Advent Merry Christmas!

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1 Family Devotional

2 Advent 2018 Here at Northwest Bible Church on Sunday mornings, the Northwest Kids children s ministry is on a 3-year chronological journey through the scriptures as we use a curriculum called The Gospel Project. Through this, we are seeing that the Bible is not just a collection of stories, but one unified story God s story of redemption. All scripture from Genesis to Revelation gives testimony to Jesus Christ! This Christmas Season, join us in making your own family tradition of celebrating Advent and journeying through God s redemptive story through reading scripture, reflecting on the Word, and participating in a number of thoughtful activities that are sure to help your family prepare for the season. Each day as you journey through the booklet you will review the Scripture passages, talk about how God is at work preparing the world for the coming of Jesus. Merry Christmas!

3 December 1 Advent 2018 Read: Matthew 1:1-17, Isaiah 11:1 Then a shoot will grow from the stump of Jesse, and a branch from his roots will bear fruit (Is. 11:1). As we add ornaments to our Jesse Tree, we recognize that God had been working out His plan to send Jesus over hundreds of years. In Bible times, Jews took great care to accurately record family genealogies. The family a person belonged to was directly linked to property rights. Matthew 1:1-17 and Luke 3:23-38 both chronicle the genealogy of Jesus. The account in Matthew presents Jesus as the king of the Jews the legal heir to the throne of David. The account in Luke was written to Greek Christians and focuses on Jesus descent from Adam. Jesus came to earth as a baby in Bethlehem. Jesus had earthly parents, Mary and Joseph, but His true Father is God. Through Jesus, God kept His promises to Abraham and David. Jesus saves people from their sin and adopts them into God s family. Why do you think Jesus earthly family matters? What promises did God make to Abraham and David? How can we know Jesus fulfilled those promises? Family Dance Party!! Sing and dance to Christmas music Work with your kids to research your family heritage as far as you can. Is there anyone interesting or famous in your family tree?

4 December 2 God Created the World Read: Genesis 1-2:15 Every story in the Bible is a small piece of a much bigger story God s redemptive story. Sin would enter the world and affect everything, but God already had a plan to show His grace to people through His Son (2 Tim. 1:9). The Bible says that God began His plan to rescue people from sin before He even created the world! (Eph. 1:4-6) God created the world out of nothing. Every wonderful and beautiful thing God created, He spoke into existence. God created the world and everything in it for His glory. Jesus was present at creation, and all things were created through Him and for Him. (Col. 1:16-17) What are some things that God created? (See Genesis 1 2.) What does it mean to bring God glory? (We can show people how awesome God is.) How can you and your family bring God glory this week? As you are riding in a vehicle, lead kids to observe God s creation around you. Talk about how God s creation displays His glory. Pray as a family, thanking God for His creation. Use Legos, blocks, and other materials to build a Christmas Tree Take a family nature walk!

5 December 3 Sin Entered the World Read: Genesis 3:1-24 God did not leave Adam and Eve without hope. He promised that one of Eve s descendants would strike the head of the serpent. (Gen. 3:15) Each generation after Eve hoped that one of their children would be the Promised One the One who would crush the head of the snake and put an end to the curse over creation. Sin is a big problem that needs a big solution. At just the right time, God sent His Son into the world, born as a baby. Matthew 1:21 says, You are to name Him Jesus because He will save His people from their sins. As you become increasingly aware of the bad news that we are all sinners from birth rejoice over the good news: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners (1 Tim. 1:15). Since Adam and Eve, everyone has sinned against God. Our sin separates us from God. God promised that one of Eve s descendants would put an end to sin and death. God sent His Son, Jesus, to live as Adam didn t perfectly sinless. God the Son came into the world to rescue people from sin and bring them back to God. What were the consequences of Adam and Eve s sin? (See Genesis 3:16-19.) What are some ways that you have sinned? How does Jesus help us with our sin problem? (Jesus paid for sin on the cross so everyone who trusts Him is forgiven. He also frees us from sin. The Holy Spirit helps us resist temptation.) Discuss what sins you committed during the day. Pray and ask God to help you turn from sin. Thank God for sending Jesus. Make a Christmas treat together and share with a neighbor.

