Unveiling The Light. Tools for Clearing Entity Attachment. Sacred Power Symbols. Sandra St.Yves. Quantum- Transformations

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1 Unveiling The Light Tools for Clearing Entity Attachment Recognition of Entity Attachment Sacred Power Symbols Special Section for Healers and Energy Workers Sandra St.Yves Quantum- Transformations

2 Contents: Page What are Entities? 2 How do we attract Negative Entities? 4 Signs of Astral Entity and Wayward Spirit 7 Testing for Negative Entity attachment 9 You Hold the Power! Symbols and Tools for Entity Release and Clearing 12 Sacred Symbols for printing 20 Special note for Healers, Energy Workers, Empaths, 21 Sensitives and Light Bearers What are Entities? An entity is any foreign energy that is not belonging to the person that it is attached to. It is non-physical being, thought form, emotion or wayward spirit that is living from the energy of somebody or something else. They can come in different forms and from different dimensions. Entities feed off the energy of human beings emotions and thoughts especially when those emotions and thoughts are fear based or addictive. They can affect the atmosphere of a place 2

3 and environment and can affect the thoughts, behaviour and emotions of people who they have attached to. They can be :- Thought forms and strong emotions that come from the collective unconsciousness of humanity (groups of people, cultures etc) Negative thought forms that come from other people around you Negative entities that come from other dimensions Spirits who have lived on this earth and not passed over to the other side because they are attached to the 3D through addictions, materialism, and trauma Spirits who have lived on the 3D are lost and do not know how to return to the Light Something that I want to clear up right from the beginning is that there is a belief that they are more powerful than we are. This is not the truth. Some entities are wayward spirits that are just like we are without the physical form that we take. There are different kinds of attachments and we will be going through this as you read through the pdf s. Entities become attached to people because WE HOLD THE POWER not the other way around. Just because they are not in physical form does not mean that they are stronger, and they certainly have no right to be in the space of anybody uninvited! Why entities are attracted to people and places Many entities are attracted to human beings because they are attracted to their energy field and want to live through the human being they attach to. Not all entities are negative, some have left this earth plane and are unable to return to the Light so they feel lost. They attach to human beings because they want to be seen and heard and are lonely and do not know how to turn to their Guides and return to the Light. These entities are attached to people s light especially when the people are sensitive, intuitive and empathic. Entities can be attached to objects and to places where the object holds a particular meaning and value for the entity, or the place has a meaning or low vibrational energy. For example a significant picture, chair or ornament. Some are negative astral entities and negative thought forms that have attached. They more often than not feed on fear, anxiety, hatred, anger, depression, and 3

4 other heavy emotions that human beings experience. Many will also feed upon addictions such as drug, alcohol, gambling and sex addiction. These addictions weaken the energetic field of a person and allow entities to attach. Many others will feed off fear that is generated through Horror movies and any kind of movie that influences the emotions to become afraid or anxious including the News. It is important to remember that just because they are usually unseen by people does not mean that they are powerful. They are the same as human beings but with a lower consciousness and YOU HOLD THE POWER to dispel them just as you would send another human being away from your space if you had not invited them. Types of Entities There are many tales about spirits, negative entities, hauntings, demons and curses that have been told throughout the ages. In my work I often see negative entities around people and I remove them from the person. But what are negative entities that we are talking about? We speak about dimensions and these are actually known now to our Quantum Scientists who say there may exist as many as 12 dimensions on this 3D earth plane! There are beings that exist in different dimensions that are of a heavy energy, a lower consciousness, than the human being, and these beings, or entities, can affect the human being in their physical, mental, emotional and spiritual state, by negatively influencing them. There is a difference between spirits and entities although often they are lumped together. For the purposes of what we need however, we will call negatively influencing beings Entities. Spirits are disincarnate beings who have lived upon the earth, died and not gone into the Light which is why they remain available in this dimension. In the West we call them ghosts. In general spirits have a certain place they are attached to, but they often attach to people and even objects. They are NOT the same as personal guides or ancestral guides that visit us to help us. They are lost to the Light and can return to the light, yet they are so attached to the person or place or object that they do not turn to see the Light. 4

