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1 AWAKENING THE CHILDREN OF THE LAW OF ONE ( IIA ) Dr. Henry and Erika Monteith Everything written below is from the point of view of our personal cosmology. It is not intended to be true for anyone else reading it, and we are most certainly not attempting to convince the reader of anything whatsoever. Even if we desired to do so, it is impossible; because one person can never transfer his understanding to another! It is for you to prove or disprove according to your ability to expand your consciousness. You are a Microcosm, created to view the Cosmos from your own unique point of view; therefore, if you wish to experience the indescribable joy and happiness of knowing who you are, where you came from, and where you are going, you must develop your personal cosmology from scratch to the level of awareness where you feel the wondrous bliss of being at One with The Consciousness of Energy! Remember, right and wrong are dual aspects of the same thing! Arguing between them is useless, because one cannot exist without the other; it is for you to choose which side you will physically realize and which side you will leave unfulfilled in your unconscious mind where it must eternally serve as a reference! Since the physical body of a person begins at the instant of birth, and ends at the instant of death, a history of the person s physical life can be written. But the Spirit of a person is ETERNAL, experiencing neither birth nor death; therefore, an eternal history of It can never be written! Consequently, the only way in which the cosmic evolutionary and involutionary processes of Mankind can be historically discussed in a finite perceivable manner, is that THEY ARE CYCLIC with the present phase dual projecting itself forward to become the future phase! The greatest Law of Spiritual Science states: ALL IS VIBRATION! THE 26,000 YEAR CYCLIC REGENERATION OF CONSCIOUSNESS Throughout the Timeless Domain of Eternity, which extends into the BOUNDLESSNESS beyond The Projective Boundary at Infinity, with which BCE enfolds THE COSMOS as ONE indivisible WHOLE, no greater description can be found than the ancient Spiritual Science Proclamation: ALL IS -1-

2 VIBRATION! The fact that energy is directly proportional to vibratory frequency is the essence of Quantum Mechanics which constitutes, along with The Theory of Relativity, the foundation of all UNIFIED THEORIES OF EVERYTHING being developed today. Therefore, it should come as no surprise that Mankind s evolutionary and involutionary processes of Spiritual Development on earth is also cyclic! The astonishing fact that Mankind s Evolutionary and Involutionary Cycle of Spiritual Development on Earth (EIC) correlates 100 percent with the procession of the equinoxes means that it is not only driven by Nature but unfolds itself with the precision of Nature (A thorough discussion of this is given in Appendix II of our book Soulmate Cosmological Action and in Evolution (Spirit Cycle II) on our website). Therefore, any predictions of mankind s future which are based upon its past and present cyclic action, are guaranteed to come true because the cyclic energy which is projected forward cannot be thwarted! We shall proceed to show that the processes which must now be utilized to transform each person s plane of consciousness across the neutral action point that separates the Caterpillar Phase from the Butterfly Phase of EIC were developed and energized, by The Children of the Law of One (CLO) during The Great Golden Age of Egypt that occurred almost 1000 years before the final sinking of Atlantis! Before discussing the historical aspects, we first give a brief description of how the action on any part of EIC is Dual-Projected forward by one-half phase, or 180 degrees. We will use the corresponding energy of the motion of a pendulum to represent the cyclic energy of EIC. We begin in 17,000 BC with the civilization of Lemuria th which had reached the 7 level of Feminine Spiritual Awareness (see Figure(1)) the highest obtainable at our level of mass-energy density and light speed. The maximum feminine spiritual energy, which is expressed by The Children of the Law of One (CLO), at this high level, is represented by the pendulum, at its far right position, where it has maximum feminine potential energy. At the peak of the Divine Lemurian civilization, THE MOTHER GODDESS REIGNED SUPREME and helping the Children to unfold all of their unlimited Divine Potentials, fulfill the purpose of their incarnation, lovingly serve others, and ultimately become co-creators with BCE, was the highest possible manner in which BCE could be worshiped! -2-

3 Figure (1) After 4000 years, due to the increasing negative materialistic energy of the Children of the Selfish Self (CSS), the Planes of Consciousness of the people had declined below level 6 with one-half of their feminine spiritual potential energy being neutralized. With their Planes of Consciousness at this level of Spiritual awareness, the people applied all of their creative talents, worked hard and endured much to create The Civilization of Atlantis around 13,000 BC in a -3-

4 Figure (2) manner similar to the way America was created thousands of years later. During the High Civilization of Lemuria, the ability of the people to communicate directly with the Consciousness of Energy required only a minimum use of technology as the world knows it today. Whereas the Atlantean civilization, during which the CSS had exercised considerable influence, employed far more technology. The CSS are all of the people on earth who are concerned only for the welfare of their selfish physical selves, who worship materialism and are evolving through the agony and the ecstacy of life s experiences under the domination of gross and perverted animal emotions. During the Caterpillar Phase, nearly -4-

5 everyone is a member of the CSS but they are centered and balanced by a very few CLO who keep the glorious light of spirituality shining amidst the Darkness of Materialism. Finally, during the height of the Butterfly Phase, nearly everybody is a member of the CLO and they are balanced and centered by a small number of CSS who serve as the reference point with respect to which the Spiritual Development of the people as a whole is measured. Now notice in Figure(2) that the 1000 year time period, which was required to transform mankind s Spiritual Awareness from the Butterfly Phase into the Caterpillar Phase, extended between 11,500BC until approximately the time when the building of the Great Pyramid of Egypt was completed in 10,500BC. The dual forward projection of this time period is 1500AD until 2500AD. It is only after the Egyptians had developed a very high level of competence in Art, Architecture, Mathematics and Science that they were able to build the Great Pyramid and encode it with their knowledge of future events. It is perfectly in accord with the duality of the forward projection that in 1500AD the renaissance was underway with Art, Architecture, Mathematics and Science being revived. The 1000 year time period which has been allotted for Mankind to transform their Spiritual Awareness from the Caterpillar Phase to the Butterfly Phase, that is now well under way, is 1500AD to 2500AD. The Planes of Consciousness of the people dropped into the neighborhood of the Neutral Action cross-over point around 11,000 BC. Here the Spiritual Potential energy was neutral, as indicated by the pendulum at its center position, and the action of EIC was tending to transform Mankind s Spiritual Awareness from the Butterfly Phase to the Caterpillar Phase. It was at this time that the Great Golden Age of Egypt began, and even though overall, and around the world, Mankind s Planes of Consciousness were declining into the Dark Caterpillar Phase, a few Kings and Priests, who had expanded their Planes of Consciousness above the 5 th level of spiritual awareness, by utilizing all of the physical and spiritual science that had been passed down to them from Lemuria and Atlantis, succeeded in creating a very advanced system of Holistic Education and Spiritual Development which enabled the Egyptian people to release their Divine Potentials and temporarily build a spiritual civilization that rivaled Lemuria! In order to fully appreciate the fact that their accomplishments established the foundation upon which we must now stand in order to lift our Planes of -5-