6 December 4 Noah and the Ark Read: Genesis 6:5-9:17 When the ark was complete, God s judgment did come. The floodwaters covered the earth. Every living thing was destroyed, but Noah and his family were safe inside the ark. God rescued Noah s family the family His own Son would be born into. Jesus would warn of God s coming judgment too, but instead of condemning the world, Jesus would give up His life to rescue sinners. Apart from the grace of God, every thought we have is nothing but evil all the time. Our wickedness is widespread, and God would be justified to destroy us immediately. What grace that He has provided a Rescuer! God rescued Noah and his family from the flood; only they lived. The story of Noah points ahead to a greater rescue. God s Son, Jesus the only perfectly righteous One came to take the punishment for our sin. By trusting in Him, we are saved from the punishment our sin deserves. Jesus died so that we can live. Why did God send a flood? (to punish the world for sin) What punishment do we deserve for our sin? (See Romans 6:23.) How does God rescue us from our sin? Spend time thanking God for showing love to your family. Decide on a budget, then go buy gifts for a family in need. Choose a family or individual and serve them in a special way. Tell them about God s love for them.

7 December 5 God s Covenant with Abraham Read: Genesis 12:1-3; 15:1-21; 17:1-9 When Abram was 75 years old, God spoke to him. God called Abram to leave behind his family and his lands to go to a place God would show him. God made a covenant with Abram, promising to bless all the world through one of his descendants. (Gen 12:1-3) By faith, Abram obeyed. When Abram was 99 years old, he was still childless. How would God keep His promise to make Abram s offspring as numerous as the stars if Abram didn t have any children? But God was serious about the covenant; He always keeps His promises. God even changed Abram s name to Abraham, which means Father of a Multitude. God promised to bless all the earth through Abraham. At just the right time, Jesus was born into Abraham s family. (Gal. 4:4-5) Jesus fulfilled God s promise to Abraham. (Gal. 3:8.) Jesus came into the world to save sinners. Through Him, all the nations of the earth are blessed. What promises have you made? Did you keep them? Why or why not? Abraham had faith in God s promise. What is faith? (See Hebrews 11:1.) How has God blessed your family? Try to count the stars on a clear night. Remind kids that God always keeps His promises. Look at the star on your Christmas tree and talk about how God used a star to lead the wise men to Jesus. Play a game together. Write a prayer to thank God for being faithful to keep His promises.

8 December 6 God Tested Abraham Read: Genesis 22:1-19 When Abraham was well over 100 years old, he received another message from God. It was a test, actually. God instructed Abraham to take his son Isaac, the son of promise, and sacrifice him on a mountain God would tell him about. Abraham had waited so many years for this child! As Isaac walked with his father, he noticed something was missing. They had the wood and the fire, but Where is the lamb? Isaac asked. Abraham answered that God Himself would provide. And God did indeed. By this point, Abraham had supreme faith that God was able to do anything. Hebrews 11:17-19 gives us a peek inside Abraham s mind: He considered God to be able even to raise someone from the dead. God provided a ram for the burnt offering in place of Isaac, who was spared. After what we might imagine was quite a worship service, Abraham and Isaac returned home. In the New Testament, God brings through John the Baptist the final answer to Isaac s inquiry, Where is the lamb? Here is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world! (John 1:29). God provided a ram for Abraham, but for all of humanity, He has provided His Son, Jesus Christ, the ultimate sacrifice for sin. Abraham showed his love for God by being willing to sacrifice his son Isaac. This is how God showed His love for us: He sent His Son, Jesus, to die on the cross so that we could have eternal life through Him. Sometimes it is hard to obey. Tell about a time when obeying was hard for you. Whom did God provide as a substitute for us? (Jesus took the punishment we deserve for our sin when He died on the cross.) Guide kids to complete someone else s chore. Take turns hiding the lamb from your nativity set. Ask, Where is the lamb? The last round, hide baby Jesus instead and talk about how Jesus is the Lamb of God. Use YouTube for Kids to look for funny Christmas videos

9 December 7 The Promise Reaffirmed Read: Genesis 25:19-26; 26:1-6; 28:10-22 In His covenant with Abraham, God promised land, descendants, and a blessing to all the nations of the earth. (Gen. 22:17-18) God reaffirmed the promise to Abraham s son Isaac and to his grandson Jacob. (Gen. 26:3-4; 28:13-14) Jacob would become the father of a nation. He would have twelve sons, and they would be the leaders of the twelve tribes of Israel. Through the nation of Israel, God would keep His promise to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob by sending His Son, Jesus, to be the Savior of the world. Like the stairway in Jacob s dream, Jesus bridges the gap between heaven and earth. (See John 1:51.) God the Son came down to earth as a baby, as Immanuel, God with us. Jesus came into the world to save sinners. Sin separates people from God, but when people turn from their sin and trust in Jesus, Jesus brings them into God s family. God s wonderful plan to Abraham extended well beyond his lifetime. The plan was shared with Re-bekah, Isaac, Jacob, and eventually an entire nation leading to the birth of a baby boy named Jesus. Jesus fulfilled God s plan to provide salvation and redemption for all of God s people. God s promise to Abraham was also for whom? (all of Abraham s future family) What did Jacob see in his dream? (See Genesis 28:12.) Raid your pantry for items to give away to a food pantry

