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1 PRO VERITATE B. ENGELBRECHT.,...,oIt... MARTIN WEST ~o.....,. CHARlES V. GERKIN P... ROSEMARY HUOTT.. ~. -..._.. _001 ;",_...~~.,... ""' 0_... N.~... Volume VIII ND. 8 I Jaa'flo"", VIII Hr. 8 DEC. 15 DEC. 1969

2 ledai(~te IIWAICT UII brrf_ II DA/(SIO.'1 l. /(QN17EL...,.. If -..n: E<. I. ~ G_",: E..-_, H~_",.r. E E "I..."""'.. M,.,-. I E...,.w " D. C,,...,...N. (1"_"""'",."". I....,... Sd.." ADMINt~nAStEI KORlE~PONDEN~tE _fi. Sill/(lJUSIE. STlJUIIDCII 0.. W ~... AIlo t'", -0: f'~ JlI1J." INTEKfNGUD "'-_. 1..< b "-"',- t-d-,. ",,..,.: lit flo,' Dt $1.fI}I _ AI,Ib: IIIJI) IIJI Dj $.110' _ 0<> ft fa;<i" u.'j"'" - /tim III af $I'M) Afrll", /U.,. 1!I.I1" af $l.llo,.. n - u..- ~t"~~'r..~,= lu-j II,.. -. JIIJ, J' -. LfT WfL Di< n><w.1!... _ V,ri,......,1I_ I." ~1 ><1...,.."",. d.,;, r, vi, _"'.,. '" """I. """"., I"./ti,....".,,1 l,l ,,11, W...,.".1.',... Ik I..J<Ui _ld,,, "Iill I_I "OJ""""",.,/0 "1:111704'1' -,.u.. /jm._ 6t f~,... oalff.._... Hrl...:r-n,_, 'I...._... 1' '" PRO VERnATE CHRISTEUKE MAANDBLAD VIR CHRISTIAN MONTHLY FOR IN HIEIDII U1TGAWI tU ~ D;. _... _.. M ",-W M AICII w...1c _ Of'_... _.;,w.. "'"...t..~...~....,...01.'. I. K... _ ' '" Of' "'" <" < " """..- _ 1".. co.o.-._. 1< ,. SUIDEUKE SOUTHERN IN THIS ISSUI... AFRIKA AFRICA '"., "' I. I, '.dol.,. _. -""W AfCA... W IC... '.' I.I.~...".~ ;",...m... _0'" 01,.. c...,... '0.~ Qo;,o;,.." ,.

3 PRO VERITATE GEBORE OM TE STERWE Nekciiep verswelg in die 1081 SflntimenlOlileil wacuuil OIlS modeme Kerslaes bestoan, is ona ge nelg Om Ie ve"i\eel clat die luigeling Jesus, "lie. ge. boo... ems oenskynhk vier, gebore is om Ie slerwe, Heeh.ma1 mel os:-el gebo:e om Ie lte~; WI was d>e wi! Y<rI die Voder, Hy sell bel dil gew"ee!, en Iy ongelowige dlaipels hel dil geletdelik begin ~f. S~ Judas hel tot op die au.rb=te gewelef Olll dil I. aanyoot, toe dit akeecb Ie bal WCIL Dit ;1 mi.!;kien die werllike bood...ap van K... lees: 001 die g, tow. von ou. ty;t, die I.we van die Seun van die Menl, bellem was vir die dood, ':\ besonder g-tieselige doocl; del die suigeling van Bethlehem \Iebore is onder dte leken van die hull van Golgotha. Wanl daar bee:taan 'n dllidebte en onloenbare verband hurn hlerdie geboo.lo en hlerclle dood. en..lowe onder die kruis"' is geen si:ls slags 'n vromo gemeenplaas in die mend van prewelende pr.lesters en predi.k.cmle nie. In 'n baie wesenhb Bin silllb",ii"er die onderung dire... verbonde geboorte... dood van G:lrisloq ch. gr~nde tragedie van die lllerls. D;e Seun vcm die Mens is Muglik gebo.o slogs om wreed Ie Ilerwe, Ons, die MUns van mense, Neg moor 01) die man al: in hierdte Ke",feesmaand van 1969 sl::>an honderdo hulpejose 8uigeltnge gebore te word b hierdie ryk en voorspoecilgo land van ons "lot lilihs nio eens dio voorreg Om Iyding aan die huia Ie ljiticj!"!k gogun sal word nle, maar "101. binne slog. 'n p::lot 1llaande 01 jare, euendig dog ony'er. mydelik aan o.~oryoeding on hongenmood s::ji be.wy... Uil 'n IOdanige I(l:'dige vermarsmg...:m God gogewo Iewe is cfe traqedio van d/o m"ens soarn glllt.l Oil "Iii ook voor...oil'\ ~ miski.n.w 'n worklik begoafde lilosool e.ndag 'n bee:lias;ende ~Iudie oor die onclerworp no vore bring _ >:Iaof nie ~legs dio li~iese lewe en die dood :lie maa, ook die liordo (~y dll vlhslik of g_lelik) en die doocl (gewoonlik v:m 'n gewelddadigo aarcl) onlo1lm:ja~lik str.ngel is. inellngo [);<;> l:..:>ms van cfe Chrasluskind was per slot van sob, en len diepalo, ':!. d:jm:i YCl:l gocldel:j:e heldit:.,want 10 Iiel hoi God dlo wereld gehocl cb: Hy Sy enigg.bore Seun 909" bel..." En hierdi. Ii.ldo W.:D. skynbaar onyonnydelik. beslom om met d.. dood vergeld Ie word. tuerdie hoogato d:jod va:n meegel'oel mel dio wlersle dand YQn qeweld. lnd...cb:jd..-inc! 0fU; 'n heroobg van hierdie 10m bere tomo in die grootsl. He!desverhale van dlo wereld - 01 die worklik grole:!.indigende in, oen skynli... 'inn'elo~". tragedie en die doocl: Romeo ".1 Juliet. Trilltan en Isolde, Olen" en Desdemon:l. Di" Wote liolde (seu, crl i. dit onllewydl lei. so "Iii dlt voorkom. ona:wendbaar 101 die dood. v= hulle wat daorvoor!iw'9. Op 'n iotwa! YOl$killende vial: is cljl oak wal ~te veel a:ttn,.qlerde "OIgehnqc van Chrlstw reecls 101 hut dloe!heid onlde... hoi. Daa. uyn gee'" a:udse wins in die Chr..srel:... Heide en Ixrnnharnghcid gelei Ie "lees rue. Huller val di! beoefen, word aile dikw.11 milvers\cl:ln, kwolik geneom. I1llJIbruik. ve, vok] en sells doodgemaak. terwyl dfo sel/bev.odl gars Iloreo' en, byno moeileloo!l, wegloop mel die ryksle bolonings ~'an die lew... Die go~kjede::1.l~ ill dlturspek met vo~beeldo van heiligon wie so edel~to sellopoheringe deqa mel gew"ld van die kanl van nul medemense belnon i8. En vat geld...= onkelinr;je. geld kborblyllik o.n. V.:lrl "out. en : JIl-.. Dear die gesk.l'edenis heen :. _n nqiio na die ander gebo....sie<)s om Ie llerwe. Want.torwe, SO wu djl voortom, moet hulle alma! uileindelit _ indien nie In hut prillo jeuq nie, dan C1 hul kmdsheid. En in hieroie verbcmd is dil blole keniavol dol dit OQk W'On nasi"., as m...~ 01 te WOOf bewy~ Is dot.. hy "101 ~y lew" "Iii behou, dit sal verloo.' : hy wot lowe in 'n krulponde vreea vir (iii:! dood. verhaa~ sloga ay kom~ en 1III,we by voorbaat 'n duisel'ld maal, te.wyl die nasie "lot krampagl!(l ff)jreksil'!d" '"!Rda!'",,ian!Pm cu,ri/ate /,;J al an' fle/rolle!pspt$ (lad, r}jhste S~t'n I,. (I()r dill.c}(ersf/d}j /",,J /'ull,, '" U1IS ai/', /""",Je1l8e tjir n IJotmpoerhie (yj,ilje 'Iaar,

4 , PRO VERITATE cbwna streel om sy "'" Nidanhle't'" Ie loaodhooj con bewoar aeker4k besrem is om deur d,.,.loedgely V<r\ d.e geski.derus...""_10; t. wor.l In bierdie 1:9 gesicn hewl Kerslccs dus die moos mcl'!'doenlose boo:lakop vit ani os enkeling& lin vir 0'" hel" volk: 'n boodskap wat nouliks die dolle f&ellelikhcde regverdig dit on. m~kabo[e ""woo"le il om ONI Ie v"rl"stlg, L..'"l log bl.vol d." geboorte Y(1,'l ChristWil ::lol< "n in Hom 910. nie $legs 011 d,,, Seun oron ti" Mens "'e. "..o:u 001'. as die SeW! YO;l God. '" bood grool en ew;,ge Yfeugde. Want by.y geboort<! was cml&-us nie sleos bestem om can tee L.,,:,s Ie llerf ':'\le. maar oak.. jut. In ~ lterw" 'Ill die,ncn;oll9ld. om die d.:ood Ie OOfw,n (;n Do" "will Ie le... guele aan die rvyterhand 'fo:i'l die Voder. 011 LI de grondhlj9c!nde boocbkap yan Kenl_ vir hun.. wol in Hom 010: dol di.. dood beslissend ven.loon is, dol die Iewende ChTlSlUS d:.. Koninkryk von 5y Voder ook op aarde kern ve,lig h"l, t..n spyla van di" naduwee van di.. dood d..ur die IOlld" wal nag daaroor hang, en dal "y volgolinge =oewyii is as Wore erl\tename v<i:1 Koninkryk... van h.ierdl.. ewige lewe Ie midde von die allftdeurpriem'ende dood.. Otl is Wa<I!'OIl1 n klein bende menw Ken!ees nog I!lO'iJ betmg as 'n tyd YOn _:ling en innge Yr'l>UOde. w. B. de V. Edtlorial: BORN TO DIE Wallow<ng up 10 our necb in!he sweet..,nl; mc.'ltol,ly wh.en is our modem Onislma:l, we lend to forget thol tho baby resul. whose birth we ore 0310ns:.bly ro!obrotinq, was born 10 die. Qui:.. dll~. beralgly b,,,n \0 die, lhe fother willed i( H" knew il. and his unbelieving disciples, \00, gr<;klually como to r""liug it. Only ludell felused to oceepl it up to the very end,...hen it...a.i already too Iat.., This is p.eroops the real meaage oj C:'1rUllmaa: \h.:;i1!he greol..1 hr.. o! all tun... the lile o! the Son oil Man. w::1 delig...:l lor docith, a p:j1!.culariy grwl:llome ~th;!hal t.'w Babe ol Bethlahem was bam under the elgn 01 t.'>e C~ 01 CaI\'Clr}'. for tmtre ill a de:::rr and undeniable conne<:ti= between lh;s b.rth and thli death. and "hie under!he c:3'0liii ' is by no means bul <I pious platitude moulhed by prouling prelol". The directly interconnected b!rlh =d death 01 Chrilt do, in <I very l'eal ""ns.., aptly,ymboii7,e the ultimate tr"gedy 01 man. The Son 01 Man is joyluuy born. cruelly to die So are we, \he IIQnI 01 men. To be more specifu;: In this ChrLllmos me:'ltn oj 1969 hu.'1dreds 01 helpless..~anls are due to be born In lh,s wealthy and ajnuem country 01 ours who WIll not aven be granted the privilege 01 savourillo the.ulloring 0:'1 Ihe CTOI'I. but who will. within only ol fow months or years. die miserably but il'ltlvilobly oj mabutrilian and starvation. Of such s'nlul wasle of God-give" lile is the Ira gedy 01 man a>mpounded. Sorr:ehow, perhopo, 0.'16 dar, a truly 9i~ted philoec>phe, will produev a dellnil!... L'udy on,,'ie lubiect - it would _m ell}1 not only physiool lile a:'ld deo'.b. but also (whether <Xm'IOl or spirit u:ll) a."ld deat,'l (usually 01 a "iolent variety) are inellrleably i:1terwoven. The combg 01 Ih.. Chrillt child wall, aller all, and mo.t pro~oundiy. on acl 01 divine love: "For God 10 lovo<:! the world that He gave his only begone" Son.,:' And this lova wa. appar..ntly inevitably, ({5/,(' 1)iffl:tOrs and &li/oria! dto// 0/ gjrll <Vl'ri/at1! prav for r;,j~ riell'st /'/"ssing8 011 fill flur mj(/~r8 at C3lrislmr/s {/fir! o/frr Ihl'lll ollr INry /)<.'81 (I f>ros~f'()i//j {)!J1!/J f!:j'ar.

5 Dtcembe. 15 Desomber 1969 I'RO VERlTATE, to be f<,-quited by deoth. Illis suprem", ad 01 COIn p::lssion by the uwmate oct of violence. As a molter of '!act. we!;:od this same sombr" theme restaled in the greatest fove stories of the world _ all of th.. really greal onos ending in, seemingly senseless. lragedy and dooth: Romeo and Juliel. Trislan and Isolde, Othello and Desdemonc: True fove {even of the profcr"e varietyl it would seem, inevitably leads to the death of those who succumb to it. On a som'ewhat different plane, Ihis is whal all too many disiuusion"d fojlowel"$ of Christ h::ive dis covered to their sorrow. There Seems to be no earth ly profit in Christian love and charity. Those who proctise it are. all too olten, misunder1ltood, resent ed, abused, hou:odod and "ven killed, whereas the sell seekers nourish and. almoot ef~ortl"ssly, wall:: olf with life's richesl prizes. History is riddled with inlances of sointly men whose noblest self sacrifices were reworded only with violence at the hands of their And what holds true of individuals, also holds true of peoples crnd nalio:l&. Throughout history. One notion altet the other has been born onty 10 die. For die. il would seem. Ihey all event u"iiy musl - 11 not in their in:ancy. then h their dotage. And in this regard it is significant thai oj nalions, too, il has!:>'een proven true tool "he who seeks his life sholl lose it": he who lives in abje<:1 feot oj dealh merely hosteou i13 coming and dies a thousand anlicip"'to,y deaths. whilst tho no lion Ihot desperolely strives to maintain and pre serve its own "identity" is surely doshned to be swamped by Ihe lide 01 history Seen in Ihis light. I"en. it is indeed the grimmest of mess:rges that Christmas co:!tain. for us as indio viduals and for our who](l nation: a mesoog" th"t hardly warrants Ih" fronetic festivities in wh:ch il is our maoobre custom to indulge. And yet lire birth 01 Chr;"l 0100 conl"in. for Ihose who befieve in Him, not only (JS th.. Son of Mo;\. bul also a. the Son 0: God. a massage "I grmt and eternal joy. For Chri.!. at his birth. was destined ::1ot only to die on the cross, but also. in hi. very dying lor manki":1.d. to conqu-..r death crnd five eternally, seated at tho right hand 01 tho Father. This is the ultimate message 0] Christmas for tho:;" who believe in Him: that death h"" been decisively vanquished, that Ihe living Chdst has established his Fcrther's Kingdom even u!x>n earth. d"spit" the shadow 01 death through sin thai looms Ovor it, and tbat his followers have boon appointed the true inheritors of Ihis Kj":1.gdom. of this 'elernaf life amidst all pervading death. That is why a tiny bond 01 men may slill regard Christmas as a time 01 blessing and heartfeft joy. los~ph ~'a, w, 001 "loll. all olrl ""'" ",,.. he. Irhen h~ w~rlr/er/ Mary. in Ihe lond "f Colilt. Jmqh and M"ry uvj1ked Ik'O/'l':k on "'ek"rd ~ood, Wk,.,~ "'0.' ek,.,rir,,,,,d """ie".'" "'d ",' ""y /,Ioor/. Jo,el,h n",1 M",y wall,ed /h",u,," "" "",I,afd f,feen. Wh.,e,,," &>"ie. o"d eh"fie., "., lhi,k a" mithl be,ern. n Ike" b. 'llok" Mary..'" 1II«k "",I '0 ",il<i: '/'I"ok me Olle cherry. Jo.",I'/'. for / "m I<'ilk child.' o /h"" hr'l",k, /0,,"1'''. ",il/' ""mi., m".'1 ""kind: 'f."1 I,i", 1,1",k Ihe, " c/,erry "",1 '''o''/thl Ih,,,,,ill,.'hiM.' n Ihell "". ""k" lhe b.,'... "'ilhi,, ";'.' ""'l"e" wi",i,: <lin",,h"m Ihr" Ihe 1011",;) I,, e. /or "'y /II<>Iher 10 I"",c,<ome.' Th,'" I,.,,,'ed dou'n II." highe,'/ Irer,,"/9 hi., "W/ker. k,,"d: The",he cried. &e. JO"'[lh. I h,,<'e chc"ie' "I eommo",l: n then ""'I",k" /o.."h:./ h",'" do,,~ Mory w,on(..' /l"1 ehrer "I'. my rlmt.". ""d he nol co,l dow".' The",11",y I'!uded " cherry. OJ,cd OJ rhe 6100</. TlwII Mary "",nl home II ilh hor heavy load. Theil Mury look hor M~ ""d,at him On her k""". S"yinf{. ',\/y <lraf Mn. 10'// m' ",1'''1 I/'i" "V>'1</ ",ill I,e.' '0 f,1",1/1".,,., deml. mol/'e,. "., 11,,' "'II/w, ill II,e,.-all; () Ihe.;lon«in Ihe,;lcrrr.'. molh"c, "1,,,11 mn",n to, me,,1/: '/-'1"''' fu:hn.d"y. mall,,,. my "I>ri,iu/f. JI",III",; n Ih~."'" "",I II", ",oon. ",nl/'cr,.,1",111",11, fi,,,',";iit me.' Mm/'\',, W, B. de V.