6 Consciousness upwards into the glorious Butterfly Phase that is to come, we will give a brief account of Egypt s Golden Age and point out parallels to the rise of Modern High Tech Civilization. A historically more complete description is given in our supporting article: The Golden Age of Egypt. THE DUAL FORWARD PROJECTION OF EGYPT S GOLDEN AGE (The IDEALIZATION IN MIND of Consciousness Transformation) The Golden Age of Egypt began in 11,000 BC, at the point which marked the phase transition from the Light of the Butterfly Phase to the Darkness of the Caterpillar Phase, when Atlantis was already breaking up into islands and the th planes of consciousness of the people were beginning to fall below the 4 level of DIVINE COSMIC SPIRITUAL AWARENESS. Under the leadership of three Noble Spiritual Kings: Arart, his son Araaraat, and the Great Priest-King Raai who had come before them and later served as their advisor, and with the spiritual guidance of one of the most highly accomplished Spiritual Scientist of all time, their High Priest RA, they developed a wonderful system of holistic education which enabled them to help the Egyptian people expand their Planes of th Consciousness above the 4 level of spiritual awareness in less than fifty years, in spite of the fact that around the world, as a whole, mankind s planes of consciousness were contracting as the Light was folding into the Darkness. After the Egyptian people reached their highest level of physical, mental, and spiritual development in 10,490 BC, they decided to built the Great Pyramid of Giza as a Temple of Initiation into the Cosmic Mysteries and as a record in stone of the history and development of Man from the time of Araaraat and RA to a forward point in future time at which the cyclic action of transformation would be dual to their own; that time is the present! The one hundred years which were required to build the Great Pyramid extended from 10,490 BC until 10,390 BC as illustrated in Figure(2). The Golden Age endured from 11,000 BC until the axis of the earth shifted in 9600 BC; this caused the Great Deluge that literally drowned most of the people on earth and suppressed the development of civilization for 3000 years! The amnesia, caused by the shock, blocked all memory of not only Egypt s Golden Age but also the entire pre-history of the human race that had occurred before the Great Deluge! In spite of the gigantic stone structures around the world, which archeologist -6-

7 cannot explain, such as the cut and dressed 1000 ton stone blocks of Baalbek in Lebanon, the Gateway of the Sun at Tiahuanaco and Puma Punku in South America, the megalithic ruins in Europe and finally the same kind of ruins in Egypt itself, the planes of consciousness of present day scientists, archeologists, th and anthropologists are so far below the 4 level that they still cannot comprehend the obvious fact that earthbound civilizations go back in time far beyond 6000 BC. The amnesia caused by the Great Deluge is still in effect; nevertheless, the time has come for the sub-conscious memories of everyone to be gradually revived. Now we are ready to point out a very important correlation: When we project forward in time, through the Caterpillar Phase, 9600 years from the Great Deluge, which occurred in 9600BC, we reach 0000AD, the year in which Christ was born! Therefore, just as the Great Deluge marked the time on EIC when the Spiritual Awareness of Mankind fell below the third level into the Darkness of the Caterpillar Phase, the BIRTH OF CHRIST marked the time on EIC when Mankind would be inspired, by his life and teachings of LOVE, to expand their planes of consciousness back above the third level once more and begin the 2000 year process of developing a new High Civilization that would ultimately prepare the way for everyone incarnating to, individually and collectively, qualify for entering the Butterfly Phase of Light which will begin on December 21, 2012AD. Christ well understood the nature of his purpose because even though he knew that he was working with people whose planes of consciousness were very low, he still tried extremely hard, with seven parables and fourteen illustrations (see Christ (Ouranos)), to convince his disciples that their primary purpose was to expand their planes of consciousness as high as possible through Holistic Education and the Love of Pure Learning. In Figure(3) we see that approximately 1400 years were required for the Egyptians to bring their Golden Age into being. When this is projected forward we can only conclude that Modern Civilization is the Dual Forward Projection in time of The Golden Age of Egypt! It is astonishing when you stop to realize that 10,500 years ago the Kings and High Priest of Egypt s greatest civilization and culture realized that they had laid the groundwork for the transformation of Mankind s Spiritual Awareness into the Butterfly Phase 12,500 years into their future! Their -7-

8 Figure (3) th great High Priest RA, who had risen to the 7 level of Cosmic Spiritual Awareness, realized that it was his duty, and a major part of his purpose, to preserve the great truths that he had learned at such sacrifice to so many. He directed the building of the Great Pyramid as a record in stone of the history and development of man from the time of Araaraat and Ra to the present ending of the Caterpillar Phase. Its records are written in the language of mathematics, geometry and astronomy, as well as in the kinds of stone used together with their symbology. All changes, which have been predicted to come to past before 2012, are shown in the passages of the Great Pyramid from the base to the top; in particular, the time scale is laid out along the great Hall of Progress. Changes are signified by the layer of stone, the color of it, and the direction in which the turns are made (Edgar Cayce: The Origin and Destiny of Man). In addition to the Great Pyramid, RA and his colleagues constructed a small -8-

9 pyramid of records which they hid beneath the Sphinx and the Great Pyramid with a connection to them both. Inside it is a vault sealed with heavy metal; It contains a detailed prophecy of the events which occurred between 1958 and 1998, complete records of THE CHILDREN OF THE LAW OF ONE (CLO) which start from the beginning of man s entrance into the earth, the physical and spiritual scientific records of Atlantis, the records of Egypt s Golden Age, and the profound Spiritual Truths discovered by Raai and RA. After RA th had expanded his consciousness to the 7 level of Spiritual Awareness, he realized the great TRUTH that there is no time or space; that all FORCE is ONE GREAT MIND-FORCE and that MAN is the REPRESENTATIVE of THE NAMELESS AND BOUNDLESS COSMIC ESSENCE on Planet Earth! He developed the ultimate THEORY OF EVERYTHING which includes CONSCIOUSNESS and the complete details of that theory are in the small pyramid of records which we will henceforth refer to as THE EGYPTIAN TIME CAPSULE. THE PURPOSE OF THE EGYPTIAN TIME CAPSULE RA and his colleagues made their Time Capsule difficult to locate and extremely hard to enter because this is the only way they could preserve their contents against profanation by coming generations who would be evolving through the Caterpillar Phase for 12,000 years at planes of consciousness so low that they would immediately destroy anything that they could not understand and appreciate. th Edgar Cayce, the greatest Seer of the 20 century, who briefly described Egypt s Golden Age, also predicted that the Time Capsule would be discovered in 1998, the same year in which the prophecy of events placed in it ends! This is not a coincidence because the Time Capsule was discovered in 1998 and this fact has been kept secret by the physically rich and powerful members of the CSS who are bound and determined to keep the human race ignorant of their true history, their heritage, and the fact that they are potential Gods and Goddesses in the Cosmos; otherwise they could not control their minds and exploit them with usury! The Time Capsule was not passed down for the purpose of giving the people of today something for nothing. Throughout history the people have demonstrated time and time again that so long as they are learning during the -9-