10 December 8 Joseph s Dreams Came True Read: Genesis 42:1 46:34; 50:15-21 Joseph explained why God allowed him to be taken to Egypt. Even though his brothers intended to harm, God intended his good. Joseph told his family to come to Egypt where they could thrive. Little did Joseph know, his brothers and their families would be enslaved in Egypt for the next 400 years. Before he died, Joseph reminded his brothers of God s promise to their family. God will certainly come to your aid and bring you up from this land to the land He promised Abraham, Isaac, and Ja-cob (Gen. 50:24). Despite Egyptian oppression, Jacob s descendants multiplied. God kept His promise, and through the nation of Israel, He worked out His plan of redemption through His Son, Jesus Christ. God had a plan for Joseph s life. He allowed Joseph to suffer in order to rescue a whole nation. God planned for Jesus to suffer so that many people from all nations would be saved. How did God use evil for good? When someone wrongs you, do you choose to forgive or to seek revenge? Talk about what it must have been like for Jacob s family to have no food. Gather food to donate to a food pantry. Dress up fancy or silly for dinner tonight. Volunteer at a soup kitchen as a family.

11 December 9 The Passover Read: Exodus The tenth plague was the most severe and had the greatest impact on the Egyptian people. God told Moses that around midnight, every firstborn male in Egypt would die. But God gave specific instructions to the Israelites. They were to slaughter a lamb or goat and put its blood on their doorposts. The blood on the doorpost would be a distinguishing mark. When God saw the blood, He passed over the house. The Israelite people were sinful, and they deserved death just as much as the Egyptians did. But God graciously provided a way out. By marking their doorposts with the blood of a lamb, they were spared from the judgment and death they deserved. The lamb was killed instead. The heart of the gospel is found in the story of the Passover: Jesus never sinned, but He was crucified for our sins. We deserve death, but He died instead. At Passover, God spared the Israelites from judgment by requiring the blood of a lamb. Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt, and God provided a way for them to escape through the Red Sea. The Bible says that Jesus is greater than Moses. (Hebrews 3:3) Jesus is the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world. (John 1:29). People who trust in Jesus escape the penalty of sin and have eternal life. How did God prove His power to the Egyptians? What animal did the Israelites kill at Passover? (a lamb) Who is the Lamb of God? (See John 1:29.) Do you trust God? Talk about a time your family had to trust God to take care of you. Listen to Christmas music in the house and sing along Choose a family in your community to invite to dinner. Pray for God to use your family to share the gospel.

12 December 10 The Ten Commandments Read: Exodus 19:1 20:17; 31:18 God rescued His people from slavery in Egypt. He then led them into the desert toward Mount Sinai. The Israelites camped at the base of the mountain while Moses went up the mountain to talk to God. God gave Moses the laws the Israelites were to obey. God renewed the covenant He made with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob with the whole nation of Israel. They were His people, and He was their God. (Ex. 19:5-6) God wanted perfect obedience from His people. His laws covered every part of their lives, and the laws were summed up in the Ten Commandments. God did not give laws just for the sake of having laws. His laws had a purpose; they revealed to the people what life will be like when Christ establishes His kingdom. They showed how righteous people live and interact with God and with others. Just 10. It would be easy enough to keep just 10 rules, right? The Israelites proved they could not keep a single one of God s laws. Their hearts were full of sin. Moses mediated for the Israelites, asking God to forgive the people s sin. Moses was a good mediator, but he wasn t perfect. The Israelites needed someone who could keep the laws perfectly for them, mediate between them and God, and satisfy God s wrath against them. They needed Jesus. (See 1 Tim. 2:5.) We all have sinful hearts. We cannot obey God perfectly and need a Savior. God is pleased with us because He looks at Jesus, who never sinned. Because of Christ, we can have a right relationship with God. God is holy and separate from sin. His law shows us what He requires perfect righteousness. Our sin separates us from God, but Jesus came to bring us back to God. Jesus is perfectly righteous. When we trust in Jesus, He takes away our sin and welcomes us into God s family. What does it mean that God is holy? What do the commandments teach us about who God is? What rules does your family have? Why have rules? Talk about rules and the consequences for breaking them. Admit that adults have trouble following rules. Thank God for His plan to send Jesus. Family Dance Party!! Sing and dance to Christmas music Create a fun family rule. Have a Silent Night. No talking for a set period of time. How easy or hard was it to follow that rule?

