Holy Trinity. Liturgy At. Lutheran Church

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Liturgy At Holy Trinity Lutheran Church December 10, 2017 + 9am & 11am Second Sunday of Advent John called people to repent, to clear the decks, to completely reorder their lives so that nothing would get in the way of the Lord s coming. The reading from Isaiah gives the context for this radical call: the assurance of forgiveness that encourages us to repent; the promise that the coming one will be gentle with the little ones. Isaiah calls us all to be heralds with John, to lift up our voices fearlessly and say, See, your God is coming! We say it to one another in worship, in order to say it with our lives in a world in need of justice and peace.

Prelude Benedictus Alec Rowley (1892-1958) 9am only: Confession and Forgiveness Help Us Create SACRED SPACE by powering down Please do not use cell phones and other electronic devices. GATHERING The ringing of the meditation bowl calls us to silence, centering and reflection as we prepare for worship. Please feel free to use the kneelers to kneel for silent prayer before the liturgy or after receiving communion. All may make the sign of the cross, the sign that is marked at baptism, where indicated by the +. Blessed be the Holy Trinity one God +, our light and our salvation. Let us prepare for Christ s coming by turning from our sin, and seeking God s tender mercy and compassion. Our words and deeds have not proclaimed your reign of justice and truth. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. We have failed to watch and pray for the signs of your coming among us. Christ, have mercy. Christ, have mercy. Forgive our sin and come quickly to save us. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. In the advent of Christ the dawn from high breaks upon us with light and healing. Through Jesus Christ, God looks with favor on you +, and forgives you all your sin. 9am only: Blessing of the Advent Wreath We praise you, O God, for this circle of light that marks our days of preparation for Christ s advent. Kindle within us the fire of your Spirit, that we may be light shining in the darkness. Enlighten us with your grace that we may welcome others as you have welcomed us. Grant this through Christ our Lord whose coming is certain and whose day draws near. Amen. [2]

Turn to face the cross as it enters; you may bow as the cross passes, honoring the when he comes with all the saints and angels. mystery of our salvation. Enlighten us with your grace and INCENSE prepare used our in hearts festive processions, to welcome adds him the with sense joy. of smell in worship and shows Grant the significance this through of our Christ bodies our and Lord all of God s creation. The clouds of incense represent purification and the rising of our prayers. Used in many religions, incense whose coming is certain and whose day draws near. has roots in both Judaism and Christianity. #249 On Jordan s Banks the Baptist s Cry The presiding minister bows toward the assembly which is the body of Christ and the primary symbol of God s presence in the liturgy. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all. And also with you. Please see page 10 for the 11am baptismal liturgy. Let us pray Amen. ~ be seated ~ Gathering Hymn Greeting 11am only: Baptism Prayer of the Day WORD The passage is chosen to proclaim the Isaiah passage quoted by Mark. We too are like grass, soon to die. Yet we hear the comforting promise that, as we wait for the end of our sufferings, God will care for us like a mother sheep her lambs. First Reading Isaiah 40:1-11 Word of God, word of life. Thanks be to God. [3]

9am only: Psalm 85:1-2, 8-13 Setting: Mark Sedio The cantor first sings the refrain and the assembly repeats. The cantor and assembly sing alternate verses. Refrain: Tone: 1 You have been gracious to your land, O LORD; you have restored the good for- tune of Jacob. 2 You have forgiven the iniquity of your people and blotted out all their sins. 8 I will listen to what the LORD God is saying; for you speak peace to your faithful people and to those who turn their hearts to you. 9 Truly, your salvation is very near to those who fear you, that your glory may dwell in our land. Refrain 10 Steadfast love and faithfulness have met together; righteousness and peace have kissed each other. 11 Faithfulness shall spring up from the earth, and righteousness shall look down from heaven. 12 The LORD will indeed grant prosperity, and our land will yield its increase. 13 Righteousness shall go be- fore the LORD and shall prepare for God a pathway. Refrain Second Reading 2 Peter 3:8-15a The excerpt from 2 Peter contains both law and gospel : the earth will come to an end, until which we are supposed to live in perfection; but, mercifully, God promises a new creation. We taste the beginning of that new creation at holy communion today. Word of God, word of life. Thanks be to God. [4]

