Notes used in the Message

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1 Notes used in the Message How Does God Predestinate Pt.14 (Attributes of God) - Samuel Dale ROMANS 8:28-31» 28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.» 29 For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren.» 30 Moreover whom he did predestinate, them he also called: and whom he called, them he also justified: and whom he justified, them he also glorified.» 31 What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us? 1) M THE.UNVEILING.OF.GOD_ JEFFERSONVILLE.IN V-9 N-1 SUNDAY_ «77 Now, when It said here that He emptied Himself, or poured out, now, we would think like this, that He "vomit up," the English word of emptied, or poured out from Him, see, something went out of Him that was different from Him. But the word kenos, in the Greek, does not mean that He "vomit up," or some... His arm went off, or His eye went out, another person. 78 That is, He changed Himself, He "poured Himself into," (Amen!), into another mask, into another form. Not another person went out of Him, called the Holy Spirit, but It was He Himself. You get it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] He Himself poured Himself into the people. "Christ in you!" How beautiful, how wonderful, to think, God pouring Himself into the human being, into the believer. "Pour out!" It was a part of His drama, to do so. God, all the fullness, all the Godhead bodily was in this Person, Jesus Christ. He was God, and God alone. Not a third person or a second person, or a first person; but the Person, God veiled in human flesh. 2) THIRSTING.FOR.LIFE_ CHICAGO.IL SUNDAY_ «E-12 The Logos that went out of God as... No disregards to Catholic people now. But the Catholic church, I... My background, my family's Catholic. And I have the--the Catholic people here, the book called "Facts of Our Faith." And they use the word of eternal sonship of God. The word don't even make sense to me. The word "eternal" means "eternity, which had no begin or has no end." And "son" means "had a beginning." So how could it... It could be a eternal Godship, but never an eternal sonship. A son is one that's begotten of. So it had a beginning. So... And the Logos, which was the Son of God went out, created by these great fountains of purity, God, as those Spirits went out, and it created the Logos. And it was a body. It was in the form of what we are now, which is called in the clergy way of speaking it, a theophany. It's a body that doesn't have a spirit in it. It's a body that's waiting for you Christians. As soon as the life leaves this, you go into that body. When this earthly tabernacle be dissolved, we have one already waiting, a theophany. 3) WISDOM.VERSUS.FAITH_ JEFFERSONVILLE.IN V-3 N-17 SUNDAY_ «87 And here's a little thought for you. Everything that had a beginning, has an ending. But it's the things that did not have a beginning, that doesn't end, the only things that's Eternal. 88 Therefore, I'd like to ask the question. How could we ever make sense out of the word of "the Eternal sonship of God"? If He was a Son, He had a beginning. If He was Eternal Son, how could He be a Son and be Eternal? For, son is--is a product of something. But, if He was--he was, could not be an Eternal Son. There's no such a thing, "Eternal Son of God." Cause, if He--if He never had a beginning, then He cannot be nothing but Eternal. But, if He was a Son, He had a beginning, so He cannot be an Eternal Son. 89 It was the Eternal God manifested in a Son. Uh-huh. See? Eternal God, 'cause God is only thing that's Eternal. 4) E CALLING.JESUS.ON.THE.SCENE_ CHICAGO.IL V-21 N-8 SUNDAY_ «46 And when you Catholic people say, "Eternal sonship," where do you get such a word? It doesn't make sense, to me. How can He be Eternal and be a son? A son is something that's "begotten of," how can it be Eternal? Eternal never did begin, it never does end, so how could it be Eternal sonship? Oh, my! 47 If these denominations hasn't scrupled things up, I don't know what has. No wonder people can't have faith, they don't know what to have faith in. That's right. What we need is a good oldfashion, back to the Bible. That's right. Exactly right. That's right.

