玉神 - 神研所歷年英文考古題 學年度 2011 學年度

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1 2011 學年度 A. General Vocabulary( 字彙 ) [20%] Choose the correct word:( 選擇正確的字 ) Example: The b was very helpful. [a] satisfied [b] saleslady [c] several 1. Drive carefully or you will have an b. [a] terrible [b] accident [c] afraid 2. A party is a a event. [a] social [b] athletic [c] mathematical 3. He is a b student. [a] old [b] good [c] auditory 4. Would you a my request? [a] consider [b] clear [c] think 5. The problem is very a. [a] difficult [b] over [c] lonely 6. She plans to go c this year [a] foreign [b] long [c] overseas 7. It is a to study English every day. [a] necessary [b] must [c] able 8. He has a b talent. [a] outdoors [b] musical [c] opportunity 9. I am a in buying a new car. [a] thinking [b] possibly [c] interested 10. He hopes he has enough b for dinner. [a] meal [b] money [c] many 11. My brother is a good a. [a] mechanic [b] memory [c] mature 12. She is a very b person. [a] please [b] pleasant [c] pleasure 13. His car had a c yesterday. [a] breakfast [b] direction [c] breakdown 14. She will b it to you. [a] talk [b] explain [c] exactly 15. You should ask for a aid. [a]financial [b] taking [c] freely 16. I am going to take a training b. [a] table [b] class [c] going 17. Use plenty of c to wash your hands. [a] soup [b] spool [c] soap 18. The children are watching c now. [a] dinner [b] clothes [c] television 19. I think she is a very good b. [a] sings [b] singer [c] single 20. She wants to get on-the-job a. [a] training [b] train [c] taken B. Biblical Vocabulary( 聖經字彙 ) [20 %] Choose the right description:( 選擇正確的描述 ) 1. [ H ] Nathaniel A. The king of Judea. 2. [ D ] Nazareth B. Ancient Jewish sect rigidly interpreting and observing the law. 3. [ J ] Jerusalem C. The southern province of Israel. 4. [ F ] Sin D. Jesus Home town 5. [ C ] Judea E. The place where Jews worship God. 6. [ I ] Bethesda F. To violate God s perfect standard. 7. [ E ] Synagogue G. The home of Jesus friends, Mary, Martha and Lazarus. 8. [ B ] Pharisees H. One of Jesus 12 disciples. 9. [ A ] Herod I. A pool where Jesus healed a crippled man.

2 10. [ G ] Bethany J. The location of the Jewish temple. 11. [ N ] Peace K. A person from whom one is descended. 12. [ R ] Pentecost L. Making peace between God and humans. 13. [ O ] Widow M. Make holy 14. [ M ]Sanctify N. What he angels prophesied. 15. [ S ] Disciple O. A woman whose husband has died. 16. [ L ] Reconciliation P. A person with a message from God. 17. [ T ] Covenant Q. Jesus best-known parable, recorded in Luke [ K ] Ancestor R. The birthday of the church. 19. [ P ] Prophet S. A follower 20. [ Q ] The Prodigal Son T. An agreement between God and God s people. C. Grammar:( 文法 ) [20%] These sentences are all wrong. Find the errors and correct them. ( 請選出錯誤的字, 並改正之 ) Example: [B] _enjoy The students enjoys playing baseball in the park. 1. [ A ] sang She sing a song in church last Sunday. 2. [ B ] eat We like to eating oranges. 3. [ C ] decide Please tell me what you decision to do. 4. [ D ] start My old car would not started this morning. 5. [ A ] were If I was you I would telephone her.. 6. [ C ] I told him I would go to the Hualien. 7. [ B ] on I hope you have a good time in your trip. 8. [ B ] does What time do he think he will arrive? 9. [ C ] carefully I told her to consider the problem very careful. 10. [ B ] disappointed I m always disappoint when I don t get any mail.

3 11. [ A ] plans Next year he planned to go to Japan. A B C 12. [ A ] does Do your sister like to go to Taitong? 13. [ B ] deposited I deposit my money in the bank last Friday. A B C 14. [ C ] as Your car is the same color with mine. 15. [ B ] than He reads more books that I do. 16. [ B ] easier This lesson is more easier than the last one. 17. [ C ] cate Please drive the car with great carefully. A B C 18. [ C ] watching I am afraid they spend too much time to watch TV. 19. [ C ] had By the time we got home, dinner has already started. A B C 20. [ A ] are There have lots of books in the library now. D. Word Forms:( 造句 ) [10%] Choose the correct word form for each sentence. ( 選擇正確的字, 使之成為一個正確完整的句子 ) Example: [B] The car was _ down the road very quickly. A. drive B driven C drives 1. [ A ] He is a very person. A. old B. older C. oldest 2. [ C ] Good Grammar will your public speaking. A. powerful B. power C. empower 3. [ C ] She is a very person. A. think B. thought C. thoughtful 4. [ A ] She has no to go to the United States to study. A. Plans B. planned C. planning 5. [ C ] He is a very. Person.

4 A. best B. better C. good 6. [ A ] She has many about her trip.. A. concerns B. concerning C. concerned 7. [ A ] You have a very good. A. memory B. memorable C. memorize 8. [ C ] He is studying.. A. outdoor B. ecumenical C. engineering 9. [ B ] One should be for all of the privileges we have. A. thanks B. thankful C. thanking 10. [ A ] John the Baptist called the people to of their sins. A. repent B. repeat C. remember E. Cloze Test:( 克漏字 ) [20%] Choose the best words to complete the paragraphs. ( 選擇最正確的字來完成這段敘述 ) Joseph went from the 1 of Nazareth in Galilee to the town of Bethlehem in 2, the 3 of King David. Joseph went there because he was a 4 of David. He went to register with Mary, who was promised in 5 to him. She was pregnant, and while they were in Bethlehem, the time came for her to have her 6.She gave birth to her first son, 7 him in cloths, and laid him in a 8.--there was no 9 for them to stay in the [ a ] a. town b. trees c. crowd d. table 2. [ b ] a. night b. Judea c. Jerusalem d. justice 3. [ d ] a. baby b. baptism c. between d. birthplace 4. [ b ] a. dinner b. descendent c. helper d. hope 5. [ c ] a. message b. memory c. marriage d. many 6. [ b ] a. between b. baby c. bottle d. Bethlehem 7. [ a ] a. wrapped b. worked c. told d. about 8. [ d ] a. house b. box c. medicine d. manger 9. [ b ] a. time b. room c. thought d. friend 10. [ c ] a. car b. donkey c. inn d. family It was almost twelve o clock when the 1 stopped shining and 2 covered the whole country until three o clock, and the 3 hanging in the 4 was torn in two. Jesus cried out in a 5 voice, Father, in your 6 I place my 7. He

