Majlis Atfalul Ahmadiyya UK Nazimeen Pack

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1 Majlis Atfalul Ahmadiyya UK Nazimeen Pack Majlis Atfalul Ahmadiyya Office Majlis Atfalul Ahmadiyya UK, Baitul Futuh, 181 London Road, Morden, Surrey, SM4 5HF Tel: Fax: Web:

2 CONTENTS Words of wisdom The Holy Quran Hadith Writing of the Promised Messiah Pledge (Majlis Atfal ul Ahmadiyya) Guidance from Hazoor Aqdas (ABA) Introduction and History of Majlis Atfal ul Ahmadiyya Excerpts on atfal from Khulfa e Masih e Maood Khalifatul Masih II (ra) Khalifatul Masih III (ra) Khalifatul Masih IV (ra) Khalifatul Masih V (aba) Organisational Chart Amoomi Department Lae-hae Amal Constitution MKA (MAA Section) Alme Inami (Annual Plan) Ijtema pack MAA system Check List for Newly Appointed Local Nazimeen Regional Visits Observations and suggestions Cars reporting manual Directories (MKA & MAA) Majlis Atfal ul Ahmadiyya UK Amoomi Department

3 The Holy Quran

4 Hadith Haritha Ibn Wahb reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said: أ ل أ خ ب ر ك م ب أ ه ل ال ج ن ة ك ل ض ع يف م ت ض ع ف ل و أ ق س م ع ل ى ا لل ل ب ر ه أ ل أ خ ب ر ك م ب أ ه ل الن ار ك ل ع ت ل ج و اظ م س ت ك ب ر Shall I not tell you about the companions of Paradise? They are every humble person considered weak, but if they gave an oath by Allah it would be fulfilled. Shall I not tell you about the companions of Hellfire? They are every harsh, haughty, and arrogant person. [Sahih Bukhari] Writing of the Promised Messiah The Muslims have been bestowed two things; one for obtaining strength and the other for the practical demonstration of the strength that has been obtained. Istighfar is for obtaining strength. It is also called seeking help. The Sufis have said that as physical strength and power is fostered through exercise, in the same way, istighfar is spiritual exercise. Through it the soul obtains strength and the heart achieves steadfastness. He who desires strength should do istighfar (Malfoozaat, Vol. II, p. 67).

5 Majlis Atfal ul Ahmadiyya Pledge I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allah, He is one and has no partner, and I also bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and His messenger. I solemnly pledge that I shall always be ready to serve my faith Islam, Jamaat Ahmadiyya, my nation and country. I shall always tell the truth, will not verbally abuse anybody and will strive to act upon all the exhortations of Khalifatul Masih. Insha Allah." Atfal should memorise this oath. The highest office holder of Atfal ul Ahmadiyya should lead the oath on a meeting or Ijtema The Tashud should be recited thrice and the pledge recited once in English MAA pledge should only be used when only atfal are present otherwise refer to MKA pledge



8 Introduction and History of MAA Every organisation requires a constitution. This is a translation of the Lahe Amal (Constitution) used by majlis Atfal ul Ahmadiyya. This is an age when a person achieves the realisation of what is good, what is evil and what is the worship of Allah. The system of the Jama at is such that it keeps binds Ahmadis in a cord of love and affection from childhood to death. When a child reaches the age of seven he becomes a part of the system of Atfalul Ahmadiyya until the age of 15. They are trained to work in a team. One of them is made a Saiq so they develop the concept of obedience to their office holders. (Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih Al Khamis aba) The Holy Prophet sa has said 'A child is born with the right character. It is his parents who turn him into a Jew, Christian or fire worshipper.' Bukhari Kitabul Janaiz The Promised Messiah as has also said ' Childhood is an appropriate and suitable age for religous education. When a person grows a beard, how will he start learning Zarab Yazrab (Arabic pronunciation). In childhood one's memory is sharp. At no other age is one's memory as sharp. When one us young knowledge is imprinted on a person's mind. Due to this being the age when one's abilities grow they then become so strongly absorbed that they can never be erased. In short we should take special care and pay attention in our methods of religious education to starting from the very beginning. This has been my wish from the start and still is. May Allah fulfil it.' (Malfoozat Volume 1 pg 70) The Birth of Majlis Atfalul Ahmadiyya Hadhrat Musleh e Maud ra ordered the creation of Atfalul Ahmadiyya in a Friday sermon given on. 15th April 1938 at Masjid e Aqsa. On 23rd April 1938 resolution 17 was passed by Khuddamul Ahmadiyya which founded Atfalul Ahmadiyyan. On 26th April 1938 Musleh e Maud ra announced ' Within one month Khuddamul Ahmadiyya should organise all children between eight and fifteen. A Jama'at called Atfalul Ahmadiyya should be formed.' The aim behind the establishment of Majlis Atfalul Ahmadiyya was to allow children to have a branch organisation of their own within the administrative structure of the Jamaat. The supervision of Atfal was to be the responsibility of a senior member of Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya who, through his experience in both social and religious affairs, would be qualified to give guidance to Atfal on such matters. In addition, it was felt that Majlis Atfalul Ahmadiyya should be brought up according to the best Islamic traditions so as to: 1. To keep children informed and aware of religious and social aspects. 2. To organise sports and games for the development of body and mind. 3. To devise means to keep children away from undesirable social environments and exhort them to cultivate good morals. When Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya UK was established in 1958, there was no such Atfal department due to the lack of members. It was not until 1963, in light of the East African crisis and the subsequent migration of families that a sizeable number of Atfal came to the UK. This resulted in the creation of the official Atfalul

9 Ahmadiyya office in London with Mr. Nazir Darr being appointed the first Nazim in this area. The first Atfal Secretary at the time was Rafiq Ahmad Hayat, our present National Amir. All the Atfal Secretaries served in this role whilst they themselves were Atfal, being directly responsible to the Nazim Atfal. With the inevitable expansion of the Jamaat, Atfal swelled in numbers. The supervision of the youngsters continued in the hands of a senior Khadim who was to oversee and coordinate all Atfal activities. The Atfal have always formed an important part of all the Khuddam Ijtemas in the UK. At the time of Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya s first Ijtema in the UK in 1968, Atfal had their own extensive programme of both academic and sporting competitions. In addition, the need to build a sounder understanding amongst the young Atfal, resulted in the holding of Atfal Days on a regular basis. This later was renamed Atfal Rally and is held once a year. These took the form of mini Ijtemas with the first such event taking place in 1972, in which the Nasirat also participated. Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya UK reports directly to Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih through Sadr Majlis as instructed by Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih IV in his Friday sermon of 3rd November The Sadr in turn has Mohtamimeen to monitor specific areas of work and Regional Qaideen to monitor groups of Qiadats.

10 Excerpts on Atfal from Khalafa e Masih Maood Khalifatul Masih II (ra) Then develop the habit of working hard. This is because when you grow up the entire responsibility of the Jam'at will fall upon you. This is why you should work hard both for your worldly education and for your religious education. Work hard and learn. When you develop the habit of working hard then you will also gain knowledge because of it. Then in the future when you are older you will be able to serve the Jam'at in an effective manner. ( Mashal e Rah volume 4 part 2 pg 165) Develop the habit of working with your hands and do not think of any task as lowly. When I speak of working with one's hands I mean those tasks which this world often considers condemnable such as taking mud from one place to another place ( for construction) to carry loads on one's body etc. (Al Fazl 17th March 1939) Khidmat e Khalq does not mean service of Ahmadiyyat. God wishes that you serve all his people no matter what religion or country they are from. Even if someone is your enemy then help him in his time of trouble. (Address Jalsa Salana 1954) It is important to punish someone who has done something wrong. Surely nations rise after punishment. Surely without punishment true honesty cannot be created. There is no doubt however that the first means of creating honesty is through love. (Friday sermon 14 th March 1939) The sign of living nations is that their young men are trying to become the successors of their elders. A nation in which this quality is created never dies. A nation in which this quality does not exist cannot be kept alive by anyone. No matter how hard someone tries that nation will surely die. However, if the quality exists in a nation that its young people possess great aspirations for their nation, possess great purpose and do their tasks correctly then those nations do not die but in fact rise. If anyone tries to destroy them no matter how hard they try they cannot succeed. (Mashal e Rah volume 4 pg 203)

