Dr. Henry and Erika Monteith

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1 THE REGENERATIVE GUIDANCE OF MANKIND S 26,000 YEAR CYCLE OF SPIRITUAL INVOLUTION AND EVOLUTION ON EARTH BY PERIODIC INCARNATIONS OF CHRIST WHOSE HIGH-SELF IS THE SPIRIT OF THE SUN Dr. Henry and Erika Monteith (henrymonteith@att.net) Everything written below is from the point of view of our personal cosmology. It is not intended to be true for anyone else reading it, and we are most certainly not attempting to convince the reader of anything whatsoever. Even if we desired to do so, it is impossible; because one person can never transfer his understanding to another! It is for you to prove or disprove according to your ability to expand your consciousness. You are a Microcosm, created to view the Cosmos from your own unique point of view; therefore, if you wish to experience the indescribable joy and happiness of knowing who you are, where you came from, and where you are going, you must develop your personal cosmology from scratch to the level of awareness where you feel the wondrous bliss of being at One with The Consciousness of Energy! Remember, right and wrong are dual aspects of the same thing! Arguing between them is useless, because one cannot exist without the other; it is for you to choose which side you will physically realize and which side you will leave unfulfilled in your unconscious mind where it must eternally serve as a reference! About two thousand years ago, one of the great texts of Chinese medicine, the Nan Ching, was written. This classic text describes the twelve ordinary geodesic-type acupuncture meridians on the surface of the human body as rivers of LIFE ENERGY(CHI) and the eight extraordinary geodesic-type spiritual meridians on the surface of the astral counterpart to the human body as reservoirs of LIFE-ENERGY(CHI). When ordinary meridians become low in energy, they can draw from the reservoirs of energy in the extraordinary meridians. On the other hand, if the ordinary meridians become too full, the excess can be taken up by the extraordinary meridians. In this manner, the extraordinary meridians help maintain balance in the LIFE-ENERGY(CHI) of the human body. Since the Octave structure of the Human body and that of the Earth are precisely analogous, energy balance in the meridians of the Earth is achieved in exactly the same way as in the meridians of the human body. Expanded from the work of Mantak Chia(Taoist Cosmic Healing) -1-

2 In her well researched book: Jesus as the Sun throughout History, D. M. Murdock exhaustively justifies its title! With respect to this she quotes Dr. Stephen C. McCluskey, History Professor at West Virginia University: Since the Sun passes through twelve signs of the Zodiac in the twelve months of the year, the passing of the year was commonly indicated by the number twelve. For some early Christians, just as the Sun signified Christ, so were his twelve Apostles indicated by the twelve signs, the twelve months, or the twelve hours from Sunrise to Sunset. The ultimate meaning of the name CHRIST is intimately associated with the Spirit of the SUN; and, we have shown throughout our writings that not only is the SUN a perfect projection of the Feminine Creative Octave of Cosmic Music, It creates all life in our solar system and inspires, guides, and directs the evolutionary and involutionary learning processes of mankind on earth (See our website article: Ethics and the Octave of the Sun). All of this leads only to one conclusion: Our Sun is a fully CONSCIOUS representative of the awesome creative powers of THE NAMELESS AND BOUNDLESS COSMIC ESSENCE (BCE). In other words, our SUN is an unfolded Microcosm who is blissfully creating in ONENESS with BCE whose direct ACTION (EXPRESSION) is THE CONSCIOUSNESS OF ENERGY (COE). All of this is greatly expanded in our website articles: Foundations and The Consciousness of Energy I and II. Our glorious SUN, a beautiful Solar Logos, created our solar system with nine planets and everything which was required to develop earth s biosphere that supports a wonderful diversity of living things. The great White Master of Light, Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov, in his enlightening little book: Toward a Solar Civilization extolled the Divinity of the Sun as follows: So you see, the Sun gives light, warmth and life and hence he is the father of science, of religion, and art. And yet he is the last one to be loved and respected by human beings. But that is where I am different: I am for the Sun! I am calling for his rehabilitation. It makes me indignant to see how people treat him; they raise monuments to all kinds of impostors and never to the Sun! And yet he is the first cause, the origin of everything. The earth itself and the other -2-

3 planets all come from the Sun. It was he who begot them. That is why the earth contains the same elements as the Sun but in condensed form, as solids. All minerals, metals and precious stones, all the plants, all the gases and all subtle or dense bodies whether in the soil, in water, in the air or on the ethereal plane all come from the Sun. Obviously, Solar-type Stars, like our SUN, are the most intimate embodiments of BCE s Creative Power that can ever be imagined. But is not also Man, the Microcosm, eternally expanding their planes of consciousness toward ultimately becoming co-creators with BCE? Finally, we have THE STARTLING CONCLUSION that since ALL IS ONE, according to the Absolute Law of Oneness, THE SPIRITS OF THE STARS ARE THE HIGH-SELVES OF THE SOULS OF MAN!! Our High-Selves are pure energy and their MINDS are intimate aspects of the projection of the AWARENESS of BCE which we have designated as THE CONSCIOUSNESS OF ENERGY(COE). Our physical bodies are simply tools with which our High-Self learns by experiencing, through their projective incarnations, the evolutionary and involutionary processes of life under the severe constraints of space-time while allowing themselves to be controlled by a physically programmed conscious mind. Consequently, the Stars create an infinite variety of diverse environments into which they can project microcosmic representations of themselves for the purpose of expanding their planes of consciousness through the agony and the ecstacy of many lifetimes of experience and devotion to the Love of Pure Learning. The High Self, of any given Star, must expand Its plane of consciousness to a very high level of BCE s Cosmic Spiritual Awareness before It can qualify to create an earthtype planet with a living biosphere into which It, and a large number of other kindred stars, can project their human-type representatives for the purpose of expanding their levels of cosmic spiritual awareness through the cyclic involutionary and evolutionary processes of cosmic spiritual development under Its guidance! Our beloved Sun has been guiding the cyclic physical, mental, and spiritual development of mankind on Earth for millions of years! Presently, the cycle has a period of about 26,000 years, which is equivalent to the procession of the equinoxes with 12,000 years of experience in materialistic darkness, 12,000 years of experience in spiritual light, and two 1000 year transformation intervals: one from light to darkness and the other from darkness to light. -3-

4 Figure(1) The manner in which our Sun physically controls and guides our spiritual development, by modifying our physical environment, is thoroughly discussed in our article: Ethics and the Octave of the Sun. However, the astonishing manner in which the Sun controls our learning spiritually has remained almost totally unknown throughout the past 12,000 years of the Dark Caterpillar Phase. Since the time of positive phase transformation has now dawned, with December 21 st marking the date on which the Caterpillar Phase of Darkness officially -4-

5 transformed into the Butterfly Phase of Light, the time has come for this knowledge to be made available to everybody on Earth. (See our articles: Evolution (Spirit Cycle I & II)). Most western historians and anthropologists still cannot believe that there was a very high civilization in India, that existed simultaneously with Atlantis, before the Great Deluge of 9,600 BC! The essence of the Spiritual Science of these two great civilizations has been passed down to us through very ancient documents known as The Vedas. Figure(1) shows the 24,000 year cycle of mankind s spiritual Evolution and Involution Cycle (EIC) on Earth, which does not include the two 1000 year transformation intervals, as it has been interpreted from the Vedas by present day Hindu Teachers of Yoga. Notice that the 24,000 year EIC is divided into twelve 2000 year intervals of time which correspond to the signs of the zodiac through which our Sun travels while orbiting about His gigantic Black Hole-type Pole Star! High vibrations of CHI, which are increasing, are likened unto FIRE and low vibrations of CHI, which are decreasing, are likened unto WATER. This is reminiscent of the fire-water type scenarios which occur frequently in physical and spiritual science. When we say that our plane of consciousness is expanded by our Love of Pure Learning, we mean that real holistic learning, with the goal of obtaining great understanding, increases the frequency of our CHI which enables us to reflect higher levels of Cosmic Spiritual Awareness. Therefore, the higher the frequency of our CHI, the greater is our ability to perceive CONCEPTS at higher levels of Cosmic Spiritual Awareness. Consequently, when a person enters a field of CHI vibrations that are higher than his own, the higher vibrations tend to entrain his lower vibrations upward. Likewise, when a person enters a field of CHI vibrations that are lower than his own, they tend to entrain his higher vibrations downward. This is the origin of such statements as: A man is known by the company that he keeps, or, A single rotten apple will spoil an entire box of apples. The highest frequencies of LIFE-ENERGY(CHI), that are available to our Sun, are projected from the center of our milky-way galaxy which is bounded and centered by the Divine Creation and Annihilation Cosmic Spiritual (Spiraling) Action Force (DCA) of THE NAMELESS AND BOUNDLESS COSMIC ESSENCE (BCE). Therefore, it stands to reason that the further our solar system is away -5-

