I can share and record occasions when things have happened in my life that made me feel special. 14 and 29

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1 EYFS - Ayresome SMSC Overview How and why is each person unique and special? Which people are special L.I - To gain an understanding that each to us and why? person is unique and valuable. I can share and record occasions when things have happened in my life that made me feel special. 14 and 29 I have the right to think and believe what I want. I know ways that I am special and important. Stay and Play. Family trees. What is Divali and why do children 2 enjoy it so much? L.I - To learn about major religious festivals I can give examples of special occassions and celebrations and the stories associated and suggest features of a good celebration. I can retell the Divali story. 14 and 1 I can practise my religion. I have the right to take part in play and art activities. Let's Celebrate videos What is Christmas and why do children enjoy it so much? L.I - To understand the value of Christmas to Christians. I can say why Christmas is a special time for Christians. 0 and 1 different religions. I have the right to take part in play and art activities. Christmas performance and christmas story Who are our friends and why, and how do people care for each other? L.I - To identify people who are special to use, responsibilities of friendship and the ways that people care for others. I can identify some of the qualities of a good friend and reflect on whether I am a good friend. 12 and 29 I can give examples of special occassions L.I - To learn about major religious festivals and suggest features of a good What is Chinese New Year and why do and celebrations and the stories associated dcelebration. I can celebrate Chinese New 2 children enjoy it so much? Year. 0 What celebrations do we look forward to and why?what is Easter and why do children enjoy it so much? L.I - To understand the value of Easter to Christians. I can say why Easter is a special time for Christians. 0 seriously. I know ways that I am special and important. different religions. different religions. I have the right to take part in play and art activities. What do Jesus and the Bible say about friendship and the care of others? L.I - To read stories from the bible about friendship and caring for others with a focus on what Jesus did and said. I can recall and talk about stories of Jesus as a friend to others. 12 seriously. Who is Muhammad and why is he special to Muslims? What is Eid- ul- Fitr L.I - To gain knowledge of a key religious 2 and why do children enjoy it so much? leader and major religious festival. I can discuss what I can learn from a special person and identify why the festival of Eid- ul- Fitr is special to Muslims. 12 and 0 seriously. I have the right to learn about customs in different religions. International Week. Prayer mats, clothes and food tasting. How and why are some places special? How and why is a church a special L.I- To explain why the church building is a place for Christians? special place for Christians. I can use appropriate words to talk about my thoughts and feelings when visiting a church. 12 seriously. I am free to say what I think and to find out all kinds of information.

2 Year 1 - Ayresome SMSC Overview What happens each day in the Jewish and the Christian creation story? L.I - To retell stories and beliefs about God as the creator of the natural world and all living things. I can retell creations stories from the bible and the Torah and explain what it says about God's relationship with the world. 1 and 0 I know I am free to say what I think. I have the right to learn about customs in different religions. Practical objects to help reenact the story 2 How do Jewish people celebrate Hanukkah? L.I - To understand the importance and value of celebration including major I can retell the story behind the Jewish religious festivals and the stories associated festival of Hanukkah and explain how and why Jews celebrate this. 1 and 0 I know I am free to say what I think. I have the right to learn about customs in different religions. Resources to support learning What happens in the Nativity Story and where can we find it? including the nativity story associated with Christianity. I can role play the story behind the Christian celebration of Christmas. I can say how and why Christians celebrate Christmas. 1 and 1 Role play nativity and small world nativity models What symbols do Christians have in their religion? L.I - To recognise symbols, objects and actions used in religious buildings and I can draw a special object, actions and consider the ideas, feelings and beliefs that symbols used in Christian worship in these express. church. 1 I have the right to play and take part in art activities. 2 What stories are popular at Chinese New Year? L.I - To understand the importance and value of celebration including major I can summarise what the story and event religious festivals and the stories associated means for the religious followers. I can celebrate Chinese New Year. 12 and 1 I have the right to have a say and to have my view taken seriously. I have the right to play and take part in art activities. Parade What traditions take place at Easter? Why is Jesus important to Christians? including the Easter story associated with Christianity. L.I - To identify stories from the life and teachings of key religious leaders and how these are important to people today. I can retell the story behind the Christian celebration of the Easter story. I can say how and why Christians celebrate Easter. 0 and 1 I can find the story of Zaccheus in the bible and say how following Jesus changed his life. I can say why people follow Jesus today. 1 I know I am free to say what I think. 2 How can we look after each other? L.I - To understand the benefits and responsibilities of friendship and the way that people care for others. I can understand stories from the bible about friendship and care for others such as the Good Samaritan. 12 I have the right to have a say and have my views taken seriously. What do churches look like and why? L.I - To identify why some places are special and what makes them special. I can sketch places and buildings which have special meaning and explain what makes them special. I can meet and talk to Christians about why the Church is special to them. 12, 1, 0 I have the right to have a say and have my views taken seriously. I know that I am free to say what I think. I have the right to learn about customs and special places for each religion. Visit to different churches in the local area