11 Just reports do not mean anything. The important thing is living activity which every person should be able to see. Quality work is such that if a stranger came he would be able to see that there is an effective and hard working Jam'at present here. (Al Fazl 17th November 1933) If it is your wish that your descendants increase and rise, then do not worry about their comfort and rest but their spiritual improvement. If we want out descendants to rise and be counted like the stars in the sky then one method is that we should not make them time wasters, lazy, slothful and people who love ease in childhood. In fact, we should fully monitor and train them in their actions and etiquettes. (Mashale Rah volume 4 pg 191) I have created Ansarullah, Khuddam ul Ahmadiyya and Atfal ul Ahmadiyya so the Jam'at develops the ability to copy each other in doing good deeds. Children will copy children. Young men will copy young men and older people will copy other older people. When children, young men and older people will all see that others in our age group have an inclination toward religion. That they are busy in learning religious knowledge and spreading it throughout the world. That they are busy in competing with each other in doing good deeds. Then they will develop enthusiasm in their hearts to take part in good deeds and try to compete with them in good works. This change can only come about when this system is established in the Jam'at and no child, young man or older man is not part of this system. (Al Fazl 11th October 1944) Since a period of time I have divided the Jam'at into three parts. This is so the entire strength and effort of the Jam'at in concentrated toward the spread of Ahmadiyyat. That they should spend all their efforts in the establishment of their beliefs and in the spread of good works. These three important parts are Ansarullah, Khuddam ul Ahmadiyya and Atfal ul Ahmadiyya. (Al Fazl 11th October 1944) My purpose in organising the organisations of Ansarullah and Khuddam ul Ahmadiyya is to complete the four walls of our building. One wall is Ansarullah. The second wall is Khuddam ul Ahmadiyya and the third wall is Atfal ul Ahmadiyya. The fourth wall is Lajna Maillah. ( Address 23rd August 1940) If you learn the translation of the Holy Qur'an then you will automatically understand Bukhari ( a book of traditions of the Holy Prophet saw) and other such books. If someone does not read the translation of the Holy Qur an, then I don't understand how he can call himself a Momin (believer). The Holy Qur'an is a letter which God has written to his followers. What sort of believer is the person who does not read it? (Mashal e Rah volume 4 pg 175)

12 Khalifatul Masih III ra Dear children Assalamuikum wa rahmatullahu wa barakatahu Allah has intended that he will cause our religion to dominate the whole world. All of the nations of the world will collect under the flag of the Holy Prophet saw. This task has been given by our Gracious and Merciful God to the Jumaat e Ahmadiyya. The Atfal of our Jam'at have to grow up, spread our message and be responsible for the training of nations. This is why it is important that you learn about your religion at this age. Create the love of God and his Holy Prophet saw in your hearts. To fulfill this wish of yours the Atfal ul Ahmadiyya organisation had been founded. I hope that you will continue to take part in its programs with eagerness. May Allah give you the strength to do this. Ameen. ( Mashal e Rah volume 2 pg 1) I do not say that to earn from this world is wrong or to follow the paths that will gain you worldly things are forbidden. If one of you wants to become a doctor then I won't say do not become a doctor. If you want to become an engineer than I won't say to you dont become an engineer. However I will say that apart from your profession you should have enough knowledge of the Holy Qur'an that if the people want to make you a teacher then you should be able to become a teacher. This is because you have been promised that you will you will be teachers, trainers and guides for this world. ( Address Atfal Ijtema 1967) I appeal to Ahmadi children today that O children of God and his Holy Prophet saw. Get up and come forward so the gap in the work of Tehrik e Jadid that has developed should be filled. Remove the weakness that has developed in its tasks. I was thinking about this problem yesterday. My heart wishes that in the same way that our Ahmadi sisters collect Chanda together and take all the spiritual reward of their menfolk for themselves. I hope that in the same way may God give our Ahmadi children the ability to take up the entire responsibility of Waqfe Jadid. ( Friday sermon 7th October 1966) In your hearts should always be the living feeling and awareness that you are the children of the Holy Prophet saw. From your descendants and your life the foundations of piousness should be established. You should try to become the pure inheritors of the Holy Prophet saw. Try to become such pure and clean living inheritors that the Holy Prophet saw is proud of you. ( Mashal e Rah volume 4 pg )

13 Khalifatul Masih IV ra Love of God is such a pure emotion. It is such an emotion that generates such powerful loyalty. Once it enters a person's heart it keeps increasing and does not leave him. A good age for developing it is childhood. Into hearts into which the love of God enters into in childhood are fortunate as this loves continues for their whole life. Whatever state a person goes into is never empty of this love. This is the age in which you should start loving your Lord. Try to learn the etiquittes of loving your Lord and develop a personal relationship with him. This should be to the extent that every child develops the belief in his heart that my God is truly mine. ( Address Jalsa Salana 1982) O children! The secret of your worldly success is that it is dependant on your being truthful. Your religious success is also dependant on your becoming a true Ahmadi and to hold on to the truth with firmness. Do not tolerate a lie being told in front of you. If some child is lying as a joke then don't laugh at his lie. Look at him with surprise and ask 'What are you saying?' (Address Jalsa Salana 1983) It appears the habit of wearing a cap is disappearing. This is despite the fact that it is really important and plays a great role in improving the character of children. Children should not think of it as an unimportant matter... This is why I say to those children who do not wear a cap that why do you take up the culture of the world around you. You are Ahmadi children and should realise that Ahmadiyyat has to give the world a new culture. Part of this culture is the fact that we have to cover our heads. ( Address Jalsa Salana 1983) We need such children to devote their lives to Ahmadiyyat who have the habit from an early age of suppressing their anger. They should not look at a person who possesses less knowledge than them with disdain. They should have the patience to learn to their opponent's words and then give a thoughtful answer. When a question is asked of them then they should not give an answer immediately but think and then answer calmly. All of these things should be developed as a habit and form a part of their character in childhood. ( Friday sermon Feburary 1989)

14 Khalifatul Masih V aba My message to Khuddam and Atfal is that they should pay attention to this important responsibility (Salat) from childhood. If you develop a firm habit in childhood then you will become a person who guards his Salat through out his life. The Holy Prophet saw has said that the first thing that will be asked about on the day of judgement is Salat. If this test is passed then a person will gain deliverance. If this test is failed than he will be unsuccessful and will incur a loss. May Allah make it that every Khadim and Tifl takes this advice of mine to heart. ( Mashal e Rah Volume 5 part 1 pg 68) Firstly to gain knowledge of the Holy Qur'an and to gain religious knowledge we have to look at the immeasurable treasures the Promised Messiah as has left us. We should refer to them and read them. This is because he has shown paths to guide our thinking. On following them we can improve in our religious knowledge and knowledge of the Holy Qur'an. From this Quranic knowledge we will open paths for worldly knowledge and research. This is why young members of the Jam'at should develop enthusiasm towards reading the books of the Promised Messiah as and to develop an interest in benefiting from them alongside gaining their worldly education. ( Mashal e Rah volume 5 part 2 pg 35) If a child is not gaining his education due to financial reasons then inform the Jam'at or tell me. Inshallah no child will be prevented from being educated due to financial reasons. To prevent children from being educated is cruel towards them. ( Mashal e Rah Volume 5 part 1 pg 145) Try to develop the habit in your children of saying Salam. This should be a continuous part of their training. When they leave their house they should leave after saying Salam. When they enter into a house they should enter after saying Salam. Then try to make them understand the meaning of Salam and why it is said. Regardless both children and adults should develop the habit of saying Salam. ( Mashal e Rah volume 5 part 2 pg 97) Every Ahmadi Khadim and Tifl should remember that he has to use pure language. If he has a disagreement or some other conflict with anyone he should not use inappropriate language. He should not utter insults or use foul language. When you become like this then this will be a sign of your truthfulness. ( Mashal e Rah volume 5 part 3 pg 110) The Atfal that are sitting in front of me today I think the majority of them are older than ten years of age. This is an age in which a person can tell the difference between good and evil. If you develop awareness of what is good and what is evil then you can avoid many sins. Then along with avoiding sin you will also be trying to do good deeds. ( Mashal e Rah volume 5 part 2 pg 160)

