Christ in Prophecy Q&A 13: Responding to Quotes About America Opening Dr. Reagan: Part 1 Dr. Reagan: Gary Fisher: Dr. Reagan:

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1 Christ in Prophecy Q&A 13: Responding to Quotes About America 2015 Lamb & Lion Ministries. All Rights Reserved. For a video of this show, please visit Opening Dr. Reagan: The great pastor, Adrian Rogers, who was called home to the Lord in 2005, once said, The world is growing gloriously dark. What do you think he meant by that observation? And would you agree with it? Stay tuned. Part 1 Dr. Reagan: Greetings in the name of Jesus, our Blessed Hope, and welcome to Christ in Prophecy. I am delighted to have in the studio with me today two of my dear friends, and colleagues in Bible prophecy. First is Gary Fisher. Gary is the founder and director of a great ministry called Lion of Judah, located in Franklin, Tennessee. And in fact he is celebrating 21 years in ministry. Glad to have you with us. Gary Fisher: Thank you Brother. I feel at home it is great to be here. Dr. Reagan: Well great. And then next to me here is my former colleague, Dennis Pollock who was with this ministry for eleven years. And Dennis is celebrating his tenth year of ministry. Dennis Pollock: That's right. Dr. Reagan: Because in 2005 he left us and formed his own ministry called, Spirit of Grace which is an evangelistic ministry that is primarily aimed at delivering the Gospel to the people of Africa. Although he does ministry in India, and the Philippines also, but he primarily focuses on Africa. Glad to have you back with us, always glad to have you back with us. Dennis Pollock: Thanks, Dave, appreciate it. Dr. Reagan: Now, Fellas I want to jump right into this. I have many hobbies. And one of the hobbies I have is the collection of quotes. I know that is kind of strange but I've done it all my life. Collected quotes, and collected quotes. I just love it when people put profound thoughts in short pithy statements. Dennis Pollock: Now are any of my quotations among the list I hope? Dr. Reagan: And quite often in our magazine which we put out every other month I will have a whole page of just quotations that I call food for thought. So I thought it might be interesting to do a television program like we've never done before and that is to put the two of you on the hot seat, by me reading you a quote and asking you to comment on it, ok. Now, I love to have you on the hot seat. Dennis Pollock: I'm sure you do. 1

2 Dr. Reagan: So let's start out with the one I started with at the beginning of the program, Adrian Rogers who said, The world is growing gloriously dark. Now that sounds like a contradiction. "The world is growing gloriously dark." Do you agree with that? What does he mean? What do you think he meant by it? Dennis Pollock: Well you know when I saw the quote I wondered myself. I have no problem with the idea of the world growing dark particularly in America and Europe I think is the darkest of all. Dr. Reagan: But gloriously? Dennis Pollock: Gloriously dark. The only thing I can imagine he may have been thinking was when things are really dark light shines all the brighter. And maybe he saw that as an opportunity for us to perhaps shine in a brighter way then we normally would. Dr. Reagan: Ok. How about you Gary? Gary Fisher: Well, I personally have talked to Adrian several times and I think I have a feel of what he meant because of our previous conversations. But he said this I think because he knows that dark days precede the great coming day of the Lord Jesus Christ. So he said, "When you see these things beginning to take place, lift up, your redemption is drawing near." Dr. Reagan: Well, yes, I think so. You know the Bible says that the world is going to go full circle; it is going to go back to as evil as it was in the days of Noah. Which was primarily immorality and violence. Gary Fisher: Yes. Dr. Reagan: And that's what we are seeing. Gary Fisher: Yes. Dr. Reagan: And so its precursor of the return of Jesus Christ. Ok, let me ask you another one here. Let's take one from Don Wildmon who is one of my heroes of the Christian faith, the Founder of the American Family Association. And Don Wildmon said, "The fundamental problem with our nation can be traced to 300,000 silent pulpits. Gary? Gary Fisher: I think that is right on. Dr. Reagan: He said it for years. Gary Fisher: Absolutely. Jesus said in Matthew 5:13 the Church is salt and light in society where she lives. If the salt loses its flavor it becomes useless and ready to be trampled underfoot by man. Dr. Reagan: Yeah, but we've got pastors in the pulpits every Sunday. What does he mean 300,000 silent pulpits? Gary Fisher: Well most of them are afraid to speak out on the issues, and we need a church that speaks on the moral issues of the day. What we have today is a government that is hijacking those moral issues and making a political issues, and the pastors are afraid. Dr. Reagan: In fact you got in trouble for doing that at church didn't you? Gary Fisher: I did. Dr. Reagan: Tell me about it. 2