5 said this and died. The army 8 saw what had happened, and he 9 God, saying Certainly, he was a good [ c ] a. stars b. stairs c. sun d. sunshine 2. [ a ] a. darkness b. danger c. sky d. evil 3. [ b ] a. clothing b. curtain c. children d. chicken 4. [ d ] a. tower b. wind c. daylight d. temple 5. [ b ] a. sweet b. loud c. long d. scoffed 6. [ a ] a. hands b. whole c. happiness d. love 7. [ b ] a. soldiers b. spirit c. terrible d. song 8. [ c ] a. only b. order c. officer d. dinner 9. [ d ] a. sang b. saved c. talked d. praised 10. [ b ] a. idea b. man c. make d. cross F. Reading Comprehension( 閱讀測驗 ) [10%] Read the article and answer the questions: ( 閱讀下列短篇故事 選擇正確的答案並完成句子 ) English is a very interesting language. It is spoken all over the world. However it can be very difficult to learn. That is partly because English has parts of many other languages, including Latin, French, German, and the original languages of England. It therefore has many grammar rules, but these rules often change. There are many irregular forms of speech. This makes it difficult for students to learn. The best way for a person to lean English is just by often listening to it, speaking it, and writing it. 1. What kind of language is English? Interestion, international, difficult. 2. What other languages are in English? Lation, French, German, original languages of England. 3. What kind of grammar rules does it have?

6 Many, Changing, irregular, difficult. 4. Is English an easy language to learn? Why? No, it is difficult, because it contains many other languages, has many grammar rules that change, and many irregular forms of speech. 5. What is the best way to learn English? Listen, speak and write often.

7 2012 學年度 A. General Vocabulary( 字彙 ) [20%] Choose the correct word:( 選擇正確的字 ) Example: She will B it to you. [A] talk [B] explain [C] speak 1. Use plenty of A to wash your hands. [A] soap [B] soup [C] supper 2. The problem is very C. [A] difference [B] division [C] difficult 3. His knowledge is A. [A] amazing [B] bored [C] consider 4. She is a very B person. [A] teaching [B] thoughtful [C] thinking 5. She had an A last week. [A] operation [B] open [C] old 6. Please B when you have time. [A] cancel [B] call me [C] call you 7. The boy has lots of C. [A] extra [B] easily [C] energy 8. It is A to study English every day. [A] necessary [B] position [C] accident 9. Would you A her request? [A] consider [B] possibly [C] criticism 10. I am going on an B trip. [A] over [B] overseas [C] church 11. The C are watching the ball game. [A] child [B] chickens [C] children 12. Please A me your book for a day. [A] loan [B] danger [C] bright 13. The man C his ankle. [A] broken [B] team [C] sprained 14. At night, be sure A the door. [A] to lock [B] to depart [C] to drop 15. Oh, he is very A. [A] childish [B] children [C] entirely 16. Taiwan is very B. [A] lake [B] magnificent [C] school 17. Mom has an B washing machine. [A] auto [B] automatic [C] angry 18. What a good C you are! [A] activity [B] brilliant [C] citizen 19. The student should ask for B aid. [A] report [B] financial [C] weather 20. My uncle C we go on a trip. [A] sprained [B] mention [C] suggested B. Grammar:( 文法 ) [20%] Choose the correct word to complete the sentence. ( 選擇正確的單字完成句子 ) 1. [ c ] We used to ( a had b has c have) a lot of fun when we were children. 2. [ c ] John ( a went b want c wants) to be a doctor when he grows up. 3. [ c ] If I had ( a know b knew c known) that you wanted me, I would have come. 4. [ b ] The dress ( a don t b doesn t c wasn t) look good on me anymore.

8 5. [ a ] She opens the window ( a in b on c to) the morning each day. 6. [ b ] Tomorrow I will ( a paid b pay c pays) back the money I owe you. 7. [ b ] Why ( a are b do c does) you dislike the class so much? 8. [ b ] The car was ( a stole b stolen c steal) by two thieves. 9. [ c ] Put the letters ( a in b to c on) the top of the table. 10. [ a ] Please drive the car ( a carefully b care c careful). 11. [ c ] She is the ( a good b better c best) student in our class. 12. [ b ] Peter is ( a tall b taller c tallest) than John. 13. [ c ] Ann is the ( a more b bad c most) beautiful girl I know. 14. [ c ] Hers is the home ( a who b whom c that) is on the corner. 15. [ c ] Her parents are afraid that she spends ( a to b two c too) much time studying. 16. [ b ] What time ( a do b does c did) he think he will arrive? 17. [ c ] What time ( a do b does c did) he think he would arrive? 18. [ c ] The movie had just ( a begin b began c begun) when we arrived. 19. [ c ] The boy was ( a bite b bitted c bitten) by the dog. 20. [ b ] My Mom bought many beautiful ( a knife b knives c knifes) for me. C. Biblical Vocabulary from the Gospel of Luke( 聖經字彙 ) [20 %] Choose the Correct description:( 選擇正確的描述 ) 1. [ P ] Pharisees A. the place where Jesus good friends lived 2. [ H ] Peter B. a place of worship for the Jews 3. [ U ] ascension C. a parable Jesus told 4. [ M ] resurrection D. a change to glory or exalt 5. [ K ] Golgotha E. group which hated the Jews 6. [ T ] Jerusalem F. one of Jesus 12 disciples 7. [ N ] disciple G. Jesus hometown 8. [ S ] Emmaus H. disciple who denied Jesus three times 9. [ A ] Bethany I. one who baptized Jesus 10. [ F ] Matthew(Levi) J. a priest 11. [ B ] Synagogue K. the place where Jesus was crucified 12. [ C ] The Prodigal Son L. the place where the man with demons lived 13. [ J ] Zechariah M. rising from the dead 14. [ I ] John the Baptist N. one who follows and learns from someone 15. [ O ] Miracle O. Jesus calming the storm 16. [ D ] Transfiguration P. group of men who wanted people to obey all the Laws 17. [ E ] Samaritan R. the king of Judea

