسائهم تربص أربعة أشهر " فلم يجز للرجال أكثر من أربعة أشهر في االيالء النه علم أن ذلك غاية صبر النساء عن الرجال So as for the condition that Allah azwj Placed upon them with regards to the swearing, it is four months. Allah azwj Mighty and Majestic is saying [2:226] Those who swear that they will not go in to their wives should wait four months. Thus, it is not Permissible for anyone to wait for more than four months with regards to the swear, for the Blessed and High Knows that it is the limit of the patience of the woman from the man. وأما ما شرط عليهن فقال: " عدتهن أربعة أشهر وعشرا " يعنى إذا توفى عنها زوجها فأوجب عليها إذا أصيبت بزوجها وتوفى عنها مثل ما أوجب لها في حياته إذا آلى منها وعلم أن غاية صبر المرأة أربعة أشهر في ترك الجماع فمن ثم أوجبه عليها ولها. And as for what condition is upon them, so Allah azwj Said [2:234] they should keep themselves in waiting for four months and ten days, meaning if her husband were to die on her. So He azwj Obligated upon her, similarly, that if she has been hit by the death of her husband what Allah azwj Obligated upon her during his lifetime, if he were to swear from her, and Allah azwj Knows that the limit of the patience of the woman is four months, with regards to the neglecting of the copulation. So from then He azwj Enjoined it to her and upon her. 11 عنه عن أبيه ومحمد بن على عن محمد بن أسلم عن رجل من أهل الجزيزه قال: سألت أبا الحسن الرضا )ع( عن قوم كسرت بهم سفينتهم في البحر فخرجوا عراة ليس عليهم إال مناديل متزرين بها فإذا هم برجل ميت عريان وليس على القوم فضل ثوب يوارون به الرجل وكيف يصلون عليه وهو عريان - فقال: إذا كانوا كذلك فليحفروا قبره وليضعوه في لحده ويواروا عورته بلبن أو حجارة أو تراب ويصلون عليه ويوارونه في قبره قلت: وال يصلى عليه وهو مدفون - قال: ال لو جاز ذلك الحد لجاز لرسول هللا صلى هللا عليه وآله بل ال يصلى على المدفون وال على العريان. From him, from his father and Muhammad Bin Ali, from Muhammad Bin Aslam, from a man from the people of Algiers who said, said, I asked Abu Al-Hassan Al Reza asws about a people whose ship broke up in the sea. So they came out naked, and they had nothing upon them except for scanty coverings. So there was a man who had died naked and there was nothing with the people to clothe the nakedness of the man with. And how should they have Prayed (Salaat) over him and he was naked? So the Imam asws said: If it was like that, they should dig out his grave, and place him on the brink of it, cover him up with milk, or stones, or dust, and Pray over him, and bury him in his grave. I said, And not Pray 11 V 2 Bk 1 H 11 8 out of 60

9 over him when he is buried? He asws said: No. If that was allowed for anyone, if would have been allowed for Rasool-Allah saww. But, neither Pray over the buried one, nor the naked. 12 عنه عن أبيه عن ابن الديلمى عن عبد هللا بن سنان قال: قال أبو عبد هللا )ع(: من الخف والظلف يدفع إلى المتجملين وأما الصدقة من الذهب والفضة وما أخرجت االرض فللفقراء فقلت: ولم صار هذا هكذا - قال: الن هؤالء يتجملون يستحيون من الناس فيدفع أجمل االمرين عند الصدقة وكل صدقة. From him, from his father, from Ibn Al Dulaymi, from Abdullah Bin Sinan who said, Abu Abdullah asws said: From the shoes and the outfits, hand these over to the elegant ones (among the needy), but as for the charity from the gold and the silver and whatever comes from the earth, so it is for the poor (folks). So I said, And why did this become like this? The Imam asws said: Those ones are dressing up elegantly being embarrassed from the people (without good clothing), so hand over the elegant from the two matters with the charity, and all of it is charity. 