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2 About Us Dr. Anne Kunath is an ordained minister, a doctor of divinity of Divine Science, a published author, lecturer and a gifted speaker. She has appeared on television and radio in connection with her books and seminars. As founding minister of the Divine Science Church of Today in San Antonio, TX, she regularly conducts seminars throughout the country on a variety of subjects dealing with prosperity, relationships and success in every area of life. Anne s training covers all New Thought denominations which include Unity, Religious Science, Divine Science and many other organizations. Her effervescent spiritual energy is shared by all as she teaches the power of love, joyful attitudes and spiritual growth. Anne s dynamic personality is a reflection of her power and intelligence which shows forth in her membership in American Mensa, Ltd., The World Who s Who of Women and the Directory of Distinguished Americans. Anne is also the past president of the Divine Science Federation General Counsel, Past District President of the South Central Texas International New Thought Alliance. She serves on the Executive Board of International New Thought Alliance and has hosted two INTA annual congresses and one INTA district congress. She is the 2006 recipient of the INTA Lifetime Achievement Award and is the past President of the United Divine Science Ministerial School. Anne has the unique ability to cut out the extraneous and get right to the heart of the matter. She keeps her audience s attention with her practical stories and heart warming examples, yet at the same time, takes them to the center of their being with words of profound truth. Anne has done over 100 hours of New Thought Teleseminars reaching across the country and across the world via the power of teleseminars people who would never be able to hear her tips on how to design your life otherwise. Dr. Terrie Wurzbacher is an Emergency Department Physician who recently retired from the U.S. Navy after 29 ½ years as a Navy Doctor. Terrie was stationed in San Antonio, TX in 1984 and met Anne at the Church of Today by accident. Knowing that there are no accidents, she knew that it was her destiny to return to San Antonio after her tour with the Navy was up. So, in 2004, Dr. Wurzbacher retired from the Navy and returned to her home and has started Getting Unstuck, LLC. She reaches out to folks with the tenets of New Thought (Metaphysics) and helps them Get Unstuck in whatever aspect of their lives they need. Creation of Getting Unstuck, LLC allowed Dr. Kunath to retire from her day to day ministerial duties and concentrate on teaching the practical application of metaphysics so that they can shape the lives they desire.

3 Terrie s work with Dr. Kunath has led to production of New Thought teleseminars with over 100 hours of audio information products all of which are there for others to discover how to improve their lives permanently! Dr. Wurzbacher has also written and publishes a book Your Doctor Said What Exposing the Communication Gap. Between the covers of this book, you ll find a lively discussion of how two people speaking different languages can actually come together in matters of one s life. Contrary to what you d expect from a doctor, this book is a patient s bedside companion and should be on your coffee table! Getting Unstuck, LLC is provides free resources and information at their primary website/blog at But the majority of their information circulates through the Universe at Everyday New Thought Community Membership Site. At Everyday New Thought (, members have access to all the teleseminars produced by Getting Unstuck, LLC (over 75 hours), chats about New Thought topics created by Dr. Kunath and Dr. Wurzbacher, articles, forum discussions, access to answers by Dr. Kunath and much, much more. The concept of a New Thought Membership site allows people to be free within the walls of the site. They can be themselves and immerse themselves in all the material we have which teaches them how to apply New Thought to improve their lives. Drs. Kunath and Wurzbacher have as their goal the self-improvement of each and every person they can reach via phone, the web or any other way possible. In this day of technology, people should not be denied access to discovering ways to make themselves happy. We are no longer confined to local resources. We have the ability to reach out and find what we need. Getting Unstuck, LLC and Everyday New Thought provides answers all a person has to do is ask and they shall receive.

4 Table of Contents Do you know the secret?... 5 Section 1: Creating With Purpose I Think I Can, I Think I Can Gratitude Ask, Believe, Receive The Who, How and Why of Manifesting Section 2: The Law of Consciousness You Are Here Clearing Out the Trash Embracing Change Manifesting Awareness Section 3: The Law of Mind Action What Do You Want? Out With The Old, In With The New You Get What You Ask For Section 4: Living The Conscious Life... 69

5 Do you know the secret? Or perhaps what I should be asking is Do you know the secret to The Secret? If the answer is no, you re not alone. When the movie made its debut in 2006, it was an instant sensation, and for good reason - according to the many learned and notable speakers in the film, fulfilling your wildest dreams was as easy as thinking the right thoughts. And who wouldn t like to fulfill a few dreams? The Secret went on to demonstrate how this concept known more accurately as the Law of Attraction was an age-old truth that has been studied and practiced by some of the most memorable and successful men and women in history. Names such as Ludwig van Beethoven, Victor Hugo, Isaac Newton and that s just the tip of the iceberg. In fact, according to The Secret, this method of conscious living has existed since the beginning of time, known and practiced by some of our greatest leaders while remaining hidden from the masses until mankind was ready for it. And you d have to agree that mankind seems ready for something. Although there s still a large number of doubters and naysayers, the New Thought movement has grown exponentially in the last several years. People are looking for that something that s been missing in their lives. So imagine their delight when this movie and its countless experts revealed that the real secret to life has been with you all along! That YOU are the one in control and to create the life you want, all you need to do is think about your desires! 5

6 I mean, how much easier can it be? So big was the response that The Secret even garnered two episodes on Oprah and if that doesn t say marketing success, I don t know what does. The problem is that The Secret, as eye-opening as it is, didn t cover everything. It opens the door to the Law of Attraction to be sure, and makes a great introduction for those that are new on the scene. But it doesn t explain some key details that are necessary to put the power of thought into action. And these details, it turns out are the reason people are struggling with LOA. Eager to manifest their desires and dreams, people began thinking great thoughts and visualizing everything from wealth and abundance to new romances, new cars and extensive travel. Any day now, they thought any day now, I ll be rich and famous and married and happy and basking on a tropical beach on some exotic island. But that didn t happen. In fact, for most, not much changed at all. And it wasn t long before this lack of immediate benefit fueled the fire of those who say the Law of Attraction simply doesn t exist. These adamant voices came from all walks of life from pastors and doctors to talk show hosts and celebrities. Even, a respected and reliable source for self-diagnosis recently ran an article entitled The Secret: Is it the Real Deal? Granted, there was plenty of good Law of Attraction content in this article but it also included plenty of people who said no way. One in particular suggested that the Law of Attraction blames the victim because they didn t think correctly. Another, a physician no less, says that one cannot hope a sunny disposition will replace appropriate medical evaluation and care. It s as if this person had no idea what The Secret was really about. Because the truth is, there is no such thing as blame in the Law of Attraction. There is however responsibility, but contrary to popular belief, these two concepts are not one and the 6

7 same. We re going to talk about this difference at length later in this book but first, let s talk about what the Law of Attraction is. If you watched (or read) The Secret, then you are familiar with Bob Proctor. One of the most renowned voices in the Law of Attraction community, Bob summarizes the Law of Attraction like this: We all work with one infinite Power. We all guide ourselves by exactly the same laws. The natural laws of the Universe are so precise that we don t have any difficulty building space ships. We can send people to the moon and we can time the landing with the precision of fractions of seconds. Where you are India, Australia, New Zealand, Stockholm, London, Toronto, Montreal or New York we re all working with one Power and one Law. It s the Law of Attraction. Everything that s coming into your life, you re attracting into your life. It s attracted to you by virtue of the images you are holding in your mind. Law of Attraction is always working, whether you believe it or understand it or not. Okay, so far, so good. Bob is exactly right the Law of Attraction IS always working and it doesn t matter whether you believe it or understand it its still there and it s always on. But then here s where things got a little muddled. Bob also said, See yourself living in abundance and you will attract it. It works every time, with every person. Of course, you and I know differently, don t we? It doesn t really seem to be working with every person, every time. Because you can bet that plenty of people turned off their televisions with grand thoughts of abundance coming into their lives and these same people are still waiting for the wealth to show up. This doesn t mean that the Law of Attraction doesn t work or that you weren t thinking properly. What it means is that you don t have all the pieces to your manifestation puzzle. 7