5 Disincarnate spirits are generally lost to the light and attached to this world so that they do not move forwards to the higher dimensions until shown the light and released. Some disincarnate spirits attach to people who are addicts. I do a lot of work with addicts and one of the first things I do is to cleanse a person and remove negative thought forms that are connecting them to their addictions. A disincarnate or wayward spirit attaches to the addict so that they can continue to feed from them even though the wayward is not in physical form. It is how they can continue to keep getting the hit whether it be drugs, alcohol, gambling or sex. So they have a vested interest in keeping the addict addicted! If you have a person in your life who is addicted an entity clearing would definitely help with their addictions. Entities are varied. But what is important to know is that entities can be created from the thought forms and emotions of a person, group or of a community. In the West traditionally these entities have been known as The Archons. The Archons are said to be created by the human mind and strong emotions and they also influence the human mind and emotions to take a direction that is not beneficial for the evolution of the human soul. They are said to thrive on fear that resides in the mind and in the heart and in some ways this is food for the archon. Entities can be created by a Shaman or practitioner of magic who will deliberately combine their manifestation abilities with an object to represent the form of magic being practiced. In the West we call this voodoo or curse, in the East it is called the Evil Eye. The archon can be created deliberately by a shaman in order to make a person fearful and unsure and because human beings are creators, when they are afraid or unsure what they create will not be a joyful creation but one that makes them more fearful and anxious. This makes the person more malleable to the Shaman s wishes or to the wishes of the person who hired the Shaman. They do this by forming thought forms in the human mind that consist of fear, competition and jealousy of others, or makes the person sick. Where I live in Indonesia this type of practice is common place and well known! Entities can be created unconsciously by a person who is angry or upset with another, and they will inadvertently send negative thought forms to somebody without realizing what they are doing. These entities are very real to the person who receives them because they will become fearful, anxious, think negatively and perhaps even feel that they have been cursed with bad luck and cannot seem to move forwards positively in their lives. They may be plagued by negative thinking when before they were positive people, or become depressed and angry when before they were happy and peaceful. 5

6 Entities can also attach to another person through association with that person. If you are in a relationship with someone who has a negative astral attachment then that attachment can actually pass on through then to you, especially if you are the stronger energy as they will want to feed off your light through creating fear, depression or other low frequency emotions in you. Even if you are no longer in relationship with a person, whether romantic, marriage, friendship, family, past life, it is possible to still be energetically attached through cordings which reach into your chakras and your energy field and keep you in a holding pattern. This keeps the persons energy in your field and can be considered a negative entity. This too should be released through deciding that you are no longer open to being in connection with that person and using the clearing tools to release yourself and them. Entity Thought Forms and Emotions One of the most common types of entity are thought forms that have been picked up from other people. Many empaths and sensitives will find that they cannot go to certain places or be around certain types of people because they empathically and telepathically pick up the emotions and thought forms of other people. It is important to realize that it is possible to release this once you have realized that the thought form, emotion or behavior does not actually belong to you. These thought forms can also come from the watching the news which is fear based, or from watching films that make you feel anxious or afraid. Entities love these films! When you are feeling afraid, even if you are watching a film, you are creating an attractor field for low frequency entities to attach. Stay aware of what you are letting into your life! 6

7 Signs of Astral Entity and Wayward Spirit Attachment You may have a negative entity attachment if you or loved ones experience the following: Sudden onset of headaches and unexplained aches and pains in your body Constant feeling of physical pressure in your head Mood swings and behavior changes You have lost your enthusiasm for life and living Depression and sadness Unexplained anxiety Sudden onset of anger and irritability towards others Feeling physically and emotionally numb Unable to think straight Unable to get to sleep Disturbed sleep state and nightmares Thoughts that do not seem to belong to you so you have not been feeling yourself recently You say things and the words do not seem to belong to you Emotions that do not seem to belong to you so you are not sure what is wrong You have been working on raising your consciousness yet it still seems as though things are not working out for you No matter what you do there seems to be no change in work, business and finances and you feel you cannot move forwards in life Addiction to drugs, alcohol, gambling and you feel that you cannot break free Relationships are difficult to sustain and always seem to go wrong You are entangled in an unhealthy relationship yet no matter what you do you feel powerless to leave it 7