15 Organisational Chart

16 Amoomi Department Please find below this year s contact details for the Amoomi Team as well as their role and responsibilities. If any help required do not hesitate to contact the below members of Amoomi Team at anytime. Role Name Number National Secretary Amoomi Nabeel Ahmad Nagi Naib Secretary Amoomi Qamar Mubashar (overseeing reporting) Naib Secretary Amoomi Tahir Khan (overseeing Events) Additional Secretary Amoomi Saifullah Saleem (overseeing administration and s) Additional Secretary Amoomi Ali Adnan Ahmad (overseeing report feedback)

17 Lae-hae Amal The Way to Work

18 The Atfal secretary is responsible for the training and guidance of the Atfal and for running Majlis Atfalul Ahmadiyya for the respective Majlis under the instruction of the Sadr or Qaid. Constitutional Role for Mohtamim Atfal The Mohtamim Atfal shall supervise all affairs of Majlis Atfalul Ahmadiyya. Roles and Responsibilities These points apply to the Mohtamim and Regional and Local Nazimeen Atfal should be utilised for Waqar-e-Amal and Amoomi duties at Juma etc. Majlis Atfalul Ahmadiyya should become separate and have their own committee under Sadr Majlis [Mulaqaat with Huzur ] Organize events in order to promote the training of the Atfal Ensure all Atfal have basic Islamic knowledge as well as on the Nation and Country in which they live Organize sports and exercise activities for Atfal and encourage maximum participation Ensure plans are implemented to safeguard the moral welfare of the Atfal from the evils of society Ensure Atfal excel in their educational development Encourage Atfal to participate fully in local, regional and national events Mohtamim Atfal These points only apply to the Mohtamim Reports directly to Sadr Majlis, but runs the activities of Majlis Atfalul Ahmadiyya UK. This Majlis has an Amila at national level and this along with its activities mirror that of Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya UK. The Mohtamim should visit a minimum of 3-4 qiadat general meetings The Mohtamim should visit at least 1 or 2 qiadats every month (NAM ) The first 3 months of the year should be for the training of local secretaries. The. Mohtamim should focus on calls to local secretaries rather than letters. Obtain . addresses of local secretaries, set monthly tasks (NAM ) The Mohtamim should contact local secretaries regularly, at least once a month (NAM ) A list should be created of young children about to turn atfal so that a letter can be sent to them introducing Majlis Atfalul Ahmadiyya (NAM ) Atfal Majlis-e-Amila meeting minutes should be submitted to Sadr Majlis (NBM )

19 Set up an annual Atfal syllabus, even if only 2 pages, with key goals for the year (NBM 11/04/06) Send each copy of Tahir Magazine to previous Mohtamimeen Atfal (NBM 11/04/06) Regional and Qiadat Nazim AtfalThese points only apply to the Regional and Qiadat Nazimeen Laehae Amal 4th Edition The Way to Work Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya UK - Aitmaad Department Page 29 of 78 Implementing any instructions from the National Majlis-e-Amila with regard to his department Rules of Atfal administration 1) Every tifl between seven and fifteen is a member of Majlis Atfal ul Ahmadiyya. However those Atfal who reach the age of fifteen until 31 st October will only become Khuddam at the beginning of the new year ( 1 st November) 2) Atfal from the age of seven to twelve will be Mayar e Saghir and between thirteen and fifteen will be Mayar e Kabir 3) The Majlis Atfal ul Ahmadiyya will work under the supervision of Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya 4) The supervisor and highest office holder of the Maljis Atfalul Ahmadiyya is called Mohtamim Atfal. He works directly under the supervision of Sadr Khuddamul Ahmadiyya. He is a member of the central aamila Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya 5) The local Majlis Khuddam ul Ahmadiyya works under the Qaid. The Halqa Majlis is under the supervision of the local Zaeem 6) Every local Qaid needs to appoint a Nazim Atfal to run the local Majlis Atfalul ahmadiyya. He needs to get approval for this from the Sadr Khuddamul Ahmadiyya. 7) The local Nazim Atfal needs to get approval from the Qaid for every Zaeem (Muntazim Atfal) that he appoints in his local Halqa. 8) To supervise and train the local Atfal the local Qaid or the Zaeem Halqa needs to appoint a Murabbi Atfal who is one of the devoted, reliable and caring members of the local Jama'at. Preferably he should be from Ansarullah 9) Every Nazim Atfal should with the approval of the local Qaid he should appoint the following secretaries a) Amoomi b) Tarbiyyat c) Taleem d) Waqfe Jadid e) Maal f) Sehat e Jismani g) Ishaat h) Waqar e Amal i) Sanat o Tijarat j) Tajneed k) Khidamt e Khalq

20 Creating a new Majlis 1) In any area where there are more than two Atfal between the ages of seven and fifteen the Majlis Atfalul Ahmadiyya is to be established 2) If there are Atfal in an area and the Majlis Atfalul Ahmdiyya is not established then the local Sadr of the Jamat or the Amir should contact the centre and establish the Majlis Atfalul Ahmadiyya himself. He should either teach himself or give the responsibility of being the Murabbi Atfal to someone else to teach and train the local Atfal. 3) If there are only one or two atfal in an area then they can join up with the local Atfal in a nearby Majlis. This is so no Tifl is out of the system of the Jam at. Responsibilities of Office bearers Murabbi Atfal Every Murabbi Atfal should work according to the Lah e Amal and be responsible for the performance of the Atfal. He should fulfil these responsibilities with gentleness, wisdom and with his own example emphasise the following points 1)To inculcate the performing of the Salat five times a day and to be responsible for their attendance in Mosques or Salat centers 2)To be personally responsible for the religious education, secular education and training of the Atfal. They should ensure that there is no Tifl who does not know how to read the Arabic of the Holy Qur an. After learning the Nazira Atfal need to be taught the translation of the Holy Qur an 3) To save Atfal from wasting time, to keep an eye on them when they are playing in the street or playgrounds, monitoring their etiquettes. Also to take care that no tifl in walking around bare headed or using foul language. Nazim Atfal A Nazim Atfal will work according to the central lah e Amal. He will cooperate and take advice from the central Murabbi Atfal. However, he needs to pay attention to the following tasks 1. To keep records of all the activity of Majlis Atfal ul Ahmadiyya and to protect these records. He also needs to communicate with the centre and make the monthly reports 2. He needs to appoint Saiqeen. 3. He needs to appoint his own Majlis e Aamla with the approval of the local Qaid 4. He needs to collect the local Atfal chanda

21 5. To organise local events such as Ijlas, Waqar Amal, Taleem, Tarbiyyat classes, academic competitions, sports and exercise 6. To supervise whether Atfal are learning religious as well as worldly education and to make efforts to improve their educational standard Responsibilities of a Saiq A Saiq is responsible for overseeing the Atfal in his Group. He should keep in contact with them. In this regard he should under the guidance of the Murabbi Atfal or the Nazim Atfal he should carry out the following tasks. 1) To keep a record of the names and other important details of the members of his Hazb in his record book 2) To contact the members of his Group about the important programs of his Majlis 3) To help the Secretary Maal in collecting chanda from the members of his Hazb 4) To check the attendance of the members of his Group in congregational prayer, meetings and other Jama at meetings by the members of his Group. To remind the non-attendees to attend in the future 5) To stop Atfal from harmful activities and to encourage them in good deeds 6) To report inactive or Atfal who need training to the Murabbi Atfal so they can be trained Note: The Secretaries departments Atfal at local level should work for the Murabbi Atfal, Nazim Atfal at a local level and receive training from them. Lahe Amal Atfal The centre has created the following detailed Lah e Amal for the different departments. To follow this Lah e Amal carefully is the responsibility of each Qaid, Nazim and Murabbi Atfal. The responsible secretaries for each department should help the them in the fulfilment of the goals of each department. Department of Amoomi 1. The monthly report form for the Majlis Atfalul ahmadiyya should be sent on the standard report form regularly to the centre. This is so that the centre is aware of the situation and better able to guide the Qiadat. The report form should reach the centre by the 5 th of the next month. This should be sent whether or not there has been any activity. 2. Apart from what is reported in the standard monthly report form other important activities should be given in an additional report. However, these activities should be briefly mentioned in the Atfal monthly report form. 3. The monthly Aamla meeting should be held once a month. In this meeting the work being done should be looked at. The minutes should be taken down. The Secretary Amoomi should read out the minutes of the previous meeting in the next meeting.