8 So, the first thing I d like this book to do is to put those fears and doubts to rest. The Law of Attraction is in fact, alive and well. Yes, it does work. And yes, it was most certainly meant for you. What you re missing is not a particular visualization technique or the ability to concentrate harder on your objective in fact, I m sure you re thinking skills on the surface are absolutely fine. But in order to manifest your every desire, you need to realize that thinking I want money isn t all there is to attracting some green into your bank account. Quite the contrary, you ve got a little more work to do. The second thing I d like this book to do is take your introduction to the Law of Attraction and really give it some teeth. We re going to explain the steps you re missing in the manifestation process and show you how to apply them to your everyday life. For instance, you know something about the Law of Attraction but have you heard about the Law of Consciousness? What about the Law of Mind Action? Because the truth is, there is no such thing as blame in the Law of Attraction. There is however responsibility, but contrary to popular belief, these two concepts are not one and the same. If the answer is no, don t worry not too many people have. But it is these two laws that actually drive the Law of Attraction. They are the reason that the LOA works and they re also why you re not seeing the results you had hoped for. See, the Law of Attraction is based on the concept that thoughts are creative energy but this isn t really the whole story. The truth is, positive thinking is not enough. Let me say that again positive thinking is not enough. 8

9 That s because it doesn t matter what you re consciously thinking what you truly believe, what s rolling around in your subconscious mind is where your energy is actually going. And what feeds the Law of Attraction? That s right energy. So, when your subconscious is filled with negative thoughts about yourself and the world around you, it doesn t matter if you re consciously saying I want a million dollars or I will be happy and successful. If you don t truly believe these thoughts, then these thoughts aren t going to do you much good. And truth be told, it s no surprise that we have some negative energy in our subconscious. After all, everything goes into the subconscious mind it s almost like a garbage dump. So, all those times that people said you couldn t do something or be something or have something your subconscious filed that away. And if you heard it enough, well then, you may have started to believe it was true. This is the Law of Consciousness and you can see why it has such a profound effect on your ability to attract. So, what can you do? We re going to delve into this law as well as the Law of Mind Action and I ll show you how to clear out the negative energy and replace it with the stuff that great dreams are made of. Ready to get started? 9

10 Section 1: Creating With Purpose

11 If only God would give me a sign like making a large deposit in my name at a Swiss bank. ~ Woody Allen The Law of Attraction can be (and is) applied to any and every aspect of life. At any given time during any given day, we you, me and every other human being on this planet are creating something new in our lives. It might be a new job, a new love or even something as simple as a chance to reconnect with an old friend. We can, essentially, create any life we desire. That s some pretty amazing power don t you think? And yet, with all of this incredible potential at our fingertips, there is one area in particular that is by far the most popular first choice for new comers to the Law of Attraction. Can you guess what thing most people choose to manifest first? Money. That s right money. Do a quick search on the Internet and you ll find thousands upon thousands of manifesting money courses, ebooks and websites, each claiming to provide you with the tools you need to attract unlimited abundance into your life. And that sounds pretty good, doesn t it? Unlimited abundance? Sure sign me up who wouldn t want that? But what s interesting is that most people seeking this unlimited abundance do so without any clear purpose. Few have a specific amount in mind and those that do usually pick a large and arbitrary number and submit it to the Universe in a random statement, such as I want more 11

12 Of course, you can imagine their disappointment to wake up the next morning and discover that the Universe did not make a notable deposit into their bank account as instructed. Obviously, their manifesting project didn t work, right? Not necessarily. But before you can move into a place of active creation (which we re going to do), you have to first understand how the Law of Attraction works. 12

13 I Think I Can, I Think I Can As you saw in The Secret, the basic premise of the Law of Attraction is relatively simple: Thoughts are energy AND Energy creates reality Ergo, thoughts create reality so whatever we think, we create right? Well, yes and no. Creation isn t instantaneous nor does every single thought put the Law of Attraction into motion. This is a good thing because otherwise, we wouldn t know up from down. Think about it Most of us have ten different things running through our head at any given time, and that s on a slow day. Our thoughts are influenced by our emotions, our environment and a dozen other factors that interact with us on a daily basis. We say and think things in anger that we later regret. We momentarily desire something only to immediately shun the thought. Most people seeking this unlimited abundance do so without any clear purpose. Few have a specific amount in mind and those that do usually pick a large and arbitrary number and submit it to the Universe in a random statement, such as I want more In short, we change our minds Quite frankly, we change our minds a lot. So, it makes sense that creating with thought would require a little more effort than just a fleeting idea. And this is where the energy portion of the equation comes into play. Those fleeting ideas although plenty in number, don t have any respectable amount of energy attached to them. And because they don t get our full attention, they don t garner the attention of the Universe either. 13

14 Where creation does begin is when we embrace an idea and give it our focus. We think about it, we dream about it, we visualize it and even journal about it. It quickly moves from a fleeting thought into a full-fledged desire and this is the real energy behind creation. This is also where the Law of Consciousness comes into play. In order for a thought to have any sustainable energy, it must be something we believe in. This one little fact is why it s been so difficult for the masses to manifest asking for a million bucks is one thing, but believing it s really going to happen is quite another. And if you don t believe, you can t create. The Law of Consciousness encourages you to look at those beliefs and decide which ones actually work for you. And while it might be difficult at first to adopt a belief that you re about to win the lottery, you can start eliminating all those negative beliefs that have been holding you back. See, it s not just the lack of belief in your desire that affects your ability to manifest Quite the contrary, your belief in the opposition is equally as powerful. Let me give you an example Let s say that you do in fact, want to manifest money into your life. Simply visualizing money isn t going to be enough, especially if you have deep-seeded beliefs that money is scarce or that you ll always struggle. That s because these beliefs have likely been around a long time, derived from both personal experiences and what others have told you is true. So, although your desire is to create abundance (or love or success or anything else in your life), your beliefs that these things are not possible will counter any visualizing you attempt to do. And that s why the Law of Consciousness is so important. This Law gives you the opportunity to identify those old beliefs the ones that are holding you back from your desires and provides a way to clear them out and let them go. Now, once you ve begun the clearing process, you ll need to replace those old beliefs with new and more productive ones this is the Law of Mind Action. 14

15 See, the Law of Consciousness identifies and releases. The Law of Mind Action actually replaces old beliefs with something better. Put these two laws to work and you ll begin to see a big difference in your ability to manifest what you truly want. Not because you ve figured out how to make the Law of Attraction work, but because you ve learned to direct your energies and focus on what you really desire. Once a thought becomes a desire, the Universe goes to work. But again, not necessarily in the ways you might think. In The Secret, manifesting appears to be a rather systematic and predictable process. You want something, you think about that something and the Universe will deliver it right to your door. Perhaps not immediately, but it will come nonetheless. But that s not really how the Law of Attraction works and this little detail has become a huge stumbling block for many newcomers to the LOA. Instead, the Universe tends to work in the realm of opportunities. Manifesting money might produce a new job offer for example or even the opportunity to learn a new trade. You might meet someone who works in the industry you re interested in or get an idea for a new part-time business of your own. It doesn t matter what you re manifesting opportunities to grow in your chosen area will most definitely appear. Learn to be open to these opportunities and you ll see the changes begin to happen. Ignore the opportunities and you ll see the process begin to slow down. That s because the more you use the Law of Attraction, the faster it gets the better it gets and the easier it gets. Another thing you need to know about the Law of Attraction is that it doesn t play favorites nor does it take away. This is important because many of us approach life with the idea that there s only so much to go around and if we don t get our piece of the proverbial pie early, there won t be any left. This simply isn t true. 15

16 In fact, there is more than enough to go around as far as the Universe is concerned and so there is no need to deprive one in order to provide for another. This little fact creates an entirely different perspective and has a grand effect on your ability to manifest the things you desire. If you approach the Universe from a mindset of lacking, then lacking is what you ll continue to experience. Likewise, if you approach the Universe from a mindset of abundance, then abundance will most certainly come your way. This is where many people get into the blame game and that s an idea that we need to quickly put to rest. There is no blame in the Law of Attraction. I said this earlier and I m going to say it again here There is no blame in the Law of Attraction. The reason we jump to assign blame is that we can t quite wrap our heads around the idea that we created everything in our lives. If we did, then that would mean that we asked to be poor, injured, sad, or whatever other ailments might be plaguing us at the moment. And honestly who s going to purposely ask to live a life of struggle? So, if I didn t ask for this negative experience, then the Law of Attraction can t exist, right? Wrong. Asking for something and attracting something are not necessarily the same things, at least not in the very literal sense of the two words. When we consciously ask for something, we are openly acknowledging our desire I want some tea I wish I had a new car I need more money. The Universe tends to work in the realm of opportunities. Manifesting money might produce a new job offer for example or even the opportunity to learn a new trade. You might meet someone who works in the industry you re interested in or get an idea for a new part-time business of your own. It doesn t matter what you re manifesting opportunities to grow in your chosen area will most definitely appear. 16