10 Caterpillar Phase, they can never really appreciate anything which is directly given to them for nothing; let alone love and adore it! (See Evolution (Spirit cycle I)). Consequently, for the last 2000 years, beginning with the birth of Christ, each and every person on planet earth, individually and collectively, should have been making every effort to fulfill the purpose for their existence with the goal of expanding their Planes of Consciousness by evolving themselves through the agony and the ecstacy of many lifetimes of experience and dedicating themselves to the Love of Pure Learning. If they have made the correct choices, and done this properly, they would have developed their Personal Cosmologies to high enough levels of spiritual awareness that they are able, not only to comprehend everything that is in the Time Capsule, but re-create it for themselves utilizing the four great Cosmic Laws and the four processes of creation which are the foundation of all Logical Thought. Only that which has been earned, by each and every person, is of value to their spiritual development! Even if the Time Capsule was released to everybody, by those who are hiding it for selfish reasons, a considerable amount of time would pass before it could be translated! Therefore, it is of little or no use to us at this time because its contents must be made available to everybody by December 21, 2012! This means that the only way that we can be ready is that at least one person or group of persons, working at very high levels of Cosmic Spiritual Awareness, are completing the development if a THEORY OF EVERYTHING which includes THE CONSCIOUSNESS OF ENERGY, and a COSMIC OVERVIEW that is comprehensible to the Precious Children of the World, by utilizing all of the physical science, spiritual science, philosophy and mathematics which has so far been developed on earth, that is equal to, or more expansive, than the theory which RA preserved in the Time Capsule! We are very pleased, and filled with great JOY when we announce that our Spiritual Level of Development has recently expanded sufficiently for us to fully realize that we have been working together unconsciously, since our birth, with a group of highly evolved philosophers, physical scientists, and spiritual scientists whose Spirits have incarnated on earth at precisely this critical time to revive the remarkable unknown history of Mankind on earth, that took place before the Great Deluge, revitalize and clarify the teaching and guidance of humanity by the periodic incarnations of the Spirit of the Octave of the Sun (Christ), develop Physical and Spiritual Science, and finally unify them as ONE in order to create -10-

11 the Beautiful Language of Light with which all things can be described Physically, Mentally, and Spiritually! The sum total of this universal knowledge, which was once known during the Golden Age of Egypt, is now ready to be synthesized and assimilated into a whole structure that can serve as a firm foundation upon which a wonderful Cosmic System of Holistic Education can be developed for the precious CHILDREN of the world, and their PARENTS, with special significance being placed upon their MOTHERS! When everybody still living in the physical, who have been working on the development of this wonderful foundation of knowledge, is brought together for a CEREMONY OF LIGHT on December 21, 2012, THE TIME CAPSULE OF THE EGYPTIANS WILL EFFECTIVELY BE OPENED! If only a small number of the people on earth, who have expanded their Planes of Consciousness to a level of Cosmic Spiritual Awareness high enough to qualify as CHILDREN OF THE LAW OF ONE (CLO), are present at this CEREMONY OF LIGHT, a glorious future for the Divine Children of the world, who are now beginning to be born, will be absolutely assured! DECODING THE GREAT PYRAMID (The LOVE process of Consciousness Transformation) The Evolutionary and Involutionary Cycle (EIC) of Mankind s spiritual development on earth is of such great importance to BCE that it never has been, is not now, and never will be left to chance! BCE always has been and always will be centering each and every person from within and enfolding them from without; however, they must eventually, and by choice, fulfill their purpose of helping BCE expand His Cosmic Spiritual Awareness beyond His projective boundary at infinity! To do this each person must first overcome their selfish self, at a time of their choice, and then rise above materialism, and gradually, through the love of pure learning, expand their Planes of Consciousness toward becoming ONE with BCE in His Bliss, Love, and Light. Everyone who has obtained ONENESS with BCE are called CHILDREN OF THE LAW OF ONE and they dedicate themselves exclusively to releasing all of their Divine Potentials and utilizing the God-like powers which result to help everybody, who sincerely desires their help, expand their Planes of Consciousness into ONENESS with BCE. -11-

12 th th During the 19 and 20 centuries, a number of very advanced Souls who had lived during Egypt s Golden Age desired to reincarnate on earth in this time span to provide help to those who were striving to understand the meaning of the Great th Pyramid. The four most important investigators were all born in the 19 century and made original and thorough studies of the Great Pyramid. They are listed and described as follows: (1) Charles Piazzi Smyth ( ) - was an Astronomer Royal for Scotland. He is well known for many innovations in Astronomy and his pyramidological and metrological studies of the Great Pyramid of Giza. He defined the pyramid inch as being equal to British inches. He discovered several natural numbers encoded in the structure of the Great Pyramid such as its perimeter being the number of days in the year multiplied by 1000, the distance from the earth to the Sun, the diameter of the earth, etc. It is interesting that he chose to be an astronomer because the Egyptian High Priest RA and his colleagues were expert astronomers and encoded many astronomical measurements into the structure of the Great Pyramid. There is no doubt that he was an incarnation from the Golden Age of Egypt. The title of his book is: Our Inheritance in the Great Pyramid. (2) Flinders Petrie ( ) - was an English Egyptologist who specialized in surveying monuments for the purpose of understanding their geometry. There is no doubt that he was subconsciously recalling his life during the Golden Age of Egypt when he chose to be an Egyptologist! He made the first proper survey of the Great Pyramid and the Giza Plateau. His published report on this triangulation survey and his analysis of the architecture of Giza was exemplary in its methodology and accuracy and still provides much of the basic data regarding the Pyramid Plateau to this day. The title of his books are A History of Egypt (6 volume set). (3) David Davidson ( ) - was an English Structural Engineer which is the profession that is most appropriate for studying the structure of the Great Pyramid in excruciating detail. He verified all of the claims of Charles Piazzi Smyth and re-counseled them with the measurements of Flinders Petrie. He worked with Dr. Herbert Aldersmith ( ), an English physician who believed that the internal passages of the Great Pyramid of Giza contained a chronology in numerlogical and metrological form which detailed the date of the nd 2 coming and the End Times; as well as prophecies and a timeline relating to the -12-