6 Figure (2) from our galactic center, the lower will be the frequencies of mankind s CHI with a resulting decline in intellectual ability and spiritual perception. In a dual manner, the closer our solar system is to our galactic center, the higher will be mankind s CHI frequencies and a resulting increase in their intellectual and spiritual perception. This is why the Mayan Priest advised everybody to have a pencil and paper close at hand from midnight December 19th until midnight nd December 22 during which time interval the very high frequency LIFE- ENERGY (CHI), being sent to Earth from the center of our Wonderful Galaxy, reached maximum intensity as She came into precise spiritual alignment with our beautiful Earth and our Glorious Sun. -6-

7 In Figure(1), with the circle representing EIC, the point closest to the center of our galaxy is at the top while the point furthest from the center of our galaxy is at the bottom. Therefore, in 4,500BC the people of earth, on the whole, were experiencing the lowest possible CHI vibrations with their spiritual and intellectual abilities being left undeveloped except when it came to being forced to live in a harsh environment, under the domination of animal emotions, where the survival of the fittest is the norm. In 17,500BC the Sun was closest to the center of our galaxy and the people of Earth were experiencing the highest possible CHI vibrations. This is when the great civilization of light, known as Lemuria, occurred and during which the people became ONE with all things and experienced the indescribable bliss of being co-creators with BCE. In our articles: Evolution (Spirit Cycle I & II) and Awakening the Children I, IIA, IIB, and III, we have thoroughly described the involutionary and evolutionary processes which take place as the people of earth progress through their entire 26,000 year cycle of their spiritual development. Now we will briefly describe how our Sun guides our spiritual development throughout our EIC. Referring to Figure(2), we see that as mankind s EIC moved into the Dark Caterpillar Phase in 11,000BC, the Sun was progressing further away from the center of our Galaxy. This means that the flow and storage of LIFE-ENERGY(CHI) in the Earth s ordinary and extraordinary meridians was also decreasing due to the declining intensity of high frequency CHI energy projected from the center or our galaxy. When the lowest level was reached in 4,500BC, the CHI energy in the meridians, of nearly everybody living in the biosphere of Earth at that time, had been pulled so far down in frequency that the ability of each person to expand their plane of consciousness upwards in frequency against it, with the love of pure learning, was extremely limited. After reaching bottom in 4,500BC, our Sun began to progress back toward the center of our galaxy again. Consequently, by entrainment, the increasing frequency of the CHI projected from the center of our galaxy, through our Sun, and then onto the surface of the earth, inspired a few strong willed people to renew the process of accelerating the expansion of their planes of consciousness again. It is important that we now address the fact that being in an environment of high frequency CHI is necessary, but very far from being sufficient, to enable the people of Earth to expand their planes of consciousness into ONENESS with the Light -7-

8 and Love of BCE! To illustrate our point, let us begin with the example of a highly evolved theoretical physicist and cosmologist lecturing to a kindergarten class utilizing our language of light which is a unification of Universal Geometrical Mathematics (UGM) with the Feminine Creative Octave of Cosmic Music (FCM). Even though the class consist of nothing but prodigies, who may conceptually perceive many of the new CONCEPTS presented to them, they will DEEPLY UNDERSTAND very little, if anything, of what they perceive. This is because it is impossible for them to intuitively and emotionally experience the awe, beauty, and wonder associated with the concepts because they have not had the profound EUREKA experiences that come only with SELF-DISCOVERY! To emphasize this, let us re-state THE PURPOSE OF MAN: The purpose of man is to evolve and joyously expand the consciousness of THE BOUNDLESS COSMIC ESSENCE (BCE), beginning at the animal level of awareness, and forever projecting forward into eternity by praising, honoring, and glorifying the awesome wonders of His creations. Since you can never truly praise and glorify that which you do not comprehend and understand, to fulfill your divine purpose you must spiritually uplift yourself through the agony and the ecstacy of many lifetimes of experience. This must be done with a deep devotion to the love of pure holistic learning while thinking, concentrating, and meditating intensely upon that learning, in consultation with your spirit, for the purpose of earning the priceless jewels of eternally expanding knowledge, profound wisdom, and deep understanding. These things are the prerequisites for awakening your Cosmic Awareness, and qualifying yourself to experience the ecstatic joy of being a co-creator with BCE, eternally at One with Him, and intellectually and emotionally sharing the awesome bliss of being centered and enfolded in His boundless Light and Love! The expansion of a person s plane of consciousness, by taking advantage of life s experiences and devotion to the Love of Pure Learning, and the development of a great desire to do so, is strictly a matter of choice! Nevertheless, during the Caterpillar Phase, and without Holistic Education under the guidance of wonderful Teachers of Light, it is virtually impossible for a person -8-

9 to learn about the unique purpose for which he or she has been created, let alone being directed to the path that must be followed to fulfill that purpose! This is why everyone has potential access to luminous entities of the invisible world (see part III of Awakening the Children) if the choice is made to work lovingly with them. In spite of this, however, at certain critical points on mankind s EIC, the darkness of ignorance and materialism become so great that the people lose sight of their real purpose, attribute all cause and effect to the physical world, and rely upon physical wealth as the only source of real happiness. Even though our beloved Sun is continuously radiating CHI onto the Earth s biophysical grid system, at times of such darkness, imbalance between the Earth s ordinary and extraordinary meridians becomes so huge that people s planes of consciousness are collapsing downwards at a much greater rate than they are expanding upwards. Therefore, our beloved Sun is called upon to take additional action! In our article: Awakening the Children part III, we have pointed out that the Spiritual Science of Earth does not wax and wane like Physical Science and that it always has been, and always will be, far beyond anything that Physical Science shall ever achieve! It is focused primarily in Earth s parallel world and is often physically represented at certain very important acupuncture points of the Earth s Grid System such as the Himalayan and Andes Mountains. All of those who are working to maintain Earth s Spiritual Science and implement it on Earth, at times when this is required, have been referred to throughout history as THE CHILDREN OF THE LAW OF ONE (CLO). Since the EIC of mankind on Earth is a perfect cycle, what happens at any point along it can be accurately predicted from experience with previous cycles. Based on this knowledge, the CLO were able to predict that the great deluge would temporarily erase from mankind s memory all of the great civilizations that had come before. Therefore, they utilized their Atlantean Technology to built a hidden monastery above the Tibetan Plateau which easily survived the great deluge. It was from this monastery that the CLO were able to not only maintain a physical presence for Spiritual Science on Earth, but were also prepared to help the spiritually developed people of Earth make plans for the next incarnation of the SPIRIT OF THE OCTAVE OF THE SUN (CHRIST). After the great deluge, more than 3000 years were required for the Earth to revive -9-

10 sufficiently to allow the growth of civilizations to begin anew. When the time was right, the CLO branched out from their monastery in Tibet and began helping those few, who were incarnating at higher levels of spiritual awareness, develop Mystery Schools of Light in which to holistically educate their children. The first such schools, after the deluge, were constructed in Egypt which had also survived. Some verification of this is the fact that around 590 B.C., philosophers in Greece became fully aware of the Mystery School of Light in Egypt and that enlightened Egyptian priest had been initiated with The Rites of Ascension into the Light in the Great Pyramid. Plato reported that the Greek philosopher, Solon of Athens, was inspired to visit Egypt at this time. While conversing with the priest at the temple of Neith, in Sais, which was the capital of Egypt at that time, he was told emphatically that the last great deluge, which destroyed civilization, had occurred around 9,600 B.C. A very important mystery school of light was established by the CLO in Israel which is referred to in Jewish History as THE ESSENES. They were directly supported and maintained by the CLO whom they called THE KALOO. Since their time in Atlantis, the CLO had predicted that the Spirit of the Octave of the Sun was scheduled to reincarnate again in Israel for the purpose of re-generating and re-balancing the twelve ordinary and eight extraordinary CHI transmission and CHI storage meridians of the Earth. Therefore, with the help of the Essenes, the CLO, or Kaloo, set up a vast project which when completed would make it possible to connect the meridians of the body of the Sun s incarnation, today known as Christ, to the corresponding meridians of Earth s Grid System. In their book: The Essenes, Children of the Light, which they wrote under the inspiring guidance of the Melchizedek Angels, our colleagues Stuart Wilson and Joanna Prentis describe in some detail how this project, designed by the CLO, was carried out to help Christ regenerate the earth s grid system by channeling the high frequency CHI energy of the Sun through his meridians and into the corresponding meridians of the Earth s grid system. By entrainment, the resulting increase in the Earth s CHI energy vibrations has been spiritually uplifting to many people over the past 2000 years and has inspired them to expand their planes of consciousness by the giving and re-giving of unselfish love as taught by Christ. In the following, we paraphrase and greatly expand upon the information given in the book which pertains to the deeply mysterious crucifixion of CHRIST. -10-