13 عنه عن أبيه عن هارون بن الجهم عن محمد بن مسلم قال: كنت عند أبى عبد هللا بمنى إذا أقبل أبو حنيفة على حمار له فاستأذن على أبى عبد هللا )ع( فأذن له فلما جلس قال البي عبد هللا )ع(: إنى أريد أن أقايسك فقال أبو عبد هللا )ع(: ليس في دين هللا قياس ولكن أسألك عن حمارك هذا فيم أمره - قال: عن أي أمره تسأل From him, from his father, from Haroun Bin Al Jaham, from Muhammad Bin Muslim who said, I was in the presence of Abu Abdullah asws at Mina, when Abu Hanifa came over upon a donkey of his. So he sought permission to (see) Abu Abdullah asws. He asws gave him permission. So when he was seated, he said to Abu Abdullah asws, I intend to analogise. So Abu Adullah asws said: Analogy is not in the Religion of Allah azwj, but I asws ask you about your donkey. Is this without its matter? He said, And which matter of it are you asws asking about? - قال: أخبرني عن هاتين النكتتين اللتين بين يديه ما هما - فقال أبو حنيفة: خلق في الدواب كخلق أذنيك وأنفك في رأسك فقال له أبو عبد هللا )ع(: خلق هللا أذنى السمع بهما وخلق عينى البصر بهما وخلق أنفى الجد به الرائحة الطيبة والمنتنة ففيما خلق هذان - وكيف نبت الشعر على جميع جسده ما خال هذا الموضع - فقال أبو حنيفة: سبحان هللا أتيتك أسألك عن دين هللا وتسألني عن مسائل الصبيان! فقام وخرج The Imam asws said: Inform me asws about these two points (palms) which are in your hands, what are these two? So Abu Haneefa said: There has been Created for the animal the like of the creation of your asws ears, and your asws neck in your asws head. So Abu Abdullah asws said to him: And how come the hair grows upon the whole of the body except for this place? So Abu Haneefa said: Glory be to Allah azwj! I came to you asws to ask you asws about the Religion of Allah azwj, and you asws are asking me a question about the young ones (small things)? So he stood up and left. قال محمد بن مسلم: فقلت له: جعلت فداك سألته عن أمر أحب أن أعلمه فقال: يا محمد إن هللا تبارك وتعالى يقول في كتابه: " لقد خلقنا االنسان في كبد " يعنى منتصبا في بطن أمه مقاديمه ألى مقاديم أمه ومواخيره إلى مواخير أمه غذاؤه مما تأكل أمه ويشرب مما تشرب أمه تنسمه تنسيما وميثاقه الذى أخذه هللا عليه بين عينيه فإذا دنا والدته أتاه ملك يسمى الزاجر فيزجره فينقلب فيصير مقاديمه إلى مواخير أمه ومواخيره ألى مقاديم أمه ليسهل هللا على المرأة والولد 12 V 2 Bk 1 H V 2 Bk 1 H 13 9 out of 60

10 أمره ويصيب ذلك جميع الناس إال إذا كان عاتيا فإذا زجره فزع وانقلب ووقع إلى االرض باكيا من زجرة الزاجر ونسى الميثاق Muhammad Bin Muslim said, So I said to him asws, May I be sacrificed for you asws! You asws asked about a matter, I would love to know it. So the Imam asws said: O Muhammad! Allah azwj Blessed and High is Saying in His azwj Book [90:4] Certainly We have created man to be in distress Meaning standing upright in the belly of his mother. His feet being towards the feet of his mother and his head being towards the head of his mother. His food is from what his mother eats, and drinks from what his mother drinks, and smells it by her smelling, and his Covenant which Allah azwj Took from him is in front of his eyes. So when his birth approaches, an Angel called Zaajar comes to him, to rebuke, so he turns him his feet towards the head of his mother, and his head towards the feet of his mother. Allah azwj Makes the birth easier for his mother, and that affects all the people except when he was fierce. So when he is expelled, he panics and turn and falls upon the earth crying from the rebuke of Al-Zaajar, and forgets the Covenant. وإن هللا خلق جميع البهائم في بطون أمهاتها منكوسين مقدمها إلى مواخر أمهاتها ومؤخرها إلى مقدم أمهاتها وهى تربض في االرحام منكوسة قد أدخل رأسه بين يديه ورجليه يأخذ الغذاء من أمه فإذا دنا والدتها انسلت إنسالال وموضع أعينها في بطون أمهاتها وهاتان النكتتان اللتان بين أيديها كلها موضع أعينها في بطون أمهاتها وما في عراقيبها موضع مناخيرها ال ينبت عليه الشعر And Allah azwj Created all the animals in the bellies of its mothers as inverted. Its feet being towards the head of its mother, and its head being towards the feet of its mother, and it lies down inverted in the womb of its mother, with its head being entered in between its hands and its feet. It takes its food from its mother. So these two are the two points which are in its hands (palms), all of these are placed upon the eyes in the womb of its mother, and what was in its front it in its end, the hair does not grow upon it. وهو للدواب كلها ما خال البعير فان عنقه طال فنفذ رأسه بين قوائمه في بطن أمه. And it is for all