Abraham and Sarah Receive God s Promise

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1 Lesson 1 Abraham and Sarah Receive God s Promise Four stories comprise today s lesson about Abraham s meeting and relationship with God. Summary of Today s Story In the first story, the Lord tells Abram to leave his country and go to the land that the Lord directs, promising that through him a nation will rise up and be blessed. Abram obeys without question. In the second story, God repeats this promise, even though Abram reminds God that he has no heir. God then makes a covenant (a binding agreement) with Abram as a sure sign of God s promise. At another time, when Abram (now Abraham) is 100 years old and still without an heir with his wife Sarah, three messengers of the Lord appear to him and again promise a son. They also warn Abraham about the coming destruction of the evil cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, while Abraham receives a promise from God that God will spare the city if there are as few as ten righteous people. Genesis 19, an optional reading, describes the destruction of these cities. Where You ll Find Today s Story In the Bible We recommend the New Revised Standard Version Bible. Genesis 12:1-9 (Abram is called to Canaan) Genesis 15:1-21 (God promises a son and land) Genesis 18:1-33 (Abraham s three guests) Genesis 19:1-29; optional (Sodom and Gomorrah) In Our Sunday Lectionary Portions of today s story are told in church on the following Sundays: Year A: Second Sunday in Lent; Proper 5 (RCL); Proper 6 (RCL) Year C: Second Sunday in Lent; Proper 11; Proper 12 (BCP); Proper 14 (BCP) In Children s Bibles If you plan to use a children s Bible for storytelling, write the page numbers of today s story in the space below.

2 2 Lesson 1 Abraham and Sarah Receive God's Promise WEAVING together the family of god, YEAR 2 Weaving Our Story with the Biblical Story In the story of Abraham and Sarah, we see the beginning of God s call to us as God s people. And we also see why it is that Abraham and Sarah are called. Abraham is the ideal man of trust, faith and obedience. Sarah, as his spouse, mirrors the complexity of a strong relationship; she is faithful but not unthinkingly submissive, both strong and weak, faithful and independent. Abraham and Sarah are asked by God to cut themselves off from their entire past in order to follow God. The Bible says nothing about Abraham s feelings about this call, only that Abram went. We of course know nothing about how Sarah might have reacted to this seemingly arbitrary change in their lives. However, we can imagine that the leaving must have been hard. A call or demand from God can be difficult. But God will provide for us, God s people, just as God provided for Abraham, Sarah, and their family. Remember the lesson that we have learned from our story of salvation (in WEAVING TOGETHER THE FAMILY OF GOD, YEAR 2): God stays with us, no matter what. Why Abraham and Sarah? Abraham at least is ready to do what God asks of him. We assume that God also trusts Sarah to do the same. Abraham must have cultivated in himself the habit of listening to God, for when God asked, Abram went. And he has cultivated the kinds of thoughts and feelings that lead him toward the higher good. He does not insist that his property, or his possessions, or even his relatives, are too important to leave behind in order to follow God. He has been living his life aware of the higher priorities, so that when he is called to make a decision, he knows how to respond. His heart and his mind, and his soul, are predisposed toward God. God s call to him, and his response to God, is not made at random. We too need to cultivate that kind of predisposition to God and to the good, for God will call us also. If we are ready, then we will be able to hear. Sarah s relationship with God is different, and lived out through her relationship with Abraham. Sometimes we too, like Sarah, are faithful companions that make it possible for others to fulfill more completely their calling in life. Still, Sarah was not an invisible presence but a powerful figure who protected the promise made to her by God. From her protective stance, we might learn a lesson about what it means to defend our spiritual inheritance and the gifts that God has given to us. Such defense of God s promises is at the root of good stewardship and good relationship with God. We too are blessed in our relationship with God and in the strength we receive from God. We are blessed to be part of the family of God. For once we were no people, but now we are God s people, says Peter (1 Peter 2:10). Abraham and Sarah may also realize that in the blessings they receive, they will be a blessing for others. Their sacrifice in leaving their homeland, although a great cost to them, will ultimately find fulfillment in the creation of a holy people dedicated to God. But they do not know this immediately. In fact, they need to be reassured periodically of God s promise. But they still trust that God is leading them, and they are ready to obey even when they do not yet see the results of that promise. We find that same trusting obedience and sacrifice in Isaiah s suffering servant of humankind, of whom we find the fulfillment in Jesus Christ s obedience and sacrifice on the cross. So Abraham and Sarah s trust, faith and obedience to God show us how to listen for God and obey, even when the call is difficult. The blessing we receive is closeness with God and knowing that