2 5) WORKS.IS.FAITH.EXPRESSED_ SHREVEPORT.LA V-7 N-1 FRIDAY_ «204 Now, remember, you're in a cycle of three, but you're one person. Like Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, cycle of three, but one Person. Three attributes of the same God: fatherhood... Three offices like: fatherhood, sonship, and Holy Ghost. And you are: body, spirit, and soul. 205 Now, the outside body has five inlets to it, to contact your earthly home: see, taste, feel, smell, and hear. The inside, which is a spirit, it has five senses: conscience, and love, and so forth. But the inside of that, the soul, has one thing. That's where you live. 5A) B THE.SEED.SHALL.NOT.BE.HEIR.WITH.THE.SHUCK_ LOS.ANGELES.CA V-18 N-5 THURSDAY_ «32 Like in the beginning, God, God dwelt alone, because He was the Eternal One, see, wasn't even God. God is an "object of worship." And the Logos, as we call It, the Word that went out of God, That, anyone knows that That was the Angel of the Lord, or the Word of the Lord, that followed the Israelites through the wilderness; the Angel of the Covenant, the Logos that went out of God. And then that Logos was made flesh and dwelt among us. Now we're in Saint John 1, "In the beginning was the Word, the Word was with God, and the Word was God." And now, as He gave His life for us, then His Spirit comes back upon us. Jesus said, "At that day you'll know that I'm in the Father, the Father in Me; I in you, and you in Me." 33 See, It's God, all along, God manifesting Himself, working Himself through different ages. So those three, of, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, same God working in three attributes. And we today are one, the Church Itself, an attribute of God's thinking before the foundation of the world, to have a--a Church. So those which are in Christ was in Christ at the beginning, that was His thoughts, and His thoughts is His attributes. 5B) ASHAMED_ JEFFERSONVILLE.IN V-3 N-9 SUNDAY_ «172 And I said, "What would you do if you were setting in a meeting and seen God, the Holy Spirit, which is the only God there is, working amongst the people; God in the Fatherhood, the Pillar of Fire, and the prophets; God in His Son; then God in His people? It's just attributes of God, one great God Who covers Eternity." I said, "What would you see if He, among His people, made the--the blind to see, the deaf to hear, look out upon the audience and tell the people what was wrong with them, and like He did when He was here on earth?" She said, "I believe it would be horoscope." 173 I said, "You are in a worse shape than I thought you were. You would be better off if you was crazy, see, you wouldn't be accountable." But I said, "You're just possessed of an evil spirit." I said, "When Jesus told the woman at the well about her husbands, when He looked upon the people and perceived their thoughts, would you call that horoscope?" See, just so wrapped up in a denomination, called Lutheran, that anything contrary to that would be wrong! 174 Now God wants man who is wrapped up in the Word. Anything contrary to That is wrong! Jesus said, "Let every man's word be a lie, and Mine be the Truth." 5C) A.COURT.TRIAL_ BIRMINGHAM.AL SUNDAY_ «256 Now, what did the Bible say? Let me read it again. A strange thing, it just fell open to the place. I believe the Lord wants us to read that again, see. "Afterwards He appeared unto the eleven." He has did us the same way, this afternoon. He is here. How many believes that Christ and the Holy Ghost, that the Spirit of Christ is the Holy Ghost? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Of course, it is. 257 There is no three or four Gods. There is only one God. There is three attributes of God; Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, but they're not three Gods. That's heathen. See, there is only one God. And that's attributes. God the Father was in the wilderness, as a Pillar of Fire. All right. God the Son; God the Father created the body which was God the Son, and lived in the Son. See? "God was in Christ, reconciling the world to Himself." Do you believe that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] If you're a Christian, you believe it. And, then, "A little while and the world seeth Me no more." And now look, Jesus said, "I came from God, and I return to God." After His death, burial, resurrection, He ascended up. 6) SIR.WE.WOULD.SEE.JESUS_ DENHAM.SPRINGS.LA WEDNESDAY_ «81 In the beginning, God was not even God. He was the great Eternal, and in there was attributes. Attributes was His thoughts. And then He become a Word, like this. And a word expressed... Well, a thought expressed, is a word. A word, expressed, is a thought. 82 And then, remember, if you ever was in God's thinking, you'll always be there. If you've got Eternal Life, you are the expression, or the attribute, of His thought for this age. If not, you... There is only one Eternal Life, and It always existed. And you, in His mind, existed before there was a world. That's the reason He said He chose you "before the foundation of the world." It isn't what we think, what somebody else thinks. It's what God, Eternal! You always was, see, in His thinking.