11 The Kaloo had foreseen the coming of Christ and the need for a support system at the end of his ministry; and, they worked with the Essenes over more than a century to put this support system in place. There was an inner system (constructed from the Earth s eight(8) extraordinary meridians) and an outer energy system (constructed from the Earth s twelve(12) ordinary meridians). The outer energy, generated by the Earth, focused and intensified by crystals, was directed along lines of force (meridians) running across the surface of the land towards Christ on the cross. This enabled the energy levels in his body to be maintained. The inner meditational energy was fed by the communities into subtle levels for directing to Christ. Together these two sources provided a complete system of support. The inner energy sustained and nourished the higher aspects of his being (the extraordinary meridians), and particularly their link with his physical body (the ordinary meridians). It was essential that this link was strongly maintained until his energy process was completed. Consistent with the facts that ALL IS VIBRATION, and the only thing that can be done with vibrations is to convert them into OCTAVES, every CONCEPT is represented by the fractal generation of the fundamental CHARACTERISTIC FREQUENCY of THE FEMININE CREATIVE OCTAVE OF COSMIC MUSIC (FCM). Because of this, it was absolutely necessary for the body of CHRIST to be connected to the Earth s LIFE-ENERGY(CHI) GRID at eight(8) Geophysical Acupuncture Points! These eight(8) points were geometrically and consciously stabilized by joining them to create three(3) polarized ACTION TRIANGLES to represent the three(3) sub-octaves of the LIFE-ENERGY GRID REGENERATION OCTAVE (LGR OCTAVE) representing the CONCEPTUAL PROCESS of regenerating and balancing the Earth s LIFE- ENERGY(CHI) GRID with the awesome LOVE and SPIRITUAL LIGHT of an INCARNATION ( CHRIST, in this case) of the HIGH-SELF SPIRIT of the OCTAVE of our GLORIOUS SUN! In Figure(3) we illustrate the striking analogy between the acupuncture points on the human body, and the ordinary meridians which are defined by joining them; and, the grid points on the surface of the Earth, and the meridians which are defined by their joining. Only a few of the twelve(12) types of ordinary meridians of the body of man and the Earth are shown in the figure; the eight(8) types of EXTRAORDINARY MERIDIANS which store CHI cannot be shown because -11-

12 Figure (3) they exist in the Earth s invisible parallel ASTRAL WORLD. The manner in which the three polarized triangles, that represent THE THREE SUBOCTAVES of THE LIFE ENERGY GRID REGENERATION OCTAVE (LGR), were intensively point constructed and dual extensively line constructed in the Land of Israel by the ESSENE COMMUNITY 2000 years ago under the direction of the Ancient Atlantean CLO, is illustrated in Figure(4). The Polar Triangle, representing the CENTERING ACTION of the NAMELESS AND BOUNDLESS COSMIC ESSENCE, was formed by Jerusalem, the main focus of the crucifixion drama, Qumran, where the dead sea scrolls were discovered, and the location of a private meditation cave for the Essene Masters. These three acupuncture points of the Earth s Grid formed a roughly equal-sided polarized triangle with Qumran and Jerusalem. -12-

13 Figure (4) The three sides of the MASCULINE ASPECT POLARIZED TRIANGLE were formed from the three sacred locations in Israel called ARAD, HEBRON, and EIN GEDIA. BCE, representing himself with a numerological characteristic frequency of three(3), projects the characteristic frequency of RE to HEBRON and then joins it with His personal note DO at ARAD to bound the LGR OCTAVE below with the action bounding interval DO-RE. BCE then projects the characteristic frequency for note MI with a Thought-Action Projection Ray which represents the masculine aspect of THE LGR OCTAVE. Following this, BCE impregnates THE FEMININE ETHEREAL MATRIX OF MASS ENERGY (FMM) with his IDEALIZATION note frequency (I) which She confirms by verifying it to be the harmonic mean of the characteristic frequencies of RE and MI at HEBRON and EIN GEDIA; whereby, the JOINING of RE and MI creates THE DUAL IDEALIZATION ACTION UNIT LINE INTERVAL of the LGR OCTAVE. Consequently, we see that the MASCULINE ASPECT POLARIZED TRIANGLE is verified to be such because it is intensively point configured and dual extensively line configured. FMM confirms MI by doubling its characteristic frequency to create the characteristic frequency of note SO at THE -13-

14 MEDITATION CAVE. Finally, FMM confirms SO by producing the harmonic mean of MI and SO which becomes the characteristic frequency of THE MASCULINE ACTION FREQUENCY [ FA], located at Jerusalem, which was the main focus of the crucifixion drama, with the dominant rejuvenating masculine action of CHRIST being grounded to the Earth on the cross, that regenerated and balanced the CHI in the Earth s Grid System by elevating its frequency and, consequently, ITS SPIRITUAL AWARENESS! On the other hand, JOINING MI and SO creates THE DUAL MASCULINE ACTION UNIT LINE INTERVAL of the LGR OCTAVE. Associating the centralized FEMININE ASPECT NOTE SO with THE MEDITATION CAVE is very impressive because just as SO is the dominant note of the OCTAVE, THE MEDITATION CAVE was the location from which the entire process of regenerating and balancing THE LIFE-ENERGY (CHI) in the Earth s Grid was directed and controlled. BCE projects the characteristic frequency of SO to JENIN which defines the first point on THE FEMININE ASPECT POLAR TRIANGLE. FMM proceeds to confirm the characteristic frequency of SO by doubling it to produce the characteristic frequency of DO-OCT which bounds the LGR OCTAVE above with bounding action interval DO-TI with a downward sense. FMM then produces the harmonic mean of note SO and DO-OCT which becomes the characteristic frequency of LA, that is THE FEMININE ACTION FREQUENCY of the LGR OCTAVE. Finally, points DO-OCT and SO are JOINED to create THE DUAL FEMININE ACTION UNIT LINE INTERVAL of the LGR OCTAVE. Therefore, once again, THE FEMININE ASPECT POLAR TRIANGLE is DUAL CONFIGURED intensively and extensively. ESTABLISHING THE LGR OCTAVE IN ISRAEL 2000 YEARS AGO The original plan for setting up the LGR OCTAVE in Israel, 2000 years ago, came from THE CHILDREN OF THE LAW OF ONE (CLO) who were survivors of the Great Deluge which sank Atlantis in 9,600BC. They were continuing the eternal advance of Spiritual Science and its application to the involutionary and evolutionary cycle of the spiritual development of mankind on Earth. The Essenes, who were members of a new generation of mankind beginning their Spiritual Development on Earth, after she revived from the Great Deluge, had expanded their planes of consciousness under the guidance of the Atlantean CLO to the fifth level of Cosmic Spiritual Awareness which qualified them to become members of the new CLO community. The name given to the Atlantean CLO by the Essences was -14-

15 THE KALOO. They were destined to maintain Spiritual Science on Earth throughout the Caterpillar Phase. As soon as the Essenes learned about the great project being planned by the CLO to construct the LGR OCTAVE in Israel, they immediately started working with the Earth energies in alignment with this plan as soon as the communities were set up. It was a vast project and most of the basics had been set up, by the Kaloo, long before the members of the Essene community were born. A lot of effort was put into it over many years for the purpose of strengthening the energy lines so that the power could be concentrated. The work had to be done very quietly and secretly so as not to attract the attention of the Jews. The whole operation lasted about a hundred and fifty years. The Kaloo started assessing and developing the sites as soon as they arrived in the region. It was a priority for them to develop this energy system. The system was based on the natural energy lines that run along the surface of the Earth with additions to and strengthening of the pattern making a truer geometrical form through the use of crystals. The construction of the LGR OCTAVE was quite specific because they knew that another teacher of Righteousness would come, and this would be needed when his work reached a climax. In fact, the Kaloo knew that the coming new teacher of Righteousness would be a reincarnation of the Spirit of the Octave of our beloved Sun who had incarnated in Atlantis and was then revered by the Atlantean CLO under the name of MASTER TEACHER THOTH. The Kaloo were wise indeed; they knew what was to come and made preparations accordingly. The Essenes did not know the details of their future knowledge, but the Kaloo spoke of a great Teacher of Righteousness who was to come, and that all of their work would support him. That was enough for the Essenes. They were content to carry out the plans of the Kaloo. They did not believe in questioning wise and holy beings who were far above them in Cosmic Spiritual Awareness and who can see the pattern of things more clearly than they could. The Essenes worked hard INTENSIVELY with crystals and they walked the Earth energy lines EXTENSIVELY to make them stronger and to build them up. The Essene communities, and certain other power points, were all connected by the Earth s grid energy lines. They worked together to form a complete system. ( Traces of the Earth s life-energy lines, punctuated by stone markers, are still visible in several -15-