17 But attracting something isn t always a conscious action (in fact, it s quite frequently not) and doesn t require a spoken desire to manifest. Quite the contrary, attraction works purely on energy and to what do we give most of our energy? That s right beliefs. So, if you believe something to be true, then it is and it will manifest in your life, whether you ve consciously asked for it or not. The other thing you need to know is that when I say abundance, I m not just talking about plenty of one thing. No, no, no One of the New Thought founders, Emma Curtis Hopkins once said, You have to speak with authority when you want something. You get up in the morning. You stand up in front of the world and look out and say, This is what I want to do today. And then you listen for a minute and the answer that comes back is And what else do you want? She thought, You mean I can have more than one? And that s an important thing to understand. You don t have to limit yourself to just one success or one goal. In fact, doing so can be very detrimental to your overall happiness. How many times have you set your sights on something, given it all of your attention and then when you finally reached your goal, you felt an emotional let down? That s because you didn t have anything else in front of you. When you don t have any more goals, what s the point? Always go to the next step because that is where your creative energy lies The ideas, joys and special events will come to you. When you ask, everything begins to flow. 17

18 Gratitude There has been quite a bit already written on the subject of gratitude but it s so important that I think we should mention it again here. Gratitude is not settling for what you have and giving up on attaining anything better. Quite the contrary, gratitude is being thankful for all the abundance you have as well as the abundance that is still coming your way. This is an unusual concept for many people because how can you be grateful for something if you don t yet possess it? Well, the first thing to do is realize that things can always be better. I once knew a gentleman that sold real estate. When people asked him how he was doing, his reply was It can t get any better than this. In truth, he was trying to remain in a state of gratitude but by making the statement it can t get any better continuously, that became his Truth and you know what? Things didn t get better. He didn t sell any houses and his life didn t improve. He had the right idea but he wasn t allowing any new and better things to manifest. What he should have been saying is every day is better than the day before. And that s a true statement. Look at where you are now you re wiser and you ve experienced so many wonderful things since this same time last year of course, you re better. So saying every day is better than the day before can easily be a true and believable statement for you. It puts you in a place of anticipation rather than resignation. That s an easy way to appreciate the abundance that s still to come without trying to convince yourself of a reality that you don t yet believe in. The other thing about gratitude is that it opens you up to receive new (good) things in your life. 18

19 When you surround yourself with good thoughts and good-thinking people, you ll find that good things come your way. The more gratitude you show, the more gratitude you feel, whether it s with people, events or just waking up in the morning and saying, It s a great day today. I m glad to be alive and breathing. That kind of mindset will manifest so much more than if you say, I don t feel well. Today will be a bad day I just know it. Think about it: Do you enjoy being around people that are happy and loving or those that complain and whine all the time? They never have enough money or their health is bad or they hate their jobs how do you feel when you spend your time with people who aren t grateful. What can you be thankful for right now? Finding the abundance that s already in your life makes it so much easier to manifest new things to be grateful for. Practice affirmations of gratitude every single day. Make it a point to keep that grateful attitude as much as possible! It s drudgery, right? Their complaining becomes a drag on everyone around them. And when you join that mindset, you lower your emotional vibration and begin attracting the very things that you want to remove from your life. You might remember John Gray talking about complaining in the movie. In that segment, Gray explained how complaining will simply create more things to complain about. This is because complaining focuses your energy on the things you re complaining about and remember the energy flows where the attention goes. A good example of this is Joseph Murphy s statement that Divorce starts in the mind. It all starts with complaining. Somebody squeezes the toothpaste wrong or reads the newspaper and messes up the pages. As we complain about these things, we put that severance between us. We separate it from what we want and file it under what we don t want but we continue to give it our energy. And sure enough, we ll continue to find new things to complain about until the love we felt for that person is lost amidst a wide array of seemingly unforgivable complaints. 19

20 When you approach life from a state of gratitude, you praise and appreciate even if you have to look really hard to find something to be grateful for. But keep looking it s worth the effort and there s always something there to appreciate. Always. The amazing thing is that the more you practice a state of gratitude, the more you ll find to be grateful for and the bigger your personal picture will become. You ll reach a point where you ve moved past wanting things such as a new car, a new house or a new something Instead, you ll begin to dream bigger because you realize that the bigger you dream, the bigger you ll accomplish. The Universe may be mystical and See, many people start their journey with the Law magical but it doesn t have to be elusive. of Attraction by wanting more money, better health, etc. because that s what they think they When you open your heart and your mind to the possibilities, you are need. They ve been living life from a state of accessing your direct connection with wanting and lacking and see manifesting as a way Source. to fill the gaps that remain in their lives. Just by asking the Universe to show me what to do next, you invite the But at some point, you realize that you have Divine guidance that is yours for the taking! everything you could ever want or need and then you begin to look at how you can share your abundance with others. What else can I do that will make the world a better place? What can I do that will help my children enjoy this world? The bigger ideas begin to come forward because you ve opened yourself to receiving them and you believe that you can create something that would benefit the world around you rather than just your own personal well being. What s really exciting about this kind of manifesting is that it won t just be ideas you receive you ll find that all the means, the contacts, the situations and opportunities you need to put 20

21 your plans into action come to you as well everything you need, all wrapped up nice and neat. All you have to do is say, Okay, show me what I m supposed to do next. And that s exactly what the Universe will do. If you need a person who can organize a function or event, that s the person you ll meet. If you need someone to financially sponsor your idea, that s the person that will cross your path. You ll stumble onto websites or books or places or things or yes, even people who can help you reach your goal. That s how the Universe works. That s the Law of Attraction in action. And the more you use it, the faster it gets. The easier it becomes. And the better you ll be able to manifest. You ll learn to recognize all those little signs that the Universe is sending your way. Instead of pushing your way through, you ll allow yourself to follow the natural pull of the Universe. You ll let it guide you to where you need to go next and you ll be looking for gifts from everyone who crosses your path along the way. It s subtle and gentle. There s no neon sign flashing that shows you what to do next. But you won t need it because you ll recognize the nudge from Spirit. So, now that you know these little rules, how do you put the Law of Attraction to work? 21

22 Ask, Believe, Receive There are basically three steps to manifesting your desires: 1. Ask 2. Believe 3. Receive If you watched The Secret, you re probably already familiar with this little mantra but what you may not know is how it actually comes together. Ask The first step in the Law of Attraction process is to ask for what you want. In the movie, this was illustrated with the genie and his famous your wish is my command statement but in reality, there s a little more to the asking part of the equation. As I ve already mentioned, your thoughts are the beginning of the creation process but there has to be more than just a passing thought to put things in motion. The best way to go about asking for something is to visualize what you want and be very specific about your intentions. Now, when I say visualize, I m not talking about words. Words can be very misleading and actually undo some of what you re trying to create. Let me give you an example: If I tell you to imagine a cow, you won t imagine the letters C-O-W what you will see is a mental image of a cow and this is much more precise that the label that goes with it. Using imagery in your visualization also ensures that you re asking for what you really want. Too often, we get caught up in the details and use phrases such as I wish or I want or I ll try. What happens is that you manifest the trying or the wishing instead of the actual event. So instead of finding that new job or making contact with someone from your past, you ll continue to experience trying to find a great job or wishing that you could contact your special person. This is one of those times when many of us begin to think the Law of Attraction isn t working. But in fact, it s working perfectly. We just haven t actually asked for what we really wanted. 22

23 Believe Belief is the second piece to the manifesting puzzle and as we ve already discussed, it is the key to putting those thoughts of yours to work. If you want to create something in your life, you must believe not only that it is possible but also that you can experience it. This is important because while many of us may desire to be rich or famous or in love, deep down we re not really sure that it will ever actually happen to us. We believe in the general possibility but not in the idea that it could be our own personal reality. This is where the Law of Consciousness comes in and as you re going to see, changing your beliefs will make a world of difference in your ability to create. Receive While this step sounds like it would be self-explanatory, it s surprisingly difficult for many people to do. Typically, when we re manifesting something, that something will cause our lives to change in one way or another. Yet change is the one thing we try to avoid like the plague and by doing so, we re actually refusing to receive the gift we ve tried to manifest. A good example of this is the woman from the audio edition of The Secret who wanted to travel to the United States to work on the movie. But try as she might, the trip just didn t seem to be happening. Then she realized that she still had junk all over her house. So she packed. She cleaned out her closets and within a week, she was on her way to the U.S. Another woman wanted to manifest her true love but nothing was happening. And when she looked around, she realized that she had no room for another person in her life. So she cleaned out space in her garage and her closet. And by making physical room for that special someone, she cleared the way to manifest her desires. Do you see how receiving works? It was as if these women were saying I want it, but I don t want it. In order to receive, you must prepare and embrace the changes that have to occur for your desires to manifest. In the two examples above, preparation meant clearing a path and letting go of old habits but your change could be anything from moving to a new place to learning a new language to starting a new job. What kind of clearing do you need to do in order to receive your gifts? 23