3 Gary Fisher: I was invited to come teach a Sunday school class and the pastor invited me to teach the congregation afterwards. And I finished in the Sunday school class about oh, just a few minutes and I looked over at the director and I said, "How much time do we have left." He said, "About eight minutes." I said, "Well I'll tell you what we're going to do." I said, "We have one of the most important elections." This was the last Presidential election cycle. I said, "We have one of the most important elections coming up in the history of the United States." I said, "Here is what I want you to do. You understand I am not a Republican or a Democrat, I'm a Theocrat. So, you take your God into that voting booth and you remember three issues: samesex marriage, abortion on demand, and support for Israel and you vote how you think your God would." Well this lady got furious with me. She went out and found-- Dr. Reagan: You didn't endorse any candidates. Gary Fisher: Absolutely not. And she got furious she went and found the pastor and read him the riot act. He came and found me and he said, "I'm sorry but I promised them I'd never be political here. And you can't speak to the congregation today." So. Dr. Reagan: And that was being political? Gary Fisher: Yes. Dr. Reagan: Oh, my. How about you Dennis any comment you want to make about that 300,000 silent pulpits? Dennis Pollock: Well I will say this. I know we have some good pastors who are speaking out. Dr. Reagan: Oh, yeah, absolutely. Dennis Pollock: To suggest that there are no pastors anywhere in the country is maybe a little bit of hyperbole. Dennis Pollock: But there are many pastors that are fearful. You know one of the things that makes a good pastor, generally speaking is you are a people person. And one of the aspects of being a people person is you like people to like you. Dr. Reagan: Yeah, you don't want to offend anybody. Dennis Pollock: If you've got that abrasive personality that you don't give a hoot what anybody thinks about you, you probably wouldn't really be a good pastor. But the problem is if you take that and stretch it too far you end up just speaking the positive stuff, you refuse to speak out. And to me the key is, look at Jesus Christ. What was He like? And what was His attitude about speaking on the issues of His day? Jesus said this, "He said the world cannot hate you," speaking to some of the disciples. He said, "The world can hate you but it hates me because I speak out that its deeds are evil." So what He's saying is you're too popular. You are so popular nobody can hate you and that is not a good thing. Dr. Reagan: That has been a theme of Franklin Graham's statements recently about challenging pastors to really speak out you know. Gary Fisher: Yeah. Dennis Pollock: Yes. Dr. Reagan: Let me give you one that is similar from Don Wildmon's son Tim Wildmon. 3

4 Dennis Pollock: Ok. Dr. Reagan: Who spoke at our conference this year and in the conference he was talking about how many Christians believe that it is wrong to get involved in politics in anyway, like to run for office or support a candidate or whatever. And he said, "It makes no sense to me for Christians to emphasize obeying the law while insisting that the making of the law should be left up to pagans. Dennis Pollock: Yeah, absolutely. The Bible says render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, we owe our country to be involved in voting, in supporting candidates that hold a biblical view. And depending on your calling you know there will be Christians, and I believe will be called to get involved in government, get involved in politics. But of course not everybody will be called. Dr. Reagan: That's true. Dennis Pollock: That's a personal issues. But we should at all least vote, at least be aware, watch the news. You know you have Christians that say, "Oh, I don't want to watch the news it's just so depressing I just want to read my Bible and watch Christian TV." But you know watch the news, find out what is going on, be informed. Dr. Reagan: In fact we have a part-time evangelist for this ministry, Tim Moore, who lives in Kentucky and preaches for us on weekends and he happens to be a member of the Kentucky Legislature. And boy he's in there fighting hard for the moral issues. Dennis Pollock: Ok. Praise God. Dr. Reagan: Folks, we are going to take a break and we'll be back in just a moment. Part 2 Dr. Reagan: Welcome back to Christ in Prophecy and my discussion of current events from a biblical perspective, featuring two colleagues of mine Gary Fisher and Dennis Pollock. Fellas I want to get right back into this as quickly as possible. Let me give you a quote from Ed Hindson who is one of the great prophecy teachers of America and Dean of the Liberty University Seminary. He says, Satan doesn t care about other religions. He is only interested in opposing the truth of Christianity. What about it? Gary Fisher: I agree with him. Satan knows that Acts 4:12 says there is absolutely no other name under Heaven given among men whereby we must be saved. Salvation is in no other, so it makes sense for Satan to go after the jugular vein and discredit Jesus Christ. Dr. Reagan: He's interested in going after truth. Gary Fisher: Absolutely. Dennis Pollock: Yeah, the Devil is of course anti-god and that means he's against everything that has to do with God. And the Bible tells us he's our adversary. Peter says, "You adversary the Devil is walking about like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour." Dr. Reagan: Yeah. Dennis Pollock: So, his great desire is to take everything that pertains to God which would be the church, individual Christians, the Bible, Christianity as a whole and discredit it, destroy it, give it a bad taste. Do whatever he can to bring it down. 4