of the animals except for the camels, for its neck it long, so its head is in between its limbs in the belly of its mother. قال: وقال أبو جعفر )ع(: أيما ظئر قوم قتلت صبيا لهم وهى نائم انقلبت عليه فقتلته فان عليها الدية من مالها خاصة إن كانت انما ظأرت طلب العز والفخر وإن كانت أنما ظأرت من الفقر فان الدية على عاقلتها. He said: And Abu Ja far asws said: Wherever there is a people which killed its young one whilst it is asleep, turning it, so they killed it. Therefore, upon it is the bloodmoney compensation from its wealth especially if it was for the seeking of the honour and the pride, but if it was out of poverty, so the blood-money is on rationale. 14 عنه عن ابن فضال عن هارون بن مسلم عن ابن بكير عن عبيد بن زرارة قال: سألت أبا عبد هللا )ع( عن رجل أخرج زكوة ماله ألف درهم فلم يجد مؤمنا يدفع ذلك إليه فنظر إلى مملوك يباع فاشتراه بتلك االلف درهم التى أخرجها من زكوته فأعتقه هل يجوز ذلك - قال: نعم ال بأس بذلك قلت: فانه لما أعتق وصار حرا اتجر واحترف فأصاب ماال كثيرا ثم مات وليس له وارث فمن يرثه إذا لم يكن له وارث - قال: يرثه الفقراء من المؤمنين الذين يستحقون الزكوة النه إنما اشترى بمالهم 14 V 2 Bk 1 H out of 60

11 From him, from Ibn Fazaal, from Haroun Bin Muslim, from Ibn Bakeyr, from Ubeyd Bin Zarara who said, I asked Abu Abdullah asws about a man who took out Zakaat of his wealth, one thousand Dirhams. So he could not find a Believer to hand that over to him. So he looked at the slaves being sold. So he bought him with those one thousand Dirham which he had taken it out from his Zakaat, and freed him. Is that allowed? He asws said: Yes. There is no problem with that. I said, So when he emancipated him, and he became free, he (the freed slave) took up trading as his profession and collected a lot of wealth, then died, and there was no heir for him to inherit. So who would inherit when there is no heir for him? The Imam asws said: The poor from the Believers would inherit from him, those who were deserving of the Zakaat, because he had been bought from their wealth. 15 عنه عن أبيه عن إسماعيل بن مهران عن حسين بن خالد قال: سئل أبو عبد هللا )ع( عن رجل قطع رأس ميت - فقال: إن هللا حرم منه ميتا كلما حرم منه حيا فمن فعل بميت فعال يكون في مثله اجتياح نفس الحى فعليه الدية كاملة From him, from his father, from Ismail Bin Mahran, from Husayn Bin Khalid who said, Abu Ja far was asked about a man who cut the head of a dead person? So he asws said: Allah azwj has Forbidden from it to do with a dead person all that has been Forbidden for a live person. So, the one who does this with a dead person, there would become in it an annihilation of a soul of the live person. Therefore, upon him would be the complete blood-money compensation. فسألت عن ذلك أبا الحسن )ع( فقال: صدق أبو عبد هللا )ع( هكذا قال رسول هللا صلى هللا عليه وآله قلت: فمن قطع رأس ميت أو شق بطنه أو فعل به ما يكون اجتياح نفس الحى فعليه دية النفس كاملة! - قال: ال ولكن ديته دية الجنين في بطن أمه أن ينشأ فيه الروح وذلك مائة دينار وهى لورثته ودية هذا هي له ال للورثة So I asked Abu Al-Hassan asws about that, so he asws said: Abu Abdullah asws spoke the truth, this is what Rasool-Allah azwj said. I said, So the one who cuts off the head of a dead person, or slits open his body, or does with it what would become an annihilation of the live soul, so upon him would be the complete blood-money compensation? He asws said: No, but his blood-money would be the blood-money of the foetus in the belly of its mother in which the soul has arisen, and that is one hundred Dinars, and it would be for his heirs, whilst this blood-money, it is for him, not for his heirs. قلت: فما الفرق بينهما - قال إن الجنين أمر مستقبل مرجو نفعه وهذا أمر قد مضى وذهبت منفعته فلما مثل به بعد موته صارت دية تلك له ال لغيره يحج بها عنه ويفعل بها أبواب البر من صدقة أو غيره قلت: فان أراد الرجل أن يحفر له بئرا ليغسله في الحفرة فيدير به فمالت مسحاته في يده فأصابت بطنه فشقه فما عليه - قال: إذا كان هكذا فهو خطاء وكفارته عتق رقبة أو صيام شهرين متتابعين أو صدقة على ستين مسكينا مد لكل مسكين بمد النبي صلى هللا عليه وآله. I said, So what is the different between these two? He asws said: The foetus is a matter of the future, hopeful of its benefits, and this matter has expired and its benefits have gone. So when it is compared by it after its death, its blood-money would come to be for it not for someone else. (For example) Going to Hajj by it for his behalf, or to do with it the doors of righteousness from charities, or something 15 V 2 Bk 1 H out of 60