8 Wayward spirits or negative entities in your Environment Unexplained happenings occur in your home and environment Things inexplicably get moved or go missing You see shadows or movement from the side of your eye yet when you look directly nothing is there There are hot spots or cold spots in your home or environment. Unexplained noises in your home You feel heavy and down every time you pass a certain object or item of furniture in your home Voices being heard when nobody is around Feeling you are being touched but nobody is there IMPORTANT NOTE: This is not a substitute for medical opinion which is important to obtain if you are feeling unwell, in pain or feel you may have an emotional or mental problem occurring. 8

9 Testing for Entity Attachment For the most part in my practice I determine what is happening for someone through my intuition and my guidance. However, many people ask me how they will know if they have entities or not and if there is a way that they can check form themselves. So I have included in this program techniques for knowing whether you have astral entities on yourself, or others or your environment. Constricted or Expanded and moving into Relief I spoke earlier about knowing yourself. Our emotional system is in fact a message system that allows us to know whether something or someone is there for our benefit or would be non- beneficial for us. We all know whether we feel comfortable and settled with a person or place or whether we feel agitated and unsettled. This is your emotional guidance system which is sending messages to you about people, yourself, the environment you are in. Follow this and you will always be on the right path for you no matter what anybody else thinks or feels about your decisions. How will you know what your emotional guidance system is saying? You will either feel constricted or expanded in your body and emotions, and you need to move into the feeling of relief. By relief I mean that there will be a release of tension in your body and in your emotions. When it comes to knowing about negative entity attachments you will find that you feel constricted when you ask yourself if you have a negative attachment. You will feel expanded as you use the tools to dispel the attachment. Ask the question: Do I (name) have entities attached to me? and notice what you feel. If you feel expanded and relief then there is no attachment. If you feel constricted and fearful then there is an attachment. Clear it! This is true also for your environment. If you feel constricted in certain places in your home for instance this would be a sign that there is a negative attachment or wayward spirit. Cleanse this area with the tools you have been given. Ask the question: Are there negative entities attached to this area/room/office etc? Again if you expanded and relief there is no attachment, if you feel constricted and fearful there is attachment. You can use this test for everything in your life, whether it is a direction you want to move in or whether you are starting a new relationship or moving to a new home. 9

10 I will repeat. It is important to know yourself and your baseline feelings. Know whether a feeling of constriction or anxiety can be a sign of negative entity attachment, BUT it can also be a sign that you are afraid of the answer! Muscle Testing There are two techniques that I give to people that can determine through muscle testing yes and no questions. The testing utilizes the electro magnetic system in your body together with muscles. Your body has consciousness and will answer you with that consciousness through the use of muscle testing. Even if you are using a tool such as a pendulum, it is the body that picks up the answer and the pendulum that displays it. When something is in your system, whether physical or metaphysical, that is not of benefit to your body or to your system as a whole then your muscles will become weak. If something is in your system that is of benefit to you then your muscles will maintain their strength. This is the basis of muscle testing. Technique 1 Important: Make sure your body is hydrated. If it is not this will not work properly as you cannot make an effective electrical circuit. With your left hand place your thumb and little finger together to form an 0 (what we call a circuit). Hold them tightly together! With your right hand place your thumb and index finger inside the 0 (circuit) Say the word Yes Say the word and with the dominant hand try to pull circuit apart. You should find that the fingers will not part and stay strong as this is a true question. Now do this again but this time say :- No This time you should easily pull apart the circuit on your left hand. It is that simple! Be aware that you are holding the circuit fingers together tightly and be aware if you are attempting to manipulate the answer by allowing them to part! With entity attachment do the same again and this time state the following :- I have negative entity attachments Notice whether it is a Yes or a No answer. Proceed to the dispelling processes if the answer is Yes 10

11 Technique 2 Stand with your feet hip width apart so that your body is balanced and grounded. Face North. Say Yes. Your body should lean forwards for a positive answer. Now say No. Your body should lean backwards for a negative answer. It is again simple! Now state I have negative entity attachments if you lean forwards the answer is Yes if backwards the answer is No. If the answer is a Yes then proceed to the dispelling and clearing of the negative entities. Note: These are simple techniques that can be applied to everything. You can apply them to the best food for your body, for determining if a relationship is right for you, to the best career path etc etc. 11

