The Greatest News. You Can Go To Heaven When You Die Jesus Made The Way. Jesus Said Come to Me and Be Saved. God Wants You In His Eternal Plan

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1 The Greatest News You Can Go To Heaven When You Die Jesus Made The Way Jesus Said Come to Me and Be Saved God Wants You In His Eternal Plan Jesus made everything Jesus loves everyone Loves you Jesus saves anyone Jesus will save you Jesus always looks after and protects His own Will you be with Jesus in heaven when you die? Do you wish to come to Him? Don t wait - He will accept you! Jesus made the way easy for all to come!! Entry Is free and He has invited you to come and be a part of His family in His kingdom too.

2 Who is Jesus? In the Bible Gods Word, God say s Jesus is God s Son, who was sent down to the earth from God, so He can make the way back Himself. Jesus longs to make you a part of His family God has provided the only way to make us His children and to be at peace with Him. This is done through the hard work of His Son Jesus Christ, as He died on the cross. Here He was punished for all our wrong ways (sins). God punished Him instead of us. God has made a way to give us His very own forever Life and His very own perfect nature (His righteousness). He invisibly places these wonderful qualities inside of us, as a gift. He can then accept us and be pleased with us, so we can live with Him forever. Come And See God s Work For Us! God says In the Bible God Loved the world of people so much that He sent and gave His one and only Son, so that anyone who believes in His Son Jesus Christ shall not forever die, but shall have eternal life John 3:16 God is going to destroy and remake the heavens and earth, because they are old and all worn out. They are worn out because they are full of creature sinfulness. This sinfulness destroys the very nature of a thing.

3 They become corrupted and wear out and must be destroyed and changed. Hebrews 1: Peter 3:10-11 We will see later what life will be like in the New Heavens and Earth. This is an Artists picture of the holy city, which will be the new Jerusalem. The New Jerusalem will be part of the new heavens and earth, after God has destroyed the present heavens and earth. Read about it in Revelation 21 & 22 Show Your friend s and All Are Welcome To Be In God s Family!! The Bible says that Jesus Christ is The God. As God Jesus Christ made and created the heaven, the earth and everything else too.

4 He made the heavens, the sky, the sun, the moon and the stars. He made the earth, the clouds, the trees, the plants, and the seas too. Jesus Christ the Creator holds everything in His Powerful Hands! The Lord God Made them All! This is a song we sung when we were younger. All things bright and beautiful all creatures great and small, all things wise and wonderful, The Lord God Made them All! He gave us eye s to see them and lips that we might tell, how great God Almighty who has made all things well is! He created people too, but We Are All Born Lost To God and Not Part of His Family He first created Adam and Eve. They were our original parents! He didn t originate sin and wrongdoing! Sin came because Adam and Eve disobeyed God s only rule. Our first Father, who was named Adam and our first mother named Eve, were the first humans to sin and do wrong on the earth. They sinned many, many years ago when they disobeyed God s rule and took fruit from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, which God had forbidden them to eat!

5 They ate this forbidden fruit and they died in their Spiritual life. There was nothing wrong with the fruit, as such. It looked good to eat and was very pleasing to the eye. It was the act of disobedience (acting independently of God) that would cause the relationship between God and man to sour, go off and die. In this state of Spiritual Death Adam and Eve would have spent eternity condemned and without God, if God hadn t have intervened. All the good things that they enjoyed in the garden came to an end. Someone would have to intervene and solve this big problem for them. They were helpless and they tried to cover up their problem (nakedness) with fig leaves, which they sewed together to cover their nakedness. This is just like people trying to cover their sin with acts of human goodness. God looked for His righteousness, but found only human self-righteousness. God condemns human righteousness and goodness because it comes from people, with the nature of sin. We will see later how God gives to us His very own Righteousness, as His gift. Because of Adam s sin of disobedience, The Lord put them out of His beautiful Garden. God held Adam responsible, because He made Him the Boss in the garden. One act of disobedience to God just grew and grew in many ways, until the earth became full of sin and wrongdoing.