3 7) GOD.IS.IDENTIFIED.BY.HIS.CHARACTERISTICS_ BEAUMONT.TX V-13 N-1 WEDNESDAY_ «19 The whole thing is the great Eternal. Eternity never did begin and never can end. Therefore, in this great Eternal One was attributes, to be Father, to be Son, to be Saviour, to be Healer, and all these things was in Him. And only thing that's happening now, is displaying His attributes. That's all. 20 Now, our names were put on the Lamb's Book of Life before the foundation of the world. And when the Word strikes that, if it's any light there that's been ordained to Life, Jesus said, "No man can come to Me except My Father draws, and all that My Father has given Me will come to Me." So, you see, it's the Word, constantly, the Word, the Word. 8) PROVING.HIS.WORD_ JEFFERSONVILLE.IN V-9 N-6 SUNDAY_ «180 There stood priests there, said, "This man is Beelzebub." See, no representation. 181 Eternal Life, "you always was." See, you have Eternal Life, there's only one form of it, that's God. You were His attribute, He thought of you and knowed you before the foundation of the world, in His mind. See? 182 She looked around. Look what a--what a sinful shape she was in. But, see, He couldn't--he couldn't get that priest, because the priest was an educated scholar, a theologian in the Word, but no representation in Heaven, see, wasn't in God's thinking at all. But this woman was. She said, "Sir, I perceive that You are a prophet." That's just all He wanted her to see. See? Said, "We believe that You are, I believe You're a prophet. Now, we know. We don't understand about the prophets now, because it's real late, we know that there's a Messiah coming. And when that Messiah comes, He's going to be the Word. See, He's going to know the secrets of the heart, He's going to do the same thing that--that You did there." Said, "You must be one of His prophets, to forerun Him or something." He said, "I am He." 9) E A.THINKING.MAN'S.FILTER_ JEFFERSONVILLE.IN V-5 N-6 SUNDAY_ «71 Israel was all outwardly spiritually, all filled with God's goodness, and how they reverenced God, and so forth, but that didn't work. The inside of them couldn't recognize the Word Itself. 72 But when you're born of the Spirit of God, then you've got a... you are a son of God, and you always was a son of God, and you always will be a son of God. No way to separate it, because it's... you have Eternal Life. And Eternal never did begin; neither will it ever end. 10) E WHO.IS.THIS.MELCHISEDEC_ JEFFERSONVILLE.IN V-5 N-10 SUNDAY_ «46 Now, in the beginning God dwelled alone, with His attributes, as I spoke of this morning. That's His thoughts. There was nothing, just God alone, but He had thoughts. Just like a great architect can set down, in his mind, and draw out what he thinks it's he's going to--to build. Create, now, he cannot create. He can take something that's been created and make it in a different form; 'cause God is the only way... only One can create. But he gets in his mind what he's going to do, and that's his thoughts, that's his desires. Now it's a thought, and then he speaks it, and it's a word then. And a--a word is A thought, when it's expressed, it's a word. A thought expressed is a word, but it has to be a thought first. So, it's God's attributes; then it becomes a thought, then a word. «48 Notice. Those who have, tonight, Eternal Life, was with Him and in Him, in His thinking, before there ever was an Angel, star, Cherubim, or anything else. That's Eternal. And if you have Eternal Life, you always was. Not your being here, but the shape and form that the infinite God And if He isn't infinite, He isn't God. God has to be infinite. We are finite; He is infinite. And He was omnipresent, omniscient, and omnipotent. If He isn't, then He can't be God. Knows all things, all places, because of His omnipresent. Omniscient makes Him omnipresent. He is a Being; He's not like the wind. He is a Being; He dwells in a house. But being omniscient, knowing all things, makes Him omnipresent, because He knows everything that's going on. There can't be a flea bat its eyes but what He knowed it. And He knowed it before there was a world, how many time it'd bat its eyes, and how much tallow it had in it, before there ever was a world. That is infinite. We can't comprehend it in our minds, but that's God. God, infinite! «50 And remember, you, your eyes, your stature, whatever you was, you were in His thinking at the beginning. And the only thing that you are is the expression, word. After He thought it, He spoke it, and here you are. If it isn't, if you wasn't in His thinking, there is no way at all for you ever be there, for He is the One that gives Eternal Life.

