level 3: grades 3 & 4 Church Community of Believers

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1 Background Notes for Teacher Reflection and Preparation ELEMENTS CHURCH: Body of Christ, Community of Disciples, Witness to Unity & Justice. AIMS Being a person of mission Acting with social responsibility, witnessing to the Reign of God Making connections CONTENT STATEMENT Students will be invited to discover ways in which they can participate in Church - through celebration of God s Word, Worship, Witness and Service. They will be encouraged to recognise ways in which the Holy Spirit empowers them to live, work and love like Jesus. STANDARD See Good News For Living Refresh Document 2014 Strand Core Doctrinal Concepts Catechism Reference Jesus Christ 1. After Jesus death and resurrection people gathered in communities to remember him and tell the story of his compassion and love. 1. Jesus is the Son of God and shows us the way God wants us to live. 767 Church 1. The Church is a community of believers called to celebrate and make present the ministry of Jesus. 2. The Church celebrates Jesus life, death and resurrection in the many feasts and seasons of the Liturgical year. 2. The Church is empowered by the Holy Spirit to witness to unity and justice. 3. Mary is a source of strength to all people, especially those in need Scripture 1. The Gospels teach us about the life and love of Jesus. 515, 125 Christian Life 1. Jesus invites us to follow his teachings and example , 489,

2 LINKING WITH OTHER RESOURCE BANKS Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Welcome to Community Church-Community of Believers The Spirit alive in Church 2 STUDENT CONTEXT At this level students have a new understanding of rules and are developing a moral framework that stresses fairness and equal treatment. They are beginning to understand individual stories can be part of a larger story that can help them make sense of their life and the world. Students are beginning to make sense of themselves in the context of their community, so they need to be provided with opportunities to explore, analyse and discover how the believing community lives and proclaims the Good News. Level Three students need to be able to see how they can be actively and meaningfully involved in the community. THEOLOGICAL BACKGROUND FOR TEACHERS Christian faith is also a communal faith. When a believer responds to God, he or she becomes more united with others striving to do the same. Christians cannot become more united with Christ without becoming more united with each other. As they open themselves to Christ, they are bonded together by the Holy Spirit. (The Word Dwells Among Us, 1990, p. 55) Jesus called them together to follow him and be his disciples. He spoke of his flock [Lk 12:32], his companions [Mk 3:14] and branches of his vine [Jn 15:5]. He promised that, wherever two or three meet in my name, I shall be there with them [Mt 18:20]. Christian faith can never be a purely private and personal affair. Christ cannot be followed alone. As the twelve, the seventy-two, and the others who sought Christ discovered, a person can only walk with Christ if he or she is willing to walk also with others. (The Word Dwells Among Us, 1990, pp ) Each one of us is a living temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Cor 6:19) and we become bound together more closely as each responds to the Holy Spirit within. Commonly, the building where Christ s followers gather is referred to as the church. Too often, in fact, people associate the word church only with a building and forget that the word is attached to the building only by association. It is important to understand that although Jesus began his life and mission in Israel two thousand years ago, the salvation his father sent him to proclaim was intended for the whole of humanity. To offer his salvation to all, Jesus needed to be present in a visible way among peoples throughout the world. He revealed his way when he promised, Where two or three are gathered in my name, I shall be there with them. (Mt 18:20) Jesus would be present to all humanity henceforth through his followers his Church. Jesus followers show their convictions that he is present in them today as they continue his mission, showing that his salvation is for all, regardless of colour, race, gender, political belief or socioeconomic status. (The Word Dwells Among Us, 1990, p. 73) On the first Pentecost there were only a few disciples in Jerusalem. By the end of the first century, their message had reached west through the whole Roman Empire and east to India. Like the Gospel, (Lk 1:1-4) the Acts begin with a prologue. As in the Gospel, Luke addressed Theophilus in Acts. This name means friend of God. Theophilus represents everyone who will read the text including us! After Pentecost the men and women who wanted to follow Jesus began to meet together, as Christians. They would meet for the meal, the breaking of bread and to praise God. Christians gave this coming together a new meaning; sharing in the Eucharist, they were people united by faith and friendship. Their numbers increased steadily. Soon, small communities sprang up all over the country and across the empire.