6 We also sin in many ways too. God gives the guilt of Adam s sin to us at birth to condemn us. He doesn t wait until we sin ourselves to condemn us. This way God can have compassion on us all, so He can save us all. Romans 11:32 We are born with a sin nature inside our bodies and God places Adam s sin to our sin nature to condemn us at birth. And so we sin in many ways. The Lord God condemns and judges sin wherever He finds it, because He is Perfectly Good and Righteous. Sin is found in us and He can t accept anything into His Kingdom that is not perfect and good (righteous) We are all under God s watching eye Self-goodness, which is self-righteousness is called evil by God. He rejects this too. God condemns sin, good and evil Only God Has The Perfect Solution. The Greatest News!! Jesus came to Seek and to Save the Lost God Doesn t Want To Punish Anyone!! God s says in The Bible, I do not want anyone to perish and spend eternity without them, and they without Me., ALL should come and believe in My Son Jesus 2 Peter 3:9

7 God is going to punish all sin. The Lord God has provided the Way to judge and punish our sins in His Son Jesus Christ without forever judging and punishing us. Jesus Christ, God s Son Said He Would Come Freely And Be Punished For Us. Wow!! At the right time God became a man in the person of His Son Jesus Christ. God became a human being as a Baby. This is what we remember at Christmas Jesus grew up into a Man and performed many miracles. He showed those around Him that He was the Creator of everything. He healed hundreds of people of their diseases and did many other miraculous signs..he turned water into wine at a wedding party. He made the blind see and the deaf to hear. He healed the crippled He raised the dead. He fed over 5000 people with two loaves and five small fishes He calmed a very severe storm with the words Peace be still The wind and the waves obeyed Him. He walked on water The more He showed Himself as God. The more they were jealous of Him, hated Him and tried to get rid of Him. They were so jealous of Him and hated Him so much that they made up stories, and lied about Him, and they plotted to put Him to death.

8 They had Him brought before the Roman judge and accused Him of many things with their lies. The Roman judge said that He was an innocent man, but he gave into the cruel rulers demands and sentenced Him to die by nailing the creator and maker of everything to a cross. Unfair, unfair you might say! They beat Him badly too, but He didn t feel sorry for Himself, cry or complain It was very painful and unfair. He didn t grumble, not even once! He was courageous and strong. It was then on the cross that God His Father punished His only Son instead of us. All our sins our disobedience and bad deeds, God His Father poured out onto His only Son and punished Him instead of us. He willingly was punished instead of us! This we remember at Easter It was at this time that He cried and cried, as He was carrying and being punished for all our sins. It was agony to be separated from His Father because Jesus Loved His Heavenly Dad, so much.

9 GOD His Heavenly Father rejected Him, while He was punishing Him, because God is Perfect and can have nothing to do with sin, except to punish it! We can only imagine how they both must have felt at this time, but our rescue was all they thought and cared about. They forgot about themselves. He was on the cross six hours when God poured out our sins and wrath onto His Son Jesus Christ for sins and wrongs of the whole wide world. He punished Him for all of the sins, since Adam first sinned all those years ago. Their Love was so Big for us! God punished His Son for all our sinful and wrong ways All Past Sins All Future Sins Present Sins God s says in the Bible, God made Him who did no sin to be sin in our place, so that in Jesus we could become the righteousness (Perfect Nature) of God 2 Corinthians 5:21 He Did this for you and me!!! After being punished for our sins, He breathed out and died and was taken off the cross, and placed in a new empty tomb. The Greatest News!! Jesus Lives On the third day God resurrected His Son from the dead.

