Apostles and Evangelists. œ œ œ. œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ. Were They And. œ œ. œ œ œ. œ œ. To With And. œ œ œ œ. œ œ œ œ

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1 Harry Hagan, SB Descant Soprano Al Tenor Bass Keyoard 3 3 * call Re - veal - ing A ngue A - For Lord, Lord, pos- like grant tles e - van - ge - lists sun that rings noon us ears that we may hear, A ev - speak low ry Apostles Evangelists. ngue grant us Were y J Christ each day, mus - tard seed Word y spoke hear, Grant us sent that rought a eyes that all tell - we might ing may speak praise ma - es - To With serve him noth - ing praise with - hid ma - out from es - AZMN, CM (86 86) Carl Gotthilf Gläser, Arranged y Craig Kingsury eyes see, hear light see, ty. fear. sight. ty. Text 2002, 200, St. Meinrad Archaey. Pulished y CP. All rights reserved. Music arrangement 2007, CP, 5536 NE Hassalo, Portl, R 9721 All rights reserved. *An additional verse, for a specific saint s feast day, may e inserted etween Verses 2 Additional verses are found on p. 3 of this octavo. Edition 200-Z Three Hymns for Apostles, Saints Martyrs

2 ADDITINAL/ALTERNATE VERSES May e used for Apostles Evangelists Those Called y Christ 3 Conversion of St. Paul (January 25) When linded, Saul perceived light That on faith can see. As Paul he preached this word all: That faith set us free. Ss. Timothy Titus (January 26) Both Timothy Titus shared word work of Paul, with him shared lessing cup That Christ poured out for all. Chair of St. Peter (Feruary 22) Though Peter thrice denied his Christ His Christ made him Rock, Christ appointed him first To feed love flock. St. Mark (April 25) John Mark ecame ust Mark wrote: Kingdom is at h. Repent, elieve mark Cross Gospel s first dem. Ss. Philip James (May 3) eager Philip found Lord called all come see, But he, like James, would have walk way of Calvary. St. Matthias (May 1) Twelve for twelve y lot prayer good Matthias chose To preach all with ears hear That Christ from death arose. St. Barnaas (June 11) Both Barnaas Silas served That servant of Lord, for ir service y received cross as ir reward. Nativity of St. John Baptist (June 2) John s far prophesied his son Would tell of sin s release: Behold Lam of God who comes To guide our ways in peace. Ss. Peter Paul (June 29) In Rome did Peter find his cross Paul his two-edged sword. By lood faith two were oined In witness ir Lord. St. Thomas (Ju 3) douting Thomas placed his h In Christ s wounded side. In faith he cried My Lord God! To Christ, Crucified. St. Silas (Ju 13) Both Barnaas Silas served That servant of Lord, for ir service y received cross as ir reward. St. Mary Magdalene (Ju 22) In garden Mary went To seek Crucified; But Christ found her showed himself Alive glorified. St. James (Ju 25) Sons of Thunder, James John, Sought glory at Christ s side, But Christ for glory gave a cup, humleness for pride. St. Bartholomew (August 2) Bartholomew pursued his Christ To gain oth love life, he for Christ in sacrifice Emraced martyr s knife. St. Nathaniel (August 2) Nathaniel, guileless as a dove, Was called come see, Christ surprised his wonderment With God s reality. St. Matw (Septemer 21) When Matw heard his name, he left His world of gold greed To lose all things gain that life That knows no loss nor need. St. Luke (cer 18) gentle Luke Gospel ld For every ear hear: To all outcast, poor, weak God s Kingdom has come near. Ss. Simon Jude (cer 28) Zealot Simon urned with zeal But Christ ecame his fire, Jude, like Simon, learned in death That love perfects desire. St. rew (Novemer 30) When rew asked what could e done With five loaves two fish, Lord Christ ok lessed roke shared it all as gift. Three Hymns for Apostles, Saints Martyrs

3 Harry Hagan, SB Flute Descant Soprano Al Tenor Bass Keyoard & y Come, Those Came * Like y Come, Those Called y Christ Chris - tians,. called Pe - Mar - Chris - y ter, tha lowed tians, lowed ev - ry step, low. Christ An - man - ev -. DETRIT, CM (86 86) A Supplement Kentucky Harmony, 1820 Arranged y Rall DeBruyn drew, y ry low. y James came step Christ him he this J sent To John ir serve, No ok No day! Take Text 2002, 200, St. Meinrad Archaey. Pulished y CP. All rights reserved. Music arrangement 1991, CP, 5536 NE Hassalo, Portl, R 9721 All rights reserved. *This verse, (for general discipleship as well as Feast of St. Martha on Ju 29), may e replaced y an alternate verse for anor specific saint s feast day. Alternate verses are found on page 3 of this octavo. Three Hymns for Apostles, Saints Martyrs