Stand, as you are able, to welcome the gospel and turn to face the book as the gospel is read in the midst of the assembly. Verse: Prepare the way of the Lord. All flesh shall see the salvation of God. (Luke 3:4, 6) Alleluia. Alleluia. By connecting John the Baptist with Elijah, Isaiah, Malachi, and the Jordan, Mark introduces Jesus as the culmination of Jewish tradition. This reading exemplifies the reason that Christians have continued to proclaim the Old Testament, without which countless New Testament references make no sense. So John the Baptist is not a crazed wild man, but like the prophets of old is the mouthpiece of God. The Christ who came, who comes, and who will come brings God s Holy Spirit to us. The holy gospel according to Mark. Glory to you, O Lord. The gospel of the Lord. Praise to you, O Christ. Alleluia (sung as above) ~ be seated ~ Following the sermon there is a time of silence for reflection and quiet meditation. Our liturgy is not only made up of words, gestures and music, but also moments of silence. ~please stand as you are able~ #256 Comfort, Comfort, Now My People Gospel Acclamation Setting: John Ferguson Sung first by the cantor and repeated by all as indicated. The verse is sung by the cantor. Gospel Mark 1:1-8 As the gospel is announced, you may trace a small cross on your forehead, lips and breast, a prayer that the Word may dwell in our minds, on our lips and in our hearts. Sermon Silence Hymn of the Day After each petition: Let us pray. Come, Lord Jesus. The peace of Christ be with you always. And also with you. ~ be seated ~ [5] Prayers of Intercession Peace The assembly is invited to share God s peace with one another saying, Peace be with you, or similar words.

MEAL Offering Offertory Hymn If this is your first time, or if you have been attending awhile and would like to get to know us better, please fill out the welcome slip in the pew and place it in the offering plate. Today s loose offering is designated for the Night Ministry. Checks and envelope offerings support Holy Trinity s overall ministry unless designated otherwise. #247 Come, Now, O Prince of Peace ~ please stand as you are able ~ Great Thanksgiving The thanksgiving includes the following: Dialogue MEAL Preface It is indeed right, our duty and our joy, that we should at all times and in all places give thanks and praise to you, almighty and merciful God, through our Savior Jesus Christ. You comforted your people with the promise of the Redeemer, through whom you will also make all things new in the day when he comes to judge the world in righteousness. And so, with all the choirs of angels, with the church on earth and the hosts of heaven, we praise your name and join their unending hymn: [6]

Music: Missa Emmanuel, Richard Proulx (b. 1937) 1991 GIA Publications, Inc. Let us proclaim the mystery of faith: Christ has died. Christ is risen. Christ will come again. Eucharistic Prayer Memorial Acclamation The spoken responses during the Eucharistic Prayer echo the presiding minister. one God, now and forever. Amen. Great Amen The Lord s Prayer As a sign of openness to the divine presence, you may join the presider in praying the Our Father with the ancient gesture of extended hands. (continued on next page) [7]

Wait For The Lord Sung three times. Please remain standing. Tune: Jacques Berthier, with text, 1984, Les Presses de Taizé, GIA Publications, Inc., agent.text: John 6; adapt. by Robert J. Batastini ~ please be seated ~ Communion Communion Anthem Ev ry valley shall be exalted (from Messiah) G. F. Händel (1685-1759) All are welcome at Christ's table, including children. Bread is received in the hands. Wine is received either by drinking from the (silver) common cup, or by saving the bread and dipping it in the second (glass) cup. Gluten-free wafers are available from the presiding minister. Those not communing may come forward for a blessing, keeping your hands folded over your chest. For those unable to consume either wine or bread, communion is received fully in either element alone. Please feel free to use the kneelers to kneel for silent prayer after receiving communion. [8] Every valley shall be exalted, and every mountain and hill made low; the crooked straight, and the rough places plain. (Isaiah 40:4)