10 This we remember on Easter Sunday. Hundreds of people saw Him alive and some touched Him. He even ate food and drank with His followers, the disciples. After fifty days He went back to His Father in Heaven. His work was FINISHED\COMPLETED! He is going to come back again! He said that He would return and take us to be with Himself. We then can be with Him forever. Will You Be Ready for His Return. Jesus is the Only Way to God Jesus says in The Bible I Am The Way, The Truth and The Life, no one comes to the Father in heaven but through Me John 14:6 What is Heaven Like? God say s in heaven that there are pleasures forever more Psalm 16:13

11 In heaven, God promises there will be no more death, pain or crying. There will be no more hunger or thirst. No one will ever get sick. Friends and family will not grow old and die. We will get a brand new body, which will last forever. No one will ever feel lonely and left out again. Imagine it. There will be no need for hospitals, doctor s, dentist s or funeral director s Death takes a permanent holiday- FOREVER!! WOW! There Will Be No More In heaven there will be no more crying, arguing or cross and angry words. There will be no more fighting and wars. There will only be God s Happiness, Joy and Peace. God carefully and lovingly provides for all our needs. Revelation 21:4 Psalm 23:6 & Psalm 16:11 There will be great, great parties Nothing like we can ever imagine here on earth. Heaven will be a place of great FUN You might be thinking this is all too good

12 to be true, but when God makes a promise, He Never goes back on His Promise to anyone. He always does what He promises! In Gods Word the Bible, Jesus Christ says I go to prepare a place for you, and if I go to prepare a place for you. I will come again and take you to be with myself, that where I am, there you will be also John 14:6 The way to heaven is open now. It is free for all. Not just Children and Young people, but Mum s, Dad s, Grandma s and Grandpa s, Aunties, Uncles, Carer s, and anyone who will come. Believe in Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins and be sure of a place in heaven. Heaven is a place I am going to when I die! What about you? Why not guarantee a place there for yourself? Here s the big EEnnoorrmoouuss surprise! There is only one thing you have to do to be sure of a place in Heaven, the Kingdom of God. Just Believe in Jesus,, that He was punished for all your sins on the cross. By believing that He died in your place, you are placing your trust in Jesus Christ and His saving work for you on the cross. That s it! Just be willing to accept and believe in Him!!! John 3:16 & John 20:31

13 Jesus died for all people who do wrong things called sins. We all do wrong things. He died for us all. Will you BBeel lli iieevvee in Him? If you B eel lli iieevvee in Him, He becomes your very own Saviour and He will completely forgive all your wrongness, no matter how bad and ugly it is. He will give you His very own Righteousness (Perfection Nature) and Eternal Life. You will then belong to God and He will put His judgement of you aside, forever. You will be one with God and can live with Him forevermore! It s as easy as accepting a gift on your birthday or Christmas, that you did not deserve or pay for. Wow! That s easy, isn t it? Why not just receive God s love gift today : Remember it s easy for us, but God the Father and Jesus Christ the Son had to pay a Very, Very High Price. God has provided the way to be forever saved. It s free and so easy that aannyyoonnee can come It doesn t matter how young you are.

14 How old you are, or in-between or handicapped or how sick you are. God through His Son made the way. It Doesn t Matter To God! He Showed His love For All By Providing This Free And Easy Way For All. The Good News is that God Forgives Freely and Completely! It doesn t matter what you may have done wrong or how ugly your past is. East <<<<< God >>>>>>West God says As far as the east is from the west, so far have I taken away your sins from you Psalm 103:12

15 You can t promise God to be good, to get God s forgiveness. God does not accept our niceness, kindness and good behaviour as being good enough for God, as good as we might be. Only Jesus Christ was good enough to pay the price for our sin. He is the only one who can open Heavens door and let us in. Ephesians 2: 8-9 He Paid our Debt to God in Full! Score a bulls eye with God and come just as you are.. Will you believe in Jesus Christ and accept Gods gift for you??? You could pray this prayer, if you wish too or just think the words II bbeel lli iieevvee iinn i JJeessuuss CChhrri iisstt Prayer Dear God and Loving Heavenly Father. You sent your Son to take the punishment I deserve for my sins. I am now believing and placing my trust in your Son Jesus Christ alone. I accept Him as my own personal saviour, Amen That is all you have to do. You will NEVER face the place of eternal punishment with the Devil whose name is also Satan. You can t return from the dead and choose Gods way later. Now is the day to choose to be saved. He was raised to life, so you can also later be raised to life with Jesus. That s just great and just what I need! Wow! From the Cross to the Grave and Then Alive - Forevermore!!