3 3 Lesson 1 Abraham and Sarah Receive God's Promise WEAVING together the family of god, YEAR 2 following God s ways of love and righteousness will be a blessing to others, even if we do not see it. Note: In the dialogue that Abraham has with the divine messenger about the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, God agrees to spare the two cities if God finds as few as ten righteous men living there. We may ask, why did Abraham not push farther? Why not five or two good men? But later in the story, we find out why. With a number fewer than ten, those few good people can be led out of the city to freedom, just as Lot and his family were led out by the angels. The Episcopal Thread One of the distinctive characteristics of the Anglican ethos is the recognition that, like Abraham, we don t always receive answers to our questions, even when God comes to meet and to call upon us. In fact, the Prayer Book s Morning Prayer can be seen as a daily response to God s call to us, a response of trusting in God s daily guidance. In one of the call-and-response prayers, we pray (BCP, p. 98): Lord, show us your love and mercy; For we put our trust in you. And at the end of the day, in the service of Compline, the bedtime prayer of the Church, we acknowledge our own uncertainties and put our trust in the sure presence and guidance of God (BCP, p. 133): Be present, O merciful God, and protect us through the hours of this night, so that we who are wearied by the changes and chances of this life may rest in your eternal changelessness... Another lesson from Abraham and Sarah s life that has been woven into the Episcopal and Anglican ethos is the attitude of thanksgiving for God s blessings. The Anglican faith is an incarnational faith, seeing God s blessings in all of daily life. The Eucharistic prayers (Eucharist = Thanksgiving) begin with thanks to God, for example, for the goodness and love which you have made known to us in creation; in the calling of Israel to be your people... (BCP, p. 368). This calling began with Abraham and continues to God s calling of us, the Body of Christ, to worship and serve God every day. In this first patriarch, God made a promise and a covenant. The practice of covenants with God our Creator continues as we participate in the Holy Eucharist each Sunday, re-enacting the time when Jesus said to his disciples as he passed the cup of wine to them, This is my blood of the New Covenant, which is shed for you and for many for the forgiveness of sins. Each time that we share in this cup, we reconfirm that New Covenant and make it ours. When we are baptized, we promise to live a life in Christ, making five vows that comprise our Baptismal Covenant. We renew these promises for ourselves every time someone in our church is baptized. In these promises and in God s care for us, we are assured that now we are God s people. Gathering As the children enter the room, engage them in a simple entry activity that relates to today s lesson. Older children will enjoy a few minutes of greeting one another and renewing friendships and sharing news about what others have been doing. On page 14, you ll find a Gathering Activity handout, Maze to Canaan, to use if you wish. Below are other suggestions. If you will be using a sandbox for story time, you might have this out for children to play with. Another idea is to post a sheet of dark blue or black butcher paper on the wall and have children begin to paint stars on the paper, in preparation for the story

4 4 Lesson 1 Abraham and Sarah Receive God's Promise WEAVING together the family of god, YEAR 2 of God s promise to Abraham of his descendants being as numerous as the stars in the sky. Or buy a package of star stickers and have the children put these up on the paper as many as they can! You can also give each child a small vial of sand and have them count the grains of sand. These grains will later be compared to the stars in the sky (as in the old lessons in astronomy: There are more stars in the sky than there are grains of sand on every beach in the world ). Use colored sand for fun. After all the children have arrived and had a few minutes of activity or fellowship time, gather them together and say a simple opening prayer to begin the lesson, such as: Lord God, we thank you for bringing us together here, and for being with us today. We ask that you bless all of us here, and that you send your blessing also on those who are absent, especially those who are sick today [you may name names here]. Bless our time together, and our fun together, and our friendships here in this room. In Jesus name we pray. Amen. Or you may use any prayer from the Prayer Book or from any book of prayers, or make one up yourself. Telling the Story Read aloud today s story from a children s Bible, showing the pictures, tell the story in your own words, or read from the version of the story we provide, found on pages The Appendix includes suggestions for storytelling. These Abraham stories lend themselves well to drama, if you assign roles and have the children act out their parts while you tell the story (see the Drama section of Storytelling Enhancements in the Appendix). Another option is to have a sandbox with figures to move while telling the story. The children can play with this set later. The idea of covenant, and especially the covenant between God and Abraham, is very important. You will need to define the word covenant for the children. It is a binding agreement between two parties. This covenant is God s promise not only to Abraham and Sarah but also to all of us as God s people. Bible stories are powerful in themselves. Once you finish telling the stories, pause for a few seconds, then move directly to the worship time. There is no need at this point either to analyze the stories or to try to find a teaching lesson. Let the impact of the stories themselves sink into the hearts and minds of the children. Prayer Set up a small worship center in your room. Materials: small table with a cloth to cover it 2 candles or a single large Christ candle matches Bible cross optional: flowers (real, artificial or handmade by the children) Have the children set up the prayer area. Invite them to place on the altar any drawings or crafts that they created during Gathering time. Then light the candles. Read one verse out of the Bible so that the children can connect the story that was read with the Bible, which is the word of God. Suggestions for the readings: Younger children: Genesis 12:2 or Genesis 15:5-6