13 December 11 The Bronze Snake Read: Numbers 20:1-20; 21:4-9 The Israelites had been wandering in the wilderness when they started to complain to Moses and to God. God had done some pretty amazing things for the Israelites He rescued them from the hand of Pharaoh, He parted the Red Sea so they could safely cross, and He provided manna for them to eat. But to the Israelites, it wasn t enough. God punished them because He knew their dissatisfaction was a sign of a bigger issue: a heart problem, a sin problem. They stopped believing that God is good. In their hearts, the Israelites believed the same lie that rattled Eve in the garden. Maybe God isn t interested in giving us what is best. Maybe He is holding out on us. God sent poisonous snakes that bit the people and killed many of them. The Israelites repented. They wanted Moses to ask God to take away the snakes. God provided a solution. He told Moses, Make a snake image out of bronze and mount it on a pole. When anyone who is bitten looks at it, he will recover. In John 3:14, Jesus said, Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the wilderness, so the Son of Man must be lifted up. What was Jesus talking about? Second Corinthians 5:21 says, He made the One who did not know sin to be sin for us so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him. So Jesus invites us, Turn to Me and be saved, all the ends of the earth. For I am God, and there is no other (Isa. 45:22). The Israelites faced a huge problem because of their sin. God sent snakes to punish Israel, but anyone who was bitten could look at the snake on the pole and live. Because of our sin, we face a huge problem: we are separated from God. We deserve to die, but anyone who looks to Jesus on the cross and trusts in Him will live forever with God. The Israelites had to have faith in God to be healed. How can we demonstrate faith in God? How can we point someone to Jesus this week? Learn about snakes online. Make an ornament for your Christmas tree or to give away

14 December 12 Ruth and Boaz Read: Ruth 1-4 Only two books in the Old Testament bear the name of a woman: Ruth and Esther. Ruth s story occurs at the time when judges ruled over Israel. God s people were characterized by rebellion and immorality. At a time when the Israelites desperately needed a king to lead them back to God, Ruth s story of faithfulness points us to Jesus Christ, a coming Redeemer who will make all wrong things right again. Naomi permitted Ruth to gather fallen grain in a field. The owner of the field was Boaz, a relative of Naomi s late husband and a family redeemer. Boaz noticed Ruth and told her she could safely gather grain in his field. At Naomi s urging, Ruth sought to be redeemed by Boaz. Boaz bought back the land Naomi and Ruth had lost when their husbands died, and he married Ruth. They had a son named Obed, whose son was named Jesse and grandson would be King David. Boaz was a family redeemer. That means he would help his close relatives who were in trouble. Boaz cared for Ruth and Naomi because their husbands had died. In a similar way, Jesus is our Redeemer. We need help because we sin. Jesus bought our salvation for us by taking our punishment when He died on the cross. How do you think it felt for Ruth to be redeemed? How should we feel being redeemed by Jesus? How has God provided for our family? How can we be more grateful for what He has given us Collect items for a homeless shelter. Volunteer at a local homeless shelter, soup kitchen, or local charity. Snuggle on the couch and watch a Christmas movie. Pop popcorn kernels. Make a garland! Talk about how seeds were planted in the field and Boaz told his workers to leave extra grain for people who needed it.

15 December 13 God Made a Covenant with David Read: 2 Samuel 7 God reminded David that he used to be a shepherd, but God had made him a king! God promised to give the Israelites a place to stay so they wouldn t need to move around anymore. God promised to give them rest from their enemies so they could stop fighting. Though God denied David s desire to build God a house, God promised to make a house for David: a dynasty of his descendants and an everlasting kingdom. God s promise to David was ultimately fulfilled by his most significant descendant, Jesus Christ: He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High, and the Lord God will give Him the throne of His father David. He will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and His kingdom will have no end (Luke 1:32-33) God promised David that every future king of Israel would come from David s family, and David s kingdom would last forever. God kept His promise by sending His Son, Jesus, to be one of David s descendants. Jesus is our King who will rule over God s people forever. Why did David want to build a temple for God? Why do you think God stopped David from building a temple? How do you think David felt, knowing about God s promise to send the Messiah through David s family? Pray for family members that don t know Jesus. Talk about how David was a shepherd, shepherds came to worship baby Jesus, and Jesus is our Good Shepherd. Take a silly Christmas picture with your family and share it.