22 4. Every week or every fifteen days a general meeting of the Atfal should be held. Effort should be made to make this meeting more interesting and useful. Effort should be made to make every Tifl play a part in the program 5. A parent s day should be held every six months at Qiadat level. 6. In every quarter a Ashra (week) for Atfal need to be held. During this period every effort should be made to make the Atfal programs effective. It should be looked at how successful these programs and the results from them. The Department of Tajneed 1. Every Majlis should keep the details of their Atfal in a register Tajneed. A copy of this should be sent at the beginning of the year to the center. This should include the name, father s name, the date of birth, their educational level, whether they can recite the Qur an, their father s name, level of cooperation with the Jama at. It shoul be remembered that boys who are seven years old must be made a part of Atfal ul Ahmadiyya 2. Separate lists of the Atfal between seven to twelve (Mayar e Kabir) and the Atfal between thirteen to fifteen (Mayar e Saghir) should be made. 3. If during a year a Tifl leaves or a new Tifl joins, then within a month the center needs to be informed. 4. If a Tifl becomes a Khaddim in the year he should remain a Tifl for the whole year. In the next year he should be made a part of the Tajneed of Khuddam ul Ahmadiyya from the 1 st of November. Department of Tarbiyyat 1. Efforts should be made that 100% of all Atfal listen to the Friday sermon given by Hazoor. The Nazimeen should try to summarise the sermon for the Atfal and make them understand it 2. Efforts should be made that the Atfal perform Salat in congregation, pray, tell the truth, are honest and do not use abusive language. They should respect and obey their parents, teachers and elders. They should be well mannered and have good etiquettes when in a gathering. To achieve this elders and knowledgeable people should be asked to give speeches for training the Atfal. The Murabain Atfal should take special responsibility for the training of Atfal. 3. Every day or at least weekly an Atfal Tarbiyyat classes should be held. Special efforts should be made to make all Atfal attend this class. 4. Every Tifl should be made to get into the habit of saying Assalamulikum 5. Atfal should be made to get into the habit of wearing a cap 6. In his Friday sermon on 24 th November 1999 Khalifatul Masih IV aba elucidated five important moral qualities. These are a) Truthfulness b) The use of gentle and pure language c) Tolerance d) To feel the pain of others and to try to remove it

23 e) Willpower and firm intent Special efforts should be made to create these moral qualities in Atfal 7. Atfal should be gotten into the habit of writing to Hazoor whenever they need guidance and prayer. 8. Efforts should be made to increase attendance in Friday prayers by Atfal 9. As per Hazoor s instructions different programs e.g sports should be made to bring Atfal to the mosque 10. Atfal should be encouraged to watch MTA programs especially programs in which Hazoor meets Atfal, Nasirat or Waqf e Nau. 11. Atfal should be monitored in the use of the internet and they should receive appropriate guidance 12. Atfal should be made to memorise the prayers of the Khilafat Jubilee. They should be reminded from time to time to keep rememorizing and reciting them. 13. To fulfil all these Tarbiyyat goals a relationship should be established with the parents and children by contacting them individually. Taleem 1. Every Tifl should according to Hazoors wish finish the Qaeeda and the Holy Qur an in Arabic 2. Every Tifl should be taught the Kalima and trained to recite it regularly. They should first be taught the Arabic and then the translation 3. The Atfal pledge, the first seventeen verse of Surah Al-Baqarah and the last ten Surahs of the Holy Qur an should be memorised. 4. Every Tifl according to his age group should be made to do the tests sent by the centre. 5. Arrangements should be made for the teaching of appropriate religious beliefs to Atfal. They should also receive appropriate guidance in spreading the message to others. Atfal should also take part in the tabligh programs of Atfal. This is so they become familiar with different issues and the different situations that they could face. Regarding certain important issues all Atfal should be taught one verse of the Qur an, one hadith and how to prove this issue through logic. 6. According to Hazoors wish every child should at least try to complete their A levels 7. Tuition classes should be started to help the Atfal with their education 8. A monthly book should be set for the Atfal to read and the Atfal should be encouraged to read it. Qiadat should check whether this is being carried out. Department of Maal 1. All Qiadat should create their budget with Atfal chanda at the beginning of the year and send it to the center 2. The chanda Majlis will be 15. The Chanda of the Ijtema will be 3 and chanda atfal is 12. Payment should be taken from one hundred percent of Atfal and sent to the centre. 3. This chanda should be received on the Khuddam receipt book. The receipts should be dated and in consecutive order. Separate records should be kept for each Tifl so that they can be looked at at any times. 4. Efforts should be made to increase the amount of chanda

24 Waqfe Jadid As per the instruction of Khalifatul Masih III all Atfal should be recruited into Waqfe Jadid. A promise should be taken from each Tifl and a list of this should be sent to both the centre and to the local Jamaat. 1. The responsibility for Waqfe Jadid rests on the local Jamaat but it is important that Atfal ul Ahmadiyya cooperates fully with the local Jamaat in this regard. 2. All Atfal should be made part of Waqf e Jadid. Those children should also take part which are younger than seven. The office of Atfal Waqfe Jadid covers everything from Atfal who are one-day old to those who are fifteen years old 3. All children who give Waqf e Jadid should get a receipt saying Wafe e Jadid Atfal office 4. Children should be inculcated into the habit of paying their chandas themselves 5. Try to make one hundred percent of your Atfal into Young Mujahid (a higher standard which is a higher amount of chanda and send a list to Hazoor-e-Aqdas (aba) with the names for Dua) Department of Waqar Amal 1. Atfal should be gotten into the habit of working with their hands. e.g polishing shoes, washing clothes, ironing, mopping the floor, buying the household shop, cleaning one's own house, keeping clean one's neighbourhood, the mosque and and the local market. 2. Once a month a group Waqar e Amal should be conducted. It is better if the Atfal take part in the Khuddam Waqar e Amal. If there is no such program from the Khuddam then the Atfal should conduct their own program. 3. Twice a year a tree planting campaign should be conducted. 4. Every three months an example Waqar e Amal should be conducted in which two hours are spent. 75% of the Tajneed should take part. 5. Atfal should pay special attention to the cleaning of the mosque Department of Sehat e Jismani 1. For the improvement of the health of the Jama'at it is important to follow the standards of cleanliness and taking care of health that our religion teaches us. We should also get them to understand the basic principles of keeping healthy and to avoid things that damage our health. This is why in general meetings Atfal should be taught the basic principles of keeping healthy. 2. We should take special care in the diet of Atfal. They should be in the habit of eating strength building food like soya bean and milk. 3. The general health of Atfal should be inspected. Their standards of hygiene regarding their clothes, teeth and nails should be continuously looked at.

25 4. For the health and health of children it is important that they play sports which stops them from wasting time. Attempts should be made that apart from individual sports, group sports such as football, basketball, cricket and horse riding should be organised. Physical exercises, swimming and using a slingshot should be emphasised. According to Hazoor's instruction indoor games should also be organised. 5. A tournament with sports competitions should be organised every six months. Trips and other fun program's should also be organised at intervals. Trips should be organised at least once a year. 6. Atfal should be taught how to ride a bicycle. 7. Every quarter a Kulu Jumia should be organised 8. Friendly matches between different majalis should be organised. Department of Khidmat e Khalq 1. Sympathy for the creatures of God should be created in Atfal. They should be encouraged to do Khidmat e Khalq. e.g helping the needy, looking after the sick, showing the route to travellers, bringing shopping for neighbours, feeding the hungry, giving water to the thirsty, not giving pain to anyone and helping others remove their pain. It also means donating spare items, books and clothes to needy children. 2. As many Atfal as possible should be taught first aid, scouting and city defence. 3. Every Majlis should have a book bank 4. On Eid Atfal should visit their poor brothers and make them a part of the happiness that they are experiencing. 5. At the time of natural disasters, floods or other natural disasters they should raise funds and help the affected. Department of Sanat o Tijarat 1. Atfal should be taught different skills such as mailing envelopes, binding books or documents, fixing bikes and basic IT. They should also be taught about computer hardware, photography, good handwriting etc 2. Atfal should be taught to make fruit juice according to the season 3. Once in the year a crafts class should be held, a crafts exhibit should be held and the center should make efforts for a central crafts exhibit.

26 Department of Ishaat 1. Atfal should be encouraged to subscribe to the Tahir magazine. They should read it and send essays, stories, jokes and questions. In this regard they should be encouraged and guided. 2. Every Majlis should have 100% subscription to the Tahir Magazine. The Nazim Atfal is responsible for making sure that every house with Atfal receives the Tahir Magazine. 3. Every year there should be an essay writing competition. 4. The buying and reading of books published by the Ishaat department should be emphasised.