6 PRO VERI TATE Desombtr 15 Dceembtt UU THEOLOCY OF REVOLUTION _ B. ENGELBRECHT Wilh regard to 0Qt $libjcct thlft \mil: poinu seem to be most rtl.vanl in o:d",' ro gel an impression 01 wbat.. at /$$ue. I waol to discu.. Ihem in lb. lollo,",ing ord.., I. The qneol: f... tlleology of rn'olulioll. z. What Ie mtatll by revolution? 3. Is it OOrrecl to spell< of Ihcology of revolori<m? 1. n.e qoesl for Ibcology 01 revoil1'ion. Since lhe July 1966 World Conferena: on Church and Society a theology of revolution stood on the agenda of the Christian Om,chcl.. One of the resolutions of tile section which dealt with the nature an<.! funcl;on of the atate in a revolulionary age, ex,...i. verbis asked 1M Churc~ to seek for a theological understanding of revolution and C'lIpc.ially the ethics of violent revolution, and of non-violence and the new cxptrk:nccs of non-violent action. The Churches rc'spooded to thi' call ;n a surpri,ing way. Since!hrn (II< theological world i, boiog flooded by an eyer grollling stream of literalure 011 thi, topic, so lbundantly Ihlt 0'"' cannol but romplre it wilh lhe so-called explo,ion which manifests itself It III levels of th. world in the second half of lhe 20th """tury. What lito behind Ihis "rge and lhe radineu of the C!mrclIn 10 mpond 10 it? S!lIIIC' observus are 'apparendy eonvincal. tui ir reprcsml. I oerio... devialion fnnn lhe- line of bibllc:al Ihbdtinll and III10IIg tlttm are.vm lhose w... decry j( IS a danj<:n:".. OO-'on to ltie dana... "I socwisl and communis! poiirieal ideal.. As far IS Ihe firsl "bjection is conceroed, namely thlt a lheoiogy of revolution IS wch woold be a deviltion from the line of bib~cll thinking, this i. precisely the i,sue Which ha' 10 1x fought out. The second, namely Ihe linking of I theology of re""lution with politicll ideologies, i. too superficill and rc:ctilinear 10 1x taken seriously and very nften it is no more than irrc'i>onsible and male""lem,l",sip. This d"", not meln, however, that Ire no "worldlym motives of a ",dll and political nature behind thc quesl for a lheology of revolution. It would be fatuous and Olive to deny thai the revolutionary chan,l" which took pllce and are: takin~ place in our 20th o:ntury world are 'ndc<:d bringing pre$sllre. of an unprc<:cdemed nlture to bear upon the Church and theology, Thi. is quilt nonnal. The "'ltollnding 'WOrld simply does not allow the Church 10 renuin within Ihe scu-conl"ntedne>s of its pure d",, lrine amidst the turbulent event< of hi,tory. Tht:re is In essentill rc:dprocity between the Church Ind Ihe W{lrld. Theology wijj therefore: alwly' "The wiiole ideo of a tkeology of revolulion is not purely a result of abstrod theologi(ol reflection." hive as an...mia! part of its tlsk Ihe understlnding of the problcnu which Ire sct by the contemporary world. In this it his to,tand tlte \Cst and remain theology by nol allowing ilself 10 become an.dvo<;lte of con remporary current< but by interpreling.nd judging tocrn, and Ilso by responding to them.ccording to lhe mndards of lhe truth enttusted to it. A. far.. I can -. th...lore, it """"lit be frankly admitted. thai the whole idea of I theologr of """,l"tioa ia not pardy.. res,,11 of Ibstraet 1... IoJieal rtfleetion...1 lhat ii ia also prastd lor by the rcvolulionary situ_ ation of OUr COf\I...""rary world. And I want to maire lhe obscrvllion lbar we should _ adj~ thit.. I do"btill1 ~ 10 ideological prssdt'cf, bat appl"ccia1. it as _ "",Millie ruction oa Ihe!lilt of Ih. Chrislials Chord! and theology to the dmiu1d, of OIU lilne. By responsible reaction I ~rtainly d" not mean th.t.lltlt<:ological reflect;on' on lhe theme of revolution are of such I kind that they can uncollditionilly be approved, 11Ie Geneva Conferc:n~ of 1966 itself displayed n:martlble divergence of view, wilh regard to revolution, and it would be altogelher impos.ible to red"ce Ihem to one common denominator acceptable 10 all. 11Ie German theologian and former rector of the University of Mun.ter, Pmfe"",r Heinz DiC1rkh Wendland, for instance, represented Ihe historical-cschalolngical viewpoint of the Kingdom of God and its dynam;c.ignif;cance in world history. Prof. Wendland tried to point out th.t there i, no essemial contrast betw«n the rc:volutionary world situat;on at pre..nt and the message of Ihe Bihle. 'I1Ic Churc:hes seem \0 have forgouen the revolutionary clement in the gospel inelf which, although it is.mbedded in an eschatologic.1 ethos which d"", nol view the struggle again" s:n and inju,tice as completed in history, still produo:, a spirit of struggle and liberale' lhe forces of change. The dynlmies of Ihe message of tbe Kingdom of God constantly puts Christi... under the rule "societ.. semper Their negative IniNde lowards revolution, especi.lly since the French Revolu tion, ;s erroneous, They need not, and c"'liinly should not be guided by the ideology of th. absolute revolution, nor by th. ulopil of the perfect s0 ciety. not carrying OUl a Chri,tian revolution, but they are worting wilh secullr, human melhod. of and polities to reform society for the $Ike of min. Prof. Wendland dearly observe! the eschatological reservc in his lheologicll thinking but neverthdess, in the COllteXI of his histotical-cschalological approach, """s it OJ the ine",pable tllk of the Church 10 work for...cial rdorm. Another viewpoint WaS expre...d by th. Princeton Professor, Richard ShIUIl, who r.prescmed a theology of radical,"culansatjon.nd humanization. Speaking from I f;,,1 hand experience of the problems of Ihe Church in Latin America in a revolurionary situalion, Prof Sh."l1 Ilunched a paosionate plel for a revolutionary theology. TII.cological reflection

7 Dcaa_ 15 n-mwt~.,...,,--_.,'~r,-,o,--v,-"e"r,,,,,t~a~t~.:... _, had 10 bee tel witllin the: OXltef\l.ponry ~ry loilllilu... I:ld re ~ud 10!be quesliofts uisin& tllcfe. ModmI ItdlnoIosY aeemed 10 RIp POl'!, 1001 SJRCIll of lucial donliluo,ion.nd inac,1fd the: posslbililies (or prt'scrving Ihe eil,bliwd ordcr. An... Itratogy of rn'1iiiiuon is... mandai., and III. Chllrdl 1...ld proyide!lie COIIIaI in..hicb peopk... ~ {1ft IDd edooiitllpd I"~ Ill;'...tioury "-,...ic-. and _ Iodped 10...!, It "'ei=' pa- specc... _.-I ~,...-. Iioa. F... 1M...,......oriaJ..,.., l!liable.mtd.. 0l0rdIa 11IIII...,..,..a! CIlr.iM 01., r.- Mia:Jldoe~ ~Ol" ir.ollnw 110 iii.d1ory. A third.pproach "'" thu of Ar~h prifll Boro Oj, Profcuo. of Chufdt Hi'IOry of I"" Orthodox TI>.ologic.1 Aadmly, Leningr.d. A, lypial l"fprtkfltllivc: of Ealtem Orthodox Chrillianily w idcu of rqcnullioa Ifld mu=aion.00~ his ric'wi 011 oocifo:y lad -=iai chanjr. TN: spirinw '""'lutioa 01.eKUK" lion and 0Xl... wtiidi ~ bqw; ajacqilj 01 t!if QriMian bim, PtO"' lhal Olfisliaoit, is in III ~ 1"( 09lulioa.ry. Thac muhs, ~, do not only apply 10 t"" life of I"" ;nd;y;dll.1 OOt lhat of society. Therefore Chrisli.ns shollld boldly, honolll'llbly and ICtlycl)' join in the ooildinj!: of the ne... life, based on social ;"stk:c. TIley lhould bring s Ouilti:ln w,1 ftrlollr 10 the IDCiaI rnoiuo:iom of OUr time mel thus 'O'ef! lhc ddnmwlizalioa of the: QlIllomponrr...ld. (0. Official Report, W.1d u.nftm><;e 011 aod Sociny, Gcncn 1966). 0II.u'dI "A new str<ltegy of revolution i, dtmonded and t~ Church,hould providt "" contt'- in wfiicn peopm CIr'lJ Nt,... and... couragtd to this N'I'OIutionary com mit mtnt." I M>'l: m:mioncd time Ihl"«yiewpoinlS...h'eh were rcprnrmta! '1 lhe 1966 GeJlC ' conf~rence in o.der 10 lubrant;lie my l'c/lutk lh.l e$polllihle reaction 10 the 'l"tif for. thcolou of """"lutlon doe! not...~rily _an "n.nimily _I ~iani.. A similar tii.ngmoe of...~ ~ mel '1"( lo:iq dispja)d ill..blc<p::at I"(flcaions Qt1 t!if lub;ca:. 11Icrc: is, t..wcwtt, also lui lladmiablc 0Xl'fef ~ of ~ina00,t Icast I~ bilk iiisiici wnb I"(j!:ud '0 llloolo«y of rco'olution. Fine, that l'c"'ollitioo, which bll been for many ogcl' ~.tepdlid" of Chriltian 1Oci.1 elhia, bas in OUr world.nd in our rime become pri<lrily. TIle t"d'lion.1.nt; "' wllltionuy iu<!l:emclll of l'c"'olution in our Ooriaian -.ill CIhics II~ duoj!: which ii $ClIlially noll aod "'_ j«uihc, IIlI bccll.~. SC'COlld, rt"u rn4iciolwl Ouistian sorial nliic:i, by ""IIIi,ioa... nhia 01 "ordn n has bccrt tqll.aed by ao nhia of dwi~. It is 110 Ionl«the: prncnr.llon of the world and of """illy..illlin Clcm.lly y.l,d orders... Jri~h forms the concern of Ch.illian IOCI.I ~thicl, but lhe lranlform'lion of the world and of society ACCOrdinl 10 the demandl of jultla: and love. Third, that,"" mure biblical ~, in panitvlar tbc paipccii_ wh.idl ~ gi\'c:ii by hlilial ndlafoloc'. forl»:!. lhe Olurcb. and I""olocr 10 ICC t!if.orid II woe I:ld WIdwlgaIbIo:. 11Ic,...1II,ioa of God 'PinII the.if;hdn...oci illiustia: of men libentn lbe dynamics of our sociakthi<;al.<;tion. AI I h.y~,il"f.dy meolioned, lhil ne... or "lher different.pproach on the pan of OXlternporary o,"stlan JOeial thinkinl 00 the problem of 1"(_ \'OIutioo. Ill"" be fun II pllin. aod RIpOIlII'bIc IUction.ithin lhc OXll<:rl of lhe CSR:Dlial _iplt."';l, bel... tbc Olurcb. and lhe -'d. In rapea Ihc folknriq fktdn could be mmtioacd: The liiifl from uncondilionlll"(iraion of cumrnunism ", pf>eudo JOSP"rio,;,'hi, is widely known.nd Ipprmrrd...d.y. II the Chrislian.M.r,ilt dialogue; lhe process of d.colooiza!ion of non-whlt~ n.lionl; lhe raa: problem, Cip<:ciolly in the United SI.llS of America and in South Mlica; Second World War and IIC'W.ppfOlChcl to th: probemi of \'iolcna: and iljcv.1 raiitaoa:.1tidi tll.up:d duria,: lhese run; the dwl&ed 0IriItim rision of leo>larizatiod, IIOl!XI1y!XI the pan of the: modcnl radial lhcolocr of mirwll bul.iso M: pari of OXll(fVl~ thcolol1. nils far I h"e ooly dikuu"d lhe quell for'" theology of re Olulion.nd the faclors whid, I prelume, lie be_ hind il. Now we Iu... to lum to qo<>aion of the ulm<kr u.picality. namely: 1. Wbt it _ ~..."... in tlic -u.cmbiaau... "thcolop of CC"IOlutionn ~ Alrudy at w 1966 World u.nfcmta: 00 Church IIId Sodcry il became...idcnl thai ther...1 confulion.nd mi!llljld.rstandini II I"(I.rdl clearly outlined conception of the word "rc""lulion". There were IlOI1l<..ho o;ma:nlfllcd on lhc IOCio--poli lical me,ninl of revollllion II radi....1 dwigr in tbc distribution of p0 wer wltiic othcn c:oti«iitnlud!xi i" I~icat meaaina: II,..,;Iical diint:< ia lhc dist,ibl.lion of we:altlt. A1 Dr. }. M. ck JOIIJ pull it: It came If> lhc.lumalm: of, phl'lilio:r and blood, IlfUJl/o: fnr, just di1o:ribulion of the po;wmy of t!if world, on the one hand, and, poaa:ful, lcch_ niq,l-r:fficicnr,nd inl~lilgent distri. bulion 01 lhe...e.lth of rhe world, On lhe olhcr hand. ("Voorranl nn de lockomll n, Nijurt. 1969). "for too long fht, (to hi5toricol wfti( of thinking has dominotm the Cfw, chn and has pre...nlkf avi.tion in...olltement from being thol tltplosive fclctor It should be in his 'o/y." Abo.. hr II Urc undcnwwfial of Urc ca:aa:po: <fi. ~u... is crma:mcd, the tl=c lii.iia spuun!xi this theme II the: OXlfercnc:c,eprClC4lcd widely diftrp. yilws. /udlprim IloTowj,dYOCllcd Oil'illian unckr IUndinl of social l'c"olulioa by 1111 inl,n analoiy bclwttn the conttpl of reyollllion.nd the fllnd~mcnl.l ron~pi of lhe Ch';ll;an faith. R< o "'tion n CODyersiolll, Sbolll-lllm, ne.. life in ill wideal... For Prof. Wrndlmd rnolulion is "'" c.omprt. ~ l'c"'olliiionary proc:tsi 01 0lU KimUf>a>-«dm.ic.a1 cioilizalion wftich brillp,bout nodical dlia&a _ only in die:»cial bur,bo in the cull",.1 and JPiri1lll1~. Prof. Shaull's undc:nundinlof ro::'iolution is...dical change deliberately broughr about by lhe d~mollli<:>n of.n IInjlll! n.lion.l and ijl1~molionol order. A mos.r mterc.lmg and injtfll<;liy~ effort hal!'randy bttn /IUd< by the Du'ch thcoio«ian H. M. Kuilcn I'" I)'S'ClnIllzr the: diy<ni1y of yicws on