16 December 14 Solomon Built the Temple Read: 1 Kings 6-8 The time came to dedicate the temple. All of the Israelites gathered in Jerusalem. The priests brought the ark of the Lord to the most holy place, and a cloud filled the house of the Lord. God s glory filled the temple. Solomon prayed and praised God for keeping His covenant with David. He recognized that God is not confined to a temple. Even heaven, the highest heaven, cannot contain You, much less this temple I have built (1 Kings 8:27). Solomon s prayer and speech were followed by a great offering to God. Because God is holy, only the priests could approach God and only if they followed specific instructions. Ordinary people had no direct access to the holy presence of God. Jesus changed all that. By His death on the cross, Jesus took away our sin. We can approach God intimately and individually when we trust Jesus as Lord and Savior. What s the difference between a temple and our church buildings? Where does God live now? Why can we now approach God directly, without a priest or a temple? Build a house of cards, and then knock it down. Talk to your kids about Jesus promise to destroy the temple and rebuild it in three days. (John 2:19-22) Rebuild the house of cards and explain what Jesus meant. With a parent s help, do a random act of kindness for a stranger. Make a gingerbread house or make a house out of toothpicks and marshmallows.

17 December 15 Anticipating the Coming King Read: Isaiah 9:1-7; 11:1-10; 53 Isaiah s name means Yahweh is salvation. God called Isaiah to be a prophet when King Uzziah s reign was ending more than 700 years before Jesus was born. At the time Isaiah spoke to the people of Judah, the kingdom of Judah was very wealthy. But the people did not follow God. They worshiped false idols, cheated one another, and mistreated the poor. Isaiah s prophecies warned the people that God would judge them, but Isaiah also spoke words of hope. He told of how God would one day rescue those who were faithful to Him. Perhaps the most amazing of all is Isaiah s detailed prophecies about Jesus His birth and His suffering, and death. Jesus Himself read from the Book of Isaiah, telling the people that He was the One the Scriptures spoke of. Jesus fulfilled God s promises spoken by the prophet Isaiah. God kept His promise to send a king from the family of Jesse, the father of King David. (Luke 3:23-32) The Spirit of the Lord rested on Jesus. (Matt. 3:16-17) He was filled with wisdom and understanding. (Luke 2:40) He came to bring salvation to all the nations. (Acts 13:47-48) Isaiah s prophecies from God did not speak just to the people of his time; they also speak to us. We look forward to the day when King Jesus will come back and rule forever. Jesus is the promised Messiah. He will make all of the prophets words come true. In what ways has Jesus already fulfilled some of these prophecies? Which prophecies are we still waiting to see Jesus fulfill? Find a trustworthy charity that allows you to give gifts to children in need. Shop with your kids to find toys, clothing, shoes, or hygiene products. Have snowman pancakes for dinner tonight.

18 December 16 Jeremiah Prophesied a New Covenant Read: Jeremiah 17:1-10; 31:31-34 God said through Moses, If you will listen to Me and carefully keep My covenant, you will be My own possession out of all the peoples, and you will be My kingdom of priests and My holy nation (vv. 5-6). God s people responded, We will do all that the Lord has spoken. But the people did not do all that the Lord had spoken. The people had God s law, but they were not able to obey Him because of the sinfulness of their hearts. God punished His people for their unfaithfulness, eventually sending the Northern Kingdom into exile. But God was faithful; He preserved two tribes, keeping His promise to establish David s house forever. The Israelites in Jeremiah s day broke the covenant just like their ancestors before them. The prophet Jeremiah told about a new covenant. He prophesied about a coming day when God would forgive sin and write His law on the hearts of His people. This prophecy is fulfilled in Jesus. Jesus did not come to get rid of the law. (See Matt. 5:17.) Through His sinless life, Jesus fulfilled the demands of the old covenant. The new covenant promised that God would forgive sin. God forgives sin through His Son, Jesus. He changes our hearts and gives us power through His Spirit to obey His commands. What do you think it means to have God s law written on your heart? What makes the new covenant better? Who initiated the new covenant? Get in your PJ s drive around and look at Christmas lights Dim the lights and read Jeremiah 17:7-8 aloud to your family as you look at your Christmas tree.