27 Extracted from Lae-hae Amal the Way to Work MKA UK 4 th Edition 6.4 Atfal The Atfal secretary is responsible for the training and guidance of the Atfal and for running Majlis Atfalul Ahmadiyya for the respective Majlis under the instruction of the Sadr or Qaid Constitutional Role for Mohtamim Atfal The Mohtamim Atfal shall supervise all affairs of Majlis Atfalul Ahmadiyya Roles and Responsibilities General These points apply to the Mohtamim and Regional and Local Nazimeen Atfal should be utilised for Waqar-e-Amal and Amoomi duties at Juma etc. [NAM ] Majlis Atfalul Ahmadiyya should become separate and have their own committee under Sadr Majlis [Mulaqaat with Huzur ] Organise events in order to promote the training of the Atfal Ensure all Atfal have basic Islamic knowledge as well as on the Nation and Country in which they live Organise sports and exercise activities for Atfal and encourage maximum participation Ensure plans are implemented to safeguard the moral welfare of the Atfal from the evils of society Ensure Atfal excel in their educational development Encourage Atfal to participate fully in local, regional and national events Mohtamim Atfal These points only apply to the Mohtamim Reports directly to Sadr Majlis, but runs the activities of Majlis Atfalul Ahmadiyya UK. This Majlis has an Amila at national level and this along with its activities mirror that of Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya UK. The Mohtamim should visit a minimum of 3-4 qiadat general meetings (NAM ) The Mohtamim should visit at least 1 or 2 qiadats every month (NAM ) The first 3 months of the year should be for the training of local secretaries. The Mohtamim should focus on calls to local secretaries rather than letters. Obtain addresses of local secretaries, set monthly tasks (NAM ) The Mohtamim should contact local secretaries regularly, at least once a month (NAM ) A list should be created of young children about to turn atfal so that a letter can be sent to them introducing Majlis Atfalul Ahmadiyya (NAM ) Atfal Majlis-e-Amila meeting minutes should be submitted to Sadr Majlis (NBM ) Set up an annual Atfal syllabus, even if only 2 pages, with key goals for the year (NBM 11/04/06) Send each copy of Tahir Magazine to previous Mohtamimeen Atfal (NBM 11/04/06) Regional and Qiadat Nazim Atfal These points only apply to the Regional and Qiadat Nazimeen Implementing any instructions from the National Majlis-e-Amila with regard to his department

28 DECEMBER 12, 2016 National Departmental Plan Majlis Atfal Ahmadiyya UK

29 Contents Tier Levels Approach... 2 Vision of Hadhrat Musleh Maud, founder of Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya:... 3 Amoomi... 5 Ishaat... 6 Khidmat-e-Khalq... 6 Maal and WeJ... 7 Sanat-O-Tijarat... 7 Sehat-e-Jismani... 8 Tajneed... 8 Ta lim and Tarbiyyat Waqar-e-Amal... 10

30 NATIONAL DEPARTMENTAL PLAN Tier Levels Approach 1 MAA Vision and Objectives [Sadr Majlis] 2 How national department will meet the objectives. 3 How this will be implemented by Qiadaat. 4 Monitoring by Alm-e-Inami for Qiadaat

31 Vision of Hadhrat Musleh Maud, founder of Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya: NATIONAL DEPARTMENTAL PLAN A Nations cannot be reformed without first reforming its Youth Our aim is to train and educate its members in true Islamic ways, to inculcate in them the love of Allah, of Hadhrat Khatamun Nabeeyan Muhammad, of Promised Messiah and strive for their welfare. and of Nizam-e-Khilafat, the spirit of serving Islam, country and mankind, To achieve our targets and goals, our beloved Huzoor provides guidance through Friday Sermons, in meetings with Amila members and at various other occasions Huzoor has advised us on self-reformation, establishing a strong link with our creator, Nizam-e-Khilafat and Nizam-e-Jamaat In recent Friday sermons Huzoor has emphasised obedience of Allah, His Prophetand Aulal-Amar It is our responsibility as office bearers to endeavour to the best of our abilities in following the instructions and guidance given to us by our beloved Imam and InshAllah with Huzoor prayers and mercy and blessings of Allah, we will accomplish our goals.

32 Closness to Allah NATIONAL DEPARTMENTAL PLAN GOAL Create a Personal Relationship with Khalifatul Masih Engage with atfal across the country Engage with Jamaat (Parents, Office bearers

33 Drivers Using a multifaceted approach which involves many different departments working together is the key driver to create a smarter and more efficient way of working. To solicit the help and support of MKA UK to help create a mentor s/role models that can facilitate a transitional change in bringing the future generation close to Allah. The following themes below were to be focused on to ensure any objects set incorporate these themes: Sports Tarbiyyat Talim Marketing of MAA internally and externally Recreational activities (KeK, trips) Amoomi Amoomi is the department run by General Secretary for Majlis Atfalul Ahmadiyya. He is responsible for assisting the Mohtamim in all correspondence between the Mohtamim and Nazimeen. Mohtamim Atfal is responsible to provide Sadr Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya with report of activities and obtain guidance and direction from Sadr Majlis. MAA Objective Ensuring the effective administration of the Majlis. National Support Supporting the Regions/Qiadats by providing training and development opportunities with Regional Nazimeen presenting at National Amila meetings once a month highlighting their Regions progress against criteria set. Conduct a 6 monthly face to face meeting with all regional nazimeen and national amila to assess effectiveness of plan and provide feedback. Ensure National Amila members make 2 visits to each region to help and provide support. Qiadat Work with Regional Nazim/Qaid to hold regular meetings and ensure timely submission of report. Hold a parents evening event every quarter and ensure 75% of parents/children attend. Qiadaat AEI General Meeting held in accordance with Central requirements and submission of monthly report by 5 th of every month. Parents evening held every quarter in accordance with central requirements.

34 Ishaat The Secretary Ishaat is responsible for encouraging members to submit articles and also producing reports on local events.. MAA Objective Actively and effectively propagate the activities of Majlis Atfalul Ahmadiyya UK to ensure maximum number of Atfal, Parents and external organisations are aware of activities carried out by the Majlis. Provide stable and interactive interface of Majlis Website. Produce at least print editions of the Tahir magazine. National Support Provide a platform of mobile apps to open up communication with Atfal. Produce atfal news Promote activities via social media (twitter, youtube, etc) Publish at least one Qiadat newsletter once every quarter with support of regional nazim. Qiadaat AEI Submit at least 1 video report a month. Submit 1 article per month for Tahir magazine. Khidmat-e-Khalq The Secretary Khidmat-e-Khalq is responsible for coordinating activities. Mohtamim Atfal to solicit help for such coordination of activities with MKA UK Mohtamim KeK in carrying out humanitarian work without discrimination of religion, race, colour or creed. MAA Objective National Support Qiadat Qiadaat AEI Provide education to Atfal on why they need to partake in kek activities. Liaising with MKA UK Mohtamim KeK and ensuring Atfal actively participate in charitable and humanitarian activities. Partner with MKA and ensure Atfal participate in kek activities on a monthly basis (tree planting, homeless feeding, charity collections, visits to nursing/residential homes, hospitals, environmental and welfare initiatives) 50% of Atfal to participate in events on monthly basis

35 Maal and WeJ NATIONAL DEPARTMENTAL PLAN The Secretary Maal (Finance) is responsible for organising Chanda collection and coordinating all finance matters for the Majlis by coordinating with Mohtamim Maal MKA via Mohtamim Atfal. MKA Objective National Support Qiadat Qiadaat AEI Improve the financial position of Majlis. Educate youngsters about importance of financial sacrifice and how finances are spent. Provide guidance and support to local Nazimeen on reporting of maal information and educating of Majlis about financial sacrifices. Regular monitoring and updates. Achieve 100% monthly target by ensuring 100% particpation. Educate atfal on importance of financial sacrifice. Inculcate a habit within atfal of paying chanda themselves. Aim is to get 100% atfal participation on a monthly basis for ijtema, wej and atfal chanda Not to be in deficit by year end. Sanat-O-Tijarat The Secreatry Sanat-o-Tijarat is responsible for encouraging members to learn skills, crafts and understand certain trades they may decide to work in their future lives. Mohtamim Atfal should solicit help of Mohtamim Sanat-o-Tijarat and Mohtamim Amoor-e-Tulbah should be sought to create environment of learning and development. MAA Objective National Support Qiadat To ensure members are encouraged to learn real life skills which will help them to decide on future career paths and enable them to have insight into working environment. Organise courses/volunteering/work experience/mentoring opportunities for Atfal by coordinating with Mohtamim SoT and Mohtamim AeT. With support of regional nazim ensure atfal attend events hosted by Abdus Salam Academy.