8 , PRO V!iRIT... TE lhtembe:. 15 December bll II mc&iil by rtv<llutioa in!he '1U"'" for t!o«ilolj of rcvolwion.. 1\0000rdiog 10 Prof. KII;lt'! K ohnion should not bi: Wld~,. :an h... lorial but II nc:.....o.l-cthial c...~. Tloc: :narroicnjl of \hi,... onciil<tbial concept In: to be faund in (1ft key.wonk Slluaun, JlII1ft'I', iwti<r, dwlsr.lid _so SUUClUR is 1l'III'd wbidl dmoca w imp"" LlOIIl oilk of l.b.: IOCiaI rr:ality. add which i. tqually (uonia! to IIurrwI oacict,. IS in!cl'-pmonl "'litiamhips. Il~, stnqul'ti ~ lilk cl iupn-bullun nllu",. Tloc: ""rd RnIC,un: is rtji\aumm1 of whol.."" pn:"'ieu!ly honoumd.. immullbk divine orden. ",., inkirutioa.l side of toei<:.y hat lftn dmuythojoci2td floill divine orden (0 human tlrue- "Social ilntic. (an only be oc:hi.ved by Cl redistribulion of power and a redilfribution of power can only be achieved by an olteration or demolition of isting,"",etvres." I..",.. S""io..:ronomK OUUCIU>'<S,,. are politol SU\laul'tS, an: purdy human impcq.ilionli and thm:fol'c <::IurIphk. A m.liiucbk::lil I)'~ for inttana:. is IlOt of diyinc oricin. l'hex imf'l"'k'll-ll bu. IlOI lilpnhwrwi, and '''''rtfor' diallpbk. ltnktura arc th:..,...tq factors in the dirriblrtiool of ~. whereas J'O""CI" IDa!» CGrllrol of I!Qe poli', ia~ _ia1 and c.,..k: alb;::otions whidl ~ tbc C~ of mm. 11Iertf..,.. pro" of _ ;. _ doeoiy rdalal dot-pr"'" of JOciIl p.ioe.,...,....piy _ Ilw IIOMdy 11I..ncr.. ;-ic:e -. Ie. IbM tach.-id let 10m... lld~.'wa _I doa _..., ",llilay,,"..em mea,..,li&iily ijt at last thtu iupkb, aantdj' e<p.ajily or ripi to..y yeo or.. 10 _ill or!",lilicar; cqulity of ri&hl 10 partic". in the loia1ily of ~tl.m uti _icty; and Lhe richl of.qlllj liwa. 10 mulls 01 ui$lltftce uti bellotme", of ci...m SIan.,.", A~nte of jullice il noi pli "",rily r"~ relull 01 libulc of power by individu.l.. bur,he r<:lollil of rigid,truclure. Change of lhese apparent_ ly unch.ncoable Itruetur"" in order to ",.lore jusliol: it the primuy a.>i\oom of "'''''lution II liildomood in ci.a1..m.iaj _Ie. Social iwmioe CM...ry Ioe adoienti.., I ~ of Mel I R~il. of I"""U" em..". Ioe ldlie cd.., _ IIICft1il. or of... _ AM tllis,.-. lloe _ ~ I ""'1 -d"pl tt Pc. -lj' iiiii 01 lloe _.....Ilidl (va CM... ole pol IIlil rcsp<ci th=... mu!1iplicity 01 Ihcmaci""", ~ from the lidc GIlmx of an. abooluu: noi=iola 01 Illy killd of nokal laioa III tile odlcr Qlrtmi: 01 n:kii'tidi 10.,iolml re'"oouion II the only..ay 01 cffm:ins diaoac (0. "TbcoJocie en cticid nil de rnokllit~. GcTcfOfmc:crd l1w:oiot:isch TijdKhrifl, AUS' 1%9). J. n.. 'hird poinl I..Inl it 'M 'l"""'ion..hc1htr il aluld be rot "''' II III 10 lpeat of I tloeoios)' of m'(llutien. Some tileolosi&n. daly 'hil ~IOSY,!My a,l"", i. lhe "' f1eetive ao;wunt <:anoeminl lhe <:on,m" of f.i,h Ind """loti(ln. We cannol a l!w:ojosy of revolution, as little... e.n hi"" a th""logy of evolution, Or 01 nllure, or of history, or of m.n. liillory. m.n, lhe OOS/l1O$ Illd milltr ihould III h."" lheir richlful pia«in I theology of elulion, rro(liiciliition Ind INcmplion. lboy Ire III plrls (If lhe rulit, id...hich OUr flilh...1 l(l,dlt. irxlf 10 lbe di"ine reveliliola, bul il..,.ild be impolllible 10 ",veal lbe dittillco m"h cuaa:",inl the.lrioui pam (It p1rnomtda of realily. n II cy _ I defaile liil/i<...;m rqanl.. doe tuc:li ii _itntillc: ittdf ill... "'" tiut,lik is _ to de..-p lolwady.' tiliney or _ leq of ~ II apion lloe, '.jea Iloot:_~... R 0(' fol, to _.. datky _ doe q.. O/... _nal, ptdiiori -W lie F...r ill Iliblial 0wiati00I I"... f. ew' I C ud --.. a ~... Olhm prcfrr III speak explicitly of a lheo1oiy (ll rtwllutioo, and if they h... loy ob;ectiona 'Sol;OII the combination of lhele "... words, they do nol Iodae m.:m 'S'''lIt the componcllt "tbcology" bul Ig.inst the word "l't"!'olotion", TIle Rdormed theolo,i.n, Prof. J, Verkuyl, for in$llooo, elainu to invco'ed lhe lerm ",hcololy (If lr,",form'lion" many ye.",.go, ~nd in a recenl publicalion u",:d,1-: "'<lid "".n,fonn_.,ion" in~ic.d 01 "'volution. in RIppon of Emilio Castro, Ce""",1 seac- tlry of lhe Commission for Lltin American EVIll,eJi(:l1 Unil)". (a, "V.ranl...rde ~utie~. Klmpm 19(8). ProfClfOf Kuilm. on the (llher iwid,."nll to...inl.ia lhe word Mrnolulioa M, nor IIO<Z:IRriJy in.pprov.l 01 ill a»ncidmlll ooanot.,... (ll I Violenl Oftfthrow of cu. iaj llruaura, bul beg... lbe word Mmooa.,ion' illbe _ 1deIf101e Q preailm r:>f lhe ajl ind.n.i.. md. mfio;:ol dwtia whkfi.ore t.wnc: plool: ia our ldodem _kl. We haft, lhcn:10<'<. II Ieut two dihnaii lidet 01 thou&fir:: on!be one hand "- who od'locllj: I thcolog..nich lhould rate lbe bd in the chona:iaa: 01. Qilli"l JlI'UalUa, md. on!hoe other...nd lhooe who.. for I lhco1ol;ical inlerpmluoa of lbe Ievolulionaory world lituolion IIId III indicalion of Ihcolof;icaU, conllrutd.roundl f(lr rnponlible ~nic;pation. In bolh carl lhe point It intic ii not 10 cthic (If fcyolunon, in olher word.: llle problem of lbe righl Chri$lian.nilul!<: lo...nb revolulion. TIlo.., Who p",ler 1M lcrm "lh."lo8y of revolur;(ln" c~plieilly me.n a theology which could sive.ccount of the fa",hat fond.menlal iiluei Ire '1.aU and of lhe obli"lion which re.u opon Chri$lil/ll '0 unconditionally panici PI,e in lhe,...nllfor...tion of oociety and the m:orttlf\lclion (If lbe..."id. Such I IheolosY _Id be 10 "'_ IUlionor}' in ilkli WI il aluld riiblly be,,"lkd I IhcoJos,y of fn'fiiution. And lhe Silt 011,,"...ller i radk:o.l hori_ciliu.lion 01 our ~l thintins. a _ undontaodia,:: 01 Lhc ~ biblical -It.. "A theology of,...0iution n nec~ to gi... (I(,ount of ond to fm"opogate CI ~ of being Chris~ in sum CI manner that rtien pctwr'l tmir hearls un,onditiof1cllfy to life in this world." dir<:c1cd.1 the world. God... no orher inttnlionl Ihan llu.l this world.hould be: 1M h.biulion 01.n men I/ld that lif. ;n Ihil world.hould be liv.ble for III. ChrillianJ do believe in anorher world. i.e. the world "f (;00 and hi I"'IK",. hut this orocr world il nol I world behind or Ift.r the world in...hicll ~ liwc. h il thil

9 PRO VERIT... TE 1 vay world of 0Ul'$. II-..-I.0 wllne ax, die _ life... oa/vaomi 01 wbidl 1M BilNt pa vrii_ lilloukl be rulized in 1M horizollw "b1...ipl' or 111m. A tlta>1ocr of revohotio. ill. ".,... lift-.1 of ud 10' po : "pie I WIJ., Mine ~;...,.._IloM_,.-- Ibrir IocarU....n,... life;' tiois world. h il needle", 10 Sly lhal lher~ il I srcar vanely of nuan~1 in Ihil linc of thoughl - from. more or \ni onhod"" orialllttd hi.lor;a,l-ndulol.lcical theology to d.. e:wapdy liberal, Bonboo:ffetiln-impirnl. tbeo IDCJ' of ~X:a11y~ and h~wikd rdi«ion1c:5l Orilliallity. Prof. Kuiten, for inuance, who rcaches al lhe Reformed Free lin; ver,ity II "'rmtadam, i, obvioul\y strongly innuer>ctd and inlpill'd try Iitc thtoidc of... Ruler and eoold a:naillly 1101 be elusified with mcli ad! I. RobillSOll of ~H_ to GodW_fame Of" Hamilton, "'Iti_ and VIO Bumt of "God ;, dadm_brtlo". Theololiln. who Irt; more helillnl to,ped explicilly of I lheolosy 01 ftvojucon. bul who,,"mllde. tt,.,., Ilt;: 1lrIme:r of I new I~dlto ftoolutiool, p1:fer riot 10 _reb fof art aep:tieal and lle,uitflnwl tubtwlliatilxl of re...:.lution, but I«il IS lhe task of theo1o&y 10 indialt lhi: bibliol motivtl Ind 'larlink poinll for rhi, new oppro<leh, Th.y art; on lheir guard for In Ia.lse ulopias. _1leIber il be Iitc...'" WOTId~ of lhe por-~riolwt period 01" the 0lri:Itiart UlopU of the puft'tt $0 (iety... "hri~wche~ihtolo II' ( Hei~icIe = hillo'}' of..1 vltioo) provides, acrordiog to them, In oplimal combination of biblical If9WId-l:nu Ind lhe modem concepl of life. Under "heilslesdlidllliebe" theoiorr they undenlldd an..pproach 10 the divine ICftbtiaD IS I Iltrie:I of IKn of God in the field of hirof}',..ilh QuiM II ill oenue. Only flom lhelle hillorical.cli of God eternll lludl1 CO\Ild be dcduced Ind Illroogh linking up with rhem our Own nilt= COtIId be: rmewed. In the c:onte:l<r of I "heibkeschidl! Iidor::" 01 MtmaI- etdtilolosial theoiocr the fouowin& biblial ~ 1m could lhen, inrer.lil, be d,.. QCTIW:'d for I new IPllf'»dI of our prcstllt n:volulionary,iiulolicn: \. The prdominanee of lbe future in 1M Bibk oould open new penpec: Ii,," on the creat etehat<lklgit:ll fu ~ of I DeW hr:i~ artd I fi(:w earth, poecikij lit I time when people Ire. 1Driou11,. rudting 0\11 fo, I _ and bella world. 2. The God or the 8ible is Ilk: God of lhe He ldopt. man II hi, co-worker and mten inlo I CO"" IWII willt him l8ainst lhe: powcr of ble. " of God u the God of tbr: a> etiilil, nidt I-k attnl mul _i111 IDIII, d~ Ottillian flith from INJlOimt. The...renea 01 mc'dern rt\i.n lhal il i. (,XlIIlra'}' 10 hi, o",n nllure to relign himself 10 his inevillblc fale should be cndonai ~ fuuy in Igrcanmt.illl lhe biblical..le-. of man u touiiterpan and pmner of the littid&: God rehabilitation of the Old T<'SUfIJORt illuing pba: in our Ii... There Ire "illlend",ei" 01 I IIdical "It it an...ud.nillt* flxf that lhe Churd! through the oges WOf olways iftdined 10 defend lhe status quo ratker fhon toke up lhe cudgels for Ihose who r-etched out f~ chongec:' OrislOlogia.1 cunoenlnlion of!"" trllire biblia.1 lilewljc, of rcpfelllo[l Ind negk\:t 01 Ih. bistoriaj pfoc[si in IIvour (If the: eonlronlition with Chrill II lile I'n'e.kd e«rnr"iy bere and now. But QPCCillly Jince the Seo:>ad World War... It\mrion bas bee:a cimt 10 the proper r'd.tim bctwe:n the Old and New Testlrntnl_ Wherus the Old TeMImC:Il! Wli,0 dilcovercd, 10 ro,peak, ill the rt;vciadon of Ille tollllity of the: imention. of God, the Ne.. Tcslomntt eonrlins 10 eugtnled <XIlICalrnUon and lluicipatiad of the IltCOI1d coming of ChriIl. Tbe liwumem 01 modcnl:nan of the h...d'metllli Iicnif>ana: of I:fe in this 'If'Orld II lhe: "',;zcatal Jc:vcl " not It v.nlott wi,1i the: intenlion. 01 God whidl an: revealed in rhe Old Ttltlmcm. 4. Tbe eteharologicll ISIUrMuX of IX Biblo:, amljll;ilii:cd ill the "Ikhold, I mat.: III r:hidp..., «tuin!y c:onoeros dtc ndlalologicil fulure of lhe new heaven and lhe new elnh. However, the: 8ible rtvull God as Ute God who ""'Sllmly renewi and suns anew. &<:hatological failh rhercf"", n:iief\lilny docs 001 man n:ii&ju,ioan, but IO~ rhrou&h am of obedieooe :add hope.. M=ern IIlan DCIOd. lhe~thai he n DOt -.nrbtg ligainr Gad in hi, elln.unt Karch lor rcoewal. S. "The llibk indci.'d COlIuinJ lhe JllO:W.;e of IItc lhorou&jt de-mythoklgiulion IDd ck-dcmndiz:ltion of rulily. Whar is nowadajl ada! s«ubrilalion is irldooed one of cbe dcqx:si dt3oraa...istics 01 lhe Ottislian gospel in ~ Old...d New Telumem... proper undentanding of 1M Bible will lake moliull \Mn the prodoa: r.od K~_t of I a.jhl ~.. el ruiiiy ItriMdy, \101...Jol.. Ioof!llO' ciood; 1ht~_'1.,twa Itl! II I) 'iel I1IIi pm II pme'. 01 ~;c. wbidl..., M~'ll lbo<n: ill oar wrorid. A tlta> IDlY 01 H>:U!ariutiort, ",hieb 11'0 tiltlib!itt boouoilllli'ltm>1l of _ CItriIIiIa f.a, Ilas ill '*'" ;atific:l... _ ill 00lIy NlqUrd 1M IsItaI.,_aielas«.. dot _we t of tk '0 t...1di _ of tk IriWie:II~ In (,XlIIdusion J Wlnt to mtlllk Ihll in my opinion, lhe whalo quell foi ~ theoion of revolution ha.iluen from doe IWIlftleIS that lhe Q,rilliln Oturch and rheoiou did _ Ut:p pll% with the >'"Olul>.l<tary dsill&ci IfItidl tdoi: pba: ill the 'IOOf1d duling the 1'*11 lwij or thm: deadei and all lhe hurt\l.n needs which have «",Ired from th.m. "'mong Ihese need, Ire the injuslicu IIIffell'd by millions of people in o;iflsequen«1 ~f 10 unju~ diwibltiad of pml, rikbll, fl"'.vl- siorts,..illt - illlhon: of tilt gild of God 10 flli,fi IS the nlia" om" and tim: eomumel of the lidles 01 hn cteluon. Ouldlled polltial, CalOIOmic and JOCill ItIUClU,"" lie dung to by lhe pri~ijegcd minolily of lite populalion of lhe eanh 10 Plesertte tit. ;.U.IUI quo, and tlsey V'tI1' ohm jllllily Ihrir tooicttitism _ith 10 Ippeal.0 the Hoq Scipnuu. Ir it... ",ilwe lad... Iht Oovch w-p ~),p, -sa _ liiw~ ;""Ijncd 10 okfesld. the IIIIIIS '1M..liter than 10 IW lip Ibt cudgtls fof,b_ ",h~ reached alii for ehan~. This: IIItiftWkltMlltary auitudc it eharkltrillie of doe Qwdroft. Bat IoriaJ IIlliluA'inIry.. _..,... rtw/uriom _ fn'ghtiorsary cbaai" 1ft ~ lbot -til.. liii Ibt l...-do of... life... _iot!"...m. Iaa: Jinf bebind. The wolld emancipated 1~lIelf from the Church and got oul of Itand.,But still it il God'1 II'OIId, 1111: ~., \lis low lad of... ADd..., ils=uin&ly becomin&: ""'''' of ill baing; be!lirsd, the