12 You Hold the Power Symbols and Tools for Entity Release and Clearing Throughout the ages symbols have been used as powerful frequency tools to help remember that you hold the power within. The more a symbol has been used the more powerful it becomes as it is held within the belief system of groups and cultures. There is a strong morphic resonance field that builds around the belief in the symbol and that is useful when using them for specific purposes. The Reiki symbols are just such tools. The Reiki symbols have been used by millions of people and carry a large energetic frequency field that enables them to be used as tools of focus and self empowerment and healing. The two symbols that have been given to you are both reknowned for empowering the user to channel specific light frequencies and for clearing negative energies from people and places. They bring in the Light! Important note: These symbols are usually given within attunements for Reiki Students to activate the frequencies within their energy fields. I am giving these freely knowing that they will be put to Divine use to empower you to feel strong to clear negative entities and wayward spirits from your energy field, from your home and environment. Blessings! THE REIKI POWER SYMBOLS CHO KU REI : Put All the Divine Power Here Now 12

13 Remember. You are The Power! This symbol is used universally to call in the power to yourself. This means to channel the Divine Energy of the Source of All That Is through you so that you become a conduit for the Light. It is your belief and your intention that will empower you and the symbol to bring in a higher frequency and to clear negative entities and wayward spirits. Remember where your intention goes energy flows! This symbol carries a huge Morphic Field around it as so many people are using this symbol as Reiki Masters and Practitioners. The use of this symbol together with your intention is a powerful tool for channeling higher energies. It is used to stabilize your energies or the energies of another person and/or environment. The Tibetan Master Symbol Dai Ko Mio : Connecting the Divinity Within This is a traditional Tibetan Master symbol used by many Reiki Masters for attuning their students to Reiki and to dispel negative energies from a person prior to an attunement. It is also reknowned for clearing negative entities from a person or environment. Dai Ko Mio is a symbol that encompasses the multidimensional aspects of the human being and of Earth. The lightening flash within the cup is bringing in the Divine Energy to dispel all negative energies and entities from a situation, person and/or room/home. The cup is the physical receptacle being cleansed of all negativity by the lightening flash. The spiral represents the swirling through of Divine Light to cleanse the vessel of low frequency energies. The symbol is said to represent the Divine made manifest in the physical. 13

14 Activation of the Symbols Frequencies and Blessing Water Print out the symbols and stand a glass of water mixed with a quarter teaspoon sea salt. Draw the symbols over the glass and say the names three times, (this traditionally acitivates the frequencies of the symbols). Rock salt or Sea salt is a traditional tool for cleansing low energy frequencies, negative entities and for protecting the borders of rooms and homes. For additional frequency enhancement it is possible to put protective crystals in your water. The frequency of the crystal will be absorbed into the water and the crystal will also be attuned with the frequency of the symbols. Traditional crystals for protection and cleansing noted below but there are many to choose from :- Clear quartz (can be programmed with any intention!) Black tourmaline Green tourmaline Rutilated quartz Obsidian Tigers eye Jade You can wear these crystals, carry them with you or put them in spaces where you feel that you have had negative entities or wayward spirits attached. Blessing the Water Sit for a moment with the intention to bless the water and absorb the frequencies into the water. If you wanted to say a prayer or protective mantra this can also be intended as you hold the glass in your hand. You may want to add the blessing using your own words, such as I call upon the Divine Creator and Source of All That Is to bless this water with the healing of Divine energy and the power of Divine Light. It is done, it is done, it is done and so it is. Leave the glass standing on the symbol or symbols for a couple of hours at least and if possible overnight. Drink the water with the intention of become attuned and activating the frequencies within yourself and becoming empowered and channeling in The Divine Light. You can drink the water throughout the day if you are feeling under the weather, out of sorts, anxious or feel you have picked up other peoples energies, thoughts and emotions from places where you have been. 14