9 18. [ R ] Herod S. the place to which the two men were walking 19. [ G ] Nazareth T. the location of the Jewish temple 20. [ L ] Gerasene U. going up as Jesus did to heaven D. Word Forms:( 造句 ) [20%] Choose the correct word form for each sentence. ( 選擇正確的字, 使之成為一個正確完整的句子 ) 1. [ b ] He is a very ( a consider b considerate c considerable) person. 2. [ c ] She has a great ( a desiring b desirable c desire) to go to the States to study. 3. [ a ] Good English will ( a empower b power c powerful) your public speaking. 4. [ c ] My brother and I do things very ( a different b differ c differently). 5. [ c ] All children must be ( a carefully b care c careful) when they cross the street. 6. [ a ] I ( a suggest b suggestion c suggests) that you go home early today. 7. [ b ] My favorite hobby is ( a photograph b photography c photographs). 8. [ c ] Our class had a great ( a discuss b discussed c discussion) about society. 9. [ c ] He is studying ( a outdoors b ecumenical c theology). 10. [ c ] Oh! You have a very good ( a memorize b memorable c memory). 11. [ a ] John the Baptist told the people to ( a repent b repeat c remember) of their sins. 12. [ c ] Her aunt is a famous ( a surgery b successful c surgeon) in Taipei. 13. [ c ] Do you like to watch ( a favor b follows c foreign) movies? 14. [ b ] It will not be ( a convince b convenient c convertible) for him to go tomorrow. 15. [ c ] Everyone must take care of their ( a physically b physic c physical) health. 16. [ b ] The Bible is ( a true b truly c truest) the Word of God. 17. [ c ] When were you ( a baptism b baptist c baptized)? 18. [ a ] The disease is very ( a contagious b conscious c courage). 19. [ b ] These days we are all very ( a worry b worries c worried) about the weather. 20. [ b ] Please ( a make b mind c mouth) your own business. E. Cloze Test:( 克漏字 ) [20%] Choose the best words to complete the paragraphs. ( 選擇最正確的字來完成這段敘述 ) Now all the tax collectors and 1 were coming near to listen to Jesus. And the Pharisees and the 2 were grumbling and saying, This fellow welcomes sinners and eats with them.

10 So, He told them this 3 : Which one of you, having a hundred sheep and 4 one of them, does not leave the ninety-nine in the 5 and goes after the one that is lost until he finds it? When he has found it, he lays it on his shoulders and 6 And when he comes home, he calls together his 7 and neighbors, saying to them, 8 with me, for I have found my sheep that was lost. Just so, I tell you, there will be more 9 in heaven over one sinner who 10 than over ninety-nine righteous persons who need no repentance. 1. [ B ] A. sheep B. sinners C. stories D. songs 2. [ A ] A. scribes B. sinners C. singers D. stones 3. [ C ] A. prophet B. priest C. parable D. miracle 4. [ B ] A. lost B. losing C. learning D. several 5. [ B ] A. daytime B. wilderness C. school D. road 6. [ C ] A. repents B. replies C. rejoices D. repeats 7. [ B ] A. dinner B. friends C. enemies D. papers 8. [ C ] A. Relax B. Refresh C. Rejoice D. Refuse 9. [ A ] A. joy B. angels C. sinners D. rejoice 10. [ B ] A. carries B. repents C. baptism D. acts When they came to the place that is called The Skull, they 1 Jesus there with the criminals, one on his right and one on his left. Then Jesus said, Father, 2 them for they do not know what they are doing. And they cast lots to divide his 3. And the people stood by, 4 ; but the leaders 5 at him, saying, He saved others; let him save himself if he is the 6 of God, his chosen one! The 7 also mocked him, coming up and 8 him sour wine, and saying, If you are the King of the Jews, 9 yourself! There was also an 10 over him, This is the King of the Jews. 1. [ B ] A. hated B. crucified C. called D. loved 2. [ C ] A. punish B. forget C. forgive D. remember 3. [ B ] A. cloth B. clothing C. disciples D. family 4. [ C ] A. seeing B. watch C. watching D. watches 5. [ A ] A. scoffed B. to scoff C. scoffing D. cry 6. [ B ] A. kind B. Messiah C. Sun D. Mess 7. [ C ] A. children B. kings C. soldiers D. ladies 8. [ B ] A. to offer B. offering C. drinking D. pouring 9. [ A ] A. save B. safe C. saving D. sleep 10. [ B ] A. inside B. inscription C. sign D. exciting

11 2013 學年度 A. General Vocabulary( 字彙 ) [20%] Choose the correct word:( 選擇正確的字 ) Example: The B was very helpful. [A] satisfied [B] saleslady [C] several 1. Drive carefully or you will have an a. [A] terrible [B] accident [C] afraid 2. She gave me c for ten dollars. [A] bill [B] total [C] change 3. He is a b student. [A] old [B] brilliant [C] none 4. Would you a my request? [A] consider [B] clear [C] think 5. The problem is very c. [A] assume [B] over [C] complicated 6. He took a b trip last year [A] foreign [B] long [C] overseas 7. It is a to study English every day. [A] necessary [B] must [C] able 8. He hopes he can fill the b. [A] outdoors [B] position [C] opportunity 9. I am c in buying a new car. [A] thinking [B] possibly [C] interested 10. He hopes he has enough b for dinner. [A] meal [B] money [C] many 11. My brother is a good a. [A] mechanic [B] memory [C] mature 12. She is a very c person. [A] think [B] teaching [C] thoughtful 13. He tried to a me to change my mind. [A] force [B] want [C] talk 14. She will b it to you. [A] speak [B] explain [C] exactly 15. He has to a a new book. [A] critique [B] speak [C] shopping 16. Use plenty of c to wash your hands. [A] soup [B] spool [C] soap 17. The c are watching a movie now. [A] chickens [B] churches [C] children 18. I think she is a very good b. [A] sings [B] singer [C] single 19. His knowledge is a. [A] amazing [B] always [C] angry 20. Oh, he is so b! [A] child [B] childish [C] baby B. Biblical Vocabulary from the Gospel of Luke( 聖經字彙 ) [20 %] Choose the Correct description:( 選擇正確的描述 ) 1. [ J ] resurrection A. a change to glory or exalt 2. [ H ] Golgotha B. group which hated the Jews 3. [ T ] Jerusalem C. one of Jesus 12 disciples, tax collector 4. [ N ] disciple D. Jesus home town 5. [ S ] Emmaus E. disciple who denied Jesus three times 6. [ K ] Bethany F. one who baptized Jesus 7. [ C ] Matthew(Levi) G. a priest 8. [ L ] Synagogue H. the place where Jesus was crucified