4 . J 5 & No Take place Cross preach Christ task place up o seek hard lay Cross pro - or ir - teous - a ness, crown That King - each held righ - shin - dom y y teous - ing come, name, love: ness crown y Two That lay ir head. King - run. You. claim find, small; head run!. (Made ( (Like (y ( known) when) Ma -) sought) you) Made Like y.. dom s. known when Ma - sought you he ry all called y king - win y his out - word shine were. now left sis - y with ir ters his out - Christ nets ut word shine.. righ - win m were dom s a y e - one were. fed. sun.. reign. hind. call. fed. sun.... Three Hymns for Apostles, Saints Martyrs: Those Called y Christ

5 Harry Hagan, SB Trumpet Descant Soprano Al Tenor Bass Keyoard & Your Your Praise, Lord (Te Deum Brevis) Ó. praise, u - right Fa - J ni - Lord, verse a - pos - r in - we ex - tle fin -. J. TE DEUM BREVIS, SM (66 86) Toias Colgan, SB Choral trumpet arrangement y Craig Kingsury. Fa - r,. sing, ps choir ite, Text 2002, St. Meinrad Archaey. Music 2003, 2007, St. Meinrad Archaey. Pulished y CP, 5536 NE Hassalo, Portl, R 9721 All rights reserved. Your... Three Hymns for Apostles, Saints Martyrs

6 7 & &. might - all white - true... true y roed J deeds won - mar - on - pro - ders tyr. we ho oy - - Com - Com - fort - er:. J on - Son,. claim, oast: Son, J de - ous fort - clare Lord, hymn er: Most We w Call.. w Praise you, Three.. with ho - forth Ho - Ho -, J an - gels ho -, oin Spir - ir it,... in. glo - ho - Church praise ry in you, of God ev - Three. of ry in.. ne... name. Hosts. l. ne Three Hymns for Apostles, Saints Martyrs: Your Praise, Lord

7 FLUTE TRUMPET in B Those Called y Christ. J DETRIT, CM (86 86) A Supplement Kentucky Harmony, 1820 Arranged y Rall DeBruyn Arrangement 1991, CP, 5536 NE Hassalo, Portl, R 9721 All rights reserved.. Your Praise, Lord (Te Deum Brevis) TE DEUM BREVIS, SM (66 86) Toias Colgan, SB Arranged y Craig Kingsury J 2003, 2007, St. Meinrad Archaey. Pulished y CP, 5536 NE Hassalo, Portl, R 9721 All rights reserved.

8 Author Notes 9 Apostles Evangelists & Those Called y Christ Those who dai celerate Eucharist Liturgy of Hours need hymns for feasts, oth of se hymns were written first of all for those dai celerations. two asic hymns allow an assem learn a small amount of music, many verses allow music e used for many feasts. settings y Rall DeBruyn Craig Kingsury take se hymns a new level of celeration, at least two possiilities present mselves. First, se hymns could e used celerate patronal feast day of a parish. In Europe, feast of patron, which often coincided with dedication of church, was traditional marked with a great celeration oth inside outside church called Kermesse (Church-Mass). ne of hymns might also e used as a kind of alma mater which is sung at important parish events with appropriate patronal verse. Second, asic hymn (without special verses) could e used mark events of call discipleship: e.g. aptism, confirmation, eginning end of school year or of religious education, etc. Your Praise, Lord Te Deum Brevis ( Short Te Deum) Te Deum is a very ear hymn, mentioned already in Rule of St. Benedict (c. 530 A.D.). In Benedictine monasteries, it was common sing Te Deum on Sundays efore or after reading Gospel at vigils. During a visit Blue Cloud Aey, in South Dakota, which still uses it each Sunday, Aot Thomas asked for a short English version of this rar long hymn. Latin word for short, rief is revis thus name: Te Deum Brevis Short Te Deum. Still this hymn rar faithful condenses first part of that text celerating Trinity. Traditional Te Deum is sung on occasions of great oy thanksgiving: end of war, election of a pope, visit of a great person, such as ishop. As a result, many famous composers (Vivaldi, Mozart, Verdi, et al.) have settings for this text. Far Toias tune captures oyous shout of this confession, Craig Kingsury uses trumpets emphasize oy. This arrangement of Te Deum could e sung mark a special event in life of a parish community or add a note of praise which is always appropriate. Harry Hagan, SB