19 December 17 Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego Read: Daniel 3 The Book of Daniel says that the Chaldeans a group of astrologers and dream interpreters (see Dan. 2:2,4) took this opportunity to go to the king and tell on Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. But not even the threat of death could convince the three friends to renounce their loyalty to God. Consider the possibilities: God could keep the friends from being thrown into the furnace. Or, once in the furnace, God could keep them from being harmed. Or if they perished, God would receive them into heaven. The friends trust in God enabled them to stand firm no matter what even as they were tied up and thrown into the fire. Then something miraculous happened. Nebuchadnezzar saw four men in the fire! They were walking around, unharmed! The Lord not only rescued Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, He was with them. God was with Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in the fire. Only He could rescue them. God rescues us too, through His Son, Jesus. Only Jesus can save us from our sin. Jesus sacrifice on the cross provided the way for us to be rescued from sin and have eternal life. When might obedience be a hard choice in your life? How did God rescue us from our greatest enemy? Cover a cookie tray in wax paper. Place plastic army men on the lined tray and heat them in the oven until they begin to melt. Ask your kids how the army men might be protected. Test some of their ideas! Have a hot Cocoa party lots of toppings

20 December 18 God Saved His People Through Esther Read: Esther 5-10 During the time of Queen Esther more than 450 years before Jesus was born the Jewish people were scattered around the Persian Empire. The Book of Esther tells the unlikely story of a young Jewish woman who, as the queen of the Persian Empire, saved her people. After Esther was chosen as the queen of Persia, she received news that an evil man named Haman had a plan to kill all of the Jews. The Book of Esther is the only book in the Bible that never mentions God by name, but God clearly worked through Esther and her cousin Mordecai to save the Jewish people. Mordecai even suggested to Esther that God s hand was in the situation: Who knows, perhaps you have come to your royal position for such a time as this (Esth. 4:14). If Haman was successful in killing all the Jews, his evil plan would put God s promises in jeopardy. God had promised to bless the world through Abraham s family and to send a King from the line of David who would rule forever. God was in control over Haman s evil plan to destroy the Jews. Like Haman, Satan wants to destroy believers. Satan thought he had won when Jesus died on the cross, but God raised Jesus from the dead and defeated Satan once and for all. Why was it dangerous for Esther to approach the king? Who else put His life at risk to save His people? Play a game like Mother, May I? or Red Light, Green Light with your family. Talk to them about how Jesus sacrifice gives us the ability to approach God without fear. Have a picnic on the floor by the Christmas Tree.

21 December 19 Ezra Reads the Law Read: Nehemiah 8:1-12 Ezra was a priest in Babylon at the end of the exile. More than 50 years after the first group of exiles returned to Jerusalem and completed and dedicated the temple, Ezra led the second group back to Jerusalem. Ezra traveled to Jerusalem with a purpose. God s people had spent 70 years in exile, and they needed to be reminded how to live. From early morning until midday, Ezra read from the book of the law of Moses. He stood on a high wooden platform where everyone could see and hear him. Ezra opened the book of the law, and everyone stood up. The Levites helped the listeners understand the words of the law. The people reacted strongly to hearing and understanding the law of Moses. Verse 9 says the people were weeping. The law revealed their sin. God s Word is powerful. The law reveals our sin and how short we fall of meeting God s standard. We cannot meet God s requirements. We need a Savior. God sent Jesus to obey the law perfectly and die for our sins. We can trust in Him for salvation. God s Word is powerful. When Ezra read God s Word, the people changed their ways and loved God more. The Bible says that Jesus is the Word. Jesus is God who came to live with people on earth. Jesus has the power to change our hearts. When might we feel sad when reading God s Word? What do we know that is a reason to celebrate instead? Go Christmas Caroling! Challenge your kids to memorize a Bible passage. Plan a time for everyone to recite their passage to the family. Then eat a celebratory dinner.

