RELEASING THE HOLY SPIRIT OF GOD IN MAN. By Charles Fillmore. We take it for granted that all of you are profitting and

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1 ./4# RELEASING THE HOLY SPIRIT OF GOD IN MAN By Charles Fillmore We take it for granted that all of you are profitting and getting the central idea in these lessons: that we are releasing that which we already know; or releasing that which we already possess; or releasing that which 18 already ours. In the last fifty years our pupils, that isin the public schools, are disciplined entirely different from what they were previous to that time. It seems to me that ve thought we had to

2 2. plaster the knowledge under the surface of the mind, but the originator of the Kindergarten discovered that children were like plants in the garden. 80 we call it the Kindergarten. We are all children of God. The infinite kind has incorporated into the mind of man the things that he is to accomplish, and that is to became the Son of God; to glorify the Father as Jesus taught. He demonstrated vhat was in man. We know that there is something even in a little mustard seed. That seed represents faith. There 1, that element in the

3 3. Cammonest seed that will produce that which ls implanted in it. Take the little acorn, for example. In that acorn la a mind quality that. will produce a redwood, or oak, or any tree that the Infinite Mind ' dealizes in that seed... Now, why hasn' t man in him thls sanie potentialltyt We olaim he has. But who is going to develop this power? The seed seems to be developing its power. Give a seed the right soil, sunshine, and alr and it wlll develop the oak tree. Nov, Godl s idea of man is incorporated in this I AM in usi.--this 1mage and likeness of that

4 4. 1 divine idea, and if we take advantage of possibilitles that surround UB, there la no reason why we should not release this same divine - image, this same perfect man, and bring forth after the image and likeness implanted in it. Look in the right direction. It is within, not without. The Kingdom of God la within you. "And they shaal way to you, Lo, theret Lo, heret go not away, nor follow after them. " This gives us a certain asaurance that we can' t fall lf we go about breaking forth thia seed idea in everyone of us. It isn' t

5 5. something that la going to be developed through the will of God, or man, or something that depends upon our environments. If the environment is contrary to our well-being, ve can change it by changing the idea; and this in knowledge, this la understanding. Some ask, "Where do we get this knowledge and understanding. Knowledge and understanding is in the seed idea. Go down into your ininer consciousness and release that idea of the all-knowing One, and that you understand the 'law. If you seek for the Truth, you are understanding the doctrine. That is what Jesus laid down. He said, "You shall

6 know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." 6. We have sought in outer ways, through religion as taught by the Bible and the church fathers and the ministers and the teachers, for this pearl of great price but we haven' t always found it. We need to look in the right direction--within. There the Light will be found. The signs are in the darkness, but the darkness comprehendeth it not. There is the key to the situation. So long as our minds think they don' t know they are in darkness, and the Light cannot come through our consciousness. Man is absolutely free to know

7 7. or not to know;- to be ignorant or to be wise. He has eaten of the tree of good and evil. Wisdom 18 good, and ignorance is evil. All the illi of man are due to his own ignorance. We have said, "I donl t know." All right. The Spirit within you, or that all-. potential Mind..can't change you lf you say you don' t know anything. I may be here like the sunlight, you may be right in the sunlight, but if you say that there is no sunlight you drop a curtain between yourself and the sun. But lf you open your mind and say, "Certalnly this is sunshine p there can' t be anything but understandin and the

8 8. Light will begin to flash into your consciousness. Elnsteln, the great modern magic 1n and philosophy says he knows things but he doesn' t know how he knows them. He has discovered that by taking a proposition into his mind and thinking about it, and all at once it flashes before him. He knows whether - it is true or false, but he doesnot know how. He said this not long ago in a newspaper interview. He acknowledges there that he is not supposed to bo a Christian. But he cannot help but see the works of Ood, and then he gets this revelation of this God Mind in himself.

9 9. That is the experience of all persons who dwell upon the conscious presence of the knowing quality of Being. Moti.rhysicians that understand the law of the power of man, and the power that is wrapped up in this I AM, or the qualities of Infinite Mind--that we are the seeds of this great harvester when we know that these different faculties of cur mind express in a perfect freedom and we get results. We come into this consciousness that God la the great Law Glver, and that we are the interpreters of the Law, and that that Law is written in our hearts, written in our minds, and we have

10 10. but to recognize it. Now isn't that easy? Isnlt it an easy proposition to say that you want to know and to understand things T "Ask. and it shall be given unto you. " Anything that you want to k know--if you delve deep enough will reveal to you the things that you want to know.