5 5 Lesson 1 Abraham and Sarah Receive God's Promise WEAVING together the family of god, YEAR 2 Older children: Genesis 12:1-3 or Genesis 15:1 and 5-6 Read as follows: Reader: A reading from the book of Genesis: (Read the selected passage.) Reader: The word of the Lord. All: Thanks be to God. Invite the children to sit in a circle and join in prayer. Say a brief prayer yourself then invite prayers from each child in the circle: Invite prayers of thanks from the children for ways in which God has been present to them during the past week. Encourage them to notice God s active role in their lives, in concrete ways: a turn of the heart from anger to forgiveness; a movement toward love; comfort from somebody else, help when sick. Welcome any prayers of concern or petition. Children may offer prayers for themselves or for others in need or trouble. Recognize any birthdays and other celebrations, and give thanks to God for them. Ask if anyone has had a birthday or celebrated a special day during the past week and give thanks for these special times. End the prayer time by praying together the Lord s Prayer. Sharing Carefully extinguish the candles. Pass out snacks and say a simple grace, such as this early Jewish blessing and table grace: Blessed are you, O Lord our God, King of the universe, who brings forth bread from the earth. While all are having their snack, you may bring up some ideas or questions about the stories of Abraham that were just told. For example: How did Abraham and Sarah feel, being taken away from their home and from their people? How would you feel? How do you think Abraham and Sarah were able to do such a hard thing? From these stories, can you tell what kinds of people Abraham and Sarah were? For older children, you may discuss the ways in which we can cultivate the habit of following God and hearing him. What kind of life or habits or orientation makes us more ready or able to hear God? What does it mean to trust God? Answers may vary, but encourage such responses as love, forgiveness, wanting to do right, praying, and humility. Try to help children think of personal or concrete experiences from home, school, relationships with family and friends, and playtime. You might ask: How do we know when God calls to us? How do we know it is God? Again, personal dilemmas can be brought up. God s will is always for blessedness for us, but we may not see that blessedness immediately. The blessing may come to us only after many years, as with Abraham, or in unexpected ways, or in ways that are good for us although we do not know that. We may feel a great loss when we move from our home loss of familiar friends, school, neighborhood and may not see how God helps us to grow and mature through that painful move. Or you may invite children to share a favorite grace from home or camp.

6 6 Lesson 1 Abraham and Sarah Receive God's Promise WEAVING together the family of god, YEAR 2 Activities: Arts, Crafts, Games, Drama, etc. After Sharing, begin an activity to supplement and enhance today s story. While the children are doing an activity, talk about the story so that they make the connection. Suggested story-related activities are provided at the end of this lesson on pages These storytelling ideas may be used either during this activity time or storytelling time. Activities for This Week s Session Additional activity ideas can be found on pages 3-6 in the Appendix (also downloadable) where we ve provided suggestions and directions for a variety of general activities (craft recipes, music, drama) that can be adapted to any lesson. Also included are outreach and service projects that can be done at any time. Take-Home Paper At the end of this lesson you will find a two-page take-home paper for families called Threads. Threads provides parents with a briefer version of the information on scripture and Episcopal faith found in the introduction to the lesson, as well as multiple suggestions for household activities and prayer. Parents can use Threads to continue each child s classroom experience at home throughout the week. We suggest duplicating and distributing these two pages to children and/or their parents at the end of each lesson.

7 7 Lesson 1 Abraham and Sarah Receive God's Promise WEAVING together the family of god, YEAR 2 Memorization There is no passage to memorize for this lesson. If older intermediate children have not already done so during the previous year, encourage them to begin memorizing the books of the Old Testament. You may need to help them with pronunciation. Suggestions for ways to help the children with their memorization can be found on page 15 in the Appendix (also downloadable). Weaving the Family of God Our faith as the family of God is woven from the story of God and our own stories as they connect to The Story. As the time together draws to a close, take a few minutes to help the children summarize the story and say what they learned today. You may give a brief summary of the lesson, using the Summary of the Story section above, or encourage them to re-tell the story. Closing Prayer Before the children leave, gather them together for a closing prayer and dismissal to send them into the church worship service or back to their homes in the comfort of God s love and protection of them. The prayer can be very simple, such as this one: O loving God, you promise that we are your people and that we will always belong to you. Stay with us this week, we pray, and fill us with your spirit, that we may know that you are with us always. And help us to love you and to love our family and friends and neighbors as you love us. We ask all this in Jesus name. Amen. Dismiss the group with these words from the Prayer Book: The peace of the Lord be always with you. The children respond: And also with you. To help them summarize the stories, you may ask such questions as these: Who did we talk about today? What did God promise to Abraham? What qualities did Abraham have as one of the people of God? (He obeyed God, he believed in God, he was good) Where does Abraham fit into our story of the people of God? (The beginning) When summarizing the lesson, use key ideas such as: promise, blessing, people of God, nation, obey, faith. The key themes for the family of God are trust and faith.

8 Genesis 12:1-9; 15:1-21; 18:1-33; (optional) 19:1-29 Everybody is part of the family of God, because God created and loves us all. But there are some people in this big, big family of God whose lives teach us about God because of things they have said about God, or ways they trusted God, or ways they have obeyed God. The Bible is full of stories about men, women and children who can teach us about God. Today we meet Abraham and Sarah. God chose them to start a family dedicated to God, not so much because they are especially good, but because they trust God. This is their story. Abram Is Chosen by God They begin as Abram and Sarai. They are married, but they have no children. They live with Abram s nephew Lot in a place called Haran. Abram s father came here with this family a long time ago. He was on his way to Canaan, but when he came to Haran, he decided to stop here and build his house. So Haran is the land where Abram s whole family lives. One day, God calls on Abram. God says to him, Leave this place. Leave this land where you live, leave your father s house, and leave your father s family. Take your wife Sarai and your nephew Lot. I will show you where to go. God is asking Abram to leave everything and follow God wherever God may take him. But God also makes a promise to Abram. God says, You and your family will grow into a great nation, and your name will be great. I will bless you and you will be a blessing. And I will bless everyone who blesses you, and curse anyone who curses you. 8 Lesson 1 Abraham and Sarah Receive God s Promise Weaving together the family of God, Year 2 STORY