~ please stand ~ SENDING Silence Prayer Blessing Having heard the word and shared the eucharist, we are sent to live our baptism through words and deeds, making known the love of Christ, and working for justice and peace in our families, communities, and world. Turn to face the cross as it recesses, you may bow as it passes, honoring the mystery of our salvation. #239 Hark the Glad Sound! Go in peace. Prepare the way of the Lord. Thanks be to God! Following the liturgy, several things happen simultaneously: some folks greet one another and converse; others listen to the organ postlude; and others move to the rear of the nave for refreshments and social time. Sending Hymn Sending Postlude Fughetta on Comfort, Comfort, Now My People Alfred Fedak The Advent greens are sponsored by the Ashby Family in loving honor and memory of Delores Ische, who is now in God's care. [9]

Presentation Assembly response: We do. Baptism (11am) Profession of Faith Renunciation of Evil Do you believe in God the Father? I believe in God, the Father almighty, creator of heaven and earth. Do you believe in Jesus Christ, the Son of God? I believe in Jesus Christ, God s only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried; he descended to the dead. On the third day he rose again; he ascended into heaven, he is seated at the right hand of the Father, and he will come to judge the living and the dead. Do you believe in God the Holy Spirit? I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen. Thanksgiving at the Font The Lord be with you. And also with you. Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. It is right to give our thanks and praise. [10]

Baptism After the baptism the following is sung twice: Clothing with a White Robe Laying on of Hands Signing with the Cross Presentation of a Candle Welcome Let us welcome the newly baptized. We welcome you into the body of Christ and the mission we share; join us in giving thanks and praise to God and bearing God s creative and redeeming word to all the world. The 11am Liturgy continues on page 3 with the Prayer of the Day. Today we welcome in baptism: Benjamin Michael Cernak Parents: Kaitlin and Michael Cernak Sponsors: Laura Priddy and Alex Cernak [11]

The loose offerings today will go to support The Night Ministry. This ecumenical effort serves the nighttime community in Chicago. Founded in 1976, the Night Ministry offers friendship and a caring ear to society's lonely and abandoned, and brings its message to diverse communities of Chicago. The Night Ministry provides volunteer opportunities at their Open Door shelter for youth, and on their Outreach Health Ministry bus. Holy Trinity volunteers periodically spend an evening with the bus and provide refreshments and hospitality to the people of the nighttime streets. SERVING IN TODAY S LITURGIES PRESIDING MINISTER ------------------------------------------------ Pr. Craig Mueller (9am); Michelle Sevig (11am) PREACHER---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Seminarian Paisley Le Roy ORGANIST ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- John Weit CANTOR ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Paul Reineck ASSISTING MINISTER --------------------------------------------------- Joel Cruz (9am); Seminarian Ian Frei (11am) CRUCIFER ------------------------------------------------------------------ Micah Cisneros (9am); Cassie Moran(11am) INCENSE BEARER ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sheldon Krieger (9am) SACRISTAN ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sheldon Krieger (9am); Julie Sevig (11am) COMMUNION ASSISTANTS (9am) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Martin Modahl COMMUNION ASSISTANTS (11am) ------------------------------------------------ Barbara Wahler, Michael Schnell MEDITATION BELL ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Barbara Wahler (11am) READERS -------------------------------- Martin Modahl, Mark Avery (9am); Johanna Olson, Kent Swanson (11am) ACOLYTE TORCHBEARERS ------- Jake Johnson, Katie Peyton (9am); Annalucia King, Jonas Licklider (11am) WELCOME HOSPITALITY (9am) -------------------------------- Lisa and Andy Snyder; Martin and Lauren Modahl WELCOME HOSPITALITY (11am) ----------------------------------------------------------- Michael and Kelly Johnson ALTAR GUILD ----------------------------------------------------------- Denise Mineck (9am); Anne Hulslander (11am) BREAD BAKER ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ken Duckmann COFFEE HOSPITALITY ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Philip Francis [12]