16 places around the world and especially in Europe and South America). The following personal account, of an Essene named Daniel, of just what happened during the process of regenerating and re-balancing the Life-Energy(CHI) of the Earth s Grid System, during the Crucifixion of CHRIST, is given in the wonderful book: The Essenes, Children of the Light, written by our beloved CLO colleagues Stuart Wilson and Joanna Prentis: We are meditating, bringing the power up, and Christ is going through his process. We have a way of watching him without being there; it s called a clear-seeing chamber. Those with the inner sight can go into these chambers, and the clarity of their vision is strengthened through the use of crystals. There are five of us in this chamber. We are mediating, focusing power and observing Christ. The process is going through and it is getting heavy because there is quite a struggle going on. We are aware at this point of those who do not wish this project to succeed. They are trying to block the flow of energy so that the power cannot get through from the communities, and because of this it is becoming more difficult for us. Although we saw the plan clearly we did not see the strength of those who oppose us. They have not succeeded yet, but it has diverted some power to hold them off. The Silent One (An Essene Master of Light) is in the cave ( located at note SO of the LGR OCTAVE) focusing much of this effort, but he is having a struggle. Its getting very dark. Christ is on the cross and going through his process. It does pass through my mind, as I am watching, that maybe this attempt will fail. Those opposing it may overwhelm us and he may die before he completes the process, before the energies are resolved (the eight(8) extraordinary life-energy storage meridians in the body of Christ completing the regeneration and re-balancing of the life energy (CHI) in the twelve(12) ordinary meridians of the Earth). He is gathering up and anchoring the energies. He is a great focus for the energies, and if he cannot complete the cycle, which the energies must go through, then the whole project will fail. Time is doing very strange things. This whole process is not taking much Earth time, but because it is such a struggle it seems to be stretching out into eternity. I think that we are starting to lose this battle

17 We have sent a mental signal to the core group that we have got to have more power. We are just holding it together and the meditators are getting exhausted...it is draining them...we can t keep this going for much longer...we have got to have more power... The core group have sent out a request for help, to the angelic realm - I think to th Archangel Michael (7 Angelic coordinating RAY of the seven rays of manifestation)...i do not know how long we can hold this group together. Some individuals are beginning to crack up with the intense concentration...it really is a battle...ah, the help has come, it is going to be alright. Christ has managed to complete the energy cycle. It is all done...a great relief to us... Now Christ is being taken down from the cross and we are leaving the clear-seeing chamber. We had strict orders from the core group to stop watching when Christ is being taken down from the cross. Our part in the process is over and we must report back to the rest of the community who are meditating in another building. They will be relieved to know that the work with the energies was successfully completed. (It was at this time that the SHROUD OF TURIN was created and the Essenes were not allowed to watch the process because understanding it was so far beyond their level of spiritual awareness that it would have drastically interfered with the normal personal expansion of their planes of consciousness. There is a strictly enforced Cosmic Law which states, in effect, that Microcosms at higher planes of spiritual awareness should never interfere with the personal spiritual progress of Microcosms at lower planes of spiritual awareness. This is in accord with the fact that each and every Microcosm (person) is unique and solely responsible for the expansion of his, or her, plane of consciousness.) It was a close thing. The whole plan could easily have gone down. It was Archangel Michael who saved the day. Without his help - who knows what might have happened. Nevertheless, many of our people gave all that they had to give in supporting this process. It was not only Christ who made a sacrifice. Two people died in the communities and some were very ill for years afterwards, reduced to a shell of what they had been. It was such a battle! With the exception of the Essenes, who had been elevated to CLO status by the -17-

18 teaching and guidance of the Kaloo in the mystery schools of light, which they had established first in Egypt, and then in a few other parts of the world that had recovered from the drastic effects of the Great Deluge, the people of Israel, 2000 years ago, had not a clue to the sublime fact that their Evolutionary and Involutionary Cycle of Spiritual Development on Earth, was under the guidance and control of the Spirit of the Octave of the Sun. Therefore, when the kaloo, with the help of the Essenes, secretly constructed a LGR OCTAVE on the land area of Israel, with the only observable effect noticeable to the people was the crucifixion of Christ, the only conclusion that they could ultimately come to was that Christ was sacrificing himself to save them from their Sins. The glorious light of the coming Butterfly Phase will now dispel the darkness that has surrounded this myth. GRID REGENERATION AND CONSCIOUSNESS TRANSFORMATION But of the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write to you. For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night. Thessalonians 5 : 1-2 This is the covenant that I will make with them. After those days, saith the Lord, I will put my laws into their hearts, and in their minds will I write them; and their Sins and Iniquities will I remember no more. Hebrews 10 : But this shall be the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel; After those days, saith the Lord, I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. And they shall teach no more every man his neighbor, and every man his brother, saying, Know the Lord : for they shall all know me, from the least of unto the greatest of them, saith the Lord: for I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their Sin no more. Jeremiah 31 : During the time of the Essenes, in ancient Israel, the day of the Lord did indeed come as a thief in the night. When Christ regenerated and re-balanced the LIFE- ENERGY of the Earth s Grid, and expanded its CONSCIOUSNESS by increasing its frequency, the great event went unnoticed by everybody except THE ESSENES! -18-

19 Yes, some knew about the crucifixion of Christ, but its meaning, relevance, and deep implications, were far beyond their ability to comprehend. ( Remember that since ALL IS VIBRATION, levels of Spiritual Awareness can only be distinguished by FREQUENCY.) As this article was being first written on December 16, 2012, due to the internet and the world wide media, many millions of people were aware of the end-date of the Mayan Calendar; however, in spite of assurances by modern day Mayan Priests, few people comprehend the real meaning of this date and there was great confusion pertaining to what was going to happen, if anything, on December 21, As always, the world has its share of doomsday prophets and apathetically ignorant people who just sat back, continued on as usual, and made no serious attempt to act upon the admonition of the Mayan Elders, which was as follows: To all of my brothers and sisters who listen to this message: First of all, these words are not mine, but the words of my ancestors. In the prophecy of the Maya th th it is stated that the time of the 12 Baktun and the 13 Ahau (December 21, 2012) marks the date of the return of our ancestors and the Men of Wisdom. Let the morning come, let the dawn come for the people to find peace and be happy. Do not be afraid of this because it is only a time of change, just like the change st from the old year ending on December 31 to the New Year beginning on st January 1. Who knows how many times this has happened before? We are now in the fourth period of the Sun! Do not believe all of these things you are hearing from those people who are threatening the world. Don Alejandro: Mayan Elder and Shaman To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven. (Ecclesiastes 3:1) Just as the rising of the SUN heralds the transformation from the gloom of the NIGHT into the joyous dawning of a glorious new DAY, the Priests and Shamans, who are the ancestors of the ancient MAYA, are heralding the transformation of the planes of consciousness of Mankind on Earth from the darkness of the Caterpillar Phase, which has been dominated by THE GOD OF WAR, to the glorious Light of the Butterfly Phase that shall be dominated by THE GODDESS OF LOVE AND LIFE (see our articles: Evolution(Spirit Cycle I&II)) and Figure(2) above): -19-

20 Our Splendid SUN, who is deeply in LOVE with all of Her children on Earth, is powerfully confirming the words of the Mayan Elders by using Her beautiful Language of Light to speak to everyone whose planes of consciousness have been expanded in spiritual awareness high enough to enable them to hear her charming voice! This great cycle of mankind s Evolutionary and Involutionary physical, mental, and Spiritual soulmate action Cycle on earth (EIC) is in the process of renewing itself. For this to happen she, who represents the creative process of LOVE, is lining up with her child, the Earth, who represents the creative process of LIFE, and with the Galactic Center who represents the IDEALIZATION creative process of the MIND of GOD who is THE NAMELESS ONE of ancient times, and who is referred to in our Personal Cosmology as THE NAMELESS AND BOUNDLESS COSMIC ESSENCE (BCE). This sacred alignment, which th rd occurs only once in 26,000 years, took place between December 20 and 23 ; at which time, the High Frequency LIFE-ENERGY(CHI) radiation being projected through the Sun onto the Earth reached maximum intensity! Our beloved SUN, the Father and Mother of our Solar System, presently acting in Her dominant Feminine mode, is not only speaking spiritually to us, she is backing up her words with ACTION! Her magnetic field is reversing, South is becoming North, as it does cyclically approximately every eleven years; however, this time, the manner in which she is doing so is very strange and space scientists, who are observing her are baffled. They cannot understand why the North Polar Aspect of Her field is moving so much faster than the South Polar Aspect! For those of us who are members of the CLO, and whose hearts, minds, and souls are ONE with the CONSCIOUSNESS of THE SPIRIT OF THE OCTAVE OF THE SUN, the peaking of this wonderful energy was instantly detected; for indeed, we have always been in tune with its gradual increase over the past 200 years! Not only have we been experiencing the enormous JOY associated with its regenerative powers, we have been actively engaged in developing a wonderful and viable system of holistic education that the precious children of our world can use to expand their planes of consciousness from the Darkness of the Caterpillar Phase to the Glorious Light of the Butterfly Phase, develop their personal cosmologies, release their divine potentials, and ultimately transform themselves into being cocreators with God. So once again, the day of the Lord has come as a thief in the night! Since the time of the great physical and spiritual scientist, Sir Isaac Newton, THE NAMELESS -20-