12 9. [ M ] The Prodigal Son I. the place where the man with demons lived 10. [ G ] Zechariah J. rising from the dead 11. [ P ] Pharisees K. the place where Jesus good friends lived 12. [ E ] Peter L. a place of worship for the Jews 13. [ U ] ascension M. a parable Jesus told 14. [ F ] John the Baptist N. one who follows and learns from someone 15. [ O ] miracle O. Jesus calming the storm 16. [ A ] Transfiguration P. group of men who wanted people to obey all the laws 17. [ B ] Samaritans R. the king of Judea 18. [ R ] Herod S. the place to which the two men were walking 19. [ D ] Nazareth T. the location of the Jewish temple 20. [ I ] Gerasene U. going up as Jesus did to heaven C. Grammar:( 文法 ) [20%] Choose the correct word to complete the sentence. ( 選擇正確的單字完成句子 ) 1. [ c ] We used to ( a had b has c have) a lot of fun when we were children. 2. [ c ] John ( a went b want c wants) to be a doctor when he grows up. 3. [ c ] If I had ( a know b knew c known) that you wanted me, I would have come. 4. [ b ] The dress ( a don t b doesn t c wasn t) look good on me anymore. 5. [ a ] She opens the window ( a in b on c to) the morning each day. 6. [ b ] Tomorrow I will ( a paid b pay c pays) back the money I owe you. 7. [ b ] Why ( a are b do c does) you dislike the class so much? 8. [ b ] The car was ( a stole b stolen c steal) by two thieves. 9. [ c ] Put the letters ( a in b to c on) top of the table. 10. [ a ] Please drive the car ( a carefully b care c careful). 11. [ c ] She is the ( a good b better c best) student in our class. 12. [ b ] Peter is ( a tall b taller c tallest) than John. 13. [ c ] Ann is the ( a more b bad c most) beautiful girl I know. 14. [ c ] Hers is the home ( a who b whom c that) is on the corner. 15. [ c ] Her parents are afraid that she spends ( a to b two c too) much time studying. 16. [ b ] What time ( a do b does c did) he think he will arrive? 17. [ c ] What time ( a do b does c did) he think he would arrive? 18. [ c ] The movie had just ( a begin b began c begun) when we arrived. 19. [ c ] The boy was ( a bite b bitted c bitten) by the dog. 20. [ b ] My Mom bought many beautiful ( a knife b knives c knifes) for me.

13 D. Reading Comprehension:( 閱讀 ) [20%] Choose the best words to complete the paragraphs. ( 選擇最正確的字來完成這段敘述 ) Joseph went from the 1 of Nazareth in Galilee to the town of Bethlehem in 2, the 3 of King David. Joseph went there because he was a 4 of David. He went to register with Mary, who was promised in 5 to him. She was pregnant, and while they were in Bethlehem, the time came for her to have her 6. She gave birth to her first son, 7 him in cloths, and laid him in a 8. There was no 9 for them to stay in the [ A ] A. town B. trees C. crowd D. table 2. [ B ] A. night B. Judea C. Jerusalem D. justice 3. [ D ] A. baby B. baptism C. between D. birthplace 4. [ B ] A. dinner B. descendent C. helper D. hope 5. [ C ] A. message B. memory C. marriage D. many 6. [ B ] A. between B. baby C. bottle D. Bethlehem 7. [ A ] A. wrapped B. worked C. told D. about 8. [ D ] A. house B. box C. medicine D. manger 9. [ B ] A. time B. room C. thought D. friend 10. [ C ] A. car B. donkey C. inn D. family It was almost twelve o clock when the 1 stopped shining and 2 covered the whole country until three o clock. The 3 hanging in the 4 was torn in two. Jesus cried out in a 5 voice, Father, into your 6 I place my 7. He said this and died. When the army 8 saw what had happened, he 9 God, saying, Certainly, he was a good [ C ] A. stars B. stairs C. sun D. sunshine 2. [ A ] A. darkness B. sky C. danger D. evil 3. [ B ] A. chickens B. curtain C. clothes D. kitchen

14 4. [ C ] A. daylight B. garage C. temple D. tower 5. [ D ] A. silent B. soft C. sweet D. loud 6. [ A ] A. hands B. happening C. heart D. heat 7. [ C ] A. song B. shoulder C. spirit D. spirits 8. [ A ] A. officer B. mens C. order D. son 9. [ B ] A. sing B. praised C. talked D. shouted 10. [ C ] A. Christian B. cross C. man D. manager E. Word Forms:( 造句 ) [10%] Choose the correct word form for each sentence. ( 選擇正確的字, 使之成為一個正確完整的句子 ) Example: [b] The car war down the road very quickly. a drive b driven c drives 1. [ b ] He is a very ( a consider b considerate c considerable) person. 2. [ a ] Good English will ( a empower b power c powerful) your public speaking. 3. [ c ] She is a very ( a philosophize b philosophy c philosophical) person. 4. [ b ] She has no ( a desirable b desire c desiring) to study in the United States. 5. [ a ] Be sure to consider this matter ( a thoughtfully b thinking c thoughtful). 6. [ c ] I have a lot of ( a concerning b concerned c concerns) regarding your decision. 7. [ c ] Be sure to ( a memory b memorable c memorize) all the new vocabulary. 8. [ b ] He is going to an ( a economic b ecumenical c engineering) meeting of church leaders in Japan. 9. [ b ] One should be ( a graceful b grateful c gratitude) to God for his blessings. 10. [ c ] John the Baptist called the people to ( a repentant b repentance c repent) of their sins. F. Correct the sentence:( ) [10%] Each sentence has an error. Find the error and correct it. ( 請選出錯誤的字, 並改正之 ) Example: [B] _enjoy The students enjoys playing baseball in the park. 1. [ B ] rain If it doesn t rains tomorrow we will have a picnic.

15 2. [ C ] or Does your sister prefer apples than oranges? 3. [ C ] decided I m anxious to know what you decision. A B C 4. [ A ] planned They plan to go to the movies last night. 5. [ A ] were If I was you I would see the doctor. 6. [ C ] I told him I would go to the Taipei. 7. [ B ] on I hope you have a good time in your trip. 8. [ B ] planning I don t know when they are plan on going to the movies. 9. [ C ] carefully She told me I should consider the problem very careful. 10. [ B ] disappointed I m always disappoint when I don t get any mail.