12 similar. I said, So if the man intends that he should dig a well for him, to wash him in the pit, so he turns him, so the spade in his hand strikes him and his belly gets split, so what is upon him? He asws said: So if it was like that, so he has erred and his expiation would be to emancipate a neck, or Fasting for two months consecutively, or charity to sixty poor persons, a Mudd (handful) for every poor with a Mudd of the Prophet saww. 16 عنه عن محمد بن على عن محمد بن أسلم عن الفضل بن إسماعيل الهاشمي عن أبيه قال: سألت أبا عبد هللا )ع( أو أبا الحسن )ع( عن امرأة زنت فأتت بولد وأقرت عند إمام المسلمين بأنها زانية وأن ولدها ذلك من الزنا وأن ذلك الولد نشأ حتى صار رجال فافترى عليه رجل فكم يجلد من افترى عليه - قال: يجلد وال يجلد! قلت: كيف يجلد وال يجلد - قال: من قال: " يا ولد الزنا " ال يجلد إنما يعزر وهو دون الحد ومن قال: " يا بن الزانية " جلد الحد تاما قلت: وكيف صار هكذا - قال: النه إذا قال: " يا ولد الزنا " فقد صدق فيه وإذا قال: " يا بن الزانية " جلد الحد تاما لفريته عليها بعد اظهارها التوبة وإقامة االمام عليها الحد. From him, from Muhammad Bin Ali, from Muhammad Bin Aslam, from Al fazal Bin Ismail Al Hashimi, from his father who said, I asked Abu Abdullah asws, or Abu Al-Hassan asws, about a woman adulteress, so she came with a child, and accepted in the presence of an Imam of the Muslim that she is an adulteress, and that child of hers is from the adultery. And that child grows until he becomes a man. So a man slanders him, so how many lashes should there be for the one who slanders against him? The Imam asws said: He should be lashed and not lashed. I said, How can he be lashed and not lashed? He asws said: The one who said, O son of adultery, would not be lashed, but would be punished (instead with another punishment) and it would be besides the lashing. And the one who says, O son of adulteress, would be lashed fully, for it would be a slander against her after she had manifested the repentance and the Imam had (already) established the Limit against her. 17 عنه عن يعقوب بن يزيد عن يحيى بن الحر الخراساني قال: سأل رجل أبا عبد هللا )ع( وأنا حاضر ما حال سبة الرجال يثبت وسبة المرأة ال يثبت - فقال: إن هللا حمى ذلك من الرجال وجعله مرعى في النساء From him, from Yaqoub Bin Yazeed, from Yahya Bin Al Hurr Al Khurasany who said, A man asked Abu Abdullah asws and I was present, What is the state of the men to that of the women? So he asws said: Allah azwj Guarded that from the men, and Made it as a meadow for the women. 18 عنه عن أبيه عن عمرو بن عثمان عن الحسن بن خالد قال: قلت البي - الحسن موسى )ع(: أخبرني عن المحصن إذا هرب من الحفرة هل يرد حتى يقام عليه الحد - فقال: يرد وال يرد قلت: فكيف ذلك - قال: إن كان هو أقر على نفسه ثم هرب من الحفرة بعدما يصيبه شئ من الحجارة يرد وإن كان إنما قامت عليه البينة وهو يجحد ثم هرب رد وهو صاغر حتى يقام عليه الحد From him, from his father, from Amro Bin Usman, from Al Hassan Bin Khalid who said, 16 V 2 Bk 1 H V 2 Bk 1 H V 2 Bk 1 H out of 60

13 I said to Abu Abdullah Al-Hassan Musa asws, Inform me about the married man if he were to flee from the pit (being stoned due to adultery), should he be returned until the Limit is established upon him? So he asws said: Returned and not returned. I said, And how can that be? The Imam asws said: If he was one who had accepted upon himself, then flees from the pit after having been wounded by something from the stones, so he should be returned. And if the evidence had been established against him, and he was fighting against it, then flees, so he should be returned having been belittled, until the Limit is established upon