10 PRO VERITAYE Dcumbtr 15 lxecmber 1969 Church il Iw:inl iuoclf whet/it. it is noi God Ifimielf who i. of it on his way IblOU,h hikory. In this iltu.tion the Olt"dl i. 10!he.warcma \.." the Christian &3SPC1 il in irs "tty CIKDOI: dynmlia,...-iutim, ho~. It ;. quite uncknundabk, tbm: Ion, ~ throlocians..110 Kmf: thrir rt$pcftlibilit,. y::ry deeply litjc ct.a.ncc in out thcojopcai lhinlinc.midi bas to b.:: III,noAlliDoary ill (Alml"";5OIl.ith lin: c>ld coolcrv:niu p<lll;lions in orller to (;Itch up, lhty annoc but call it lhro1oij of rnolution _. lho!olo&j lor the Dttd.I of mi, time. c_-'--._ II -. INW"d, it...-loci tluiii to tab dot P"'lM""...0:... dot s;w" Wi' lj - dot -&e of dot IiriaI God _... "uo.,. it) ltii,... add: IIISopu ~ N.. lie.;cb::n, thtoiip t!ie Holy Spirit,.. lui wod. of PpftMiaC dot iour of Ilia so. ill lui r'c"i'enciollary... ol atib Iisloiq liit 1GIoad- ill tb 1VIoa 1_!IU Cltllllur, -w.. ll.erdorc: not l\fcnsu'ily t!lcolao of tc'toludoll, but th:ojoky...idi spnb of God who, all lhe aniy God in,ii I:lnnil,. is abo lht God of lhis our l~ and of this our _lei - tht God of hopf, u.. God of the 1ulUl"e. ~- ~ CHRISTIAN CHALLENGE Five yeo,. of work with the Alrkgn Independent Churche. IT IS NOW txact.lj li..o yurs sin«unali croup of ministm of 101M of,... t\friaft IDdrp<ncHnl Cburcltes apptoae:lwd 1M Dindor or dw CUiltiu InstilolO and ''''M fo. _illln..., F,om thai lint meeting.p,:rn& a conf""eoce of 7S leaden who paskd Ihe followin, ",101ution: "We J;ive this djy full ttust in God Ind His P""pk, thlt we must Joye eldl other II brothon in Otrill irn:spective of colour, na: or attd and to $lure to CCther thole: Illfferinp which He lihcd 01\ the Cross, withlllhor a.rinds. We lm: OUr fullek c:onfidcooo 10 the OtriIlian Institlile of 51l1lUrm Africa, aoci in..ile ill DircetOl", the 11.". C F. a ",.lidi. 10 pide lis lltnluih C1'U1 difficulty in the Otrisrian field.. ~ AleA IS BORN Thw AleA, ltw: A..,.;iaDon ol African Indcpmdma: Or\lrda, WD born with the "m "00 Im'C the chllrdl of Otris!: in C'O'C'ry pmj1llc way, IIld csp«i3lly the Deeds of the Af,ian IDdcpcndcnl Churdles", and 'IS f"""dllion "u~ lhe Word ol G<>d, Up;lll bdief 10 God the Flther, in Jesus OtriSt the Son, Rcdemx1: and Lord, 1JId,n.hI: 1I01y Spiri!." Two member, of 11K: a.';liian In..ilU~, rhe Rey. C F. B. Na~ and lhe 11."". O:rnie yan Zyl, were.ppointed as official adyillcn to AICA, and work wilh tile Af,ican Independent Church movement hcgln in eamell. With lhe u,i.tlna: of the Otristian Inltilute _ material and nonmoterial - AlCA hal Srown in five yelrs info I "lielble DrSaniAlion with an annuli budsel of 10"'" 11.7,000.nd I membenhip of nelirl, 300 dm_ A Board of M~I.hich deall.ith AICA.flun durins lhc year is ekoctcd.1 lhc A_I Gcuo:nl Coolcrcoa:, which is held II diffe TCIlr a:rlllc udl JUr. The 1969 Con_ lrn:oc:e WD held It Kwa-Masbu, Durt.n, _d... ItWldcd by IOIDC ISS "de,llea itplt...oo' In "",,<, dlurdle:s. CooltmlCtS ba~ 1110 bct:o bcld It Qutc:tumwn, JobaDncoburx and Bloeml<llIlc1n. AleA has III offla ill Soweto, lano..." &...mich is.. b1 tile Galenl Stcmary of tllc Board of Malllccmcol with 1M...nce ol... full-time!)'pill:. TIIc offia: provides ra;rtt:arial ltl"i'icu lor 11ltlllbnchurdlcs, II well.. ",,"lills: f.eililies in io boa,d,l'oof1l. Further oecrctirial ocnria::a 're pro'fidcd b1 the Qui5 tian InR;lule. COMM.lTrEli WORK As AICA', work has explnded I number of commiltccs have come,nto existence - for example I Newsleller Commiucc, Thoologiell EduCll_ tion Comminct, Refresher Colll'$C Commim",', Church Goycrnmenl Committee, and CoolUhltiO<1 Comminee. All commilltea repon 10 the ~~ _ MARTIN WEST Annual Gmcral Conference which eleas committee oonvej!en. Many of the oomm;liee. work dulcly with tm staff member of the Ch';llian InSlitute who works as \\ lull-time I'dyi..r to AICA and deal. Wilh many problellll, indudin. relllionships wilh various lulhorities, Dblaining..hurc:ll airel, permission 10 publish ~s at malt"'se, and many "... Initially work.ith 1M Afrian Churdles tonfincd 10 mco, bur it W'lS -. liitd thar an orpni-..tina similar 10 AICA... na:ded by 1M women of the indeptlldan c:burdlo:s. ljl 1967 the AICA amfermct.r BIoemlOfllCia ouhlished the Wome:o's Auociariaa of the Mri CID. ll>depaldent Chutdlca, whidi beamc: i:nowrll' WMIC. WAllie', proj". was ajoy W1ri1 If rht bqinnm, of 1969 I part_t:iidie adriin was IppointN bj the: Otrisrim lnsr:ink. Increued. orpnisarioa wlmiruued in I tuea::aful c:onfcrmtt - held It 1M Slmt time tir AICA confm:ntt _ which was.rlended by lbout 70 WOmtll. Ft1TURE WORK Tho Conference planned WAAIC. pro,gramme tor lhe futllre. Among ils dc<;i,inns were 10 launch. Cenl Fund to proyide fo,.idow! Ind orphans, to stln lir(ncy dallc1, and dasses in cooking, scwin. Ind biblical knowred.e. Tho women II.., decided to <llrt I p,oject to help tht: Ig,:d and J'lOlW in thei, COfIlfC,alioo. After the: cmfcrena: a WAAle office wal

11 Dec:aaJ- 15 Do:... tmt PRO VERITATE, opmcd in Sowm>, and lit=cy "Inscs ~artnl, with lht other daoors pla:med for th< ~ar fuiurt. The lrowth of the indopendent ohun:hoi baa bom phcnommal In 1913 thm:..., about 30 dlurdlos, in 1941 lbout S8O, ill ;" lulled uoo, and il ii tiolio'cd tha, the number will hi~ rilm III IlQrly 3,000 by n. 9ac _ I,. one-qual'tu of tbe Afm.. J'OP"wion of Soutb Aim belongs 10 Ibe indepmdenl clnrdla. PERSONAL COMMITMENT BY CHRISTIAN "The a itui I...itole of So..!Jl-..tIidt _Iy...ind a uti AI MEMBERS INSTITUTE ~ aood ItipIy eymbo6c:al tlfforill _Wan... 6cddcd III opeciii pialae eatcb to "- ofiti_ ben _e... who...t to oommil I"-Iva ~oonaily and If>C''ifioaily 10 the ultiii~ n.: plcd~ IUds II follows: I (KI.IJIC of Mombn'), I mombor of tile OtriRiln Illstituto of Southern Africa, AFFIRM my a=p~ of the Kingship of Oml ova III Ispew of lifo; PLEDGE MYSELF to do lit)' bat 10.imea 10 His ",Ie of truth, j"slice and ~; OFFER MYSELF as an inltrument (If Hil pe"e in <lur locioty (If different pcopla Ind CUlNreI; PRAY fo' I<is euicbna. IS Hil......,. III I«and ~ lhe tltinp I ouchl to do, and 1«His sraa and po...:r rlithfuuy 10 fulfil tbm>; DEDICATE MYSELF to Lhe CluS<: of Hil Kingdom, La Lhe fostoring or tho O'NII...niLy of bolio.-en and 10 lhi: ullimat" uoily uf lho 0turdI of Otrist. Thia, I1w:a, M pal ~10" Cbtiaiu and Ii.. bodin: 10 Iry in _ wa,. l(l meet lite Medl 01 a mowmmt """",",inc aearly, IIIillion peopk,...,. of... lad: al _.-i aild 'P'i C... _ of IuoIen lid: It 'hcicol. MAJOR PROBLEM Lack of Lhcolo,io;al cdkkilkln is IdJ>owlcdF as I maior problem by mldy III~I churd! In4er's - in faa the rjl'(l IfOUP who ap ~ tile OriJlian I_inm: made thltt Ip«ific roquoiil; for rtfmbu courxs for mit!il<en, fik I contipondmce rolirsc, and for I lheologic Illelllinirr. THin. up the: chilleng~, Lhe: Chrilllin foilint< - ""im eon lidlnbk 0'Ia'3eI1 finaucial support, paltiadarly hom lhe TIleoJosicil E400Idnn Fund - IlIned It 0Il0I: by orpni:pt, lheojocial rdtal>u COW" aes m...rious pam of lhe counuy. To dalo ten (If these: annei - luting up to IOn dlyl - have been Ilc:ld wilh u maoy II 100 panicipanls al a time. L«turen hive bom drawn from vll'ioua donominllicxtl. While ~ rtfl'r:lba' CllUnQ hi.., b=i immrdiltd, IIICXX'S1ful, and African miaiston ha.., made Q;lI>lidenbk IIcrif~ to a"(iid lhem, tin: Quillian InstilUle hll 1lSilled AICA in planning IWO ambilioul pro~.. borb of whid! ""ill IIIR it! 1970, and will make that yar lhe: llioii irnporum OM for AJeA 10..~ Mttt m&dy DqOW.<-'" lhe AICA TIleolo,icll Seminary will open al Lowdllo nolr Alice in tho Ealtem Cal:": on M.orch lit. The prarulel WIll bl: renled from "'" BaaN Pmbyloriln Oturdt, and will IrolOIUtlCldIIt 30 liudml$ an4 3 Ioc_ Nm'I, al kasi one of whom will be: I membc:r of tho Africln IodepcnckOl Churcllel. At "'" iiiiie rune, a Lbeololicll conupondma 0JIJl'K "'ill ItIft un der "'" SUid&na of tho: ~. Dlltio... Zyl It will alia initially for lbout 100 IlUdeftfl in four 1IIlCUlP _ En,:1iJh, Zulu, Xhosa and Sanbo _ and will ute the no'" Iystem of Prognmmc:d _. Lelming. Mr. van Zyl will 1>0 IIiiSied by lh",. pro~rammt:n; who wiu Wnle Jeuoa. in lheir 0WlI With Ihe IW1 of tbox two pro- jutj, if ha.t...,. possible 10 c:hange lhe OIIIplulil of """II: of Ihe rtfmbor COUlYI to lill I Villi Deed lmong l\uiny indopmdenl ctlurch minimrs: that Clused by a b(t;: of Idministra Ii.., traitlinj. From 1970 aourtes will 1>0 run in d1wd1 admirti$tnliod, book-t«pin" budc:otinl JUbi«u in Ihe IIope 01 easini whar is I IUiouI probi= in many ehurdlos- EXCmNG YEAR The Rart of 1970 ~;ll!ott the laundlin, of 1'10'0 lheological cd... tion pro,«u whidl will IlO< only he: vital in Soullt Africa, bin abo 01 p-ut sipificidcc fo tho: rat of Africa,.he= indepmdmt dlijrdt mo'vomt:ntl bur,eon..the: "",,ress of lhe"" projocu will be:...l<:hod ClrtfoUy by liwly IS pioooerin&...n: in a diffiajll fidd. AICA, the Clsrillila man,. otlia- bodies and BURSARIES FOR AFRICAN SCHOLARS A limited number of bunari., are o oilable for Afrkan Kholar~ wilhing 10 continue their Khaol coreer offer Sid. 6. Full porliculan (:On be obtained from lhe Rev. J. Tau. Seaetory, African Bursaries fvnci, S.A. Coundl of Churtnes, P.O. Bolt 31190, 8raomfontein. lronlyaal. IllIliwrc, and indi' who hi'" boon appn»dood or will be IPpmadw:d for Illistance, rcalilll: lhe imponano;e of 1100 work, wbid'! may yet be the moll,ii"ificam On lbil toniinciii for million. of "follotlen Chrilliam.