3 3 SCRIPTURE Mt 3:13-17 The Baptism of Jesus Jesus left Galilee and went to the Jordan River to be baptized by John. But John kept objecting and said, I ought to be baptized by you. Why have you come to me? Jesus answered, For now this is how it should be, because we must do all that God wants us to do. Then John agreed. So Jesus was baptized. And as soon as he came out of the water, the sky opened, and he saw the Spirit of God coming down on him like a dove. Then a voice from heaven said, This is my own dear Son, and I am pleased with him. Jn 13:34-35 The New Commandment But I am giving you a new command. You must love each other, just as I have loved you. If you love each other, everyone will know that you are my disciples. Mt 16:13-20 Who Is Jesus? When Jesus and his disciples were near the town of Caesarea Philippi, he asked them, What do people say about the Son of Man? The disciples answered, Some people say you are John the Baptist or maybe Elijah or Jeremiah or some other prophet. Then Jesus asked them, But who do you say I am? Simon Peter spoke up, You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God. Jesus told him: Simon, son of Jonah, you are blessed! You didn t discover this on your own. It was shown to you by my Father in heaven. So I will call you Peter, which means a rock. On this rock I will build my church, and death itself will not have any power over it. I will give you the keys to the kingdom of heaven, and God in heaven will allow whatever you allow on earth. But he will not allow anything that you don t allow. Acts 2:41-47 Life Among the Lord s followers On that day about three thousand believed his message and were baptized. They spent their time learning from the apostles, and they were like family to each other. They also broke bread and prayed together. Everyone was amazed by the many miracles and wonders that the apostles worked. All the Lord s followers often met together, and they shared everything they had. They would sell their property and possessions and give the money to whoever needed it. Day after day they met together in the temple. They broke bread together in different homes and shared their food happily and freely, while praising God. Everyone liked them, and each day the Lord added to their group others who were being saved. PLANNING A L EARNING S EQUENCE Level Focus The Church is a community that celebrates and makes present Jesus and his work. Knowing: Students will understand that the Church celebrates the mystery of God through Liturgy. Thinking: Students will deepen their understanding of Liturgy as something that God does for us. Connecting: Learning about God and engaging in God deepens our encounter with all creation. Essential Question Example: What is the Church called to do? Enduring Understandings The Church is above all, an event that God makes happen. It is the Sacrament of Christ. In the same way, the Liturgy is above all what God does to draw us deeper into God and out towards one another. The Liturgy is full of symbols that help us to explore the deeper meaning of our lives. God is mystery and we are created in the image and likeness of God. Mystery is not a puzzle to be solved but an invitation to wonder and to grow in wisdom and understanding. Evidence of Learning Students should be able to: 1. Articulate the relationship between sacraments and symbols. 2. In Liturgy, identify the main ways that God draws us into relationship. 3. Name the key symbols of the Liturgy of the Mass and explain their meanings. 4. Articulate how the human person is mystery as the image of God. 5. Articulate the difference between a mystery and a puzzle. 6. Celebrate a ritual of forgiveness.

4 4 Suggested Assessment Tasks Assessment tasks may include: Make a timeline to show the early development of the Church. Write captions to explain the significance of particular events. Students prepare and present an oral report about one of the ministries of their local church community. Children write a personal creed or code to live by which expresses how they might live their lives according to Jesus example. Links to Scripture should be strongly encouraged Suggested Learning Experiences Focusing Activity: Create a class Y chart for Justice (Teaching Strategies Book p 50) Complete KWL chart about how Jesus encourages the community of believers to live. (Teaching Strategies Book p21) Story Map of the major events and people in Jesus life that identify the ways in which Jesus encouraged his followers to live either in words or pictures. Students can then use the Sequencing strategy to order another person s story map. Students make a booklet about five characteristics of Jesus that they see as being the most important in the forming of them as a person. Visit the foyer of the Church. Collect pamphlets, information about the various ministries of the church. Learning Activity: Dictagloss on the passage from Mt 16:17-19, Peter s Declaration about Jesus. Students prepare a role-play to show their understanding of Peter having the responsibility of spreading the Good News. Each role-play can be developed further by incorporating aspects of our responsibility of continuing Peter s work. (Teaching Strategies Bookp24) Complete a comic strip of Acts 2:41-47 Children role-play the interaction between Jesus and Peter, expressing the intent of Jesus to have Peter continue spreading the Good News. Emphasis will be placed on why Jesus chose Peter and the ultimate purpose of the church as a community of believers. Complete Potter and Clay activity (Refer Dan White Into the Deep pg 40) Write a letter from one of the apostles or one of the new believers. Create a liquid picture or echo mime for Acts 2: Develop a newspaper article/ media interview to celebrate the work of the Church. Research the key events that shaped the early Church. Access a copy of church bulletin, look at rosters etc Invite people from the various ministries to talk with the students. Create a class gathering grid of new understandings as they are presented Research the history of various aspects of the local church. Create a coat or arms for their own Church. Create a postcard with picture and information about your church. Welcome banners for the Church,. Advertising banners asking if parishioners have thought about joining a particular service group within the Church. Brainstorm known scriptural references and categorise them according to what they are saying to us today. Create an ongoing class graffiti board that shows actions of the community of believers that are based on the actions and teachings of Jesus. Much like a graffiti board of God Moments in MJR. Make a photo-board depicting actions and character traits that would be evident in a community of believers that is guided by Jesus law of love. (Jn 13:34-35) Complete a PMI chart for living justly. (Teaching Strategies Book p58) Think, Pair, Share contemporary television shows and songs that support Jesus way of life. (Teaching Strategies Book p49) Different but alike Venn Diagram, Early Church, Contemporary Church (Refer Dan White Into the Deep pg 53-56) Visit e.g. an old people s home, talk to them, sing to them, make cards, etc for them. Children identify practical ways they can be Church today.