NEWS AND NOTES Mission Endowment Fund Grants + Applications Due January 16 Holy Trinity's Mission Endowment Committee is pleased to announce for the fifth year in a row the availability of a small number of grants that will extend our commitment to and support of mission beyond our congregation. Registered charities qualified under IRS 501(c)(3) are eligible to apply for grants of up to $1,500 with the endorsement and signature of a member of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church. The grant deadline for 2018 annual grants is January 16, 2018. For more information and to download an application for, visit htchicago.org/endowment. Any questions which are not answered by reading the form may be directed to Barbara Wahler, Mission Endowment Fund Committee Chair, at ribitmsw2004@yahoo.com. Coffee Hospitality Hosts and 2018 Flower Sponsorship Signups Signup sheets for coffee hospitality hosts and flower sponsorships are in the narthex (entryway). More information about each opportunity is available on the signup sheet. Book Group Tomorrow Eat, Drink, Read. Our annual book group Christmas dinner will be Monday, December 11 at 6:30 PM at Ignoble Wine Bar, 2417 N Clybourn. We'll be discussing the hilarious book Yes Please by Amy Poehler. Please join us, whether or not you have time to read the book! Meal Makers Needed When a newborn baby is welcomed home (birth or adoption) we bring meals to the new family during the first two weeks as they adjust to a new rhythm of home life. It's easy and fun. If you're interested please email Pastor Sevig (msevig@htchicago.org) Commemorations for the Week December 13 + Lucy, martyr, died 304 Lucy was a young Christian of Sicily who was martyred during the persecutions under Emperor Diocletian. Her celebration became particularly important in Sweden and Norway, perhaps because the feast of Lucia (whose name means "light") originally fell on the shortest day of the year. December 14 + John of the Cross, renewer of the church, died 1591 John was a member of the Carmelite monastic order, and worked to reform it. His writings reflect a deep interest in mystical thought and meditation. December 16 + Las Posadas This celebration, long popular in Mexico, takes its name from the "posadas," or lodgings, sought by Mary and Joseph in Bethlehem. Their search is reenacted in a neighborhood, unsuccessfully, until finally they are welcomed in, and a party commences. [13]

[14] DECEMBER: A MONTH FOR GENEROSITY Dear Holy Trinity Community, Though participation and giving is strong in our vibrant and growing congregation, like many churches and non-profits we anticipate challenges meeting our 2018 budget. In particular, we have come to the end of the synod grant that provided seed funding for HTLoop during its first three years. In addition, a significant donor is moving out of state. We have prepared for the transitional year of 2018 with several special funds to balance the budget as needed, but a year-end gift, and new or increased recurring offering (set up at giving.htchicago.org) will assure a strong start to the new year. Holy Trinity depends on robust December offerings to launch us into the coming year in a strong financial position. We appreciate your generous support of our mission. Gathering in worship teaches us the spiritual practice of generosity. In addition to your regular offerings, special gifts, and service in the world, the following are several giving opportunities you could also consider: ILLINOIS YOUTH CENTER IN WARRENVILLE This detention center, one of the institutions supported by Holy Trinity's Prison Ministry, is the temporary home for more than 30 young women and men, ages 14 to 20. Please consider donating clothing and hygiene items on their Christmas wish list. Link: http://www.holytrinitychicago.org/ministries/prison. Please place items in the collections boxes at HTLoop no later than Saturday, December 16, and HTLakeview no later than Sunday, December 17. GIVING TREE For the second year, the South Loop Community Table (a weekly meal ministry for homeless persons) asked its guests what they want for Christmas. Holy Trinity is helping to provide those gifts! The giving trees at HTLakeview and HTLoop are decorated with tags that include a person's name and their desired gift. Each gift has a $30 limit. We ask that you take a tag, wrap your gift, and bring it back by Christmas Eve with the tag attached. Feel free to write the person an encouraging note as well! ADVENT/CHRITMAS MUSIC FESTIVAL Finally, please join us THIS AFTERNOON as Holy Trinity s talented musicians generously share their offering at the annual Festival of Advent. Following the event, everyone is invited to attend a lasagna dinner, which is a fundraiser for our eight youth attending the ELCA Youth Gathering in Houston next summer. Suggested donation: $10 or $25 per family. A blessed Advent to you as we welcome the coming of Christ among us, Pr. Craig Mueller