12 10 PRO VERITATl:!!ott I'" Die Kerk Buite Suid-Afrika PROF. B. B. KEET VROU 01' OlE KANSEL? '0 Mclkwtr~r ~an ~iai1 Pms Servia: (E.P.S.) 5byf '0 tftcdvunile attitcl ill 'n..itp~ vaa E..P.S. (2,*"1_ 1969) oor die vn.aa: 01 die \TOU 'II plek op dit wllel nul Mw. Dil i, tdcnd dat in die ion," lie Iyd die vroo in dj" kcrklikc amp.1 mttr hur pjek in...,m, verll in die diakmunp, soos die van dwor1cs as hulp ri. die dwm, maar <d: ill die!=aml' nt.,. dlkweb in SMd., stool... la~ 'II 1'tmUJIC 1.Uldecl Ilct. Op die tankl dil hoc uitsonlkring om die "'1'0\1 as border ell krur Yin 'n gemccolc Ie,icn, hoewl::l in Chri5l.clikc kake claar rttdl enkelo 1".1Ic UD trd" _rd. 0;", auj'fslcr v~ 1>'1'''''''»< v likel qio bar beiooc rrli:i die yolpde _roc:,julie YrOUC rnon in die!tmocntt SWJ'~, he! P.ulus!C...ryf in sy brid un di" Korinthi<'n. En in 'f brief un T1rr>cltllciio: "Ell lui die YfO\l nil: toe om ondcrrig Ie p. of oor die II).jI1 ", been nie.~ 11m.. -* _I ai hondertk i.""...,clwl if, btl ~ dat ra,d"",, reputuic as v""",mlct VCfseka il, en die,,,woonte il ICII in die ;ongillt Iyd d~r dic tndi,iond" lerin, van die kcrk beyestc. In l»ie huw<:liblormuli... llloc:i die bruid bclc>w.: om Juar Il\Vl~ tt -Hicrdic opvauin, no die 'I'1'OU - WIlt vandl' besli. IcC.~..n word hel..,k"" nie byg.:dra om han un Ie mocdie 10{ dednan", aan die Icwc vjto die kcrk nie, bcfi2,hn: die: bywonine..m em:iicnkc. pbd~ip: 011 ckn\!: un kidckn It Po ~ ~ltlcdt 10 besod; en and... Ide 10 ondm\ccm.,om die Icnoar ""OOlp ""am Ie weel." Mlar byna gem vroo Wall p'~lor, pric5tu of ketklci.. nio. Am die an<k. Unl, al i$ die ~ Iusj".oo~ bqia VfOU(" in die maal...ppj bal(~ pomia; r.. bekleo. 'n MtIlS i$ Die IanFT... OlD me... Gandhi u rc~ van IndiC en mei. Ar"ie Brook, all vooflimer Vln die huidigc Aigelmne Wrgaderinl van die V..ClIillde Volke Ie ~ nie. Gun die kau 'Wttf ag!l'tbiy by die...,..n As vruuc ~, inc<=nicun, ruim,,,,,,isi,crs... boofde van Slate bn WI.'I,."S, ",utom nie pn-dikanle nk:~ In arttwoord hiotop tt bai. Chri~..CllC dat dio kcrk nie un die wi:rcldo:de... blnlormc:cr Die. TocbUDll roc do: pulorlllc: dm i$ llic ica Wit die men' a&ittpl'"i&t op.un muk nie. Dn it 'n ecnldcp\n:... God un die indi..i<!u. Die lard vm dnrdie diens bly diael/de; dit word nie I'<:rand... d.ur die dat die VTOU vandoli pmantipccr is nie. Die problomn bcsrun durin clal die kou dil aie ondott.-bar CClII it onr die un!... die pult...1c dicn, nie. Hoc b.n hulle, onder sulke om 'lllldi,hcd., d~lfd. houding ImI oor die ordening van vroue deel? Die verpdtting Ie Uppsall van die Wercldrud ftll K.:rh hel in 1961l vcdiur: MOos bead dat die ~ van die mdaliq van 'I"l"!U!: 101 die pmiibdlp die orod.nup van vcnlci. 'l!>dles wu. On. w. clalrop nndring dat hierdi. IlUdie. voonge,il word, vemumlilt om in nnmc:rkint Ie ncc:m die Mdervindin& 'un 'n _mco<ic aanal ~ WlI "'OUC: D<IU ordc:n, sodal ill die Ie n.n ItuIk...a.r..indinc m'duc I~ studie op die clurnuricle polaud: kingc Vln hicrdie ontwikkelinge ge mnk kan word." Die problccm i. nie bepl'rk tot "n sui... ICOftm., Kudie nie. Sum mn die BJbdJc... leolocicle atpclr.. moct die unotiano:k rcabica n.n mans'" vrouc in :un~ komi IUntmig. vroue voel,cfrusttcttd, ander vocj bedr.ig. Hn<: hn die di... kumic vlot? En lloe kan d~ Mpd.. hnudlnl: van d~ Rooms - KatO~ kou ClI di<: A",likunv kou 00""" -', A, dil gcti ii, mnrr ook 001 die IIOIIdcro omslandigh~d Inogelyb, IOC Jaut Iy apojlels gd<ie$ ber, ti1oc, ons net '" dat dur 1ft" yruuc onder hulk was Die, of n>or:l OIlS I... in die =tie pkk die rcalnlicsc doel p"ht:u vawd,.." Sy tewc bcpul ho' ~ht:get~.., oorwc;inge in tom. Hoc moel on, vandag die bogcnocmde Bybel.., lek.. inlerpret..r' Moet ons liulk Ictldli1t ~n? Modcrnc onde. ad; 1'an die BJbelll~ toe:m... dal dit nic moornlit. n om ve:rv nit hut 'fuband un te wi sandrr om die in,, die hi..roric.. ';Iuuic in Ig Ie ncem nie, en iiofider om op die boodsk~p van die hek Bybel a, te slun n/c. Toe Paulus vroue ll'"n. bet om Ie..-.,.,: in die gcmcmh:$. her IIy dii' Y\."f"IOd; vir allo> tyc ~I of alleu! "it die I:.ak in Korinlhe onder sy he- Die Inder Ispct van die problccll1 raak die kemlik. lewe. D~ Uppsala hot: gerapport<c:l:..dau dil nnmoontlit is om die Xicu-T.,...I>:x bcpalin, onnmll d~ vrour: It rind, bthim die leil dll liulle nie in die lpotloliese krin, "'II rue, moe' die,.tlel word, gcoicn 'n rad~lc veranderin&: van limasie, of hulk. ~nt1ui,in, Wt die amprelw: ~, ~ is op 'n pldt:like liirdlin, nl Of' md'iijiki::,ndisie." lndmlud is dit die 1J&emme beoknuin& oor die v... Wi' LID die, I. van men".. hooding vi. of tccn die ordening van vroue, Die Roomsc Kert by. bat nie vf1llle toe om pricstci te..wd nie omdal die pr;"rskap real UkXbr"", en p:ag Un nie alii die 'fliiil YU"1c:at _rd Die omd.l!,...d btw=, sy un die man onflulcskik "- SommiCC G.rcfol'frlccrd. en Lulherte Kerte, un die Inder kant, If nadruk lip die leil dal man. en vroue :llbei in die,.,lykcnis mt God r;c:sbpe is, en daanim JClyk in 'll':lafdijhcid cn wurdc in Sy no is.. Vol,cns fcsuirc,ta,iltick i$ dalr SO keme in die Wffi:ldrald wit vroue orden (mec,ul LUlhcrsc en Gadormcerde Kmc. ooll JOmmi,c Ibpo:iSIC cn Mctndillicsc K.:rkc) tor..,.1 t 70 dil nie dnm nie. H~ b/yk 4a1 die "1':1"1 'n ahuck 1'I'U' IS... op ckumuliac vlak van 'n oplolliinl: is. Wal gaan gebcur in N~tuurlilt Un niemand dil voorspcl nlc. In IIIe gent JOU dit 'n IflIOI sui! vaorui. 1RCS II die kctk"n bcsblul"l: nor die ""'" bit brrtik on.1 nie die _rqjuff.. (suffragrttc) 01 VIIl 'n MVTOU boon in die blmbuis" it nie. Tor $IIv.r die Iflikel van die mcdc wc,ksler nn F_P.S., wat tot nadenke $lull. Tn:ff<:tt"d i$ e"er, die (cil dar die subnvotk VTOUlw: pred! wte bai< J:ttinI; is, 1m If)'l~ vall dl( feit dol hlillc in ~ kl:rke iarclank al lot die kart..1

13 December IS Daember 1969 PRO VERITATI! ON BECOMING A PASTOR -_-CHA-~R~LES;;;;CV~.~GEiu<-I-N e.rt Ro~.. has made a,ipifkant cw>1ribulion 10 th.,,~ 01 """"""llidg.nd psy.botherapy the M1bjodiv. np.rimu pro<:all idvol..w in both the c1ioul and the """" id "",,"selling ~IOliott_ Mip. In hi, I'Offnlly publiohed bunk ~On &coming a P...son~ thit,pd!ing oal of the IIlbj«tm upecu of "boeoming" and of helping odl "II..." lin' und.r1ined, Uktwiat. "'lite of lb. broad iiilplkaliott. 01 hi. thoughl wilen appli.d loot... ara. of blldlllll ~laiion,hips are...ggested by Rogen. Thi. paper i. not. book review. II i. my und.rslanding thai cjinical R'lher it is an effon 10 codceptualiu, pasloral training i, be51 defined., ofl'" the f.shion of Roge... some of lheological.ducation.t lhe.,per~- Ihe more wbject''''' a,~ of onothe. lial level. Theological educalion., proct:ss of becoming, namely IMt of Ihi, level involve. the 'tudent in CI_ be,oming a Chri,tian pi${or O. this perienc of ministry 10 penon, in rok involv", the person of lhe minis- ni,i.. which involv.ment present> the I.r in c10..,heph.rding re)alion,hip, 'tudelll wilh theologiaol and pa.,orol with olh.r pelso'" for whom lhe qu.'lion. a, Ihey or<: found in living minister has pi.wrll respon,ibilily. pe.",,,,. The purpose of dini""l pasloral cducllion i, lhe nurturing of PASTORAL TRAINING Oristian pa'lor who, 01 some deplh, ha. eiperienced the human predicamenr in him..1f and in olhers who are A few I~e b..jd:. tmdelgoing lhe crise. of life, who has fgund th.1 ming lhe qumion, of thi. gropnd of experience opt of whiclj Ihe50 impre,oion. of th. pct><l., in the pro".., of becoming a plstor are presemed may be in order. Over and above I~e pcr>ollal struggles wilh the polloral 10le lhal for me have had both tho.. "pea' lh.1 are uniquely mine and 10 a con.idera~k e~len" if I.m to bdieve dorgy Iriends wilh whom I have, moments 01.. rious conveuation, other..peeu th.1 haoe a mor<: unl""nal quall!y, th,.. impression. hore pr<:i5eilted grow Lttgo_ Iy out of experience.. a chaplllin su_ I"'rviso. of clinical p'51oral lraining. This experience -ha., brought me imo nthor inlimat~ person.1 oontact with young seminary siudents ju'1 begin. ning 1'0 COme to grip. wil~ their pasloral calling, with <at1in.ry graduates in dinical yur intornsbips in pa'lonl care in l.rge medicallrealmcnt.nd lraining cenlre, and with older mini. leu who, dinatisficd in SOme way with Ihdr posloral functioning, have!ought to r<:_think their calling ;n involvement in dinical po'lotll edu_ Cllion. As many who been in_ volved in clinical puto,.1 tr.ining can lestlfy, Ihere i. an opportunily for sharing in I"" subjeclivo proces. of l>e<:cming a paslo. in the supervi,ion of.ueh proltuml that i kin to, Ihough ",,"inly noi idemical wilh,i\<, "pponllnj,"'", 1<> o",","'t The "bc, oming ' of a I"',"on in inlen,io~ counoelling or predicamenl al any level doc. nol destro} him, and who <hen h.. begun 10 integr.le que",i"",.nd an,w.,.. lheologie.1.nd othe""i.., inlo hi, whole person.1 mpon.. <0 the Ie 'p~nsjllili,y of Ihe po".oral o/fice. TOOL KIT Wi,h I~e frame of referena: within which the ohsorvalion of whieclive pro<:<::.. in becoming a pa'lor is thus described, I tum now to I"" impr<:ssion,. The.. -or. prelenled likewi.. in I~e ItWIner of CoIl Roger,. Fi"l, it is my irnpm,ion lhat lhe p... of bea>ming!'war involves tllo\'ullent from an d10rt 10 appropriate intellectually l.arned theologi <:Ill eoncq>t, towuda a whole p._n UpreMlitm af pcnonally re!<-vanl 11><0_ logi<al andtnlanding.. Academic lheological educalion righlly CM""n. iudf prim~rjly wi'h lhe inten.erull..."erlllg nf =l.lin Bibiic.l and theological concepl",ys_ lem. nf thoug~1.nd Iheir lti,lory. For Ihe fledgling p~.,or, newly <:onfronled wilh lhe larj: of pallo..l care, lhese conccp" alo li1l.c 0 kil of They Ire 1001, Iltat are 10 be ~pplk<j In,nnt,,;\e >itt,",i"". in hi. m;ni'try, hut, like,nob. lhey 1I;"""n brgciy oui,ide himself. If he encounl<n perwn w~o expre... feding' of guill, tbc eoocep, of forgiven... i. immedi.tely brought out for.pplicalion., Ihe proper The fael th.1,he tool when.pplied wilh ~igor, 01 ",melime. even wilh finesse, doc. noi alway. bring lbout lhe de,ilm ",,,,II is, 10 '.y [he le..t, disconcrrling. n.. guilty per",n wilh whom ont has di. eu,sed lhe c~ncept of forgiveness docs not.lwayl feel forgi~en. Eoen if he agreos wi,h lhe pastor.bout lhe id of forgivillg God, his manner and lone of voice cominue 10 eap... guill. PERSONAL UNDERSTANDING But il the person becoming po'lor i, i5eil,ilioe and pelceplive indi~idual <"00 particul.rly if he i. under ",n,ilive supervision) «pe"cd experirneel of having one', theolog;..1 1"",ls fail '0 perfonn lheir d<sired t.$.i:: inilio,.. a pr""... of per""".1 'truggle in the miwi of which whal wore theological conccopt tools be"""" person.1 Iheological und<rst.nd'ngs. In the,truggle 10 mini,ler to anollter pcnon" 00.'. guill, the in, olvcd.w.rene.. of own guill.. even if it be oniy fhe guilt over nol being.ble to mini,_ ter adequalely, comes inlo focu,. With Ihil e~pl:riencco Ihe lheological COIl COpt ee... to be 1001 and bc:~i'" to be a per",n.lly relevanl theoioglool undemanding. As this 1'10<:0" continu.. ther<: i, mov<m<m tow.rd whoi. per"'n,apre..ion of wh., i. roie"anl,heology in the p3s1oral r<:_ l.tionship. The growing pulor lalb less.nd less wilh person, 10 whom he i. minil1ering about forgiveness. He ra,her is Ihle more and more to communicole forgivene.. in lhe rolalion,hip. 11 i. also my experience Ihor molly minisle", who become dis..ii,fi«l wi'h I""ir pastor.1 function. ing,... Ihal the role of p3slot i. emply.nd meaningless,.rc personl for whom l""'logical <onccpls li);< sin, gr.ce, forgivene.s,.nd judgemenl have largely retrutined concepts ro y;hich on< gi~e. ;nt<lleelual..senl, ti' be used and "lloken of from,h, pulpit, bill fn. whnm,he I"'riOn.Ily ",koam u"d~"i.ndi"g h.. nevor t.ken plao:,