36 Qiadaat AEI 75% of atfal to attend an event on annual basis organised by Abdus Salam Academy. Sehat-e-Jismani The Secreatry Sehat-e-Jismani is responsible for ensuring plans are adopted to promote general health and fitness amongst the members. Mohtamim Atfal to solicit the help of Mohtamim Sehat-e-Jasmani to help steer development of atfal alongside Atfal SeJ team. Engage Atfal in fun sport activities to increase their physical and spiritual fitness and help build levels MKA Objective of endurance and resilience. Hold a minimum of 1 sports/fun day in the year separate for northern and southern regions and ensure 75% attendance of parents and Atfal. National Support Support Regions and Qiadats. Hold at least 6 hikes within the year alongside atfal academy/explorers club to teach atfal survival skills. Hold at least 1 SeJ activity on weekly basis for 45 minutes with minimum attendance of 75%. Qiadat Ensure active support and participation in regional fun/sports day with minimum attendance of 60% from qiadat. Attendance of minimum 75% at weekly sports. 60% attendance in regional sports/fun day. Qiadaat AEI 75% attendance of parents and atfal at national sports/fun day. 50% Atfal to participate in at least 2 hikes run by national team. Tajneed The Secretary Tajneed ensures that data provided by Mohtamim Tajneed for all Atfal is current and up to date.

37 MAA Objective National Support Qiadat Qiadaat AEI Tarbiyyat To ensure that atfal data is current and accurate. Support regions and qiadats by providing data. Reconcile data on quarterly basis Collection of addresses for atfal or parents. Submit updates to the centre on quarterly basis. Contacting new entrants into the Qiadat. Sending 'Change of Address' updates. Collection of data at Local Ijtema using the centre s registration system. NATIONAL DEPARTMENTAL PLAN The Secreatry Tarbiyyat is responsible for coordinating the efforts of the Qiadat in monitoring & raising the standard of etiquettes of its members from a moral & religious perspective. MAA Objective National Support Qiadat Qiadaat AEI - Ensure Atfal/Parents are aware of the basic Tarbiyyat guidelines*. - Provide support & material to regions & qiadats on social & contemporary issue - Offer support in holding at least 1 or 2 Tarbiyyat events per region (overnight) - Facilitate regional exchange programmes - Organise quarterly Parents day events - Hold 2 regional Tarbiyyat events per year (overnight) - Organsie at least 1 exchange program - Attain 75% attendance at weekly classes - Present/Discuss summary of Friday sermon on a weekly basis - Ensure 75% of Atfal write letter to Huzoor Aqdas monthly - Conduct house visits to 10% of Atfal tajneed - AS DISCUSSED OVER THE PHONE

38 Ta lim The Secretary Talim is responsible for coordinating the efforts of the Qiadat in monitoring, developing and raising the standard of education and etiquettes of its members from a moral, secular and religious perspective. MAA Objective National Support Qiadat Ensure Atfal know the basic tenants of Islam and Ahmadiyyat. To deliver such knowledge to Atfal as will provide them with a solid foundation upon which to build a relationship with Allah. Support year old Atfal on how to tackle social issues which they encounter on a daily basis. To maintain a log of all classes undertaken across the country To provide regions with a class register which they should complete and return on a weekly basis. This will monitor both attendance and class content. Provide support and material to regions and qiadats on religious and contemporary issues. Visit Regions and Qiadats. Provide an Ijtema syllabus to every Qiadat Hold at least 1 national essay & quiz competition (participation should be at least one team per region). To hold an Atfal class every week To submit the weekly register provided by National Talim department to their regional Nazim To encourage Atfal to actively participate in classes including but not limited to through producing content for it (e.g by preparing a summary of Huzoor's Friday sermon for the rest of the class) To encourage Atfal to participate in the national essay writing competition No of Atfal classes held this month No of Atfal class registers submitted to regional Nazim this month. Qiadat AEI Percentage of Atfal who contributed towards the content of a class this month (e.g prepared a summary of Huzoor's Friday sermon for the rest of the class) Percentage of atfal who submitted an essay to the national essay competition this month Waqar-e-Amal The Waqar-e-Amal secretary is responsible for establishing among the members the dignity of doing work with their own hands, and creating opportunities to perform manual work to assist the Jamaat.

39 MKA Objective National Support Qiadat Qiadaat AEI Inculcate the habit of Waqar-e-amal within atfal Work with MKA UK to ensure Regional/Local Nazimeen WeA get atfal involved. Educate atfal via MKA UK the importance of waqar e amal. Number of Khuddam taking part in Waqar-e-amal Atfal to help khuddam clean mosques on a monthly basis NATIONAL DEPARTMENTAL PLAN Explorers Club/Atfal Academy MKA Objective National Support Inculcate the habit of learning new skills Provide resources, training, development, opportunities to explore and work on new creative and innovative areas. Hold at least 2 trips abroad for minimum of 100 Atfal across the country. Create National trips to museums, theme parks, jamaat sites, etc. Promote and market atfal academy and explores club within qiadats and regions. Provide minimum of 5 atfal to attend at least 1 of the national atfal trips abroad. Qiadat Provide minimum of 5 atfal for trips to be held within UK by national team. Create programmes to take atfal out for recreational/survival skills activities (camping, museum visits, etc). Encourage atfal to sign up to atfal academy and join the challenges set up by atfal academy. Provide at least 5 atfal to partake in annual regional survival skills programme. Qiadaat AEI Provide 5 atfal to attend 1 national trip abroad. Take atfal out once month for recreational activities 80% of atfal to sign up for atfal academy Deliverables The above will be prioritised and executed Local, Regional and National teams. The period of delivery is 01 Nov Oct However after 6 month review we may need to re-prioritise certain objectives to ensure if we will be able to realistically achieve and deliver what we have set out. Some objectives groundwork could be done and implementation may spill over to the following yea

40 Some of the objectives will be dependent on the calendar of the Majlis and other events that are driven by Jamaat which may cause delay in getting some objectives done. Another delay could be due to costs of the event and budgets will need to be looked at to allow proper delivery of events that would be of benefit to MAA. All the above is subject to approval and endorsement by Sadr Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya.

41 Majlis Atfal ul Ahmadiyya UK Ijtema Pack Majlis Atfal ul Ahmadiyya UK Baitul Futuh, Room London Road Morden, Surrey SM4 5HF Tel: Fax: Web: 1

42 Ver Atfal Ijtema Syllabus Competition Age Groups Syllabus Tilawat Nazm (2 couplets to be recited without repeating any verse) Shaja'at (13-15) Sadaqat (10-12) Dianat (7-9) Shaja'at (13-15) Sadaqat (10-12) Dianat (7-9) Aal-e-Imran Chapter 3 : Verse 8 Bani Isra'il Chapter 17 : Verses Luqman Chapter 31 : Verses 3-6 Fatir Chapter 35 : Verses Al-Fatiha Chapter 1 Al-Baqarah Chapter 2 : Verses 2-5 Bani Isra'il Chapter 17 : Verses Fatir Chapter 35 : Verses Al-Fatiha Chapter 1 Al-Nasr Chapter 110 Al-Lahab Chapter 111 Al-Ikhlas Chapter 112 Al-Falaq Chapter 113 Al-Nas Chapter 114 Adhan All Complete Adhan Prepared Speech (3 minutes long) Shaja'at (13-15) Sadaqat (10-12) Durr e Sameen: Faza el Quran-e-Kareen- Jamaalo husne Quran noore Durr e Sameen: Aosaf Quran-e-Majeed - Noore Furqan hai jo sab nooron seh ajila nikla Durr e Sameen: Mahasin Quran-e-Kareem- Hai Shukre Rabe azawajal Kalaam-e-Mahmood: Gunegaaro ke darde dil key bas eik Quran he davaa hai Kalam e Mahmood: Hai dast e qibla numa La ilaha illalahu Durr e Sameen: Faza el Quran-e-Kareen- Jamaalo husne Quran noore Durr e Sameen: Aosaf Quran-e-Majeed - Noore Furqan hai jo sab nooro seh ajla nikla Bukhare dil: Quran sab se acha Quran sab se pyara Kalam e Mahmood: Hai dast e qibla numa La ilaha illalahu Bukhare dil: Quran sab se acha Quran sab se pyara Durr e Sameen: Faza el Quran-e-Kareen- Jamaalo husne Quran noore The Holy Qur an - guidance for all mankind The importance of reciting the Holy Qur an daily The Holy Qur an - a source of peace Prophecies of the Holy Qur an The Holy Qur an - guidance for all mankind The interpretation of the Holy Quran by the Promised Messiah (pbuh) The Holy Qur an - a source of peace The importance of reciting the Holy Qur an daily 2