ADVENT/CHRISTMAS SCHEDULES Sunday, December 24 + ONE LITURGY at 10am, No Sunday School Fourth Sunday of Advent Christmas Eve + Sunday, December 24 + 4:30pm Family Christmas Eve Liturgy + 9:45pm - Pre-service music + 10:00pm - The Christ Mass Christmas Day + Monday, December 25 + 10am - Christmas Day Eucharist Sunday, December 31 + ONE LITUGY at 10am, No Sunday School + First Sunday of Christmas Sunday, January 7 + ONE LITURGY at 10am, No Sunday School + Epiphany Festival Eucharist [15]

NOTES ON OUR NEW SERVICE TIMES This fall has marked a major change at HTLakeview with new service times at 9:00 and 11:00 a.m. In fact, we used the tag line time for change in our communications. Both staff and congregation members name losses with the attendance better divided between the two services, busier Sunday mornings, and for some, less of an opportunity to socialize with others. At the same time, there are many gains to recognize. Within three hours on Sunday mornings, there are two choir rehearsals, Sunday School, Confirmation, Life Together, and various committee meetings. With Holy Trinity being largely a Sunday church, our new schedule maximizes this reality for busy urban lives. In addition, the two identical services allow many more people to participate as worship leaders. 28 new children and adults are serving this fall, for a total of 160 persons who volunteer as ushers, altar guild, sacristans, assisting ministers, crucifers, communion assistants, incense bearers, bread bakers, torch bearers, readers, and choir members. Though the staff and council believe we should wait until next spring to fully evaluate the service time change, we welcome your comments and suggestions at any time. As we have seen thus far, total attendance on Sunday mornings has varied from 133 to 285. The smallest attendance at a single service was 58 at the 9:00 am service on Columbus Day weekend; the largest was 165 at the 11:00 am service on Reformation Sunday. We are pleasantly surprised by the popularity of the 9:00 am service on some Sundays. We appreciate your openness to this change and the opportunities for growth it brings to Holy Trinity. Since we now have space for newcomers, we hope you will help us get out the word and tell friends and colleagues about your church and invite them to join you for worship. Please note that several rows at the back of the church are roped off. We invite you to move forward as this provides a greater sense of community at services with smaller attendances. Finally, when attendance was large at the 10:30 service, it was easy to think you would not be missed. With our new service times, we hope you will make weekly worship a priority. We look forward to your regular presence in this time of rebuilding and growth. [16]

WHAT WE VALUE Our worship is ancient and new We celebrate a liturgy based on ancient patterns and rituals that go back to the early centuries of Christianity. We gather for worship to hear the scriptures and wrestle with their meaning for our lives today. We share the sacred meal of bread and wine and depart to serve a world in need. Though ancient, worship is always fresh and new as the gospel of Christ comes alive for our contemporary context. Time unplugged from electronic devices allows reflection and centering. Open to the Mystery we connect, strengthen and serve with joy. Things we re for Radical inclusivity regardless of race, ethnicity, gender identity, socio-economic status, sexual orientation or religious/spiritual background. Embodied gathering in real time and sacred space. Multisensory liturgy that helps us delight in God s beauty. Intentional engagement with contemporary social, theological and spiritual issues. User-friendly liturgies. Preaching that is honest about the struggles of life and the grace of God. Robust congregational singing. Reverence and joy in worship that spills over into everyday life. Cultivating empowering relationships, not only at church but everywhere. Openness to questions and faith struggles. Treasuring mystery above certainty. Things we re against Power and privilege that lead to prejudice and oppression. Racism, sexism, heterosexism and ableism. A religion that claims to have all the answers. Senseless violence. Negative and hateful partisanship. Superficial responses to life s painful and difficult realities. Boring sermons. Church services that don t connect with everyday life. Equating Christianity with the Religious Right. Indifference to injustice and suffering. Misuse of the earth and its resources. [17]