14 " FRO VERJTATE DeHmbu 15 Dfmnlltr 19n INADEQUACY S«Ncl, it is Illy ;"'1" _.a_ 'rom dim I. _ alllat Ibo ptoc'n., lokominc... cer_ tain paoloni...ais Iowvd... ;;;;;~.;.. J'd pliilltiidlll mom of ft... wpu..!. The J'lUIII JlUIOC' t. be is... oft... at kut_lilt lwall: of..., at ida<kquacy for M fast, lhouih tjx.: fcdinp lte~ dothrd ill an...!wanl air 01 COIlf~ La his &DDc!J 10 fed mon: adtquatr _ l<:dds to...t; "IlDw-lO-do-i(' anjwr:n 10...riety of qgntiom from "How do I orpni1le. VOC:O Bible 1ChooI~" 10 "What do I II.r \l;i lb< bc:rnftd..hen I ~ paslon1 all?" His qucsriollj about puton.l <,:(lilo",llina::..-ill oftcft be quctliorls.., I_ted to methoclolocy. For eump", &...- ~----_..._,-_.".=_._.._. 11 I Ii COURSES AT I' I WMKO INSnTUTE :1, 1ft... <>Ompl.. llou'h Alrle.. 00<: I""'''' an..oft, I. «Cl1llIual.....r.'I.l... inti... ".1 ~" ,-, _...oiden T",... ""',I """'I- :...,., "h 'llo, 0"""'",...; : t." 10''''- _aut. 10 "'1 _, 1_._ Ill, _ col ,_ Uu..,...l,_ t. "".. I to &..-...MtI> '\oij1... '... _ 0>_..._._... 11,.. _.. _"'" of fn<tj_ of..lou ' oc ' t_ 1_ Tp In, $'"' '_I wo. 01 lif... _,. I _, "'-II aaol _""'.~" "'... ' -~ -..:I ::.= ::..~'':.o::.<t..=~ l.-jt_ ,. _!I.-_1'-"""""-11..._...,..'._01_'"...,'..., "10,I,W ~..'" ao::...~,:o'~ 01"=.. ~ "- ::= -----_ Mttouo :1,-- eo.- _.. ~ _.-..!I ,.,Q...,,,...,! &.-1, "" ct_ _ a...,.... AI_-~ 10_..."t '., ' I, 0,,0_ t'" n 10, D. ' TtIoo -ai'.,_... UIol..._... --II '00',.,- 'hoa ~..., "', -.. ad_..t _,..-!I- 10._ I.bon~ &roo _ la 10_ - "F' ""'1 1 I Till. -.-,..01 <If ''''' _" ha", i<l..., I. tho Jo-a... l,,,,',_ tokl.", """""" I. "',, _It, ot ",1.,.,,,,,,.. poi 01 00' 011', I"'"...1, """'", _"l - _ 10"-' r I' ri<i,.. Ct1_...,1.11, ' '1, B''''''' - '... ""'-- 'I,'''' A.lll Ct1"",h _,_ ".11""'1 ""'II 1.1""""t,..,.....,...,"", I ~" oa" bo oht.,,,,,,, "" '.oll' "" "l.,. _ ""'... 1><:1'. 'mm",'.t.' "..1, Ch,1O'""', 11 I ~.I..~,. t. a."',,1 I"""." ",,",,'hi 'or tho...-11, ~... """...,II...,"""~.""II...,',' "...,., W ft Ii,'.->. It... ' " L' ".....o,n..ji. buddin, pa,ror h.. turned liwiy a avidly to Carl Rogcn '0 fmify him.1'11 Wilh,he propcr _-din:aivc t«hniqun which he thm UItI in a 'athe'liilu:d Inllio<l IS lhe apprmtia: a""" rdl,. uki!he 'ools of liwiy lioolb >killed I". Whcrl he fof'ltu for the:..-xlii liul I'lis is ttljlllolr<l to bo,.illed uad...""", he lap"" inla I pnnarily sociil mode of fdal. in,: Wt nr;e. ~ upoll his putiwlar,hilir'" in 1OciI1izin1. Iu the lub;raiooe procai '" be ccmin, a pwor 10 pn10lli mt:m:s alane unde> arefullupet"i'is.iotl, -.c,."",.,. snitiaj dun&a tq:in to 1Uc pl.a. no. QU<'llions relaltd 10 >kills...t mt'lhods tq:in ~ll, 10 be rcplaad by ~ionl 'lut probe lhe meminj; of IotuIwI uislcroo:: as il II faund '" the COCICrt't~ liruf"iolli of ptf'ioiil in ami of 10 Kaplin, re IMionlltip, fol'jivtlle$l, meanioc....t failh alon, wilh qucttionllhu inquire aboul lhe IUlure of inlcrpcnooll IOd God m.n rclillomhipi. Methods and ",illl.. lueh be,in 10 fide inlo Ihe bo,ckgl'ollnd, or, more afltn, hectlme I part of. glowing, lponlan""", mode af rdlling 10 lxuon,. US SELF DISCOVERY tn. Which 10 I Ihird im pl'cslion: 8«oInioC '...or ill.. DIO...I f.-. dfaft 10 fidel 1 leu in pimlori -.k IOwan! a 'i... I. pcnu tim c.ul sdf IOII pal IOnIIy.,. -_. no. ptf'ioii>-paltor is perlups 100"' llwl loythinji; "be: ICdinI 10 filld ltimrlf. TIlt decisioa 10 b:uime a paatof...,. oft... ion>/ycl a mdl:,. add IOIDI:timcs painful IonCiIJ, 10 f!rtd...t fuifiu aoc:'. lell. 111 the tqiaaia, paslanl nmaioniaa; tmob 10 be IlipJy.,Ifc:aruciaas add rdic:cu I p""-oc:cupatiaa wilh qumiom rdl.ted 10 tim 'pplapilll::lll:ll. or ios~ the MpodnnaM or Mbsdnc:ss"' af. aoc:',..ii-nprnaian in!he _ luld ill lining 'Ok. Subjta~ly ' be: gin.,a hue esperience in wllidl "" nol galy f""b himself 10 bo I. pa'lor 10 another. but 1110 hl.l (:I:periCIO' ill which I"" OI1M:r penon expc:rknor:s boin, helpcd by one'l. pastor.l effort, ltlove:mti1l "",inl. lo",'ud more genuine "othero«nlered" f""ling IJId milude in hi. pllla..l reblionships. Thi, movcmcnl StCms 10 bo boll de <e,ibed I'.. g,owing apaeily 10 make one'. ""If I" be ulicd by lhe 01"'" pc...n la f~eilil"i" Irmolh. 1'0 be ulicd in Ihi, xn", docs n<>l mun ro be manipullltd or ullcd io dellrue 1m: mimie,. RIlhc>, il mclol 10 be Ibic 10 ",II'" in tentll of lhe <>100 penon', need, whether liu, bo I need for...rmlll and "'...DIICIC or a need for ailifnxllin" 'UJeIIivce ""COWl'... "The loul IIdf of the pulor, from I'lis fttliap 01 lclldemc:a 10 his agn:o ~ sum,m be"",..., ~ UIli IDlln'...iiabk for lhe fulfilliac of "'" paslonl funaioa IS "'" need of!he odoei ptf'ioii reqvifts. lloc: need la flad "",,', lelf or PfO"C ooc', ICIf ia liiii p.ortialllr sllu.atio<l Of ",LuioaWp fades inlo lhe tmc.kcround. USED BY GOO A fow1lt obtctnlioa is bcsi; "",ed IS followl: a-ittc.,..or..,,,loa "",,_Ill f... Ia dfon I. mau use of Go4, llto Gooc>el, and lhc:o Iocit:al rcajiun ill paisanl rdaliojt.. Ilipt..iIh pu ani III nility 10 allow _'I self to M tuioil. af God ill carnmal1iee!ml lho ~ in, """01:1' tlu' Is 110I """lrived. "The bcginnin~!llllor tends 10 fed 'hll the relponub,l;ly fo' God', pte IICI1CC in I. paslaral,elalionship lies Wilh lite: paslor. God ",ill noi bo pte ICI1I unklll he is brought by the pnlot". Inlclkcluilly, he mly ICCtpl IDaI ttlil icka is inlkfcmible liieaj"kically. HI: krlowi Wt God's imrrwlmt ae' in lbe: human sirnalioa is n<>l wholly ckpmdelll upon Iris abilily ta bring God 10 tbe: "'lalionlhip. DUI JSe enheleu, he tmds 10 Ittllhis.."y. In Ihis ae:tlk. God is for!he beginaing pulor IIlOIIln -loot" 10 he brought la bear ill so..., this immrdill" eumplc: of lhe Iwrnaft prrdiammt. Ilecause of litis he lcncls 10 fttl tlw ~ ohauid UJC om.ain word.s WI "bride God inlo n M UIli frusmtctl, CUilly UIli inod<quate wlocn br faib 10 do so. T1Io,a, Ol'" 1'JU'lz: pasiof, l'lcfkaioa I.boIIl "'" difficulty he Iud ~brifli:ini God... aici, '" alp""",, i"1 III ri&hl 10 t.all: willt pc:opit: abou' theit dlikbea or their lamily "'ialiotul'tilm if you can nti blish I ",Jllionlltip lh,s ",ay...t thr:n ~l uound 10 Il.lline.boul God." This Imdeney il, of COtll'lC, "'laltd 10 our fint ooscr l'ion mao'ming lite manner ;n which 'heological ","Iities tend la he dclached concepti for lhc heginninl Pl.llOr. Wilh pulorl1 ekpcri.nce lhe..,ili zal;on bogin. 10 dawn upon the person b.."comin, pulo' Ihat lhe timo when II<.. nd the 01"'" pcf$lln I.'" mosl Vil.lly OWIn: of Goo's p,ek'ttce on: n<.>t liiose limct "'hen he con-

15 PRO VIlRITATIl 13 'rio\:d ill bring li..j Inh' I"" oilu>lion, bul nlbrr wbm ljw: rdatiomhip hll be...e IUCh thai God is CNbIcd '0 ~al himself.htoup il. Subj«lively,,hese lima I~...icnced IS momm" whm the pa'tor was onabled 10 Ix a "linle Christ" '0 anotller, '0 usc: Manin Luthc1", word.. It i,.. if God hn become incullate in the relltionlbip. The paj'or btjins '0 fo:cl 001: tha' "" must "ute" God in!he relationship. bu, that God """ him... a dtanntl of his &flite. MOfCCI'tCf, C'qICfCll«as a pajloc bqirtj to brinj!he Wicht. 1%105I oftcll IS lui aflcnhauahl looting bad: on a till of pilkonl a~, tha' ~_ dempl:iv.,ltings happon in plstonl care without the CQI.,.iOUll" of.ithor 'M pat'or 01,he otil.r prr ",n. The Spirit truly "blowf'lh wttrr. i, lislc,h". Thu, movrmetl, i, toward I l'f'coinitioo tha, God, II his (JOOd pleasure, dioojci Ibr pastor "' a ~I of grace. Mon: and Inlm t"" pastor i, ""'"' Ibir to rdu and bt himku,..., wha~.mcuphot thar anttmwlicalo:' with thij panial_ lar penon ID OIII"ftJ, in Ibr relalionship. I"" ~I in Jfl:ril if 001 in ku.i. Ho litcwiilc hewn... more able 10,prak the: tradi,ional wordj of flith when the:y Ipproprillrly clarify lhe spiril ~Ir<ady implicit in the: rdationsbip. ACCEP'TANCIl OF BROKEN REAUTY A r...1 obxrtation lbout lhc pct"... ~ pul01 1"1" OIlt of doc OI:hen and 10 Ippelr CIllIy Ifler the other prouucs!icte de. lctikd Ire _ll uddnway. II i, this: 8«omiaa; II pulot iavom. _ mmt lrom co... with c:orrectinl what ill wrong or bad or diilarted In lb. other!'ft'soo 10ward ~liinc:e of lbe brobll, COIlU'&d.itIory IlIIhIrl: of doc 11_ DftIditamml uoi COOl willi r...i"ma; die per. ~... is, liiuaiii,.. wdct M _ denuk,... lniiiiii ibc... ~ of a ftd-!lc'"' "t.. hip fhis obiu,"uon is pct"haps dlriroaf by rata.ins il in,"" foljo"inil man_ ne,; B«-inc I posloi" iii... nt I... II poe '"paim with dlart, 10 Itl..._'" 10 be pod, happy, or '"ChrisliaJt" IOWard of sai...tlon IS I proten or srowinl rtlatiollnlip in ",biob lbc per _ is t..uq;..yfli in... Bihlical The tqidnm, paltor pcnily tmds 10 fed I arona: W"Jt to ~build ~ in I wy-. Wlut ""...1." into a ~orill rdalioawp IUld bqins 10 IC>UC the "'1' in...hidt the other penon is in",~ in disioned itku, confliclual feelin",,inlul bchuiow, or faulty alti,udes, he milst of'n! foels an (Merpowering urge to $Ot Ihings straigh,. Even when he is Ible to 5f'C thai lfraightrnins out prabkms and distortionj that IfOW of yean of past ~ is acccdin,ly difficult if noi irnposslb", he falds to Ittl a ICDSC of flilure if hc """ DOl dorlc sa. H. Itt" a JIU' DrnI to ~!tis own ~ ill", the 0Ihcr penoa" Iif. so!lu, "hal is """"I may soon "" com:ctcd. The fm.ha, lhex.lforo gcn.erally prtwc unsuccnoful is often a IOU'~ of ono of,he liru crijcs ",lated to doubt aboul the melning/urn.." of tho pulorll ailing. This IIICCI of thc proc.m of becoming a p.uiol is: mosi crucill, for Ibr 1(:I01u,;oo of tim: )"OUIlJ puror', dilemma II this pewit may bt ~ dcta-milllu'l'l: of!tis future a«,nlck IIIld lclioity in his pumral minimtj". The dansc-'" of I raolluioa ill the dir«tinn of uncknuadin, lhc pasronl mle ( uocotl5ciously) as plimarily a manipulaliv. or coc"'i... onc is vcry ~II unl... "'p"rvision is available to..,i,t th.. younl pas,or to clarify hi, own auitud., OJ well as,hc i""," in\'olvw in ICTlllS 01 the ILI.lU'" of man and ul...ion. Like..." i, i, in ",lalion 10 this faat of.he proa:w WI mad)' J"OWlI pqron bqill US 'WIll ~ off from doll: cmotios>al in...mmmt wilb per. lolls in difficulty, morli as the p/lysi_ ci.m is templed 10 wall himjclf off from tmollon.1 io-.olttmall "ilbpct" JOIIs in pain. BEHAVIOURISM It is It IhiJ point,hat Ih. behavioural Kknees wi,h,heir.prlling out of lhc tliinn: and dcpih of lhc hunwt pmiic:amm1,.a:liil' in\'ol~ man ill lin, arc most:!>rlpfld. Tho: CCIIlCefl'l of liurria<l iii<: as proa:so or is pilpim.a", in which lhc penoa both cau"" in lbc web WO\I'Cn of his put u()trirna: and f= 10 brcomr a new trait... i, helpfully clarilicl by an rtforl to correlate p.ydloioi;ioli and Biblical throlog;'11 prnprc,ivrs on th. human problem. Cliniell p""" toral e<fucatioo mable,,he: prrlon Ix_ cominl put... '0 do thi. in tlm: con IUl of II dinicolllcltinll whe", he may bring borit of ~ prj spc:ui""" 10 bear upon l;"in&. hl1ldljl CXIIIlpa of IIWI" Imi,,"""", prohkms.. CCIll- >Un,,J,.:din~ and r~-..hc:dinl; of CCIlIa:p1s a&lime raw apcric:aa: with prnons ill crisis IIIld dlcd:m, uperi_ coa: ~lijui psycholo,ical ",""ry and thcolosic:aj poinl of vic:w cnabks the young pa>lo' to bqin '0 cornlat. hi,.xpcrirnco wilh hi, theological undemanding in such I mannor II to PUI "livinl flesh on Ih. dry bones of,hrolcje;y", "' on. )'OUfl1 pallo<"..,.. Of'Gtly piit il As this proc:c:u coaw,urs a rather profound dianre brjiou... LLl:c- pike 11\,he putor',.,b;cl;:iiyl: aprticllcina; 01 lbc ~I of the pmooj... whom "" is cal.led '0 miniss:u. NOI: only is he: more ablr... lhc...ii.y of the OIhcr prnon'$ situalion wi,h all its implicalions moro clearly, bul hc become, morc,nd more Iblc '0.n,er "grlcofully" into,he Ill'um of the Oilier prnon',.xperience. Hc bt COrnai las and Ius oaler 10 find quiet,,imple loiurion, and more: Iblr 10 _ lhc deeper, rrtok significan, iauts in relliioa 10 the 0Ibcr ~'$ lit. piljrin:l.act". Thus Ioc be... ""'" If''ly I ~Iohql/lcnf of m., flock of Chriss:" and bs a "psobkm ,", "achicc 1;"'1''', l'1 disprnilcr of "chrcrful "ord,". PARTICIPATION IN SALVATION Tbt,heolocical basis tor this shiflin, emphasi, in JWtonIl altitude and rdluoasbipo Kcms, in mosi c:aa. '0 be I <kcprning I;II\dcnlandinr of salntioa IS a pfocal of If1I'winI: relalicillsitip brrwrcot God and man whido lbc ~ is bting SInd in the Biblical ICIlJ<: of btcominl. The PUtor i, pr;";ic,cd '0 panicipa,e in that pmcrss to a Or kurr de. grer:. Hil part in the: process may It a givcn time: be to ",prak th. trulh in Iovc", if that bt IPfln)priat., or may be Jimply 10 lijtetl and acup(,,hu' comdiwlicat. God',.c_ 1f'Ciina: 10 o:cptanc.x. His PIli may bt 10 be II... f"mdly antllfoclill throusb whom the p""?" io ahk 10 "wrcsik with God" III iilc If'D)( of ainir'iinil with Itio cloubu lboui iilc mc:aniocf... of lit.. and the ~oocinni of God. JudFment, in the:...n... of confrontluon with,df in a cont.xt of may come lbou,,hrouah hi. m."...r of relaling. Whal...r hi, TOI. may Ip_ be, it i, tlkm not in order IMI he may liisfloal"re,he other prr SOlI into btin~ sood, happy, or "Chris.ian", bu, in Ord... WI the other pu_ loll may VOW loward "real manuitj - tn, DllrlSllre of demopmmt "hich in