16 >>> >>> When we die, we go straight to be with Jesus our saviour, there in NO eternal judgement for all who belong to Jesus Christ. Romans 8:1 You only have to Believe in Jesus Christ ONCE! for eternal salvation to be all yours. You are then firmly in the hand of The Lord Jesus Christ Forever. He gives His very own Eternal life. TThhi iiss meeaannss yyoouu hhaavvee bbeeeenn BBoorrnn AAggaai iinn iinnttoo i GGoodd ss ffaami iil llyy... Jesus said I give unto you Eternal Life and you shall Never Perish. No one can snatch you out of My Hand John 10:28 You are now a kingly Child, a child of God. The bible says, how great is the Heavenly Fathers Love for us, that He made us children of God. 1 John 4:1

17 Isn t that great!!! You are now firmly anchored in God s family and under His care and protection! Life in God s RRoo yy aal ll Family has just begun for you! We now have a Perfect and Kind Heavenly Father (Dad) Our Heavenly Father Will Never Leave us, forsake, walk out on and abandon us. We can t see our Heavenly Dad (one day we shall see Him) but we can read about Him in the Bible. We can see some all His commands and promises. We will do this later on. He will care for our every need. He doesn t promise a life without troubles, as we will always have troubles, here on earth. He promises that He will be with us in our troubles and help us through them. Prayer He will always hear us when we pray to Him. He will always answer us, not with a human voice but in ways we don t expect. Be patient and wait for Him. We must learn to trust Him. Now you are in Gods family, you must learn to live as God want s you to, as a member of His Royal Family. We need to live and follow His instructions. You must depend on God to help you to do so. He has provided the Bible with His commands and He has provided the Holy Spirit, as your teacher, helper and power. He will help you to understand and obey God s commands. You need to learn how to talk to God. You must address all of your prayers to God The Father in the Name of Jesus Christ and spoken with Power of The Holy Spirit God is One God,but three in Persons.

18 All are equally God, and each has a different role to perform in saving us. It s just like we have One Nation with many peoples within that One nation. It s just like mum s and dad when married become One together It s just like when mum and dad have children, they all are One Family It s like one family with three members. It s like maths sum. 1 X 1 X 1 = 1 (One God) & = 3 (Three Persons) So it is with God. There is One God and three persons within the Godhead. They all work together (Unity) God The Father is the Big planner (the architect). God The Son takes the plans and makes what has been designed, just like a builder. God The Holy Spirit shows all people who want to know what God has planned? He helps people to understand God s way and then gives them the power to do His work! We have that power when we are in fellowship with God (we are in fellowship with God when we have named our sins to God the Father) God the Holy Spirit is our helper. He is the Light and He is All Powerful Prayer is like a direct telephone line with God. He wants to talk in close companionship (fellowship)with us daily through Holy Spirit and through the Bible. He want s us to talk to Him daily, telling Him what our needs are and thanking Him for everything in our lives, whether good or difficult. He wants to talk with us. We are important to Him.

19 When God has saved us, He wants us to have companionship and friendship with Him always. Sometimes we lose the companionship (called fellowship) with God when we do not obey God and we do what is wrong. After we have been saved we continue to sin, sins like disobeying mum, dad, our carers or our teachers. Feeling sorry for our selves and not sharing, even fighting with others. We tell lies, we hate, and sometimes we might steal. e become jealous and we are angry with others, with what they have and we don t have. God has provided an easy way for us to get our fellowship (companionship) back with Him. Jesus was punished for all of our sins on the cross, even our future sins. All we have to do is tell God The Father what we have done wrong. We tell Him what He already knows, and He forgives us from everything. He has promised to do this.