3 Year 2 - Ayresome SMSC Overview What do creation stories teach about God? L.I - To retell stories and beliefs about God as the creator of the natural world and all living things. I can retell creations stories from the bible and the Torah and explain what it says about God's relationship with the world. 0 2 Why are holy books special? L.I - To gain knowledge of books as sources of guidance and authority in peoples lives. I can identify why the bible is a special and holy book for Christians and they use it for guidance, inspiration and worship.i can identify why the torah is a special and holy book for Jews and they use it for guidance, inspiration and worship. 0 Visit or spokesperson to come into school Why is Christmas special for believers? including the nativity story associated with Christianity. I can role play the story behind the Christian celebration of Christmas. I can say how and why Christians celebrate Christmas. 0 and 1 Why should we love and forgive others? L.I - To understand the benefits and responsibilities of friendship and the way that people show love and forgiveness towards others. I can understand stories from the bible that show how Jesus loves and forgives Including the story the Lost Sheep. 0 Relate to real life charities L.I - To understand the importance and value of celebration including major How do Chinese families prepare their religious festivals and the ways they are 2 home for New Year? celebrated. I can summarise what the story and event means for the religious followers. I can say how people celebrate Chinese New Year in their homes. 0 and 1 Video evidence Why are Easter and Pesach special for believers? including the Easter story and Pesach. I can retell the story behind the Christian celebration of the Easter story and the Jewish festival of Pesach (passover). I can say how and why religious people celebrate these special times. 12, 0 and 1 I Resources to support Last Supper role play. Make the last have the right to play meal and eat together Why and how do special places and symbols help people show what they believe? L.I - To prepare questions and meet people form the Christian and Jewish communities to talk about the places were they worship and symbols of their religions. I can ask questions to gain a deeper understanding of religiolus places. I can say how special objects and symbols are sued in worship in the home and in religious buildings. 1 and 0 I am free to say what I think and to receive all kinds of information. I have the right to learn about customs for Visit to a holy place 2 Why is Moses important to Jews? L.I - To identify stories from the life and teachings of key religious leaders and how these are important to people today. I can find the story Moses and the burning bush in the Torah and say how Moses is a good leader. 0 What does it mean to belong to a faith community? L.I - To appreciate religious teachings about the uniqueness of ecah of us. I can make the link between religious teachings and how each person is unique and important. 29 and 0. I can give ways that I am special and important.i have the right to learn about customs for