11 / Not many persons have broken into this all-knowing Omnipresenc. They have thought that some dead person, or spirit, was revealing«' things to them. Not»necessarily. You remember the' young child, Samuel, who was spoken to by the Lord. He went to the old prophet and said, "Did you call met" The prophet, Eli, told Samuel he did 1. 4 ' not call. The voice came three times. Finally the prophet told the boy that it was the Lord who was calling him. Then the child said, "Speak,_ Lord, thy servant heareth." That opened up a wonderful wisdom and we have one of the most remarkable prophets of the Old -

12 11 - Testament in Samuel. It came as a result of the attitude of listening to the wisdom within. Solomon, the wise, got his wisdom from going into his own spiritual consciousness and trusting it. Remember,- h/ asked the Lord to show him how to lead the people. He was young. He did not know what the law was. The Lord told him He would be his wisdom, He would give him understanding as to how to lead the. people. He did and added both rlches and honor. That same Spirit, that same Lord, is within every one of us. If you do not realize - that guidance as you should, stop and quiet your own thinking, and

13 go deep within yourself. We have taught you here hov to tap that )3 inner fountain of life, love and wisdom within yourself. Today we want wisdom. We want understanding from the fountain-head, not intellectual understanding, not the understanding of the natural' man; that is the understanding arrived at through intellectual comparison, etc. It is always limited, it always has a dual side, it always is filled with the knowledge of good and evil. In Spirit, there is neither good nor evil. We get absolute perfection there. It lin't that you are between two opposites, but you absolutely know. That is higher inspiration. That is the inspiration of the

14 f.,9, Spirit and every one of us may have that inspiration direct from the fountain-head if we will only be a little patient and listen, as the great have always listened. Jesus Christ went by himself in prayer and I assure you He must have prayed with the understanding that the Father vas within Him. He said, "It is not I, but the Father within Me, Ho doeth the work." It is this Spirit within us. We have been told how to release these various attitudes of the mind, but we need wisdom in directing them. We need a wisdom about our future, how we shall carry on. It is right here. Same of us ask other persons opinions about these things. Some people go to

15 * /9 mediums and fortune-tellers and same consult tea leaves and a thousand other different things. Now, are these real sources of ' visdomt No, they are only chances. When you get this one all-knoving Mind into action within you, it knows just what you should do. It can tell you the future, if'you vant to know. But you don't have to know the future. You can make your own future. If I should go - to a clairvoyant and she should say to me that certain things are going to happen, do you suppose I would give right upt No, I would 1 say I was not going to have anything like that happen to me. I would realize that I am Spirit and that God is working through me.

16 I am not going to lose anything and 1 am not going to inherit anything. Could I switch these things that might happen? There is no )6 doubt but that these mediums read-the intellectual mind. They read what is taking place in your outside mind. If you let these thoughts go on *hal they will bring fruit into action. But there ls a deeper power and that is what we are laying hold of. If'anybody should tell me that I was going to have disaster in the future, I would say that I would switch or side-track it by calling on the mighty directive power within me and vipe it out. I do not care about the future.

17 i7 Jesus Bald to pray believing that ve have received and ie shall receive. Let us realize that we have thla power to regulate all of our thoughts and lf we regulate our thoughts our affairs will be in, dlvine order. We do not say that we are going to change other people * s minds or affairs. We simply state the truth and let the chips fall where they may. There is a divinity that will shape your life, but you muat awaken this divinity within yourself. Bible Reading.

18 1. The Scripture is to prove what we have taught. Spirit has revealed to us and revealed to all people who have applied lt, the Law, and that ia that there la an inner and an outer consciousness which all porsons have access to. The majority of us live in this,

19 9. A- outer consciousness.. That is where our eyes are dull and our ears refuse to hear even when the Truth is taught to us, if ve become solidified and fixed in the outer mants way of looking at things, and especially in this matter of gaining knowledge, ilsdam, and -' understanding. We have been taught frcm our childhood that it ls necessary to gain these ideas on this wisdom and understanding through hard study. Children have stacks of books and they have to study so many things when they are in school. Frequently, they lose their health through the intense application that they have

20 -a93 to make through their heads and they develop various diseases, because of too much head work and not enough of body relaxation and 7* exercise- That doesn' t hold good altogether at same of our great colleges; most of the vork there is football. I donit know but that that is a good thing. I believe that physical exercise in college will lead to better results than too much head work, especially with head work facts. The fact 18 that dead languages are not needed in practical life. I would not irradioate all book learning. but I would cut out a whole lot of