20 He cleans away all that is wrong when we have told Him the wrong we have done. We are now clean to serve God again. We may do this many times a day. He Neevveerr gets tired of us though. He will always forgive us, when we tell Him the wrong we ve done. He is faithful to us, even when we fail or forget Him. We can now go on serving and pleasing God in good companionship (fellowship) with Him and by the power of The Holy Spirit. We can then be free to learn and obey God s Word, the Bible. God s Promise to us God says. If we name our sins to Him, He will forgive us all our sins and make us clean once more from all other wrongdoing. 1 John 1:9 Confess it once only Because God is gracious, it is great not to have to beg God by asking for His forgiveness, or feel sorry for our sins, or promise God that we will never do it again. When we have confessed the sin, we must not feel guilty about it ever again. Jesus Christ was punished for our sins so we don t need to punish ourselves with guilt Jesus work is all that God is pleased with and it is good enough for God the Father. Promising God that we won t sin again; is a promise we can never keep because we all have the nature of sin. All we have to do is name the wrong thing to God, and He forgives us straight away.

21 If you are stuck and burdened with the burden of feeling guilty, choose the God s GRACE and rest in the work of Jesus for you. Give the pack of guilt to Him to carry. He already paid the price of your sin on the cross. Only in heaven will we be perfect We still have a sinful nature and do wrong things while we are here on earth. Be careful that you do not do wrong things on purpose, knowing that He will forgive you. He will forgive you, But God is NOT pleased when we sin on purpose, because He must discipline and punish His children for deliberate disobedience. God is NOT pleased when we sin on purpose You need to ask God to help you with this battle of sin and trust in Him to help you. Keep telling Him when you do wrong things. Try and think about why you did the wrong thing, and then talk to God about it. He loves to help us. Remember you can always pray to God for help any time you wish too. You can pray to God in any place, anytime, anywhere and about anything. I God s Promise to you God promises in the bible and says, Call to me and I will answer you Jeremiah 33:3 God s Promise to you

22 He also says, before you call, I will answer you, while you are still speaking I will hear you Jeremiah 33:3, Isaiah 65:24 Sometimes we hurt other people too and must go to them and apologise for hurting them. Tell God first and then ask Him to help you talk to the other person\s whom you have hurt, when you did them wrong. Remember that we can never ever loose our family ties to God. No matter what we do! He wants us to be obedient to Him though. Once His child - Always His child. God s Promise to you I will never leave you, nor turn My back on you Hebrews 13:5 You are secure forever and ever! God s Promise to you God also says, I give to you eternal life, you shall Never Perish, no one can snatch you out of my hand. John 10:28 Remember you are not in heaven yet, so life may be unfair and very difficult. Remember that you must go on trusting God at His Word, no matter what your problems are. He has many, many promises for you so you can trust and obey Him. You are now in Gods army with battles to fight, but Jesus will be with you in them all, and He will carry you through them. You are His sheep and under His care. Psalm 100:3

23 Some of the mountains (problems) in your life may be very hard and tough. Problems like rejection or loss of friends, loss of mum or dad, or even both. You may be very sick in hospital, or you might be visiting the doctor or dentist. He knows where you are, and cares for you whatever your problems may be! God will conquer the mountain of fear and worry for you. Hold Him to His Word and through the power of the Holy Spirit and His Word. He will carry you through your problems, so that your faith (trust) in Him gets stronger and stronger. God s Promise to you God say s, Don t be afraid I am with you, don t be discouraged. I am your God One of the biggest battles you are going to have is always being obedient to your mum and dad, your carer, grand parents, teachers, or your coaches, and even the policeman. Remember that God has given to you His own Word the bible, which is loaded down with many promises to help you in all your battles. God the Heavenly Father gave other promises for you apart from the promises already mentioned Here are more of Gods promises to you, to help you be obedient to God and to trust him. These promises help you win all those eternal rewards, which He especially made just for you. God s Promise to you Give all your cares, worries and fears to me for I am the One caring for you, by doing this you are obedient to me and I will help, encourage and rescue you in the right time. 1 Peter 5:7 We must be patient in waiting for God. He is always on time with the right answer.