22 December 20 Angels Spoke to Mary and Joseph Read: Matthew 1:18-24; Luke 1:26-56 People had been waiting a long time for Jesus. God hinted at His coming in the garden of Eden when He promised a seed to conquer the serpent. (Gen. 3:15) The prophets told of His coming hundreds of years before His birth. God was working out His plan to bring His people back to Himself. In the Bible, God sometimes used angels to communicate His message to people. Angels spoke to Abraham in Genesis 18. The Angel of the Lord spoke to Balaam in Numbers 22. Now Mary and Joseph, the earthly parents of Jesus, each received a special visit from an angel to announce the birth of God s promised Messiah. He would be great in both being and nature. He would be the Son of the Most High. Jesus is the Son of God, and the Lord God promised to give Him the throne of His father David. These words fulfilled the prophecy given to David in 2 Samuel 7: He would reign over the house of Jacob forever. His kingdom would have no end. The announcement of Jesus birth is not the beginning of the gospel; God had been planning for this moment since before the beginning of time. (See Eph. 1:3-10.) God s plan has always been to save sinners and bring them back to Himself. Jesus, whose name means Yahweh saves, is the culmination of that plan. How do you think it felt to be Mary or Joseph? Why is Jesus earthly family important? What about being Jesus earthly family would be hard? What might be easy? Make and decorate sugar cookies Take a picture of your family in front of the Christmas tree.

23 December 21 Jesus Was Born Read: Luke 2:1-20 Do you think it was just by chance that Caesar Augustus called for a census? Did it just so happen that Mary and Joseph were traveling to Bethlehem the very place the Messiah was prophesied to be born? (Micah 5:2) God is in control of all things, which He showed by using a pagan emperor to bring about His plan. Imagine the shepherds surprise when an angel of the Lord suddenly appeared. The Bible says that they were terrified! But the angel said to them, Don t be afraid, for look, I proclaim to you good news of great joy that will be for all the people: Today a Savior, who is Messiah the Lord, was born for you in the city of David (Luke 2:10-11). The people of Israel were well aware of their need for a Savior. They made sacrifices daily to atone for their sin. Finally, a Savior had come who would be the perfect sacrifice for sin, once and for all. Jesus was also Messiah the Lord. The word Messiah means Anointed One, especially a king. The Deliverer and Redeemer would be King over His people. And this was all happening in Bethlehem, the city of David just as the prophet Micah said. This is the best news ever! An army of angels appeared, praising God and saying: Glory to God in the highest heaven, and peace on earth to people He favors (Luke 2:14). The purpose of Jesus birth was twofold: to bring glory to God and to make peace between God and those who trust in Jesus death and resurrection. What is your favorite part about Christmas? Why do you think the angels appeared to shepherds, instead of important rulers or religious leaders? Why is Jesus birth still celebrated today? Have a snowball fight with rolled up socks Box up unused toys to donate.

24 December 22 Wise Men Visit Jesus Read: Matthew 2:1-21 The wise men were magi. Their study of the stars led them to Judea to find and worship Jesus, the newborn King. Before they found Jesus, though, the wise men met King Herod. God had promised the Jewish people a new king one who would save them from their enemies. King Herod was not that king. Imagine how he felt when he heard about a new king in town. The wise men asked him, Where is He who has been born King of the Jews? (Matt. 2:2) The wise men unintentionally challenged Herod s reign. Not only was Herod not a full Jew, but he was also not a descendant of King David. Herod was deeply disturbed by the news that this child had the birthright of being king. The wise men continued on their journey and found Jesus. Jesus may have been about two years old when the magi found Him and worshiped Him. The Bible does not say how many magi worshiped Jesus, although three are often depicted because of their three gifts gold, frankincense, and myrrh. God warned the wise men in a dream to avoid Herod, so they returned home by another route. The wise men came to worship Jesus as King. Jesus is the King who will rule forever, as God promised to King David in 2 Samuel 7. Jesus is the true King who is worthy of all our worship. How did the wise men know about Jesus birth? (See Matthew 2:1-2.) How did the wise men show their respect for Jesus? How can your family worship Jesus together? Make a card for a family member and put it in their stocking

