The Apostate Awakenings...and the Way to Prevent Them بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم

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1 The Apostate Awakenings...and the Way to Prevent Them By Sheikh Abu Ubaydah Abdullah Al- Adam may Allah protect him بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم In the name of Allah, and all praise be to Allah, and may prayers and peace be upon the Messenger of Allah, his family, his companions, and those who followed him. In the midst of Crusade campaign in Iraq, and after the defeat of the West was inevitable at the hands of the Mujahid vanguards of the Ummah, which the West almost declared, their leaders came up with what was then called the Awakening Councils. The Christian West found in these Awakenings its desire that it always searched and wished for, as well as the bridge that saved it from the abyss of the early military and economic fall in Iraq. It got what it wanted. Since these apostate Awakenings very clearly affected the course of the extension and widening of the Jihadi movement in Iraq and was one of the reasons for saving the face of the Crusaders in Iraq, albeit partially, the Crusader mentality sought to reproduce it in other areas of conflict zones with the Mujahid vanguards in the East and West. I'm not here to evaluate this reproduction or talk about its successes and failures in other regions of the world because that is another issue. But what is more important that pushed me to write about this matter is how to prevent, by the might and guidance of Allah, the establishment of these apostate Awakenings in the regions where we fight the enemies of the religion? Since the presence of this kind of enemy like the Awakenings is a new experience to the sons of the Jihadi movement with which they were not used to dealing before, and Allah is the Helper. It is not a condition that the enemy is the one who creates and arms the Awakenings, but rather they might be responses to mistakes committed by the Mujahideen unintentionally due to a lack of understanding the requirements of the priorities of the Jihadi stages in which they are engaged, and Allah is the Protector from every error. And to avoid what I have mentioned, I believe through the practical Jihadi experience that the sons of the Jihadi movement, and everyone whom Allah honors tomorrow by doing Jihad against His enemies, should do the following to prevent the Fitnah of these Awakenings and end them at the beginning, and even prevent the planting of their malignant seed in the first place, with the guidance and company of Allah, and I ask Allah 1

2 for guidance and wisdom in that. Firstly: The Fiqh of the Priorities of the Stage: The most important thing that the Mujahid group should realize well is the Fiqh of the facts of every Jihadi stage that it is passing through, since every stage of the Jihad has a method and way imposed by the reality of how deal with it, and every situation has what is appropriate for it, whether it be an ideological issue when addressing people, or the method of working on the ground. For example, repelling the aggressor has its own characteristics and an agitating Fiqh that is special to it that requires us to mobilize our strength and direct a fundamental effort to repel it and gather people and groups to fight it without being busy with other issues that divide more than united, which perhaps throws the people into the arms of the infidels unintentionally, and turns a supporter into a hating enemy. That also includes implementing the punishment of the Islamic Shariah in the land of war, and on a land that you do not control fully. Perhaps your control is an illusion, and maybe you have it at night while your your enemy has it during the day. Or the enemy can retrieve it and control it easily and simply if it wishes. An example of that is what happened to the Pakistani Taliban in the Pakistani tribal district of Swat, which has many lessons to be observed, despite the love from its people any of the people of Swat for the Mujahideen, and that the religion was fixed in their hearts. But there is a big difference between real control and temporary illusionary control. Also, requiring people to pay some of their money to the Mujahideen for Jihad, even if that is permissible according to some of the Ulema with conditions well known in the books of Fiqh, it is always an obligation to look at the outcomes and the harms and the benefits resulting from it, since that act mostly leads to the people piling against the Jihadi movement, especially in a vulnerable situation, and some of that happened in some of the Pakistani tribal regions, and Allah is the Helper. So, what we have mentioned, along with many other things, must be taken in consideration and paid attention to well so that our enemy will not find an opening to corrupt the people and turn them against the Mujahideen. Secondly: Speaking to People based on What They Understand from Their Mazhab: This is one of the important and necessary issues in Jihadi action which is addressing the people with what they understand from the dominant Mazhab that they follow, and to keep that in consideration very much, especially if those who conduct and are responsible for Jihad are not from the people of the country, meaning they are Muhajireen. I remember at the beginning of the Jihad against the Americans in Afghanistan, and specifically in the Pashtun tribal regions where our bases were spread then along the Afghan Pakistani border, some of the Mujahideen of that area came to me asking about issues relating to Takfir and other issues of Fiqh so I said to them: ask so and so from their Ulema - despite 2