15 How to use the symbols You can draw the symbols out with the center of your hand, or with your ring and middle fingers, whilst reciting the names three times.. (Cho Ku Rei x 3 and Dai Ko Mio x 3). With the power symbol (Cho Ku Rei) you draw this is each corner of your room/home and/or on the walls. Activating the Power of The Divine Energy to be with you and within the space. Use your hand as if the center of your hand had a pencil in it. Draw the symbol with your hand on walls, outside of your home, inside of your home, on photographs, objects, furniture, paintings that have negative memories. If you feel more comfortable use the index and middle fingers to draw the symbols whilst reciting the names three times You can use Dai Ko Mio in the same way as Cho Ku Rei for dispelling negative entities within or around yourself, home or another person. With Cho Ku Rei you are calling upon the Divine Power to dispel any negative entities, wayward spirits and negative thought forms and emotions. Cho Ku Rei meaning is Bringing in The Power and by its name means self-empowerment. Dai Ko Mio meaning Connecting the Divinity Within will strongly channel through the Divine Force aiding you in your clearing and cleansing. You can also print out the symbols and put them on your wall, or over your bed, in your office space as protection symbols and deterrents to negative entity attachment. If you feel you are bothered by negative entities in the night you can use both symbols to draw over your bed. For Children who are being bothered. Print out the symbols and place them on walls, under pillows, and in places where you feel there is negative entity attachment. Use the blessed water and ask them to drink a little before sleeping. Place a protective crystal by their bed, put lavender and frankincense on their pillow, use a blue night light to deter negativity. How to use the Blessed Water Prepare and drink the blessed water if you feel you have negative entities around you. Use the water to sprinkle around corners of house, doorways, windows, rooms, wash your body, add to your bath water and immerse your body from head to toe. Remember intention 15

16 means everything. Whilst you are drinking the water or using it in your bathtub, or around your home and objects, say a prayer of thanks and blessing. Intend that the negative entities leave you NOW! And so it is done. You can use the water to wash old objects that have traumatic or negative memories, and to wash all objects in a home that has had arguments or negative situations. If you feel you are bothered by bad dreams at night or having visitations by negative entities you can use the water to sprinkle around your bed at night. Draw the symbol with your hand on over photographs and paintings that have negative memories. If you do not have the symbols to hand, once you have activated them and attuned yourself you can say the words Cho Ku Rei or Dai Ko Mio three times when you are feeling anxious or afraid and call in the power of their frequencies to dispel the fear. Say the prayer for Entity Removal whilst sprinkling the water or drawing the symbols to further empower the clearing and cleansing. Prayer for Entity Removal I call upon my Higher Self to blend with me now. I call upon my Guides to be with me now. I call upon Sandra s Crew of Light Beings to be with me now. I call upon my Beings of Light to be with me now to assist me in this Divine work to release all negative attachments from me (or name of child, place, object) I release transform and transmute all entities, dark energies and attachments to be released transformed and transmuted in the Light of The Source of All That Is. Release now, release now, release now. It is done it is done it is done. And so it is Prayer for Wayward Spirit Removal I call upon my higher self to blend with me now. I call upon my Guides to be with me now. I call upon Sandra s Crew of Light Beings to be with me now. I call upon my Beings of Light to be with me now to assist me in this Divine work to release your Soul into the Light. Know who you are, know who you have been, know who you will be. Know who you are now, know who you have been, know who you will be. Know who you are now know who you have been, know who you will be. See the Light, see your angels watching over you, see the Beings of Light here to support and guide you. Return to the Light, Return to the Light, Return to the Light of The Source of All That Is, the Divine Creator of All that is who holds you in the arms of All that is. Return to the Light now. It is done, it is done, it is done. And so it is. Calling back your power I Call back my power to myself as a sovereign being. I call back my power to myself as a being of light, I call back my power to myself and stand clean and crystal clear in the Light of The Source of All That Is. It is done, it is done, it is done. And so it is. 16