24 Okay, so now we ve looked at how the Law of Attraction actually works and we ve covered some of the basic do s and dont s. What s next? Now we re going to learn how the grandest experiences can spring from the smallest of beginnings. Let s discover how to create what you really want in your life! 24

25 The Who, How and Why of Manifesting One of the most important aspects of manifesting is knowing the why behind the what. For example, you want to manifest more money into you life but what s really important is why you want the financial boost. Knowing the why will help you determine just how much money would satisfy your I want more statement. This is something that many people never think to do we re not really taught to look at ourselves and examine who we are. We just learn to strive to do better without ever really qualifying what better actually is. So when someone says I don t like where I am, the next question should be well, where would you like to be instead? If they say, I want to be happy, then the question that follows is what do you need to do to be happy? And if they say to themselves, I want more money, then the question should be how much more? How much is enough? When we ask questions like this, we start to create a valid picture of what we truly want. Happiness for example can (and does) differ for everyone so to simply say I want to be happy doesn t define what it is you d like to manifest. Likewise, while wanting more money is a little more specific, it s not really the money you re wanting as much as the benefits of having more money, right? So, when you decide to manifest wealth into your life, be sure you visualize the why. Do you dream of buying a new house? Traveling around the world? Going back to school or putting your kids through college? These aspirations qualify your desires and give the Universe something tangible to work with. It also allows you to really visualize something of substance something other than just a dollar bill. Think about it: what would you do with more money? How would your life change? What do you believe more money will bring you? These same questions can be applied to any desire that you seek to manifest and when you ask them, your desires really begin to take shape. 25

26 This is when manifesting your desires begins to work when you start seeing some actual results instead of just randomness. You ll begin to see a pattern in the events that are happening in your life. You ll notice that the people you re meeting are somehow connected to the desire you seek to manifest. You ll discover new opportunities for moving closer to your goal. This is the Law of Attraction at work this is creating with purpose. And we re going to do just that But first, we need to address those old beliefs that have been holding us back. 26

27 Section 2: The Law of Consciousness

28 Whatever your mind can conceive and can believe, it can achieve. ~ Napoleon Hill Contrary to popular belief, we do not attract what we want. Rather, we attract what we are. And understanding this statement is essential to attracting success. Let s say for example that you decide to manifest money into your life. And let s also assume that your reality is that you are dead broke. Incidentally, I italicized the word reality for a reason reality is always relevant to your surroundings and circumstances because remember, it is these things that define your beliefs. That means that your reality is not necessarily someone else s reality and certainly not the definitive reality of the Universe. This is important because I want you to recognize that reality can change from moment to moment, person to person. If it couldn t, the Law of Attraction wouldn t exist. So, there you are, trying to manifest money into your life but your reality that is, your belief, is that you lack money that there is not enough. What do you suppose you will manifest? Well, that all depends. Most likely, you will continue to experience the lack of money because again, you believe there is not enough. You might also experience a wave of new debt or a new way of experiencing your lack of funds. But wait a minute you might be saying. What about the genie in the movie? What about your wish is my command? And I know that part of the movie too. All you have to do is ask, right? That s step one of the manifesting process. 28

29 So theoretically, you should be able to say I want to be on Oprah and the genie will say your wish is my command. But remember, we don t manifest what we want we manifest what we are and I m betting that you don t really believe that you re going to be on Oprah. You might wish for it, you might think it sounds like fun, but in your heart of hearts, the belief just isn t there. The same is true with anything else you seek to manifest in your life. If you don t believe that it will happen, then of course it won t. This brings us to step 2 in the Law of Attraction process: believe. You can ask for anything but you can t receive (step 3) until you believe. The problem with believing in something is that we ve got years and years of programming in us that contradicts all of the good things coming into our lives. The Universe does not limit you. You limit yourself by your thoughts, words, actions and belief systems. Your belief systems are the core value of what you have learned. They are the result of your experiences the things you saw, the things you heard and the things you came to know as your Truth. This programming starts at birth and stays with us for the rest of our lives, because it s just so darned easy to do. Think about it: children believe everything you tell them. If you tell a child at the age of three, four or five that they re always healthy, they begin to believe it. And you ll find that your statement holds true they ll always be healthy. If you tell them they re happy and make good grades at school, they will fulfill that prediction because they believe it to be true. Of course, our parents weren t always thinking New Thoughts when they spoke to us nor were they consciously trying to program us for the future. Instead, they typically approached events in a reactive manner, just as their parents had before them. So when the child falls down, the parent says oh, you re always getting hurt or my goodness, you re clumsy. And that becomes their truth. 29

30 When the child struggles with math homework, the parent says our family was never good at math. And so the child fulfills the prophecy. It wasn t intentional of course. Your parents probably would have loved it if you didn t fall down so much or if you had become a mathematical whiz. But they didn t expect it and their Truth became yours as well. That s why we have so much trouble manifesting the something more that we say we so desperately desire. We want abundance, happiness, love, wealth, joy or whatever it is that might be on our agenda but the Truth is, we don t believe that we deserve those things, nor do we truly expect to get them. Instead, our Truth says life is always so hard I never have enough time/money/opportunity I can t or I never So, let s start by looking at where you are. 30

31 You Are Here If you want to go to Virginia or Wichita, what s the first thing you need? A map? Some directions to help you navigate? No, no, no. First, you need a starting point a place that you can move from in order to go to. Otherwise, you could end up taking a lot of unnecessary detours along the way and find yourself in Chicago or New York instead of your intended destination. The Law of Attraction works the very same way. No matter where you are at this very moment, there is a way to get from here to there. But to do that, you have to know where here is. And this is why the Law of Consciousness is so important. The Law of Consciousness is the awareness of the belief system that s driving your thoughts. It s the why behind the what that makes up your life. The Law of Consciousness allows you to pinpoint your location on the map of enlightenment and when you know where you are spiritually, it becomes much easier to navigate to a new and more enlightened place. But only you can decide where here really is. Unlike pinpointing your physical location on a map, your ethereal location will be as unique as you are. This is because it depends completely on the experiences you ve had as well as how you personally choose to respond. Many people for example, have experienced divorce but each has been affected in a different way. Some might feel relief that a bad relationship is finally over while others feel a sense of loss or betrayal. Some carry around bitterness and cynicism even though their divorce has been final for years. Still others feel that they have failed in the area of love while someone else might feel little to no emotion about the incident at all. 31

32 Again, it just depends upon you and how you chose to respond to your experience. Notice I say chose because in truth, that s what you do every waking moment of your life. You are choosing how to interact with your environment and others around you. It is your choice whether you greet the day with a smile or grumble and groan about the tasks ahead. And each time you made a decision, it affected your programming in one of two ways: it either reinforced your previous beliefs about life and humanity or it made you question some Truth you had been carrying around with you. If your experience makes you question a belief that no longer serves you, then you move forward and get closer to creating the life you want. But if the experience serves to reinforce any self-defeating beliefs, then you ll likely continue to hit a wall when it comes to manifesting desires in that particular area. These beliefs are the because in your life they are the how, why when and where with regard to the things you want but can t seem to have. We want it to be different we want to create something better than what we currently know but Bob Proctor was right the Law of Attraction is deep down, we don t really believe always working and it works for every single one of it will happen. us. But it works so much better when we let go of This Truth is what s holding us those old beliefs that are working against us. back and it s the first thing we need to address if we really want to effect change in our lives. So how can you figure out what it is you really believe? You can start by listening to the words you use and understanding why you chose them. This is a big clue as to what s going on under the surface after all, what s generating those words? That s right your thoughts. And what s affecting your thoughts? Right again your emotions and beliefs. If you hear yourself saying I can t or I hate quite often, then you need to examine why you think you can t or why you seem to be surrounded by things that don t bring you joy. Likewise, if you hear others saying you can t, pay attention to how that makes you feel. Do you agree? Do you believe that what they re saying is true? When you investigate your beliefs, 32

