level 3: years 3 & 4 Prayer

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1 Background Notes for Teacher Reflection and Preparation ELEMENTS CHRISTIAN PRAYER: Relationship with God, personal and communal; Listening, responding to God s Spirit AIMS Participating in the liturgical and sacramental life of the faith community Growing as a creative and spiritual person Growing to fullness of life CONTENT STATEMENT Students will be invited to deepen their relationship with God through prayer. They will have opportunities to be involved in different prayer experiences as individuals and in community.standard See Good News For Living Refresh Document 2014 Strand Core Doctrinal Concepts Catechism Reference God 4. God calls us to reach out in love to each other. 1706, 1822 Scripture 1. The Scriptures are intended to make us think and reflect about our lives. 4. In our prayer and worship we listen to the Scriptures , 2654 Christian 1. People celebrate and pray together at different times and in different ways. 3. When we pray together we celebrate God s presence. 4. We grow in relationship with God and others through prayer. 5. God s faithfulness and goodness are recalled and celebrated in many ways throughout the liturgical seasons. 6. We honour Mary through prayers and the feasts and seasons of the Church s liturgical year. 2660, 2691, , , 1151 LINKING WITH OTHER RESOURCE BANKS Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 We Can Pray in Different Ways People of 1172,

2 STUDENT CONTEXT As students move through Level Three, their understanding of themselves, their community and the wider world expands. They are less self-focussed and enjoy working collaboratively. Level Three students have a better understanding of time and the sequence of events, therefore Scripture stories take on a new significance. Involvement in prayer experiences that are related to the life of the student enables them to grow in their relationship with God, others and the world. Their involvement in liturgies through the preparation of sacred space, music, prayers, readings, role-plays, and so forth is very appropriate. THEOLOGICAL BACKGROUND FOR TEACHERS involves a relationship with God. God is mystery. We are called on a journey of discovery of the many ways God is present in our everyday lives. We are always enfolded in God s love. What we need is to grow in awareness. In prayer we discover more and more of God s wonders. We discover God in the depth of our being, in other people and in the created world. We express our thoughts and feelings, joys and sorrows, hopes and dreams to God. As we grow in prayer we may reach the stage where silence and stillness become an important way in which we pray. When we pray as individuals, other people and the whole of creation are part of our prayer and we can become more aware of the world and its needs. Through prayer we are motivated to reach out in love to our fellow human beings. The Scriptures are a rich source of nourishment for personal and communal prayer. leads us to reflect on our relationship with God. The ultimate truth of human life is that all our searching leads to God. In St. Augustine s timeless words, You have made us for yourself O God and our hearts are restless until they rest in you. In prayer we try to be attentive to the Spirit speaking in our heart. Throughout the ages the Church has prayed through Mary, to intercede for us to God. Refer also to Maurice Ryan. (2003) Expressions, and Mary, p32.

3 SCRIPTURE 1 Kings 19: The Lord Appears to Elijah Go out and stand on the mountain, the LORD replied. I want you to see me when I pass by. All at once, a strong wind shook the mountain and shattered the rocks. But the LORD was not in the wind. Next, there was an earthquake, but the LORD was not in the earthquake. Then there was a fire, but the LORD was not in the fire. Finally, there was a gentle breeze, and when Elijah heard it, he covered his face with his coat. He went out and stood at the entrance to the cave. The LORD asked, Elijah, why are you here? Psalms 147:1-5- Sing and Praise the Lord Shout praises to the LORD! Our God is kind, and it is right and good to sing praises to him. The LORD rebuilds Jerusalem and brings the people of Israel back home again. He renews our hopes and heals our bodies. He decided how many stars there would be in the sky and gave each one a name. Our LORD is great and powerful! He understands everything. Psalms 105:1-3 The Lord Can be Trusted Praise the LORD and pray in his name! Tell everyone what he has done. Sing praises to the LORD! Tell about his miracles. Celebrate and worship his holy name with all your heart. Psalms 61: 1-5 Under the Protection of God Please listen, God, and answer my prayer! feel hopeless, and I cry out to you from a faraway land. Lead me to the mighty rock [a] high above me. You are a strong tower, where I am safe from my enemies. Let me live with you forever and find protection under your wings, my God. You heard my promises, and you have blessed me, just as you bless everyone who worships you. Mark 1: Jesus Prays Very early the next morning, Jesus got up and went to a place where he could be alone and pray. Simon and the others started looking for him. And when they found him, they said, Everyone is looking for you! Jesus replied, We must go to the nearby towns, so that I can tell the good news to those people. This is why I have come. Then Jesus went to Jewish meeting places everywhere in Galilee, where he preached and forced out demons. Matthew 18:18-20 Allowing and Not Allowing I promise you that God in heaven will allow whatever you allow on earth, but he will not allow anything you don t allow. I promise that when any two of you on earth agree about something you are praying for, my Father in heaven will do it for you. Whenever two or three of you come together in my name, [a] I am there with you. Luke 22: Jesus Prays Jesus went out to the Mount of Olives, as he often did, and his disciples went with him. When they got there, he told them, Pray that you won t be tested. Jesus walked on a little way before he knelt down and prayed, Father, if you will, please don t make me suffer by having me drink from this cup. But do what you want, and not what I want. Then an angel from heaven came to help him. Jesus was in great pain and prayed so sincerely that his sweat fell to the ground like drops of blood. Jesus got up from praying and went over to his disciples. They were asleep and worn out from being so sad. He said to them, Why are you asleep? Wake up and pray that you won t be tested. Matthew 6: 5-14 When you pray, don t be like those show-offs who love to stand up and pray in the meeting places and on the street corners. They do this just to look good. I can assure you that they already have their reward. When you pray, go into a room alone and close the door. Pray to your Father in private. He knows what is done in private, and he will reward you. When you pray, don t talk on and on as people do who don t know God. They think God likes to hear long prayers. Don t be like them. Your Father knows what you need before you ask. You should pray like this: Our Father in heaven, help us to honor your name. Come and set up your kingdom, so that everyone on earth will obey you, as you are obeyed in heaven. Give us our food for today. Forgive us for doing wrong, as we forgive others. Keep us from being tempted and protect us from evil. If you forgive others for the wrongs they do to you, your Father in heaven will forgive you.