him. وذلك أن مالك بن ماغر بن مالك أقر عند رسول هللا صلى هللا عليه وآله فأمر به أن يرجم فهرب من الحفرة فرماه الزبير بن - العوام بساق بعير فعقله به فسقط فلحقه الناس فقتلوه فأخبر النبي صلى هللا عليه وآله بذلك فقال: هال تركتموه يذهب إذا هرب فانما هو الذى أقر على نفسه وقال أما لو أنى حاضركم لما طلبتم قال: ووداه رسول هللا صلى هللا عليه وآله من مال المسلمين And that is that Malik Bin Magar Bin Malik accepted in the presence of Rasool- Allah saww, so Rasool-Allah saww ordered for him to be stoned, but, he escaped from the pit. Al-Zubeyr Bin Al-Awaan stoned him at the base of the well. He met him and felled him, so the people came over and killed him. So the Prophet saww was informed about that, so he saww said: If only you had not left him and gone, when he fled. But rather, he is the one who accepted upon himself. And he saww said: If I saww was present I saww would not have sought him. He asws said: And Rasool-Allah saww bid him farewell from the wealth of the Muslims. 19 عنه عن أبيه عن عبد الرحمن بن حماد عمن حدثه عن عمر بن يزيد قال: قلت البي عبد هللا )ع(: أخبرني عن الغائب عن أهله يزنى هل يرجم أذا كانت له زوجة وهو غائب عنها - قال: ال يرجم الغائب عن أهله وال المملك الذى لم يبن بأهله وال صاحب المتعة قلت: ففى أي حد سفره وال يكون - قال: إذا قصر وأفطر فليس بمحصن. From him, from his father, from Abdul Rahman Bin Hamaad, from the one who narrated it, from Umar Bin Yazeed who said, I said to Abu Abdullah asws, Inform me about the absentee from his wife, he commits adultery. Should he be stoned when he had a wife and he was absent from her? He asws said: The one absent from his wife is not to be stoned, nor the slave who had not built his family, nor the one who had done Mut ah. I said, So what Limit should there be, if any? He asws said: If he is restricted, and not Fasting (أفطر) so he is not with marriage. 20 عنه عن أبيه عن ابن محبوب عن ابن رئاب عن ابن سوقة عن أبى جعفر )ع( في رجل افتض امرأته أو أمته فرأت دما كثيرا ال ينقطع عنها يومها قال: تمسك الكرسف معها فان خرجت القطنة مطوقة بالدم فانه من العذرة فتغتسل وتمسك معها قطنة وتصلى وان خرجت القطنة منغمسة في الدم فهو من الطمث فتقعد عن الصلوة أيام الحيض. From him, from his father, from Ibn Mahboub, from Ibn Ra aib, from Ibn Sowqat, (It has been narrated) from Abu Ja far asws regarding a man who deflowered his wife or his slave girl, so he saw a lot of blood which did not stop from her that day. The Imam asws said: Hold it with cotton, so if the cotton comes out enclosed in blood, so it is from her virginity. So she should wash, and hold it with cotton, and Pray, And if the 19 V 2 Bk 1 H V 2 Bk 1 H out of 60

14 cotton comes out bogged down in blood, so it is from the menstruation. So she should sit back from the Prayer for the days of the menstruation. 21 عنه عن أبيه عن خلف بن حماد الكوفى قال: تزوج بعض أصحابنا جارية معصرا لم تطمث فلما افتضها سال الدم فمكث سائال ال ينقطع نحوا من عشرة أيام قال: فأروها القوابل ومن ظنوا أنه يبصر ذلك من النساء فاختلفن فقال بعضهن: هذا دم الحيض وقال بعضهن: هو دم العذرة فسألوا عن ذلك فقهائهم فقالوا: هذا شئ قد أشكل علينا والصلوة فريضة واجبة فلتتوضأ ولتصل وليمسك عنها زوجها حتى ترى لبياض فان كان دم الحيض لم تضرها الصلوة وإن كان دم العذرة كانت قد أدت الفريضة ففعلت الجارية ذلك وحججت في تلك السنة From him, from his father, from Khalaf Bin Hamaad Al Kufy who said, One of our companions married a young girl who had yet to menstruate. When blood was shed, it kept on flowing and was not cut-off for approximately ten days. So the midwives looked at it and guessed that such was seen from the women. So they differed over it. Some of them said, This is the blood of menstruation ; and some of them said, It is the blood of virginity. So I asked some of their jurists who said, This is something which has created problems to us, and the Prayer is a necessary Obligation. Therefore, she should perform ablution and Pray, and her husband should keep away from her until he sees whiteness. So if it was the blood of menstruation, the Prayer would not harm her, and if it was the blood