9 10 Assem Edition APSTLES AND EVANGELISTS 3 * A - For Lord, *An additional verse may e inserted etween Verses 2 Text: CM (86 86); Harry Hagan, SB, 2002, 200, St. Meinrad Archaey. Pulished y CP, 5536 NE Hassalo, Portl, R 9721 All rights reserved. AZMN Carl Gotthilf Gläser, pos- like grant tles e - van - ge - lists Were sent that all might hear sun that rings noon y rought a tell - ing light us ears that we may hear, eyes that we may see, call low Christ each day, To Re - veal- ing ev - ry mus - tard seed With A ngue speak Word y spoke serve him with - out fear. noth - ing hid from sight. praise ma - es - ty. For reprint permissions, please visit nelicense.net or contact us at ADDITINAL/ALTERNATE VERSES May e used for Apostles Evangelists Those Called y Christ Conversion of St. Paul (January 25) When linded, Saul perceived light That on faith can see. As Paul he preached this word all: That faith set us free. Ss. Timothy Titus (January 26) Both Timothy Titus shared word work of Paul, with him shared lessing cup That Christ poured out for all. Chair of St. Peter (Feruary 22) Though Peter thrice denied his Christ His Christ made him Rock, Christ appointed him first To feed love flock. Ss. Philip James (May 3) eager Philip found Lord called all come see, But he, like James, would have walk way of Calvary. St. Matthias (May 1) Twelve for twelve y lot prayer good Matthias chose To preach all with ears hear That Christ from death arose. St. Barnaas (June 11) Both Barnaas Silas served That servant of Lord, for ir service y received cross as ir reward. Ss. Peter Paul (June 29) In Rome did Peter find his cross Paul his two-edged sword. By lood faith two were oined In witness ir Lord. St. Thomas (Ju 3) douting Thomas placed his h In Christ s wounded side. In faith he cried My Lord God! To Christ, Crucified. St. Silas (Ju 13) Both Barnaas Silas served That servant of Lord, for ir service y received cross as ir reward. St. Mark (April 25) John Mark ecame ust Mark wrote: Kingdom is at h. Repent, elieve mark Cross Gospel s first dem. Nativity of St. John Baptist (June 2) John s far prophesied his son Would tell of sin s release: Behold Lam of God who comes To guide our ways in peace. St. Mary Magdalene (Ju 22) In garden Mary went To seek Crucified; But Christ found her showed himself Alive glorified.

10 11 Assem Edition THSE CALLED BY CHRIST. Those called y Came Pe - ter, * Like y Mar - tha lowed Come, Chris - tians, preach Christ task place up King - each held righ - shin - o seek hard lay Cross *This verse may e replaced y an alternate verse. Christ An - man - ev -. pro - claim find, or small; ir head run! dom y y teous - ing come, name, love: ness crown y Two That DETRIT A Supplement Kentucky Harmony, 1820 y drew, James y came ry step low Christ. him he this sent John serve, ok day! Text: CM (86 86); Harry Hagan, SB, 2002, 200, St. Meinrad Archaey. Pulished y CP, 5536 NE Hassalo, Portl, R 9721 All rights reserved. To ir No No Take For reprint permissions, please visit nelicense.net or contact us at St. James (Ju 25) Sons of Thunder, James John, Sought glory at Christ s side, But Christ for glory gave a cup, humleness for pride. St. Bartholomew (August 2) Bartholomew pursued his Christ To gain oth love life, he for Christ in sacrifice Emraced martyr s knife. St. Nathaniel (August 2) Nathaniel, guileless as a dove, Was called come see, Christ surprised his wonderment With God s reality. Made Like y now left sis - y. known when Ma - sought you he ry with Christ ir nets ters ut his word out - shine y e - one were St. Luke (cer 18) gentle Luke Gospel ld For every ear hear: To all outcast, poor, weak God s Kingdom has come near. all called y king - win. reign. hind. call. fed. sun. Ss. Simon Jude (cer 28) Zealot Simon urned with zeal But Christ ecame his fire, Jude, like Simon, learned in death That love perfects desire. St. rew (Novemer 30) When rew asked what could e done With five loaves two fish, Lord Christ ok lessed roke shared it all as gift. m were dom s a St. Matw (Septemer 21) When Matw heard his name, he left His world of gold greed To lose all things gain that life That knows no loss nor need.

11 12 Assem Edition YUR PRAISE, LRD. Your might - all white - true we ho - oy - Com -. praise, u - right Fa - J y roed Lord, ni - verse a - pos - r in -. deeds pro - claim, won - ders oast: mar - tyr on - Son, de - ous fort - clare Lord, hymn er: Most We we ex - tle fin - TE DEUM BREVIS Toias Colgan, SB Text: SM (66 86); Harry Hagan, SB, 2002, St. Meinrad Archaey. Music 2003, 2007, St. Meinrad Archaey. Pulished y CP, 5536 NE Hassalo, Portl, R 9721 All rights reserved. Call. glo - ry ho - Church in praise you,. sing, ps choir ite,. with ho - forth Ho - of God ev - Three Your J, an - ho - oin Spir -. of name. Hosts. ry l. in ne. For reprint permissions, please visit nelicense.net or contact us at gels, ir it,

œ called Pe - Mar - fol - Chris - and by James came step drew, y ry low Christ œ œ œ œ j œ Made And Like They And shall

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