33 you begin to see that much of it is false or detrimental. If you listen to the radio or television for example, and somebody tells you that the flu will be bad this season, do you wait expectantly for the flu to claim you as its next victim or do you say That is not my truth I don t have to be sick just because somebody else thinks it s likely. In fact, the more we begin to pay attention to the beliefs and opinions offered by others, the more we begin to realize just how many of those outside beliefs we ve readily adopted as our own! And it is these beliefs that are holding us back from what we truly desire! Ironically, many of these beliefs aren t necessarily based upon any facts or reliable information. We simply accept these truths at face value, often for no other reason than that it is the consensus of the many. But you and I know that statistics can be manipulated to prove whatever they re designed to prove. Facts can change. Information can change. Our understanding of a concept or issue relies on what we know right now but that s not necessarily what we ll know tomorrow. We have to learn the difference and use that understanding to regulate the information we take in. We need to understand the difference between actual truth versus what we believe to be fact and/or statistics. When we do this, we can begin to sort our beliefs into two categories: those we want to keep and those we don t. If you ve been told all your life that you are lucky, then that s probably a belief you ll want to keep. But if you ve been told that you re unlucky or clumsy or less than smart, that s a belief that needs to go. Keep the good ones and say goodbye to those that no longer serve you. 33

34 Clearing Out the Trash So, how do you let go of self-sabotaging beliefs? Well, the first thing you need to do is realize that the subconscious processes everything you give it so if you re countering positives with negatives, you re going to get what I call the sizzle effect. The sizzle effect is what happens when you mix vinegar and baking soda together it sizzles, cleaning everything in its path. This is great for unstopping a clogged drain but not so good for reprogramming your subconscious mind. When you fill your subconscious with a mix of positives and negatives, it tries to process everything and by doing so, cleans out any positive programming you ve tried to instill. A good example of this is the word but. If you say to a child, I love you but you ve just taken away any love that you were projecting with your statement. And more often than not, what the child hears is how they let you down, not that you love them. This type of counter-programming happens quite often when we re struggling with selfsabotaging beliefs we don t know we have. And that s actually a very common occurrence. So, to let go of these negative beliefs, we have to first acknowledge that we have them. Maybe you have medical problems from a belief system that said it was an inherited disease. Maybe you think you can t do something because of something you were told or something you read. You now have a choice you can continue to allow these beliefs to limit and restrict your life or you can change that. You can literally choose not to believe that particular thing anymore. When you do this, you gain the freedom to experience your dreams. Saying I don t want to believe that anymore, lets you move beyond those things that have been holding you back. And that s a good thing because the Universe has no limitations. And neither do you. The next thing you need to do is start replacing those negative beliefs with empowering, positive truths. This can be difficult at first because finding fault is almost second nature with 34

35 us but you can start by identifying all the things that are right in your life and focus your energies there. Instead of saying I never have enough money, try I have a great job and tons of potential for growth. Of course, you ll need to really believe that your job is great and that the potential is there if you don t, maybe you need to do some more digging and certainly, a little denying. Denials are a wonderful way to stop negative programming in its tracks and they re very easy to do. Simply put, denials are statements that allow you to consciously deny a truth or trait or characteristic that you no longer wish to include in your belief system. Just as you might say That is not my truth, you could also say nothing will stop me from having the job of my dreams. The great thing about denials is that they don t require you to believe in something that isn t already true - in this case, having a great job. Instead they address the negative programming that says you can t have the job you want. Clear the negative programming and then it s easy to move on to the belief that your dream job is yours for the taking. This is called the Rite of Consciousness. You are moving into a place of acceptance of what is already yours. Once you start letting go of all the things you believe to be wrong in your life, you ll be able to experience praise and appreciation for all the things that are right in your life that glorious aspect we discussed earlier called gratitude. As I mentioned before, gratitude is a key component of the Law of Attraction and is essential in your quest to master the law of consciousness. Gratitude allows you to be open and receptive to the gifts that the Universe is offering up. Soon, you appreciate generosity and the thrill of being able to give love away. You won t worry about what you re getting back instead, you ll be content with the act of giving and this energy will radiate through you. 35

36 Now you re moving into the Law of Letting Everything Come Into Your Life Easily. And this is when things begin to happen. When you have gratitude, you can see how wonderful your life truly is. One of our listeners to our radio show has mastered this practice quite well. She praises everything that comes her way and acknowledges it by ing pictures to friends and family. Because of this, I got that, she says and by putting so much energy into just being grateful, she is opening up new pathways. What you ll also find is that the act of receiving begins to feel differently than it had before. I mean, let s face it: we re not really good when it comes to receiving gifts. Most of us protest when someone does something nice for us you shouldn t have done that, we say or that wasn t necessary you didn t need to do that. In truth, we re grateful for the gift but we don t know how to accept it properly. So instead of just saying thank you, we focus on the fact that we didn t need their help. That s really what we re saying when we tell someone they didn t need to do that We re saying thanks, but you did that on your own I didn t need your help. That s not really gratitude, is it? In fact, that s a big let down for us as well as the person who s doing the giving. And all because we don t know how to receive graciously. Try partnering up with a friend and make a no saying no rule. If one offers to buy lunch, then the other must accept with nothing more than a that s nice thank you. Whatever it is, agree to say yes to each other and watch the changes begin. 36

37 What you re doing is retraining yourself to receive and this will start to change the attitudes, beliefs, goals and personality traits that are getting in your way. You ll begin to clear out all of that stuff that you no longer want in your lives. Maybe some of these traits were true for you at one time. But not anymore. You get to decide what s true for you and what s not and even better you get to change your mind whenever you want! And as you begin to change the way you think, you ll discover that the only thing holding you back has been you. After all, we are our own worst critic. We re harder on ourselves than we are on anyone else in our lives. And interestingly, we wouldn t allow anyone else to treat us the way we treat ourselves. Why is that? Often, this type of critical behavior comes from an internal self-loathing of sorts. We see any lack in our lives as a personal failure and not surprisingly, we take personal failure very seriously. We are a fault-finding society i.e., we need someone to blame and who better than the someone that will continue to take everything we can possibly dish out? But what we need to realize is that we are wonderful just the way we are. All of us each and every one of us should be able to look in the mirror and honestly say I m okay. Can you do that? 37

38 If not, you need to figure out why. Remember, you can choose at any time, to be happy with who you are. The only requirement is that you be honest with yourself. What s interesting however, is that many of us choose something else. Rather than face our own Truths and examine our need for them, we create an illusion that allows us to feed the ego but not the soul. For example, would you rather be healthy or receive sympathy? Most of us will answer we d rather be healthy, but think about the question and be honest about your answer. Obviously, it would be better to be healthy but we also know how it feels to receive sympathy and let s just say it: it feels sort of good, doesn t it? The attention we receive is kind of nice, right? And there are many who have come to enjoy that attention, so much so that if they answered this question truthfully, being healthy would not actually be their choice. And that s okay. As long as you re honest about it and acknowledge the way it makes you feel. Try writing down your answer and then write that makes me feel. What sensation do you get? When we tune into our feelings, we begin to see how we ve created the scenarios and events in our lives, many of which we say we re ready to leave behind. But is that really true? Someone who relies on sympathy might not be ready to let it go. They might truly want better health or a better love life or home life but were they to have that something better, they d no longer receive the sympathy they ve grown so comfortable with. Sympathy after all, is simply another way of garnering attention And let s face it: we all like attention. Likewise, someone who feels important by being right, might not want to relinquish that sensation, even if it meant that doing so would open them up to new and more meaningful relationships. These attachments will hinder your ability to manifest so if you re serious about creating a new reality for yourself, then you re going to have to dig deep and discover who you really are. 38

39 For many, this might seem like a potentially painful process. After all, who wants to wallow in all the shallow and selfish things about themselves? But actually, this process is extremely liberating and empowering. It is an amazing feeling to see something about yourself and say hey, that s not who I want to be anymore. I choose to let that go. That s true power. That s your real potential. And the more you embrace it, the easier your self-discovery process will be. 39

40 Embracing Change The next step in achieving a higher consciousness is to examine your willingness to change. Remember, everything about the Law of Attraction centers around change you want to change your income, your job, your relationships, your home whatever it is, manifesting something new means you re looking to change something else. But where will those changes occur? As a society, we have become comfortable in the idea that someone else is responsible for our success and happiness. Perhaps you can t make more money because your boss won t give you raise so it s the boss fault that you re strapped for cash, right? But what you re really saying is I can t make money because he/she won t let me. I m not in control of my finances someone else is. When you put it like that, it sounds a little silly doesn t it? After all, there s nothing stopping you from finding another job or holding a garage sale or picking up part-time work to bring in more cash. What you ve done is placed the responsibility on someone else and then we they didn t live up to your expectations, you become the victim of the story. This happens quite frequently in relationships we often look to our partners to make us happy and for a while, many of them do. But at some point, they all let us down don t they? 40