21 stuff that is not of practical value. I would discriminate also in the character of the instruction. If we only knew these fundamental facts. How easy they would come in, or have the key to all knowledge. The time la come when we will tap the astral life. We live in a world of elemental forces. Every thought that you have la impressing itself upon this universal ether. It is just like yourself. They are expressing little entities that are a perfect picture of yourself.' With every * movement there is a loss of energy from the nerves. How about this

22 5. thought that 10 going off from every braln It is dolng exactly the same thing. You are Imaging and picturing all the time out of this ether the things that you thihk. All down the ages that has been true. Even the stones under your feet are expressing what you think. It forms an atmosphere, or soul consciousness. We are taught that that can be read; that we can, through a certain mental consciousnean, read out of' this ether or astral life whatever has been imprinted upon it.

23 6. If I wanted to know Jesus Christ said, I could tune in on Him and get His teaching direct. He taught that He and the Holy Spirit would come to those who work in His name. Think about the presence of Jesus Christ, of His life and understanding. Immediately you come into that consciousness. I read about an engineer, a radio engineer. He said if he had a fine enough tube we could tune into what the old philosophers said- tune in on Plato and hear what he said in Athens. Do you know that we are full of tubes. We have twelve any way that

24 7. I know of, Can't we tune in on this mind substance? Certainly. We could tune in on Christ.

25 . 9,. He said it comes from the Spirit of Truth. "When he, the Splrlt of truth, is come, he shall guide you into all the truth." We tune in by concentrating our attention upon the Spirit within ourselves.. In other words, every one has the same Spirit that Jesus Christ had. He said, "I am the Llght of the World." "Ye are the Light of the World." He did not make any distinction between any man' and Himself, but He did make higher claims for this inner revelation than most men have made. He did not say, hovever, that we could not make the claims He made. He expected everything of His disciples. He expected

26 9 Peter to walk on the water just as He did. And He reprimanded him because hs,sank. He said, "0 thou of little faith, wherefore dldst thou doubt?m He promised His followers more than any teacher that e&or lived. He promised that here in this time; houses and lands, and life eternal. Right here. This kingdom you want is right here wrapped up in you. Give it a chance. That is why we want the faith 1 to draw out or the every-where-present Mind everything that we want, everything that we want in a spiritual way first, and in a material way. If you send out a thought that you w ant to know about something about the old Greek philosopher Pathagoras, begin to think about him

27 .il - '6- and his teaching and I will guarantee that before' you know it somebody will tell you about a book or something connected with that great philosopher. As I said, that is true of anything you w ant to bring into your mind._begin to think about it and evolve it and stir it up within yourself and thus make contact with *h60 these outer things. Release it within yourself and then just express. We have on our lesson sheet today a word to be held in the silence. The vital element in these lessons is to go into the silence and open up the quality. Today we want to run the Mind of the Spirit to the tune of understanding. We want understanding. The Lord will

28 give us understanding. He will give us first 1nner understandlng or may be sometimes we get it in an outer way, but if ve are thinking about Spirit it will open up the opirltual entity in usi that something that knows. If we know, we do not have to explain how we knov. You don't need to ask how you know. Some people have hunches or a strong urge to do something. They think they should know why.and how. Don't ask. Stop the irbllectual man that wants to know why, why, why. Quit questioning and get into that consciousness where you trust the all,knowing Mind. It 18 the mind of the Spirit in you that knows. If i

29 /1 -./ you begin to ask why you know, there is no end to that answer. You know because you know, that 13 all there 13 to it. When you want to know something, say in your inner consciousness that know. If you want something in the future and begin to claim it right now and stick to it, you will strike the right chord in thie musical omniprosence and it will sound the note and go out to other notes wherever they are and respond. There le a true law. This law we are working with today is the all-knowing Mind. All the ideas that belong to this mind are functioning in us, through us, but our

30 not making the proper contact. Our I AM la working in the outer. See that it works within you. "I am blessed with divine understand- 11, ing, because I perceive and know how heavenly ideas work in my consciousness to guide and direct my pathway.: You will know if you affirm that you do know, that the spirit of knowing la within your mind, that you are being guided and directed in your pathway. Let us affirm it together and then meditate upon ths prayer. Let us say it three times, first in the Name of the Father, then in the Name of the Son, and in the Name of the Holy Spirit.

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