4 4 PLANNING A LEARNING SEQUENCE Level Focus The Liturgy of the Church expresses our loving relationship with God and helps Christians to live like Jesus. Overarching Goal Example: That students will begin to understand some of the basic elements of the Liturgy. Essential Question Example: How and why do Christians pray? Enduring Understandings is about listening for God s presence in terms of space, matter and time. The Scriptures reflect the importance of prayer in the lives of God s people. God s presence in history is celebrated when people pray together. Meditation allows us to focus on God and the mystery of God s love given to us in all of creation. engages the whole person, body, mind and heart. Evidence of Learning Students should be able to: Demonstrate an understanding of the seasons of the Liturgical year. Prepare a prayer space using liturgical symbols. Recite some formal prayers. Participate in a guided meditation. Sing three different kinds of Psalms: praise, thanksgiving or lamentations. Suggested Assessment Tasks Assessment tasks may include: Present a report on a survey carried out to find out why and when and how people in their family and immediate community pray. Contribute to a class mural showing signs and symbols of God s presence in our lives through prayer eg. Candles, incense, images, music etc. Write an evaluative reflection on prayer-styles they have experienced. Make a personal prayer book to collect favourite prayers. Complete a matching activity to show the relationship between the seasons of the Liturgical year and what each one tells us about God. Eg a concept spiral (To Know, Worship and Love, Teaching Companion 3b, p131,132) Complete a cloze exercise of one or more Marian prayers. Participate in a prayer ritual to celebrate Mary. Suggested Learning Experiences Focussing Strategies: Model setting the environment for prayer by providing a suitable space for a prayer focus. Survey families and others in the local community about how, why and when they pray. Discuss the results of the students findings. Walk to develop awareness by consciously looking, listening, wondering and appreciating the presence of God in nature. For example: a small plant struggling to grow through a crack on the cement; a particular shape of a cloud, tree, hill, flower; the sun / shadow (light / darkness) reflected on leaves, water, windows, pathways, ground; sketch the aspect of nature that spoke to you. Follow this activity with a guided reflection for entry in the prayer journal. Sample reflections may include: This aspect of nature appeals to me because God I see you in this aspect of nature In my life I am like this aspect of nature when Use clay, paint, fibre, construction material model the form / shape that comes to your mind when you think of God. Learning Strategies: Develop breathing exercises that the children can use to become still, quiet, receptive, ready to listen and reflect. Make an individual prayer journal to be used for reflection.