43 Dianat (7-9) The Holy Qur an as a part of my daily life The importance of reciting the Holy Qur an daily My favourite teaching from the Holy Qur an Presentation Competition (5 minute presentation) Peghaam Rasaani (Chinese Whispers) Team Quiz Hifz e Quran Hifz e Adhya Shaja'at (13-15) Shaja'at (13-15) Shaja'at (13-15) & Sadaqat (10-12) Shaja'at (13-15) Sadaqat (10-12) & Dianat (7-9) Shaja'at (13-15) Sadaqat (10-12) & Dianat (7-9) Topic: Applying the Holy Quran to our daily lives Team size= 5 A message will be shown to the first team member. Last team member will need to write it down. Numbers will be awarded based on how accurately the message has been conveyed. Team size = 3 Syllabus: Questions on the Holy Qur an General Knowledge Waqf e Nau Syllabus Khuddam Quiz Book (Alif Laam Meem) Atfal required to know Chapters (Surah Al Fil to Surah Al Nas) Surah Al Baqarah Chapter 2: 1-17 Atfal required to know Chapters (Surah Al Fil to Surah Al Nas) Khilafat Jubilee Prayers as directed by Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih V (atba) Prayer when going to sleep Prayer when waking up from sleep Prayer before starting and after eating/drinking Prayer for increase in knowledge Prayer before entering washroom Prayer to seek help from Allah Prayer for entering a mosque Prayer for leaving a mosque Prayer for one s parents Khilafat Jubilee Prayers as directed by Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih V (atba) Prayer when going to sleep Prayer when waking up from sleep Prayer before starting and after eating/drinking Prayer for increase in knowledge Prayer for one s parents 3

44 Rules of Tilawat Competition 1. This is an open competition, thus any Tifl from the relevant group can participate. 2. Any of the verses from the syllabus may be recited. 3. Recitation from outside the syllabus will NOT be marked. 4. Participants may read out of the Holy Qur an and no extra marks will be awarded for reciting from memory. 5. Judges reserve the right to stop a participant at any point. 6. Marks will be given for the following qualities: a) Pronunciation (i.e. Tajweed & Rumooz al-auqaaf) b) Delivery c) Tune 4

45 Tilawat Competition Atfal Ijtema Name AIMS ID Majlis Pronuncia tion (10) Delivery (10) Tune (10) Total Signature Member Taleem Team: Signature Judge: 5

46 Rules of Nazm Competition 1. This is an open competition, thus any tifl from the relevant group can participate. 2. Any poem from the syllabus may be recited. 3. A Nazm delivered from outside the syllabus will NOT be marked. 4. There will be no marks for reading from memory. 5. Judges reserve the right to stop a participant at any point. 6. Marks will be given for the following qualities: a) Pronunciation b) Tune c) Quality of Voice 6

47 Nazm Competition Atfal Ijtema Name AIMS ID Majlis Pronu nciati on (10) Qualit y of Voice (10) Tune (10) Total (30) Signature Member Taleem Team: Signature Judge: 7

48 Rules of Prepared Speech Competition 1. This is an open competition, thus any tifl from the relevant group can participate. 2. A speaker may only speak on one of the topics from the syllabus. 3. A speech delivered from outside the syllabus will NOT be marked. 4. Extra marks will be awarded for delivering the speech from memory. 5. Judges reserve the right to stop a participant at any point. 6. Marks will be given for the following qualities: a) Pronunciation b) Contents c) Presentation d) Memory 8

49 Prepared Speech Competition Atfal Ijtema Name AIMS ID Majlis Pron unci ation (10) Cont ent (10) Prese ntatio n (10) Memo ry (5) Total (35) Signature Member Taleem Team: Signature Judge: 9

50 Rules of Extempore Speech Competition 1. This is an open competition, thus any tifl from the relevant group can participate. 2. Each participant will be given 2 minutes for preparation. 3. Each participant will be given upto 2 minutes to deliver their speech. 4. Judges reserve the right to stop a participant at any point. 5. Marks will be given for the following qualities: a) Pronunciation b) Contents c) Presentation d) Memory 1

51 Extempore Speech Competition Atfal Ijtema Name AIMS ID Majlis Pronou nciatio n (10) Conte nt (10) Prese ntati on (10) Mem ory (5) Total (35) Signature Member Taleem Team: Signature Judge: Rules of Azan Competition 1

52 1. This is an open competition, thus any Tifl from the relevant group can participate. 2. There will be no marks for reciting from memory. 3. Judges reserve the right to stop a participant at any point. 4. Marks will be given for the following qualities: a) Pronunciation b) Tune c) Quality of Voice 1

53 Azan Competition Atfal Ijtema Name AIMS ID Majlis Prono unciat ion (10) Quality of voice (10) Tun e (10) Total (30) ** Signature Member Taleem Team: Signature Judge: 1

54 Rules of Paigham Rasani (Chinese Whisper) Competition 1. Each team will consist of at least five Atfal from Shaja at and Sadaqat groups. 2. The message will be read out three times (or provided in written form) to each team leader. He will then be permitted 3 minutes to pass on the message the next team member in the chain. 5. Every team member must convey the message quietly. Otherwise the team may be disqualified. 6. The last member of every team will be allowed 5 minutes to neatly write out whatever remains of the message. Rules of Team Quiz Competition 1. Each team will consist of at least three Atfal from either Shaja at or Sadaqat group. 2. Questions will be asked on the following topics or from the following sources: the Holy Qur an, general knowledge, Waqfe Nau syllabus and Alif Lam Mim quiz book. 3. Each correct answer will be awarded 2 marks whereas partly correct answers will be awarded 1. This will be at the judge s discretion 4. The winner will be decided based on the highest number of marks overall. 1

55 Shaja'at Group (13-15 Years) Tilawat Aal-e-`Imran Chapter 3 : Verse 8 Fatir Chapter 35 : Verse

56 Luqman Chapter 31 : Verse 3-6 1

57 Bani Israel Chapter 17 : Verse

58 Nazm Durr e Sameen: Faza el Quran-e-Kareem- Jamaalo husne Quran noore 1

59 Durr e Sameen: Aosaf Quran-e-Majeed - Noore Furqan hai jo sab nooro seh ajla nikla Durr e Sameen: Hai Shukre Rabe Azawajal 1

60 Kalaam-e-Mahmood - Gunegaaro ke darde dil kah Hifz-e-Adhiya Khilafat Jubilee Prayers as directed by Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih V (atba) 2

61 2

62 Prayer when going to sleep Prayer when waking up from sleep Prayer when starting a meal 2

63 Prayer when finishing a meal Prayer for increase in knowledge Prayer before entering washroom 2

64 Prayer to seek help from Allah Prayer for entering a mosque 2

65 Prayer for leaving a mosque Prayer for one s parents 2

66 Sadaqat Group (10-12 Years) 2

67 Tilawat Al-Baqarah Chapter 2 : Verse 2-5 Bani Israel Chapter 17 : Verses

68 Al-Fatiha Chapter 1: Verses 1-7 Fatir Chapter 35 : Verse

69 Nazm Durr-e-Sameen: Faza el Quran-e-Kareem- Jamaalo husne Quran noore 2

70 Durr-e-Sameen: Aosaf Quran-e-Majeed - Noore Furqan hai jo sab nooro seh ajla nikla Kalaam e Mahmood: Hai dast e qibla numa La ilaha illalahu 3

71 Bukhare dil: Quran sab se acha Quran sab se pyaara 3

72 Hifz-e-Adhiya Khilafat Jubilee Prayers as directed by Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih V (atba) 3