4 51 You remember how we read the Scriptures? "Not him that willeth, or him that runneth, but God!" And that His predestination might stand true, He could choose, before any time, who. God is sovereign in His choosing. Did you know that? God is sovereign. Who was back there to tell Him a better way to make the world? Who would dare to tell Him He was running His business wrong? Even the very--the very Word, Itself, very sovereign. Even the revelation is sovereign. "He reveals to whom He will reveal." The very revelation, itself, is sovereign in God. That's how people pound at things, and jump at things, and hit at things, not knowing what they're doing. God is sovereign in His works. 11) GOD'S.PROVIDED.PLACE.OF.WORSHIP_ LOS.ANGELES.CA V-18 N-2 SUNDAY_ «38 Remember, when God speaks a Word, He can never take it back. He has to ever remain the same. He can never say something, and then say, "Well, I--I didn't exactly mean that." See, He is infinite. He knows the best, to begin with. We say things that we think is best, then after a while we take it back. But God can't do that, and remain God. So if He is infinite, He--He does not do that, because He is perfect in every Word. He never utters a Word unless it's Eternal. All of His Eternal's was with Him at the beginning, His thoughts, His attributes, and they're only expressing themselves in the world today. 12) THE.GOD.WHO.IS.RICH.IN.MERCY_ PHOENIX.AZ V-19 N-2 TUESDAY_ «42 Now if you've got Eternal Life tonight, if we have Eternal Life, then we always were, because there is only one form of Eternal Life. We always were. And the reason we were, because we are a part of God. And God is the only thing that's Eternal. 43 And like as Melchisedec received tithes from Abraham, and it was lotted to his great-grandson, Levi, who was yet in the loins of Abraham; paid tithes, for he was yet in the loins of Abraham when he met Melchisedec. I want to speak on that over at the other place, one morning. Who Is This Melchisedec? Now notice that. Way back, God knew this boy coming down. He knowed all things. 44 Now we are a part of God. You always was. You don't remember it, because you were only an attribute in God. You were only in His thinking. Your very name, if it ever was on the Book of Life, it was put there before the foundation of the world. He knew what you were. «45 I'm only saying this, not to mix up doctrine, but to straighten it out, that we might get away from this fear and scare. You don't know who you are. You are not going to be, but now you are the sons of God. See, you always were the sons of God. See? 46 For when God had you in His thinking at the beginning, you have to be, some part of you, your Life that's in you now, had to be with God before there. Well, when He, before He even become material here on earth, before there was anything, but God, you were one of His attributes. He knowed what your name would be. He knowed the color of hair you would have. He knowed all about you. The only thing happened is when you, being a sinner... 13) LEAN.NOT.UNTO.THY.OWN.UNDERSTANDING_ PHOENIX.AZ V-19 N-3 WEDNESDAY_ «17 So, you see, if you were in the foreknowledge of God, then you are becoming a part of God. And the only way you can be a son of God or a daughter of God, you had to be a part of God, and God isn't complete without you. Has to be. That's right, 'cause there is One, only one resource of Eternal Life, and that is God, and Him alone has Eternal Life. See? Now, and you were a part of Him, insomuch that you're an attribute, or in His thinking in the beginning. And that, because He thought of you in the beginning, it gives that little tug towards Him. That's what has to be quickened. Some of them will never be quickened; they just don't have it, that's all. 18 Just like if you put a grain of corn in the ground, didn't have... Ever how pretty it was, if it didn't have the germ of life in it, it can never be quickened. But the germ of life has to be there first. 13A) WORKS.IS.FAITH.EXPRESSED_ SHREVEPORT.LA V-7 N-1 FRIDAY_ «206 The Spirit can come out here and anoint you to do certain thing, and you do it, but that don't mean you're saved. Think of it. Caiaphas prophesied. Judas cast out devils. See, the Spirit anointed him. This rain falls on the just and the unjust, the weeds can rejoice with the wheat. But it's what it is at the core. There's where you can, intellectuals, can accept and say, "Oh, sure, that looks good. I believe that." That still don't do it. No, sir. And the spirit can actually make witness of it, and still it isn't so. Because if that soul hasn't come from God, it can make all the impersonations out here, but it cannot be real. You can act healing, you can act like you have. You can act like you receive it. Christians can act like they're Christians, and act and be ever so good at it, but that don't mean they're saved. That's exactly right, see. The Spirit can be there, the real, genuine Spirit. The Holy Spirit can anoint you, that still don't mean you're saved. It's that inside soul that never dies, it's got Eternal Life. It always was Eternal Life. See? It come from God, it goes to God, it's the soul.