5 Dr. Reagan: And isn't it interesting as we look around the world today we see Christianity under attack everywhere. Gary Fisher: That's right. Dennis Pollock: Of course. Gary Fisher: Everything else is tolerated. Dr. Reagan: Yeah. Dennis Pollock: Someone said if you haven't yet run into the Devil yet as an adversary maybe you're going the same direction as he's going. Gary Fisher: I like that. Dr. Reagan: Well let me give you one of my favorite quotes from Mark Hitchcock, both of you know him. He is a pastor of Faith Bible Church in Edmond, Oklahoma and a Bible prophecy expert and prolific author. And he says, "When the Rapture occurs, we are going to get an air lift accompanied by a face lift. That s one of the reasons I m looking for the uppertaker, and not the undertaker. I love that quote. Gary Fisher: Amen. Dr. Reagan: What about that? What's he talking about an uplift instead of a facelift and all that? Gary Fisher: 1 Corinthians 15:51-52 promises a brand new body when the Rapture occurs. And that's a glorifying thought. Dr. Reagan: That's a facelift. Gary Fisher: Absolutely. And then 1 John what is it? 3:2 I believe it is John says, "We will be like Him for we will see Him just as He is." Gary Fisher: And you know a godly person would want to be like God more than he wants to be like himself. So this is a great promise in the future. Dr. Reagan: So the Rapture is the idea that the Lord is coming for the Church, going to take us out of here before that Tribulation begins. So he is looking for the uppertaker instead of the undertaker. Gary Fisher: And changes. Dennis Pollock: He says it in a humorous way but really there is some pretty sound theology behind what he is saying. Dr. Reagan: Oh, yeah. Dennis Pollock: You know as Gary said and you can point to some other Scriptures we will meet the Lord in the air, you know we will go up and we we'll have a new body, we will have a facelift. And He is the uppertaker the one who will draw us to Himself. So, its good theology. Gary Fisher: I would like to add one other thought to that, today would be a good day. 5

6 Dr. Reagan: Amen. How about this quote by Don Ott? Don is a good friend of mine who is president of Christian Psychological Resources in Arkansas. He's also a Bible prophecy scholar and he wrote this, he said, In the 20th Century, Billy Graham would proclaim, The Bible says. " I can just hear him right now. Dennis Pollock: Amen. I can too. Dr. Reagan: "The Bible says. But in this century, the cry is, Who cares what the Bible says? How accurate do you think that is? Dennis Pollock: You know it's interesting. I read a statistic that said the average America home has four Bibles plus, a little over four Bibles. And we do not see a strong verbal challenge to the Bible yet. I believe that will come. But the quote is right nobody much cares what the Bible says, they just refuse yet to challenge it. And our job is to keep putting it in front of us when we are making our stands on positions like abortion, and homosexuality and so forth and say, "This is not our opinion." "This is not our bias. This is not just some thought we had. This is what the Bible says. And we love the Bible, we love Christ. We believe in the Bible." So, yeah America has moved far, far from a dependence on Scripture. Now, some have said because America has done that preachers ought to just stop preaching the Bible. Just try to reason with American's because they don't believe it anyway. I don't hold to that view. I believe the Bible is so powerful that whether someone believes it or not, share it anyway. Dr. Reagan: Amen. Dennis Pollock: Declare it anyway. Dr. Reagan: Well one of the best known Christian leaders in America right after the Supreme Court decision said that he had changed his mind about same-sex marriage, because he had a long talk with his wife and his wife just had such empathy for these people and his feelings got involved in that and he just believed that was the way to go was with his feelings. Dennis Pollock: Yeah. Dr. Reagan: Boy, I tell you can get in trouble following your feelings. Gary Fisher: Absolutely. Dennis Pollock: What did Jesus say to the Devil? "It is written" Dr. Reagan: It is written. Gary Fisher: There is an emerging phenomenon going on in the church and you just nailed it, it's judging truth by the way it makes them feel. Dennis Pollock: Sure. Gary Fisher: Instead of judging truth logically but what it says literally. Dr. Reagan: That's very much a part of the Emergent Church movement and I want to give you a quote from a leader of that, Rob Bell who says. 6