73 Prayer when going to sleep Prayer when getting up after sleep Prayer when starting a meal Prayer when finishing a meal 3

74 Prayer for increase in knowledge Prayer for one s parents 3

75 Dianat Group (7-9 years) Amanat Group (under 7 Years) 3

76 Tilawat Al-Fatiha Chapter 1: Verse 1-7 Al-Nasr Chapter 110 Al-Lahab Chapter 111 3

77 Al-Ikhlas Chapter 112 3

78 Al-Falaq Chapter 113 Al-Nas Chapter 114 3

79 Nazm Kalaam e Mahmood: Hai dast e qibla numa La ilaha illalahu 3

80 Durr-e-Sameen: Faza el Quran-e-Kareem- Jamaalo husne Quran noore 4

81 Bukhare dil: Quran sab se acha Quran sab se pyaara 4

82 Hifz-e-Adhiya Khilafat Jubilee Prayers as directed by Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih V (atba) 4

83 Prayer when going to sleep Prayer when waking from sleep Prayer when starting a meal Prayer when finishing a meal 4

84 Prayer for increase in knowledge Prayer for one s parents 4

85 Hifz e Qur an Competition Atfal Ijtema Name AIMS ID Majlis Pronuncia tion (10) Memory (9 0) Total (100) Signature Member Taleem Team: Signature Judge: 4

86 Hifz e Adhya Competition Atfal Ijtema Name AIMS ID Majlis Pronunciat ion (10) Memory (90) Total (100) Signature Member Taleem Team: Signature Judge: 4

87 MAA UK New System (Google Apps) This document details information needed for the new MAA system. It explains how to access your via a web browser, smartphone and Outlook. For any issues or queries please contact the MKA HELPDESK by logging a ticket on the online portal: OR by sending an to Note: Your new mailbox will have a size limit of 30GB and the address will be or Access s using a Browser To sign in to your Account: 1. Go to the sign in page 2. Enter your full address (for example and click Next 3. Enter your password and click Sign In 4. If this is the first time you are signing in, you will be prompted to select a new password Using Mobile Devices Apple ios Devices 1. Launch the Settings app from your Home screen 2. Tap Mail, Contacts, Calendars 3. Tap Add Account 4. Tap Google 5. Google's authenticator screen will pop open, enter your address (for example and password 6. Turn ON all the services to sync: Mail, Contacts, Calendars and Notes 7. Tap Save 4

88 Android Devices 1. Go to Settings > Accounts > Add account and select Google to add your Google Apps account. 2. Select Existing and enter your full address as your username (for example and your password. 3. Touch OK to agree to the Terms of Service. The device will sign in to your domain. 4. You may be presented with additional steps to set up a credit card to purchase Google Play media. Choose Not now. 5. After completing these steps, you should see Account sign-in successful. You can choose which services you want to sync to the device. 6. That s it! Launch the Gmail app, Calendar, or whichever app you want to use. 4

89 Check List for Newly Appointed Local Nazimeen Majlis Atfalul Ahmadiyya U.K.

90 1) Appoint Local Amila after discussing it with your Local Qaid. 2) Include all years old in your Local Amila. For more details please see Majlis Atfalul Ahmadiyya Lahe Amal (The way to work). 3) Check and update your Tajneed. If Tajneed data provided to you is incorrect then speak to Local Qaid sahib for help and updating your Tajneed. Once Tajneed is updated please submit revised Tajneed including contact numbers and addresses to National Secretary Amoomi Majlis Atfalul Ahmadiyya & Regional Nazim Atfal for the region. 4) Understand the dynamics of your Qiadat, number of Atfal under the age of 12 & over 12, how far they are from Local mosque or Salat centre etc. 5) Introduce yourself to Sadr Jama'at and Local Sadr lajna. 6) With the Help of Local Qaid do house visits and meet all Atfal and their parents. Take chocolates for Atfal during these visits.

91 7) Organise Kullu Jammia (eating together home cooked food) for all Atfal in the Qiadat. Invite Local Qaid Sahib, Sadr Jama at, Regional Nazim Atfal. Use this as a ice breaker session between you and Atfal. 8) Do a group exercise with your Local Amila in the form of meeting or sports day to build bond between themselves. Ask Local Qaid Sahib to appoint Local Murabi Atfal (senior Ansar) who can assist you with Atfal activities. 9) Identify suitable teachers within the Qiadat with the Help of Local Qaid Sahib for Atfal classes Above list should help you ease into your new role. Purpose of the list is to provide a starting point, please consult Lahe Amal for detailed departmental plans.

92 Regional Visits Majlis Atfalul Ahmadiyya U.K.

93 Observation 1. Tajneed Issues - Contact Numbers, Address and Details are incorrect. 2. Taleem Classes - No clear structure /guidelines available for Taleem Classes. No clear directions to these classes. 3. Sports/KEK Activities - Sports, KEK & other noncurricular activities are not regularly incorporated in Local Activities. 4. Communication - Local & Regional Nazimeen often finding it difficult to get through to All the Atfal in the Qiadat. Similarly find it difficult to approach Atfal frequently. 5. Overwhelming - Local Nazimeen do find Atfal Departmental work overwhelming at times. 6. Age of the Local Nazimeen Majority of the Nazimeen are aged Some of them are working in Khuddamul Ahmadiyya for the first time.

94 Observations - contd.. 7. Contact with Local Qaid/Sadr - Local Nazimeen do not frequently speak to their Local Qaideen regarding their department. Similar do not frequently get in touch with local Sadr Sahib. 8. Lack of support - Local & Regional Jama'at & MKA support for Local Nazimeen is not great. Nazimeen need logistic, moral and educational support. 9. Regional Atfal Amila - Size of the Regional Amila and structure is too small as compared to the size of the regions. 10. Tarbiyyat issues were highlighted amongst Atfal. 11. Building trust with parents is one the biggest challenged faced Locally.

95 Suggestions 1. Regions must keep a complete Tajneed records. Regions cannot sole rely on central team for the accuracy of the Tajneed. 2. Qiadats needs to appoint Local Atfal Amila. Engage years old in Local Amilas. 3. Regional Nazimeen need to allocate members of the Regional Amila to assist Local Nazimeen with their work. 4. Hold Regional Office Bearer forums and get members of the National Amila to attend these forums for training and education of the Nazimeen & Regional Amila. 5. Young Regional Nazimeen face challenges during house visits hence must be accompanied by Local Qaid or his team. 6. Qiadats must spend more time whilst preparing for activities otherwise Atfal get bored and start bheaving badly during class and other activities. 7. One solution does not work for all Atfal and parents. Hence all options must be considered before jumping to any conclusions for Atfal and parents. 8. Engage non active Atfal through sporting activities rather than just Taleem classes. 9. Organise icebreaker sessions (Kullu Jamia, Team sports, outdoor activities) for Atfal and Parents in order to build trust with Atfal and parents. 10. Discuss Atfal Tarbiyyat issues with Local Qaid Sahib also Highlight such issues to Regional Nazim Atfal and use National Atfal Team for assistance. 11. Appoint Murabi Atfal in the Local Qiadat after discussing it with Local Qaid Sahib.

96 Majlis Atfalul Ahmadiyya UK Reporting Systen Setup Guide This document details information needed for the new cars reporting system tool. It explains how to access your via a web browser and a mobile device. Previously you needed to choose the classic option to login, however now you have to click on gmail after that sign in with gmail and it will automatically login. Access using a Browser Cars reporting system is accessed using the following URL: Login Page: Below page shows both screenshots which will show you how to login into cars. 8

97 Below you see two sections one which outlines reports submitted to center and one which shows reports due. 9

98 Below you see section were reports are shown as due Reporting Deadline Local Qiadat Reports needs to be submitted by the 5 th of each month Regional Reports need to be submitted by the 8 th of each month National Departmental reports need to be submitted by the 8 th of each month If reports are not submitted on time they go in to reports due section. You need to use the filter and highlight the correct month and re submit the report. After the 5 th reports get marked as handed it in late. If you don t fill out the report fully you would not be able to submit it so therefore you must fill out each section. Each member is advised to fill this report out as accurately as possible since it is presented to Hazoor-e-Aqdas (aba) every month. So if you haven t done something in the month please don t falsely report it. If you have any issues with the reporting system, please do not hesitate to contact the Amoomi Department under and 1

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