4 Year - Ayresome SMSC Overview What is God like and how does believing in God influence people s lives (emphasis on Christianity and Islam)? L.I - To describe some of the attributes of God and how belief in God influences peoples lives. I can describe some of the ways in which Christians and Muslims think of God. I ask questions and suggest answers to puzzling questions arising from exploration of Christian and Muslim beliefs about God. 1 and 0 Why do believers often see life as a journey and what significant events 2 mark this journey? L.I - To gain understanding of the significance of religious ceremonies which mark the journey of life for Hindus and Christians. I can suggest some reasons why life is often described as a journey. I can use religious vocabulary to explain the journey of life. 12 my views taken seriously. What is Advent and what happens during the season? the festival of advent. I reflect on what these events mean for Christians today. 1 and 0 How do we decide what is right and wrong? What do religions say about right and wrong (emphasis on Christianity and Islam)? L. I - To use the importance of beliefs or values as guides for making choices and decisions in daily life. To identify codes of behaviour within Christianty and Islam. I differentiate between right and wrong/ good and bad and I can tell the difference. I can describe similarities and differences between the ten commandments and the five pillars. 1 and 0 What happens on Chinese New Year s 2 Day and why? religious I can identify the story behind the festival and its meaning for believers. I can celebrate Chinese New Year. 1, 0 and 1 I What happened to Jesus each day during Holy Week (Palm Sunday to Good Friday)? the festival of Easter. I reflect on what these events mean for Christians today. 1 and 0 How do families practise their faith and how does their faith influence their lives (emphasis on Christianity and Hinduism)? L.I - To identify any practices, customs or traditions in their own religion. To describe how Christians from two different denominations practice religion at home and within the family. To describe how I can express my own religious values. I can compare how followers of the same religion Hindus practice religion at home and within and those with different beliefs practise the family. their faith. 1 and 0 What makes some books sacred and what influence do sacred books have on believers lives (emphasis on the 2 Bible and the Qur an)? L.I - To identify how some texts have special significance and act as sources of guidance and authority. To name key sacred texts for I can express my own understanding of key each faith studied. To retell stories and traditions relating to the sacred writing. sacred texts and say how it might influence religious people today. 1 and 0 How and why do religions teach that people should care for others and the natural world? creation story of Christains and the should care for the natural world and other activities of Christians relating to care of the planet. I can research Christian aid. 1 and 0 I

5 Year 4 - Ayresome SMSC Overview How do families practise their faith and how does their faith influence their lives (emphasis on Islam and Sikhism)? L.I - To identify any practices, customs or traditions in their own religion. To describe how Muslims practice religion at home and I can express my own religious values. I can within the family. To describe how Sikhs practice religion at home and within the family. compare how followers of the same religion and those with different beliefs practise their faith. 1 and 0 Family member or a visitor to engage with the class How and why do religious people celebrate religious festivals (emphasis 2 on Divali)? understanding of how Hindus celebrate the festival of Divali. I reflect on what these events mean for Hindus today. 12 and 0 Ramadan faith assembly How is Christmas celebrated in different parts of the world? understanding of how different religions celebrate Christmas. I reflect on what these events mean for religious people today. 1 and 0 International stories What is worship and how is it expressed (emphasis on worship in houses of worship)? I can reflect on a spirtually significant place L.I - To identify what makes a plcae sacred. and express ideas about what makes this To recognise what prayer is, how, when and special to me. I can contrast the places of why people pray. worship for different religions. 1 and 0 Visit mosque or other houses of worship What art and craft activities do Chinese people engage in at New Year 2 and why? religious I can engage with the story behind the festival and its meaning for believers. I can celebrate Chinese New Year through craft activities. 1, 0 and 1 I What is Lent and what do different Christians do during Lent and why? the festival of advent. I lent on what these events mean for Christians today. 1 and 0 Who are the leaders within the different religions? L.I - To acknowledge the beliefs and teachings of key religious figures. To study examples of their teaching. I can define what makes a good role model. I can identify the qualities if each religious leader. I can retell religious stories. 1 and 0 2 What makes some books sacred and what influence do sacred books have on believers lives (emphasis on the bible and the Guru Granth Sahib)? How and why do religions teach that people should care for others and the natural world (emphasis Islam)? L.I - To identify how some texts have special significance and act as sources of guidance and authority. To name key sacred texts for I can express my own understanding of key each faith studied. To retell stories and traditions relating to the sacred writing. sacred texts and say how it might influence religious people today. 1 and 0 creation story of Muslims and the activities should care for the natural world and other of Muslims relating to care of the planet. I can research Islam aid/muslim relief. 1 and 0 Copies of sacred texts from Mboro library I Links with local charities