9 Then God makes a promise that Abram can hardly imagine: In you, all the families of the earth will be blessed. Abram hears God and does just what God tells him to do. He is 75 years old, and Sarai is nearly that old, and they still have no children even though people that age usually have children and grandchildren and greatgrandchildren. Abram and Sarai, along with Lot, pack up all their things and move out. They take their household belongings, their servants and their animals a great caravan and travel until they reach a land called Canaan. There God tells them, This is the land where your children will live. This is where the promise will begin. But not now. Abram and Sarai move on. They will live someplace else for now. God Makes a Promise to Abram and Sarai Abram and Sarai have traveled to Egypt, and to Negeb, and finally settle in Canaan. Lot moves away from them, and he pitches his home hear some cities. That will be a dangerous decision for Lot. But for now, Abram and Sarai live in one part of the land, and Lot and his family in another part. One day, God speaks to Abram again. When God suddenly comes into Abram s dream, Abram is afraid. But God says, Abram, do not be afraid. I will always protect you, and will give you much. But Abram remembers the promise that God made to him and Sarai, that they will be the head of a great family. Abram says to God, But God, what will you give us? We still do not have any children! God brings Abram outside into the dark night. The sky is full of stars. God says to Abram, Now look up into the sky and try to count the stars up there. Of course, Abram cannot count all the stars in the sky there are billions of stars twinkling in the night. God says, You cannot count all the stars in the sky, so many are they. So will be your descendants, the people who will be born of you and Sarai your children, your grandchildren, your great-grandchildren and all down the line. There will be as many as there are stars in the sky. 9 Lesson 1 Abraham and Sarah Receive God s Promise Weaving together the family of God, Year 2 STORY CONT.

10 Abram believes God, and God sees Abram s trust as a sign of his goodness. Abraham and Sarai Welcome Three Visitors Many years have passed. God has changed their names from Abram to Abraham, and from Sarai to Sarah. They are now very old. Abraham is now 100 years old, and Sarah is 90 years old. They still have no children. One day, Sarah is in their tent cooking, while Abraham is sitting at the tent s door. It is hot. Abraham looks up, and out of nowhere or so it seems three men are standing in front of him. Where did they come from? Never mind! They are strangers in this land, and they must be hungry or thirsty. He doesn t know that these three men are God. Abraham runs from his tent to meet the three men. He bows down to the ground in welcome. Please, he says, stay here for a while. Let Sarah and I bring you some water so you can wash your feet and rest under the tree over there. And let us give you some bread to eat, and you can rest here for a while before you go on. Then Abraham runs back to his tent. Sarah is inside. He says to Sarah, Quick! We have some visitors! Make three cakes, one for each of them, so they can eat here. Then Abraham runs to his herd of cattle and picks out a nice young calf. He leads the calf to his servant, who kills the calf to make a nice meaty meal for their new guests. Finally, a feast is ready for his visitors. Abraham brings the cooked calf, the cakes, some milk, and some curds to the three men. They are sitting under the tree resting and keeping cool in the heat of the day. The men take the food and eat, while Abraham stands by, waiting to serve them if they need more. Finally, one of them says, Where is your wife Sarah? She s over there, in the tent. Another says, She will have a son. 10 Lesson 1 Abraham and Sarah Receive God's PRomise Weaving together the family of God, Year 2 STORY CONT.

11 Sarah is at the door of the tent listening to the four men talking. She had given up on having children a long time ago. She is much too old now to have children her time has passed years ago. She is no longer sad or angry this is just the way things are. So when she hears she will have a son, she laughs to herself. I am old, and Abraham is old what is this about having children? But God, in the voice of the men, says, Why did Sarah just laugh? Is anything too wonderful for the Lord? I tell you, in due time, I will come back to you and Sarah will have a son. Now Sarah knows that God is here. She becomes afraid because she has just laughed at what God just said. So she says, Oh, no! I didn t laugh! Oh yes, you did! says God. You did laugh! And Sarah doesn t laugh anymore, but she does get her promise. Abraham Makes a Deal with God The three angels are well fed by Abraham, and now it s time for them to go. Abraham does not hear them whispering to each other in hushed voices. One of the voices belongs to God. I have heard about the evil things that the people of Sodom and the people of Gomorrah do. I am going to go there to see it this is true. If they are truly evil, the cities will be destroyed. Shall I tell Abraham, or should I hide what I am about to do? No, I will tell him. He needs to know, and his children need to know, to follow the right way. But Abraham hears God talking. And when the angels walk toward Sodom, Abraham catches up with God. He has a beef with God. Don t tell me you re going to destroy a whole city! You re going to kill the good people along with the bad people? God says, Yes, the whole city. 11 Lesson 1 Abraham and Sarah Receive God's PRomise Weaving together the family of God, Year 2 STORY CONT.