21 AND BOUNDLESS COSMIC ESSENCE (BCE) has been putting His laws into the creative hearts of a new generation of CLO and patiently writing it upon their minds and inward parts. By unifying all of the philosophy, Universal Geometrical Mathematics, Physical Science and Spiritual Science which BCE has placed in the hearts, and written in the creative minds of the world s most advanced CLO, it is now possible to holistically educate the precious children of the world with a new Language of Light that will enable them to read the only real Bible which is, THE BIBLE OF NATURE. This will free them from all dogma, help them to develop their personal cosmologies and realize that they are Microcosms with all of the powers of the COSMOS potentially within themselves. Finally, it will enable each child to fulfill the purpose for their existence and make their unique contribution toward expanding the Cosmic Spiritual Awareness of BCE beyond His projective boundary at infinity! This is the fulfillment of the Biblical prophecy which states: And they shall teach no more every man his neighbor, and every man his brother, saying, Know the Lord : for they shall all know me, from the least of unto the greatest of them, saith the Lord: for I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their Sin no more. Jeremiah 31 : In Cosmic Truth, there is no such thing as good and evil; However, if one desires to define a duality of this kind, that is compatible with the Divine Laws of the Cosmos, then one might state: The most demonic, and darkest of evil, is Willful and Sustained Ignorance. The most virtuous and angelic Light of Good, is the Love of Pure Learning while deeply meditating upon that learning, to obtain wisdom and understanding, in Oneness with the Cosmic Spirit that bounds each person from without, and centers each person from within. Henry & Erika Monteith With the writing and publishing of his timeless book with the title: The Children of the Law of One and THE LOST TEACHINGS OF ATLANTIS, Jon Peniel, the last Monk to be trained in the Atlantean Monastery which had remained hidden in the mountains of Tibet for over 12,000 years, the CLO of Atlantis completed their ordained task of physically bringing forward the fundamentals of Ancient Spiritual Science and helping their students, the CLO of today, construct the LGR OCTAVE -21-

22 which now globally covers the entire surface of the Earth. Whereas previously Christ, who was attached to the Earth s Grid by the cross, was the primary focus point for generating the LIFE-ENERGY(CHI) that was required to re-balance and re-energize the Earth s Grid, this time the entire Octave of the Sun is required! Two thousand years ago, only a small number of spiritually developed Essenes were available to support Christ by consciously projecting life-energy to him with the power of deep concentration and spiritually directed meditation. In contrast to the previous LGR OCTAVE, which was constructed on the local land area of Israel 2000 years ago, the Great LGR OCTAVE, which has been recently completed, under the direct inspiration of BCE, by a few thousand CLO members working unconsciously, and a much smaller number working both consciously and unconsciously at high levels of spiritual awareness, COVERS THE ENTIRE SURFACE OF THE EARTH! Instead of Christ being the principle masculine action (FA) LIFE-ENERGY(CHI) generator, this time, the vast amount of energy required is being generated directly by our beloved Sun. The three points DO, RE, & MI, of the MASCULINE IDEALIZATION POLAR TRIANGLE, are located in South America, the three points MI, FA, & SO, of the FEMININE ACTUALIZATION POLAR TRIANGLE, covers Europe, Africa, and Asia; finally, the three points SO, LA, & DO-OCT, of the NEUTRAL CENTRAL POLAR TRIANGLE cover North America. The polar triangle covering America is of special importance because it constitutes THE THREE MAJOR COSMIC REVELATIONS that BCE is giving to the spiritually inspired people of Earth through the creative power of the new CLO st who are representing Him. On December 21, the LGR OCTAVE began to function at full power and ceremonies of Light were held at the locations of all seven (8) notes of the LGR OCTAVE both consciously, with dancing and singing, and unconsciously with deeply profound meditation and thought. (1) THE FILM, 3-MAGIC WORDS, INSPIRED BY DOLORES CANNON Release of the ground breaking film titled: 3 MAGIC WORDS which pertains to the monumental work of Dolores Cannon and her fellow workers in the Light. Her more than seventeen books record information that has been extracted from the human unconscious that address nearly every imaginable subject pertaining to Man as a Microcosm in our awesomely mysterious Macrocosmic Cosmos. -22-

23 Reincarnation, Past Lifetimes, Death and the Afterlife, Alien Visitations, Lifetimes lived on many worlds, Solutions to the problem of Energy, and much, much more is contained in her wonderful historical, scientific, and pseudoscientific books! In order for the Holistic Education, that will be provided to the precious children of the Earth to be complete in the future, all of the information which has been provided by her books adds much to the great store of spiritual knowledge that is now being made available to them. This movie wonderfully explains the biblical concept that MAN IS CREATED IN THE IMAGE OF GOD and that the time has finally come for each and every person on Earth to expand their plane of consciousness to a level of Cosmic Spiritual Awareness high enough to enable them to proclaim the three magic words: I AM GOD! Therefore, THE THREE MAGIC WORDS herald the present dawning of The Butterfly Phase of the cycle of mankind s spiritual development on Earth. To obtain additional insight into the relevance of the movie, please visit the website 3magicwordsmovie.com. (2) THE FILM, SIRIUS, WORK OF UFOLOGIST DR. STEVEN GREER The release of another ground breaking film titled: SIRIUS by Dr. Steven M. Greer and his three famous projects: THE DISCLOSURE PROJECT, THE ORION PROJECT, and THE CSETI PROJECT. This film exposes the greatest story never told: The Earth has been visited by people from other worlds who are not malicious, but in fact concerned for the future of humanity. A cabal of military, industrial and financial interests have kept this contact, and what we have learned from it, secret for over 60 years. Their secrecy is meant to suppress the knowledge that can liberate the world from the yoke of oil, gas, coal and nuclear power and replace the current world order with one of New Energy and true Freedom. Structure of the film I. The first section of the film will share the vast scope of evidence that ETs exist, from official government documents, high-level witness testimony and audio and visual evidence. Disclosure and CSETI have the largest library of never before seen footage gathered over 20 years of study. -23-

24 II. Next, a group of brilliant scientists are interviewed who aim to expose long-held secret technologies. They show us how energy can be derived from the fabric of space around us, and how industrial cartels have suppressed this information. What did Nicola Tesla know, and why did the FBI seize his papers upon his death? Man-made anti-gravity vehicles have been in use for over half a century, some even used to perpetuate the ET abduction hoax in order to control the masses. Now is the time for these technologies to be acknowledged and developed for peaceful energy purposes. III. In the final section, we explore CONTACT: the CE-5 principles and how to build a bridge to a trans-dimensional universe. We will also share how the average person can make contact with people from other worlds. They are only a thought away. The highlight of the film is the autopsy of the Atacama Humanoid. The six-inch body was found in the Atacama Desert in Chile. Genetic Analysis has revealed it to be definite organic material with a plethora of striking abnormalities so-far unseen in any other life on earth. Full reports by Dr. Gary Nolan (Geneticist), radiographic evaluation by Dr. Ralph Lachman, and a summary report by Dr. Steven Greer are given on the website at (3) NEW THEORY OF EVERYTHING AND HOLISTIC EDUCATION On December 21, 2012, Dr. Henry C. Monteith, who is a Mathematician, physicist, and Spiritual Cosmologist, and his beloved soulmate Ms. Erika G. Monteith, who is a Concert Pianist, Music Theorist & Teacher, and Spiritual Cosmologist, together with the family of our closest and most beloved colleagues, served as a focus point for our wonderful SUN to activate a very important point on the Earth s Life Energy Grid System and begin the process of sharing our wonderful THEORY OF EVERYTHING, and our new HOLISTIC SYSTEM OF EDUCATION, which has been developed as a consequence of our theory, with the world. It was only after we had outlined the main body of our COSMIC THEORY OF EVERYTHING that we learned of the extremely important revelations of White Eagle which brought to our attention the extremely important fact that the development of our Cosmic Holistic System of Education would be woefully incomplete without the deep spiritual contributions of THE AMERICAN INDIANS! -24-

25 After reading chapter 13, Rays from the Spiritual Sun, from the highly inspiring book: Walking with the Angels, there was no doubt left in our minds that all of White Eagle s wonderful revelations and our COSMIC THEORY OF EVERYTHING are directly inspired by THE ELOHIM GODS OF THE STARS who are precisely carrying out the wonderful plans that THE NAMELESS AND BOUNDLESS COSMIC ESSENCE (GOD) has set forth for the Precious Children of Earth. Therefore, the philosophical foundation upon which we have developed our COSMIC THEORY OF EVERYTHING is constructed utilizing all of THE REVELATIONS OF WHITE EAGLE plus the additional SPIRITUAL SCIENCE PHILOSOPHY that has been placed on our website. Before ANYTHING can be created in the MACROCOSMIC COSMOS by a given MICROCOSM, the IDEALIZATION or THEORETICAL PROCESS, which provides an OVERVIEW OF THE COSMOS, must be developed before the PROCESS OF MIND can be initiated. Since our COSMIC THEORY OF EVERYTHING is written in THE LANGUAGE OF LIGHT, and it also serves as the foundation for the development of our DIVINE SYSTEM OF HOLISTIC EDUCATION, at least the philosophy behind our Theory and the revelations of White Eagle should be comprehended and understood before the contributions of the other three projects can be appreciated philosophically. In addition to our website, the following books by White Eagle and his students are recommended: (1) Walking with the Angels (A Path of Service). (2) Spiritual Unfoldment (Volumes I, II, III, and IV) (3) The Quiet Mind (4) Planetary Harmonies by Joan Hodgson (5) The Return of Arthur Conan Doyle We are calling upon all of those wonderful spiritual people on Earth, who are now beginning to experience the JOY of their Planes of Consciousness being expanded by the regeneration of Earth s Life Energy Grid, which officially commenced on December 21, 2012, to begin accelerating this process by thoroughly studying our website at Before each and every person can communicate intimately with THE CONSCIOUSNESS OF ENERGY, they must first learn to THINK and to MEDITATE with THE LANGUAGE OF LIGHT. Finally, the only way to become a member of THE CHILDREN OF THE LAW OF ONE, is for each and every person to begin the process of ultimately becoming -25-