16 2014 學年度 A. Biblical Vocabulary : ( 聖經詞彙 ) [15%] Choose the appropriate words:( 選擇適當的單詞 ) a. apostles b. cornerstone c. crucified d. heritages e. desolation f. anxiety g. straight h. acknowledges i. hemorrhages j. prodigal k. abundance l. registered m. generation n. redeemed o. luxury p. baptized r. kingdom t. salvation 1. ( e ) When you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, then know that its has come near. 2. ( i ) There was a woman who had been suffering from for twelve years, she touched the fringe of Jesus clothes, and immediately she was healed. 3. ( f ) Jesus mother said to him, Look, your father and I have been searching for you in great. 4. ( l ) In those days a decree went out from Emperor Augustus hath all the world should be. 5. ( m ) This is evil; it asks for a sign, but no sign will be given to it except the sign of Jonah. 6. ( r ) It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the of God. 7. ( b ) Look! The stone that the builders rejected has become the. 8. ( t ) Today has come to this house, because he too is a son of Abraham. 9. ( n ) Blessed be the Lord God of Israel, for he has looked favorably on his people and them. 10. ( g ) It is written in the book of the prophet Isaiah, The voice of one crying in the wilderness, Prepare the way of the Lord, make his paths. 11. ( a ) When the day came, Jesus called his disciples and chose twelve of them, whom he also named. 12. ( o ) What did you go out into the wilderness to look at? Look, those who put on fine clothing and live in are in royal palaces. 13. ( h ) Everyone who me before others, the Son of Man also will before the angels of God.

17 14. ( k ) Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; for one s life does not consist in the of possessions. 15. ( c ) Jesus was with two criminals, one on his right and one on his left. B. General Vocabulary:( 詞彙 ) [20 %] Choose the correct words:( 選擇正確的單詞 ) 1. ( b ) Confucius believed that was fundamentally good. a. humbleness b. humanity c. humiliation 2. ( a ) It is more to turn off the light when we leave. a. economical b. ecological c. ecocide 3. ( c ) Some employers prefer you to fill in an form rather than send a curriculum vitae. a. appreciation b. approach c. application 4. ( a ) We will how to handle a modern, high performance washing machine. a. demonstrate b. democracy c. demodulate 5. ( a ) I am glad to work under her professional. a. guidance b. guarantee c. gamble 6. ( c ) She from the company in order to take good care of her children. a a. registered b. reconciled c. resigned 7. ( b ) The health report was only to an expert in biomedicine. a. intelligent b. intelligible c. Intellect 8. ( a ) They to prepare lunch for the old lady. a. volunteer b. valentine c. volume 9. ( b ) To my, the coat was made from wool. a. surprising b. amazement c. marvelous 10. ( b ) She is a pastor by. a. vacation b. vocation c. vacancy 11. ( a ) Peggy won the award for her outstanding scholastic. a. achievement b. accomplishment c. accommodation 12. ( c ) A is the child of your husband or wife from a previous marriage. a. better-half b. adopted child c. stepchild 13. ( b ) My to your parents!

18 a. completions b. compliments c. companions 14. ( b ) After his wife s death, he found in church participation. a. constraint b. consolation c. condemn 15. ( c ) price increases make people have a hard time in living. a. Unpractical b. Unpardonable c. Unprecedented 16. ( c ) Whether God exists is a question, not a scientific one. a. philosophical b. chemical c. theological 17. ( a ) Smoking is prohibited. a. aboard b. abroad c. aboral 18. ( b ) After you pass the exam, you will be interviewed by the manager. a. primary b. preliminary c. principal 19. ( b ) The importance of the event has been. a. execrated b. exaggerated c. exacerbated 20. ( c ) Although she is very young, she appears quite. a. sophomoric b. sophistical c. sophisticated C. Grammar:( 文法 ) [20%] Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence. ( 選擇正確的答案完成句子 ) 1. ( c ) John is not the man ( a. who b. whom c. that ) he was. 2. ( a ) His speech led me to ( a. the understanding b. understand c. be understood ) that it is important to study English. 3. ( a ) It is not safe to get off a bus ( a. until b. because c c. since ) it comes to a stop. 4. ( c ) The parents don t allow their children ( a. eating b. to eating c. to eat ) junk food. 5. ( b ) It is very kind ( a a. to b. of c c. with ) you to say so. 6. ( c ) Anna said that she would rather not ( a. to discuss b. discussing c. discuss) it right now. 7. ( a ) He is ( a. such a good b. a too good c. how good a ) boy! I like him very much. 8. ( c ) Patricia seldom goes out in the evening, ( a. doesn t she b. doesn t Patricia c. does she )? 9. ( c ) Bill didn t like our new roommate, and ( a. I didn t too b. I didn t also c. neither did I).

19 10. ( a ) If I had called you, your friend ( a. would have met b. will have met c. had net) you this morning. 11. ( b ) I will go home for summer break as soon as I ( a. am finishing b. finish c c. will finish ) my exams. 12. ( a ) Don t forget ( a. to bring b. bringing c.be bringing ) an umbrella, it looks like it will rain soon. 13. ( a ) He ( a. dare b. dares c. does dare) not go. 14. ( a ) Jason has changed a lot. He doesn t even resemble ( a. the one of two years ago b. him two years ago c. one from two years). 15. ( b ) The computer makes ( a. possibly b. possible c. possibility) a phenomenal leap in human performance. 16. ( c ) The student raised a ( a. confused b. confusion c. confusing) question. 17. ( b ) A book was ( a. lay b. laid c. lied) on the desk by the teacher. 18. ( a ) The teacher was ( a. much b. very c. a little ) annoyed with her students. 19. ( c ) Taipei is larger than ( a. other b. any c. any other ) city in Taiwan. 20. ( a ) By the end of next month, he ( a. will have lived b b. will be living c. will live ) here for 5 years. D. Idioms:( 成語 ) [15%] Choose the correct idiom to complete the sentence. ( 選擇正確的成語來完成句子 ) 1. ( b ) When Mr. Huang is on a business trip, James is the office.. a. cut down on b. in charge of c. bite off 2. ( b ) It was so hot in the soccer stadium that some of the fans in the stands. a. passed away b. passed out c. passed by 3. ( c ) There were a few problems, but it was a well organized seminar. a. first of all b. all at once c. all in all 4. ( c ) The student was absent from class so long that it took her a long time to. a. put up with b. get better c. catch up 5. ( a ) How long did it take you to the answer to the problem? a. figure out b. point out c. look out 6. ( a ) Jason was sick and could not the party last night.