12 Abraham looks surprised. But what if what if there are 50 good people in that city. I can t believe you would let them die! Wouldn t you do the right thing and let them live? God says, Okay, if I can find 50 good people living inside that city, I will forgive everybody. Abraham says, Well, then, what about 40 good people? God says, I will save the city for those 40. What about 30? Abraham is taking a chance. God might get annoyed and forget the whole deal. But Abraham pushes on. Or 20. Or 10! You wouldn t kill 10 good people, would you, O God of justice and love? God says, but in a lower voice, For 10 people, I will save the city. There s a long silence. Abraham knows he has no more bargaining room. God then turns and goes away, silently. Abraham stands there. His knees are shaking. Two Cities Are Destroyed Lot, Abraham s nephew, lives in the city of Sodom. He likes cities. One night, he is sitting at the gate of the city. He sees two men walking towards him. They are angels. But they look like men, tired and a bit dusty from walking all day. Lot stands up and opens his arms, smiling. He loves visitors. Hello! he says. You must be travelers. Please, come to my home and get washed and rested. Tomorrow when you ve had a good night s sleep, you can move on. So Lot feeds the men a nice meal. As they are finishing their food, he hears a loud commotion outside his house, and then a banging on his door. A crowd of people are standing outside, and the are mean and angry. Bring out those men! They shout. We don t like them! Lot wants to be friendly and welcome the men, but the people outside are bullies who want to hurt them. 12 Lesson 1 Abraham and Sarah Receive God's PRomise Weaving together the family of God, Year 2 STORY CONT.

13 Inside, the two men turn to Lot. It s dangerous out there. And the city is killing itself with its own hatred. God cannot stop them. You and your family need to leave right now! The people are starting to riot. They re coming out with weapons and torches. They city will start burning soon. Run for your life! The two men take Lot and his family safely through the crowd and outside the city. Now go! Hurry! And don t look back! When Lot and his wife and children are far away from Sodom and Gomorrah, they hear a loud roar, and explosions. They feel heat as from a giant furnace, coming from behind. Sodom and Gomorrah are on fire! They are far away and safe. But Lot s wife dies. Some people say that she wanted to look back and see what was happening, to face the evil, and so she turned into a pillar of salt. 13 Lesson 1 Abraham and Sarah Receive God's PRomise Weaving together the family of God, Year 2 STORY CONT.

14 Gathering Activity: Maze to Canaan Help Abraham and Sarah get to Canaan. At the end, draw a picture of what they find there. 14 Lesson 1 Abraham and Sarah Receive God s Promise Weaving Together the Family of God, Year 2 activity

15 Sand Art for Elementary, Intermediate Children create a desert scene like one Abraham and Sarah may have seen on their journey. Materials: colored sand glue pencils paint brushes optional: paper cups for glue dark construction paper, 9" x 12" (dark blue or black are best) large containers, or paper with edges built up, to hold excess sand optional: poster board for framing Preparation: Put colored sand into small jars. Have at least jar of each color for every two children. Glue can be poured out into small paper cups, if children use paint brushes to spread the glue. Directions: Give each child a sheet of construction paper, which will be the background for the picture. Hand out the jars of colored sand and the glue. 1. Children will outline a picture on the paper and decide what colors of sand to use for each part of the picture. Desert scenes would be fitting for sand art: cactus, sand, desert flowers, blazing sun. However, let children decide what kind of picture they want. 2. Tell children to use one color of sand at a time. Spread the glue thinly on everything that will be a particular color (for example, everything that will be colored red). Be sure that the glue is evenly spread across the shape. 3. Sprinkle or pour the sand onto the paper, making sure that the entire glued area is covered with sand. Let sit for a minute. 4. Carefully pour any excess sand into a large container or onto a piece of paper. This excess sand can then be poured back into the sand jar. 5. Continue spreading glue and applying sand to the paper, one color at a time. Make sure that the sand is allowed to sit on the glue for a minute before pouring off the excess. 6. When the picture is finished, let the glue dry completely, or at least sufficiently to be able to carry the picture. Children may have to wait until the following week to bring their picture home. 7. For a nice touch, and to keep the picture flat, add a frame made out of poster board. Cut one piece of paper to measure 9" x 12" and glue this to the back of the picture, making a stiff background. Cut another piece of poster board to measure around 10" x 13", with the inside cut to 8½" x 11½". Glue this around the front side of the picture for the frame. 15 Lesson 1 Abraham and Sarah Receive God s Promise Weaving Together the Family of God, Year 2 craft

16 Camel Packs for Preschool, Primary, Elementary The children make a camel and load it with items for a desert journey. Materials: large sheet of construction paper, 11" x 17" (1 per child), any color picture of camel (p. 17), 1 per child magazines or store sale catalogs (at least 1 or more per child) glue scissors crayons Preparation: Make one copy of the camel picture for each child. Directions: Give each child a piece of construction paper and a picture of the camel and invite them to make the picture as follows: 1. Color the camel and cut it out. 2. Glue the camel to the construction paper. 3. Look in the magazines or catalogs to find items that Abraham might want to pack for this journey to Canaan. They can cut out these things and glue them to the top of the camel s back. Let them pick silly things! Variations: For a more realistic camel, copy it onto card stock paper or brown construction paper. Cut a piece of fun foam or thick cardboard and glue this between the construction paper background and the camel for a 3-D effect. Or cut the camel design out of a sheet of fun foam. Older children can draw items that the camel may hold, rather than cutting things out of the magazines. You may challenge them to think of things that might have actually been taken by Abraham during his time, such as water bags, desert clothes and food. 16 Lesson 1 Abraham and Sarah Receive God s Promise Weaving Together the Family of God, Year 2 craft

17 17 Lesson 1 Abraham and Sarah Receive God s Promise Weaving Together the Family of God, Year 2 craft cont.