7 Gary Fisher: Yes. Dr. Reagan: The Church has become irrelevant to issues like same-sex marriage, and it will continue to be even more irrelevant when it defends itself by quoting letters written 2,000 years ago. Gary Fisher: It sounds like the Bible has become irrelevant to Rob Bell. Dr. Reagan: I mean just says who cares what the Bible says? Dennis Pollock: Well that is disgusting but what he should consider is that Jesus Christ was a theological conservative. He believed the Bible. He talked about Creation. He believed in Adam and Eve. He talked about Jonah, He believed in the story of Jonah being swallowed by a fish. He believed that Elisha healed a leper. He believed all these things. Dr. Reagan: And He was God in the flesh. Dennis Pollock: And He was God in the flesh and he said the Scripture cannot be broken, it is inspired of God. So, if Jesus Himself, God in the flesh declares His love for the Word. Declares it's true. Who in the world would we be to say, "Oh, He was wrong. He was primitive. He was naïve. He didn't understand but we do today." That is ridiculous. Gary Fisher: To play off Dennis' point there is this great movement out there to say that the Bible cannot be taken literally. You've made a reference. Jesus was obviously taking the Bible literally. Dennis Pollock: Absolutely. Gary Fisher: But you know when the Bible says something about homosexuality it doesn't mean what it says literally. And on and on it goes. Dennis Pollock: It is symbolic homosexuality? Instead of real homosexuality? Gary Fisher: It's just an allegorical book. Dr. Reagan: This is exactly what happened in England in the beginning of the 20th Century when German Higher Criticism crossed the channel and hit England like a bomb. Gary Fisher: Yes. Dr. Reagan: People began to say, "Now with regard to homosexuality the Bible says this, modern psychology says this. The Bible was written by a bunch of fuddy-duddies 2,000 years ago. I mean what did they really understand? These are modern psychologists so you pay your money, you take your choice." Gary Fisher: Yes. Dr. Reagan: And the choice was people just stopped going to church. And today 7% of the people in Britain go to church. Dennis Pollock: Yeah. 7

8 Gary Fisher: The problem, the big problem with thinking that the Bible has become irrelevant is to also think that people are evolving and changing and that is a lie. People are the same today as they were the day as they were the day the word repent. Dr. Reagan: You mean we're not more sophisticated? Gary Fisher: We just have bigger toys, is all we have. Dennis Pollock: And if you look at the history of those who've ever done anything great for the Lord, reached lots of people, been used mightily in the hand of the Lord. They all love the Word, they love the Word. Many years ago Billy Graham had a contemporary named Chuck Templeton and they were both great preachers. They both preached in an organization called Youth for Christ. Dennis Pollock: And some people thought Templeton was actually a better preacher than Billy Graham. Templeton after being herald as like the greatest guy to every come along and preach in many a century began to move away from his love for the Bible, began to question the Bible. And finally gave up entirely not on the inspiration of Scripture but on the deity of Christ. Dr. Reagan: Oh. Dennis Pollock: And he tried to influence Billy Graham that way and tried to tell him, "Billy you've to get modern here. The Bible's got errors. It's got fault. It's got flaws." And Billy wavered for just a little while and finally he battled it out on a golf course. And he had a Bible in his hand he was praying you know, "What do I do? What do I believe?" And he made that famous prayer, "Lord I don't understand it all but I am going to take the Bible as your Word by faith." Gary Fisher: Amen. Dennis Pollock: Chuck Templeton became a nothing. He never reached anybody else. His life went downhill. He was not an influence not only for God but really for anything. Billy Graham went on to become one of the greatest evangelists of all. Well let me give you another quote that's kind of in the same line. This is from W. A. Criswell, who was the pastor of First Baptist Church in Dallas for 50 years. And he said, "One of the main problems with the Church today is Leopard Theology. A Leopard Theologian is one who says that the Bible is inspired only in spots and he knows which spots. Gary Fisher: I've met some of those people. Dr. Reagan: There are a lot of them around. Gary Fisher: There are. Dr. Reagan: I mean what's the deal there? Gary Fisher: Well, people no matter whether it is theology or learning at school from the first grade teacher whatever they have selective learning. They want to be counseled only in certain areas. And that secret part of my life leave that alone. 8