20 a. take part in b. get through c. run into 7. ( c ) The accident caused one car to turn, its wheels spinning in the air. a. back to back b. inside out c c. upside down 8. ( c ) May and I had been for many years, I have no idea of what she is up to. a. in the long run b. get out of line c. out of touch 9. ( b ) The teacher is not in a good mood today, so don t her with students complaints.. a. pick, up b. stir, up c. put, up 10. ( a ) my experience, it is dangerous to run out of water if you are in an isolated area. a. According to b. Regarding to c. As for 11. ( b ) It is parents responsibility to their children. a. grow up b. bring up c. raise up 12. ( a ) Make sure that our two sons doing chores. a. take turns b. take over c. take advantage 13. ( a ) I can my brothers and sisters to help me in an emergency. a. count on b. put on c. check on 14. ( c ) You d better take the raincoat it rains. a. in spite b. in order c. in case 15. ( b ) It is surprising that Catherine can so quickly after a series of difficulties. a. give her a hand b. land on her feet c. keep her in mind E. Cloze Test:( 填空 ) [20%] Choose the best words to complete the paragraphs. ( 選擇最好的詞來完成段落 ) Then Jesus took the twelve aside and said to them, See, we are going up to Jerusalem, and everything that is written about the Son of Man by the 1 will be 2. For he will be handed over to the Gentiles; and he will be mocked and 3 and spat upon. After they have 4 him, they will kill him, and on the third day he will rise again. But they understood nothing about all these things; in fact, what he said was hidden from them, and they did not 5 what was said. (Luke 18:31-34) 1. ( d ) a. scribes b. Sadducees c. councilors d. prophets

21 2. ( c ) a. accompany b. completion c. accomplished d. accommodation 3. ( a ) a. insulted b. insanitary c. dispiteous d. discriminated 4. ( b ) a. flopped b. flogged c. floated d. flapped 5. ( d ) a. grad b. grain c. grist d. grasp Changhua Christian Hospital plastic 6 Shih ( 徐 ) said a male patient surnamed Wu ( 吳 ) recently came to the hospital saying his eyelids had become saggy, changing 7 over the past six months. Wu said his 8 had reacted by asking him whether he suffered from a disease in which the 9 system starts to attack tissue or muscle, causing weakness. Shih said Wu had been using an eye 10 frequently, and over a long period of time, which caused a 11 amount of weeping. This led to his 12 eye-rubbing. After 13, Shih said Wu s long-term eye-rubbing caused the muscle in his right eye that elevates the lid to become fractured and an associated muscle in his left eye to become loose, causing his eyelids to droop. As a consequence, he had to use the muscles on his forehead to keep his eyelids open. Shih recommended 14 to solve Wu s problem. 6. ( a ) a. surgeon b. dentist c. pediatrician d. gynecologist 7. ( c ) a. drama b. dramatic c. dramatically d. dramatized 8. ( d ) a. collation b. collectivist c. collator d. colleagues 9. ( b ) a. digestive b. immune c. circulative d. evacuative 10. ( c ) a. oinochoe b. ointment c. lotion d. polish 11. ( a ) a. significant b. dreadful c. obscure d. obvious 12. ( c ) a. uncertain b. mistaken c. unconscious d. mischievous 13. ( d ) a. symptom b. treatment c. therapy d. diagnosis 14. ( b ) a. transplant b. surgery c. abortion d. inspection On June 16, Brazilian police people during an anti-world Cup 16 near the stadium where Nigeria and Iran played in southern Brazil. A group of protesters destroyed windows of banks and stores after an anti-world Cup march of about 200 people was dispersed by police near the Arena da Baixada in Curitiba. In the northern city of Natal, protesters burned a U.S. flag a few hours before the United States' first World Cup match against Ghana. The small demonstration that was headed for the Estadio das Dunas where both teams are playing was 17 by the police without any clashes. Protests by Brazilians angry about wasteful spending for the World Cup has lost 18. Last year at a warm up 19 hundreds of thousands of Brazilians took to the streets to protest against 20, poor public services and World Cup overspending

22 15. ( c ) a. quarantine b. captured c. arrested d. occupied 16. ( a ) a. demonstration b.democracy c. demand ant d. demodulate 17. ( d ) a. desperate b. distressed c. dispatched d. dispersed 18. ( b ) a. memorandum b. momentum c. memorability d. memory 19. ( d ) a. tourism b. torture c. torment d. tournament 20. ( c ) a. deduction b. destruction c. corruption d. cooperation F. Composition: [10%] Write a short paragraph which consists of at least 5 sentences to describe your life goal(s)

23 2015 學年度 A. General Vocabulary : ( 字彙 ) [20%] Choose the correct word:( 選擇適當的字 ) Example: 1. Use plenty of B to wash your hands. [A] soap [B]soup [C] supper 1. [ A ] The school recently added new housing for the new school year. 2. [ C ] Congratulations, you have earned your degree in Christian Education. 3. [ A ] I am a in studying English. 4. [ B ] Please come and my birthday next week. 5. [ A ] I am my mother to tell her I Love her. 6. [ B ] Praise God for the substantial, it will reduce our financial short fall. 7. [ B ] That is a picturesque of the ocean. 8. [ C ] It was a major decision to your family from the north to the south. 9. [ B ] The summer weather in Taiwan is very. 10. [ A ] Never be in a to do things, because haste makes waste. 11. [ B ] English is not one my favorite subjects. 12. [ B ] It is our to be able to serve The Lord. 13. [ C ] The church exists to make an to the community. [A] student [B] tourist [C] friends [A] [B] Singles [C] Bachelor s Bachelorette s [A] beginner [B] harder [C] softer [A] sound [B] celebrate [C] play [A] calling [B] playing [C] praying [A] play station [B] donation [C] radio station [A] vein [B] view [C] sing [A] roam [B] play [C] move [A] cold [B] humid [C] cool [A] hurry [B] curry [C] slurry [A] groomer [B] grammar [C] glummer [A] homer [B] honor [C] glory [A] homer [B] intact [C] impact

24 14. [ B ] The Lord has shown us, to walk and to love mercy. 15. [ C ] The fear of The Lord is the beginning of. 16. [ A ] The media is one way we receive information around the world. 17. [ C ] Every year, we run in the Taroko. 18. [ A ] We must our parents so as to honor them. 19. [ C ] It is not nice to talk with your mouth. 20. [ A ] The unanimously pass the resolution last week. [A] justice [B] justly [C] just [A] kingdom [B] seldom [C] wisdom [A] mainstream [B] upstream [C] downstream [A] walkathon [B] telethon [C] marathon [A] obey [B] disobey [C] dislike [A] all [B] fall [C] full [A] panel [B] repanel [C] unpanel B. Word Forms:( 造句 ) [20 %] Choose the correct word form for each sentence: ( 選擇正確的字, 使之成為一個正確完整的句子 ) 例如 1. [ b] He is a very ( a consider b considerate c considerable) person. 1. ( a ) The blood of Jesus ( a cleanses b cleanliness c cleaning) all of us. 2. ( a ) Have you decided to ( a purchase b purpose c multipurpose) this house? 3. ( c ) Please pick up the telephone ( a receive b received c receiver) in order to talk to another person. 4. ( b ) He was ( a intervention b interviewed c intervened) by the reporter. 5. ( c ) This room is filled with ( a much b many c more) people than the room capacity. 6. ( b ) I enjoy watching ( a frank b foreign c faint) movies. 7. ( a ) It is not ( a convenient b concrete c compatible) to talk right now. 8. ( a ) He was told to ( a mind b mend c mouth) his own business. 9. ( c ) The weather outside ( a waned b wrecked c worries) him, as he is prepared to travel. 10. ( c ) This food is terrible, please take it ( a black b beck c back) and remake it. 11. ( a ) Things were going ( a well b swell c up swell) until he showed up. 12. ( b ) The president of the seminary is a very ( a import b important c reimport) person.