13 Anglo-Saxon-Celtic kindred peoples. Their monumental book, which is impossible to briefly describe, is the all-time Classic in the field of pyramidologic. It is a huge book with many pull-out schematic drawings that describe the structure of the Great Pyramid with great geometrical and mathematical rigor. The title of their book is: The Great Pyramid: Its Divine Message. It was the Egyptian High Priest RA who made extensive studies of the terrain which was to become the Giza Plateau. He took great care in figuring the geometrical location, where the Great Pyramid was going to be placed, in relation to the Sphinx and the four points of the compass. His measurements were of such extreme accuracy that 12,000 years later, when Flinders Petrie was carrying out his survey, he discovered that the Great Pyramid was so precisely aligned with the cardinal points of the compass that it surpassed in accuracy any human construction to date! This kind of accuracy indicates that RA was utilizing very high technology which had its roots in Atlantis. This will all be extensively verified, in the not too distant future, after the Time Capsule has been opened and all of its contents translated. We are also certain in our minds that David Davidson and Dr. Herbert Aldersmith were also reincarnations from The Golden Age of Egypt which occurred over 12,000 years ago. How else can you account for the fact that Dr. Aldersmith knew, intuitively, that extensive prophecy was encoded in the Great Pyramid? But what is more, he knew that we would be approaching the end of the Caterpillar Phase at this time and that according to the Mayan Elders, our nd ancestors and the men of wisdom would be returning (the 2 coming, according to him). But his statement which really made our hair stand up on end was The Great Pyramid contains prophecies and a timeline relating to the Anglo- Saxon-Celtic kindred peoples! Edgar Cayce briefly dealt with this in the following reading: About this time,11,016 years before the coming of the Christ or 300 years before the last of the land eruptions in Atlantis, there lived in the land of Arart (the region of the Caucasian Mountains of Eastern Europe) a large group of people of the white race. The ruler named Arart, was influenced by the prophecy of a godly young priest called Ra-Ta. -13-

14 At the age of twenty-one, Ra-Ta predicted that the people of the tribe of Zu who had migrated from Arabia, would march on Egypt and rejuvenate it for the betterment of both races. Egypt would then become the leading nation of the day, he prophesied. Arart, the King, at the urging of Ra-Ta became convinced of the success of such a venture and prepared for the long journey to Egypt. The expedition, led by Arart and guided by Ra-Ta, was destined to set up the first dynasty and play an important part in the history of the nation. This reading implies that it was the invasion of Egypt by white people which provided the stimulus for the Egyptian People to elevate their nation into a Golden Age! The young white priest Ra-Ta later became the great Egyptian High Priest RA, and the son of the White King Arart later became the Great King Aaaraat of Egypt s Golden Age! If there had ever been any doubt in our minds that Dr. Aldersmith was definitely a reincarnation from Egypt s Golden Age, this revelation, given to us by Edgar Cayce, eliminated it immediately. We believe that we have now built up a very solid case to support our conclusion that the methods of Holistic Education and Spiritual Development which High Priest RA and his colleagues used to help the Egyptian people expand their spiritual awareness into a Golden Age, are the dual reflection of the methods which we must now use to uplift the spiritual awareness of humanity today into the glorious Butterfly Phase of Light! Dr. Brown Landone ( ) - He was the greatest and most enlightened th th teacher of Cosmic Spiritual Light who lived during the 19 and 20 centuries. Without the wonderful foundation that he laid down for us, we would have found it impossible to develop our THEORY OF EVERYTHING which includes THE CONSCIOUSNESS OF ENERGY. For more than half a century, Dr. Landone intensely studied the Key Temples of Civilization with special emphasis being placed upon The Great Pyramid of Egypt. He was so captivated by it that he spent a considerable amount of his time working side-by-side with archeologists who were studying it. In the science of arts, beginning in 1898, Dr. Landone studied 153 systems of proportions, and after thirty-eight years research, he announced in 1936 his re- -14-

15 discovery of the Teleois, the basis of the Canon of Polykleitos, and key to the true understanding of the Pythagorean Philosophy of Numbers. He was led to the conclusion that the only perfect and certainly the highest spiritual concept of numerology is found in the symbolism of the Teleois (complete) numbers and the Mystic Triple Cross that were designed into the Great Pyramid by High Priest RA and his colleagues during the Golden Age of Egypt. It is probable that all systems of numerology, which are supposed to have come down from Pythagoras, did NOT come from him. They were created several hundred years after he lived, by partially informed teachers of the middle ages. Since the Teleois from the long lost Canon of Polykleitos was used to determine the structures of all great temples of Greece and Egypt where Pythagoras lived and taught, and since they determine the intervals in the musical scale on which Pythagoras based his science of numbers, it is certain that Pythagoras must have known and taught the Teleois proportions. They are so perfect that even distances of the solar system accord with them. They form the only basis of perfect numerology. Utilizing the Teleois, Dr. Landone was able to accurately decode the timeline of th key historical events that have occurred during the 20 century; for example, the dates of every major event of World War II were predicted and communicated to his students before they occurred, and were verified by them after they happened. After Dr. Landone completely decoded the chronology in the Great Pyramid, the purpose for which it had been designed, by the High Priest RA and his colleagues during the Golden Age of Egypt, was fulfilled. Not only did it serve as an indestructible symbol of the fact that great civilizations existed long before recorded history, it is a projection forward of the transformation in Consciousness from the Butterfly Phase to the Caterpillar Phase that occurred 13,000 years ago, to the present dual transformation in consciousness from the Caterpillar Phase to the Butterfly Phase that is now underway and about to reach the critical cross-over point this year, on December 21, 2012! (See Appendix II) But with this, Dr. Landone had not yet finished! His next indispensable contribution to us was to spend over forty years of his long life studying the sacred -15-

16 language of Hebrew and discovering ancient language keys and roots from which it was constructed. While studying his very accurate translation of the first four verses of Genesis, we realized the astonishing fact that they were describing the four processes with which everything is created and the foundation of all logical analysis. Therefore, our THEORY OF EVERYTHING which includes CONSCIOUSNESS, is soundly based upon the first four verses of the Genesis Creation Story; utilizing them, we have succeeded in bringing about a happy marriage of physical and spiritual science! The complete translation of the first four verses of Genesis is given in our article: Genesis (Creation Laws). A BRIEF BIOGRAPHY OF DR. LANDONE Brown Landone had been a medical doctor before he came to the New Thought work, and he was a prominent writer and lecturer for many years. He was born into a wealthy family in Philadelphia, and was always known as a sickly child who had to be nursed through one illness after another. His situation was complicated by the fact that at three years of age, he had been injured in a sawmill accident that crushed his right foot. When he was about thirteen, something happened that started the boy thinking in a new way. Prior to this time he had nurses around the clock. They got him up, dressed him, and led him to a chair. He sat there while he ate a simple meal, and as soon as it was finished, a nurse got him back into bed for a nap. Young Brown lived the usual routine of an invalid. One day, when he and a nurse were alone in the house, the nurse discovered that a bottle of the boy's special medicine was empty. She asked him if he would be all right while she went to the drugstore some distance away. He assured her that he would. When the nurse had been gone less than five minutes, Brown began to smell smoke and knew that something was on fire. He remembered that his father had instructed the servants concerning one important thing they must do if ever the house caught fire. He had told them that a metal chest in the attic contained every valuable paper he possessed. They were to get that metal chest out. The boy, with the smell of smoke in his nostrils, could think of nothing but the -16-