5 14) THINGS.THAT.ARE.TO.BE_ RIALTO.CA V-4 N-6 SUNDAY_ «32 Now, the only way that you can be a son, a daughter of God, because you have to be the... have to have Eternal Life. And there's only one form of Eternal Life, and that's God's Life. Only one form of Eternal Life, that was God. There, to be a son of God, you had to be in Him always. The gene of your Life, spiritual Life, tonight, was in God, the Father, before there was even a molecule. See? And you are nothing but the manifestation of the gene of Life that was in God, as a son of God. Now you're expressed, after His Word has come in you, to Light up this age. You are expressing God's Life in you, because you are a son or a daughter of God. Therefore, you get what I mean? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] See? You are in... You are now made, you're setting in this church, tonight, because your duty is to express God to this nation and this people, and this neighborhood where you associate. Wherever you are, God knew that you would be here, because you have to be one of His genes, or His attributes. You had to be. If you ever, if you've got Eternal Life, then It always was Eternal Life. And God, before there was a foundation, world, knew that you would be here. And when the Word, or the water, "the washing of the water of the Word" fell upon you--you, it was expressed in a being. Now you have fellowship with your Father, God, just as you have with your earthly father. See? You are citizens of the King; not citizens, but you are children, sons and daughters of the living God, if it be that the Eternal Life dwells in you. 15) SIRS.WE.WOULD.SEE.JESUS_ DALLAS.TX V-19 N-8 WEDNESDAY_ «13 Now, if you were in His thinking, at the beginning, if you've got Eternal Life, there is only one form of Eternal Life. Eternal Life had no beginning and it has no ending. So if you have Eternal Life, you were an attribute of God's thinking before there was anything but Him. 14 Your form, your shape, and what you're in now, is just a negative, when you come up to around twenty, twenty-two years old. You were a negative, and death develops the picture to the positive, "that when this earthly tabernacle be dissolved, we have one already waiting." See? 16) GOD'S.POWER.TO.TRANSFORM_ PHOENIX.AZ V-16 N-5 SATURDAY_ «234 Sons and daughters was in God at the beginning. Now look. You've got Eternal Life, you say. We believe it, that we got Eternal Life. Well, there is only one form of Eternal Life, and that's God. That's the only thing that is Eternal, is God. Then if you've got Eternal Life, that Life that's in you always was, and you were in the loins of God before there even was a world. And when the Word Itself... Jesus Himself is called the Word, and in Saint John 1, said, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us." Then you were in the loins of Jesus, and went to Calvary with Him. You died with Him, and you raised with Him. And today we're sitting in Heavenly places in Him, filled with His Spirit, sons and daughters of God. Die with Him, raised with Him. Sure. «235 Now then, now, now you can fellowship with Him. You couldn't back there, because you were just a Word in Him, a seed. But now He has manifested you, and now He wants you to fellowship with Him. Then He came down, was made flesh so He could perfectly fellowship with you. See the perfect fellowship? Oh, my, them deep mysteries of God! How wonderful! See, God could not fellowship in the Spirit, so God became man with us. 236 Jesus Christ was God Himself, manifested, 'cause, He was a son because He was begotten, but it was just a tabernacle for Him to live in. "No man has seen God at any time, but the only Begotten of the Father has declared Him." God built Himself a house, a body to live in, come down so that you could touch Him. I Timothy 3:16, "Without controversy, great is the mystery of godliness; for God was manifested in the flesh, seen of Angels, believed on, received up into Heaven." See? Now He... 17) THE.IDENTIFICATION.OF.CHRIST.IN.ALL.AGES_ BIRMINGHAM.AL THURSDAY_ «68 Now in First John, or Saint John the 1st chapter, we find out. Here is what the writer said, the inspired by the Holy Spirit, he wrote this. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And the Word was made flesh and dwelled among us." 69 May I break it down? "In the beginning was the Eternal." He wasn't even God. God, our English word god, is a--is an "object of worship." But, He, there wasn't nothing to worship Him. He was just the Eternal. 70 In Him was attributes. Anyone knows what an attribute is. In other words, in Him was His thoughts, just thoughts, that's His attribute. Then, His Word. And a--a thought, expressed, is a Word. "In the beginning was the Word." Before it was even expressed, it was a thought, attributes. 71 In this thinking, He was to be God. Probably created the Angels, first, then He was worshiped. He was God.