18 God Calls Us, Too for Preschool, Primary, Elementary, Intermediate In this game, the children try to keep the balloon(s) afloat while responding to the leader s call. Materials: balloons (for a small group or for preschoolers, use only one balloon; two for older children) Preparation: Blow up the balloons. Directions (younger children): 1. Invite children to form a circle. You can be in the center. 2. Tell them that you will toss the balloon into the air and call out a name. When they hear their name, they are to hit the balloon back to you. Tell them to try to hit it before the balloon touches the floor. 3. Throw the balloon up and call one child s name. When they hit it back to you, call out another name. Be sure that all names are called. Directions (older children): 1. Have children form a circle and number off. Stand in the center of the circle. 2. Tell them that you will toss the balloon into the air and call out a number. When they hear their number, they are to hit the balloon back to you before it touches the floor. You can then call out another number. 3. Alternatively, stand as part of the circle. Toss the balloon into the air and call out a number. When they hear their number, they are to hit the balloon up into the air before it touches the floor, and call out another number. The child of the next number called must then call out another number and hit the balloon into the air. Make sure they hit the balloon towards the center of the circle. 4. For a more raucous time, use two balloons! What is the point? We are all called by God. And as we are called, let us respond to God s call just as quickly as we responded to our names being called in this balloon game! 18 Lesson 1 Abraham and Sarah Receive God s Promise Weaving Together the Family of God, Year 2 craft

19 Spiral Starry Mobile for Intermediate Children create stars that move and spin like those that fill the night sky. Materials: scissors hole punch clear plastic lacing beads pencils optional: glitter optional: glue Fun foam, various colors (poster board may be used, but it s not as fun or pretty) spiral pattern (p. 20) Preparation: Make a copy of the spiral pattern for each child. Directions: Give each child one sheet of fun foam or poster board and a copy of the spiral pattern. Invite them to make the mobile as follows: 1. Cut a spiral, using the pattern on the next page. 2. Punch a hole in the spiral where indicated, using a hole punch or (being careful) scissors. 3. Cut a length of plastic lacing for the hanging thread. Thread the lacing through a bead and pull the ends so that they are even. Then thread the ends through the hole that is in the center of the spiral, making sure that the bead is on the underside of the paper. Tie the ends of the lacing together. 4. Cut out star shapes from foam or poster board. Cut or punch a hole in the top of each star. If desired, sprinkle glitter on the stars for a sparkly effect. 5. Cut short lengths (8" or so) of lacing for each shape. 6. For each star, thread the lacing through the hole in the star and pull the ends even. Then punch small holes along the spiral. Thread both ends of a star s lacing through one of the holes in the spiral, from the underside, so that the star hangs under the spiral. 7. Thread both ends of the lacing through a bead. This bead will be on top of the spiral. Tie the ends of the lacing into a knot, which will prevent the lacing from slipping through the bead and hole in the spiral. 19 Lesson 1 Abraham and Sarah Receive God s Promise Weaving Together the Family of God, Year 2 craft

20 20 Lesson 1 Abraham and Sarah Receive God s Promise Weaving Together the Family of God, Year 2 craft cont.

21 Mirroring God for Primary, Elementary, Intermediate In this game, children imitate their partner s movements. Directions: Have children form pairs, and assign one child of each pair to be the original and one to be the mirror. Invite them to play the game as follows: 1. The original is the one who originates the movement, just as God originates life and the good life that we are to live. The mirror is to try to copy the original exactly. 2. Have the original and the mirror face each other, as in a mirror. Tell the original to move slowly. The mirror is to follow those movements. 3. If you have a helper or co-teacher, show the younger children how to do this. 4. After a minute, have the original and the mirror switch roles. What is the point? Abraham followed God, not only by going where God told him to go, but also by acting as God wanted him to act. Just as we tried to mirror our original, so should we try to mirror God s righteousness. 21 Lesson 1 Abraham and Sarah Receive God s Promise Weaving Together the Family of God, Year 2 game

22 Abraham s Map for Preschool, Primary The children create some of the sights from Abraham and Sarah s journey. Materials: felt squares or construction paper, brown or tan (background for picture) green paper landscape pictures (p. 23) Abraham and Sarah pictures (p. 23) crayons or markers scissors optional: glue Preparation: For preschool children, cut tree and bush shapes from the green paper, or outline these shapes. Make a copy of the people and the landscape for each child. Directions: Give each child a felt square or piece of construction paper for the background and a copy of the pictures of Abraham, Sarah and the landscape. 1. Invite the children to color the pictures, then cut them out. They may also draw and cut out other pictures to put on the map. 2. Glue the landscape pictures (bushes and trees) to the background page. 3. The pictures of the people may be left unglued, so they can move around on the map. Alternatively, they can be glued onto the picture. 22 Lesson 1 Abraham and Sarah Receive God s Promise Weaving Together the Family of God, Year 2 craft

23 23 Lesson 1 Abraham and Sarah Receive God s Promise Weaving Together the Family of God, Year 2 craft cont.