17 metal chest. He was not aware of the events that followed his concerned thoughts until he found himself standing on the sidewalk beside the precious box. He suddenly realized that he, the supposed invalid, had gone to the attic, two floors above his bedroom and five floors from the street. There he had picked up the heavy chest and carried it to the sidewalk. When he came to the realization of what his subconscious mind had caused him to do, he fainted dead away. (See our article: Foundations ) The fire was extinguished without any great harm and the nurse prepared to put the young patient back in bed. He refused to go. "I want to sit in this chair and think," he told her. In later years, he said that at the time of the fire he had awakened to the fact that he had performed an extraordinary feat without any conscious awareness of it. If he could do that subconsciously when he was ill, he reasoned, he certainly could do it consciously. He decided that he was not going back to bed except to sleep at night, and he never did. Brown Landone, the mature man, was perfectly well and happy for the rest of his long life of 98 years. On October 10, 1945, he BLISSFULLY TRANSFORMED into the wonderful MELCHIZEDEK DOMAIN OF THE SUN S TEACHING ENERGIES. It was this experience which brought him to the full realization that each and every person is a Microcosm, with all of the powers of the COSMOS potentially within themselves, and that it was their Conscious Minds which constrained their powers from being unfolded and utilized. He wrote many books pertaining to this subject and he would always stress the following to his students: Every limitation your soul has ever known in this life has been due to nothing else but your conscious mind! Conscious Mind is the only factor of the soul which limits you. (For a complete discussion of this please see our article: Landone (Timeless)) Dr. Landone compressed into his century of living an unbelievable career of discoveries, services, and teachings. He was educated by private tutors in America, England, and France. He studied for the ministry at Episcopal High Church in England and received a Doctor of Divinity degree. However his -17-

18 interests changed. He studied medicine and received a degree in medicine. In his medical practice he learned that suggestion did more for his patients than did medicine. He became known as one of the first neurologists, later called psychiatrists, through his work in localization of brain centers. He was a highly developed Spiritual Scientist and a wonderful model for those who were to come. Dr. Landone had a most fruitful lifetime. In 1895 he organized the first boys' activities in the Y.M.C.A. He was an international historian, educator, author and writer of many books and courses. His work in art was so outstanding that leaders in five capitals in Europe made him President of the International Institute of Science of The Arts in Paris. He was scientifically trained but always spiritually minded. He was President of the International Committee on New Education in 1905, which included 100 of the greatest educators in 17 countries. In 1911 he and others tried to form a United States of Europe. He was Editor-in-Chief of a "History of Civilization" with associate editors Lorado Taft, William Hubbard, Edmund James and other noted educators. In 1913 he lectured at Oxford University in England. He lectured at the Sorbonne in Paris in He was sent to Germany to make an economic survey of the then German Empire which he completed early in In a public lecture at the Sorbonne he told the French people that Germany would wage war in six months and was ridiculed. He repeated this statement in a lecture at Queen's Hall in London in May of 1914 and was hissed. The First World War started in July,1914. SPIRITUAL SYMBOLISM IN THE GREAT PYRAMID Figure(4) shows an outline of the Great Pyramid with the base exaggerated in the drawing. The base is the symbol of you and your potentially unlimited Spiritual Powers. From this base of yourself you are able to joyfully expand your plane of consciousness 19 steps upward in order to enter the high chambers of Spiritual Awareness where you can utilize the four processes of creation to manifest all of your dreams into reality. The entrance at the top of the 19 steps was so perfectly sealed that its existence remained unknown for centuries. Even those who searched for it many years could not find it. The door to the entrance was so perfectly balanced that it could be made to revolve easily if one knew how to go about it. It was only after the -18-

19 Figure (4) Arabian Caliph Al Mamun forced an entrance into the Great Pyramid using fire, vinegar, and battering rams that the entrance was finally discovered in 820 AD. Metaphorically, the entrance rock symbolizes very well the effort man often makes; he searches and digs in all around the real opening, or opportunity, attempting to find a way in. Very often he fails even though the door of opportunity stands right in front of him waiting to be opened if only he knew the essential step he must take to sufficiently expand his plane of consciousness. -19-

20 Figure (5) By analogy, 19 projections of the octave which represents the atomic orbitals are required in order create all of the elements of the periodic table which are the building blocks of everything that can be physically manifested in the Cosmos. With respect to numerology, 19 = = 10 = = 1 implying that the periodic table is a completely defined ACTION UNIT. Referring to Figure(5), the four triangular faces of the Great Pyramid represent the four processes of creation which you must utilize in order to fulfill your four great desires that are represented by the bottom sides of the four triangles. The four great desires are as follows: (1) Man wants a plentiful abundance of things; (2) He wants vitality, virility, new youthfulness; (3) He wants the security of happiness of brotherhood; -20-

21 (4) He wants intimate contact with Infinite Power. The SIDES of the Pyramid at the bottoms of the four triangles represent the Four Desires. Each is limitless. For example, the third one, representing Security of the happiness of brotherhood, which makes the peace of the world secure. Now look at Figure (5). Underneath, at the CORNERS, there are FOUR ESSENTIALS OF providing whatever you desire. These are symbolized in the Great Pyramid by the four great SOCKETS which the builders sunk deep into the earth: one under each corner of the Pyramid to maintain stability of the concave mirror sides which are the symbols of man s desires and the four great processes of creation which he must use to manifest them into reality. These FOUR ESSENTIALS of meeting all wants and desires are: (1) All materials and substances of life; (2) All means and powers of providing things; (3) All higher powers necessary to attain the highest spiritual consciousness; (4) The growth and consciousness expansion that links man up to all he desires. Our beloved SUN, who is Man s representative of the awesome creative power of THE NAMELESS AND BOUNDLESS COSMIC ESSENCE (BCE), has always provided Man with three of the four essentials in great abundance: Materials; Means of production; and Creative Powers. However, man s link-up to all of his desires, dreams, and aspirations is still quite incomplete! The same is also true in the structure of the Pyramid: three of the four sockets underneath the base are finished and complete; but, the fourth socket is still unfinished. It was left unfinished 12, 390 years ago! This is very significant today because the positive transformation in the spiritual consciousness of the people living today, from the Caterpillar Phase of Darkness into the Butterfly Phase of Light, is the dual forward projection of the negative transformation in the spiritual consciousness of the people that was in progress 13,000 years ago as we pointed out previously. The three finished sockets represent the wonderful fact that we already HAVE amazing abundance of all wealth of materials needed for a happy, limitless life; we HAVE means and power of increasing (inventing) things; we have limitless powers of increasingly attaining the highest spiritual development. -21-