6 72 And, then, in Him was attributes to be Father, be Son, be Saviour. Nothing lost; something had to be lost, so there had to be a way made for that. To be healer; nothing sick, so He had something had to get sick so He could heal it. It's only displaying His attributes. «73 And now, remember, if you ever did, or ever will have Eternal Life, you had It with Him then. See, you had It with Him. Because, Jesus came, and Jesus was the Redeemer. To redeem anything, is, "bring it back" from where it fallen from or went from. Redeem it, "bring it back." And you, the way you look, who you are, who, what your name is, that was God's thinking before the foundation of the world. And Jesus came not to save the whole thing; He wanted to, but He come to redeem, bring back them that was in His thoughts before the beginning. 74 That's the reason, He was the Word made flesh. See? "God was in Christ, reconciling the world to Himself." The Word, God's thinking of how He would do it, He expressed Himself in Jesus Christ. It was God becoming material. 18) THE.INVISIBLE.UNION.OF.THE.BRIDE.OF.CHRIST_ SHREVEPORT.LA V-2 N-15 THURSDAY_ «58 If you're married to Christ, Christ is the Word of God. In Saint John, the 1st chapter, said, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And the same was made flesh and dwelt among us." Christ was the living Word. He always was the Word. He is still the Word. He always will be the Word. He was only the manifestation of the attributes of God, for He was the Son of God. 59 And any son is the attributes of his father, and just as you were in the genes of your father, in the body of your father when he was a young boy. You were in him. Yet, he could not have fellowship with you, because he didn't know you. But then, through the bedding grounds of a mother, you were brought forth into the earth and become in the image of your father, then he could fellowship with you. 60 And so were you, sons of God and daughters of God, before there even was a moon, stars, or a molecule. You were sons and daughters of God, for you are only the physical manifestation of the attributes that was in God at the beginning. For, there's only one form of Eternal Life, and that was you, before. You don't know nothing about it. Neither did you know when you was in your earthly father, but you are manifested, too, in his image. In the image of God you are made, and you were manifested for the glory and the fellowship of God. 61 And, therefore, as sure as your gene had to be in your father, before your natural birth, your spiritual gene had to be in God, because you're an expression of the attributes of His thoughts, before the foundation of the world. Right. No way around it. That's right. Now, now we notice, then, that Life being in you, God's Life being in you, from the foundation of the world. 19) THE.MIGHTY.GOD.UNVEILED.BEFORE.US_ PHILADELPHIA.PA V-3 N-22 MONDAY_ «91 In Joel 2:28, He promised, that, "In this last days there would be a latter rain poured out upon the people, in the last days." I think the Greek word there is kenos, which means that He "emptied" Hisself out. Not in the way that we would say, like something was inside of somebody, that He emptied out. But, He poured Himself out. 92 He changed; His en morphe. He--He changed, from what He was, to what He is. He never changes His nature. But on the Day of Pentecost, He changed Himself from being the Son of man, to the Son of God. He came, not with the people. He came in the people, see, the same God, to carry His ministry on through, in this great age. 20) E WHO.IS.THIS.MELCHISEDEC_ JEFFERSONVILLE.IN V-5 N-10 SUNDAY_ «42 Notice, like the sculpture, he hides, with a--a mask over it. That's what God has done to this age. It's been hid. All these things has been hid, and is supposed to be revealed in this age. Now, the Bible says they will be revealed in the latter times. It's like a sculptor keeping his--his piece of work all covered over until the time he takes the mask off of it and there it is. And that's what the Bible has been. It has been a work of God that's been covered up. And It's been hid since the foundation of the world, and Its sevenfold mystery. And God promised in this day, at the age of this Laodicean church, He would take the mask off the whole thing and we could see It. What a glorious thing! 43 God, en morphe, masked in the Pillar of Fire. God, en morphe, in a Man called Jesus. God, en morphe, in His Church. God above us, God with us, God in us; the condescending of God. Up There, holy, no one could touch Him, He settled upon the mountain; and even if a animal touched the mountain, had to die. And then God come down and changed His tent, and come down and lived with us, become one of us. "And we held Him," the Bible said. First Timothy 3:16, "Without controversy great is the mystery of godliness; for

7 God was manifested in the flesh, handled with hands." God eat meat. God drank water. God slept. God cried. He was one of us. Beautiful, typed in the Bible! That was God above us; God with us; now it's God in us, the Holy Spirit. Not the third Person; the same Person!

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