16 PRO VERITATE ;....,.1lI by ',he f..i'- (Or U1ri.!'-. In 1UmIDaI"J'. my IIlCItsiion is Wt bccominf a pulof, liu bee:omjnll a pcrul. II a prottsi lhal tqins wilh Iht tlfort ol 1M prnan to find him..,11 in 1M patonol role IIId 10 make..te of «min tools, theololaial add mtthodojocical, 10 b1m,; about (rftain,.,..1, wilh lkhtr penons, It belins ";th I I;n,...-n... ""'ron.."'lily 01\!he plln of thc pulof-{o-bc for thc plrticipotion of God ill ihc lifc of <ftc OIlher penon. llitouo$h I prottsi thjl, like ""nonal btoomulj, in",""" rndl:rllioa. cris:s, add Nrisfyinc: tj: prrirnces, ihc penon brc:omrs mor: lruly a pastor in the JtIlsr of "shepherd of the flodl of Chritl,".ble 10 "'" his,,-hole po.'i><ln in 'cbu...>hips with ouxr pc... Through thcsr: aioc:phcrdina: rtbtionships God u that...bkd 10 ~I himsell u forgi",,_... ~r, add ~. Uk br_ c:ominj I penon, brqmiq a pasoor it I n~ rnd-ing, I;llQtinuinc pnja'llf in hich thr pulor, like the penon, Cro 10ward "the ful"- of Quist". A QUESTION OF LOVE - RQSI;.\lARV M. ELLIOT w. an: tloom w" _prioe doe Oariotian QunI,? l\'loat is doe _ am, wllidl ",'atir..., tllaa,... tu; lami? Baptism? Rcplar Mlaodant-t It d" Kn'ica? Be""vllrlr? Good ~s? The", to only one 1I..llity liuli Christ said would tnablr people 10 r«joinile Hit diocipl.. _ nil t~ Iovcd One anothrr. RESPONSE OF LOVE<::.. no! m m-ioo II;' I...y of mpnodidj!: ro pcop1r. A mall to DOl. "'cam' 10 God' orha:i lor it 'alonr willi llli~'. Ur.. Dram' tn God w""" he is rired add bus,. add ya..ill ~ to peopir with tint- r IIId tlirt. \l;'llicll-is ntam' 10 a Io r-respoiisl': To livc gmrrouily to your chun:h's boil ing fund; to givr to charity; or 10 ~y your cmploy..~s benrr...ges? Which is n.arer [0 a lovo-rc.ponsr: To allrnd mid-wttk pray.r mee!ingl; or vilil sid; or IoMly nrig:hbour? How do _..., our Christim wil_ nns: AtlcndinC churc:b; Prl~ meetinp; WOOlCll'1 Guilds; Suodly tchooi wort; ajtlir Ilowcra; rncndinl; lhe d1urd! 1iDr:n? CIUUST THE CENTRE To br Christ-o:nlffll is fo br!me CC1llrcd. Whc'rr do we Ion whrn..., an: mlacfl! in [hot aaivities? in Sunday School wort for instarlcc, which is most important: the things W\: the children or thr qu.lity of 001 caring t/u.t reaches from the toad>rr child? When we ItlClld dwrdl mccl:inp,... is the lll3in lopic; Finance, OIurdl Buildings IIld tiliintenaocc, n.c Spilinullif~ of the con~lioo. llild itl OIHrtach? On.: rntti:lili I R: Cl:IIlly lumtkd IPOfII 0flC md hall houri dik1luing the g..~rd. When... ~.tlcnd thest meeting.. wh" spirit is gcnerat~d~ Good f~l_ low hip? Irritation? Il=dom? Which i. more important, the,ubitet m,ntcr under discussion 01 me liw1ncr ill whid! we discua il? lor: drci.ioo. the: corporat~ apreaion of the croup, Or the UDIdohrralrd inlcfltion cr ORr or mort influmllal mrmbcrs 01 thr ~tion? CORPORATE SPIRIT Lo<tc powi bcrwttn people. TIoc quality of Ihrir n:btionttlip allan the nunner they ~d 10 one m_ Other. 1i~1Y wming 'oso:thcr of penpic, whether for churd! or SPOrl. family DIItinCS or work, are opportunities for enjoying one 1II0!l>er. How o/tcn do w~? Whit spirit do WE bring to rorpot'.t~ activity? Our own or QuUt'l? Is lhe llliin role of the Otristian chun:h to hclp people Cf1Iw apiriuul_ Iy? Is the only lnt oj apirinaal <k- ""Ioprnmt scm in a.liliii's capacity 10 ~) If il is, thai an: alrtml forms of chutdl 100nhip IlDd orpais:uion a.-iopinc the ipiriwal Iifc of IIlI:m- "'"' Do wc _ Icmion IlDd crisis IS bad Ih:nv to be avoidrd? Or do we I«them II the pbees...-hen: Ihr Holy Spirit is at WI.Irk? What is our O9iTI we nre confromrd by sn emotionally chsrged problem? Do wo withdrlw bocau_'" we dillike 'unplcluntnem'~ Do we wilh olber people wcre ftol so ijiort-lightcd, COIUIt...uvc IIId oblllljaivc~ Do we ICImI ihc people ",ho brin,c new ideas aad _ pushing add telf-opinianal' cd? As ttmpcrs risr 0'I'tt ID ismc, ",hidl braimcs nw:rre importanl: thr idr:a or the croup? Whcrr do WE I«Christ at wort; ill such I situation? E...,n if "'r art sure we hav~ Right on Ollr sidc, is ehri" liill...ith ",? SPEECHLESS LOVE 1.0"" is llo{ commurli(:atcd in wvrl;ls. Then:.. no 'achancc of 1o C' when one p:non dllc:l au lhe!.lkin~ no matlct ho. implrina he nuy "". f...twoc is: slim!1y tlllhc:aed w","" "'" http oulcra 10 t"tlm!llomia",- As..,!hul ourao:lon dowd add MOp pro;ea_ inc: <lur1i01fts, Olr... brcim 10 We 0'I'tt. T'hrrt is no...oy insipt allo this. 1lIc only way we an KtiRIy IiUk a Io e n:lationship i, when.., conscioolly commit IlUrsrlvrl \'0 'Iovc within. situation. In Ihis is the potmli.l tronojornullion point of the "'hole world, Bllt it meanl we can ncycr contract OUt of I,il\lltion if wc...~t Olrisr to"" Il'prcItIIled in it. II means.., may have to IIClif~ OUr own indi.idual fulfilmall U prnons in ordcf (hal love may triumpb 0'I'tt aelfllhrlm, hale, fear add IU the OIl"",, (2IIIeI of aio add CTil. For thu rta.sofi, no one CI.ll be fol'cled to become I Ouistiaa. Thr:rr is no noy way 10 ald~rt the mi.l:lej. TIlerr.. DO prd=tial IlcaUDmt b..'cllu$c ~ art Christians. Rather the rtva'lc, we art willinl 10 suffcr rather rhan inflict sufferinl. On the O'lhcr hand,!here is nothing which ;1 il11jl'o'!.liblc to thote Ihat lovc. In low: there is IOtll fulfilmenr, healing, and IInity, Ind the po...,r of the Kinc:dom of Heavm is in the qualit)' of opilit that il CrtJIlca amoop: thcnc who follow ChriR.

17 1)tcembel' 15 D_mbel' 1969 PRO VERI TATE 15 BOEKBESPREKINCS Or. II. Jonker. l. l'c,1,- 1.,,1.. O""r hrd"nduap kerk~,,-crkmel l'erken "'n,;on. <lch/er~rondm en riehllijnrn. C. F. C<1I/<'n/>o;;I, N.I'., N'ik~d, P,of. dr. 1I. Jonh" "oogleraar in,ii(' I'raktie"" T<'Olosie ~"n die Rijk... "ni, e,.ilei! te Ulr""Iot, 10"" hom io hierdir..'nk mel die vraag M,I;~.i" non die kcrklikc a,beid ill hi",di, tyd. I)i~ aklhalilcil,'an die onder"'e'l' drinl' hom.t"",i terker aan on. op, maar wi. 110m deur pr,'f. Jonker la.1 m""ncem 01'.y 'rrkl'nning,'an die terrein waar die k",~ in 0"" I~'d.y arh.'id te "errig hi. kom,ie. Ie diepcr ond", die in dr"k "an.ii.. wo,.toli"g..'aarin die b-,k gewikkel i, ~n "an die nood.,,,,i<likl..i,1 "'" j"i, no" te wee... al hi- i om I.-erl.- I...'.,... en ke,k '" 101)". '.. H",o,i~n!<,"ie i. nodig wal ),,'I,rf <lie,in "m, die krrklih arhei,!. I)i,- "kr~',, er.. ii da" ook "ie in 11iu die I><",k ad\'i""e en.ugg"'lie. aanhi.-d m,,1,iii' oog op die di",kle "il.,"'feni"l(,'an 'die k",klike at!lei<! nie. Ilaan'aa i. daar,,,,,i. norgen""g. \Vaarn." p,,><:!ikam. en aan"'..nd" p,rdikanlo 'in on' I~'d ind,',daad 'n dti"~",,de heh""fle. 'n we,klike '''>od i,d, i.,ue nog meer aanw~ "inp;.,'." di. ko"l "an,ii..."no..' it all." ",al m",...,'eel armw'n,i~ w""l,ial "I,,'al in"il""i"ned &On di~ ke,k is. nil~<'<li~n i" pn,'a"uit hieroie """., heir! r~ple 1\"" "an 1'00 dip -ke,k in dn waarl,,,id nih mind., J\i" as oy krrk''''''n.elf m"'~ prj'ogre om vi,,ii",_mondig,," mens eo die "mon dig,," w'reld HOg (of eindelik..'eer) kor" h' "'.,"'. oi.. ; m,ar "'ul nodig io, io... n hero.i~ntmie IN' ",,.igle \"an, "u",lie kerklik~ orbeid. Hi",_ die n()od wotd <l"u, die,krywer ongel"'j'fd,1 "'1'; gepeil,,> loy "aa~ olel. en.~. oorlniging dal di,' k",klike arleid da",..m mel ",e"gd" "",,,rwajl;li"l( "ilg...",f." ka" word 'l> di".in d.",,'an h.""f "'otd, Inocl "",,,I...orbl'l,ond beaam...ord. O.t fnnd"menl.,]. Jinge OJ' r!ip '1" 1 i., i; "'.1..,kcr - en prol j"nke. hm ook daarin gel}'k dal die I",i...e,i"g waa,,,,,,,, ao"'''..n<lc lore di,,""i" oj>sic" leen ke,klike arl.eid ""Ig."o die oll.11'1 in die huidige j!;".,.kulari""",de "'Dlele... i,,~, nl..i"j!;; oi,kd om die kwe."ie "I'.n 'n on of ll\,we.tyl ni", mur <lal dil ook II' make 1..1 "'et die.nb"a".ie "an die Ch,i"'olike l':, lonf ill hie,die tyd. ])ip "I.. rr..i""e,konning" i" hierdie Jmek 'i. d...-glik en grondig. Di. "itdaging waa,,'oo, di" kerk lam >""'n om 'j' bo,;,bbp "n die,'om, wonrin dit gel"ing "'4\rd, "'aar Ie m,.k le,'non, die nu...e in.igle rl,, "llale I'an die "'4\,lem" " ete,,,l.-al', t""nno' di" ",gni,'''' "",,,,oi' wal g. l"i h '" Iw}, ',... n,d,.n die,"e". do", I,i,.,di,' '''TIn"," ("mani. I'nl""i,,"I. t".nnor"ld. lende",'" in die filo...,fie en die I",-,Iogic (m.ll. die oorak"""i"e,i"g,'an die I)><:!,. ledh..c.,g~ac1,iehllichhil",...1 "oi ~en",ii, shy..'",...kl"., m""t word "a""il,lie impul..,."",lie, k~ia t, n;iefilo,."fie en 'n ",,,,-j,,da',,,,r.,,d. d.,,~,il'li"l( "'01 "crai deu, di~ a If",id "an M. B"hrT die 1",,1"l'i, Cn kerk like d""ke.lerk Lelnd""d hcl). t.",, 00' die allli-in..h".ionaliome "n t"""oor,li".-.'o<'l t"pn die f"rmu)""r_!>aad",;,1,an di" waarb"id word I"'ndig,," no"lli!,:.-nd b...k'rf. IIi", "n,lullr i. d.a, ill I,i,,die lerrei,, I e,k.."ni"l( ""k iet..-al '0'" 'n m",,,1,.;:,, ",lie kaak...i aa"doc". In,Ii,,.""el,.. i,,1' "'oa,in die ke,k,'y arbeid 10 "errig hel, so hoor on. die "krrwrr.e...o,d di" imp"lse "an di,' ". oorlog.., ek.i"'e".ierilo ""fie in di" pr"kl)'k gebring en II"" I'er,..rt,,,,,. Gq>c,,'crh"" in dal,ii. ela" "m die,,'.,,)oeid \\'"Hoo,,Iii Ii, hi..die denker. ge """" bet,,e,d,,'p' hel 0'" pick Ie maak "i, di~ di'ekt. I'-"'I' "a",ii" "j""," lf,we",," op die d ~I;k.., 1"\\,,, ""nder nad",.!>hin"i"g of, er ani"'on"li"1" Oi., raal(. hoe <lie kerk moct rea 1'.'" in <lie \\'~,e1d ",u,i" I,,' hom bnind. Tsok die m"eilikp I'ml,lc"," lid, "an 'n rech "crhoudingc: Ge l""f knk",,,: Won,d l'an God.I~ d; b alll'eli".h..dendaal''''' le..'en,'gel'oei: in),o,,<l"'orml'ew;nl': e"., Oie pro' IJl""m "On di", """Ikillll: "." <He han!,:"lie.,'." ~'all<'t hem",nenli""".ieulel gd'""i""r m",,1 wo,d. mocl de". Ji" praktiese '.', in.ame ",,l' "n ;I'an..'c,k mel, ~rtee,, "'o",dil(en "a".ndcr di..iplill"" "an,lie h~>i"l'i"..>c " Ner,;l:ap. in di. iii: "a" hi..die...,i"'"din/(e uill'ema.k " o,d. I" hi«die..erbond onde.-hi prof. Jonh, n,'ie'ioi I",,,dinl'~ ("atlilu<le"') wat aangen~em "'ord, "I.,a""urdin!,: l"an die l,uidigc."!and,'an ",k" (deu, di" neo /ecjo_ /:i,'. n le,m,,,,,,i di,'.kr)'\\'e, l'erki... ho IImee 1<'Olof,ie Icr aand"idi"g '.n die tadikalc._' ~m"",inl!'lcol"l!ie"), die h"idil(c sla"d ".11 ",k "eraol""ting "" wrleenthcid. \l'al di" kerilike.tryd "loer dikwcl. an "ilsigloo. "n Irsgi".(!) maak, i. dil' feil dol l,i""i;, "llilllde' so o"'..."' nlik i. t~n "1"il'l", ~'an me_ bar.,lui dam """"el "OI.-rikhaa,held i~ en dal I""n",~"nwnle, ill "'e"twil..." die ""<lraal(..",,,i,~id.....""ec dil Lej,,;;,, wo,d _ "14\"e i. all"'1 ~!lie nw"r ~.I.onr..'ord nie. '" Il.."""d~, i".igge,,'end. I.oof.tuk...o,d ~_)' aun 'n oo,"ig ",n,ii.. ~""ki",j"ni" "." dic praklic"" I'"nd"le l'on die Ignali". l<>l Sbaull". Die "kry...r rnce" dal d"arin 'n tipi... om,, ikkeling.lp' Ie I"'"peur i. In <Ii.. I"o!, va" die ge,klrd.."i. i,.ii.. a..heid "0" die k",k h lken. "anuil -" 1"'1'.,,1<1, o,i~nla"i,,_ I'""t h..4;ou,'n "nde",...,,,,. Telke". wo,d,i,,", 'n n,,""e ill,,"l ~edocn mel '" ""...,' "rii'nla.i"l'"nl: di" amp (di, p.,'tor""ii""i",ie.., Ip' in di" Hoom. K"",liek, "Il refo"""lori""" kcrke):,lie krrk (...derl."-:hleierm"ehe' mpi "l',kfi"i.i",an die I'rabie"" Teok>l'i.. "0 di. "Tccllllik zu, Erba",,,,!\, ",,,1 Ve"'oIILon",,,,un;: d, r KiTche'") ;,lie ~'~,~Id (dil' "gil. apo'lolaatate"logi,'): en die CllTi>l"n-maaubp_ I'~_,'i,i.. ("an die be.ko"ing- van eh.i,t.n.. "", a. 'n ' ctant...oordelik...." in di...~rrld 101 by die leo_ logi~ "a" die,c...o!o,i, m.t II. Sh.,,11 a, "j' n'...' "ilge'prok","er, tel'n...on,dig-prj. Die""" i. ej!;le, 1el_ k"". "'cer -II reaksie op,lie pen'l'dill' 11."<Ie "on di. a"dpr. Die kerk... ~,e1d..'i.i...<>cd d"n, die "krywer gewaa,_ del" a. die ",, ell'iglil("., ma"r hy,ind dit IO~ "odig- "n' Ie ""N< no '" "',... ",ii'"!,unl "'Ill dic "ia "a" di" k<rklike I"aklll, i" I,i"rdic ly,1 "I' 'n nuii'e ~n indri"gl'nde wy"" aan die \ig kall btiug. Oil."; hy, ka" ni. hen.der "'ord,.n"i! die komj>o' ''''nle.. aa'm..." die k~,kllke arkid 1J<r~'pef\!lie _ nog "an"il,ii" l""'lite,'on die am!'. n<lg,'a""il,li~ l""rlikhei<l "an di" kctk, "ilg "a,,,,il,lie.ti... "f ",Iigi.",," I""',e<!iginl': IOn die me"... n;'k,'nn"il 'n ",,,ialp ''<'"''''!"' in,lie "';',eld en ",.,al""al'l'j. Die sill is nle ull iet. h"ite die.i" Ie "erklom nie. Dit i. olega te,'",klaar,'alluit die.;n aelf. li" ain i. IlOeWercin. till f"nd,,,,.,,-