22 YET, in spite of all of these wonderful blessings, scores of millions are starving for the basic material things they need for survival such as food, clothing, and shelter; other millions have not yet reached the glorious heights of spiritual awareness where the JOY of Expanding their Planes of Consciousness with Divine Love of learning is overwhelming; the people of the world have, at least unconsciously, longed for ages to attain these priceless things. Why is the fourth Pyramid socket still unfinished? What is wrong with the fourth essential in man s life? WHAT is the trouble? This brings us to the strangest of all strange truths! You know it so well that you do not recognize it; in other words, you take it so much for granted that you have almost completely forgotten that it even exist! First let us state this basic, but very important truth: EVERY lack in the world today which is experienced by people individually, collectively, or both is due solely to the fact that Man is separated from the materials, things, means, and powers which exist all around him, or her. It is very possible that when you first hear this statement, you immediately think that it is quite naive and you might respond as follows: of course, the things that I want are separated from me, I don t need you to tell me that! And this is your real trouble! You have not gotten it straight! Your thinking is HIND-END-TO (in reverse), and like most people, you have been thinking this way all of your life. This is the primary reason why you not only lack what you want, you also lack the things you most urgently need but, of which, you are very often unaware! You ARE thinking wrong-end-to; and millions of others, all around the world, are doing the same. Please make sure that you get this straight: THE WAGON CANNOT PULL THE HORSE! Look deeply within your mind and you will see that YOU are thinking, subconsciously at least, THINGS are separated from me! However, the real truth of the matter is: YOU are separated from the things that you want! The separation of THINGS from you is a result, or an effect. But YOUR separation from them, is the CAUSE! This difference is so important, it will -22-

23 actually DETERMINE whether or not you suffer lack for the rest of your life, OR live in abundance of all you desire! And that is a very big difference, don t you think so? It is the HUMAN factor that we are emphasizing here! The missing link-up exists in MAN, and not in things. When you realize this, it WILL TRANSFORM your life! It WILL STOP all your useless efforts of trying to adjust things, and all your waiting for conditions to change! The lack is NOT due to new things and conditions. Things exist in amazing abundance! Conditions offer greater wealth than ever before. So why fuss about them? Bothering about conditions will not help you. Thousands of brainy industrialists and financiers are striving, hind-end-to, to adjust things and change conditions. They have even gone so far as to restrict farm crops, limit machine production, interfere with the wise distribution of wealth, and starved labor! Yet, the results are tragic: billions of tons of food are destroyed annually while people are starving all over the world; there are limitless means of producing all that Man needs, yet tens of millions of people are persistently in want! Everywhere, people are thinking hind-end-to! They think that things and conditions are to blame! But there is no lack of wealth in things or conditions! The trouble IS with Man! Things and conditions have changed. But man has NOT changed himself enough to link-up TO changed conditions. The FOURTH unfinished SOCKET, symbolizes MAN S GROWTH into the new conditions; Man has not yet completed it, otherwise, there would be no more want and no more war. Throughout the ages, the Master Teachers of Mankind, under the inspiration and guidance of THE SPIRIT OF OUR BELOVED SUN (see our article Christ Consciousness), have always been attempting to transmit the following Mystic Message to Mankind: Thou knowest thy trains, O Soul. Each hath its engine, and cars; each car coupled to the car behind. Today each car hath been filled to fulness, with wealth of matter and spirit for thee! But the old couplings are gone! And thou hast failed to put in -23-

24 new couplings. Cars of thy train of wealth are un-coupled! Some are sidetracked; some slide backward, running wild to topple over high trestles into chasms of tragic empty want! The problem IS with MAN. The problem IS with YOU. And because of this, THERE IS GREAT NEW HOPE FOR YOU! If the fault WERE due to the new conditions, then, since these conditions are world wide, YOU ALONE could NOT change them, and your problem might be hopeless. BUT, since it is MAN who CAN effect the link-up, then YOU CAN change yourself to form the new link-up. There is now hope and certainty of attainment for you. You do NOT need to wait until conditions change! The Four-Fold Plan gives you the new couplings. Naught can hinder you, if YOU make the link-up. The provocative and profound statements made by Christ in the Doctrine of Thomas pertaining to Heaven and the nature of Man are very valuable toward helping each person to form the new linkup: Christ said: The Kingdom of Heaven will not come by waiting for it. It will not be a matter of saying here it is or there it is. Rather the Kingdom of God is spread out all over the earth and men do not see it! The Gospel of Thomas:113 Christ said: If those who lead you say to you. See, the Kingdom is in the sky, then the birds of the sky will precede you. If they say to you, It is in the sea, then the fish will precede you. Rather, the kingdom is inside you, and it is outside you. When you come to know yourselves, then you will become known, and you will realize that it is you who are the sons of the living Father. But if you will not know yourselves, you dwell in poverty and it is you who are that poverty. The Gospel of Thomas:3 Christ said: Recognize what is in your sight, and that which is hidden from you will become plain to you. For there is nothing hidden which will not become manifest. The Gospel of Thomas:5 Certainly, it is the hind-end-to thinking of Man that prompted the following -24-

25 proverb by the wise Kahuna Priest of Hawaii: Mankind is standing on a Whale while fishing for minnows! Hawaiian Proverb Perhaps the most intriguing example of all involving hind-end-to thinking is suggested by Christ in these profound statements: because of this kind of thinking, many scientists and cosmologists not only believe that THERE IS NO GOD, they have gone so far as to suggest that there is no need for a God to create the Cosmos! Two very neglected and not understood verses in Acts 17 : states the following: For in Him we live, and move, and have our being; as certain also of your own poets have said, For we are also His offspring. For as much then as we are the offspring of God, we ought not to think that the Godhead is like unto gold, or silver, or stone, graven by art and man s device. Just as a fish, who lives in and breaths water all of his life, knows not that he is in a SEA, Man who lives, and moves, and has his being in THE COSMOS, knows not that It is the REPRESENTATIVE of BCE and this is why we refer to It as GOD-THE-COSMOS! Therefore, hind-end-to thinking of scientists, whose planes of consciousness are still at the very low level of materialism, are asking the naive question: Is there a God? and, many are answering by saying: There is no God and the Cosmos does not need a God! But what is more: hind-end-to thinking has made it impossible for Man to realize that His CONSCIOUSNESS is the direct projection of THE COSMIC AWARENESS OF BCE into THE MIND OF GOD-THE-COSMOS! Utilizing the inspiration and guidance of CHRIST, The Spirit who centers and enfolds THE OCTAVE OF THE SUN, you can JOYFULLY begin the process of linking yourself up to the following: (1) NEW YOUTHFULNESS, vitality, and virility of your HEART, BODY, MIND, and SPIRIT. (2) NEW and increasing RESPONSIVENESS to the INSPIRATION and -25-