24 Abraham and Sarah s Magnet Desert for Elementary, Intermediate Children create a desert scene and move Abraham and Sarah along their journey to Canaan. Materials: box lid, 1 per child (any size) button magnets (found at craft stores) craft sticks wooden people shapes (found at craft stores) markers construction paper, various colors scissors glue optional: sand Directions: 1. Invite the children to use markers to put faces and clothes on the people. 2. Have the children glue a button magnet onto the bottom of each person and let dry. Be sure that the bottom of each magnet points in the same orientation (north or south). 3. On the box lid, outline a path or trail for Abraham and Sarah. The rest of the lid can be used for landscaping. The path may be a single trail or a series of paths, or even a maze. 4. If you are using real sand, have the children spread glue onto parts of the box lid that they want to be the desert. Sprinkle or pour sand onto the glued area and allow a minute to dry. Pour off the excess. Be sure to leave the trails free of sand. 24 Lesson 1 Abraham and Sarah Receive God s Promise Weaving Together the Family of God, Year 2 craft

25 5. From the construction paper, cut desert shapes such as cactus, palm trees or other plants and glue them onto the desert. Older children may cut shapes that can be glued standing up for a 3-D effect. Other things that may be added to the desert are animals (scorpions, lizards, camels), a river or pond, even a sign that reads To Canaan. 6. Glue a button magnet onto the end of a craft stick and let dry. Make sure that the magnet is positioned so that it attracts rather than repels the magnets on the people, when the magnet is on top of the craft stick. Children put a magnetized wooden figure on the trail of the map. They move these figures by putting the magnetized craft stick underneath the box lid and letting the magnets attract each other. The people appear to be moving by themselves. Move the figures along the paths, using the magnets. Variation: Older children may imagine this landscape to represent the journey of their own lives. How do we follow God as Abraham did, and what are the obstacles of our lives? They can then make road signs that represent obstacles or life s directions, such as Baptized here and Church and Music, and for obstacles Bad language or Getting even with people. They can also decorate their landscapes with appropriate symbols (rivers or water for life-giving parts of their lives, the infamous dried water hole with skull for the destructive parts). 25 Lesson 1 Abraham and Sarah Receive God s Promise Weaving Together the Family of God, Year 2 craft CONT.

26 Children make a night sky full of shiny stars. Constellations for Primary, Elementary Materials: gold foil paper black or dark blue construction paper large safety pins foam or thick cardboard to help with poking the holes glue markers optional: glow-in-the-dark pens or paints optional: pictures of constellations Directions: Distribute a piece of foil and a piece of construction paper to each child. Invite the children to make the night sky as follows: 1. Cut the gold foil to the same size as the construction paper. 2. On the bottom part of the construction paper, draw the ground or other simple scenery using the markers or the glow-in-the-dark pens or paints. Leave most of the paper free for the sky. 3. Using the large safety pins, carefully poke holes into the construction paper. Put foam or thick cardboard underneath the paper so that when you poke the holes, the pins go through the paper and into the foam or cardboard. This makes the holes easier to poke without the pins hitting the hard work area. 4. Use constellation pictures as a guide or to poke holes freely. Poke a lot of holes! God promised Abraham and Sarah descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky, giving him the gift of millions and billions of descendants! The more holes, the brighter the picture! 5. Carefully, on the back outer edge of the construction paper, apply a line of glue. Then glue this to top of the gold foil paper, so that the gold shows through the poked holes. 26 Lesson 1 Abraham and Sarah Receive God s Promise Weaving Together the Family of God, Year 2 craft

27 This is another way for children to create a starry sky. Materials: star patterns (p. 28) coat hangers pillow filling or cotton balls glitter or glitter glue glue markers, watercolors, paints or crayons scissors yarn tape or stapler Preparation: Make a copy of the star patterns for each child. Directions: Distribute the star patterns to each child. Invite the children to assemble their mobile as follows: 1. Cut out the stars. Decorate with markers, watercolors, paints or crayons. Star Mobile for Preschool, Primary 2. Spread glue on stars and sprinkle glitter on them. You may use glitter glue instead, but this tends to go on heavily. 3. While the stars are drying, prepare the coat hanger. Tie several lengths of yarn to the bottom of the hanger, of varying sizes. 4. Glue pillow fluff or cotton balls onto the bottom of the hanger for clouds. 5. Tape or staple the stars to the yarn. 27 Lesson 1 Abraham and Sarah Receive God s Promise Weaving Together the Family of God, Year 2 craft

28 28 Lesson 1 Abraham and Sarah Receive God s Promise Weaving Together the Family of God, Year 2 craft cont.

29 Banana Compass for Intermediate This activity is adapted from Magnetic Magic: Magic Tricks Done with Magnets, written by Paul Doherty and John Cassidy (Klutz, 1994). God points our direction to us, like a faithful compass. Here is a fun and wacky compass that really works! It will point to the magnetic north. This is a project for learners to work on together. Materials: banana pencil scissors string or thread banana hanger two donut magnets (with holes in the center) Directions: 1. Tie a pencil to the end of a 3"-5" length of string. 2. Tie the other end of the string to the banana hanger so that the pencil hangs balanced from the hanger. 3. Thread the pencil through the donut magnets, one on each side of the string where it wraps around the pencil. 4. Cut a banana in half. Poke each end of the pencil through each half of the banana so that it looks like you have a whole banana hanging from the banana hanger. 5. Let your banana compass find its orientation, and it will point north! 29 Lesson 1 Abraham and Sarah Receive God s Promise Weaving Together the Family of God, Year 2 activity