26 CO-CREATORS WITH BCE (GOD), and to devote themselves relentlessly to THE LOVE OF PURE LEARNING! The following is of equal importance to the three main revelations that were programmed into THE EARTH S LIFE ENERGY GRID SYSTEM on December 21, 2012: THE OUTER SPACE SECURITY AND DEVELOPMENT TREATY The genesis of this Treaty Project is the injunction given to Dr. Carol Rosin by famed space pioneer Dr. Wernher von Braun. Carol first met with him when he was dying of cancer. At that meeting, he gave her the assignment to prevent the planned weaponization of space. Carol Sue Rosin is an award-winning educator, author, leading aerospace executive and space and missile defense consultant who is a CLO of star class qualifications which are more than adequate for carrying out her Space Treaty Project. In addition to being a former spokesperson for Dr. Wernher von Braun, she has consulted to a number of companies, organizations, government departments and the intelligence community. She is the current President of the Institute for Security and Cooperation in Outer Space (ISCOS) which she Founded. Dr. Rosin has received the support of various prominent individuals, some of whom are on her website Her Outer Space Security and Development Treaty is indispensable toward enabling us to carry out our PRIME DIRECTIVE which is the development of a Holistic System of Education that is sophisticated enough to provide the precious children of Earth with all of the tools that they will need to develop their personal cosmologies, expand their planes of consciousness, and ultimately become co-creators with God by unfolding their unlimited potentials. This will be possible only if a space treaty is signed and enforced which establishes a framework and procedures to assure that space will be a neutral realm from which all classes of weapons are banned, and from which no hostile action shall be taken toward Earth or the surrounding Cosmos. This Treaty invites Nation States to become Signatories and invites all parties, including Nation States, Indigenous Nations, and Cosmic Cultures, to commit to a plan and assist in the orderly development and implementation of a framework and procedures which will assure and verify that space is, and will remain, a neutral realm from which all classes of space-based weapons are banned -26-

27 in perpetuity. Having a safe and secure physical environment in which to holistically educate the precious children of the Earth is, of course, quite necessary; however, it is very far from being sufficient because the Earth, like the physical body of Man, consist of far more than just gross physical matter! Just as the physical human body has an astral and ethereal energy counterpart, so does the physical Earth have an Astral and Ethereal Energy Parallel World! During the intense evolutionary and involutionary processes of expanding their planes of consciousness through the love of pure learning, while being holistically educated, everything which has been studied by Physical and Spiritual Science, that can be helpful in any way, is brought into play; such as, color, light, sound, geometric form, and electricity. But, most of all, the wonderful, delightful, and spiritually uplifting interactions that take place between the astral bodies of the children and those of the most beautiful life-forms on Earth like, for example, trees, flowers, birds, and animals on land, and in the sea, such as dogs and dolphins, must be employed to the fullest possible extent. In ancient Spiritual Science, the ASTRAL SOULS of the beautiful living things in Earth s biosphere were referred to as DEVAS. Devas play a very large part in the holistic education of children and while doing so they utilize the help of armies of nature spirits or Luminous Entities as they are referred to by the great Master of Light, Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov. It is not difficult to imagine that it is absolutely necessary to maintain a very delicate, harmonic, and loving balance of giving and re-giving between the children s physical and astral energy bodies. So what do you think happens when this beautiful balance is violently upset by the awful noises generated by the clamor of mechanized civilization and, in particular, dis-harmonic, materialistic, and demonic music such as Hard, Acid, Rock and Roll? The astral bodies of the people of Earth have become so suppressed and, consequently, so insensitive that they are no longer capable of realizing that noise of this kind is such a terrible danger that if nothing is done about it soon, catastrophic mental and spiritual consequences, which are already becoming apparent, will eventually overwhelm the entire race. For example, let us consider a discotheque: The people who expose themselves to music that is typically played three times too loudly, are subjecting their brains, and their physiological and astral bodies, to vibrations which are very harmful. If they could see the damage that is caused to their physical and astral bodies, as well as -27-

28 the great disruption in their interactions, they would vacate the discotheque quicker than if it was being consumed by a fire! Now after taking all of this into account, what do you think is going to happen to the Earth s Life-Energy Grid, her parallel Astral World, and the evolutionary and involutionary interactions between them when a nuclear weapon is exploded in their domain? Now can you understand why those who are protecting our beautiful Earth, and guiding the evolutionary and involutionary processes of Earthbound Mankind, are bound and determined to prevent this from happening? Since they are attempting to follow the rule of non-interference as strictly as possible, there is great hope that the Nation States of Earth will freely choose to sign The Outer Space Security and Development Treaty of 2012, which is now being submitted to them in person by our beloved colleague, Dr. Carol Sue Rosin. ASCENDING FROM THE DARKNESS INTO THE LIGHT Nearly all of the Great Galactic Races of Cosmic Man which have expanded their planes of consciousness from the darkness of materialistic ignorance to the light of spiritual knowledge, wisdom, and understanding have done so by virtue of their mental understanding of God s Laws. For example, the advanced microcosms (people) of these races never deliberately harm any other living creature; however, this is not done out of deep and emotional love and reverence for other living things, but from a desire to obey the laws of the Cosmos and avoid the devastating consequences that may result from breaking the laws. These highly advanced galactic groups deeply comprehend the CONCEPT of the laws of BCE and His DIVINE LOVE with their MINDS and realize that it is by virtue of this Divine Love that they live and have their being. However, they are unable to give back to BCE profound feelings of EMOTIONAL LOVE for Him while simultaneously praising the beauty, wonder, and sublime glory of His awesomely mysterious Cosmos! This is so because the evolutionary and involutionary processes of their spiritual development has excluded all possibility of coming to deeply realize the profound relevancy of such feelings to BCE. When this situation was realized at the level of THE GREAT CENTRAL SUN, from which all Galactic Clusters are projected into being, the Great Entities, who are expressed by THE CONSCIOUSNESS OF ENERGY at this level, and who -28-

29 direct the evolutionary and involutionary physical, mental, and spiritual development of all planetary races, decided that there should be at least one civilization that would manifest DIVINE EMOTIONAL LOVE at the level of Microcosmic Man. For more than 10,000,000 years, civilizations have been rising and falling on Earth in the manner which we have described in several of our articles (Evolution (Spirit Cycle I & II)) etc. It has been envisioned that eventually, the human race would expand their planes of consciousness from the darkness of materialism into the glorious light of spirituality and, in this manner, show other, more mentally oriented races in our galactic family what the great power of deep emotional love can accomplish in the Cosmos! Since the freedom of choice has been eternally ordained by BCE, the human race was asked whether it would accept the unprecedented challenge of striving relentlessly to manifest Divine Emotional Love at the level of man by initiating the expansion of their planes of consciousness, under extremely constrained conditions, where knowledge of their true selves, as being Gods in the Cosmos, has been forgotten. Finally, being reduced to the level of an animal driven by blind and irrational emotions, and being subjected to very harsh environments where the survival of the fittest is the norm. After the human race accepted the challenge, the project was begun and it has now been in progress for more than 10,000,000 years, relatively speaking. At the beginning or this awesome Cosmic Project, it was known full well that the way up the ladder of consciousness expansion would be far from easy; that many pitfalls would be encountered, and that self-inflicted wounds, associated with enormous suffering among the human group, would be very great. As we have extensively explained in our articles, THIS IS EXPERIENCE IN THE DUALITY OF THOUGHT AND ACTION which is the only way the power of deep emotional love can be comprehended and the ability to be intuitively inspired to praise the beauty, wonder, and glory of our awesomely mysterious Cosmos be physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually developed. Evolving through duality requires that every Microcosm, doing so, experience all of the emotions of fear, hate, greed, pity, human love, and the expression of many lopsided, narrow, or twisted forms of the REAL COSMIC LOVE that BCE has for all of His creatures. Therefore, it became clear that the only way that the human race could finally arrive at the highest manifestation of the Love and Oneness of BCE, was to drag itself relentlessly through all of love s perversions and -29-