26 GUIDANCE of THE NAMELESS AND BOUNDLESS COSMIC ESSENCE (BCE) who eternally centers you from within and enfolds you from without. (3) EXPANSION OF YOUR PLANE OF CONSCIOUSNESS, with The Love of Pure Learning, to increasing higher levels of Spiritual Awareness resulting in unlimited release of your Divine Powers of creation with which you can produce great physical and spiritual wealth not only for yourself but for everybody else in the world. (4) A NEW FEELING OF PRACTICAL BROTHERHOOD with MAN with regard to which THE PRINCIPLE OF GIVING AND RE-GIVING is intensively and extensively applied to the very highest degree; in other words, each and every person is striving with all of their might TO GIVE BACK FAR MORE LOVE THAN THEY ARE RECEIVING! This is the only kind of competition that really matters: the indescribable and eternal JOY, HAPPINESS and FULFILLMENT of PURPOSE that comes with applying this Great Principle is beyond all Cosmic Evaluation! NOTHING, except these four factors, can enable you to link-up to all of the THINGS that you desire, materially and spiritually. If you try to work with the concept that things are separated from you, then you will surely fail. But if you work with the dual concept that you are separated from things, then you will surely succeed! Working with things, is like trying to do something TO the DARKNESS so it will become LIGHT. Working with LIGHT, is like working with an electric light bulb to turn it on and dispel the DARKNESS. Please understand this truth well because in life it IS the difference between the poverty of mere existence, and the joyous abundance of life. Also, please remember that your ONLY basis of secure value in these changing times, is YOU yourself. Prepare yourself. Preparation for any profession or business may fail you, because they may change, even before you finish your preparation for their positions. Things and conditions are forever changing; and changing now more than in any -26-

27 2,000 year period of earth s recorded history. But, IN yourself, you find THE basic value. So prepare YOURSELF to fit into any new change. Then you WILL be able to link-up with the changes, and attain what you want. Man s incomplete link-up to the things he wants, is due to Man s standing still, while conditions changed. Since you are the only moving power in your life, it is YOU who must complete the link-up. And since the way that wins is the way of GROWTH, you must GROW into forming the complete link-up. Since in our Personal Cosmology, all things are defined, constructed, and activated according to the laws of THE FEMININE CREATIVE OCTAVE OF COSMIC MUSIC (FCM), we define the seven steps (notes) in THE COSMIC OCTAVE OF GROWTH (COG) as follows: (1) The FIRST STEP, the creation of the seed is essential. You have taken the seed for granted, have you not? That is a mistake. Seeds must be created. The seed is the embodiment of the IDEALIZATION of the thing that you desire to create! A seed is always the result of a union. In the plant, the pollen must unite with ova, before seeds are created. In human life, the male sperm must unite with the female ovum before a true seed of a new human life is created. So also, in your life, your ideas and motives must unite before you can form seeds to grow what you desire. This is one of the secrets of the mystics, the UNION of an IDEA and MOTIVE. (2) The SECOND STEP, it is necessary to plant the seed. Plant seeds must be planted in activating soil or water; and the seed of a new human life, must be planted in the activating womb of the prospective mother. So also, the seed, or IDEALIZATION, of all that you wish to attain, must be planted in the activities of your soul. (3) The THIRD STEP, the sprouting of the seed comes next. In plant life, this is wrought by heat and light; in the human body, it is effected in the womb, by warmth and life. In your life problems, this is effected by love and wisdom. (4) The FOURTH STEP: next comes the birth of the complete form. In plant life, -27-

28 the sprout gives birth to the completed form of stem and branch and leaf. These are born into a world of air. This world is very different from the water or dark soil in which the sprouting first took place. In human life, birth of the child out into new conditions outside the body of the mother, reveals a form, very different from what it first was in the womb. And also, the outside world into which the child is born is very different from conditions inside the womb. Please think about this step! When your desires and ideals are given form, they MUST be born out into NEW conditions; and these new conditions are very different from those of your mind in which their conception first took place. (5) The FIFTH STEP, growth of power to produce is essential. In plants, this means readiness to bear seed; in human life, it is sex power: ability to reproduce human life. This step is the limit in lower forms of life. But in human life, there are two more steps. (6) The SIXTH STEP, involves the maturing of the structure. (7) The SEVENTH STEP, involves the use of the power of the matured form. These steps form the ONLY WAY by which anything can become actual reality. Only by these steps of GROWTH, can you link-up to what you want. These steps form THE WAY THAT WINS, because they impel whatever you create in thought, to grow into maturity. EACH STEP is essential and must be taken in the right order. In your efforts to solve your problems, you often skip three or more of these steps. Often you do not even form a seed of what you want. You merely get an idea. That is but one factor. A true seed is a union of two elements, so that it CAN sprout. No wonder your plans have not come true! A baby cannot do the world s work before it is born. Yet often, as soon as you sprout an idea in your mind, you jump to the seventh step, and try to use it, even before you give birth to it in baby form. To succeed, you must use ALL seven steps, and use them in the order in which they follow one another in life. -28-

29 Figure (6) If this order is not followed, all of your hundreds of ideals and desires will be still born! If not followed, your plans and even your efforts will be prematurely born, linger a while, and then die. You are not a JUG! You can NOT attain what you desire, by FILLING yourself full of new ideas. ALL and everything which you attain will come ONLY by GROWTH; day by day, week by week, month by month, and year by year. THE MYSTERIOUS TELEOIS NUMEROLOGY OF THE MASTER TEACHERS OF LIGHT While studying the structure of the GREAT PYRAMID, Dr. Browne Landone discovered Teleois Numerology and realized that its use was so dominant that he -29-

30 Figure (7) was forced to believe that it was intentionally used to symbolize and record knowledge of the past and prophecies of the future. But he was even more amazed when he discovered that these same records were built into the temples of Tiahuanaco, in South America, 4,500 years BEFORE the Great Pyramid was completed in 10,490 BC. In Figure(6) we see that the Octave is defined by the four determining tones DO, MI, SO, AND DO-OCT. The vibrations of the seven notes correspond to the seven rays of manifestation and there are also 7 intervals in the major scale; there are 13 intervals in the true minor scale; and 19 predominating usable musical overtones of each note of the finer musical instruments, such as the violin. Since the human skeleton is a CONCEPT, every concept is represented by an -30-