9 Dr. Reagan: Well I think a lot of people approach the Bible like you're going through a buffet line; I'll have a little of this, and a little of that, I don't want any of that. Dennis Pollock: Exactly. Gary Fisher: That's right. Dennis Pollock: And you know we all come to the Lord with our biases, with our tendencies towards this and that and our beliefs. And when you first start reading the Bible you are going to run across some stuff you really like. But you are going to read a few verses that are what I call the flinch verses. Ow, that kind of hurts. Gary Fisher: Yeah. Dennis Pollock: Now the question is what do you do with those flinch verses? Well you could just rip the page out. Throw it away. That surely can't be true. And this can't be true. Or you could just stop flinching and believe it, and embrace it, and let the Word change you rather then you trying to delete the Word. Gary Fisher: Let the Lord start working with it. Dr. Reagan: Well let's shift gears here for a moment to an entirely different topic and this quote comes from all people President Obama. It says, We are not at war with Islam. We are at war with people who have perverted Islam. What about it? Gary Fisher: It's naïve, and it s a denial of history. Islam was never a peaceful religion from day one. It has established itself in violence all along the historical timeline. Dr. Reagan: It holds people with violence the threat of violence. Gary Fisher: And the Koran even say that the unbelievers are to be killed, and so forth and so on. So it is totally naïve and totally deceptive to believe that this is a peaceful religion. No way! Dennis Pollock: If you wanted to find out what is the essence of Christianity, you know I want to get right into the deepest, thickest, most pure and pristine element of Christianity where would you go? You would go to those early Christians. You'd go hang around Paul, and Peter, and John and the early church that you read about in the book of Acts. And you would find out this is how it's supposed to be. Now if you want to find out the essence of Islam go back to the days of Mohammed. Go back to the days of the generation that followed him. Find out the proclamations he made about fighting your enemies and conquering by the sword, and making your enemies submit. You'd find out there is nothing peaceful about it. The truth is that the terrorists, and so called radicals are really just simply the fundamentalists, the ones who really take it seriously. Every religion has its nominal believers. Dennis Pollock: And its serious fundamental believers. 9

10 Dennis Pollock: And the radical terrorists as we call them are really the fundamentalists, they take it seriously. Gary Fisher: Would you say they are the finished product of Islam? Dennis Pollock: I think so. Gary Fisher: Alright, ok. Dr. Reagan: Ok, let's switch to another topic now. This is by Duane Gish, former Vice President of the Institution for Creation Research. "Evolution requires an enormous faith in miracles, whereas materialistic philosophy forbids them." That is a pretty profound thought. Dennis Pollock: Yes. Gary Fisher: It really is. Dr. Reagan: Expound on it. Dennis Pollock: Well when Darwin was coming up with his theory of evolution one of the problems he ran into was there just weren't the transitional forms between one species and another. One would think that if a fish is going to turn into a crocodile you are going to have a half-fish half-crocodile fossil somewhere or left over you can look at and say, ok, this is the inbetween. And there should be in-betweens in all the different species as they were supposed to have jumped, but there were none. And they couldn t find them. Darwin said, "Well I admit there are not these transitional forms now. But I'm sure as we dig up the fossil record and really get into we'll find them." Dennis Pollock: Well the fossil record has been dug, and dug and researched and they still can't find them. So finally they came up with a new theory, well there was kind of a quantum leap from one species to the next. You won't find many transitional forms in fact you may not find any. But just take it by faith, it happened. So in a sense, yeah, it is requiring almost a miraculous, a belief in miracles. Dr. Reagan: To me it requires more belief in miracles then believing in God when you start believing in something like evolution. You know all my life I wanted to go see Mount Rushmore and finally I got the opportunity. I went and I stood before that magnificent piece of carving and the thought came to me believing in evolution is equivalent to believing that this was created accidentally by erosion. Gary Fisher: Yes. Dr. Reagan: I mean it's just insane. Gary Fisher: Absolutely. Yes. Dr. Reagan: And particularly since the discovery of DNA even Bill Gates says that DNA is far more complicated than any type of software coding he has ever encountered in his life. And that happened accidentally? 10