3 that I knew the answers to their questions. The purpose of that is clear, Allah willing, and does not need an explanation. This also includes the promoting of virtue and preventing of vice, since the one who is responsible for that has to have qualifications known in the books of Fiqh, and I specifically mention here changing the vice with force and military power while we are still in the stage of repelling the aggressor and the situation of vulnerability that keeps pace with the establishment of any Jihadi movement in the world today, and there is no power or might but with Allah. We have to pay attention to an important matter in this issue which is graduation in changing of the vice, and graduation in addressing the people by speaking to them of what they understand not what we understand, and taking into consideration their understanding and perception and especially in the hidden issues which the people aren t used to hear of and especially the issues of Takfir and what relates to it, and I remember in this issue that the commoners of the Waziri tribes even its Mujahideen took a considerable time until the Kufr of the Pakistani army became clear to them, and they weren t totally convinced of its Kufr until they fought it and observed its Kufr and corruption by own eyes. Addressing the people about what they understand is a very important and serious matter, if we didn t deal with it properly it will result in negative consequences, that s why the Mujahideen should understand its literature well, and the saying of the prophet peace and blessings of Allah be upon him to Aisha: "If it were not that your people have only recently left Kufr, I would have demolished the Ka aba and returned it to the foundations of Ibrahim. I say: this wise saying should be the slogan of the march, the guidance on the path, reference in matters and their guider on the long path of jihad. Thirdly: Not to be extreme in religion: What is meant from that is making the people bear what they cannot endure, checking their believes, and taking them to truth that we believe in by the power of the sword, severity and cruelty, so making who doesn t agree with us in all what we believe in is an enemy for us, or at least he isn t from us and we should be cautious of him and warn from him, that s undoubtedly isn t a praised act in dealing with Muslems, since severity in any matter discredits it and even destroys it and its people, Ibn Abbas narrated that the messenger of Allah peace and blessings of Allah be upon him said a day after the Aqaba: So I picked up some pebbles for him that were the size of date stones or fingertips, and when I placed them in his hand he said: "Like these. And beware of going to extremes in religious matters, for those who came before you were destroyed because of going to extremes in religious matters. An authentic Hadith. That also includes the expediting of declaring Kufr or Fisq or Bida a of people or accusing them of inappropriate accusations, with not keeping into consideration the situation of the people and their distance and absence from the true concepts of religion, and not keeping into consideration the ignorance that occurred to them for long decades intentionally by 3

4 the policies of the people of apostasy and their aides the crusaders. It is a must to be gentle to people and kind to them as much as possible even who disagrees with us from them, so who could be brought to our rank rank of the truth we bring him and that is what is always required, and who we cannot bring to our rank let him be neutral, and who we cannot neutralize don t make him incline with his feelings to the enemy, and beware that he turns to an enemy or takes the enemy side. The overt hostility towards people either they be individuals or groups is considered from the fatal errors in the Jihadi action especially in the stage of repelling the aggressor, since doing that leads them to fall in the hands of the enemy without much trouble from the enemy of Allah and the enemy of the religion, as the invading of the native Kuffar to the land of the Muslims to fall in the hands of the Mujahideen, so beware of hostility towards the ordinary Muslim and especially if there was space for the failure of such hostility. Fourthly: Refraining from who deserves to be punished: From the wise policy in the land of war is to refrain from who deserves to be punished to prevent a greater harm that might result from implementing the punishment, we are accustomed in the arenas of jihad throughout the time for the presence of who deserves to be killed for his apostasy and loyalty to the people of Kufr, and they are in various degrees among the people and their status differ according to their position and rank, from them is the one who is obeyed among his people and from them who are below that everyone according to deed, and that kind of people and especially who is obeyed by his people whose apostasy has appeared in a flagrant debunked way to the ordinary Muslims, and the people are still gathered around him and love him, that kind needs a wise policy in dealing especially if it relates to killing and physical liquidation, it s a political civility in the case of vulnerability not to target him by killing for a while, for what results from his people piling against the sons of jihad to support their deceased leader and to be zealous in falsehood, and who observes the biography of the beloved peace and blessings of Allah be upon him in his policy with the people finds that it is similar to that since it has been authentically reported that who peace and blessings of Allah be upon him have said to Omar when he asked for permission to kill the head of hypocrisy Abdullah ibn Ubayy ibn Salul: Leave him, so that the people won t say that Mohammed is killing his companions. This is just an example for refraining from who deserves to be punished, so that the result doesn t be contrary to what we wish, and this adverse outcome is observed and known by those who are responsible for the Jihadi field action, and even the non Muslims such as the Vietnamese reached to that conclusion, Ali Fayad author of the book The Vietnamese experience says: There were some political assassinations that had an adverse effect on the revolution like the assassination of the Trung Anh leader of the Cao Đài group pushed many of its members to take the side of the French in the conflict of 1947, also the assassination of Huỳnh Sổ leader of the Hòa Hảo group in the same year led to the cooperation of some of its elements with the French. 4