18 " BElANGRIKf PUBUKASIE DR. W. B. PRO DE VILLlERS 'tl OlIllSTELIKE INSllTWT-PVIlLIKASlE BESTELVORM LUNTEREN EN OlE RASSEtCWE5SlE.. VERI TATE lunteren EN DIE RASSEKWESSIE 'n Feit.lj~....- ~"'-'---""' ""--~'-' ' _ NAAM AORES,.1. un.ii. ' y66r, lyd... en n d.. G.r.f",,,,...d,, 8:""'... 5i...l l~"t_n. N.cI...ncl, A.A' DIE CHRISTEUI<E INSTlTUUT VAN SUIDER-AfRIKA, P... llim, Bt ",fonte;n, T,-..,.I. I.. ~l IM1<cr,li.- L...-\'.Iilc ",l",itl, i. di~ Uj'fflllll-oin-. Oie...-an~i... d,,",,ur "rwi onub. God.rt..i. Ilaarui. ku 'n u.lall'rabi.,.. k lh..~ ll~...-l< word.i. y...ilj., 1e,"-IOn:.Ii" hr\lik".+.rid, I);".on nn.ii rlrid die h'" F"!"I... in die 11 Ii in die.,..rki.eti"l1 nn Cod;.Ii".in....Ii. lfl'dilillf: 10; ;n.ii...rbeiod,-a. die "'It"";,I... loin nn.ii. lilll'l!'" Ii in I.Ii.. li..rdnu-r "ad God mtl.ii" "lnel;,li...m un.ii" l.'''il_1i in.ii, ", rbondolrou,"an God van ge lo~ "" ~... 1lI~;,-an die pa.. "I'"'... rin~. W u llil~u""l'unl vir di i"jl1lw'''~ van di. hrldil:e kid... a. "rondrnol;'(,-i, din p I:li... _Io~i.~ t-in"i,,~ sir! hy dan din (0...'1.: ('".0<1. 'A'.-n.i.ds'n...Mi: I,Lint! 'u 01;' hei ri... 'n \1... i. if! 01;',.-L:i~... I. H'," '.n difo illboud '-.n hi""';" I..."" ud",..._ Ie 11ft. jail 0"" <bl.iii '" "..-lif;. bnlnninl'i i. mi1 olio' "'" 01' Oft. 1,-01. f}il I. '1;'Ir, ni. I» 'n Lori hrsp.,.l..inl!... n..a: d.i.llin" oi... f}""rom "il do: lo,ut Ie in God.. Brnadi~n loe "'~ndi,,~ lot din."i:.lin{(; va",ii" dinl:o"i" Ie in die di"n. "0" God I.'UI din "len flil "01 die...ryw.r "n... Ham in n w"",d: Goo. I,.a " di. or i"~ "", rl dil Ill" l-'f)ol,rtugde ;nlllro"minl': 1': "1, dil nie.iev nil h.,le 10" unk, 1.-if I'rNihnle... I... lo~i." ",,,dmln "i lliaor ooit,lcrl: wi! h,.lcl"'ll<>on 'd,1 di1lrl"". Oll he.,,,d... h.l"''''1 10 "'or. l',of"oio,e i",lie l',al:li...e T""lo!"ie $.II Ill.i. a'" hull lo,l""le 'n we\daad bt-wl. d.,,, dill b...tudr,ing " hie.din 1-",ir almal n.pti~ d In "...1:. -IU:' nr. 11'. Nfld'art J" "iil~,.. u..~... e. " RUH~uk. '. r:'rijldik I tulit.iil,.bio"j:ruu, m.j.,. J..." IJJ ",.,. RllIO. Oil dio J-,-an dr. 'A'. 11. de VilM... hm ria.r "" pat ""''''l'n"...." Ji" J(UHI:~, '...-.uing... kor""""'lur OOr die bhl"ite 'lor r._.ongewnlh.-m, ;tn din 1968 C...,..for""",rde aumen;_ Sino<w.. 01' 'n kal"", "" 1I0balon_"I. "I''''.I:'l f d. VillieNl nor die."'1" t. ""..-~I ~, "e',10k". ",.,,1" wol h..d",,1 wao om die b<olli.. in~e ~." din G.E ,...ko... Ie beim'~>i"i1. Ily vorwy. n. die.0#-0. brom" nn die Nederlan.u. pus, die.. ~..j"ii u" di" Afrikunee perl en

19 PRO VERI TATE fouuetft. dol.jbri II'...:mo..ed br,,,*ke IMfl II;OW"" ~ Om lot 'n bf. I"""","", wu.deohuin! un d", C.E.S. ~,I!p""'" I~ ~~ ak. Die "'1"':e die uilllp.ake '.n die G.ES,~.klik r,....1.,.;... ni..., bemui'e" mr.k 01' dol die t..,.)uite ' liilll;e-p.oke ok.ifl"".likhe"f', er'qoii. God. Woord. ~ hy, wh di.,,,ill;'" werk lik. 8<ond.I'II;. Bt-w"Jore ~.nd.g worol Sewy un die ],.,Iui'e OOr g.,,,"n~de huw.lik. g,,"n.nllih un hiddlnli' ~ d", 1'..11,... 'oloepao.olnf!;. un die bepn..., beueui"l! he! Of' -.erhoudinll' 0.. Vinie.. aluil., '-&II Lunl...f deu il 10 roep:..goddank,i, Lanle"",....,. duidtlib Beotuile! Gocldanl:,-iT... Suid-Atriba..., \...'ormeerd" h.k. w.' ~edoeil U" Lun r...n... or bnl"i,~ """".ok,)" "et! GOO,lank, i. die Ch.i,leliko ~ewet" war dao, no!!' l..r in die h.rt,an di. 5l1id Mrikaanlle \"Olk! Goo hell' omr 1>", '-It d..-inl! adciioioode be!an&otdli"ll'.f om<bl.iii nabern,; ri"l"... dc:.r do. I>.,id 1'. Both&. '-an Ii", Nedeod.'be Ce..,fo,,, s...dinperl< \'On Suid.\I,ib [KleuT' linrl eft prof. J. \'.rl",'l 'n lid ''In die I..",e.."... ad,iealomiree 00..._.n!!'dt<'nlhede. (Oo,~.n..,rn ell ".~,..rr..l "ir li.f;o5. tve... EMhun"... di. amprelike llrruob.ief "an,ii. C",dorn~' de Elu""",i... 5i""de.' LEITERS I BRIEWE WHY "''"E MUST PART...~. Mr. P. A. Fuhfull, I, MinMro, n,... St.. 000nt10f\1Oia, J...n AI.n E...ngdie.l (".ee.nll).rr".,j in l"n", ou"lllry I... inl".,,,.,j in,i..,.i",. of lhe a"i.. lion l""i,. Aft.. re.din!! one )"," i..",," 01 Pm I"""'<IIe.nd.1,...di,., On. cont.r...,.. I h...e deoidrod I ca.nnot '''1'1'0" ouch bod)'. I 1«1 thai lbi. ''''Jui... n pla...i""'. I befi,... taa.1 God eho<oe 10 eommuniear. 10 min in word. lhal had dofinil~. "'.t...nin": mnt tno\.~ try. II.. wrote I... worda down lor ~; Ihe 1.1< of (hri_i.n..hola,.hil' in Ihi. mall., i. ro "nd...nd,i." IIlI'IIni"ll' 01 rh_.. ",d. in Ih.i, oonlul,"d f.j,hrull~ 10 p"" lho.. "",.ninp;. in,i.. 1'''8'''!!"" nl rod.y,1..1 each rn.y krlow wh.r G<>ti rh.r... are nol I"'Tmiu.,.! rho "...nin '0..-h.r... Iffl Cod oup-bl '0 hl"e..,,01. or to> ckn) r... r Htil word. ha'e di..incr ninfa. o. to I.ach lha, 1"'1'.r Iii. w",.k 1 all 001 n...'o.k. I N 1v belifo\~ 1l.-1 I~ "-00 deny tar il.orily 01 I"," Suipt"us I.., in 01 bel,"in, &lid 01 prod.iminr a f.!de '''''I... I h.," dtlecr.,j al Ira.. one...1. c...1..r rhal """ Ib,oop.,h. publi","io".. "P "do G... I~ I~ in the Church". "M ~. rll rlt" 11eV1'''' of South Arri",," and..,.-.'al tiol., in Pro Veriwlc. Thi. Fal... Go. pel of. t.n rho... n.lii. 01 Ch,i". tsah "'on. S.not,ficarion. Reroo,eili.tion l '0 h.. man """i"r..-illr"", II.. etioi, 'ion rrom..n..."...i. _""y. JdU' o.,i>l did _ eo... to.r> 01...", ~i..inli' I""..." """id~. bu, r...icry in whioh di," booed on onl"u,.,.ee, ct,.. or not",,, 0'" ollll....d hi' Go<1"o commond,..,,",...1 wi,h G,>d', wo,d. rhe Chll,eh rna'. in God'. n.n... oom mand';n. r" ok>' COO', Law. flu,...c ",...1 not eon''; r... t n.lion..ilb this chureb. The i. no..i. "llion ""r.idt of o>,ill. Soh-Ilion by ll~f".m.. f.lm- ''''p'''i. So i. S."..i... b, Good ~ orka. w. din"':. Yet. "'Can _..ID: l"ielhe,? :. lhe li. l)".,,1!1a. Sox. Y... "1;0 I w 1d h...iel. "Y~ I lura d Gllali.u HI.. 9 Ind 1l1oltn I eondude Ih.. lhe Word ot GOO ")'0. ":-':0'. lte...,.! n",...ill w... run dt<'j>e' II",,, "'0 rhink. ".rormolion...'ilho"r Il,~ene,arion... ill nor.wrt rll. judg.ment of G<><I, (We ii.mly!kii.,.-e i" tlr. "...po.,au"... ol,he ClrllrcA I,y. i.,..., 0/ i.. ~1(Y'f""'. We tujo Mie...,,",, lit.." J...lrl ~ Ji,,;.pti,)u.J b-ot..-er. IA" C1um2 _.I IJ., "...ri;{,..~ Stale... IA. _imtj. Tite Nflo-iu" "f w Ch,.., i. ~i." Ie> lite I i./. 0/ tae "D/1 Script..,... nrm i. illdf. I.,Ao _......, ""' rleci~ fo' IA" _I.:e 0/ 111" ""'~.., lite CIIII,.A i. rlfflm lor IAe... oj 11.0 wo,ij. (CI. /0"" 15:16' "Y. A.n-e "tk di",en m. bui I hm.. <Ao..." yo... "nd ord"i",,1,m,.,h.1 yo ahorrld Fo and h,i,,~ forrll fruil. Joh" 3:16: "For r~"l... k...rd,1.0 wo,ld. thai h" ~a. " hi. o"ly t",[,of- "" So.. 11.< _''''' &.eli...,a... IIi.,,J,,,,,/J.rM /",i,a. bill r.. u.- /.aili." lil.-. JoII. 1::-17: "f'" not I" jud,o "rld ~ Iho wurld. 0'.l1.mA.,. Sell. 1-1: "re a,o Ihe..h rl,e ~""h... yo are Ihe lilli., of,h. ~orld: etc.' We do nol "rid nny,rnund in the &,ipt",a for "" in'''i,re'atio" oj the '«:o""iliolo'y "wl' "f Chi" ". a.~io u.."iolt '",h.... of ro pi«e""nl of fll" n/j. II i....".. accordi.!!, ta Sf. Paul. r),i. ""rul'liblo.mid< "" _ i_""plidn led 11>;. moo<tal did<..., ",,, _ i.. _Wily (I Car. /5,51). 11'".~,«IAfII tae,e i... h""'uiolo "",... jm.~. kllmte i. at..,... MlrWlio. Wilhoul..for. (llehr. 1:t:U: ",.0/,.,.,... ",i,1o tjl... /wii... ",i,ii"", riich... ""' '-11 I«J/oI: IArtl"). Tllue/o..:.'0 ~,ljlio" by re/of"'. b..1 '"J'''''' bj l'irt... oj lhe "..,A of o..r ",1"0"00 Ih,o.."h jhe expi4tory..nd Mlli'Jar/o,y """ifiu of Chd". The "",,"' lijr"' of,1,,,,n<ri kin". do,.. of Go<l wiu bt-,m. "'rimy life -...'fli aed,,,...-,,ed 'Md /dt>,ili~. TAt: CA...e11 i.,11. hrralj.".1 tllo Ii". 0/ /ili..,.. lif. "'11,'''''' CoJ...,.. 'Z'!!::t 10 1M St:ripl"reJ th. for iii..-orlrl (e'. /I Pd..r 3:lJ). 1. tjw 1(,.. CA..rdl. el«ftfl..., a/ /II"..-orl,.,*-... fro- 111"..--orid,.,. in /lle -uj <HWI. for It.., Al. "f IIv fn>rid. TA~ CII,.,ch I" /'_' "'" ",otld Kilh Ih" ITIMlh uf il...l<-alior "...I 10 c<j1,f 10 r~pen'a..ce tlnd Te lorm,,«o.ding 10,lIe oommaed. "",nil ""d prom,'''' ul GtJd. Th"e 10, ,!e fm '<><.'i,,1 "forn, i, on ""enli,,1 /,."1 of the ClllllcA. ",u M.. 10 "'" """,</ (i~. IA. St../<:...d Ille lwdi",,). CII,iuitt". ltd..."., JttwlJ tn, i. ",ied lhal IOCiaI,e

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