25 13. ( a ) He is studying ( a education b accreditation c caption) at school. 14. ( b ) It is a ( a privileging b privilege c privileged) to serve in the church. 15. ( b ) On my ( a dishonor b honor c donor) I will speak nothing but the truth. 16. ( c ) I was ( a reprimanded b minded c reminded) that today is Monday. 17. ( a ) He is ( a planning b banning c canning) to go home tomorrow. 18. ( a ) He was caught ( a red b black c white) handed. 19. ( a ) This is a new car, please drive it ( a carefully b carelessly c careful). 20. ( a ) Excuse me, did you know that you accidently ( a stepped b step c stepping) on my toes? C. Biblical Vocabulary from the Gospel of John( 聖經字彙 ) [20%] Choose the Correct description:( 選擇正確的描述 ) 1. [ H ] Beginning A. to know by personal presence and perception 2. [ M ] Darkness B. mercy; clemency; pardon: 3. [ K ] Life C. any male descendant 4. [ F ] Shine D. the true or actual state of a matter 5. [ Q ] Testify E. a person who speaks for God 6. [ A ] Witness F. to give forth or glow with light 7. [ J ] Believe G. a ceremonial immersion in water 8. [ I ] Glory H. the point of time 9. [ L ] Children I. adoring praise or worshipful thanksgiving 10. [ B ] Grace J. to have confidence in the truth 11. [ D ] Truth K. the universal condition of human existence 12. [ N ] Heart L. a son or daughter 13. [ E ] Prophet M. wickedness or evil 14. [ O ] Father N. the center of emotion 15. [ P ] Confess O. the Creator 16. [ C ] Son P. to acknowledge by way of revelation 17. [ T ] Wilderness Q. to bear witness 18. [ S ] Straight R. to go or pass from a higher to a lower place 19. [ G ] Baptism S. without a bend 20. [ R ] Descending T. any desolate tract D. Grammar:( 文法 ) [20%] Choose the correct word to complete the sentence.( 選擇正確的單字完成句子 )

26 1. ( a ) John ( a goes b go c going) to school every day by bus. 2. ( a ) Susan ( a is b are c has) a very tall person. 3. ( c ) How ( a is b many c much) does this card cost? 4. ( a ) There ( a is b have c are) a park next to my house. 5. ( b ) Mary ( a does b don t c hasn t) not like to eat broccoli. 6. ( a ) Jimmy can t ( a play b playing c play) the guitar, because he has a broken finger. 7. ( a ) ( a Would you like b Do you like c You like) a glass of water? 8. ( b ) Last night we ( a go b went c goes) to see a movie. 9. ( c ) I ( a haven t like b doesn t like c didn t like) the movie. 10. ( a ) Jane ( a was b were c is) in Tainan last month. 11. ( c ) Jack ( a hasn t b hadn t c has) never been to Taiwan. 12. ( a ) Cathy ( a has lost b is losing c loses) her hand bag. 13. ( a ) ( a Have you b Do you c Did you) eaten snails? 14. ( c ) I had the money I would ( a buying b bought c buy) a new car. 15. ( b ) Oh how I with that I ( a should b could c can) play the guitar. 16. ( a ) The students ( a would b will c did) pass the exam if they studied hard. 17. ( b ) When John arrived home, Jenny ( a has already b had already c already) left. 18. ( b ) James forgot ( a although b despite c even though) having poor qualifications. 19. ( b ) Rarely ( a I eat b do I eat c I haven t) red meat. 20. ( a ) Remember, you are ( a not to start b haven t start c are not starting) the test until the proctor instructs you to. E. Fill in the missing word:( 填空 ) [20%] Choose the best words to complete the paragraphs. ( 選擇最正確的字來完成這段敘述 ) 1. Authority 2. Baptizing 3. Crucified 4. Dawning 5. Descending 6. Disciples 7. Doubted 8. Earthquake 9. Elder 10. Governor s 11. Guards 12. Jews 13. Lightning 14. Priests 15. Sabbath 16. Soldiers 17. Stone 18. Suddenly 19. Tomb 20. Worshiped

27 The Resurrection of Jesus 28 After the 15, as the first day of the week was 4, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary 2 went to see the 19 And suddenly there was a great 8 ; for an angel of the Lord, 5 from heaven, came and rolled back the 17 and sat on it. 3 His appearance was like 13, and his clothing white as snow. 4 For fear of him the 11 shook and became like dead men. 5 But the angel said to the women, Do not be afraid; I know that you are looking for Jesus who was 3. 6 He is not here; for he has been raised, as he said. Come, see the place where he [a] lay. 7 Then go quickly and tell his 6, He has been raised from the dead, [b] and indeed he is going ahead of you to Galilee; there you will see him. This is my message for you. 8 So they left the tomb quickly with fear and great joy, and ran to tell his disciples. 9 8 Jesus met them and said, Greetings! And they came to him, took hold of his feet, and worshiped him. 10 Then Jesus said to them, Do not be afraid; go and tell my brothers to go to Galilee; there they will see me. The Report of the Guard 11 While they were going, some of the guard went into the city and told the chief 14 everything that had happened. 12 After the priests [c] had assembled with the 9, they devised a plan to give a large sum of money to the 16, 13 telling them, You must say, His disciples came by night and stole him away while we were asleep. 14 If this comes to the 10 ears, we will satisfy him and keep you out of trouble. 15 So they took the money and did as they were directed. And this story is still told among the 12 to this day. The Commissioning of the Disciples 16 Now the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain to which Jesus had directed them. 17 When they saw him, they 20 him; but some And Jesus came and said to them, All 1 in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, 2 them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.