17 Additional Mantras for clearing entities These can be recited or written down and placed in an area of significance. Green Tara Mantra: Om Tara Tutara Tura So He Trey Pay (Traditional believed to remove negative thought forms and emotions from you) Tara Mantra: Hung Vajra Phay: (Traditionally believed to clear your aura or a room of wayward spirits and negative entities) Tara Mantra: Om Vajra Sattwa Hung (Traditionally believed to clear negative entities from body) Blessing with water, oils, incense You can use the water together with essential oils to strengthen your intention. Essential oils act upon our neurochemicals to enhance our neurochemicals in the brain and to bring in frequencies that enhance certain feelings such as calmness, love, peace. Oils that I use whenever I am working are high vibrational oils such as : Frankincense Myrrh Rose Sandalwood Saffron Cedarwood Peppermint I use these oils before and after each session I do with people. I also use these oils to strengthen my energetic field. These are ancient oils which were used by the ancients in ceremony to open the 3 rd eye psychic centers and to protect and cleanse the aura. They hold a high vibrational frequency and a strong morphic field within the Collective Memory as oils that aid humanity. There are recipes in the Bible and in other ancient texts that suggest using these oils to call in blessings and also to remove negative entities and demonic forces. I also use a drop or two of pure grade Frankincense and Myhrr and sometimes peppermint in my water to enhance their effectiveness and keep my field clear. IMPORTANT: If you do this ensure you are not allergic to essential oils and that the oils are NOT synthetic! After all this is said, please remember you are a sovereign being, no entity or spirit attachment has a right to be in your field without your permission. With or without the oils or crystals or blessed water, with the assistance of your guides and Light Beings and My Crew you can and you WILL remove the negativity from yourself and from your environment. 17

18 Using Incense and Smudge Sticks This is a beautiful way to clear the negative entities from yourself and from your environment. Incense has been used for centuries by many cultures to call in blessings and to send away negativity, negative entities and wayward spirits, and to clean the energetic fields of people, objects, places and situations. The smoke of incense or smudge sticks is said to call in the higher powers through the use of air or prana as the smoke rises. In the USA smudge sticks are available that hold a strong intentional morphic field and high vibrational frequency. Use incense and smudge sticks such as :- Copal White sage Cedarwood Sweetgrass Frankincense Myrrh Sandalwood Lemongrass Light these with the intention of clearing yourself and your energy field, and/or your home and environment and objects. Use your hand, or feathers, or a fan to smudge and spread the incense smoke into the corners of all rooms, over your bed, around your home and doorways and windows. Again, intention is everything. Hold the intention of clearing and cleaning, use the prayer for releasing negative entities and spirit attachments. If you are using smudge sticks remember to put them out when you have finished your clearings. If you are using incense sticks or incense resin make sure that you put the lighted incense or resin in a safe space whilst it burns away. Candles and light bulbs The use of candles to represent the Divine Light within and for calling on The Divine and Spirit Guides is used in most religions and mystery schools. For cleansing and clearing negative entities use white candles or blue candles. Blue light bulbs are especially effective for children who are having problems sleeping because of nightmares or negative entity attachment. They bring in the frequency of Arch Angel Micheal and represent strong clearing energies. Music I have already mentioned Masuro Emoto s research on the effect of music on the molecules of water. Playing classical music, sacred songs, mantras, joyful music. All of this will enable you to keep yourself and your home high frequency and reduce the risk of allowing low level entities to attach to you or to your home. 18

19 Remember, YOU hold the power. You are a sovereign being. With the assistance of your Higher Self, your Guides and Beings of Light that surround you, together with My Crew you can and you will raise to a higher frequency and leave the negative entities behind! 19

20 These symbols are here for you to print out and use as guided CHO KU REI : Put All the Divine Power Here Now Dai Ko Mio : Connecting the Divinity Within 20