30 Children create a miniature planetarium. Pinhole Planetarium for Elementary Materials: 30 oz. empty can, without the lid, 1 per child large nail hammer white paper brown and green construction paper scissors glue markers Directions: Distribute cans and paper to the children. Invite each child to make a planetarium as follows: 1. Cut the paper to fit around the can. 2. Draw a desert scene on the paper and glue it to the outside of the can. 3. Make one or two small trees from the construction paper. Lay the can on its side. Cut out and glue to the inside side of the can (not the flat bottom). 4. Use the nail to hammer holes into the bottom of the can. 5. Look into the can. You will see a nighttime scene of trees with the starry night above the horizon! 30 Lesson 1 Abraham and Sarah Receive God s Promise Weaving Together the Family of God, Year 2 craft

31 More Sand Art for Elementary, Intermediate Children use sand to create a textured painting. When you travel through the desert, like Abraham and Sarah did, sand gets in everything! Materials: poster paint paintbrushes 8½" x 11" pieces of poster board or cardboard clean, dry sand plastic knife pencil Preparation: Mix poster paints with sand to make the sand paint. Make sure that the paint is thin enough to spread with a paintbrush. Directions: Distribute the materials to the children. Invite each child to make sand art: 1. Draw a simple picture on the poster board with a pencil. 2. Use the paintbrushes to paint, or a plastic knife for thicker application. The knife can make waves in the water or squiggles in the land. 31 Lesson 1 Abraham and Sarah Receive God s Promise Weaving Together the Family of God, Year 2 craft

32 Lesson 1: Abraham and Sarah We Believe... One of the distinctive characteristics of the Anglican ethos is the recognition that, like Abraham, we don t always receive answers to our questions, even when God comes to meet and to call upon us. In fact, the Prayer Book s Morning Prayer can be seen as a daily response to God s call to us, a response of trusting in God s daily guidance. In one of the call-and-response prayers, we pray (p. 98): Lord, show us your love and mercy; For we put our trust in you. Today s Story Genesis 12:1-9; Genesis 15:1-21; Genesis 18:1-33; Genesis 19:1-29 Abraham and Sarah are asked by God to cut themselves off from their entire past in order to follow God. The Bible says nothing about Abraham s feelings about this call, only that Abram went. We of course know nothing about how Sarah might have reacted to this seemingly arbitrary change in their lives. However, we can imagine that the leaving must have been hard. A call or demand from God can be difficult. But God will provide for us, God s people, just as God provided for Abraham, Sarah and their family. We remember the lesson learned from our story of salvation (in Weaving Our Faith, Year 1): God stays with us, no matter what. Abraham and Sarah s trust, faith and obedience to God show us how to listen for God and obey, even when the call is difficult. The blessing we receive is closeness with God and knowing that following God s ways of love and righteousness will be a blessing to others, even if we do not see it. Words of Faith family of God God s people, both in the Bible and today; all of humanity; all of God s creatures faith belief; confidence in something or someone; trust in God God calls Abraham, Sarah and their family as God calls us to trust God with their lives, their future and their faith by Joanna Leiserson. Published by Morehouse Education Resources, All rights reserved.

33 Sharing Read more of the story of Abraham and Sarah from a children s Bible, showing the pictures, or from your family Bible. These Abraham stories lend themselves well to drama; assign roles and have family members act out their parts while you tell the story. The idea of covenant, and especially the covenant between God and Abraham, is very important. You will need to define the word covenant for children: it is a binding agreement between two parties. This covenant is God s promise not only to Abraham and Sarah but also to all of us as God s people. After hearing the story, you might discuss: How did Abraham and Sarah feel, being taken away from their home and from their people? How would you feel? From these stories, can you tell what kinds of people Abraham and Sarah were? This Week at Home Share times in your life when you had to leave behind something you knew and loved for something new and unknown. How did that feel? How did you manage? What helped you during this time? What advice do you have for someone facing such changes? What s the next big change someone in your family will face? How can you all support him/her? Imagine the conversation between God and Abraham, and then between Abraham and Sarah. Take turns acting out the roles of God, Abraham and Sarah. Begin with God telling Abraham to leave his homeland and imagine how Abraham would respond, and how that conversation would go. Then imagine and act out how Abraham would talk with Sarah and how Sarah would respond. Then, switch roles so that each person has a chance to be Abraham, Sarah and God and has a chance to express the different reactions. Does Abraham ask God any questions? Does he ask what he needs to pack and bring with him? Does he ask for more explanation? What about God? Does God say Because I said so when Abraham asks why? Or does God assure Abraham of God s love for him? Does Sarah express shock and surprise? Is she worried, nervous? Try to imagine what the reactions are that are not recorded in the Bible. Think of new journeys. As a family, think of the changes and new directions that you night see coming up in the future. Maybe you anticipate a move to a new home, a different school or a new job. Maybe you can even imagine a change in family focus for a while beautifying your backyard, for example, which might signify a change in responsibilities and schedules. Undertake a new journey together. Trace Abraham and Sarah s journey. You may find a map in your Bible, in a Bible atlas or even online. Where did they start? Where did they end up? What is it like in this part of the world? What would they have needed to survive the journey? What do you think would have been the toughest part of the trip? the best part? Household Prayer O loving God, you promise that we are your people and that we will always belong to you. Stay with us this week, we pray, and fill us with your spirit, that we may know that you are with us always. We ask all this in Jesus name. Amen. Lesson 1 Abraham and Sarah Weaving god s promises, YEAR by Joanna Leiserson. Published by Morehouse Education Resources, All rights reserved.

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