30 contortions, to taste every negative and unholy feeling that could possibly be imagined and generated, and finally end up purifying the body of the effects of negative emotional experiences by passing through an extreme testing period during which the only apparent way to save oneself from obliteration would be to give up reliance upon the fallible conscious mind and become ONE with the Love and Light of BCE who eternally centers us from within and enfolds us from without! It was conceived at the beginning of the project that if the time of trial could be cleverly enough prepared, then the result would be an outshining of love and brotherhood on a scale so vast that it would dumbfound the skeptical galactic races who have all along doubted the success of the project, and in the process teach them something about the awesome ONENESS OF GOD S LOVE that they could not possibly learn in any other way. It is essential, not only for humanity but also for the other galactic civilizations, to learn something about THE INTUITIVE AND EMOTIONAL LOVE SIDE OF BCE, for otherwise, the highest peaks of the mountain range of spiritual light cannot be scaled. Therefore, this experiment, that is being carried out upon this bit of cosmic dust, known as the Earth according to the galactic races, is for their benefit as well, and all higher entities who wish the COSMOS, who is the REPRESENTATIVE OF BCE, to unfold toward ever greater outflowerings of spirituality and light, should be working and praying continuously for the success of the human race! This is especially true now because THE GREAT TRIBULATIONS, which are associated with the quantum leap in spiritual awareness that mankind must experience, as their planes of consciousness transform into the Butterfly Phase of Spiritual Light, are beginning to emerge. Even though our beloved SUN is constantly projecting knowledge of the great mission that the people incarnating and re-incarnating on Earth have undertaken for the sake of EXPANDING THE CONSCIOUSNESS our beautiful Galaxy, over the last 13,000 years, their planes of consciousness have just been too low for them to receive and comprehend it. As far as we have been able to determine, the first recording of this information in book form was written by Toronto psychic Maurice B. Cooke after he received it telepathically from Melchizedek (Solar) Master Teacher Hilarion. The title of this book is: Seasons of the Spirit. -30-

31 Throughout the past 13,000 years of expanding their planes of consciousness through the agony and the ecstacy of profoundly emotional learning experiences, and deeply meditating upon the consequences of those experiences under the inspiration and guidance of their high selves, millions of souls, who volunteered to take part in this great project, have incarnated and re-incarnated on Earth hundreds and thousands of times. The effects of this vast amount of holistic experience, combined with the love of pure mental, intuitive, and spiritual learning, has uniquely qualified them to unfold all of their unlimited potentials and demonstrate to every galactic race the awesome creative power of Divine Emotional Love in the Cosmos. The sum total of the philosophy, mathematics, physical science and spiritual science which they have developed and accumulated over the past 13,000 years of the Caterpillar Phase is recorded in the astral and ethereal genetics of the Earth and all of the people who have been incarnating and re-incarnating during this phase. Now the time has come to transfer the information content of this priceless genetic base to their precious children who are destined to begin the process of building the greatest civilization of Cosmic Light and Love that has ever existed in the Galaxy! On December 21, 2012, the process of regenerating THE GREAT LIFE- ENERGY GRID SYSTEM OF THE EARTH, at the Astral and Ethereal Levels, was officially initiated by CHRIST who is the glorious SPIRIT OF THE OCTAVE OF THE SUN as well as the most beautiful and awesomely sublime REPRESENTATIVE OF BCE in this sector of our glorious Galaxy! Also, on that day, those few who have, by their own initiative, uplifted themselves to the highest level of knowledge, learning, and spiritual awareness that it is now possible for the children of Earth to reach by utilizing all of Earth s resources, were given permission to reveal themselves and prepare to complete THE FOUR CRITICAL PROJECTS that they have, until now, been unconsciously developing. They are THE MEN OF WISDOM who the Mayans predicted would return to Earth. This event, and all of those to follow were predicted by CHRIST 2000 years ago; however, from that time, and until the present, mankind s level of spiritual development has been so low that they could not possibly understand his prophecies. The Men of Wisdom will now begin the process of clarifying all of his great teachings. THE HARVEST IS GREAT, BUT THE LABORERS ARE FEW (LK 10:2) -31-

32 First, we want to remind everybody on Earth, of the irrefutable fact, that nothing with any REAL and ETERNAL VALUE has ever been handed down to mankind for FREE! There is no such thing as THE KINGDOM OF GOD COMING DOWN TO EARTH! After all, GOD, who is everywhere, can never come and go! The correct translation of the teachings of Christ that pertain to this is given in the Gospel of Thomas which was banned from the Bible! His disciples said to him, When will the kingdom come? Christ said: The Kingdom of Heaven will not come by waiting for it. It will not be a matter of saying here it is or there it is. Rather the Kingdom of God is spread out all over the Earth and men do not see it! The Gospel of Thomas:113 The original Gospels of Luke and Matthew, in Greek, also first contained precisely this statement; however, those who translated it from the original Greek did not include the sentence: Rather, the Kingdom of God is spread out all over the earth and men do not see it, because they simply could not believe this; and besides, it was much more sinister to tell the people that The Kingdom of Heaven will come, rather than The Kingdom of Heaven is already here. In Luke 17 : 20-22, this original teaching of Christ is slightly mistranslated and edited to read: And when he was demanded of the Pharisees, when the kingdom of God should come, he answered them and said: The kingdom of God cometh not with observation: Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! For, behold, the kingdom of God is within you. For any intelligent person who thinks deeply, this deliberate perversion of the original statement by Christ, in the Thomas Gospel, is blatantly obvious! Every living person on Earth must rise to learning, knowledge, wisdom, and understanding by their own initiative. This is pre-ordained by BCE! This was also suggested by Christ in the Thomas Gospel: Christ said: If those who lead you say to you. See, the Kingdom is in the sky, -32-

33 then the birds of the sky will precede you. If they say to you, It is in the sea, then the fish will precede you. Rather, the kingdom is inside you, and it is outside you. When you come to know yourselves, then you will become known, and you will realize that it is you who are the sons of the living Father. But if you will not know yourselves, you dwell in poverty and it is you who are that poverty. The Gospel of Thomas:3 All of the wonderful wisdom which has been passed down to the children of Earth, by the great philosophers of classical Greece, is implicit in this statement: Man, know thyself and thou wilt know the Universe and the Gods. Inscribed on the Temple at Delphi. Man is the Measure of all Things. Protagoras Wonders are many, but none are more wonderful than Man himself! Aristotle Therefore, the Men of Wisdom are not a gift which has been handed down to mankind from Heaven, they are members of the millions of souls who volunteered for the agonizing task of developing Divine Emotional Love at the level of the animal and plant kingdoms on Earth. Their planes of consciousness now stand at a level of spiritual awareness which is high enough to enable them to not only literally SEE the glorious fact that THE KINGDOM OF GOD IS SPREAD ALL OVER THE EARTH, but they also deeply realize that it exist at every point throughout the entire COSMOS which is projectively bounded at infinity! In our article: Heaven in the Eternal Now, we have made a very inadequate attempt to express the boundless JOY that has come to us because of this awesome realization. Now can you begin to understand how immensely important the Earth, and all of the involutionary and evolutionary processes of life that are occurring on it, is to the overall expansion of Spiritual Awareness in our wonderful Galaxy? This knowledge of EARTH S SPECIAL MISSION has always been continuously projected into the hearts, minds, and souls of everybody on Earth by THE CONSCIOUSNESS OF ENERGY; but, during the Dark Caterpillar Phase especially, the life-energy vibrations and the planes of consciousness of the people are so low that it is impossible for them to perceive it. In spite of this, Christ tried -33-

34 very hard to make his disciples aware of their great mission and the fact that their Microcosmic Bodies were projections of the Stars! The following statements come from the recently released GOSPEL OF JUDAS: First, Christ tried to describe the nature of THE NAMELESS AND BOUNDLESS COSMIC ESSENCE (BCE) as follows: Christ said: Come, that I may teach you about secrets that have never been revealed to anybody on Earth: There exists a great and boundless realm, whose extent no generation of angels has seen, in which there is a great invisible Spirit, that no eye of an angel has ever seen, no thought of the heart has ever comprehended, and IT WAS NEVER KNOWN BY ANY NAME. Even though the original scroll of The Gospel of Judas was greatly damaged and many passages were missing, or could not be read, enough remains to verify that Christ attempted to inform his disciples that the HIGH SELF of each of their Souls was THE SPIRIT OF A STAR: Christ said Stop sac[rificing...] which you have [...] over the altar, since they are over YOUR STARS and your ANGELS and have already come to their conclusion there. He went on to say finally: Stop struggling with me. EACH OF YOU HAS HIS OWN STAR! Finally, in a private conversation with Judas he said: Lift up your eyes and look at the cloud and the light within it and the stars surrounding it. The STAR that leads the way is YOUR STAR! Once it is realized that ALL IS ENERGY, ENERGY IS CONSCIOUS, the STARS are the creators of all things, and THE ABSOLUTE ONENESS OF ALL THINGS, the only possible solution is that our physical bodies are the tools with which our PERSONAL STARS learn through experience in duality. (See our article: Foundations). In John 10:34, Christ confirmed that our HIGH SELVES are not only just the Spirits of the Stars, they are, to be more precise, STAR-GODS! Christ answered them. Is it not written in your law: I have said you are Gods? It is very exciting, and enormously revealing, to realize, at last, that OUR CONSCIOUSNESS IS, in reality, EMBODIED IN THE ENERGY OF OUR PERSONAL STAR! Since energy is directly proportional to frequency, and consciousness is embodied by energy, it is quite obvious that the greatest law of -34-