28 2016 學年度 A. General Vocabulary : ( 字彙 ) [20%] Choose the correct word:( 選擇適當的字 ) 1. Trained 2. existence 3. bacterial 4. medical 5. surrounded 6. evolve 7. afterlife 8. materialism 9. colleagues 10. universe 11. experience 12. imagination 13. coma 14. vivid 15. afterlife 16. body 17. miraculous 18. confirms 19. succeed 20. compassion Before his 11, he did not believe 2 of a non-physical spirit. 1 in western 4 school and 5 by medical 9 who are deeply invested in the 8 view of the 10, he thought that the idea of a soul was outlandish. Like most skeptics, he believed stories of the 7/15 to be hallucinations or products of the human 12. Dr. Alexander changed his mind after he was in a 13 for seven days caused by severe 3 meningitis. During his coma he experienced a 14 journey into what he knew to be the 7/15, visiting both heavenly and not so heavenly realms. After returning to his 16 and experiencing a 17 healing against all odds, and went on to write the NY Times #1 best selling book Proof of Heaven. What Dr. Alexander 18 is that our life here is just a test help our souls 6 and grow, and that the way we 19 in doing so is to proceed with love and 20. B. Word Forms:( 造句 ) [20 %] Choose the correct word form for each sentence: ( 選擇正確的字, 使之成為一個正確完整的句子 ) 1.( A ) Tradition and the gospel are united. Each [A] indissolubly [B] indissoluble is indispensable co the other and to the life of the Christian community. [C] in dissolute 2.( B ) The gospel is God s will for us men, and for [A] Working [B] worked our salvation as it has been worked out and disclosed in God s revelation. [C] work 3.( B ) Tradition is the delivery of this gospel [A] authority [B] authoritative from believer to believer, from community to community, from generation to generation. [C] author 4.( B ) Theology in its broadest sense is reflection [A] crisis [B] critical

29 about the meaning of human existence and about the nature of the universe. 5.( B ) The Reformed tradition has the vocation of the Christian to be a theologian and, more specially, a responsible theologian of Christian faith. 6.( C ) If the Gospel rests on sound tradition recorded, the name of its author is of secondary importance. 7.( C ) From the latter half of the second century onwards the clear and consistent verdict of early church writers is that he Luke, the beloved physician and the companion of Paul. 8.( C ) Luke has therefore the story of Jesus in a connected form, covering his life from his birth to his ascension. 9.( C ) The message of Jesus is directed to Israel, especially to the people despised by official Judaism, and Jesus task is to call the people of God back to him and to enlarge that people. 10.( C ) Unlike the other Evangelists, Luke begins his Gospel with a brief preface such as one would find in the work of a contemporary secular writer. [C] criticism [A] emphasis [C] emphasizing [A] faith [C] faithfully [A] is [C] Was [A] writes [C] written [A] in need [C] needy [A] found [C] find [B] emphasized [B] faithful [B] am [B] wrote [B] need [B] finding C. Grammar:( 文法 ) [20%] Choose the correct word to complete the sentence.( 選擇正確的單字完成句子 ) 1. ( B ) We have carefully examined the two plans detail, but we cannot decide which is the more attractive. 2. ( C ) There were a lot of skeptics, but today our team's of power and finesse will go a long way toward silencing them. 3. ( B ) If the price of a warranty is included the cost of equipment, it must be [A] on [C] at [A] appearance [C] demonstration [A] by [C] at [B] in [D] by [B] inspection [D] position [B] in [D] to

30 depreciated over the lifetime of the item. 4. ( C ) Please forgive my son for being so. [A] mess [C] messy 5. ( A ) As it says in our annual report, the [A] which international division, was recently [C] where reorganized, has been a major profit center for us. 6. ( C ) He Civil Servants Association (CSA) has [A] caring cautioned the government to handle salary [C] care issues with. 7. ( D ) Total revenue for fiscal year 2009 was [A] particularly $6.7 million, a 23% decrease in total [C] kind of revenue from the previous year. 8. ( C ) The electrical wires which I had been [A] was looking for to connect to this new local [C] were area network found by the maintenance workers. 9. ( C ) it was so hot, there were many deaths [A] After due to heat exhaustion. [C] Since 10. ( D ) The key financial supporters of the new [A] was civic center local arts groups and [C] is universities. [B] messily [D] messiness [B] what [D] whom [B] careful [D] carefully [B] exact [D] approximately [B] having been [D] are [B] Because of [D] on account of [B] has been [D] were D. Please Read the text and answer the following questions. ( 請仔細閱讀文本, 並回答下列問題 ) [40%] After this the Lord appointed seventy others and sent them on ahead of him in pairs to every town and place where he himself intended to go. 2 He said to them, The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore ask the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest. 3 Go on your way. See, I am sending you out like lambs into the midst of wolves. 4 Carry no purse, no bag, no sandals; and greet no one on the road. 5 Whatever house you enter, first say, Peace to this house! 6 And if anyone is there who shares in peace, your peace will rest on that person; but if not, it will return to you. 7 Remain in the same house, eating and drinking whatever they provide, for the laborer deserves to be paid. Do not move about from house to house. 8 Whenever you enter a town and its people welcome you, eat what is set before you; 9 cure the sick who are there, and say to them, The kingdom of God has come near to you. 10 But whenever you enter a town and they do not welcome you, go out into its streets and say, 11 Even the dust of your town that clings

31 to our feet, we wipe off in protest against you. Yet know this: the kingdom of God has come near. 12 I tell you, on that day it will be more tolerable for Sodom than for that town. 1. ( A ) This paragraph is about [A] Jesus sending seventy others to preach the gospel. [B] Jesus warning about future persecution students would encounter. [C] Students should go by pairs when they preaching to the gentiles. [D] the commandments of the Kingdom of God. 2. ( A ) According to the text, which one is not including in Jesus command [A] Lord appointed twelve others and send them ahead of Him. [B] The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. [C] Carry no purse, no bag, no sandals; and greet no one on the road. [D] Whatever house you enter, first say, Peace to this house! 3. ( B ) Why student should say Even the dust of your town that clings to our feet, we wipe off in protest against you. [A] when student persecuted. [B] when the town does not welcome the students. [C] When the town s people ran away. [D] When Jesus arrive. 4. ( C ) What students should do when they were welcome? [A] Speaking to the elder of the town. [B] Entering the synagogue and pay a visit to the rabbi. [C] Heal the sick and say to them the Kingdom of God is coming near you. [D] Stay there until Jesus arrives. 5. ( B ) Why Jesus said The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore ask the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest [A] Because the farmers went away for festival. [B] Kingdom of God is in need of laborers. [C] Because student would persecuted. [D] Because Roman colonizer is not happy with Jesus message.

A. General Vocabulary [20%] Choose the correct word Example: The B was very helpful. [A] satisfied [B] saleslady [C] several

A. General Vocabulary [20%] Choose the correct word Example: The B was very helpful. [A] satisfied [B] saleslady [C] several 2013 學年度 A. General Vocabulary( 字彙 ) [20%] Choose the correct word:( 選擇正確的字 ) Example: The B was very helpful. [A] satisfied [B] saleslady [C] several 1. Drive carefully or you will have an a. [A] terrible

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