11 Dennis Pollock: Yeah. Gary Fisher: Man reveals in this statement that he is capable of faith. Dr. Reagan: That's true. Gary Fisher: And if that faith were channeled toward God instead of this other stuff God would reveal Himself because He promises that. If someone will search for me with all their heart I will reveal myself to him. And so if they would use this faith to channel toward God we would have a different outcome. Dr. Reagan: Well I love the title of the book, I can't think of his name, maybe you can think of it the fella in California wrote about in defense of creationism and the title of the book was, "You Can Lead an Atheist to Evidence, But You Cannot Make Him Think." Gary Fisher: I like it. Dr. Reagan: I thought that was pretty clever. Gary Fisher: Yeah. Dr. Reagan: Well let's move to another topic both of you know Arnold Fruchtenbaum who is a Messianic believer, the evangelist for Ariel Ministries, quite an intellectual. And he made this comment, "If we are currently living in the Millennium, as Amillennialists claim, then we must be living in the slum section of it." Gary Fisher: This is a favorite subject of mine. I know Arnie really well, he is a great guy. And I know that Arnie knows that the people that believe that are insisting on the allegorical interpretation of Scripture. For example when you come to Revelation 19 Jesus physically comes to the Mount of Olives, He sets up as King of Kings, and Lord of Lords. And Chapter 20 says that He sets up a 1,000 year reign. Six times he sets up a 1,000 year reign on earth. Zechariah 14 describes it in detail, it's going to be on earth, it's going to be a literally. Isaiah 65, they will plant vineyards, they will build houses, it's going to be a literal, literal time. And so, those that think that is now, are not looking at the biblical descriptions of it: peace, righteousness, justice. So. Dr. Reagan: You know for the benefits of our viewers I might explain that an Amillennialists believes we are living in the Millennium right now, that it began at the cross and will continue until Jesus Christ comes back. And the 1,000 years is just symbolic it doesn't mean 1,000 years. Well I've always felt like if we're living in the Millennium now and Jesus Christ is reigning over the world, He is doing a terrible job of it. Gary Fisher: We'll I'll extend the point and I agree. I was raised in a church environment. Dr. Reagan: Right. Gary Fisher: That didn't believe in the literally return of Jesus and the establishment of a literal Millennium. And what this requires is to demand the literal interpretation of Scripture. If there is no literal interpretation of Scripture that's credible here then how do we know there was a real Jesus? 11

12 Dr. Reagan: Well that's true. And also if you consider the fact that the First Coming prophecies were all literally fulfilled. Why shouldn't the Second Coming prophecies be? Gary Fisher: Amen. Dennis Pollock: And with the Scriptures telling us that Satan has been thrown into a pit, he will deceive the nations no more. And you look at the deception and the misery that is going on in our world. Well it reminds me of a time I went to something that was touted as the great revival of our times. I went to this meeting where this revival was supposed to be and it was just a disappointment it didn't go very well. And I thought as I left I thought, "Lord is this the best you can do, you know, in revival?" Gary Fisher: Amen. Dennis Pollock: And I think if this is the Millennium the place where Satan is thrown into a pit, and the nations are no longer deceived. Is that the best God can do? I don't believe it is. Gary Fisher: Amen. Dennis Pollock: I believe Jesus will come as the Scripture says. He will reign from Jerusalem. We will have a time where the nations will not war against one another. And it will be a whole lot better than this. Dr. Reagan: Amen. Closing Dr. Reagan: Welcome back to Christ in Prophecy. And I want to thank my two special guests for being with us and sharing your insights. I want to ask you guys to tell the folks how they can get in touch with your ministry. Gary you go first. Gary Fisher: Dr. Reagan: And Dennis? Dennis Pollock: You can find our ministry at Dr. Reagan: Well, folks, that s our program for this week. I hope it has been a blessing to you. And I hope you will be back with us next week, the Lord willing, when we will be discussing major religious issues like whether or not there are many roads to God. Until then, this is Dave Reagan speaking for Lamb & Lion Ministries, saying, Look up, be watchful, for our Redemption is drawing near. End of Program 12

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