35 Spiritual Science states: ALL IS VIBRATION! There is no doubt that it is a wonderful thing for the people of Earth to learn how to communicate with their brothers and sisters from other civilizations in our Galaxy who are physically visiting Earth in their spacecraft. This approach to Cosmic Communication is being promoted by Dr. Steven Greer. However, even though his approach is a necessary and very good beginning for the people of the Earth, it is ultimately insignificant compared with helping then to expand their planes of consciousness to levels of spiritual awareness high enough to enable them to communicate directly with their SPLENDID SUN, on the Cosmic level, with the deepest and most profound emotions of LOVE and spiritual UNDERSTANDING! The ability to communicate, utilizing THE LANGUAGE OF LIGHT, with the HIGH SELF of our Beloved SUN, and our PERSONAL HIGH SELVES in the STARS, is presently very far above the spiritual levels of development of virtually everybody on Earth, and, in addition, it can only be EARNED through the agony and the ecstacy of many lifetimes of experience, on many worlds, with intense devotion to THE LOVE OF PURE LEARNING. Nevertheless, we are now at the beginning of the Butterfly Phase of Light and with the development of a COSMIC THEORY OF EVERYTHING, we have the ability to expand the planes of consciousness of our Goddess Mothers to levels of spiritual awareness high enough for them to attract into their wombs qualified CHILDREN OF THE LIGHT who only require the proper type of Holistic Education to enable them to unfold all of their Divine Cosmic Potentials, which they have already EARNED, to enable them to not only communicate with the STARS but also become co-creators with GOD on Earth and experience the awesome bliss of being at ONE WITH HIM IN HIS BOUNDLESS LIGHT AND LOVE! The essence of all priceless COSMIC WEALTH is the accumulation of an infinitely countable number of Divine Microcosms of Man who have expanded their Planes of Consciousness into ONENESS with the LOVE and LIGHT of BCE, become co-creators with Him, contributing toward the Eternal Expansion of His Spiritual Awareness one quantum step beyond His Projective Boundary at Infinity after each Circadian Cycle, by helping Him to answer His Eternal questions from their personal and unique perspectives. Since BCE is boundless and cannot be perceived, His Eternal Questions can never be finally answered in the same way that the last digit of an irrational number can never be written. This is why the -35-

36 COSMOS has NO BEGINNING and NO END; nevertheless, so great is His Eternal Desire to Know His boundless Self, His Circadian Cycle of the birth and death of universes is eternal. Just think of it, a BOUNDLESS BEING, observing and experiencing Itself from a countably infinite number of points of view with no prospect of ultimately answering His Eternal Questions: Who am I?, From whence did I come?, Where shall I ultimately go? and finally, What is the eternal purpose of My being?. At the beginning of each COSMOS, He sets a goal to reach at the end of its Circadian Cycle; but then, He must set a new goal for the next cycle etc. A major goal that BCE has desired to reach during the present Circadian Cycle is for his Microcosms (each and every person) to comprehend His deeply intuitive and profoundly emotional aspects and demonstrate their awesome creative power. Adding to the astral and ethereal genetic base, that has been built up on Earth for the last 10,000,000 years, the very special accomplishments that mankind has achieved during the past 12,000 years of agonizing, emotional, and spiritual experience, in the animal domain of consciousness, THE MEN OF WISDOM, who were spiritually developed on Earth and who have now been officially activated, have the power to help Holistically Educate the incoming generation of precious children on Earth so that they will have the tools they need to release all of their divine potentials and finally complete their Great Galactic Project of building a Star-Class Civilization with the creative power of Divine Emotional Love that will astound the other Galactic Races who have done so only with intellect, logic, and love that is not seasoned with emotions. Therefore, THE GREAT HARVEST to come will consist of the precious children of Earth who have been Holistically Educated between now and the allotted time remaining. Needless to say, from the Galactic Point of View, they are priceless, beyond all value, and of utmost significance to the Spiritual Development and Welfare of the entire Galaxy! As a matter of fact, they are so important that all possible risks of losing their entire Genetic Base, which has been built up over 10,000,000 years, has been eliminated! This was accomplished in the following manner: For at least two centuries now, there have been persistent reports of UFO abductions, genetic experiments, women becoming pregnant and then the babies disappearing after three months, and occasionally of women being carried aboard -36-

37 Saucer-type craft to visit their children! In this manner, a race of at least 3,000 hybrids have been created to supplement the holistically educated children of Earth in case the harvest is too small, replace them in case the people of Earth choose not to holistically educate their precious children, or destroy them in a senseless nuclear war. With children of such great value at stake, you can be certain that every thought and action that occurs on Earth is closely monitored and all help is being given that does not violate the code of non-interference, set by BCE Himself. The reason why the Earth has not been devastated by a bolide strike for the past 12,000 years is because the Elohim Star-Gods, assisting the Sun, have prevented it. Also, to prepare for the coming Butterfly Phase, the Earth must cleanse herself and re-terra-form. If the Star-Gods had not been delaying it, the surface of the Earth would already be unlivable. In short, the people of Earth are being given a little more time to Holistically Educate their children. THE MEN OF WISDOM are being informed that they have until 2042 to reach the goal of having holistically educated as many children as possible. This means that there is no time to waste and the four projects, that we have mentioned, are now urgently underway. It is interesting to note that Sir Isaac Newton, the world s greatest physical and spiritual scientist combination, calculated that by 2060, the present civilization will be a thing of the past. Of course, the precious children of the Earth, who have been holistically educated will have been harvested before this happens! Since the people of Earth have complete freedom of choice, there is always hope, and even our grossly materialistic civilization can be transformed to the proper level of spiritual awareness if all of the people on Earth desired to make the drastic changes necessary to do so! However, there is not a space traveling civilization in the entire Galaxy which believes that the people of Earth, who are so deeply buried in the darkness of materialism and spiritual ignorance, are even capable of making the choice to do so, let alone carrying it out! It would be wonderful if America could start a Manhattan type project to fix the country s infrastructure, train all teachers holistically, as outlined in our website, and convert all schools and churches to around the clock holistic education! Gosh, what a Cosmic Surprise it would be if the people of Earth could pull this off! If this was to happen, then the people of Earth would receive all of the help they need from higher powers of the Consciousness of Energy to easily confront the necessary re-terra-forming that our precious Earth has initiated and will be well advanced by the end of the 21 st -37-

38 century. REMEMBER, HOLISTICALLY EDUCATING THE PRECIOUS CHILDREN OF EARTH, AND THEIR MOTHERS, IS THE PRIME DIRECTIVE! Also, remember that before you can have any chance of communicating directly with THE CONSCIOUSNESS OF ENERGY, you must purify yourself spiritually, overcome all attachment to the physical world, love your fellow human beings much more than yourself, start the process of releasing all of your divine potentials, and use them all to lovingly and unselfishly serve everybody without any desire for reward or compensation! It is only by LEARNING THE LANGUAGE OF LIGHT that you will be able to thoroughly comprehend, understand, and utilize THE GREAT LAW OF GIVING AND RE-GIVING which means, in effect, that you always strive to give back more than you receive! THE GEORGIA GUIDESTONES Finally, to make these monumental revelations to mankind complete: In the 1970s, THE NAMELESS AND BOUNDLESS COSMIC ESSENCE (BCE) inspired a member of THE CHILDREN OF THE LAW OF ONE (Those who are experiencing the bliss of being at ONE with BCE) to construct THE GEOGIA GUIDESTONES in Elbert County, Georgia, USA. A message, clearly conveying a set of ten guidelines, for those who will be building civilizations during the coming Butterfly Phase of Spiritual Light, are inscribed on the structure in eight (an octave) modern languages, and a shorter message is inscribed at the top of the structure in FOUR (the number of creative processes) ancient language scripts: Babylonian, Classical Greek, Sanskrit, and Egyptian Hieroglyphs, which are the world s FOUR BASIC SACRED LANGUAGES! (Hebrew is also a sacred language but it was constructed from these.) The monument was opened in March The ten part message is given in Figure(5). Of course, it will not be possible to apply these guidelines until after our beloved Mother Earth, who we have been abusing so badly, has completed her re-terraforming process which occurs twice during the 26,000 years of mankind s cycle of spiritual development on Earth. The process will be well under way by 2060, the year predicted by Sir Isaac Newton for the end of civilization as it has been known throughout the past 12,000 years of the Caterpillar Phase of ignorance, materialism, and Spiritual Darkness during which the Spirit of the Human Microcosm evolves through the agony and the ecstacy of life s experiences with increasing dedication -38-

39 to the love of pure learning as their planes of consciousness expand. Figure (5) No greater joy shall ever be known, or felt more deeply in the Heart and Soul, than that which comes to the One who, through the Love and Light of Pure Learning, is eternally expanding his Consciousness toward becoming perfect in the Love and Light of God. -39-

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