of virginity, she would have fulfilled the Prayer. So the maid did that, and went on Pilgrimage during that year. فلما صرنا بمنى بعثت إلى أبى الحسن موسى )ع( فقلت: جعلت فداك إن لنا مسألة قد ضقنا بها ذرعا فان رأيت أن تأذن لى فأتيك فأسألك عنها - فبعث إلى: إذا هدأت الرجل وانقطع الطريق فأقبل إن شآء هللا So when we were at Mina, I sent a message to Abu Al-Hassan Musa asws, May I be sacrificed for you! We have a question which has been troubling us, so I think that if you asws could give permission, I can come to you asws and ask you asws about it? So he asws sent a message to me: When the man cuts off your way, so come, if Allah azwj so Desires. قال خلف: فرعيت الليل حتى إزا رأيت الناس قد قل اختالفهم بمنى توجهت إلى مضربه فلما كنت قريبا إذا أنا بأسود قاعد على الطريق فقال: من الرجل - فقلت: رجل من الحاج قال: ما اسمك - قلت: خلف بن حماد قال: ادخل بغير أذن فقد أمرنى أن أقعد ههنا فإذا أتيت أذنت لك فدخلت فسلمت فرد على السالم وهو جالس على فراشه وحده ما في الفسطاط غيره Khalaf said, So I was in a gathering during the night until I saw the people had reduced their differing at Mina, and directed themselves to the marquee. Soon I was by a black man sitting upon the road. So he said, Who is the man? So I said, A man from the Pilgrims. He said, What is your name? I said, Khalaf Bin Hamaad. He said, Enter, without permission (knocking), for he asws has ordered me that I should sit over here. So when you come over, I should allow you. So I entered (the tent) and greeted. So the Imam asws returned the greeting and he asws was seated upon his asws bed, alone. There was no one in the tent apart from him asws. فلما صرت بين يديه سألني عن حالى فقلت له: إن رجال من مواليك تزوج جارية معصرا لم تطمث فافترعها زوجها فغلب الدم سائال نحوا من عشرة أيام لم ينقطع وإن القوابل اختلفن في ذلك فقال بعضهن: دم - الحيض وقال بعضهن: 21 V 2 Bk 1 H out of 60

15 دم العذرة فما ينبغى لها أن تصنع - قال فلتتق هللا فان كان من الحيض فلتمسك عن الصلوة حتى ترى الطهر وليمسك عنها بعلها وان كان من العذرة فلتتق هللا ولتتوضأ ولتصل وليأتها بعلها إن أحب ذلك So when I came in front of him asws, he asws asked me about my state. So I said to him asws, A man from the ones in your asws Wilayah married a young maid who had yet to menstruate. So her husband deflowered her, and the blood flowed overwhelmingly for approximately ten days, and would not cut off. And the midwives differed with regards to that, so some of them said, Blood of the menstruation, and some of them said, Blood of the virginity. So what is befitting for her to do? The Imam asws said: She should fear Allah azwj, so if it was from the menstruation, she should withhold from the Prayer until she sees the cleanliness, and her husband should withhold from her. And if it was from the virginity, so she should fear Allah azwj and perform ablution, and she should Pray, and her husband can come to her. And I asws would like that. فقلت: وكيف لهم أن يعلموا مما هو حتى يفعلوا ما ينبغى - قال: فالتفت يمينا وشماال في الفسطاط مخافة أن يسمع كالمه أحد قال: ثم نفذ إلى فقال: يا خلف سر هللا سر هللا سر هللا فال تذيعوه و ال تعلموا هذا الخلق أصول دين هللا بل ارضوا لهم بما رضى هللا لهم من ضالل So I said, And how can they know from what it is, so that they can do what is befitting? He asws looked towards the right and left in the tent, fearing that his asws speech would be heard by someone, then reached towards me and said: O Khalaf! Secret of Allah azwj! Secret of Allah azwj! Secret of Allah azwj, therefore, do not broadcast it. And these people do not know the Fundamentals of the Religion (Usool Al-Deen) of Allah azwj. But, be pleased with them with what Allah azwj is Pleased with them, from the straying. )قال( ثم عقد بيده اليسرى تسعين ثم قال: تستدخل قطنة ثم تدعها مليا ثم تخرجها إخراجا رقيقا فان كان الدم مطوقا في القطنة فهو من العذرة وإن كان مستنقعا في القطنة فهو من الحيض Then he asws clasped his left hand, then said: Enter the cotton (into her), then leave it for a while, then take is out slightly. So if the cotton was encircled with the