25 December 23 Jesus Crucifixion and Resurrection Read: Matthew 26:36 28:10; John 18:1 20:18 Jesus purpose for coming to earth was to save us from our sin. (Matt. 1:21) Why did Jesus have to die? Why couldn t He just say, You are forgiven? God is just and requires due payment for sin. To simply forgive sin without requiring a payment would be unjust. According to God s Word, the payment of sin is death. (Rom. 6:23) But not only is God just, He is also loving. That is why Jesus was willing to die in our place. Jesus came to live and die to show God s love to us (Rom. 5:7-8) so that whoever believes in Him might not perish but have eternal life. (John 3:16) Jesus came to die so that we would be forgiven. (Eph. 1:7) Jesus came to die to bring us to God. (1 Pet. 3:18) Jesus died on the cross to satisfy the wrath of God toward sin. Jesus resurrection proved that God was satisfied with Jesus sacrifice, and forgiveness and life are found in Him. (See 1 Cor. 15:17.) If Jesus had died but not been raised up, He would have been like military leaders who died without a throne. (Acts 5:33-37) But Jesus conquered death, just as He said He would. (John 2:19-21) Jesus resurrection gives us hope for our resurrection. (Rom. 6:5) And Romans 8:11 says that the same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead will raise our bodies to life. Jesus crucifixion and resurrection are not the end of the story, but the center of it. Everything that was written about Jesus in the Old Testament and spoken by the prophets was coming true. Remember the gospel this Christmas: the good news of who Jesus is and what He has done. Why did the people want to kill Jesus? How do you think Jesus disciples felt when Jesus was arrested and killed? How do you think they felt when they saw Jesus was alive? Find an Empty Tomb Cookie recipe on the Internet. Prepare it with your family and explain the symbolism of ingredients.

26 December 24 Jesus Gave the Great Commission Read: Matthew 28:16-20 After Jesus death and resurrection, He appeared to His disciples over a 40-day period. At one point, He appeared to more than 500 people. During that time, Jesus taught about the kingdom of God. (Acts 1:3) Some disciples wondered if Jesus was going to restore the kingdom of Israel. (Acts 1:6) Jesus had a different plan for the disciples. He directed the Eleven to go to a mountain, where He appeared to them again. They worshiped Him, but some still doubted. (Matt. 28:17) On the mountain, Jesus gave His disciples the Great Commission. First, Jesus stated that all authority had been given to Him. Before the resurrection, Jesus had authority as God the Son. Through the resurrection, however, the Father gave Jesus far more than even Satan had promised. (Matt. 4:8-9) Through Jesus death and resurrection, God subjected everything to His beloved Son. (See Heb. 2:5-9.) Because of Jesus authority, He commanded His disciples to go into the world and preach the gospel, the good news about Him. The Great Commission is not just for missionaries far from home. All believers are called to share the gospel with others, teach them to obey God s commands, and baptize them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Jesus finished His commission with a profound promise: And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age (Matt. 28:20). The good news about what Jesus has done to rescue us from our sins is too great to keep to ourselves. Before Jesus went back to heaven, He gave the disciples a job to do. Jesus wants His followers to teach people everywhere about Jesus so they will trust in Him as their Lord and Savior. Who else is called to make disciples? What does it mean to be a disciple? Sing the Christmas carol Go Tell it on the Mountain.

27 December 25 Jesus Ascended to Heaven Read: Acts 1:4-14 After Jesus crucifixion and resurrection, Jesus showed His followers that He is alive. He taught them about Himself and about God s kingdom. (Luke 24:25-27,44-48) Jesus told them that He would soon return to the Father. (John 20:17) Jesus directed the Eleven to go a mountain. When they arrived, Jesus appeared. Some of them wondered if Jesus was finally going to overthrow the Roman government and set up His kingdom on earth. Jesus said, It is not for you to know times or periods that the Father has set by His own authority. But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come on you, and you will be My witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth (Acts 1:7-8). Jesus told them to remain in Jerusalem until they received the Father s promise the Holy Spirit. Those who repented of their sins and trusted in Jesus death and resurrection would be baptized by the Holy Spirit. (Acts 1:5) The Holy Spirit would give them the power to live holy lives and take the gospel to the ends of the earth. (Acts 1:8) After Jesus told the disciples these things, Jesus was taken up into the sky right in front of their eyes! (Acts 1:9) Suddenly two men stood on the mountain next to the disciples. Men of Galilee, why do you stand looking up into heaven? they asked. They said Jesus would return the same way. (Acts 1:11) Jesus is alive in heaven, waiting to return for His people. Jesus told the disciples He was going to prepare a place for them, and when we die, we will be with the Lord. (John 14:1-3) In the meantime, Jesus has not left us alone. Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to be with us and help us do God s work. One day, Jesus will return to make all things new and to rule as Lord over all. What does it mean to be a witness for Jesus? Who can be a witness for Jesus today? Make paper crowns or origami stars.

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