5 Use Praying All Ways to develop prayer practices that support multiple intelligences. E.g. mandalas Reflect on how, when and why Jesus prayed in reference to particular passages eg Mark 1:35. Luke 22:41. Depict these in a visual arts form. Piggybacking: Reflecting and discussing how/ when/why/where we pray. (Teaching Strategies Book p 56) Gathering Time: Children express; Today I feel (This enables children to be themselves before God and each other.) End of Day Reflection: Gather, reflect on own growth using journal. (What did I do well today? Name one challenge for tomorrow.) Investigate body language and the use of gestures for prayer. Put gestures to a morning and afternoon prayer/ song. Use hands to bless one another at the end of the day. Make a class big book of s. Devote a number of pages to particular types of prayers, prayers of sorrow, morning prayers, Mary prayers, prayers of thanks, blessing prayers, etc. Students write and illustrate these, use during class prayer times. (Ryan, M. Expressions, Book 1 p34) Create prayer wheel. (Ryan, M. Expressions, Book 1 p47) Fair Deal Cards: Used each week to give the name of one child to each person as someone to pray for, support and encourage during the week. Piggybacking: Writing a Psalm of praise each child adds a line. (Teaching Strategies Book p56 ) Belonging to Community: Web activities describing relationships between members of the community; roles and responsibilities of members of communities. Describe different viewpoints, ways of living, language and belief systems in a variety of communities. Use newspaper headings and pictures to encourage spontaneous prayer for our world. Research the Liturgical Year. Find out what each season tells us about God. Name and illustrate the symbols, colours and some of the key prayers of each season. Using Mt 18:20 emphasise God s presence with us at all times. Our prayers do not have to be spoken out loud. We can pray by talking in our minds or our hearts and God listens. Gather the group together, recall God s presence by lighting the candle, and invite the children to breathe deeply and come to stillness, imagining God s presence. Listen to God speaking to each of us in our hearts. Respond by writing in a journal. Use a musical instrument to model how music can express God in our lives, for example a flute, kazoo, panpipes. Students make instruments using pebbles, rice, paper plates and so forth. Decorate these instruments and use them as part of the students prayer experiences. Share experiences of friendship that have been times of joy and happiness for you. Write a prayer of blessing about this experience. Experience, reflect on, and write, prayers of thanksgiving, praise, petition and sorrow. Invite students to think about what is happening in their own lives and in the lives of other people all over the world. Provide them with some quiet time and then encourage each person to pray a spontaneous prayer. Lead students through a guided imagery exercise. Allow time for students to reflect on their experiences through small group discussion, journal writing or artwork. Regular guided reflection and prayer in the classroom to internalise the experience of praying. Whole class prayer celebrations led by children. Discuss the idea that we pray to Mary and to Saints. Why do we do this? Create a word web depicting some ways in which the Church honours Mary/Saints (Teaching Strategies Book p 28) Introduce and teach children some Traditional prayer/s to Mary eg Hail Mary, The Rosary. Refer to GNFL p.92. In groups children create Powerpoint, movement, freeze frames, camera images representing the text for the Hail Mary. Involve children (in groups) in prayer preparation, setting up of prayer table, morning prayer To create variety and maintain interest the following could assist children to grow in their relationship

6 with God: Oil burners/incense. Reflective music. Paintings and other works of art. Religious symbols. Water features. Banners. Mantras (short prayer phrases that are repeated in time with your breathing). Mandalas (circle prayer) Journaling Movement Powerpoint prayers /reflections Silences