5 Even if it was needed to conduct operations from the kind that I call Killing for deterrence and ending the clear harm then the picture should clarified in way that ends all doubts, so that there be no killing which has no justification or explanation, it is preferable if there was a public trial for him if that was possible, because people as they say their minds are in their eyes, and the killing be by one of his relatives or tribe or people in general, since that is better for soothing the thoughts and calming the souls. Beware that these matters be lead and conducted the Muhajirin Mujahideen since that has totally upraised consequences, and not be deceived by the temporary empowerment or temporary control especially in the regions where the tribe dominates and rules, since I have witnessed myself the negativity off that on some of the Jihadi movement, and how the lover turned to a hater and even a fighter and pursuer, the politics and Fiqh of jihad needs many times more than what we spend of effort for the military power, since fighting is only a mean to achieve the political goal, and our goal is to make the people worship their Lord. Fifthly: Polarization: From the fundamentals of the Jihadi action and its viability is gaining and polarizing the heads and elders of the people from Ulema, chiefs and sheikhs of the tribes, and those who are obeyed by their people in general, since those are a firm mainstay for the support of the people and their standing next to the Jihadi Dawah not only during its prosperity, but even in the hardest and most difficult conditions, they are the safety valve of the whole Jihadi action when the storm intensifies, the ranks shake, and the enemies rush on, so a master who is obeyed by his people is worthy of recruiting his tribe or most of it behind the Mujahideen to support and aid them, and our prophet peace and blessings of Allah be upon him made Dua to his Lord to cherish Islam with the man whom He loves of these two Abu Jahil or Omar ibn Al-Khattab, so the one He loved was Omar, may Allah be pleased with him. It is from the customs of strength, pride and empowerment the polarization and gaining those who are noble among their people, and there are many of methods of that like marriage and affinity, consulting and taking their opinion, giving them leadership and reign, and making Dawah and insisting on it and clarifying the advantages of that on their religion and Dunya, and the last is the main matter in what we mentioned. These methods of polarization which I mentioned I observed its benevolence myself and witnessed it in the Pakistani tribal region. There were whole tribes that revolted to support some Jihadi groups and fight with it, and even it exceeded that to migrating and moving, and it happened to some of the heads of the tribes have migrated and left their homelands and grazing lands of their tribes to aid and support the Mujahideen, despite what in migration from troubles not known except by who suffered from its pains. The secret in the success of the entire kinetic action of the Jihadi movement and its continuity in a way that ensures the establishment of a state and achieves the intended goal of the jihad, lies in many of its aspects in the firmness of the relationship between the 5

6 inhabitants and Jihadi warriors, and the secret in that are represented in these points that I have mentioned, since the support of the ordinary Muslims to the armed Jihadi action, and preventing the awakenings are from the important bases for the permanence of the Jihadi toke and its continuity, and Allah is the master of His affair, but most people do not know. And all praise is to Allah, the Lord of the Universe. Written by Abu Ubaydah Abdullah Khalid Al- Adam 16 Jumada Al-Awwal 1433 April 2012 Source: Al-Fajr Media Center Translated by: The Global Islamic Media Front Observing Mujahideen News and Inspiring the Believers 6

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