blood, so is from the virginity, and if the blood was swamped in the cotton, so it is from the menstruation. قال خلف: فاستخفني الفرح فبكيت فقال: ما أبكاك - )بعد أن سكن بكائى( فقلت: جعلت فداك من كان يحسن هذا غيرك - قال: فرفع رأسه إلى السماء فقال: إى وهللا ما أخبرك إال عن رسول هللا صلى هللا عليه وآله عن جبرئيل عن هللا عزوجل. Khalaf said, I was overcome with joy, so I cried. He asws said: What makes you cry? (After I calmed down from my crying), I said, Many I be sacrificed for you asws! Who else is good at this apart from you asws? He asws raised his asws head towards the sky and said: By Allah azwj! I asws do not inform you except from Rasool-Allah saww, from Jibraeel as, from Allah azwj Mighty and Majestic. 22 عنه عن أبيه عن على بن حمزة عن أبى بصير عن عمران بن ميثم عن أبيه )أو عن صالح بن ميثم عن أبيه( قال: أتت أمرأة محج أمير المؤمنين )ع( فقالت: يا أمير المؤمنين طهرني إنى زنيت فطهرني طهرك هللا فان عذاب الدنيا أيسر على من عذاب اآلخرة الذى ال ينقطع فقال لها: مما أطهرك - فقالت: إنى زنيت فقال لها: أذات بعل أنت أم غير 22 V 2 Bk 1 H out of 60

16 ذلك - فقالت: ذات بعل قال لها: أفحاضرا كان بعلك إذ فعلت ما فعلت أم غائبا - قالت: بل حاضرا فقال لها: انطلقي فضعى ما في بطنك قال: فلما ولت عنه المرأة فصارت حيث ال تسمع كالمه قال: اللهم إنها شهادة From him, from his father, from Ali Bin Hamza, from Abu Baseer, from Imran Bin Maysam, from his father (or from Salih Bin Maysam, from his father) who said, A woman came pleading to Amir Al-Momineen asws, so she said, O Amir Al- Momineen asws! Purify me from I have committed adultery, therefore purify me, may Allah azwj Purify you asws, for the Punishment of the world is easier to me than the Punishment of the Hereafter which will never be cut off. So Amir Al-Momineen asws said to her: From what shall I asws purify you? So she said, I committed adultery. So he asws said to her: Have you got a husband, or not? So she said, I do have a husband. He asws said to her: Was your husband around, when you did what you did, or absent? She said, But he was present. So he asws said to her: Go, and place what is in your belly (give birth). He (the narrator) said, When the woman was gone from him asws, where she could not hear his asws speech, Amir Al-Momineen asws said: O Allah azwj! It is one testimony. فم يلبث أن عادت إليه المرأة فقال: يا أمير - المؤمنين قد وضعت فطهرني قال فتجاهل عليها وقال: يا أمة هللا أطهرك مماذا - قالت: إنى زنيت فطهرني قال: أو ذات بعل أنت إذ فعلت ما فعلت - قالت: نعم قال: فكان زوجك حاضرا إذ فعلت ما فعلت أو كان غائبا - قالت: بل حاضرا قال: انطلقي حتى ترضعيه حولين كاملين كما أمرك هللا فانصرفت المرأة فلما صارت حيث ال تسمع كالمه قال: اللهم شهادتان It was not long before the woman returned to him asws, so she said, O Amir Al- Momineen asws! I have placed (given birth), therefore, purify me. He asws ignored her and said: O maid of Allah azwj! Purify you from what? She said, I committed adultery, so purify me. Amir Al-Momineen asws said: Did you have a husband when you did what you did? She said, Yes. He asws said: Was your husband around when you did what you did, or was he absent? She said, But, he was present. Amir Al- Momineen asws said: Go until you have weaned (the child) for two complete years just as Allah azwj has Commanded you to do. So the woman left. So when she went to where she could not hear his asws speech, Amir Al-Momineen asws said: O Allah azwj! Two testimonies. قال: فلما مضى حولين أتت المرأة فقالت: قد أرضعته حولين فطهرني قال: فتجاهل عليها فقال أطهرك مماذا - قالت: إنى زنيت فطهرني قال: أو ذات بعل أنت إذ فعلت ما فعلت - قالت: نعم قال: أو كان بعلك غائبا عنك إذ فعلت ما فعلت أم حاضرا - قالت: بل حاضرا قال: انطلقي فاكفليه حتى يعقل أن يأكل و يشرب وال يتردى من السطح وال يتهوى في بئر فانصرفت وهى تبكى فلما ولت وصارت حيث ال تسمع كالمه قال: اللهم ثالث شهادات He (the narrator) said, So when two years had passed, the woman came up and said, I have weaned him for two years, therefore, purify me. Amir Al-Momineen asws ignored her and said: Purify you from what? She said, I committed adultery, so purify me. Amir Al-Momineen asws said: Did you have a husband when you did what you did? She said, Yes. He asws said: Was he absent from you, when you did what you did, or present? She said, But, present. Amir Al-Momineen asws said: Go, and care for him (the child) until he achieves understanding, and eats and drinks (by himself), and does not fall off from the surface, nor into the well. So she left and she 16 out of 60