41 That s because it s not really their purpose to take care of our happiness. That s our job. You are responsible for you not your partner - and when you give them that responsibility, you re setting yourself up for disappointment. What you really need to be asking yourself is are you willing to change your habits and beliefs or do you expect everyone else to do the changing? If your answer requires someone else to change in order for your happiness to exist, then there s a problem with your equation. Because just as your partner or your boss or your friends are not responsible for your happiness, you re also not responsible for the path they choose to walk. They have their own truths, which may or may not mesh with yours but your happiness should be able to exist independently of their actions and beliefs. If it can t, then you need to re-evaluate your attachment to this person. Think about a time that someone close to you made you mad. How did they do that? Obviously, they said or did something that you disagreed with but what I m asking you is how did they control your emotions? Did you give them that responsibility or are you just reacting to the deed in question? I m asking you this because the truth is, we spend a ton of our life reacting to what other people do and say. Our mood even the tone for the entire day can (and does) often hang on someone or something else. He can make us mad she can make us cry I m having a rotten day because And I hear you. Sometimes, people do things that aren t really in our best interest. Sometimes people behave in a way that leaves quite a bit to be desired. Add in all of the random occurrences such as flat tires, broken refrigerators, traffic, grumpy bosses, fussy children and everything in between and its easy to see how you might be having a rotten day. 41

42 But if that s really the case if your emotional well being truly does depend upon the grace of everyone and everything but you, then how can you possibly ever hope to manifest your own purpose-driven life? Think about it your thoughts are a direct reflection of your emotions and beliefs. If you are constantly in a state of stress and anger because of the people and events around you, then you re not really in control of your life are you? And if you re not creating it, then who is? So, if you re thinking that someone else needs to change in order for you to be happy if you re thinking that some circumstance or event needs to happen before you can take control, you need to think again. You ARE in control. You choose how you want to react to every single encounter, every event, every problem, occurrence and situation. You choose. You can be happy. Or not. You can be sad. Or not. You can allow your emotional Self to simply react as the events unfold around you or you can choose to remain in a conscious state of acceptance and grace. Now, all that said, this is a hard one for many. We ve been ruled by our emotions for ages. For countless generations, we have lived with the idea that others can do things to us. And we have also held onto these others with the belief that we can t live without them, even though they make us miserable. But again who s really making you miserable? Them or you? Can others truly treat you in a certain way without your permission? Or could it be that you ve taught them to treat you poorly? Most people need to find a reason to make a major change in their life, especially when it comes to relationships. 42

43 They ll create a fight or disagreement in order to give them the excuse they need to feel justified in moving on. But it doesn t have to be that way. When people are ready to move out of your life, let them go. Don t try to hold on just because you re afraid of change. When you let them go in peace and harmony, there is no bad breakup. Give thanks that it occurred without the chaos and honor the natural transition of the Universe. You ll often find that many of these people find a way back into your life at a later time. And because the separation was done in love, the reunion will be that much sweeter. Are you beginning to see why the Law of Consciousness is such an integral part of the Law of Attraction? What kind of changes would you like to see If you discover that you re having difficulty occur in your life? manifesting something in a certain area of Will they come easily or is there something your life, take a closer look at that area and you still need to do to bring them about? see what your belief systems are. What do Identifying the possible changes that might you need to change to eliminate the blocks occur in your life in order to help you move to the reality you desire is a good way to and make room for the Law of Attraction? prepare yourself for what s ahead. This is why so many people have difficulty with manifesting they haven t developed a deeper understanding of what s working against them. Remember that change is good the more you seek it and embrace it the fuller your life will become and it will be much harder to catch you off guard. We re so quick to justify actions and beliefs and behaviors because everybody is doing it. But just who is everybody? And does that automatically make these actions and beliefs and behaviors right for you? When you make a choice and there are no interferences or limitations blocking that choice, you ll see your desires manifest almost immediately. It s when we allow the blocks and limiting beliefs to take hold that we struggle to create anything new and better in our lives. 43

44 Everyday, we re told by the media that things are getting worse. This isn t good for us that will make us sick. Don t eat this don t do that Yet, at the same time, we re also told that people are living longer so how does that match up? If the world really is such a bad place and we really are subjected to so many harmful things, then why is it that people are living longer than they ve ever lived before? I ll tell you why. If you ever read the interviews with our oldest living people in the world, you ll find that they all have one thing in common: they embraced life. They didn t live in fear. They didn t live by Truths belonging to other people. These senior citizens some over a century old decided to create their own Truths. And by doing so, they eliminated the contagious and debilitating fear that coarses through the veins of our society. Yes, there are times when you just want to throw your hands up and say The whole world is going to pot. Things are not well. And that s okay. Sometimes we need to step away from our metaphysical Self and acknowledge the illusions that our physical world has created. And that s okay too. Just recognize that it is an illusion and that at any time, you can let go of any fear or worry and move back to your metaphysical Self. Easier said than done? Perhaps at first, yes. The programming that makes up this illusion we live in has been with us since we entered the physical world so letting go of that programming may very well take some time. But that s okay. The more you engage in the denials we ve discussed, the more you consciously choose your own Truths, the more aware of the illusion you become. 44

45 When you do that, you see that change isn t something you should fear but quite the opposite something you should seek at every waking moment. Change is the construct of the Universe. Even the most mundane routines have small variables in them that result in change, no matter how insignificant it might seem. And although we seem to be overly attached to what we believe to be the constants in our lives, the reality that change is inevitable should be encouraging. After all, without change, this would truly be all there is. Without change, we wouldn t be able to manifest something new in our lives. And knowing that the Universe thrives on change makes it all the easier to effect change in our own lives. When you are in control of yourself, you give up trying to control others. You realize that you create your reality and to change your reality, you only need to change your beliefs. 45

46 Manifesting Awareness By now, I imagine you re starting to see the importance of creating consciously. So, let s take this concept one step further. Manifesting isn t just about getting stuff, although there s no end to the stuff you can attain. No, instead it s about changing the way you live your life. Changing the experiences that you choose to have. It s in the way you think. The way you act. The way you believe. Take money for example. Do you approach life from a perspective of abundance or one of lacking? If you decide to buy a new car, do you visit the dealership with nervous thoughts of spending money? That s too much for me, you say. I can t have it can t afford it can t qualify to buy it Now, think about that for a moment. You re approaching a purchase with the notion that perhaps you re not good enough to complete the transaction. That s a perspective of lack. You lack the funds, you lack the credit whatever it is, you don t expect to get it and every action and statement reflects that belief. Do you have investments? Do you want to have investments? Now tell me, what s keeping you from enjoying the investments you d like to have? Money is in fact, always bountiful. At least, it is when we believe in prosperity. Think about your day-to-day interaction with yourself. Are you generous with yourself? Do you buy things you d like to have or do you put off purchases because they re things you don t really need? Do you let something or someone else take priority? 46

47 Do you put other people in front of your own desires? This question often hits a sore spot with people because we ve been taught to put others first. Self-indulgence has come to be a blatantly selfish act and one that will not get you to the gates of Heaven, according to early Christianity. You can t love money and still be spiritual, they said and then showed you numerous accounts in the Bible to back up that claim. But in truth, you cannot separate your spiritual attitude from the things that you have in life. If you have a rich awareness of who you are and of the richness in the world, you will manifest money. There s just no getting around that fact. So, should you then feel guilty for being blessed with such abundance? Unfortunately, that s quite often what we do. Our programming has taught us to settle. To see wealth and abundance as temptation something evil no less that we must overcome if we want to attain a true spiritual connection. But that s simply not true. You can remain in a complete and total state of gratitude for what you have now without giving up your desire to want more. You can appreciate where you are right at this moment without relinquishing the knowledge that you can choose to be, do or have something else at any time. And that s when the Law of Attraction really goes to work. As you move into the Law of Consciousness, you realize that you have two choices you can either get what you want or what you don t want. And your reality will tell you which one you ve been getting. A conscious person says, Okay, somehow I set this up with my negative thoughts, feelings and attitudes, but I don t have to keep those things as my beliefs. I can choose to believe in something else and it will manifest in my life. As you learn what you don t want in your life, you begin to change your thoughts, ideas and principles in every aspect of your life. You say, No, that doesn t work for me, but feel no stress or worry because you know you can simply change it. You begin to seek out only those 47