31 OCTAVE, and Teleois Numerology represents BCE centering the Octave from within, it follows that the unit of length required to measure the perfect proportions of the human skeleton must be 1/4th the length of it most important part. Our Master Teacher, Dr. Brown Landone, discovered that the most important part of the human skeleton is THE PELVIS which was considered by ancient Spiritual Scientist to be SACRED because it is the SEAT OF LIFE. In Figure(7) the height of the PELVIS is shown to be four units (A Teleois Number) corresponding to the four great processes of creation MIND, LOVE, LIFE, and ACTION which are represented by the four notes DO, MI, SO, and DO- OCT where DO-OCT bounds the Octave Above so that it represents the length of the Pelvis Structure; in other words, the ACTION of the defining Octave of the LENGTH of the PELVIS is FIXED! Therefore, when the unit of length is taken as one-fourth the length of the PELVIS, the lengths of all other major proportions of the HUMAN SKELETON are seen to be TELEOIS NUMBERS! Perfect proportions of the human skeleton means that every part of it is of a size and form that corresponds to all of its other parts. Measurements exact to a millimeter of the standard human skeletons at Cambridge and Harvard and Oxford, reveal that every important skeletal length in the structure of the human body is a Teleois unit in relation to lengths of other structural parts of the same skeleton. If you were asked to study every beautiful geometric design of every cathedral window, of every carving in stone, of every structure of all ages; you would find that there is not one that has been used for beauty which is not composed of four units of space, seven units, thirteen units, or nineteen units. If you were asked to take some 200 photographs of snowflakes which reveal, frozen with them, designs of things that man has made! When magnified hundreds of times, they are large enough so that you can measure each part of each design. And in these, you find that every design is in proportions of four to seven to thirteen to nineteen! All of the designs mimicked in snowflakes fulfill the requirements for being classified as SACRED GEOMETRY. If you were asked to collect a thousand beautiful vases: old Grecian vases, Etruscan vases, vases of the Red Indians, of the Andesans, and to measure each one; you will find that the predominant proportions are always, if the vases are -31-

32 Figure (8) considered beautiful, four and seven and thirteen and nineteen! If you were asked to take thirty or more photographs from different angles of the beautiful Taj Mahal in India, and no matter from what angle the photographs are taken, you will find that measured proportions, as the eye sees them, are four and seven and thirteen and nineteen! The holy of holies of every sacred temple on earth was constructed to accord with Teleois proportions. With respect to current art and architecture, where the touch of the spiritually guided human hand has been replaced with programmed machines, structures made beautiful with designs conforming to Teleois proportions are rapidly declining in number along with the rise of desecrating Modern Art! -32-

33 In Figure(8) we show what appears to be a very remarkable coincidence! Since (4) is the number of creation processes, which are represented by the notes: DO, RE, MI, SO, and DO-OCT, that define THE OCTAVE OF OUR SUN, and since a three - level sub-octave generation of it ultimately leads to the projection of nine planets, the first step that we take toward determining the distances of the planets from the SUN is to assign the number (4) to each of the planets for the same reason that we assigned (4) to the length of the Pelvis! Next, since each planet must be represented by a sub-octave, we begin by assigning (0) to planet Mercury to represent the SILENCE of BCE. Following this, BCE projects a fundamental note frequency of (3) and assigns it to Venus. We then create the next higher octave by doubling the frequency to (6) and assigning this number to Earth. Doubling the frequency again to obtain (12), which is assigned to Mars, doubling again to (24) that is assigned to the Asteroids, and so on up ending with (384) which is assigned to Neptune. We then add the numbers in rows (B) and ( C ) to obtain numbers for the planets as indicated in row (D). Dividing all of the numbers in row ( C ) by the decade (10), which represents BCE centering and enfolding the Octave, we obtain the Teleois Numbers for each of the planets. Bode and Titus who originally derived Bode s Law, were unaware of the fact that the Solar System is a CONCEPT; therefore, they did not know that it is represented by the Octave of Music. They derived their law by considering the properties of planetary orbits, comparing the ratios of the distances of the planets from the sun, and assuming that the distance of the earth from the sun is one astronomical unit. Finally, even though they knew nothing about Teleois Numerology, their formula predicts that the distances of the planets from the Sun are all expressed by Teleois numbers! PYRAMIDAL REPRESENTATION OF ANALYTICAL MATHEMATICS Pythagoras and his students believed that everything was related to mathematics, and felt that everything could be predicted and measured in rhythmic cycles. The combination of mathematics and theology (Spiritual Science) began with Pythagoras ( BC). His famous statement: ALL IS NUMBER, is related to the greatest ancient Law of Spiritual Science which says: ALL IS -33-

34 Figure (9) VIBRATION. The two statements become the same when you realize that vibration is number of vibrations per unit of time, which is a number. Nicomachus, who was a profound student of Pythagoras attempted to discover the deep relationships between Music, Arithmetic, and Geometry: Which of the four methods (Music, Arithmetic, Geometry, and Astronomy) must we learn first? Evidently, the one that naturally exists before them all is superior and takes the place of origin and root and, as it were, of mother to the others. And this is Arithmetic not solely because we said that it existed before the others in the mind of the creating God, like some universal and exemplary -34-

35 Figure (10) plan, relied upon as a design and archetypal example by the Creator of the Universe to set his material creations in order and make them attain to their ends; but also because it is naturally prior in birth, as it abolishes other sciences along with itself, but is not abolished together with them. Nicomachus (60-120AD) The first process of creation involves IDEALIZATION in the MIND of BCE of the CONCEPT which He desires to create (remember: a concept can be anything that can be perceived such as a thing, idea, thought, or process). First BCE projectively assigns a characteristic frequency to the Concept He desires to create which is a certain NUMBER of vibrations per second; this suggest that NUMBER COMES FIRST! There is one and only one way in which a frequency can be embodied into an Octave Structure and that is by first doubling the frequency three times to bound three octaves, and then subject each of them to Sub-octave Fractal Generation which is illustrated in Figure(10) where it is obvious that the generation of sub-octaves is a arithmetical process. -35-

36 Figure (11) Therefore, Number and Arithmetic most definitely come first! We summarize this with the statement: BCE bounds His IDEALIZATION OCTAVE from without and centers it from within with NUMBERS! This fully justifies the claims of both Pythagoras and Nicomachus and is a wonderful EUREKA realization for those who have finally reached the level of spiritual awareness where all of this is plainly OBVIOUS! Next, how are we going to account for the fact that THE OCTAVE IS GENDER CONDITIONED? Since we are dealing solely with NUMBERS, our only option is to gender condition them; this process is carried out in Figure(11). First notice that the Masculine Teleois Numbers, 0, 3, 6, and 9 are, with respect to numerology, constructed from WHOLE NUMBERS. On the other hand, the -36-

37 Figure (12) Feminine Teleois Numbers, 1,4, and 7, are, with respect to numerology, constructed from COUNTING NUMBERS. Now we have a very good reason for distinguishing between whole numbers and counting numbers other than classification. Since Masculine Teleois Numbers contain (0) to represent BCE, all CONCEPT FREQUENCIES projected into being by BCE must be, with respect to numerology, Masculine Teleois Numbers! In our personal Cosmology, THE NAMELESS AND BOUNDLESS COSMIC ESSENCE (BCE) is assigned MASCULINE GENDER and THE FEMININE ETHEREAL MATRIX OF MASS ENERGY (FMM) is, as implied, assigned FEMININE GENDER. Notice in Figure(12) that the evolutionary action aspect of DCA, which embodies -37-


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