5 Resources NB: OP means Out of Print Highly Recommended Archdiocese of Melbourne (2003) To Know Worship and Love, 2 nd ed. Year 4, Chapter 6. Melbourne: James Goold House. Ryan, M. (2001) Teaching the Bible: A manual of teaching activities, commentary and blackline masters.katoomba, NSW: Social Science Press. Ryan, M. (2003) Expressions: A religion series for Catholic primary Schools. Katoomba, NSW : Social Science Press Wintour, R. (1998). Sacred celebrations: Liturgies for children. Brisbane: Mountjoy Enterprises. White D,, O Brien, K, & Todd, S. (2003). Into the deep: Rich teaching strategies for the religious education classroom. Marayong, NSW: KD Publications Community Resources Local parishioners who serve the community in a variety of ministries, e.g. Communion ministers, St Vincent de Paul etc. 5 Teacher Resources Charpentier, E. (1996). How to read the New Testament. London: SCM Press. Education Committee of the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference. (1990). The Word dwells among us. Melbourne: Collins Dove. Hari, A. & Singer, C. (1993). Experience Jesus today: Understanding the Gospel. Strasbourg: Editions Du Signe. Hari, A. & Singer, C. (1997). Alive in the Spirit today. Strasbourg: Editions Du Signe. Liddy, S. & Wellbourne, L. (1999). Strategies for teaching religious education. Katoomba, NSW: Social Science Press. McCallan, A.J. (1976). Listen! Themes from the Bible retold for children. London: Harper Collins. National Centre for Religious Studies. (1991). The church s story the beginnings. Auckland, NZ: Author. Ryan, M. & Elliott, M. (1999). Religion quick prints. Katoomba, NSW: Social Science Press. Treston, K. (2000). Stories and seasons: Saints and feasts for Catholic schools and parishes. Brisbane: Creation Enterprises MJR programme Student Resources Archdiocese of Melbourne (2003) To know worship and love, 2 nd ed. Year 4, Chapter 6. Melbourne: James Gould House. Baker,J (2004). Belonging. London: Walker Books. Brown, E. (2000). Away with the birds. Fremantle, Western Australia: Fremantle Arts Centre. Berthier, R. (ed.). (1979). In the steps of Jesus. London: Hodder & Stoughton. Blundell, T., James, D., James, C., & Blundell, A. (2000). On the way for 9-11s Book 3. London: Christian Focus. De Graaf, A. (1987). Acts: the early church. Copenhagen: Scandinavia Publishing. Riddle, T. (1996). Tip at the end of the street. Sydney, NSW: Angus & Robertson. Riddle, T. (2000) The singing hat. Ringwood, Vic : Viking

6 6 Literature Fleischmann, P. & Hawkes, K. (1999). Weslandia. London: Walker. Fox, M. (1984) Wilfrid Gordan McDonald Partridge. Sydney, NSW: Omnibus. Grant, J. (2003). Cat and Fish. Melbourne Vic. Lothian Press Hartman, B. & Simpson, K. (2000). Time to go, Hippo. Oxford: Lion. Howes, J. & Harvey, R. (2002). Islands in my garden. Camberwell: Puffin. King,S. (2003). Milli, Jack and the Dancing Cat. Crows Nest, NSW: Allen &Unwin Klein R. (1992) Amy s bus Norwood, NSW: Omnibus Lucado, M. & Martiniez, S. (1999). Just the way you are. Wheaton, Ill: Crossway Books. Oliver, N. (1993). The best beak in Boonaroo Bay. Port Melbourne: Lothian. Rubinstein, G., & Denton T. (1992). Mr Plunkett s Pool. NSW: Random House. Stark,E. & R. (2003). Stella by the sea Camberwell, Vic: Puffin Stafford, L. & King, S. M. (2000). Amelia Ellicott s garden. Hunters Hill, NSW: Margaret Hamilton Books. Wild M. & James A. (2003) Little Humpty N.S.W. : Little Hair Books. Wheatley, N. & Ottley, M. (1999). Luke s way of looking. Sydney: Hodder Headline Australia. Music Avery, R. & Marsh, R. (Composers). (2000). We are the church [Compact disc]. In As one voice for kids (Disc 6). Brookvale, NSW: Willow Connection. Burland, J. (Composer). (2001). We welcome you to this place [Compact disc]. In One family. Earlwood, NSW: Ovation Music Services. Chinn, A. (Composer). (2000). These hands [Compact disc]. In These hands. Ingleburn, NSW: Butterfly Music. O Brien, M. & Watts, T. (Composers). (2000). One for others [Compact disc]. In As one voice for kids (Disc 6). Brookvale, NSW: Willow Connection. World Wide Web / Internet NRSV The Vatican: Includes a detailed index for the Catechism of the Catholic Church Treasures, New and Old

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