48 things that bring you peace and joy things and people and events that are harmonious with your health, happiness and state of mind. One of the ways we do this is to consciously change the way we think and communicate. Even your own self-talk for example, can drastically affect your state of mind. There are in fact, a number of words that actually shape and define your reality. One of the most common is I can t. If you re busy all the time and someone asks you to do something or go somewhere, you might reply I can t.. I can t go today I can t go to the movies I can t get to that right now. But what your subconscious hears is only the I can t portion of your statement. And it applies this belief to other aspects of your life. What you need to do is learn to rephrase your statements so that they reflect a positive and more accurate belief. For example, I can t go because I m too busy just means you re too busy right now. But your subconscious doesn t know the difference. It doesn t rationalize that you re only too busy right now but might have time later. So, this general belief of being too busy will resonate throughout your day and you ll find that you re always too busy, no matter how many hours you put in. Instead, try saying not today or not right now. You re still expressing the same message but without the I can t attached to it. Simple? Yes. Effective? Amazingly so. These small and seemingly insignificant changes in your communication techniques will have a profound effect on your ability to manifest. Just by finding new ways to say I can t, you free yourself up to start saying I can. Remember, you manifest what you believe and if you believe you re too busy then too busy is exactly what you ll be. If you believe you can t afford the things you want, then you ll find that you never seem to have enough money. Now, think about all the ways you use words to limit your success. 48

49 How many times have you said, I can t stand Did you know that this one little phrase can cause back problems? It s true! The more you say it, the more your subconscious begins to process this thought as your truth and then one day, you really do have trouble standing. How about these: I always - You always - I never - You never - I hate I m fed up I m sick of Now, broaden your analysis to include general assumptions and judgments you make about yourself and others. All of this is programming. We have to remember that our subconscious will complete what we say. And the more we say it, the more our subconscious believes it to be true. And remember what we believe, the subconscious will create. We need to stop saying anything that puts limitations on us in any way or conflicts with the person we want to be. For the Law of Attraction to work consistently, you have to get rid of all these limitations because they are contradicting what you re consciously asking of the Universe. If you find yourself in a position where you think you re doing everything right but your desires are still not coming, you need to go back to the basics and figure out what part of your programming is holding you back. What kind of life would you like to create? Give it some thought! Imagine that you can have anything you want that your personal genie is waiting to grant not just one wish, but all of them! Imagine there s no such thing as failure no such thing as lack or shortage or loss Now what would you create?! There was a gentleman named Robert who was on his third wife. He had been divorced twice and was now facing divorce number three. He just couldn t understand it. Robert was smart enough to know that he was creating the scenario himself but he just didn t know how. 49

50 To help Robert uncover his block, a hypnotist took him back to his early childhood. He remembered being about four years old, sleeping in his bed at his grandparents house. Although asleep, he remembered his grandmother saying to one of his aunts, You know, Robert will never be happily married to that woman. Robert of course was his father he was Robert, Jr. but his subconscious didn t know the difference and as soon as he began forming serious relationships, his subconscious created tension to ensure the bond wouldn t last. Of course, once he came out of the hypnosis, he realized what the block was and said This will stop. Your issues may not be quite as extreme as Robert s but that doesn t mean you can t benefit from the same type of clearing. Emma Curtis Hopkins believed so much in the clearing process that she wouldn t let her students into the classroom until they had a month worth of denials. Nothing can interfere with my money. Nothing can interfere with my relationships. Nothing can interfere with my prosperity. Nothing can interfere with my health. These denials allowed her students to get rid of any old programming, even if they didn t know the programming existed. Her students would tell her they sometimes felt crazy because old programming would start cropping up in the middle of the night. She said, That s good. You just acknowledge it and say, I don t want to believe that anymore. That is not my choice. That was someone else s opinion. And in fact, everything we do that comes out of the past is an opinion that originally belonged to someone else. For whatever reason, we took it as our own and it became a part of our belief system. 50

51 But it may or may not be accurate today. And this is why the Law of Consciousness is so important. When you clear out the old programming, you make room for new and positive thoughts that can help you create the things you want. This is when you ll start to see the abundance you ve been looking for. The romance you ve been dreaming about and the life you always thought was just out of your grasp. 51

52 Section 3: The Law of Mind Action

53 Thoughts fueled with love cannot miss their mark. ~ Ananda Throughout this book, I have told you that what you believe is in fact, what you will create. But not because these energies tell someone or something else what to create no, no, no your beliefs are created because its your mind doing the creating! This can be a difficult concept to grasp especially since for centuries, we ve been led to believe that there is something divine out there that grants our wish. Even in The Secret, it was the genie doing the granting, right? The mystical, magical Universe had the power. But the truth is, we are the Divine and it is we you and I that do all the creating. So, once you clear out the old programming as we discussed in Section II, its important to replace it with new programming affirmations and beliefs that state what you DO want. You ve said That s not my Truth. so what is? This is what the Law of Mind Action is all about. In the Law of Consciousness, you learned how to identify negative programming and effectively cancel it out by denying its validity. And that s a good start! You are teaching your mind not to accept any limiting beliefs. So, instead of thinking or saying, I can t do that, or I ll never get ahead, you re making a conscious effort to refuse those thoughts and statements as your personal Truth. Which means you ve now got some room to redecorate! And that s exactly what we re going to do here. 53

54 The Law of Mind Action is about installing some new programming programming that will allow you to manifest your desires and prevent those negative beliefs from taking hold again. Of course, to do this, you ll need to have a clear idea of what you want, something we addressed in Section 1 Creating With Purpose. But to really put the Law of Mind Action to work, we re going to go much deeper. We re going to stretch those imagination muscles and learn how to create your deepest desires, not just what you consider to be enough to get by. Ready to get started? 54

55 What Do You Want? With all this talk of manifesting, you ve probably got some pretty clear ideas about what you d like to create in your life. But is it enough? If you say, I have enough, the Universe says, Enough is what you have. If you say I d just like to get by, the Universe says Get by is what you ll do. If you actually want to create abundance in every aspect of your life, you have to want more. Because the more you want, the more you get. In fact, the reason we don t have more right now is because we haven t asked for it in a positive, idealistic way that says, This is what I want. Your subconscious knows no jokes. It acts according to your words and beliefs. So, if you use words that have double meanings, your subconscious may act on the meaning that is most familiar but not necessarily the one you intended. Likewise, if you use words that suggest doubt or worry or fear, your subconscious will put that into motion as well. And if you use words that limit the abundance you can receive, then what you create will in fact be limited. So, how would you describe more? You can use words like plenty. Try saying, I always have plenty. I am affluent. I have wealth beyond measure. My cash flow is constantly increasing. I have growing investments and a lavish lifestyle. 55

56 Sounds great right? But what if these things aren t true for you? How can you make them your belief when they re not actually occuring in your life right now? This is where the stretching comes in. How far can you stretch? If I ask you, How much do you want?, what s your reply? Define enough and then move past the affirmation of I want into something more present tense such as I am wealthy now. Every day I have more money than I had the day before. This type of statement eases you into the idea that you have plenty. You can also say I want enough to spend as much as I want at any time and for any purpose and still have plenty left over. See where I m going with this? Make your list. Make it a really BIG list. What do you want to do? Travel? Buy a new home? A new car? Start your own business? Whatever it is, right it down and then visualize all of these things manifesting into your life. Remember, I said that pictures work better than words? Here s where that comes into play. See yourself doing the things you want to do. Imagine yourself owning that new business or enjoying your new corner office. What would it be like to just write a check for a brand new car? How great would it be to just pay cash for a lavish vacation for you and your entire family? This is the kind of stuff you need to visualize and its this kind of imagery you use when you re saying, I want enough to This really opens up the doors. It teaches your subconscious that there are no limits when it comes to your abundance. 56

57 That when you say plenty, this is what plenty means. Your subconscious does not reason. It doesn t evaluate or judge your desires. It simply does what you ve instructed it to do and it does so without reservation. And while we re on the subject of the subconsious, did you know that your subconscious can t tell the difference between what your eyes see and what you visualize in your mind? This is why visualization is so powerful. When you make a regular habit of imagining your abundant success, your subconscious deems those images to be your reality. It treats them as your Truth and it utilizes the Universal energies to create what you have shown it. When you visualize, you re telling your subconscious This is what I want. This is what I believe. And your subconscious just like the genie says your wish is my command. See why your choice of words and imagery is so important? We need to start making new choices in the way we define our reality. So, let s get to work! 57