NEWCOMER OR FIRST TIME? WELCOME! + Whoever you are, wherever you're from, whatever the color of your skin, whomever you love or marry, or whatever your feelings about religion or spirituality, you are welcome here. + Please fill out a yellow slip in the pew rack and place it in the offering plate. + More information on Holy Trinity, Lutheranism, worship practices, marriage and baptisms at the welcome table. Upcoming baptism dates: January 7, 2018 + To families with small children: We are glad you are here! If your child needs a break from the service, feel free to walk to the narthex/back of the church. Nursery: open 8:45am - 12:15pm Use the garden entrance on Addison; nursery is inside the door. Special children's bulletins are on a table at the back of the church. + Sunday School for children ages 4-12: Children age 4-12 are invited to join us for Sunday school each week. We begin promptly at 10am. Children age 4 through grade 2 meet upstairs in Passavant Hall. Children grades 3-6 meet in the Spiritual Life Center. Contact Pastor Sevig (msevig@htchicago.org) if you have any questions. + Offerings: We rely on the generosity of members and friends to support the programs, staff, building, and ministries of Holy Trinity and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. A large number of the congregation gives their offerings online. You can also donate online at giving.htchicago.org. We still pass the offering plate as well! We appreciate your contributions of time, talent, and financial support! NEW TO HOLY TRINITY? Meet Beau Surratt, who coordinates community life at Holy Trinity, at the back of the church following worship. He would be happy to answer questions or make an introduction. Contact him at office@htchicago.org or Pr. Craig Mueller at cmueller@htchicago.org. DO YOU CONSIDER HOLY TRINITY YOUR CHURCH HOME? Register by filling out the yellow slip in the pew rack and place it in the offering plate or register online at holytrinitychicago.org/register. You will receive our e-newsletter. [18]

SPONSOR POINSETTIAS & GREENS Sponsor the greens and poinsettias that will decorate our church at Christmas in honor or in memory of a friend or relative. Please make a check or envelope earmarked Christmas Greens in the amount of $20 - $100: Donations can also be made online at our giving website, giving.htchicago.org. Donor s name In Memory of In Honor of In Thanksgiving for All donations must be received by Sunday, December 17 in order to publish names and dedications in Christmas bulletins. [19]

Holy Trinity: Lakeview 1218 W. Addison Street office@htchicago.org Holy Trinity: Loop 637 S. Dearborn Street info@htloop.org 773.248.1233 holytrinitychicago.org Purpose Statement Open to the Mystery Connect, Strengthen, and Serve with Joy! Guiding Principles Act with courage Be radically inclusive Cultivate empowering relationships Delight in God s beauty Engage With Intention STAFF Lead Pastor Craig Mueller cmueller@htchicago.org Associate Pastor Michelle Sevig msevig@htchicago.org Assistant Pastor (HTLoop) Ben Adams badams@htchicago.org Minister of Music David Brackley dbrackley@htchicago.org Administrator (Communications, Worship, and Community Life) Beau Surratt office@htchicago.org Music Assistant Ayriole Frost music@htchicago.org Administrator (Finance and Building) Paul Strome pstrome@htchicago.org Assistant Organist John Weit Nursery Attendant Audrey Frost Seminarians Paisley Le Roy in America Ian Frei [20]