24 God s Promise to you Come to me (Jesus), all you who are tired and rejected, facing unfairness and afraid and I will give you rest and peace, and carry you. Take my ways upon you and learn from me, for my ways are easier than yours, and my load is lighter for you to carry, than your own. Matthew 8:28 Remember that Jesus Christ is The God Who Made all things, and He keeps His Word God s Promise to you As the creator of all things He says. I will supply all your needs from the great riches that Jesus Christ has in Him Philippians 4:19 God s Promise to you Don t be afraid for I AM with you; do not be worried for I am your God. I will give you strength. I will help you with my power. Isaiah 41:10 God s Promise to you God is our place of shelter and strength an always there, ever present help in days when you face trouble. I will not fear even though everything around me is falling apart. Psalm 46:1-2

25 God s Promise to you Nothing can separate you from the Love God has for you in Christ Jesus. Life nor death, friends or enemies, nothing else in all creation can do this. Romans 8:38-39 God s Promise to you God is working all things together for the Good. to those who Love God, who He has called to be His and do what is pleasing to Him. Romans 8:28 God s Promise to you I go and am preparing a place for you and if I go to prepare a place for you. I will come again to take you to be with myself, that where I am there you will be also John 14:6 God is at Work for you. He has a mansion in Heaven. Just for You. He makes it as He has designed it, and it will be just perfect. John 14:6 Remember that obedience is one of the most important battles to win. That is Obedience to God, your mum and or dad, your carers, the policemen and your teachers too. God s Promise to you Children obey your parents in the Lord for this is right. Honour your father and mother, which is the first commandment with a promise that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth Ephesians 6:1 Children obey your parents in everything for this pleases the Lord Jesus

26 Colossians 3:20 Well done is what our heavenly Father thinks of you!! You are a real hero to win this difficult test and battle. Your parent or carers will think you re a champion too. Forgiveness is another very important and sometimes one of the biggest battles to win. To forgive others no matter what they have done to you is a big test too. God will help you forgive and keep on forgiving with His help. You must stay in close companionship (fellowship) with God in all tests. He promises in the bible that you can ask Him to help you anytime. We will often fall and get thrown about by our sins, as we walk and live in God s plan.. Remember to tell God all about it. Then pick yourself up, dust yourself off and start again. Forget it, God has. God knows and watches us and cheers us on, along with His Angels too. We can t see them, but they are there watching us. Remember that God rewards the winners. God s plan of salvation is the same for everyone, because God has said that He is waiting and is patient with us, not wanting that anyone should perish (with Satan), but that everyone comes to change their minds about Jesus Christ and what He did for all on the cross. 2 Peter 3:9 Gods plan is same way for everyone. It s the same way for mum s and dad s, carers, brothers and sisters, grandmas and grandpas, aunties, uncles and cousins, friends even those we done like or even hate. It s the same plan for those who do not like us, for strangers and for everyone else. He died for all and all can come the same way.

27 His forgiveness is bigger than all failures. None are too bad. He will forgive and pardon all. No matter what! Jesus Christ says, I am the way to heaven (when you die), the only Truth and the true way to life with God in heaven. No one can come to heaven, to the Heavenly Father but through Me. John 14:6 Why not read plenty of bible stories and see how other people have trusted Him and how he worked things for Good for other people too. Some of the heroes died but they were strong in their love for God, and it was time for them to go home. God helped them. To learn more about God go Why not read about them in a young persons Bible Hand book. You can get one in many good bible bookshops.

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