58 Out With the Old, In With the New Okay, so you ve cleared out the old programming and you ve started thinking seriously about dreaming BIG. What s next? Now it s time to put your amazing ability to manifest into action! Remember, we talked about replacing your old programming with new and more positive thoughts and beliefs? If I ll never get ahead, is no longer your Truth for example, then think of something better to replace it. Well, here s where we really start to have some fun! One of the best ways to do replace old programming and stretch your imagination is to write a script your own play where you re the star. So, let s start with something like, I choose to be happy, healthy and prosperous. That s an easy one right? Nothing too unbelievable about that so you should easily be able to integrate that as one of your core Truths. But as positive as that statement is, its kind of boring. So, let s keep going. Try adding some superlative words in there to make your affirmations more exciting. For example, say, I choose to be delightfully happy. Or I choose to be gloriously healthy. I choose to be incredibly wealthy. Now that has a little more punch to it, doesn t it? It also makes your affirmations much more personal. 58

59 Be sure to also allow for future growth. For instance, Each day I am stronger in (this area). Each day I am wiser in how I manage my money. Each day I am healthier than before. This tells your subconscious that you re not done. That this isn t all there is and you have plans for more and more and more. Are you seeing how this works? Great! Okay, now back to your life script. Take that BIG list you started and turn it into your life script. Imagine you re a CEO of a big company for example or you travel the world and write about 5 star hotels. Maybe you volunteer, maybe you re married with kids or maybe you run a ranch for aged and injured horses out in the country. Whatever it is, write it down but do so in a very descriptive and flamboyant way. This is where those stretching skills really come in handy. Visualize in detail Where do you live? How do you spend your time? Is your name on a building? Are you the benefactor of a major community service? How would you feel to fund a hospital, a school or a children s camp? Wouldn t it be kind of exciting to know you could pay millions for the building or the land and not miss a penny of it? If you dream of owning your own business, what would that business be? If you desire to get married and have a family, what kind of things would you do together? Want to travel? Where would you go? What kind of hotel would you stay in and what meals would you eat? Now take that script and redefine what you d like your Truths to be. 59

60 Put in the ideas, thoughts and feelings that express the ones you want to manifest in your life. Go beyond what you think is reasonable and reach for the really big stuff that dreams are made of. Put your subconscious to work. You are here to act as the director the subconscious, conscious and super-conscious minds are here to open the doors and create anything and everything you want. And again, use images as much as possible. If you want a new car, don t think about the word C-A-R instead, picture that new vehicle in detail. The scent of the new interior, the gloss of the new paint, the sound of the high-end stereo as you re driving down the road. Remember, our subconscious cannot tell the difference between what is real and what we visualize in our minds This is exactly why watching excessive amounts of disasters and trauma on television can lead to serious emotional disturbances put simply, our subconscious just thinks we ve witnessed murders and hurricanes and all sorts of other devastating events, so how can you possible expect to feel good about things? But fill your subconscious with images of abundance and love and happiness and you ll soon see a change in your outlook on life. That s because what you FEEL is what controls your beliefs and what you believe is what controls the Law of Attraction. Of course, as you do this, you ll continue to stumble on new bits of programming that have been holding you back and that s okay. You can still just say, That s not my truth. This one always works and is a great place to start when you want to clear out an old belief. Only now, keep going Say That s not my truth, and then replace it with something that is. For example, someone says, You can t have a vacation this year because 60

61 Your response should be, That s not my truth. I am due a vacation and it will come. Nothing interferes with my plan to have a vacation. What you are doing is rearranging the truths and beliefs that you have adopted as your own. You ll also find that while many of these beliefs have come from others, many are also formed by your own experiences. Fortunately, you can pick and choose which beliefs you want to keep and which ones you d like to discard. This is the Law of Mind Action in full swing. The whole idea of spiritual law is for you to take charge of your own life. Nobody else can tell you what to do or how to do it. And that s a big leap! We have been taught throughout life that our happiness and success depends upon someone or something else your boss, the economy, the right job, the right spouse But you and I know differently now, don t we? Expanding your Truths will take some practice but I promise you ll see the results. Pick statements that excite you. Don t stop with something that s positive but mediocre they ll take much longer to manifest and the results won t be nearly as extraordinary. Instead, choose statements that empower you. Pick the ones that would make you jump out of bed every morning because life is just so fantastic! If you can make them exciting, if you can take them to a place that actually changes the way you feel, that s when the Law of Attraction begins to work very quickly. So, starting off with financial affirmations, we talked earlier about using I always have plenty of money. But what if you change it to, I ll always have plenty of money and lavish supply pours into my pockets, my mail, my salary and my bank accounts until they are so full, they are running over. 61

62 Sound a little over the top? Its supposed to! Using all these extra words and descriptions helps you establish that getting by is not enough for you. That your intention is much more exciting than that. The words lavish supply for example, immediately conjure up images of extraordinary amounts of money, doesn t it? And by describing all the different ways the money will come to bank accounts, salary, mail, etc. you are opening the doors to amazing abundance! Of course, you don t have to stop there. The more you can make the affirmations your own, the easier it will be for you to relate to the potential and the idea that you are in charge. Add words like generous, frequently, marvelous, exhorberent, substantial, tremendous, always, spectacular, tremendous you get the idea. These turn those plain affirmations into something really exciting and the more excited you are about what you re manifesting, the faster you ll create it! I receive marvelous amounts of cash, secure checks and generous, frequent bonuses quickly. How s that for exciting?! And you can apply this same process to every aspect of your life. For relationships, try something like, I am loving and kind. Every person that comes into my life brings me wonderful contentment. Use whatever seems to be lacking in your life. If you have people that don t have sufficient self esteem then describe that in your affirmations: Everyone in my life is confident and secure. See yourself as lovable, desirable, and then use some of those superlative words to describe the relationship you want. The key is to get affirmations that really click for you the ones that say, I want the ultimate good. 62

63 Now, as you do this, I have to warn you if you don t believe in your own value, then your ability to manifest is going to fall short of your expectations. That s because we often see this reality and the reality that we ve imagined to be two separate things. Its as if we don t have value or happiness now but we would if only X would happen. This separation will actually keep you from moving from your now to your something more so make sure you re including some personal value affirmations in your daily ritual. My value in my outstanding work increases the value of my lavish income. It is the value we put on ourselves that allows us to move into greater and greater income. This is why its so important for us to be able to says I am valuable, and really believe it. Another thing to remember is that your energy and tone can directly affect the power of your affirmations. Don t believe me? Try saying an affirmation in a monotone and unexcited voice. Now say it again, but give it the inflection of someone who just received a large bonus check or is deeply in love with their soul mate. See the difference? When you commit energy to your affirmations, they become more powerful, more potent, and the creation process goes much faster. Also be careful not to focus on only one aspect of your life. Remember, you re here to create an abundant and amazing life but that doesn t just mean that you re wealthy Quite the contrary, you want to expand your affirmations to include every area of your life, whether you believe that they need work or not. Make health affirmations to ensure a strong immune system and a strong and healthy body and mind. 63

64 These affirmations will help protect against the multitude of negative programming that comes from television, newspapers and our society in general. Saying things such as, I get more and more healthy every day, changes your attitude about the upcoming flu season or the latest unexplainable disease that s got everyone else in a panic. Some of those people may be in fact, getting sick, but you ll feel better. You ll have less problems. healthier and stronger than I have ever been before. Take this one step further and you can get rid of even the most basic ailments such as allergies and asthma. Try statements such as, I recognize and appreciate the fact that I breathe easier everyday. I recognize and appreciate that my allergies and/or my asthma are disappearing. I am becoming Add a few I live long and lavishly, statements and you can see where I m going with this. After all, what good will all those overflowing bank accounts do you if you re in such poor health that you can t enjoy them? Apply this same principle to your relationships, your employment, your social life, your home life, your family and anything else that is a part of your existence. Look around you what s important to you? Who is important to you? Make sure to preserve and improve upon those things by including appropriate affirmations for them. You can even apply the Law of Mind Action to simple things such as rush hour traffic, dealing with mechanics or repair people and eliminating waiting in line. A statement such as, I always get into the fastest moving lines, will tell your subconscious to keep you from getting into a line that leaves you stuck. 64

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