21 Special note for Healers, Energy Workers, Empaths, Sensitives, Psychics and Light Bearers Entities like the light and they feed off the dark energies that they can affect with their attachment. Spirits that are lost and have not passed over will also be attracted to your Light, by this I mean they will be attracted by your frequency and feel comforted by you. I personally do not rely on protective methods as such as I am aware that what we believe is what we bring into our lives and magnify in our lives. Also as much of my work involves clearing negative entities, spirit attachments, negative thought forms and emotions from my clients energy field they are already in my field of experience. I rely mainly on knowing myself and my baseline state, and keeping my environment and person clean after each encounter I have with people, especially when I have been clearing negative attachments from others. I have had actual physical attack from the dark forces on more than one occasion and as would be true with most human beings my first reaction is one of fear. However I quickly revert to overcoming the fear and bring in the calm and always use prayer to remove the force from person and environment. Remember that the entity attachments that are living in the absence of light like to feed from fear, especially if you are a powerful energy worker and Bearer of Light! Even though I reach into the multi dimensions to do my work, I believe that the greatest protection that we have is being in connection to this Earth and being grounded. Through being grounded we can reach the highest heights and anchor The Light into our lives and into the world. It is more difficult for an entity to attach when we are grounded in the Light AND on our Mother Earth. I am also in touch with my Higher Mind, my Guides, Channel and beings of Light that come to assist me with my work when there are negative entities or wayward spirits attached to my clients. These multidimensional beings are invaluable in carrying out our work on all levels and are there to protect when called upon and to assist in removing dark attachments and in leading wayward spirits into the Light. You as a light bearer and energy worker will be aware of these beautiful light beings and they are there to be called upon for assistance. I use oils and incense and candles daily, and prayer and blessing, as well as calling on my Higher Self and Guides to be with me when I am working and journeying in my life. I call on the highest good for all beings concerned. I often use crystals for strengthening my energy field such as touramaline and moldovite. The oils, crystals, candles and invocations are high frequency and maintain this high frequency in your auric field and in your environment. 21

22 Certain oils such as Frankincense and Rose actually work on the neurochemicals of the brain to bring in higher frequency thoughts and feelings. The same can be said of certain crystals specifically affecting our auric field and chakras. They resonate to certain frequencies that bring in and attract that frequency within your Field. BUT I do not rely on crystals and oils to keep away negative entities, spirit attachments or demonic forces. I rely on knowing myself and knowing that I work for the Light and for The Source of All That Is and this is my main protection. The crystals and oils are aides that enhance our work and our light and the work that we do with our Higher Selves, Guides, Beings of Light. I stay aware, I notice if I feel heavy after certain sessions. I notice what my workroom feels like. I notice what my home feels like. I clean my home every day by lighting incense and candles and intentionally bringing in the light. I clean my home thoroughly every week to ensure that any open portals or vortexes that may allow negative entities in are closed, and to ensure that any negative attachments or spirit attachments are cleared from my space. If spirit attachments are aware you can feel, see, hear them they may attach for company and for communication. For this reason they like Light Bearers who are usually sensitive, intuitive and empathic. If you are an energy worker in any way, stay aware when you are opening yourself to another persons energy in your work. Always cleanse yourself after seeing each and every client. Wash your hands, use salt water, break the connection that you have opened to with your work. You can do this by physically wiping your hands together several times, and if a particularly heavy session then also wipe down your arms. I often wipe frankincense and myhrr over my crown chakra and down my arms. This helps to raise frequency and has a strong morphic field of belief as a clearing and cleansing tool, as does white sage and cedarwood. If you hold a strong belief in these tools working for you then they will assist you, but you still need to be strong within yourself and to stay aware of change in mood, atmosphere and behaviour. This is very important to stay aware of any changes in heat, dimensional waves, thoughts, emotions and aches and pains after your sessions. If you are not sure then ensure that you break the connection, cleanse your hands and your space and if you feel you need assistance use oils, light candles, use incense and call upon your Higher Self and guides to stand beside you. If you use Reiki as a healing modality, stay aware that you are channeling energy and that you are open to energies around you and the person you are working upon. Remember you are a conduit for Light, but you are also opening up channels in order to work on another person. Close these channels and cleanse after you have finished your sessions to break the connection with the session. Always remember to be aware of any drop in energy that you have picked up. Entities want to feed off people and light bearers are always sensitive. If an 22

23 entity feels that they can take away your light then they feel stronger for it! If you go to places, or meet people, and you feel heavy it is likely that you have attached empathically to another persons thoughts, feelings, behaviours, or entity attachments. Clean yourself and keep your environment clean so that entities cannot lurk there. Blessings my friend Thank you for sharing this journey with me May Light guide your steps on your journey Sandra 23


AuthorKarenFrazier.com AuthorKarenFrazier.com Working with Crystals 1. Cleanse crystals regularly. To cleans, put crystals out in the moonlight overnight, use an energy healing technique, or cleanse using other crystals such

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