7 RESOURCES NB: OP means Out of Print Highly Recommended Archdiocese of Melbourne (2003) To Know Worship and Love, 2nd Ed. Years 3 & 4 Books Chapter 16, Melbourne: James Goold House. Ryan, M. (2003). Expressions Book 1: A religion series for Catholic primary schools. Tuggerah, NSW: Social Science Press. Willie, C., Praying all ways: A multiple intelligences approach to prayer. Harcourt Community Resources Parish Priest Religious / Parishioners from across generations. Teacher Resources Bretherton, B. (1995). Praying with children. Wentworth Falls, NSW: Social Science Press. Bretherton, B. (1997). You and me God: themes and guided meditations for children. Wentworth Falls, NSW: Social Science Press. Bretherton, B. (1999). s at your fingertips. Wentworth Falls, NSW: Social Science Press. Bruck, M. (1981). More children s liturgies. New Jersey: Paulist Press. Divine, C. (1988). How do you pray? Finding your own style. (Inform 9). Sydney: Catholic Adult Education Centre Garth, M. (1992). Moonbeam, A book of meditations for children. Blackburn, Vic: Collins Dove. Garth, M. (1994). The inner garden:, meditations for life from 9 to 90. Blackburn, Vic: Collins Dove. Garth, M. (1997). Earthlight: new meditations for children. Blackburn, Vic: Collins Dove. Glavich,M.K. (1993). Leading students into prayer: Ideas and suggestions from A to Z. Mystic, Conn.: Twenty-third Publications. Hehir, P., & Mangan, M. (1997). Saints & celebrations. Albany Creek: Litmus Publications. Mathson, P. (1989). Pray and play: 28 prayer services and activities for children in K through sixth grade Notre Dame, Ind.: Ave Maria. Mathson, P. (1995). Seasons of celebration: s, plays and projects for the church year. Notre Dame, Ind.: Ave Maria. Mathson, P. (2002). Bless this day, 150 everyday prayers for grades 1 to 5. Notre Dame, Ind.: Ave Maria. Meehan, B. & Oliver, R. (1995). Heart talks with mother God. Collegeville: Liturgical Press. Nolen, B. (1999) strategies: A teacher s manual. Melbourne: Harper Collins Religious. Orber, J. & Roslak,D. (1992).Dear Jesus, dear child. Mystic,Connecticut Twenty-Third Publications. Pirola, T. (1997). Family prayer. In Inform 20. Sydney: Catholic Adult Education Centre. Reehorst, J. (1986). Guided meditations for children: How to teach children to pray using scripture. Dubuque, Iowa: Brown Roa Publishing Media. Reehorst, J. (1991). Guided meditations for children 2: How to teach children to pray using scripture. Dubuque, Iowa: Brown Roa Publishing Media. Reehorst, J. (1992). Guided meditations for children 3: How to teach children to pray using scripture. Dubuque, Iowa: Brown Roa Publishing Media. Rezy, C. (1978). Liturgies for little ones. Notre Dame, Ind.: Ave Maria. Singer C. (2000) Gospel prayers. Sydney: Jps communications. Sasso, S. & Schmidt, D. (1999). God s paintbrush celebration kit. Woodstock, VT.: Jewish Lights Publishing. Tansey, G. (1996). Memories, thoughts and prayers : Blackline masters for young people. North Blackburn: Harper Collins Religious. Smith, M. & McMahon Jeep E. Children s daily prayer under the Southern Cross for the school year 200 Five Dock: NSW: Trustees of the Sisters of the Good Samaritan. Wintour, R. (1998). Sacred celebrations: Liturgies for children, Brisbane: Mountjoy Enterprises.

8 Student Resources Batchelor, M. & Mills, R. (1994). The Lion book of children s prayers. Oxford: Lion. Garth, M. (1992). Moonbeam: A book of meditations for children. Melbourne: Collins Dove. Heller, D. & E. Kid s book of prayers about all sorts of things. San Francisco, CA: Pauline Books and Media. Huck,G. Blessings and prayers for children who are beginning to pray with whole church. Chicago, IL: Liturgy Training Publications. McCallen, A. (1991). Praise. Melbourne: Collins Dove. McMahon Jeep, E. (2003). Children s daily prayer under the Southern Cross. Thornbury: DesBooks. Savary,L. (2000). The Catholic children s prayer book. New York: Regina Press Threlfo, W. (1998). Hello God I just wanted to say. Drummoyne, NSW: Marist Publishing. Watson, C. (1989). 365 children s prayers. Oxford: Lion. Literature Emerson, R. W. (2001). Father, we thank you. New York: SeaStar. Lindbergh, R. & Davenier, C. (2000). In every tiny grain of sand. London: Walker. Lindbergh, R. & Felstead, C. (1998). Circle of days: From the Canticle of the Sun by St Francis of Assisi. London: Walker. Rock, L., & Rivers, R. (2002). This amazing world. Oxford: Lion. Schubert, D. (1992). Living reflections: Selections from the Bible. Adelaide: Lutheran Publishing House. Wood, D., & Lynch, P. J. (1999). Grandad s prayers of the earth. London: Walker. Music Brown, M. (Composer). (1982). Hello my God[Cassette recording]. In Let the children come. Frankston, Vic.: Good Samaritan Publications. Burland, J. (Composer). (2002). I will praise you Lord [Compact disc]. In One family]. Earlwood, NSW: Ovation Music Services. Chinn, A. (Composer). (1996). A morning prayer [Compact disc]. In This day. Ingleburn, NSW: Butterfly Music. Kearney, P. (Composer). (1996). When I pray [Cassette recording]. In All the world is sacred. Mittagong, NSW: Crossover Music. Audio-visual/video Resources Brown, M. (1993) And the Word is Made Flesh (Video tape). Brisbane: Emmaus Productions Peterfy, I. (Producer). (1990). : God speaks and listens [Video tape]. Los Angeles: Society devoted to the Sacred Heart. Kits The prayer box kit 1& 2 (1995/1996) Sydney N.S.W. Pontifical Mission Society and resource kit (1999) The keepers of our story; East Melbourne Family Resource Centre World Wide Web / Internet NRSV The Vatican: Includes a detailed index for the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Treasures, New and Old Echoing the Word Need to be a subscriber.

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