6 Year 5 - Ayresome SMSC Overview What is God like and how does believing in God influence people s lives (emphasis on Hinduism and Sikhism)? L.I - To describe some of the attributes of God and how belief in God influences peoples lives. I can describe some of the ways in which Hindus and Sikhs think of God. I ask questions and suggest answers to puzzling questions arising from exploration of Hindu and Sikh beliefs about God. 1 and 0 Why do believers often see life as a journey and what significant events mark this journey (emphasis on 2 Muslims and Sikhs) L.I - To gain understanding of the significance of religious ceremonies which mark the journey of life for Muslims and Sikhs. I can suggest some reasons why life is often described as a journey. I can use religious vocabulary to explain the journey of life. 12 and 0 Hindu temple visit What special food is associated with Christmas and why? understanding of how different religions celebrate Christmas. I reflect on what these events mean for religious people today. 1 and 0 How do we decide what is right and wrong? What do religions say about right and wrong (emphasis Sikhism)? L. I - To use the importance of beliefs or values as guides for making choices and decisions in daily life. To identify codes of behaviour within Sikhism. I differentiate between right and wrong/ good and bad and I can tell the difference. I can summarise the key principles of Sikh conducta nd how Sikhs put these priniciples into action in every day life. 1 and 0 Why does the Chinese New Year season last for 15 days and how does the season end (with the Lantern 2 Festival)? religious I can engage with the story behind the festival and its meaning for believers. I can celebrate Chinese New Year and explore the lantern festival. 1, 0 and 1 I What are the Stations of the Cross and L.I - To understand how rituals and symbols I can research the stations of the cross and why do they exist in many churches? are used in worship. make links to rituals and symbols. 1 and 0 Visit to Christian church or Catholic church Who are the religious leaders and why do people follow them today? L.I - To acknowledge the beliefs and teachings of key religious figures and how they have inspired and influenced followers today. I can define what makes a good role model. I can identify the qualities if each religious leader. I can give reasons why is held my an inspirational religious leader and an example to follow. 1 and 0 Visit to mosque What different religions exist in our school and what are the main beliefs 2 of each of the religions represented? L.I To reflect on the values that are important in their own lifes and in the school community. To identify how respect I can describe how religious beliefs and and care for others is show within the 'family' of the school. values influence my daily life and relationships. 1 and 0 How and why do religions teach that people should care for others and the natural world (emphasis Sikhism)? should care for the natural world and other creation story of Sikhism and the activities of Sikhism relating to care of the planet. I can reconginse these principles through a study of the langar or kitchen in the gurdwara. 1 and 0 I

7 Year 6 - Ayresome SMSC Overview What is worship and how is it expressed (emphasis on worship in the home)? I can reflect on a spirtually significant place L.I - To identify what makes a place sacred. and express ideas about what makes this To recognise what prayer is, how, when and special to me. I can identify practices for why people pray. worship in the home. 1 and 0 What festivals of light take place during the Autumn term (e.g. Halloween, Bonfire Night, Divali, 2 Advent, Hanukkah, Christmas)? religious I can engage with the story behind different light festivals. I can associate them with 12 and 0 What is Epiphany and why is it important to Christians? religious events are celebrated. I can research the celebration of epiphany. I can compare and contrast this to other Christianity celebrations. 1 and 0 How and why do religious people celebrate festivals (emphasis on Baisakhi)? understanding of how Sikhs celebrate the festival of Baisakhi. I reflect on what these events mean for Sikhs today. 1 and 0 What food do the Chinese like to eat, 2 especially at New Year, and why? religious I can engage with the story behind the festival and its meaning for believers. I can celebrate Chinese New Year and explore traditional chinese recipes. 1, 0 and 1 I What symbols are associated with Easter and what do they mean? To identify symbols associated with Easter. the festival of Easter and what these events mean for Christians today. I can recognise the symbols associated with Easter. 1 and 0 Who were the 10 Gurus and how are they significant to Hinduism? L.I - To acknowledge the beliefs and teachings of key religious figures and how I retell stories and teachings of the Sikh they have inspired and influenced followers Gurus and show an understanding of their today. meaning and importance for Sikhs 1 and 0 How I can use religious teachings about the natural world to establish 2 an Ayresome charity aid? creation stories from all religions relating to care of the planet. I can apply the principles should care for the natural world and other of justice and stewardship to support a local charity. 1 and 0 A visitor who has an indepth understanding of the religion How and why do religious people celebrate festivals (emphasis on Eid- ul- Adha)? understanding of how Muslims celebrate the festival of Eid - ul - Adha. I reflect on what these events mean for Muslims today. 1 and 0 I



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