17 was crying. So when she went where she could not hear his asws speech, he asws said: O Allah azwj! Three testimonies. قال: فاستقبلها عمرو بن حريث المخزومى فقال: ما يبكيك يا أمة هللا فقد رأيتك تخلفين إلى أمير المؤمنين تسألينه أن يطهرك - فقالت: أتيته فقلت له ما قد علمتموه فقال: اكفليه حتى يعقل أن يأكل ويشرب و ال يتردى من سطح وال يتهوى في بئر ولقد خفت أن يأتي على الموت ولم يطهرني فقال لها عمرو: ارجعي فأنا أكفله He (the narrator) said, Amro Bin Hareys Al-Makhzumy met her, so he said, What makes you cry, O maid of Allah azwj, for I saw you going to Amir Al-Momineen asws asking him asws that he asws should purify you? So she said, I came up to him asws for what you know of, so he asws said: Take care of him until he achieves understanding, and eats and drinks (for himself), nor falls off from the surface, nor into the well. And I fear that the death might come upon me, and I have not been purified. So Amro said to her, Return, for I will look after him. فرجعت فأخبرت أمير المؤمنين )ع( بقول عمرو فقال لها أمير المؤمنين )ع( وهو يتجاهل عليها: ولم يكفل عمرو ولدك - قالت: يا أمير المؤمنين إنى زنيت فطهرني فقال: ذات بعل أنت إذ فعلت ما فعلت - قالت: نعم قال: فغائب عنك بعلك إذ فعلت ما فعلت أم حاضر - قالت: بل حاضر قال فرفع رأسه إلى السماء فقال: اللهم إنه قد ثبت لك عليها أربع شهادات فانك قد قلت لنبيك صلى هللا عليه وآله فيما أخبرته به من دينك: يا محمد من عطل حدا من حدودى فقد عاندني وطلب مضادتى اللهم فانى غير معطل حدودك وال طالب مضادتك وال معاندتك وال مضيع الحكامك بل مطيع لك ومتبع سنة نبيك So she returned and informed Amir Al-Momineen asws of the words of Amro. So, Amir Al-Momineen asws said to her, ignoring her, And why did Amro take the responsibility of your son? She said, O Amir Al-Momineen asws! I committed adultery, so purify me. So he asws said: Did you have a husband when you did what you did? She said, Yes. He asws said: So, was he absent from you, when you did what you did, or was he present? She said, But, present. So Amir Al-Momineen asws raised his asws head towards the sky and said: O Allah azwj! Four testimonies have been affirmed against her, for You azwj had Said to Your azwj Prophet saww with regards to what You azwj Informed him saww with from Your azwj Religion: O Muhammad saww! The one who counteracts a Limit from My azwj Limits so he has become obstinate to Me azwj and sought to oppose Me azwj. O Allah azwj! I asws do not want to counter Your azwj Limits, nor do I asws seek to oppose You azwj, nor to be obstinate to You azwj, nor waste Your azwj Regulations, but I asws am obedient to You azwj, and a follower of the Sunnah of Your azwj Prophet saww. قال: فنظر إليه عمرو بن حريث فكأنما تفقأ في وجهه الرمان فلما رأى ذلك عمرو قال يا أمير المؤمنين إنى إنما أردت أن أكفله إذ ظننت أنك تحب ذلك فأما إذ كرهته فانى لست أفعل فقال له أمير المؤمنين )ع(: بعد أربع شهادات! لكتفلنه وأنت صاغر He (the narrator) said, So, Amro Bin Hareys looked at him as if he was glaring like the face of the pomegranate (red faced). So when Amro looked like that, he said, O Amir Al-Momineen asws! But rather, I intended to take responsibility for him thinking that you asws would like that. So, if you dislike it, I shall not do it. Amir Al- Momineen asws said to him: After four testimonies!? You are concealing it, and you have been made submissive. ثم قام أمير المؤمنين )ع( فصعد المنبر فقال: يا قنبر ناد في الناس: " الصلوة جامعة " فنادى قنبر في الناس فاجتمعوا حتى غص المسجد بأهله فقام أمير المؤمنين على بن أبى طالب صلوات هللا عليه خطيبا فحمد هللا وأثنى عليه وقال: يا 17 out of 60


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